My Kinda Guy

Published on Nov 16, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 34 by JT Poole

// Chicago, IL -- The Hospital -- The Waiting Room //

"Hello?" Joey asked, speaking into his cell phone.

"Where are you?" Lance asked.

"I am still in Chicago with my friend." Joey stated.

"Why? I thought you all were on your way to my place?" Lance asked.

"We were." Joey stated. "There was a problem, so we are still here at the hospital with Nikki."

"Oh my, what happened?" Lance asked.

"Her husband, my brother Michael, beat her up and now I think she has had some complications with her pregnancy." Joey stated.

"You mean the guy your parents adopted? I thought he ran away?" Lance asked.

"He did, but he kept in contact with me and then he married my best from High School." Joey stated, explaining some past events to Lance. "The two of them have been living here in Chicago for the last couple of years."

"Oh okay. Will what's the plan? I thought you guys needed someplace to

go?" Lance asked.

"We do, but right now with her in the hospital, we are stuck and I am not going to leave her like this." Joey stated.

"Tell you what, I will come there." Lance stated. "Where in Chicago are you?"

"We are at Loyola University Hospital." Joey spoke.

"Okay. I will hope a plane and I will see you guys as soon as I can." Lance stated. "You guys are in my prayers."

"Thanks Lance." Joey stated, hanging up the cell phone.

"There you are." JC stated, walking into the waiting room to see Joey. "Nikki is asking about you."

"Where is she?" Joey asked.

"She's in the OB Ward. Man she doesn't look good." JC stated.

"What do you mean by that?" Joey asked running down the corridor to Nikki's room.

Opening the door, Joey saw a terrible sight. There lied Nikki in a bed with so many devices connected to her.

"What is all this stuff?" Joey asked. "Is she alright under there?"

"Well that's a fetal heart monitor to check the baby's heartbeat and it's also monitoring any contractions she's having." JC stated.

"What's in the IV?" Joey asked.

"Well she has a saline drip to keep her from being dehydrated and some pain meds to help her with the pain she is feeling." JC stated.

"Oh Nikki." Joey stated, walking besides the bed. "I am so sorry for what he did to you. I should have been here sooner."

"It's not your fault Tony. I should have left him a long time ago." Nikki spoke in a weak voice.

"Yes it is my fault. I knew what he was doing." Joey stated, grabbing Nikki's hand.

"Owwww!" Nikki moaned out. "Owwwwwwwwww...something's wrong! The baby is coming!"

"What! Already?" Joey spoke, running out of the room.

"Okay Nikki calm down." JC spoke.

"You calm down!" Nikki stated, grabbing JC by the collar of his shirt, pulling him down to here and speaking directly in his face. "You go with him and find someone to deliver this baby now!"

"Oh my god." JC stated, getting scared, getting away from Nikki and running out of the room.

// Cozumel on the Eastern Coast of Mexico -- Early in the Evening -- Justin and Nick's Cottage //

"That rain didn't spoil the whole day." Justin stated. "We did get to come back here and have fun."

"Yeah, a little bit too much fun, you wore me out baby." Nick stated, breathing heavy.

"I wore you out? Hell you wore me out during round three, I was praying to God that he give me some energy to keep up with you." Justin stated.

"Well you were able to. I am glad you took it easy with me, it was pure pleasure." Nick stated.

"Being inside you Nicky is like pure bliss." Justin stated.

"I felt the same thing inside you." Nick stated. "I love it when you meet my thrusts"

"I love it when you make those sexy noises." Justin spoke.

"I just love everything about you." Nick stated, leaning up to kiss Justin on the lips.

"I love everything about you. I wouldn't change anything." Justin stated, rolling over. "How about we start round seven."

"Round seven, I don't know about that." Nick stated. "Who's on top?"

"It doesn't matter. I am feeling horny." Justin stated, rolling on top of Nick, straddling his waist. "Go ahead and fuck me Nicky, you know you want to."

"Oh yeah baby." Nick stated, reaching over to the coffee table and grabbing a condom and the lube.

"Wait, don't put on the condom." Justin stated.

"What? Why not?" Nicky asked.

"I want to feel `you' in me." Justin spoke, leaning down to kiss Nick on the lips.

"Are you sure?" Nick asked.

"I trust that you are disease free and I know you are clean." Justin stated.

"Okay baby." Nick stated, squirting lube on his dick and entering Justin slowly.

// Los Angeles, CA -- Frankie Muniz's Home //

"Welcome to my home." Frankie stated, opening the door for he and Aaron.

"Wow baby this place is huge for just you." Aaron stated as he and Frankie walked into the house.

"Well actually it's for me and my sisters. I have the extra rooms for them and friends that stop by." Aaron stated.

"That's cool." Aaron stated.

"Come on." Frankie stated, grabbing Aaron by the hand. "Let's go up to our room."

"Our room?" Aaron asked.

