My Journey into Submission

By Matt Sauerman

Published on Aug 27, 2022


My Journey Into Submission Chapter 3

My Journey Into Submission - Part 3

After a brief nap, we resumed my training. I still reeked of piss, but it didn't seem to bother SIR so it didn't bother me. Actually, I found it erotic. Back in the sling with the restraints holding me securely in place, Master walked over to the cart where the e-stim equipment was. On it was a shiny black e-stim box, a few cock bands, an electrified sound, and a bottle of blue gel. The box was much more advanced than the one I had. After cleaning the sounds with alcohol pads and rinsing them in water, SIR approached me with the blue cock bands in his black gloved hand which were connected to the e-stim box on the cart with long wires.  "Now we're going to see how much pain you can take before you pass out - and you will pass out. Remember your safe word. Do you understand?" "Yes, SIR." "I don't think you do. What is your GODDAMN safe word!" I recoiled at the suddenness of his outburst. Cowering, I softly replied "purplemonkeydishwasher, SIR" "See? That wasn't so hard now was it? If you're done fuckin' around, can we begin?" "Yes, SIR." With that, he wrapped the fabric cock rings around my balls and the base of my cock  He attached the rings to the leads connected to the box. The machine was turned on - it was time. Was I ready? Too late now!

He turned up the intensity up just enough to cause a slight tingle in my loins. "How's that, boy? You think you can take more?" "Yes, SIR! More, SIR" I said forcefully. He turned up the intensity 2 more steps and the slight tingling turned into a dull, throbbing pain, and eventually a sharp jolt. He turned it up again to 2 steps below maximum and I started writhing on the sling and screaming for him to turn it down, overcome with both extreme pain and pleasure. SIR stepped down the machine giving me some much needed relief - it felt like my balls were on fire! He let me catch my breath and then removed the cock band, leaving the strap around my balls in place. Next came the e-stim urethral sound. It was a thin, ribbed metal rod about 7 inches long with a connector on the end. Lubed up, Master inserted it and let gravity take over. We watched it slowly drop in until it hit bottom. The feeling of the sound as it hit my prostate caused me to make a noise that was something between a yelp and a hiss. I involuntarily bucked my hips driving the sound deeper and suddenly I had to piss like a racehorse. "Umm..SIR? Gotta pee!" "Oops. Went a little too far." He pulled it back a little, easing the urgent need to go. After connecting it to the lead going to the e-stim box he said "This is going to hurt. Are you ready, boy? Are you man enough to take it? Or are you a little bitch?" I'll show you who's a little bitch! "Ready, SIR." I said forcefully. He turned the machine on and increased the intensity to it's first setting, sending a tingle that traveled from the tip of my cock to my balls. Hmm...I could get used to this. He stepped it up 2 notches, causing the same sharp jolt. Before I could adjust to this new sensation, he stepped it up 2 more notches. I screamed - it hurt like a motherfucker! I could see red marks on my wrists from where I was straining to free myself from the restraints. "We're not at the max yet, boy. Hold onto your hats." Oh fuck. I braced myself for what I knew would be intense pain, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. He cranked it up to max and I completely lost my mind. I screamed, yelled, begged, and pleaded for him to turn it down. "Please stop! Fuck! OWW! Please, Master! It hurts! Stop!" He just laughed. Asshole. "Remember, boy. You can tap out any time. Just use your safe word." I barely heard him, the white hot shooting pain was too much for me to even formulate a coherent sentence. Tears were running down my face, snot was pouring out of my nose, and I'm pretty sure I pissed myself. I almost said it: "purplemon.........." was all I got out. "What was that, boy? Did you say something?" "No, SIR." I said through hysterical sobbing. Finally, mercifully, he turned it down. I think he may have broken me - my urethra burned like fire, my balls hurt, and I was sweating like a whore in church. Mission Accomplished?

"You complain too much, boy. I thought you said you were a real man. If you're gonna act like a bitch, I'll punish you like a bitch." SIR said angrily. Oh fuck "I'm sorry, MASTER! hurt so much!" I cried. "No excuse, you whiny bitch. I wasn't as brutal as I could have been. You thought that was painful, just wait - I'll show you real pain." "NO MASTER! Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry!" He unfastened me and ordered me to roll over where I was restrained once again. Muttering under his breath about how much he was going to enjoy beating my ass, he walked over to the wall, grabbed a scary-looking Cat o' nine tails, and marched back to the sling. "Any last words, boy?" I whispered "Yeah, Fuck You" hoping he didn't hear me - he did. No words were spoken, he just started beating my back and ass mercilessly with the whip. "FUCK! STOP! OWW!! PLEASE!!! I'M SORRY MASTER!! STOP!! OWW! DADDY STOP!!" I howled. My voice was starting to become horse from all the yelling and I was completely exhausted. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! You will learn your place, boy! THWACK! I will beat your ass until you submit to me. THWACK! I fuckin' own you, bitch. THWACK!" My entire body convulsed with each blow - I felt like I would pass out at any moment from the pain. He finally stopped and left me to cry while he put the whip away. Rubbing his hands across my back, Master said "Wow! I did a number on your backside, boy. Have you learned your lesson?" "Yes, SIR." I mumbled. "Speak up, boy!" "I said YES, SIR!" "We'll see about that."

Master disappeared and returned with a small probe about 5 inches long with a bulbous head that had 2 metal bands spaced about 2 inches apart. It too had wires dangling from the end. How the hell did I miss this? What the hell was it? He unbuckled the cuffs on my wrists and ankles and said "I think you'll like this, boy." After removing the urethral sound, Daddy greased up the probe with blue electrostatic gel, inserted it into my hole, and then connected the wires to the e-stim unit. He turned the unit on and I felt a buzz come from deep inside my ass. It's difficult to describe the feeling - It was different from a regular vibrator - more of a tingle that electrified my entire anus. SIR changed routines to a rhythmic pulsation and increased the intensity, adding more stimulation to my already super sensitive prostate. It felt like I was being fucked by an electrified cock! Precum dribbled out in time with the pulses leaving a slimy trail that ran down the head of my dick. I felt something else. Something familiar, yet foreign. "Feel that, boy? Feels good, doesn't it?" SIR asked. "Yes, SIR. I'm not sure how to describe it. It feels...electric, or something." "That my boy, is a prostate massager. Right now, it's milking that walnut-sized gland just inside your hot little ass and will continue to do so until you have a hands-free orgasm. Over time, you can learn to trigger a full body super orgasm on command." he explained. "Holy fuck! Oops. Sorry. I mean, Holy shit! Surely you can't be freaking serious right now?" "Yes boy, I am freaking serious right now. And don't call me Shirley. He quoted one of my favorite movies! Tell you what - I'll get you a manual one to take home and practice with." "But I want one of these, Daddy!" Jesus. I sound like a petulant teenager! "We'll see, but only if you behave." I am so trying this when I get home! The feelings started coming in waves, each one stronger than the last. I could feel this was leading to something big, I just didn't know what. He switched the machine to a steady, constant electrified charge that left me breathless and drooling. I arched my back and thrust my hips towards the sky as if I was being fucked by a phantom cock.  My body began to quake - it was like seeing a tsunami approach but you're frozen in place and powerless to do anything about it. "Daddy, how long does it take..." It hit me like a speeding freight train. I moaned, screamed, yelled, and cried my way to the most powerful, earth-shattering orgasm I had ever had. It felt like I was floating above myself, rocked by wave after wave of mind-blowing pleasure. Some would say it was a religious experience. Once I came back down to earth and opened my eyes, I looked down and noticed there was no cum anywhere to be found. Noticing the confused look on my face SIR said "You just had what is very difficult to achieve - a full body, hands-free anal orgasm. You don't ejaculate, but the feeling is just as good. In my opinion, better. It took me years to be able to do what you just did. Bravo, boy!" "Holy shit that was intense. I had no idea I could do that! Will you teach me other things, please SIR?" "Of course.You have more to learn about your body and how it responds to stimulation. You know a lot, but when I'm done you will be a finely tuned fuck machine capable of limitless pleasure." "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Thank you, SIR!" Handing me a tube of lube, he said "Put some of this in your ass. We need to keep that hole nice and open." I did as I was told, wondering what he had planned. "Bend over, boy." Before I knew it, a butt plug was jammed into my ass. I usually put a plug in s-l-o-w-l-y - especially one this big. "GODDAMN IT! OWW! That hurts!" _You evil sadistic bastard! "_It's called The World's Most Comfortable Butt Plug. I got it the last time I was in San Francisco. What do you think?" "Not comfortable. 0/10 - would not recommend." "Should I yank it out?" "No, SIR." "Then shut the fuck up." "Yes, Master."

"That's better. Let's take another break. You look like you need one." SIR said, sympathetically. "Yes, please." I croaked. "I'm proud of you, boy. My last sub That little bitch! couldn't take the max setting - he tapped out after the second one. He is twice your size and you took it like a champ." I am the champion of the world! "Thank you, SIR. It was difficult, but I was determined to see it through and willingly accept any punishment you see fit." I said proudly. "That you did, boy." 

Master unfastened me and told me to slide down towards him. My ass hung over the end of the sling, ready to be used. SIR reached over and picked up a tube of lube and then removed the butt plug from my now stretched-out hole. "I think that ass needs flushed out." What the fuck is he talking about? With that, he lubed his cock and my hole liberally. He started with 1 finger, eventually getting 3 inside me. Once he was satisfied I was ready, he got into position. Ohmyfuckinggod. He was finally going to fuck me! He teased the entrance, and shoved his cock in my hole without ceremony. The sudden intrusion hurt, but felt so fucking good at the same time. "HOLY SHIT! Fuck me, Daddy! Harder, please! Just fuck me!" He slowed to a stop after just a few minutes. "Not so fast, boy. This is just some housekeeping." He then started pissing inside me - I could feel the warmth spread throughout my lower body. It felt incredible! Once his bladder was empty, he pulled his cock out from my needy hole. Piss began running out of my ass, coating the sling and the backs of my legs.  "Oh please, Daddy! Put it back in! Put it back in! Please! FUCK ME!!" I wailed." "Calm down, boy. You keep that shit up and you'll get nothing."

