My Kinda Guy

Published on Aug 27, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 12 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Joey Fatone's House -- The Next Day //

"Do you realize it's like real early in the morning?" Joey asked, opening the door waiting for JC to come in.

"Yeah, I'm sorry but I need to talk to someone and you are the next best person to talk to." JC stated.

"The next best? Who's the best?" Joey asked.

"Justin was, but you know the current situation with him." JC stated.

"Yeah I know." Joey stated. "So what's bothering you this morning?"

"Well I don't know what it is. I have been having these strange feelings." JC stated. "I tried to talk to Justin about it last night, but I kept saying the wrong things and I pissed him off and made him more upset."

"What kind of feelings?" Joey asked.

"Please don't get mad with me and don't treat me like you treated Justin either, if you do, it will destroy our friendship." JC stated.

"What are you getting at Josh?" Joey asked.

"Don't get mad." JC stated, as Joey glared at him. "I think I'm gay too."

"What!" Joey shouted. "You woke me up out of my warm bed to tell me this?!? This could have waited until later on in the fuckin' day."

"I haven't slept and I needed to talk to someone, I thought you were my friend, but I guess I was wrong like Justin was." JC stated as he got up and headed towards the door.

"Wait Josh." Joey stated. "I'm sorry, but I don't know how to deal with stuff like this."

"Stuff like what?" JC asked.

"People being gay. I know guys in the business are gay, but not guys close to me, guys I consider my family." Joey stated. "I know I screwed up with Justin, but I don't want to screw up with you too."

"Well you aren't making things easy you know." JC stated.

"Well I said I am sorry." Joey stated. "What else do you want from me?"

"Nothing. I guess this was a big mistake. I should have kept my mouth closed." JC stated as he opened Joey's front door and walked to his car.

"Josh, Josh don't leave like this." Joey stated, walking out the door towards JC's car as the car pulled out of the driveway and sped down the street, burning rubber.

// Tampa, FL -- The Carter House //

"What's going on Jane?" Brian asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"I am going to get Nick." Jane stated.

"Going to get him? For what?" Brian asked.

"I am going to bring him back home so he can explain all of this to me." Jane stated.

"Jane, I don't think he's ready to talk to you about it yet. If he was ready, he would be here with you now." Brian stated.

"I don't care what you say Brian, I am going to Orlando to get him." Jane stated as she gathered her things and headed towards t he door.

"Oh great. I see disaster now." Brian stated as he walked out of the kitchen, heading up the stairs to get Kevin.

// Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel -- Nick's Room //


"Nicky, Nicky wake up. Someone's knocking on your door." Justin whispered, trying to wake up Nick.

"Huh? What's going on?" Nick asked, hearing the knocking sound.

"Nicky someone's knocking on the door and the way it sounds they are in a hurry." Justin stated.

"Stay here baby, I will be right back." Nick stated.

"I will be right here waiting Nicky." Justin stated as Nick kissed him on the lips, grabbed a robe and left the room to answer the door.

"Who's there?" Nick asked, as he approached the door.

"Leslie! Open the door Nick!" Leslie shouted from the other side of the door.

"What's the problem here? Why are you banging on the door?" Nick asked.

"Are you loosing your mind?" Leslie asked.

"No I am not loosing my mind. What's going on?" Nick asked.

"Is Justin Timberlake here? Is it true that he slept with you last night?" Leslie asked.

"First he is here, and it's nobody's business if I slept with him or not." Nick stated.

"So Aaron was telling the truth." Leslie stated, with an angry look on her face.

"Excuse me? When did it become necessary for you to know who was sleeping in my bed?" Nick asked.

"When it involves you, our brother and a hotel guest." Leslie stated.

"What does Justin sleeping in my room have to do with Aaron?" Nick asked.

"Oh I don't know, could it be that your little brother has been crying his eyes out all night because he was in love with Justin Timberlake and here you are jumping into bed with the guy of his dreams." Leslie explained.

"Whoa. Hello. Back the train up, it seems to have derailed somewhere." Nick stated. "Aaron is in love with Justin?"

"Yes he is and he's upset that you are sleeping with him." Leslie stated.

"I think it's strange that me and you are having this conversation." Nick stated. "To clear the air, we slept in the same bed, but we didn't have sex."

"Oh." Leslie spoke. "What is actually going on?"

"He's my boyfriend as of last night, but we didn't do anything, just kiss a little and hold each other." Nick stated. "I am sorry that Aaron has a crush on him, but Justin is way to old for him. Aaron's only 16, he needs to find someone closer to his own age and someone that actually likes him I guess."

"Are you saying that Justin doesn't like him?" Leslie asked.

