My Kinda Guy

Published on Jan 24, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 48 by JT Poole

// Molokai, HI -- Early Thursday Morning -- Kaluakoi Villas -- Justin and Nick's Room //

"Baby, baby wake up." Nick stated, shaking Justin lightly.

"Baby, is something wrong?" Justin asked, sitting up in bed.

"Well yeah, someone is knocking at the door. Who knows we are here?" Nick asked.

"What time is it?" Justin asked.

"It's almost seven, why?" Nick asked.

"Mom is supposed to arrive at the airport here around eight." Justin stated, grabbing a robe and going to the door. "I guess I will see who this is and run them off. It is too early to be bothered."

"See who it is first baby." Nick stated, getting out of bed grabbing a robe too.

"Who's there?" Justin asked, opening the door to see his mother standing there.

"Is that any way to answer the door?" Lynn Harless asked, standing there looking at Justin.

"Mom, how did you get here?" Justin asked.

"My flight got in early and I just had the taxi bring me here." Lynn stated, walking through the door past Justin. "So are you two ready to go get things started?"

"No ma, it's too early. We are tired and still sleepy." Justin whined.

"Oh stop. You can sleep later. We need to get you two married." Lynn stated, smiling widely. "I am so happy for you. I must admit I was hoping that you married a nice young lady one day, but as long as you are happy."

"Yes I am happy momma." Justin stated, hugging Nick and kissing him on the cheek.

"Well I am glad." Lynn stated. "We have to go see a priest, and someone about the food. I already got a place reserved for the reception, we just need to deal with the church."

"You have done that already?" Justin asked.

"Yes, I have my connections you know." Lynn stated. "We just have to worry about getting some small details taken care of, then you two can walk down that aisle on Saturday."

"Wow momma, you have been working." Justin stated.

"That's right. I want to see you happy." Lynn stated. "Now get your backsides in gear, we have more things to do."

"Oh alright." Justin stated.

"Oh honey, can I speak to you in private for just a moment?" Lynn spoke, motion for Justin to come over to where she was standing.

"What's up ma?" Justin asked.

"Justin have you been drinking again?" Lynn asked.

"What?" Justin asked.

"I said have you been drinking again?" Lynn asked, this time getting a shameful look on her face.

"I don't know what you are talking about ma." Justin stated.

"Don't play games with me Justin. I know about the drinking." Lynn stated. "I thought you would have stopped now that you have met him, but I see you haven't."

"I am not drinking." Justin stated.

"Stop lying to me boy. I know you are drinking. I can see it in your eyes." Lynn stated. "I know things have been rough for you for the last couple of months, but you can't go on drinking. Drinking will destroy your life like your father's."

"I am not lying." Justin stated, turning away from his mother.

"Don't you walk away from me Justin, I am not done talking to you." Lynn stated.

"We are done talking here." Justin stated.

"If you walk away Justin, I will have you committed." Lynn stated, getting Justin's attention.

"You would what!?!" Justin snapped, turning around to look at his mother with anger writing across his face.

"How could you do this to me, now?" Justin asked.

"I am not doing anything to you Justin, you are doing it to yourself." Lynn stated.

"No I am not you and everyone else." Justin stated, sitting down in the chair next to Lynn, not noticing Nick listening around the corner.

"Justin honey. I know the last few months haven't been what you expected, but you didn't have to turn to alcohol." Lynn stated. "I am here for you."

"Oh yeah sure. Like you were there when I told you that I was breaking up with Brit and how I didn't want to do this anymore." Justin stated, making strange hand gestures. "That's not being there for me. All I got was more and more work and lots and lots of stress about breaking up with her. That should have been your sign then that I wasn't happy."

"I'm sorry honey. I didn't know things were that bad for you." Lynn stated.

"Well now you do." Justin stated. "Dealing with being gay, coming to terms with everything else that has happened is a lot to handle alone."

"You are not alone, you have Nick now, and you two are about to be married." Lynn stated.

"Yes I have him, but he has problems of his own. I don't want to dump my problems in his lap too." Justin stated, crying softly.

"But that's what it means to share our lives together." Nick stated, walking around the corner. "I love you Justin, and I know you love me. You know about my problems and help me through them, let me help you with yours."

"Oh no, Nicky." Justin stated, putting his head down, crying harder now.