I wasn't sure how much more I could take. My repeated requests for permission to cum were met with a hard "NO" every time. I only had so much control over my body - would he be angry if I just started cumming without touching myself? I doubt it - he must know how much agony I'm in. SIR then re-fastened the wrist and ankle cuffs to the sling. After making sure I wasn't going anywhere, he barked "Time to kick things up a notch. I'm done fuckin' around with you." What The Fuck. How much more extreme was this going to get? I soon found out. I'd never had a violet wand used on me before, and I quickly realized why. He turned on the menacing looking purple device and ran it down my chest. I felt the same tingle as before, only stronger. But slightly different. SIR explained that it had several intensity settings and this was the lowest one. He turned it up and ran it down my chest again and I immediately started thrashing on the sling, rattling the chains violently against the frame. He then started flicking the head of my dick with the tip of the wand sending sharp pains up the shaft that brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't control my body - I couldn't even speak! All that came out of my mouth was a series of yelps and screams. "Oh god it hurts! I'm sorry! STOP!" I cried after I regained my ability to talk.  "It's supposed to. It's the only way you'll learn. Now turn over." I hesitated for a split second since I was still restrained. "Hurry the fuck up!" he bellowed. Realizing I couldn't move, he unfastened me and I rolled over. After verifying I was secured in place, he ran the violet wand over my ass on the lowest setting. It felt kind of good - like a warm ass massage. Then came the higher setting. More screams, more begging him to stop. He turned it down again and ran it down the length of my crack. Oh please god no! He isn"t going to fuck me with that thing, is he? No, he just made sure I knew who was in charge. My cock had deflated from the wand's intense abuse making it the perfect time for SIR to put a locking metal cock cage on me. I winced as I heard the lock click shut, unsure if I would ever get to touch my dick again. I tried rubbing up and down with it on, but my cock wasn't in the mood - it knew getting hard right now was not even close to being possible. "It looks good on you, boy. I'll have to get you a plastic one so you can wear it from the time you leave until you get home. Your training doesn't end when I put your freshly bred ass on the plane. I'll keep one key and give you the other to either keep for yourself or give to your new Master" That last comment hit me hard. Was he really going to pass me off to someone else? After all this? I couldn't dwell on that right now - this wasn't over yet. 

I was still blindingly horny, but could do even less about it than before. And then, another surprise - Jesus tap-dancing christ - he had a taser! "Umm...SIR?" I nervously questioned. He laughed. "What's wrong, boy? You look nervous! Relax, it won't kill you, it will just hurt. A lot. I had it custom made just for this purpose." This was becoming much more intense than I had planned for. In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say. I wanted this and I was going to see it through, come hell or high water. After all, I was training to be a submissive bottom bitch boy. Bring on the pain!

The shocks started mild enough - I'm guessing it had several intensity settings as well. This couldn't be it, right? Meh, I can handle it. Then, he turned it up and zapped my chest. "OWW!! Sonofabitch that hurts!" I exclaimed. I was worried the taser would fuck with my heart, but luckily he moved it down to my lower body. Starting with my legs, he worked his way up until he was just below my aching balls. Oh fuck me. Here it comes! He zapped the inside of my leg to get my attention. Trust me, it worked! After turning the taser down to its lowest setting, he zapped my balls. The pain was immediate and so intense I blacked out for a second. My cries and pleas to stop were met with laughter and more shocks. "No, Daddy! No more! It hurts too much! Please stop! FUCK, STOP!! I'M SORRY, SIR!" "Shut the fuck up, you little bitch. You better man up quick or I'll show you real pain." I quieted down, whimpering softly from both the pain and humiliation. He did stop...eventually, but not before he administered a few more shocks for good measure. When all was said and done, the smell of ozone hung heavily in the air with my sobbing as the only sound in the room. At last, Master was done torturing me. For now. 

Numb and sore all over, I could only lie still. My mouth wouldn't work, so asking questions was a no-go, but I didn't need to. "Boy, you've done an admirable job today. Who's the little bitch now? I threw a lot at you and you kept going and asked for more. I hope you had some fun and don't regret reaching out to me."  "Master. SIR. You are the perfect man to train and discipline me. You are stern, but compassionate. Sometimes The training was...brutal. I'm not sure if it is worse or better than I thought it would be. All I know is I am enjoying it more than I thought I would." After a few moments of silence, SIR said "I am honored that you would pick me to be your master. You have been an excellent sub. If you choose to stay in this lifestyle, you must be prepared for anything. Not everyone compassionate as I am. Trust me - I'm a nice guy compared to some of those psychotic sadistic fucks out there." So you're not a psychotic sadistic fuck? Good to know. He then released me from my new favorite place to be, and I stood up on shaky legs. "Slow down, boy. You"ll need your strength because I`m going to fuck you stupid. You're a pretty smart guy, so that's gonna take awhile!"

My journey into submission finally comes to a hot, sex-filled, tortuous, and tender end. But first, let me take a moment to describe in detail Master's Magnificent Weapon of Ass Destruction. I know, I should have done this before! It was long and circumcised - at least 9 inches and so fat I could barely get my hand around it. It had a beautiful bulbous head with a big piss slit I loved to stick my tongue in. It drove him wild! It sticks straight out from his body, always hard and throbbing. My goal in life is to memorize every little detail, every vein and every fold of skin of this work of art. I will worship it. Submit to it. Caress it. Make love to it. It will become the center of my universe. And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I relaxed for a while, happy to be free of my torture - at least temporarily. We had a quick shower together to get rid of the piss and lube that coated our bodies. Mostly mine The water stung my wounds and I winced Oww. "You ok, boy?" "Yes, SIR. Just stings a little." "Do you want me to put something on them?" sweet! "Nah, I'm good, SIR." We got out and dried off, me drying SIR and him drying me, paying special attention to our cocks and balls. I was relaxing on the couch when SIR came over and patted me on the head. "You're a good boy. You've done very well and I feel comfortable sending you out to get more experience. I've grown quite fond of your hot little ass and determination." "Thank you, Master. I've...shit. How do I finish this? I was put on this earth to service men. You are the perfect specimen of a man and if I could spend the rest of my life worshipping you, I would do so eagerly and without question." SIR looked at me quizzically, like he wanted to respond but wasn't sure what to say. A wide smile soon appeared on his chiseled face. I guess he liked what I said? Quickly changing the subject to something less...complicated, he softly said "We're not done yet, boy." "SIR?" I questioned. "It's time." I knew what he meant. I was finally going to get royally fucked into submission. My patience, addiction to cock, and high pain tolerance brought me to this point. Let the games begin!

SIR began removing items from the large cart. I offered to help, but he told me to stay put. Then he grabbed a pump dispenser of lube, a couple of beautiful metal cock rings, and a medium sized dildo. "C'mere, boy. I dutifully reported as ordered. Master then put the metal cock ring on me. "I have to do this before your cock gets hard." "Yes, SIR. Thank you, SIR." He then put the other one on himself. Satisfied we were both set, he gave me a quick kiss he bit my tongue! and told me to take off everything I still had on. Off go the wrist and ankle cuffs, no more collar. SIR then unlocked and removed the cage, freeing my cock from its metal prison. I stood before him naked as the day I was born. "Very fuckin' nice, boy." His comment caused my dick to stir and he noticed. "Well what do we have here? You like me telling you how hot you look right now? How hard your cock is? How much you want me to fuck you?" "Oh my god, SIR. Yes...keep talking. Please!" I pleaded. "I bet you can't wait to feel me inside you. To feel my cock throb in your hole. To feel it get harder and harder. To feel me breed your tight ass with so much cum it will run out around my cock." My dick was dripping precum steadily and I was moaning like a slut in a low-budget porn movie. Shit is about to get real "Get in the sling, boy." "Yes, SIR." I was so excited and so turned on I was shaking like a leaf. My cock strained against the metal ring causing the head to swell and turn an angry red. With some assistance, I climbed in, no restraints to hold me in place. SIR looked at me from head to toe, almost like he was inspecting a side of beef. Naked and hard, his cock bobbed up and down as he walked around to my face - all I could do was stare at it in awe. "Open up, bitch. Take your Master's fat cock in your mouth. Please me." I gobbled up his tool and proceeded to give him the best blowjob I possibly could, alternating between his cock and his big, heavy balls. Did I mention I FUCKING LOVE sucking cock? I gently scraped the head with my front teeth, causing Master to moan. Up and down I went, increasing the suction each time, licking from his taint to the bulbous head. Every few minutes, I would stop and take him to the root, running my tongue up the underside of his cock as I made my way to the tip.  SIR eventually pulled out of my suctioning mouth and said "Great job, boy. My turn. I want to taste that sweet ass of yours." He manhandled me into position and spread my ass cheeks apart, whispering "Fuck you have such a hot little fuck hole." He licked it and gently chewed on my quivering ass lips. "Please, Daddy! Please! Fuck that feels so good!" He dove into my ass like a condemned man eating his last meal. The man had a very long and very talented tongue! He ate my boy hole for a few minutes to get me nice and ready. The 8" dildo appeared, lubed up and ready to fuck my ass. Master teased my hole with it and then slowly pushed it in, stopping half-way. "Please, SIR. Push it all the way in. Please!" He slammed it in, grazing my prostate forcing more slippery precum to ooze out. "AHHHHH YES! MOTHERFUCK YES!!" I hollered. This went on for about 10 minutes until I finally grabbed his hand to stop him - I didn't want to cum yet. "I'm sorry for grabbing you, Master. I'm close." I said. "So? You honestly think you're only going to cum once? Silly boy! I'm going to milk your balls so many times you won't be able to cum for a week." SIR then grabbed my cock with his other hand and started jerking me off, still going to town on my ass with the fake cock. This quickly became too much. My cock was like steel and my hole was pulsating around the dildo. This was it! With a long, loud scream, I started cumming. "Ohmygod. OH FUCK ME! I'M CUMMING DADDY! I'M CUMMING FOR YOU! AGGGHH!" White hot jizz went flying everywhere - some even managed to shoot past me onto the sling! As I came down from my orgasmic rush, SIR yanked the dildo out of my ass, making a popping sound as it cleared my hole. "Wow, boy. That was a huge load. I knew those big fuckin' balls were loaded, but...damn! You must have been really backed up." "Yes, SIR." I said in between gasps. "SIR, may I have your cum now, please." "Beg for it" he requested. "Please, Daddy. Give me my reward for being a good boy" I pleaded with puppy dog eyes. Master's cock finally found its way back into my mouth. I licked and sucked it, covering it with slobber, making sure every inch was bathed in spit. SIR grabbed my head and forced it down on his cock. "Take it, boy. Swallow my cock. That's it. Gag on it, you little bitch. Show your Master how much you appreciate him." His aggressiveness did nothing to deter me, in fact it made me want to please him that much more. The spongy head of his tool was lodged in my throat making it difficult to breathe. Tears streamed down my face and I started to get tunnel vision. "Goddamn it, boy. Breathe through your nose or you'll pass out." That helped I kept his cock in my throat until it started to get sore, then resumed sucking it until Daddy announced he was close. "Getting close, boy. Are you ready for Daddy's load?" His cock in my mouth made it difficult to speak, so I just acknowledged him with a "mmphh." He picked up the pace of skull-fucking me until finally, he was ready. Forcing my head further down on his dick, he bellowed "Here it comes, you little cocksucker! Take my load, bitch! Don't swallow it! FUCK YOU LITTLE SLUT, I'M CUMMING!" His entire body shook as shot into my waiting mouth - there was so much it ran out and covered my chin. I looked up at Daddy and opened my mouth to show him his load. "Fuck that's hot. Look at all that jizz. You're Daddy's little cum whore, aren't you?" he said. "Ummmm....Yesss." I cooed. I felt like such a depraved slut boy! And I loved it! He leaned down and we shared a passionate kiss, me sharing his load with him. Licking my lips to make sure I didn't miss a drop, I channeled my inner cum slut and said "Mmm...Daddy. You taste sooo good." Shaking his head , he muttered, Jesus you are a dirty little boy. "Well, that was round 1. We're gonna take a break. You're wearing me out!" "Pussy." I said under my breath. "What was that?" "Nothing, SIR." I dodged a bullet there.

