My Kinda Guy

Published on Aug 25, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 11 by JT Poole

// Tampa, FL -- The Carter Household //

"Everything's going to be Jane. He's probably somewhere riding around just thinking or something." Brian stated.

"It's almost midnight and nothing. He hasn't called or anything and now Aaron's gone too." Jane stated. "What's going on with my boys?"

"Have you tried calling some of his other friends?" Kevin asked.

"No one has heard from him." Jane stated. "I called all the hospitals, the jails, everywhere I thought he could be. I just don't know where he or Aaron could be."

"Both of them need to be beaten with a stick. They both know better than to put you through this much torment. They should have called you and told you where they were." Leighanne stated.

"Well you know Nick, he cuts the world off when he's upset about something." Brian stated.

"That doesn't give him an excuse for not calling his mother right now. He knows she's worrying about him right now." Leighanne stated.

"Hey, what about that hotel that Leslie is co-owner of, do you think he could be there?" Brian asked.

"It's a long shot, but Les would have called me and told me if Nick or Aaron were there." Jane stated.

"Well it's not going to hurt anything to call there and check." Brian said.

"Maybe you are right, let me look up her number there." Jane stated as she grabbed her purse and pulled out a black phone book.

// Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel -- Aaron and Leslie's Hotel Room //

"Wonder who's calling at this time of night." Leslie stated as she crossed the room and picked up the phone the same time as Aaron did.

"Hello?" Leslie and Aaron spoke in unison.

"Honey is that you?" Jane asked, recognizing Aaron's voice.

"Hey mom, this is me Leslie." Leslie stated.

"I heard Aaron, put him back on the phone." Jane stated.

"Alright mom. Aaron get back on the phone. It's too late, she heard you." Leslie stated.

"Yes ma'am." Aaron spoke into the phone.

"You are there with your sister, why didn't you call me and tell me?" Jane asked. "Is Nick there too?"

"No ma'am, he's not in this room." Aaron stated, thinking of an idea.

"But he's there at the hotel?" Jane asked again.

"Yes mother, he's here with his boyfriend Justin Timberlake." Aaron stated, smirking.

"His boyfriend! Justin Timberlake!" Jane screamed. "He has a boyfriend. I thought he just came out this morning."

"I didn't know he was seeing anybody." Brian stated as he got on the phone.

"Brian?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah shorty, it's me." Brian stated. "So Nick is there at the hotel? And he's with Justin Timberlake?"

"Yeah he's here, and yes that's his boyfriend." Aaron stated.

"You are kidding right?" Brian asked.

"Nope, They are in the same room right now, doing god knows what." Aaron stated.

"How do you know that, that is going on in there?" Brian asked.

"Nick invited Justin into his room and he said he was sleepy and ready to go to bed." Aaron stated.

"What!" Brian screamed. "Gay or not, he can't be seeing Justin Timberlake. Justin is dating someone already isn't he?"

"Yeah, he's dating Nick." Aaron stated. "You all know where we are now. It's late, I am going to bed."

"Okay little man, have a good night. We will talk with you later." Brian stated as he hung up the phone.

// Nick's Hotel Room //

"Ummm Justin." Nick moaned. "If I didn't know any better, I would say you did this on purpose."

"Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't." Justin stated as he started to get up off Nick.

"Oh no you don't." Nick stated, grabbing Justin by the arm and pulling him back down to him. "You feel good on me like that."

"Are you sure? Seems uncomfortable with you lying on the hard floor." Justin stated.

"The carpet is really soft." Nick stated as he wrapped his arms around Justin's waist.

"I guess so, but I will feel better if you get off the floor, you can get back on the sofa." Justin stated.

"Okay, but you are coming with me, you ruined a perfect moment." Nick stated.

"It was a good moment, but it was in the wrong place." Justin stated as he lay back on the sofa and Nick found himself on top of him.

"Well we can change places." Nick stated as he laid down on Justin's chest.

"This feels good." Justin stated as he started rubbing his fingers through Nick's hair.

"I know. I wish we had done this a long time ago. I feel like we belong together." Nick stated.

"I feel the same way Nicky." Justin stated as he turned his head to face Nick and the two of them shared another kiss.

"I am starting to like this a lot." Nick stated.

"I am too." Justin stated.

"Its after midnight, this day has really been trying for both of us. Are you ready to turn in?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, why not." Justin stated.

"Come on." Nick stated as he got up and helped Justin up from the sofa. " Right in there, let me make sure everything in here is off."

"Alright. I will be waiting for you." Justin stated as he walked into the room that Nick had directed him to.

"Do you need anything?" Nick asked as he walked into his room.

"No, I am fine." Justin stated.

"I am going to brush and I will be right out." Nick stated.

"Oh I forgot to brush my teeth. Let me get my stuff." Justin stated as he grabbed his bag and walked to the door and knocked.

"Come in Justin." Nick stated.

"I forgot to brush." Justin stated.

"No problem, the sink is big enough for the two of us." Nick stated as he moved over and passed Justin a cup of water.

"Thanks." Justin stated as he started brushing his teeth.

The two of them stood in front of the sink brushing their teeth, just staring back and forth at each other. If you didn't know the two of them any better, you could have sworn that they were lovers sharing a bathroom. Finishing up in the bathroom, both of them wiped their mouths and returned to the bedroom.

"Ummm, this bed feels good." Justin stated.

"It sure does." Nick stated.

"Nick?" Justin spoke.

"Yeah?" Nick asked.

"Would you be my boyfriend?" Justin asked.

"I thought you would never ask." Nick stated. "Yes."

"Well you could have asked me." Justin stated.

"Yeah I know, but you were the one that made the first move." Nick stated. "You kissed me first."

"Oh yeah I did do that." Justin stated as he wrapped his arms around Nick and held him close to his chest.

"You got me liking this Justin, don't take it away." Nick stated as tears flowed from his eyes.

"I won't take it away. I promise." Justin spoke as he kissed Nick on the forehead and wiped at his tears. "Everything's going to be okay for the two of us. We are going to be okay."

"I hope so. I have been through too much over the last couple of years to take anymore heartache." Nick stated.

"I know what you mean Nicky, I have too and I hope this is a turn for the better." Justin stated.

"Hopefully it is for both of us." Nick stated as he leaned up and kissed Justin's lips, as the two of them closed there eyes and drifted off to sleep.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 12

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