"Baby, it's going to be okay." Nick stated, walking over to the chair where Justin sat, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him on his cheek. "I love you Justin Timberlake-Carter."

"So you are going to take his name?" Lynn asked, looking at Justin.

"Well we are taking each other's name. I will add his to mine and he's adding mine to his." Justin stated, sniffling.

"Well I think I better go to my room. You two spend some time with each other now, I will be back later." Lynn stated, getting up and kissing Justin on the cheek. "I will go ahead and say it now. Welcome to the family Nick."

"Thank you Mrs. Harless." Nick stated.

"Stop that. I'm Lynn to you now." Lynn stated, kissing Nick on the cheek as she grabbed her bag. "You guys come and get me when you are ready to go see the caterer."

"Well do momma." Justin spoke through his sniffles.

"We will see you later Lynn." Nick stated as Lynn walked out the door.

"Baby, I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about this." Justin stated as Nick walked around and sat in Justin's lap.

"Is this the reason why you have been moody as of late?" Nick asked. "The drinking?"

"I guess." Justin stated.

"I never figured you were drinking." Nick stated, frowning. "I guess that's something I didn't pay attention to."

"I did my best to keep you from noticing." Justin stated, caressing the side of Nick's face. "I'm so sorry Nicky, I should have told you all of this. I should have never started drinking."

"It's okay baby. I just don't want you to make yourself sick with drinking. You can talk to me about anything, I will always be here for you, no matter what." Nick stated, kissing Justin.

"Do you forgive me?" Justin asked, looking into Nick's eyes.

"Baby there's nothing to forgive." Nick stated.

"Nicky..." Justin stated as Nick placed a finger to his lips.

"There's nothing to forgive you for." Nick stated, getting up out of Justin's lap, pulling him up out of the chair as the two of them walked back to the bedroom. "Come on, I am still sleepy. Let's go back to bed."

"Okay baby." Justin stated, kissing Nick again as the two of them walked back to the bedroom.

// Orlando, FL -- Thursday Morning -- The Compound //

"Good morning guys." Nikki stated, walking into the kitchen to see Joey, Chris, AJ and Brian sitting at the table.

"Good morning Nikki, how you feeling today?" Joey asked, getting up, grabbing a glass of juice for Nikki. "Here, take this, you look like you need it."

"I am so tired. I didn't get much sleep tonight." Nikki stated. "What are you guys doing up this early?"

"We are getting ready to fly out to Hawaii." Joey stated. "JC, Justin and Nick left already. We are just waiting here for the Johnny to send the other security teams to come get us."

"Why do you guys still need all of this security?' Nikki asked, looking at Brian strangely. "He isn't a threat anymore."

"What do you mean a threat?" Brian asked, getting out of his seat.

"Well sorry guy, but I thought all of this, " Nikki stated, waving her arms around the room, "was because you made threats on Joey's life. Isn't that why JT was called in to go get you guys and bring you all here?"

"Yeah, but..." Joey stated.

"Well it's the truth." Chris stated. "That's why I was told to come here. So far that I know of, there was no other reason Johnny wanted us all here."

"He wanted us here so he could keep a fucking eye on all you faggots." Howie stated, walking into the room.

"Oh here we go again." Nikki stated. "Didn't I tell you about that shit already?"

"Look bitch, don't start that shit again." Howie stated, stepping back away from Nikki as Joey got up to step in between the two of tem.

"Get outta the way Tony, I am gonna kick his ass for calling me a bitch. Get me some Vaseline!" Nikki screamed, pushing Joey out of her way, grabbing for Howie.

"Nikki, Nikki calm down." Joey stated, holding her away from Howie as AJ and Chris jumped up to help him.

"Damn, she's strong." Chris stated, holding on to Nikki's other arm.

"Stop Nikki, we don't need this today." Joey stated, finally picking Nikki up, hefting her on his shoulders, kicking and screaming out of the room.

"Put me down Tony!" Nikki screamed. "I will kick your ass too."

"Hush Nikki." Joey stated, putting Nikki down in the main room.

"You know you are getting on my nerves now Tony. I am going to walk back in there and kick his ass for his crap. If you want some of this, just say so and you can be next in line." Nikki stated, pushing Joey out of her way, heading back to the kitchen.

"Stop Nikki!" Joey screamed, grabbing Nikki by the arms as she turned quickly, slapping him in the face.