I was pretty sure the worst of my torture was over. Several questions remained:  Had I completely submitted? Had my will been broken? Have I been molded into the perfect sub? It wasn't really up to me to make that determination - that was up to my Master.

After moving to the couch, SIR sat me on his lap, his hefty dick parked right at my backdoor. Our foreplay for this round started innocently enough - light, romantic smooches, him kissing my neck, me biting his ear lobe. That didn't last long! His tongue found its way into my mouth, licking every spot he could reach. I growled as he latched onto my neck with his teeth like a tiger fighting its next meal. The raw passion in the room was palpable - I was so turned on I was having trouble concentrating. "Oh God that feels so good. Bite me harder." I pleaded.  "Get on your knees, boy but stay on my lap." I did as instructed and he grabbed my nipple ring with his teeth and pulled.  "SHIT! Pull harder, Daddy! Hurt me!" My cock was trapped between us, so I tried rubbing up and down on SIR's chest, but was unable to do so because of how I was sitting. "Here, boy. Let me help you." he roughly grabbed my dick and jerked it up and down. I was panting like an animal. "Fuck, Daddy. Tighter. Harder, Goddamn it!" "Alright you little bastard. You asked for it." He gripped it and yanked, causing me to yell out in pain. "Shut up you whiny little bitch or I'll rip your dick off." "Sorry, SIR." Hurting me got his cock rock hard, but he waited patiently, still nestled between my ass cheeks. He was teasing me! "Get on the floor. On your back." "Yes, SIR." Slick with lube, he entered my prehensile ass. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Deeper!" I sucked him in as deep as he would go, expertly milking him with my newly developed Kegel muscles. "Oh fuck. Uhhh Keep doing that, boy. Uhhh Your ass is magic." I concentrated all my energy squeezing his cock as hard as I could, wanting to give SIR as much pleasure as he was giving me. I felt every ridge of his powerful dick as it nailed my prostate on each down stroke. He would pull almost all the way out, fucking my quivering ass lips with the engorged head, and then slam it back in. In and out. Fast, slow, then fast again. Hard, then soft. On and on and on. His fucks started to become more erratic. It won't be long now! Sweat poured of his nicely toned chest and handsome face onto my body, coating it in wet, salty sheen."Gonna really pound you now, boy. Gonna breed your ass. Do you want Daddy's sperm in you? Do you want me to...Oh shit! TAKE IT YOU FUCKER!!" With that, he began jack hammering me so hard we started sliding across the floor.. Deep thrusts were accompanied by short, fast jabs that hit every spot inside my fuck tunnel. "Harder. Faster. I...I...ughh..c..can't..ssstand it!" I cried, over and over again. "Here it comes, bitch! TAKE MY LOAD!!" I felt his cum rocket into me, his cock pulsing with each shot, coating my insides. It felt so warm and there was so much of it, I thought he might be pissing in me again. "FUCK! FUCK! TAKE IT! TAKE IT YOU LITTLE SLUT!!" he screamed. "YES! YES! I CAN FEEL YOU CUMMING!! DON'T STOP, PLEASE!! FUCK! FUCK!" I chanted. With one final push, he buried his rod deep in my inner recesses. "Keep it in! I'm gonna...Oh god. Oh shit. FUCK! CUMMING!" Without either of us touching my cock, it started erupting, firing cum high into the air and covering me from head to toe. I saw stars - I had NEVER cum so hard in my life. While I was struggling to regain my breath, Daddy slowly pulled out of my freshly-fucked hole. I looked down and saw a string of cum dangling from his piss slit so I swiped my finger across it, brought it to my open mouth and savored his offering like I was accepting communion.  I could feel his cum trickling out onto the sling beneath me. "HOLY SHIT. I...fuck. I...I don't know what to say. That was amazing." "Yes it was, boy. Holy shit is right. Did you like it? Did you like Daddy seeding you?" he asked. "More than words can describe, SIR. Your" Laughing, SIR rubbed my head. "Good boy. Very good boy. You are one fine piece of ass."

My hole was still tingling as I lie there recovering. My heart was racing and my breath came in short gasps. My cock, however, didn't get the memo that the rest of my body was exhausted. It stood at attention, hard and ready to go again, the remnants of my last load still clinging to the head.  This was not lost on my Master. "Damn, boy! Does that thing ever go down? Did you take a Viagra when I wasn't looking?" "No, SIR! My dick is always like this. It has a mind of its own!" I replied enthusiastically. Shaking his head and muttering "What the hell have I gotten myself into?" under his breath, Daddy said, "Well, I'm hungry and need a break. Let's grab something to eat." 

We sat down in the middle of the floor amongst the puddles of piss and cum. The scent of stale urine and semen hung heavily in the air with an intoxicating odor that was turning me on even more - it was the quintessential male smell. We ate in silence, each processing what just happened. When we finished, SIR let out a huge belch, causing me to laugh. "You think that's funny, boy?" "Yes, SIR. No, SIR. Sorry, SIR." I nervously replied. "I'll show you, you smart-mouthed little shit. Get over here!" I crawled over to where he was sitting and awaited my punishment. "Lay across my lap." he ordered. Trembling, I did as instructed. SMACK!! SMACK!! SMACK!! "That will teach you to SMACK! sass mouth SMACK me, boy!" "I'm sorry SIR! I couldn't help it!" The spanking stopped, but my ass was bright red and stung like hell. My cock, oblivious to the punishment my ass just received, remained rock hard. Caressing my cheeks, Daddy said I was a good boy despite my earlier transgression. "Had enough, boy? Do you think you learned your lesson?" "Yes, SIR. I'm sorry, SIR." was my curt reply. 

Master ordered me to bend over the back of the couch. Before I assumed the position, I turned and saw his big cock was once again hard and primed to abuse my hole. It looked angry -- ready to resume it's assault on my backside. "Get ready, boy. Daddy's gonna destroy your ass again." "YES PLEASE!" He lined up behind me and ran his cock up and down my ass crack, his precum and the leftovers from earlier providing more than enough lube for it to slide freely. I noticed he hadn't put any lube on either of us but wasn't worried since I still had some of his load inside me from our earlier fuck. "Please don't tease me! I need it NOW!" I demanded. "Wait." Confused and REALLY needing some cock, I waited. And waited. Finally, he returned with a small blue bottle. "Are those..." "Yes. Poppers. Direct from France. 100% pure amyl nitrate. It's called Everest. We have to be very careful with this stuff - the bottle actually comes with a warning that it's not for beginners. Start off with one nostril and see how you feel." This was going to be fun! Handing me the bottle, he got behind me and started teasing my hole again. "Here we go!" I declared nervously. I had plenty of experience with poppers, but the way he described this one...woah. I unscrewed the cap, put it right below my left nostril, and took a big hit. I capped it and handed the bottle back to Daddy. I didn't feel much for the first 20 seconds, but when it hit.....BAM! Cock. His Cock. Any Cock. All I could think about was Hard Cock. I was delirious with unbridled lust. My hole twitched - I was overcome with a burning desire to get fucked and fucked Hard. This shit was INTENSE! "FUCK ME NOW. RIGHT NOW." "Lemme take a..." "NOW!" I heard him hit the poppers and a few seconds later growl "OhjesuschristOhfuck. I'm gonna tear your ass up, boy." Then, through the fog of the Amyl, I had a brief moment of clarity: I had finally become the cock-obsessed, cum hungry, submissive power bottom bitch boy I always wanted to be. And that made me VERY happy!

Lined up, his cock slid into me with little resistance. We both sighed as he bottomed out deep inside my welcoming hole. He started with slow, deliberate drives, once again pulling almost all the way out before pushing it back in. Back and forth he went, my ass gripping him like a vice. The only sounds in the room were me begging him to fuck me harder and his grunting and swearing. "Such a hot fuckin' ass. Fuck yeah, baby. Squeeze that hole around my dick." He gripped my hips and sped up, going deeper and faster with each thrust. My cock was rubbing on the leather couch creating enough friction to bring me close to cumming. "Ohfuck yes. Yes...Yesss..." I hissed. Our fuck noises rose to a crescendo - growls, grunts, moans, and screams filled the air providing the soundtrack to our passionate sex. I could hear and feel his balls hit mine each time he bottomed out. After what seemed like hours of nonstop fucking, he slowed down, eventually stopping with his cock still lodged in my boy hole. "Ohhh...Daddy why'd you stop? I was getting close!" I protested. "I want you to ride me so I can see your pretty face as I'm fucking you." "Yes, SIR!!" He sat on the couch and I climbed on top of him, stopping for another quick kiss. I mounted him and slowly began my descent until he was fully inside me. Bouncing up and down, I groaned each time I hit bottom. Daddy reached up and tweaked my nipple ring causing me to bounce harder. Soon, he was thrusting upwards to meet me, driving himself even further inside my body. Sweat ran in rivulets down my face, some getting into my eyes causing them to sting. I tried rubbing them with my hands, but Daddy stopped me. "Let me, boy. Lean down, but stay on my cock." He then licked the tears off of my face, tracing his tongue along my lower eyelid. Holy fuck was that erotic! "Get back to it." Up and down I went, increasing speed and clenching my hole with each movement. "That's it. Fuck yeah! Ride that cock. Fuck yourself with it." He encouraged. "Yes. Ughh Fuck! YES!" I sang in time with my bounces. Soon enough, I sensed Daddy tense up and get harder as he raced towards another orgasm. He gripped my hips and moved me up and down on his shaft when suddenly he slammed me down hard and stopped. "Here it comes, boy. TAKE IT! SHIT!" I could feel him blast my insides with his DNA, adding to the other loads he deposited in me. I continued bouncing for a few minutes until I shot an impressive load across his chest. I stayed on him until we both recovered and then, like a nimble gymnast,  I gracefully dismounted and asked "What is thy bidding, my Master." Hee hee!

We moved to the floor so we could stretch out and relax. As we lay there basking in the afterglow of the hottest, kinkiest, craziest, and best sex I'd ever had, I rolled over to face Daddy, who was flat on his back. I ran my hands through his soft, silver chest hair, occasionally tweaking a nipple to keep his attention. I wanted him relaxed, but not too relaxed. He looked down at me with genuine affection in his steely blue eyes, seemingly staring into my soul. I climbed on top of him and we began to passionately make out like old lovers. I was starting to have very strong feelings for this man. Was this love? Oh crap.

