My Kinda Guy

Published on Oct 16, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 28 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel -- Aaron's Room //

"I am not going anywhere with you, get out of here and leave us alone." Frankie stated.

"Oh you are coming or you can kiss your fucking career goodbye Mr. Agent Cody Banks!" Hillary screamed.

"Do what you want, but I am not leaving here with you." Frankie stated.

"Frankie, maybe you better go, I am not worth jeopardizing your career

over." Aaron stated.

"No. I am not going anywhere with that spoiled brat." Frankie stated. "I am going to stay here with you."

"Frankie I think you just better go with her." Aaron stated. "I am not worth the trouble."

"You are worth the trouble." Frankie stated. "I am in love with you, she is just mad that I don't have the same feelings for her. She's just a jealous Ice Queen."

"A jealous Ice Queen, I will show you jealous!" Hillary stated, walking over to Frankie and punching him in the eye.

"Owwww! What the hell you hit me for you silly bitch!?!" Frankie screamed.

"I hit you for calling me an ice queen." Hillary stated, as she punched him again. "And that was for calling me a silly bitch."

"What is going on in here?" Aaron's sister Leslie asked as she walked into the room.

"She's what's going on in here, she hit him and she won't leave." Aaron stated.

"Let me get Security up here. I don't tolerate violence in my hotel." Leslie spoke.

"I am not violent." Hillary spoke.

"Oh yes hell she is." Frankie stated, moving his hand to reveal the black eye that Hillary had given him.

"Oh my god Frankie, does it hurt?" Aaron asked, bending down next to Frankie to hold his face.

"Yeah kinda." Frankie stated.

"Let me get you some ice to put on that." Aaron stated as he got up, walked into the bathroom and retrieved a facecloth, then walked into the small kitchenette and retrieved some ice out of the freezer. "Here babe, put this one it."

"Owww." Frankie stated, as the cold cloth touched his eye.

"What's the problem Ms. Carter?" The security officer asked, walking up to the door as Leslie was standing there waiting.

"Have her escorted back to her room so she can gather her things, then escort her out of the hotel." Leslie stated. "Allow her time to make arrangements necessary to leave her."

"Will do Ms. Carter." The security officer stated, as he waited for Hillary to come with him.

"I don't believe this is happening. I am getting kicked out of the hotel because of you two faggots." Hillary stated, walking past Aaron and Frankie sitting on the floor.

"That kind of language isn't tolerated here either." Leslie stated. "For your future reference, you are not allowed in this hotel again."

"What! I don't believe this." Hillary stated, walking out of the room with the officer.

"Are you two okay?" Leslie asked.

"I'm fine, Frankie is the one that's hurt." Aaron stated.

"Let me see that." Leslie stated. "Whoa, she got you good. I think you need to go down to the Infirmary and let one of the docs in there take a look at that."

"Alright. Thanks miss." Frankie stated.

"Call me Leslie." Leslie stated.

"Thanks Leslie." Frankie stated. "Let me go get dressed and I will go get this looked at."

"Do you want to press charges against her?" Leslie asked.

"Yes, to the full extent of the law." Aaron stated.

// JC's House //

"Mmmmmmmmmm, oh Joe, that feels so hot." JC moaned. "Do it again."

"I knew you would like that." Joey stated.

"Well sure I do, you are doing it." JC stated.

"That sounded so corny." Joey stated.

"Oh shut up and stop wasting time." JC stated. "You had my engine perking, so get back to it."

"Fine." Joey stated, making a fake pout as he continued to rub his cock in the crevice of JC's ass, while lying on top of JC. "I am close to coming Josh, how about you?"

"Almost, but not there yet." JC stated.

"Well if you don't get there soon, your ass is going to be coated in my man juice." Joey stated.

"Well if you say it like that, here." JC stated, handing Joey a condom and some lube.

"What do you want me to do with this?" Joey asked.

"Well first, I want you to open that little bottle there and squirt some on your dick, then rub it around, then I want you to put the condom on your dick then I want you to squirt some of that liquid on your fingers and then massage them into my hole so you can fuck me." JC explained.

"Josh, I don't know...are you sure?" Joey asked.

"Yes I am sure, if I wasn't do you think I would be offering myself to you?" JC asked, kissing Joey passionately on the lips. "No hurry up, I want you in me now."

"Okay Josh." Joey stated, doing as he was told. "Let me know if I am hurting you."

"Just go slow and be gentle." JC stated as Joey eased into him and the two of them started having sex.

// New York -- MTV Studios -- Carson Daly's Office //

"So what's going to happen to Damien baby?" Lance asked, finally sitting down in a chair in front of Carson's desk.

"I don't know." Carson stated. "Has Justin and Nick said anything about legal matters?"

"At the moment I don't know. I used all my time with them to stop them from fighting and to get back together." Lance stated.

"What?" Carson asked. "They broke up?"

"Apparently yes." Lance stated. "Nick left Justin after all of this started."

"That stupid Damien, I wish I could fire his ass for this." Carson spoke.

"Everything's going to be okay baby, don't get upset." Lance stated.

"Well they are your friends baby, he didn't have to do that to them. From what I have heard and read so far, he only did it because he was jealous of Justin being with Nick." Carson stated. "Jealousy isn't a reason to out someone."

"No it isn't but that's basically how it happens sometimes." Lance stated. "Remember what happened when Danielle found out about us."

"Don't bring that back up baby, that was so long ago." Carson stated.

"Yeah it was, but we got through it." Lance stated.

"Yeah we did." Carson stated. "So how did Justin take it finding out about us?"

"Well I didn't tell him about us, I only told him about me." Lance stated.

"What, why?" Carson asked.

"Well telling him I was gay was enough for him to take in, I thought I would plan a dinner for the four of us and we can all get to know each other that way." Lance stated.

"That sounds great." Carson stated. "When is this dinner?"

"Tonight." Lance stated. "It seems the two of them are headed for a small unknown vacation."

"A small unknown vacation?" Carson asked.

"Yeah, Justin wouldn't tell Nick or me where the two of them were going, he said that they needed some personal alone time away from everybody." Lance stated.

"With everything that has happened, I don't blame him." Carson stated. "Do you think he's going to be happy about the two of us being married?"

"I don't know, but we will just have to roll with the flow." Lance stated. "What time is it anyway?"

"It's just a little bit after two." Carson stated.

"Baby I am starving, let's go eat." Lance stated.

"Alright, come on." Carson stated grabbing Lance's hand and the two of them walking out of Carson's office.

// Grand Hilton Hotel -- Justin and Nick's Room //

"That was amazing baby." Justin stated, pulling Nick down to kiss him on the lips.

"It sure was baby." Nick stated. "Want to try round two?"

"Round two?" Justin asked.

"Yeah." Nick stated, placing his hand on Justin's crotch and grabbing the bottle of lube. "Let me just put some of this down there and a little bit down here and you can grab a condom and put it on and we can go the next round."

"Oh yeah." Justin stated.

"Damn that's big, baby go slow, that looks like it's going to hurt." Nick stated.

"We don't have to if you are not ready." Justin stated.

"I am ready, I just don't know if I can take that monster." Nick stated.

"Well we have the rest of our lives to find out." Justin stated, kissing Nick passionately.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 29

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