"Yes our room. The room that me and you will be staying in while we are here." Frankie stated.

"Okay, slow down." Aaron stated, as he was pulled along up the stairs.

"This is our room." Frankie stated.

"Cool room, I love those windows." Aaron stated.

"I thought you would." Frankie stated. "Why don't we break in the room for us."

"What do you mean by that?" Aaron asked.

"I'm horny, let's fuck." Frankie stated, pulling Aaron's shirt over his head and attacking his neck with kisses. "Fuck me."

"Damn baby, you got me hard as a rock. Do you have some lube in here?" Aaron asked, pulling Frankie's pants down and groping his ass.

"Oh yeah baby, just go ahead and push it in." Frankie moaned.

"Without lube?" Aaron asked as Frankie pushed him down on the bed and straddled his waist and sat down on his dick causing both of them to moan.

"Shit baby, that feels sooooo good. Just go slow and then you know what to do." Frankie stated, moving his body up and down on Aaron's dick as the both of them moaned in pleasure.

"Frankie you are doing too much to me." Aaron stated, closing his eyes. "If you keep doing that, you are going to make me cum."

"Cum baby, I want to feel your juice deep within me." Frankie stated as he increased his movements on Aaron's dick.

"Oh baby, you are going to get what you wantttttt!" Aaron screamed out. "I 'm cumming!"

"Do it baby, do it!" Frankie screamed as he felt Aaron's manjuice deep within his bowels. "I'm cumming too."

"Damn baby that was hot." Aaron stated as Frankie rolled off of him. "Let' s go take a shower."

"Follow me baby." Frankie stated as the two of them got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom holding hands and kissing each other along the way.

// Chicago, IL -- The Hospital -- Nikki's Room //

"What's wrong with her? Can you just tell me if she's okay?" Joey asked the nurse that walked out of the room.

"She's getting ready to give birth to her babies." The nurse spoke.

"Her babies?" Joey asked.

"Yes her babies." The nurse spoke. "Her sonogram shows that she is carrying twins."

"Twins?" Joey spoke as his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell to the floor.

"Can we get someone down here to help him, he has fainted." The nurse called out, bending down to hold Joey's head off the floor. "I guess that was a surprise to him. Is he the father?"

"No, he's not the father. The father is in jail." JC stated.

"Jail?" The nurse asked.

"Yeah. He's the one that caused her problems." JC stated.

"Oh, so she's the domestic abuse case with the complications." The nurse spoke.

"Yeah I guess so, unless you have other women in here that are pregnant that get beat up by their stupid husbands." JC stated with a sarcastic tone.

"Sorry sir I wasn't trying to be rude or anything." The nurse spoke.

"Yeah whatever." JC spoke as some other nurses came along to help the first nurse with Joey as JC stepped back and let them do their thing.

"I need some of you in here. She's crowning!" The doctor called out.

"I want some fucking drugs!" Nikki screamed. "I can't take this fucking pain!"

"Just hold on Mrs. Valente, I can see the head of one of the babies now." The doctor spoke.

"One of the babies? What the hell do you mean one of the babies?!" Nikki screamed out.

"Ma'am you are having twins." The doctor spoke.

"Twins!" Nikki screamed. "I am not having twins! Someone would have told me before now if I was having twins!"

"Well miss you are having twins and you are having them now." The doctor stated as Nikki continued screaming as JC and Joey walked into the room, Joey with a bandage around his head.

"Tony! I am having fucking twins!" Nikki screamed out.

"I know I know." Joey stated.

"I am going to kill Michael when I see him again. It's his fucking fault that I am in this pain! I want drugs! Give me drugs, give me something to stop this fucking pain!" Nikki screamed.

"Doctor isn't there something you can give her to help with the pain?" Joey asked.

"Well the first baby is already born." The doctor stated. "One more big push and she will be done."

"Oh my god." JC stated as he looked over and Nikki and fainted.

"What is it with you two with this fainting?" The nurse asked, motioning for another nurse to come over and help JC.

"Well we don't deal with this kind of stuff all the time." Joey stated.

"I see." The nurse stated.

"Hurry up, get that thing outta me!" Nikki screamed as she continued pushing.

"Just try to stay calm Nikki, you have only one to go." Joey stated.

"Shut up Tony, get the hell out of my face with that shit! You are not feeling the pain I am feeling!" Nikki screamed at Joey.

"Congratulations Mrs. Valente you have two cute little baby boys." The doctor spoke as Nikki stopped screaming and blacked out.

"Doctor something's wrong. Her blood pressure is dropping." The nurse stated.

"What!" Joey yelled. "What's going on?"

"Calm down Mr. Fatone, just go outside and we can see what's going on." The doctor stated.

"I am not leaving her side." Joey stated.

"Mr. Fatone please go outside, we don't need you in the way of things." The doctor stated as the heart monitor started beeping. "Code Red Code Red!"

"We need a crash cart in here stat!" The nurse screamed.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 35

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