We stared into each other's eyes trying to read what the other was thinking at that moment - it was as if we had a deeper connection than just awesome sex. I rolled off him onto my side, propping my head upon my hand. "Master." "What is it, son?" He called me son! I have a question to ask you. I...I..." "What is it? Spit it out, boy!" "I know it's against the rules...but I would like to know your name." I stammered. There. I said it. Master didn't say anything for a few minutes, contemplating my question and his response. Finally, he spoke: "Well, boy. You're right. It is against the rules..." I started to choke up and had to stop myself from crying. "BUT... Shut up! I don't care. There's something going on between us that I can't explain." He feels it too! "I've come to really like you. Maybe even..." He trailed off, afraid to finish his sentence. "My point is my desire for you goes a hell of a lot deeper me being your Master. While I can say I have molded you into a damn-near perfect submissive, you are also a skilled & passionate lover, smokin' hot, Hee hee! intelligent, funny, and a really great person." Waving his hand across the room, he added "You took to all of this quite quickly. Quicker than I thought possible." Aww shit. That did it. I started bawling my eyes out. "Oh Daddy!" I couldn't get it out. I was a mess! I calmed down enough to reply and declared this: "I haven't been this happy in a long time. In addition to being the stern Master I need, you are probably one of the most attractive men I have ever met. And, you're a fantastic fuck." "Watch that mouth, boy." Hey! I can say it when he's fucking my brains out! Why not now? "Sorry, SIR." "You are everything I ever wanted in a man. I could see myself falling for you, if I haven't already." I could see a tear escape his eye, the final barrier to his true feelings broken down by simple words. We laid there for awhile not saying anything, each trying to figure out what to do next and how to deal with our feelings for each other. He stood and helped me up, his large frame towering over my small, battered body. Sticking out his hand, he spoke: "Roger. Roger Sterling. And who have I had the pleasure of torturing?" "Matthew. Matthew Ford. Everyone calls me Matt, though. It's a pleasure to meet you, Roger Sterling." I said, gripping his hand. "The pleasure is all mine. I like Matthew better - it suits you." 

A wave of contentment swept over me, filling me with a combination of love and near fanatical desire. This was all new to me - I was totally consumed with the idea of being with him. I never want this feeling to end. I knew our time together is finite and wanted to take advantage of whatever we have left. 

"Playtime is over." he stated simply. I immediately panicked and it must have shown on my face. Gently brushing my bangs from my eyes, he said softly,  "Don't worry, little one.We're still not done. I'm not going to torture or fuck you anymore - I'm going to make love to you. I'm going to give you pleasure beyond your wildest imagination. When you're ready, follow me." I stood still for a moment, unsure if this was real. I was getting in awfully deep. Ultimately, I decided I would walk over hot coals for my Daddy - my Master. Naked, I dutifully followed SIR down the hall until we reached the door to his bedroom. He opened the door for me, Such a gentleman! and motioned for me to enter. 

His room was just as I remembered it - a large King-size poster bed in the middle, tasteful nude male artwork and a large flat screen TV on the walls, and dark wood furniture. The fireplace was lit, casting a warm glow over the room. How the hell did he light that thing without me seeing? Ever perceptive, he again noticed the perplexed look on my face. "It's controlled by Alexa. I told her to turn it on after I shot my last load in you. Now get your ass on the bed and wait for me."  Roger then...Shit. It's happening already. Fuck me. walked around the room lighting the candles that were strategically placed in each corner and on the shelves mounted to the walls - the mood was set. "Shit. Almost forgot." he said suddenly. "Porn or music?" "Music. We'll be making our own porn. We just need a good soundtrack!" "A man after my own heart. Music it is." Soon, soft ambient electronic music filled the room. "This is an EDM sex playlist. It starts out like this, with each song getting louder and faster with more bass until it, and hopefully us, reaches an epic climax." "Sweet!! I can't wait to try it. Come join me, lover." "First, get off the bed and stand in front of me." he requested. Confused, I replied "Yes, SIR." "Enough of the SIR shit. I do have a name, you know. And now that you know it, use it." "Yes, Roger. Anything you say." He pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head while whispering sweet nothings in my ear. "I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby boy. You're so hot and so fuckable, I just don't know what to do with you." "Umm...I have a few ideas. Some may be a bit much for you, though." Laughing, he said " Wow. Quite a set of balls on you, little man. Ugghhh...that was my last boyfriend's nickname for me. Don't worry. I think I can handle anything you throw my way." "Challenge accepted. Now kiss me, you fool."

Leaning down, he took my face in his hands and ran his thumbs over my bright red cheeks. "So beautiful. My god, Matthew. Do you have any idea how desirable you are? Or how crazy just being this close to you makes me?" "I'm starting to get the idea. Do you have any idea how fuckin' hot and horny you make me? But it's not just that - you make me feel wanted. Desired. Loved? SLOW DOWN, TIGER! You seem to know exactly what I need - what I crave." "I know, baby. I feel the same way. I can't believe how attached I've become. All I can think about is loving you and making you mine."

"Make love to me, Roger. Right. Now. I need you inside me again." "Your wish is my command, my little sex kitten." Tossing me on the bed, he immediately pounced and held my hands above my head leaving me vulnerable to attack. His first target was my armpits. Another erogenous zone I wasn't too familiar with. "You taste so good - sweaty and all man. I want to eat you up." "Oh please do. Don't waste another second. Ravish me!!" Not a square inch of my body was left unmolested. As he traveled south, my desire grew in anticipation of having his warm, wet mouth around my aching cock. Inspecting it, he remarked, "I haven't spent nearly enough time down here. That's got to change." All I could see was the top of his silver flecked head as he took me into his mouth. "Oh fuck, Roger. Suck me." What he lacked in technique he made up for with enthusiasm. I'm not saying he wasn't any good, just not as good as me, but tops usually aren't. In order to be the best at something, you have to LOVE doing it. And I absolutely LOVE sucking cock - I could win an award!

Our lovemaking went on for hours and hours - Roger's stamina was truly astonishing. After a mind-blowing Aerial Rimjob, He literally lifted me over his head and ate my ass! he gently put me on the bed. We kissed, licked and explored each other until I couldn't stand it any longer. "Will you make love to me now, Roger? Please?" I begged. "I thought you'd never ask. Of course. Anything for you, Matthew."

We made love in every position and on every surface we could find. Several times Missionary on the bed, The Bodyguard (Standing up against the wall), Cowboy splits, Doggy style on the bed, floor, couch, and kitchen, Side by side on the bed and floor, The Kneeling Lotus (This was a new one for me. I sat on his cock facing him close enough to make out while he fucked me) Pile Driver on the floor. (My shoulders started to hurt!), Folded Deck Chair (Always a favorite), Leg Glider (He pushed me down so I was laying flat on the bed and entered me from behind), Booster Seat (I sat on the vanity in his bathroom while he fucked me from the front so he could watch us in the mirror), Elevated Splits on the vanity in the bathroom and kitchen (So I could watch us in the bathroom mirror). We would cum together, take a quick water break, and then get back to fucking. We both managed to cum at least once in almost every position - him in my ass, mouth, and all over my body, me on his face, chest, and cock. How the hell we managed cumming that many times in a row I have no idea. Most, if not all of our mutual loads that didn't make it into one of my orifices directly were quickly cleaned up by yours truly. I ate so much jizz my stomach felt full. But satisfied. For now.

We finally needed a break and I needed to get rid of the copious amount of cum still in my ass. "I need to use the restroom. Be right back." "Wait." Uh oh. I spun around to face him. "Leave my loads in you. It's hot knowing how much of my cum is inside you." Smiling from ear to ear, I replied "Fuck yeah, you dirty man! Your loads stay. Still gotta pee, though." "I'll join you. I want to make sure you don't try and rub one out without me." "Who me? Never. Not anymore."

We stood side by side and aimed at the bowl. Our two golden streams began flowing at once, so of course we had to have a piss-sword fight. Juvenile, I know. "Get in the shower." Roger demanded. "Why?" I inquired. "Just do it." "OK?" I did as he asked and waited to find out what he was up to. He joined me and proceeded to start pissing all over my body. Now I know why he wanted to get in the shower. He bear hugged me and we started kissing, which led to inevitable hard ons. "I want your ass. NOW." Roger declared. He turned on the shower to a comfortable temperature and spun me around. "Spread `em." He was being so forceful and demanding! Fuck. Yes. "Take me, stud." was my simple reply. With my palms flat against the glass, he entered me easily. Good thing I kept all that cum in my ass! "That's it, baby. Let Daddy in." "Ohhhh it feels soo good. ROGER! Fuck me! HARDER!" "Such a hot little ass. Your hole was made for my cock." Grunting, he pushed me flat so my face was pressed against the glass. Water cascaded down our bodies and the glass became fogged up, adding to the already steamy atmosphere. He continued his onslaught on my tender ass, showing no mercy. Not that I wanted him to. I felt the tell-tale signs of his impending orgasm - he got harder, his fucks got faster, and his language got filthier. "Take ughh it ughh you little slut! Make love to my cock with your ass. I'm gonna breed you again ughh - gonna knock you up." His words were driving me crazy - I could think of nothing more than getting him deep inside me and being injected with his molten jizz. After about 20 minutes, maybe more, maybe less he finally lost the battle. He started power-fucking me so hard I had trouble staying on my feet. "I'm so close, Matthew. Do you want it in your ass or on your face?" "Ooohhhh god. Can't ughhh decide. Ughhh Fuck it. Breed me!" And breed me he did. Burying his manhood as far as it would go, he started cumming. "FUCK YES!! OHMYGOD, MATTHEW! I LOV...." So that almost happened. I could feel it was a surprisingly large load, all things considered. I was on the verge of an epic orgasm myself, but he pulled out before I finished. Why does he keep doing that??!! "FUCK Daddy! I was sooo close!" "Turn around." He dropped to his knees and engulfed my primed dick. It took about 10 seconds of his oral ministrations before I announced I was cumming. "Ooohhh shit! Cccccummmming!" I blasted the back of his throat and watched as he struggled to swallow it all. That wasn't the best part - he spun me around again, spit some of my cum onto his hand, jammed 2 fingers up my ass...and I got hard again! "What am I going to do with you? You're not tired yet?" "Nope. Not as long as you keep ughh doing that ughh to me." I doubted I would be able to cum again right now - my poor balls needed a break to recharge. "Roger, baby. The boys need a break. I don't think I have anything left to shoot!" "What? But... Ok, fine. They'll be plenty of time to fondle you later." It's like I took his favorite toy away! "One more thing, though." He yanked his fingers out of my ass and put them in front of my face. "Clean off my fingers." I sucked them clean in seconds - I could taste my ass and cum and it drove me wild!

Something strange was happening and I wasn't sure what to make of it. His `almost' I love you for starters. Was it a slip of the tongue in the heat of passion? Maybe, but I don't think so. This wasn't just awesome kinky sex - there was more to it. Much more to it. I've never felt this way about another person. The feelings I have for Roger transcend our Master/Sub relationship. _Things had suddenly gotten very complicated.