"No I am not saying that, I am just saying that I don't think Justin wants to go to jail for dating a minor." Nick stated.

"You have a point there." Leslie stated. "Besides, if you and him hooked up, then that's where it should stand and Aaron should just move on."

"I knew I saw something strange in his eyes last night when he was in the hallway talking with me." Nick stated.

"That could have been when he got upset and slammed the doors in my room last night." Leslie stated. "Oh yeah, mom knows where you are. She called last night and Aaron told her that you were here."

"Probably so, that was after midnight." Nick stated.

"Yep, around that time." Leslie stated. "What are we going to do with


"Do with who?" Justin asked as he came into the room wearing a robe.

"Good morning Mr. Timberlake." Leslie stated.

"You can call me Justin." Justin stated. "You are Nick's sister right?"

"Yes I'm Leslie the grouch." Leslie stated.

"Nice to meet you." Justin stated, reaching out his hand to shake hers.

"We were talking about Aaron's little secret." Nick stated.

"The thing you and he were talking about last night when I got back?" Justin asked.

"Yeah." Nick stated.

"What's wrong? If you don't mind me asking." Justin stated.

"Do you think I ought to tell him?" Nick asked, looking at Leslie.

"Well you might as well tell him, it involves him." Leslie stated.

"How does it involve me?" Justin asked.

"It seems that Aaron has a crush on you and upset that you slept here last night." Nick stated.

"What?" Justin asked. "You are kidding right? Aaron is way to young."

"No we are not kidding." Leslie stated.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't date Aaron." Justin stated. "He's too young and even if he wasn't too young, he's not my type."

"Well is Nick your type?" Leslie asked.

"Yes he is." Justin stated, with a smile on his face.

"Well why not Aaron, they are brothers." Leslie stated.

"Well ah. I just don't have feelings for Aaron like I have for Nick." Justin stated.

"Feelings?" Leslie asked, looking between the two of them.

"It seems we both had feelings for each other already." Nick stated.

"Oh." Leslie stated. "Well that's makes a lot of sense."

"So now we have to figure out what to do about Aaron then." Nick stated.

"What do you mean we, you mean you two." Leslie stated, getting up and walking to the door. "I am jumping out of the loop while I can."

"Les, you gotta help, I don't know what to say to him." Nick stated.

"Sorry guys. You two are handling this. All of you are gay, deal with it." Leslie stated as she opened the door and walked out of the room.

"Just like a woman, walks out when you need them for something." Nick stated.

"Nicky what are you going to say to him?" Justin asked.

"I don't know." Nick stated. "Maybe we don't have to say anything and just act like we don't know about this."

"That's not going to work Nicky." Justin stated. "You have to talk to


"Why don't we both talk to him." Nick stated. "We are both involved in this matter. He's in love with you and I'm his brother."

"That sounds okay, but I don't want this to cause problems between you and your brother." Justin stated.

"I don't think it will cause problems, but knowing Aaron, he might turn this into jealousy and do something stupid to break us up or something." Nick stated.

"Your brother is too nice to do something like that to us." Justin stated.

"You don't know my brother very well." Nick stated. "Do you remember the Hillary Duff scandal?"

"Yeah I remember that very well, it was only a few months back." Justin stated.

"Aaron is the one that sent the pictures in of her and the new guy to the tabloids." Nick stated.

"Aaron did that? Why?" Justin asked.

"Because she dumped him." Nick stated. "For someone reason, my brother doesn't like competition and he hates to loose."

"Ah." Justin stated. "I hope he doesn't make himself out to be a scorn lover or something like that. I hardly know him."

"I bet the wheels in his mind are already spinning." Nick stated as the phone rang on the table. "Hello?"

"Nick, Les. Mom is here and she has that look on her face and she's on her way to my room. I didn't tell her what room you were in, but you can beat that Aaron will tell her." Leslie stated.

"Oh great." Nick stated into the phone. "Thanks for the heads up."

"What's going on Nicky?" Justin asked.

"Mom's here and she's looking for me and Aaron." Nick stated.

"Why?" Justin asked.

"We are fugitives away from her." Nick stated. "I ran away yesterday remember?"

"Yeah, but I thought you were just using a metaphor or something, I didn't think you really ran away from home Nick, you are a grown man." Justin stated.

"Yeah, but when you run away from home when everyone's upset and you don't call and tell people where you are, that's a big no-no in Jane Carter's book." Nick stated. "Come on, you need to get dressed before she gets here."

"Alright, I will go get my stuff and head down to my room." Justin stated as there was a knock at the door and both of them froze in their tracks.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 13

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