"I'm hungry." I declared to no one in particular. "Didn't you say your stomach was full of my cum?" he asked, looking at me like I was crazy. "It is. And it will be later. Need real food now!" "Ok, my little monkey. How about Chinese delivery?" "As long as we don't have to get dressed, I'm down." Laughing, he said "Of course we'll stay naked. I want to eat sweet and sour pork off your ass." Dinner arrived about 30 minutes later, interrupting a hot make-out session. The table was set, food was distributed, and I commenced pigging out. "Slow down, Matthew. You'll get sick and we can't have that." "Sorry, Daddy. I'm really hungry!" "Well at least chew your food, jungle boy!" "Ohh..I like that! I'm your little jungle boy!" I got up and proceeded to dance around the table like a coked-out monkey, laughing hysterically. Roger was laughing so hard his face was bright red. "Sit down and finish your dinner or you're going to get a spanking." With a look of sheer defiance, I sat down, pushed my plate away, crossed my arms, and grinned at him. "Why you little shit! Your insolence will cost you dearly. For every minute that food goes uneaten, you get a lick. The choice is yours - choose wisely." Uh oh. I don't think he's kidding. Do I take the beating, or eat my food like a good boy? This one's easy - Fuck being a good boy. "I've made my decision." "So what will it be? Times a wastin'!" I got up, walked around to his chair, and waited. "Spank me. I've been a very naughty boy." I said devilishly. "Well, you're going to have to stand there and wait until I'm done eating. Do not move or speak until I say so." "Yes, SIR." I stood there at rigid attention for about 15 minutes before he announced he was done. "By my calculations, you spent 20 minutes being a stubborn little bastard. So that means...25 licks." "What the fuck! I thought it was 1 lick per minute!" "Do you want to go for 30? Keep it up, jungle boy." "Fine." I answered with as much attitude as I could muster. "Watch that tone, boy. You're just making it worse. C'mere and lay on me." I hesitated again and it pissed him off. "NOW!" I scrambled to comply and before I knew it, he was spanking me. He was gentle at first, increasing the strength of his hits with each swat to my ass. "You SPANK will SPANK learn to SPANK obey SPANK me!" "Oh fuck, Daddy! OWW I'm sorry! Please! I'm sorry! It hurts! Stop! I'll be a good boy!" "Count `em out, son. We're at 15." I counted the hits: 16 OWW 17 OWW 18 OWW until we reached 24 when he stopped. I braced for number 25, but it never came. My ass stung like hell, but true to form, my cock remained hard. Rubbing my butt cheeks, he whispered what a good boy I was and how much he hated spanking me. Liar! With one final gentle swat to my backside, he said "Stand up and turn around." "Yes, SIR." Roger ran his hands down my torso until he reached my butt. "I'm sorry for spanking your beautiful ass, but you need to behave. Remember - you may be the love of my life, Wait. What? There was the `L' word again! but you're still my Sub and you will do as I say. Understood?" "Yes, SIR. I'm sorry, SIR." "It's OK, jungle boy. Now let me kiss your boo-boo." Needless to say, my ass felt much better when he was done. "Since I'm down here..." I felt his tongue penetrate my hole and I screamed. "OH GOD YES!!! EAT ME!!!" I cried. He was making obscene noises as he munched on my ass - I think he was enjoying it as much as I was! His tongue was replaced by a finger , then two as he licked his way up to my neck. Breathing hard, he whispered "Fuck Matthew. I love fucking you so much. Such a tight little ass." "ughh Pull your ughh finger oohh out AHHH and fuck me!" He set me up on the dining room table, ensuring he had easy access to my hole. "So... I guess you're not going to eat sweet and sour pork off my ass?" "Not now. I need to fuck you first." And fuck me he did. Repeatedly

We spent the next few hours doing a `circuit fuck' trying out new positions we hadn't done before. Like a circuit workout with more cum. First up was Cannonball He held me up facing away from him and pounded me standing up, then Danseur I held onto the counter while he held my leg up and nailed me from behind, next was Launchpad I was on my back holding my feet together while he choked and fucked me, then Pearly Gates He was flat on his back with me on top lying flat facing up, Reverse Wheelbarrow He held me upside down while I supported my weight on my hands as he drilled me, and finally Reverse Soaring Eagle I was on my back folded in half while he pounded me facing the other way - kinda like a 69 fuck. Just like last time, we each came in almost every position until we were both covered in sweat and so tired we couldn't go on. My throat and ass were sore, I was exhausted, and I really needed a shower. But I was happier than I had ever been

"So...what now? Where do we go from here?" I inquired. "I'm not sure, Matthew. I'm still trying to figure out what all this means for us - if there is an `us'. "There is an `US'! After all that's happened, there better damn well be an `us'! This did not turn out the way I expected. I figured you would insult me, torture me, fuck me, and send me on my way. I didn't expect to fall in love with you." You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet. I was soon gripped by a paralyzing fear - what if I went too far? Should I have told him I was in love with him? No matter - the cat was out of the bag - the ball was in his court now. "I...I don't know what to say. I agree this did not turn out as expected - but I'm damn sure glad you found me...and that I found you. I started having feelings for you after our first meeting but was afraid telling you would ruin what we had planned. I would give up everything for you - I love you, Matthew." Awww Shiiit! I leapt up and threw myself at him, crying and laughing, and hugged him tight. "I love you so much, Roger." was all I could get out in my emotional state. He held me for several minutes while I cried on his chest. "Matthew. What happens now is entirely up to you. While I would love to have you come stay with me, I understand you have a life at home you need to get back to." "NO! This is my life now - I am yours to do with as you please. Fate has brought us together, Roger. I don't know why and frankly I don't care. I want to wake up next to you every morning. I want to make you breakfast. I want you to punish me when I've been a bad boy. I want us to make insanely hot, passionate love every single day. Preferably several times a day. MANY times a day would be better. There is nothing in my old life that could possibly replace what I have here...what we have here. I'm yours if you'll have me." And I meant every single word of it. Gleefully, he said "Well, it's settled then. Welcome home, Matthew. Let's celebrate!" I guess that answers that question. Roger grabbed two luxurious white bathrobes and handed one to me. It was a little big, but smelled of man. MY man. I loved it! "Thank you, babe." We headed to the kitchen, hand in hand. He grabbed a few ornate champagne flutes, a bottle of Bolinger, and met me at the bar separating the dining room from the kitchen. He opened the bottle with a loud pop that startled me and poured us each a glass. "Cheers! To the successful completion of your training as a submissive bottom. Congratulations, stud!" We clinked glasses and took a sip, grinning like idiots at each other. "Wait, wait a minute. I have one. To us! May we have a long, loving, and sex-filled relationship. Clink "C'mere, you." he ordered. "What are you up to, Mr. Man?" Pulling me in close, he tilted my chin up and told me to open my mouth. What are you doing? Quick as a flash, he grabbed the bottle and started pouring champagne down my throat. I couldn't swallow fast enough, so it spilled out all over my face and now open bathrobe. "Jesus. You're even hotter when you're all wet and messy. Can't leave you like that, now can we? Shower or tongue bath?" "What do you think? Get busy!"

After a VERY thorough tongue bath, Roger had me primed and ready. "Hmm...where should we do it next? Here, or back in my room? Oops..our room." Nice save, baby. "I say we start here, then work our way around the house, eventually winding up back in our room." "I like the way you think, Matthew. Pick your position." "So many to choose from ...let's start with the one where I'm sitting on the counter and you fuck me standing up." "Perfect! Excellent choice, Sir. You won't be disappointed. Now get your ass up on that counter." "Yes, SIR!" I couldn't help myself. After some oral warm-up, Roger slowly entered what was now becoming familiar territory and his cock's new playground, also known as my 'magic hole'. This was not a hurried fuck - he took his time, taking care to maximize our mutual pleasure. "Oh, Roger! Uhh You feel soo good. Please don't ever stop!" But he did stop, much to my chagrin. "I love you, Matthew. With all my heart." "I love you too, Roger, but for the love of god why'd you stop?" "Because I know it drives you crazy and I want you to beg for it." "PLEASE Roger! You're killing me! I WANT it! I NEED it! Please stop teasing me!" With a chuckle, he began deep-dicking me, stopping every once in awhile to stare into my eyes. I was laser-focused on pleasing my lover - my entire being was centered around our coupling. "AHHH...Yes. Just like that. Fuck yes, babe. Ohhh god!" "Ughh...Matthew. _Ughh..._Do you _Ughh.._want to ohgod cum like this?" While I would have loved to have him breed me again, I had more devious plans for this load. "Stop for a second." I directed. "But I thought you..." he started to say. "Facial. Unload all over me." A wide grin appeared on his face. "Such a naughty boy!" He pulled out and ordered me to my knees. "Hold that pose, lover. You're gonna get a face full of hot daddy-cream." His fist was a blur as he pounded away on his dick. "Open up." I opened my mouth as wide as I could, closed my eyes, and waited for my reward. "Here it comes! FUCK! Gonna paint your face!" I opened my eyes just in time to see the first jet of cum rocket out of his cock and land on my nose. 5 more shots ensured my face was completely covered in his seed, some managing to land on my outstretched tongue. I pulled him towards me and engulfed his oozing manhood, cleaning off any remnants from the head. Once I was satisfied he was clean, I smeared his jizz all over my face, relishing the musky aroma as it filled my nose. After I got myself cleaned up, With help from lover-boy he inquired "You really like cum, don't you?" "Yes. Yes I do. Especially yours. The smell, the taste...everything! It's like a drug I can't get enough of. Sometimes, I'll lie on the floor and jerk off till I'm close, then flip up on my shoulders so I can shoot all over my face. So yeah, I love cum!" I enthusiastically replied. "Holy shit! You are so dirty! I gotta see that! I'll join you so we can both cum on your face at the same time. It'll be like a mini-bukkake party! Speaking of which, have you ever been in a Bukkake party?" I had to think about how to answer this - having a bunch of guys cum all over my body had always been a fantasy of mine. I'm sure Roger would be fine with it, but he seems kinda possessive so I needed to tread lightly. "Full disclosure?" I asked cautiously. "Of course. No secrets." "OK. So I've never been in one, but I've always wanted to try it. The thought of so many guys using and abusing my body before they shoot their loads all over me is...well...totally fuckin' hot. " Silence. Shit. I should have worded that differently. After a pause, he exclaimed, "I think it's hot, too! I'm not ready to share you with anyone else yet, so you'll have to settle for me hosing you down for now. We'll talk about inviting others later. Seeing you covered in cum, though...uhh...sorry. Where was I?" "You were saying how hot it would be to see me covered in other men's seed." "Oh yeah. Well it would be!"

I ran to the bathroom to wash off my face and makes sure my hole was clean. When I returned, Roger was idly stroking his half-hard cock with the most sinful look on his face. I closed the distance between us, never breaking eye contact, giving him the most smoldering look I could - a look that said I. Want. You. Now. "What are you up to, jungle boy?" Instead of answering, I reached out and began to fondle his balls. Given the difference in our heights, I could play with them while I kissed and licked his stomach and chest. I took my time - we were in no hurry. The frenzied, frantic fucking we enjoyed earlier made way for the passionate exploration of each other's bodies, discovering what buttons to push, what levers to throw, and what switches to switch to make the other go crazy with lust and desire. Rubbing his fingers through my hair, he moaned "Ohhh yeesss Matthew. God that feels so good." I gently tugged down on his swollen nutsack and attacked his right nipple with my teeth. "Grrr....damn, son. You're gonna get me going again if you keep that up." he growled. "That's the point, Daddy - I just want to please you. This round is all about you - my ass will get plenty of your monster soon enough." "God I love you. Keep it up, baby - you're doing great." Bored with fondling him, I slowly, ever so slowly, sunk to my knees, still holding his gaze. I lovingly caressed his manhood like it was a treasured piece of art. "I love your cock. It's beautiful! So big and hard." "That's right. It's hard for you, Matthew." I took him into my mouth, working my way all the way down - I was going to draw this out as long as I could. Up and down I went using every technique I knew. Roger's words of encouragement let me know I was doing a good job: "Fuck baby. So good - make Daddy cum for you. Do you want Daddy's load?" Removing his cock from my mouth, I breathed "Oh god yes. Are you close?" "Gettin' there." I resumed sucking him and before long, I felt it throb. "Oh shit. I'm really close now. Don't stop!" I had no intention of stopping My cock was rock hard, bouncing up and down, untouched between my legs. He grabbed my hair and forced himself down my throat. "Get ready, here it comes!" I held him there, wanting to ensure every drop made it straight down into my stomach. With one final howl, he started shooting. "YES! Goddamn! So fucking good!" he exclaimed. Once I was sure I had it all, I released him. "Oh baby that was incredible! Thank you!" "Anytime, anywhere stud." I looked down and realized I had shot all over the floor. "Oops. Daddy, I made a mess!" He looked down and saw the puddles on the floor. "Wait. You came from just sucking me off?" "Yes, Daddy. Pleasing you gets me off. I need to clean up my mess, though. When's the last time you washed the floor? Ah, never mind." I turned around and with my ass in the air, I sucked up every drop of my load from the floor. I heard "Ohmygod. Look at that fuckin' hole." behind me and smiled. Licking my lips, I asked "Now that the floor is clean, what is my next assignment?" "Uhh...hmm. I don't know - I need a minute. That was pretty fuckin' hot! Dirty, but hot - so hot it got me hard again." He was right - he had just cum and was already half hard!

"Wanna fuck me?" "More than anything - I will never get tired of being inside you, Matthew. How do you want it?" I had to think about that one. There were so many options to choose from - it was like an all-you-can-fuck sex buffet! "I want to ride you again. Lay on your back on the floor, please." Smiling, he did as I asked. His weapon was fully hard now and ready for me - and I was ready for it. I straddled him and guided his dick into my hole. "Ohyes. So good" I sighed as my butt cheeks made contact with his thighs. Placing my hands on his chest, I rode him slowly. He reached out to grab my dick but I pushed his hand away. "Just let me ride you for awhile. It feels so fucking good I'll probably cum again without you touching me." The feeling of him inside me, the sweat dripping off my body, the sights, sounds and smells of our fuck were all driving me batshit crazy with lust. I wanted nothing more at that moment to be joined as one with my lover. "Ohhh. Ugghh. Ahhh! Ohmygod!" I could tell we were both getting close again so I rose up a little to give him better access. "Harder! Fuck me harder!" We were in perfect sync - each time I sat down, he would raise his hips to meet me. "Harder! Faster! Fuck Roger I'm getting there!" "Cum for me, Matthew. I'll be right behind you." I lasted a few more minutes before I tensed up and yelled "Here it...AHHH! AHHH!" Slamming down one last time, I blasted my jizz all over his chest and neck. That sent him over the edge and soon I was being filled once again with his baby-makers. Once we came down from our orgasms, Roger said "Goddamn I love you so much. What are the odds that we would meet?" "One in a million. Never mind falling madly in love almost instantly." "Are you madly in love with me, Matthew?" Instead of saying `yes', I threw myself down on top of him, smothering his face with kisses. "I love you more than life itself." "I love you too, jungle boy."

We stayed on the floor, him still buried deep in my ass. "Can I stay like this forever, babe?" I asked. "What if I have to piss?" "Really? You need me to explain it to you?" I joked. "OK, smart ass. Here ya go." And then I felt it - just like before, a warmth spread throughout my lower body - he was marking me as his.

"Roger, how do you know about all those positions we fucked in? Do you have a book or something?" "Better. Wait here!" He jumped up and returned with a shiny white laptop. " that a Chromebook?" "Yep. Check this out!" He opened a browser and we were greeted with The page was filled with descriptions and demo videos of every gay sex position known to man. "Holy shit. It's like a fuck encyclopedia! And it's your homepage!" "Yeah, most of these positions we've done before and just didn't know they had a name. Others are new." "Are they expensive?" "The sex postions? No, honey. The site's free." "No silly! The Chromebook!" "Oh. Nah, this one was less than $200." "I want one, Daddy!! Please?" "You can have this one. I have an identical one at work." "Thank you, Daddy! You're the best!" I exclaimed as I hugged and kissed him. "OK, bedtime, baby boy. I'm exhausted!" Roger carried me to bed, and I was fast asleep with a huge grin on my face as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I awoke to the sun streaming through the crack between the blinds. The bed was bathed in a soft, yellow light that illuminated our half-naked bodies. I was curled up in the fetal position, tucked snuggly in front of my lover. It was warm, I was relaxed and comfortable after a good night's sleep. And then, I felt it. Roger's cock was between my ass cheeks and getting hard. Jackpot! We fell asleep with him inside me, so it must have slipped out in the middle of the night. I peeled his arm off me, careful not to wake sleeping beauty. Crawling under the sheets, I saw the Grand Prize: his magnificent manhood. I gave the head a quick lick and then sucked him gently. I could hear him moan in his sleep: `Ohh..Yes..' Suddenly, I heard "Mornin' jungle boy. Just what do you think you're doing?" "Getting my morning protein, Daddy. They say you should always get it from a natural source. And by the way, good morning to you, too." "I think it's just an excuse for you to suck my cock." "And what if it is?" Chuckling, he said "Fine by me, but you woke up the monster and now you must appease him." Throwing the covers off of us, I got between his legs and resumed pleasing him. "Hold up. Flip around." I know what he was doing - 69 baby! As I gobbled up his dick, he parted my ass cheeks and tongue-fucked my hole. "Fuck, stud. That feels amazing." We continued to orally pleasure each other until, once again, I needed to feel him inside me. "Roger." "Yes, love? Are you OK?" "Oh, I'm fine. Fan-fucking-tastic, actually. I just need you to do something for me." With a questioning look, he asked "OK, I'll bite. What do you need?" "Your cock. In my ass. NOW!" The look on his face was one of shock, then amusement, and then desire. Without further discussion, he flipped me over so I was on my back. "Pull your legs up against your chest as far as you can." Once I was ready, he held my legs in the air and slammed into my hole causing me to scream out in pain and ecstasy. "FUCK! YES! HOLY SHIT! OHMYGOD!" Early morning fucks aren't my favorite, but something about this time made me want to do it EVERY morning. And afternoon. And evening. And at night. Every nerve ending in my body felt charged and I was kept on the verge of orgasm for what seemed to be forever. "Ughh...Matthew, I can't last much longer." "_ahhhh..._I'm close, too. Let's cum together." Our bodies tensed up, we got louder, and soon we both reached the point of no return. "Gonna cum, baby. Gonna cum in your ass!" Roger announced. "Me too, Daddy!" 3 hard pumps later, I felt him seed me deep. "Almost...there..." 3 seconds later, I blasted all over my face and neck. Regaining my breath and wiping the cum out of my eye, I said "Good morning, Daddy!"

We spent the day shopping for clothes for me I got my slutty maid outfit! and a few new sex toys. The toy store was huge - 2 levels of every conceivable sex related object you could imagine. Slings, racks, fucking machines, bondage gear, cock rings, lube, giant dildos - it's was like the Amazon of sex equipment! Each wall had a huge TV with hardcore bareback porn playing on it. I stood in front of one where a hot Daddy was fucking a screaming twink. Unable to take my eyes off the screen, I absentmindedly shoved my hand down my basketball shorts and grabbed my cock. Realizing I was openly stroking in public, I stopped and tried to conceal my obviously rock hard and now leaking cock. Didn't work. While looking for anything that would fit in my hole, I turned a corner and saw it - a sling! I ran to find Roger who was looking at fuck machines. "DADDY! They have a sling set up in the other room! Come look!" He followed me and watched as I jumped in. "You've gotten pretty good at that!" "Yes I have, thanks to you. Do you think they would mind if we tried it out?" "Feel free, boys, as long as I can watch!" I turned to see a hot cub standing in the doorway rubbing his dick through his cut-off shorts. "And you are?" Roger asked. "Oh, I'm sorry. I work here." Roger looked over at me and asked "You up for this?" "Hell yes! Are you?" "You bet. Let's give this stud a show he won't forget. Stand up for a second." We kissed as I rubbed Roger's huge dick through his shorts. "Fuck yeah, baby. Get it nice and hard." Getting impatient, I pulled his dick out and immediately deep-throated it, causing Roger to moan and the cub to gasp and say "That's it, suck your Daddy's cock." Once he was primed and ready, I jumped back into the sling and waited for him to slide into me. The cub had positioned himself next to the sling close to my head, dick in hand. I locked eyes with Roger and begged "Fuck me, Daddy." My hole had tightened up, so it took a minute for him to get all the way inside me. "Oh fuck. ughh Baby your ass is so tight. ahhh Does it feel good?" "Yes, Daddy! Ahhh You feel sooo good." Roger settled into a steady, deep fuck that was pushing me to the brink. "Yes Yes Yes Harder! Faster!" I chanted. I looked over and saw the cub's cock was inches from my open mouth and stuck my tongue out to meet it. The cub looked at me, then Daddy, who nodded his assent. I took it deep on the first plunge causing the cub to yell out. "Fuck yeah! Suck that cock, boy. I bet you like having a cock in both holes, don't you?" Pulling off, I moaned "mmm yesss....more" I serviced the cub until my neck started to ache and then pulled off with a pop. "I was close, boy! Why did you stop?" I looked at Roger who seemed to know exactly what I was thinking. "You can cum on him, but not in his mouth." The cub nodded and resumed jerking off. "I'm getting close, Matthew. Ughh" "Me too, Daddy!" Looking past Roger, I saw a group of 3 guys watching us intently as they rubbed themselves and whoever else was close by. "We have an audience, babe." "Let `em watch." Roger growled. Getting fucked in public with an audience was too much for my little brain to handle and I couldn't hold out much longer. I heard a yelp and a "FUCK!!" and turned just in time to see the cub's cock eject a nice load all over my upper body. Roger roared and unleashed his seed into me, which sent me over the edge. Unbeknownst to me, our voyeurs had gathered around and were seconds from blasting their cream all over my already cum-covered body. Everything moved in slow motion as the first guy started cumming, followed by the others soon after. When all was said and done, the cum of 4 men 5 including me covered my torso. And Roger's in my ass "That was fuckin' hot, boys. Let me know if you want to play in a more private setting." said one of our new friends.

We walked out of the store with jizz in my ass and our audience's cum drying on my body. And some new toys! After sucking Roger off in traffic, He almost crashed the Jeep when he unloaded down my throat! we finally made it home. I noticed the pungent smell of curry as soon as we walked through the door. "Mmmm...something smells good!" "Oh good! Caleb started dinner like I asked. Do you like Chicken Vindaloo, baby?" "I LOVE it! When do we eat?" I replied. "Let's get cleaned up first. You desperately need a shower, son!"

What started out as a quick shower turned into a awesome fuck on the vanity in the bathroom. Roger got me so turned on washing my body inside and out I begged him to make love to me. "Daddeeeeee.....please! I want it now!!" "Of course, baby. Facing me or the mirror?" "The mirror." I lifted one leg over the vanity so my hole was exposed and waited for Roger impale me. "Ready, Matthew?" "YES Daddy!" His entry was gentle and tender - a stark contrast to the sometimes brutal abuse of my hole that started our previous fucks. This was making love, not fucking.

I watched in the mirror as his body rocked back and forth with each plunge into my ass. "Yesss......daddeeee...." In and out, back and forth, slow and fast - Roger knew just how hard and fast to fuck me to leave me drooling and begging for more. "Baby I'm close. Your ass ughhh is too much." "Me too. ahhhh" Nearing the finish line, Roger's speed and power increased along with the volume of my screams. "YES! YES! YES! HARDER, DADDY! FASTER!!" I begged. With one more push, he pulled me towards him, latched onto the back of my neck with his teeth, and unloaded deep inside me just as I sprayed the front of the vanity.

We cleaned up, got dressed, and sat down to dinner around 9. "Wow! I'm impressed! This Vindaloo is awesome! Props to Caleb." I said in between bites. "Yeah, he's a good cook unless it involves grilling something. He's fucked up more steaks than I care to count!"

With dinner finished, we retreated to the bedroom to watch some TV. We were both completely wiped out, so I didn't think anything else would happen before bedtime. Wrong! It started with a passionate kiss, and ended the same way our make-out sessions always did - with Roger buried deep in my hole. 45 minutes and 2 orgasms later, we collapsed in each other's arms and fell fast asleep.

I was awakened by an ear-piercing alarm. I bolted up and looked over at Roger, who was nowhere to be found. After silencing the infernal source of my irritation, I got up, stretched, and went to find Daddy after checking myself in the mirror. I had a serious case of bed head and dried cum on my face, but other than that I looked half-way normal. He was in the kitchen, dressed in a shirt and tie, Looking fuckin' HOT! sipping a mug of coffee. "Good morning, Daddy. Why are you so dressed up?" "I have to go to work, honey." "Oh shit! It's Monday! We've been fucking on and off for 48 hours!" Laughing, he said "Yes, and now it's time to go earn us some money. What are your plans today?" "I dunno...check email, watch some porn, jerk off. You know, the usual. I could clean up a bit, too, if you want." "Well, we have a maid that comes once a week. He'll be here this afternoon, but you can clean the counters and the sling if you get bored." "Perfect. I need to earn my keep. Oh yeah, you said `he'?" "Yep. 23, tall, blonde, blue eyes, tan, perfect body - he's a good maid, too!" "Sounds...interesting. Gay?" "As Christmas." "Top?" "Versatile" "Big cock?" "Yep" "Can I seduce him?" "NO! Absolutely not." "Spoil sport." "I've got an idea! I'll run by the costume store at lunch and get you a slutty maid outfit. You can cook and clean in just that." he said. "Sounds hot. I have a better idea, though. You get me the maid outfit, I clean the house in it, and when I'm done, I live stream me fucking myself with a dildo and cumming. You can watch it on your phone in your office." "I do have to get some work done, you know." "Aww c'mon. I know it won't take you long to cum watching me be naughty." "OK, but if I find Caleb balls deep in your ass when I get home, you are in serious trouble." "Mmm....Caleb. He even has a sexy name! Seriously though - I'll behave, Daddy. Promise." "I don't mind if he watches you, but no touching each other! Got it?" "Yes, SIR. I love you." "I love you too, jungle boy." Roger got up and headed to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I poured myself a mug of coffee and sat down to read the news. About the time I was through the first article, I heard "FUCK!" from the bathroom. I jumped up and ran towards the noise to find Roger holding little bits of paper to his face. "You ok, babe?" "Yes, I just cut myself shaving. Stupid ass cheap razors." "Want me to lick it better?" Grinning, he said "If I let you do that I'll never make it out of the house." "So?" "You're incorrigible, Matthew! Are you going to put clothes on?" "Do I have to?" I whined. "I suppose you can go naked this morning, but I want you clothed when Caleb gets here later. I don't need him to be tempted by your gorgeous ass the second he sees you. He's almost as bad as you are!" "No worries, Daddy - The Dude abides." Really?

Roger left after a goodbye kiss That lasted 10 minutes! so I needed to find something to do until he got home. I made the bed and cleaned up the dirty clothes that were left strewn across the floor. I wandered into the `play room' and immediately noticed we hadn't cleaned up after ourselves - lube bottles, cock rings, and other assorted toys were all over the place! This was going to take awhile Once I had everything picked up and neatly put back on the wall and carts, I set out to clean the sling. There was dried cum and sticky lube all over it, but luckily I was armed with a tub of cleaning wipes. It took almost an hour to get it clean, but when I was done it looked brand new. With nothing left to do, I decided it was time to be naughty!

There were so many toys to choose from I didn't know where to start so I went `back to basics' - a pair of nipple clamps, a giant dildo, and lube. While searching for the perfect dildo, I discovered a whole drawer full of cock cages. One caught my eye - it looked like a normal metal cage, but it had a built-in hollow silicone urethral sound. Hmmm....should I? Yes I should. As luck would have it, there was a tube of surgical lube in the back of the drawer. I collected my instruments of self gratification and hopped up on the sling. Home With the nipple clamps in place and the dildo as far up my ass as I could get it, it was time for the real fun! It took me a minute to figure out how to put the cage on and get the tube fed into my urethra, but once it was in I immediately felt the urge to piss. Not wanting to make another mess, yet I pulled out the tube and tossed it aside. Adding more lube to the dildo, I started slowly fucking myself with the goal of cumming without touching my cock. Too much In and out, fast and slow, deep and shallow - I lost track of time as I pleasured myself moaning my lover's name. "Want some help?" Fuck. Caleb. Yanking the dildo out with a squeak, I stuttered "I uhhh...I was just...It's not..." Laughing at my awkwardness, he said "Really? Are you serious? It is EXACTLY what it looks like!" "I...uhh..." "It's OK, stud. That was really hot! Seriously though - I'd love to suck that big cock of yours." he said, licking his lips. "While I'd love for you to, I promised Roger I would behave. He said he was cool with you watching me and jerking off, though." "So he told you about me, huh?" "Yeah, he said you were the hot maid that came once a week." I replied. With a raised eyebrow, he asked "Did he tell you anything else?" "Nope." Caleb stood there for a minute with a strange look on his face. Finally, under his breath, he muttered "I was his sub." Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. What do I do now?

I had a decision to make - do I finish what I started and let Caleb watch, or do I clean up, make small talk, and wait for lover-boy to get home? I was really close, so it shouldn't take too long. I fucking HATE blue balls! Not wanting to deal with the `I was his sub' comment, I said, "Well, I was close to cumming when you interrupted me and now my balls hurt, so I'm gonna finish. OK?" "Please do! You sure I can't help?" Caleb pleaded, never taking his eyes off of my dangling cock. "Not a good idea. I made a promise and I intend to keep it. However, there's no harm in you pulling out your cock and joining me, right?" I could tell he wasn't interested in being just a spectator, but my mind was made up. "I guess. Not as much fun, though." he said, dejectedly. Bored with this mindless back-and-forth, I teased my hole with my fingers, eventually replacing them with the huge dildo that once occupied my needy ass. Caleb never once took his eyes off of me as I brought myself closer to another orgasm. "Yes. Yes! Feels sooo good. Ahhh..." I moaned. Looking over at Caleb I noticed he had finally freed his cock and was furiously jerking off as he walked towards me. "Fuck, boy. You're gonna blow at any minute, aren't ya?" he asked, breathlessly.. "Yes. ohgod Close. fuck Gonna...SHIT!! AHHH!" The actual orgasm started about 20 seconds before my cock exploded, shooting cum all over me. This sent Caleb over the edge and he blasted my body with his seed. We stared at each other until I ran my finger down my chest, collecting as much of our jizz as I could before feeding it to myself . "Such a dirty little slut. No wonder Roger likes you so much!" "Hey, what can I say! I fuckin' love cum!" "No shit! Well, that was fun - you want some help cleaning up?" "Nah. I'm prolly gonna lay here, lick...I mean clean up our mess, and rub another one out before Roger gets home." "Jesus, boy. You really are a fuckin' hornball!" "Will you quit calling me `boy'? Only Roger can call me that." "Well, you are just a boy! How old are you, anyway?" "38" With a look a pure astonishment on his face, he replied "Fuck, man! You look so young! I thought you were younger than me!" "Nope. I've got about...15 years on ya." "You are fuckin' HAWT for 38! Huge cock, too! That thing would feel great in my ass." Smiling, I said "Well, aren't you sweet. You're every bit as hot as Roger said you were. The boy was cut out of cream cheese Maybe one day we'll get to play together, with Roger's permission. Oh yeah, thanks for the cum bath." "Anytime. And I mean ANYTIME. I have some calls to make - we'll chat more later." Blowing me a kiss, Caleb left, leaving me to eradicate any evidence of our `afternoon delight'. When I was done, you wouldn't be able to find a trace of cum with a blacklight!

Roger called and said he was on his way home and wanted to know if I wanted him to pick anything up. "Do you have any red wine?" I inquired. "Oh shit! I forgot to show you the wine cellar!" "Wait. You have a wine cellar?" "Yes. It's in the basement." "You have a basement?" Laughing so hard he couldn't talk at first, he finally said "Yes, Matthew. I guess you haven't had the full tour. We'll take care of that when I get home. Love you, jungle boy." "Can't wait, Daddy! Love you, too!"

About 30 minutes and a hot shower later, I heard the garage door open. Dressed in nothing but an orange jockstrap and a leather collar I found, I opened the door and greeted my lover. "Welcome home, Daddy! I missed you!" "Well, look at you. I could get used to being greeted this way every day." I stood on my toes with my arms outstretched and grabbed him in a bear hug. Well, a cub hug. Prying me off of his body, he held me at arms length and just stared at me. "What? Do I have cum on me or something?" Chuckling, he said "No baby, I just wanted to look at you. You are so fucking beautiful and I love you so fucking much." "I love you too, Roger. With all my heart. Now kiss me."

We barely made it to the bedroom where I proceeded to rip off what was left of his clothes. I started to strip off the jock, but he stopped me. "Leave it. You are beyond hot with it on." Smiling, I jumped on the bed and waited for him. I didn't have to wait long. We embraced and spent a while just tracing our fingers all over the other's body, purposefully avoiding our cocks, which were both hard as iron. " feels so nice, baby. So gentle..." I cooed. We started kissing, gently at first, but our burning desire for each other ensured things heated up quickly. We didn't talk or tell each other how good we felt - we didn't need to. We knew what to do to get the other one going. Hands eventually made their way to cocks, necks were licked and bitten, jocks were ripped off, balls were fondled, and dicks were sucked. Finally, we were ready to fuck. Again

Laying on my back per Roger's request, he entered me. We both moaned as he slowly made love to me, all the while professing our love for one another. "Oh, Matthew. Baby this is incredible. Do you want it slow?" "Yesss. Fuck it feels so good. Just like this. No need to rush. Ahhh..." Roger, bless his heart, was able to go slow...for awhile. It started with harder thrusts, but just as slow. Then, he sped up. Deep, hard fucks pushed me into the mattress. "Fuck yes! Harder, baby! Deeper! Ohhhhshiiit!" "Yes. Goddamn Matthew you feel good. Squeeze your hole for me baby." Squeezing as hard as I could, he yelled "FUCK YEAH. LIKE THAT! You're gonna make me cum!" I wrapped my legs around him and held on as he began the climb to blasting my insides with his seed. "_Ughhh..._I'm close, Roger." "Ohfuuucckk Here it com..." With a roar like an angry bear, he buried his cock as far as it would go, stopped, and unleashed a torrent of cum into my bowels. Feeling his cock throb and fire off his hot load inside me was enough to make me cum again without touching my cock.

Neither of us said anything for a good while while we caught our breath. Grabbing the water bottle from the nightstand, I took a big drink and passed it to Roger. With a shit-eating grin I said "Ready to go again?" The look on his face was priceless. "Gimme a minute, jungle boy. I need a drink and want to hear about your day."

I threw on what was left of my jock and dutifully followed Roger to the kitchen. He had changed in a tank top and short athletic shorts and was looking mighty studly. I guess I stared a bit too long - my boner gave me away. "You are happy to see me!" he said, nodding to the obscene bulge in the pouch of my jock. "Always. You have this effect on me. So, how was your day?" "Same shit that's not worth talking about. And you?" "Well, I cleaned up a little, popped off a few knuckle babies, met Caleb. Pretty tame, actually." "I see. Did you behave?" Roger asked. "Mostly. He walked in on me going to town on my ass with that huge dildo and asked to help. I said no, I promised you I wouldn't. He did jerk off and cum on me though. Are you mad?" "No, honey. You were tempted but kept your promise. I'm proud of you! 2 things though - was it hot and what the ever living fuck are knuckle babies?" "Yes, it was pretty hot and knuckle babies are sperm. By the way, he thought I was younger than him! " I said, laughing. "You do look really young. Take it as a compliment."

After a tour of the basement wine cellar, where he fucked me over a case of Bordeaux. And then I rode him on a case of Bolinger champagne we sat down to a nice, quiet dinner. "I have a confession." Roger declared out of nowhere. "Oh yeah? What's that?" "It's an admission of wrongdoing, but that's not important right now." Smart ass! "I watched you." Stunned, I didn't respond. "I have a cam installed in the play room and happened to be looking at the feed when you climbed in the sling. Not wanting to miss the show, I shut and locked the door, stripped off my pants and jock, and waited to see what you would do. When you two dirty boys covered your body in cum, I shot on the floor, wishing I was cumming all over you. Are you upset?" "Absolutely not!! I wanted you to watch me anyway. I just wish I could have been there to clean it up. Say, do you have any videos of us from earlier?" "Probably. We can access the drive from your Chromebook when we go to bed." "Sweet! I've ALWAYS wanted to be filmed getting fucked. I even thought about trying to do amateur porn when I was younger and better looking. Knowing all those guys are jerking off to" "Matthew, you're still young and hot. From the pictures you showed me, I think you're hotter now! Think about it: you're older, have more experience, are more willing to experiment, and can take a cock like no one I've ever met." "Thank you, Daddy. I've had a good teacher and a lot of practice!"

We finished dinner, cleaned up, and retired to the living room to watch a movie. "What sounds good? Horror? Comedy?" Roger asked. "" "Not yet, jungle boy. Later." "Fine. Horror then. Let's find a zombie flick!" I replied. Searching through the online movie library, Roger stopped at `Return of The Living Dead'. "Ohmygod! This is one of my favorites! It's so cheesy but I love it!' I said excitedly. Smiling, he started the flick and we sat as close as we could on the huge couch. I provided a running commentary which kept Roger laughing the entire movie. At some point, I must have fallen asleep because I woke up with a start on Roger's drool covered shoulder. "Hey sleepyhead. You fell out about 30 minutes ago. You looked so cute laying there drooling on me I didn't have the heart to wake you up." Wiping the drool off my face, I turned to my lover and smiled. "Thank you, Daddy. I guess I was pretty worn out. Sorry about the drool." I said sheepishly. Rubbing my head, Roger said "Don't worry! I don't mind one bit. Head to the bedroom?" "Good idea! Not sure if I can go back to sleep right away, though. Might need to burn off some energy, if ya know what I mean."

We made it to the bedroom, barely and were all over each other right away. Coming up for air, Roger asked "How do you have so much energy? One minute, you're sound asleep. The next, you're begging me to fuck you. Do you ever get tired?" "Not around you. I can't explain it - you have this way of energizing me even when I should be exhausted. It's like some weird power you have - anytime you're in the room my cock gets hard and my hole twitches." "Wow. I really have that effect on you?" "You have no idea. Even talking about mundane shit with you turns me on. Your commanding voice, mesmerizing eyes, and absolutely amazing body do things to me no other person has ever done before. Every time you speak or even look at me, my heart flutters." I looked over and noticed he had his head down and he was trembling. "Babe? Are you alright?" Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he replied in a thick voice "I'm great, Matthew. Just a little overcome with emotion." He was crying

The mood in the room had changed. Gone was the thick sexual tension and anticipation, only to be replaced by declarations of undying love, emotional release, and total honesty. Shit was getting real deep

After brushing my teeth and washing up, I grabbed the Chromebook and got comfy on the bed. Roger emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later with a semi-hard cock and a smile on his face. Focusing on his dick, I said "And you say I'm always horny? " "Hey! You have the same effect on me. Thank god I was busy dealing with stupid people at work - I found myself fantasizing about you and probably would have had to jerk off at least twice!" I gave him a warm smile and patted the bed next to me. "Daddy, can we talk for a minute?" "Sure, Matthew. What's on your mind?" "I just...I...I can't believe this is happening. It's like a wonderful dream I hope I never wake up from." "What's so hard to believe? You are happy, right?" "Oh, Roger. I'm the happiest I've ever been. I'm just worried this is all too good to be true. It's like a fucked-up Twilight Zone episode or something." Roger looked at me for a moment before reaching out for a hug. "C'mere, baby." I crawled into his lap and snuggled up against him. Stroking my hair, he whispered, "You have nothing to worry about. I will always be here for you - never forget that. I love you so very much." I felt myself start to cry - the passionate, emotional, crazy, and sometimes terrifying events of the last few days had finally caught up with me. Sobbing, I stayed in his lap until I calmed down. When I finally looked up, I saw he was staring at me again. "You OK?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed a little emotional release, too. There's a lot to process, but I know I love you, Roger." "Love you too, jungle boy. Let's see if we can find a video of you getting fucked."

It didn't take but a few minutes for Roger to find the vid of me having an anal orgasm. "Let's start here. I love the look on your face when it finally hits you." The video was surprisingly clear and detailed - you see see my chest heave and the sweat on my face. "Wow. So that's what I look like. Huh." We continued to watch for a few minutes, occasionally glancing at the other. My cock was hard and I could see Roger's was, too. "Fuck, jungle boy. This is hot!" By the time I orgasmed on the video, we were both panting and vigorously stroking ourselves. I didn't want to cum yet - there were more videos to watch! I stopped masturbating and grabbed Roger's wrist. "Daddy, don't cum yet. I wanna watch another one." "Good call, Matthew. I was getting pretty close. Watching you do that again is better than most of the porn I have!" Selecting another random video, the screen was soon filled with an image of me, strapped to the sling face-down, with Roger standing above me with the Cat o' nine tails. "Umm...No. We're not watching this." Roger said as he pressed stop on the video player. The image was frozen on the screen and I could tell it made him uncomfortable. "Daddy? What's wrong?" "I don't know, baby. I just can't watch that - it bothers me." I didn't want to mention the fact that he had no problem watching himself do it to me in real life. I guess things are different now

The next video was beyond hot. I was riding Roger's cock and screaming out while he told me how good my ass felt. "Much better. Like the camera angle?" "It's perfect. Is there any way to remote control one of your cameras to do zoom in shots of you inside me?" "Look at the big brain on Matthew! I have a remote, the camera is in a good spot, I just need to figure out what button is zoom." Roger fumbled with it for a few minutes before sighing in resignation. "Give it here, Daddy." It took me about 60 seconds to program a button on the remote. "All set." I said, handing him the remote. He grabbed me and put a very wet kiss on my mouth. "Let's redo this scene with zoom!" we both exclaimed at the same time. Laughing, we high fived each other before I threw myself at him. "Is it OK if we skip the foreplay? I am so ready to watch you fuck me!" He smiled and pulled me to him. We wrestled around and eventually fell back on the bed with me on top. "Alright, jungle boy. Straddle me so my cock is between your butt cheeks." Roger had cast the Chromebook's video feed to the big screen TV on the wall so I could see us on the bed. On the first try, he zoomed in so you could see his huge cock against my ass. "Will you look at that. I'm getting us a better camera, honey!" Roger said as he stared at the screen. "You're gonna turn me into a porn star if your not careful! Will you put it in now, please?" Dropping the remote, Roger reached around and guided his cock to my hole. "Raise up at bit, Matthew." I felt the head tease my hole, and then slowly slide inside me. "Ohhhfuuuuucccckkk" we both moaned. I started to slide up and down on his shaft while I jerked myself off. "Zoom time, jungle boy." I looked up and watched the camera zoom to the exact spot where we were connected. I let out a gasp and said "Fuck me! Is this not the hottest shit ever?" "Holy shit. Seeing you and I, bonded as one, in full fucking HD, is in the top 5 hottest things I've ever seen. Let's make it even hotter." Roger, with his cock still in me, flipped us over so I was on my back. "Ready?" "YES!" I watched in awe as his pole went in and out of my hole. "Does it Ughh zoom in any ohgoddamnityes more?" When the zooming stopped, so did Roger. The screen was filled with a close-up shot of his cock half-way inside my hole. "Daddy. ROGER!" He was so fixated on the screen he didn't hear me. "HEY!" "What? Oh, I'm sorry. I can't take my eyes off it." "Well, start recording and fuck the bajesus outta me! We'll watch it later!" Picking up speed, he resumed pounding me. The power of Roger's fucking, combined with the knowledge we would get to watch this later, pushed me dangerously close to cumming. "I don't know how much longer I can last, Matthew." "Ohgod It's like you read uhhh my mind." We were racing towards climax and there was no stopping it now. "Fuck me, Roger! Ohhhh yes Please! Harder, Daddy! I'm gonna cum!" "Do it, Matthew. Shoot for me." Roger switched to another camera that had a perfect view of our upper bodies. My hand was wrapped tightly around my cock and I was jerking it like a madman. "Close." was all Roger got out before ramming his cock home and launching a massive load of cum into my ass. At the exact second I felt him unload, I fired 4 jets of jizz on his face and neck. He stayed in me for a bit before we disengaged and Roger collapsed next to me. "Do you remember when I said I could handle anything you threw my way? Well I could, I just can't handle YOU! You're insatiable - a bonafide wild man, Matthew. And I love you for it. "I learned from the best, Rog." #ohforgodssake

This is not the last we will hear from Roger and Matthew. Like any relationship, there will be ups and downs, but mostly lots and lots of crazy hot sex. We still are into BDSM, but Roger has mellowed a bit after I told him the taser was a bit much. "I kinda figured it was. You took it really well, though. I mean, Jesus! I shocked your balls!" he laughed. "Yeah, I wasn't expecting that. It was, without a doubt, the most painful experience I've ever had - it felt like my entire lower half was on fire!" We eventually did invite a third, That was a lot of fun! I got to top AND play piggy in the middle! Three times! but for the most part we've kept our sex life to just between us. This was a monogamous+++ realtionship - we agreed early on that under NO circumstances would we have sex with other guys without clearing it with the other. Roger is more than I can handle, anyway. I get all the cock and cum I could ever want!

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