"I fucking warned you!" Nikki stated, walking into the kitchen getting up in Howie's face as Chris, AJ and Ted, part of the new security team, ran over to stop her.

"Ma'am I am not going to let you hurt anyone in here." Ted spoke.

"Get the hell off of me!" Nikki screamed, kicking and thrashing around again.

"Take her to her room and lock her in until she calms down." Joey stated as one of the other guys came over and spoke to them.

"There's someone here for Nicole Valente." The guy spoke.

"Who would be here looking for me?" Nikki asked, getting a scared look on her face.

"Well come on, put her down." Joey stated, grabbing Nikki's hand as he and her walked to the door, scared of what they might find.

"Nicole Valente?" The man spoke.

"Yes I'm she." Nikki spoke.

"You've been served." The man spoke, handing Nikki an envelope and walking away.

"What the hell." Nikki stated. "That was a process server."

"What does it say?" Joey asked, walking Nikki over to the sofa.

"Give me a moment." Nikki stated, opening the envelope and reading the letter. "Oh fuck."

"What is it?" Joey asked.

"It's Michael. He's petitioned the court for custody of the twins." Nikki stated.

"What!" Joey screamed as AJ, Chris, Brian and Ted came running into the room.

"What's going on?" Chris asked, walking over to Joey.

"Her damn husband is what's going on." Joey stated. "What is it that he wants from you now to be served like this?"

"He wants the babies to be with him in Brooklyn." Nikki stated, hugging Joey now.

"What the hell is he trying to pull? He can't take care of children in his condition and when he was here, he said he wanted nothing to do with the children."

"I know that Tony, I know." Nikki stated, crying now. "I think he's doing this to hurt me."

"I think he's doing it so he can hurt you or possibly kill you. I think he has something up his sleeve and he's just trying to get you closer to him." Joey stated, getting up, pulling his cell phone out and dialing a number.

"Who you calling Tony?" Nikki asked.

"Mom." Joey stated

// New York -- A Townhouse Apartment Complex //

"Okay this is where they are supposed to be." JT stated, knocking on the door to the apartment.

"He's still not answering the phone." Barry stated.

"Well someone needs to open this door." JT stated, as a woman walked down the hall towards them.

"May I help you gentlemen?" The woman asked.

"We are looking for the people that live in this apartment." JT stated.

"No one lives in this apartment, this place has been vacant for the last six months." The woman spoke.

"Vacant?" JT asked. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure sir. The lady moved in down the hall with her husband." The woman stated.

"Hmmm, maybe we have the wrong place." JT stated, grabbing the folder out of his backpack and pulling out the address information. "Thank you ma'am for your assistance."

"You are welcome." The woman stated, walking away from them.

"Well this says they live here." JT stated.

"He's still not answering the phone." Barry stated.

"Maybe you should go by the MTV Studios since that's were Carson works." Kevin spoke.

"That's a good idea." JT stated, walking towards the door with Kevin and Barry following him.

// Back in Orlando, FL -- The Compound //

"May I help you?" Ted asked, opening the door to see two guys and a woman standing at the door.

"I am here to see my brother." Aaron spoke, waiting for Ted to let him, Frankie and his mother in.

"And who would your brother be?" Ted asked.

"I'm Aaron Carter and my brother is Nick Carter." Aaron spoke.

"Mr. Carter is no longer here. He left yesterday." Ted spoke.

"Left? Where did he go?" Aaron asked.

"Him and Justin went to a secret location." Ted stated.

"Oh great." Aaron stated. "Well are the others here?"

"The others?" Ted asked.

"The rest of the Backstreet Boys and N Sync?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, they are scattered throughout the house." Ted stated. "Come in."

"Hello there." Frankie stated, speaking to Britney Spears as she walked up behind them.

"What's going on here?" Britney asked, pushing Frankie to the side.

"Britney what are you doing here?" Aaron asked.

"I was told to come here, that there was something here I needed to see." Britney stated.

"You were invited to the wedding?" Aaron asked, looking at Britney strangely.

"Who's getting married?" Britney asked, causing Jane, Frankie and Aaron to turn and look at her like she had a third eye.

"You don't know?" Aaron asked, trying to pick her for information.

"All I know is that I got this letter telling me to come here to see something." Britney stated as Ted ushered everyone into the house.

"Oh great." Aaron stated. "This is going to be one of those days."

"What's going on here?" Britney asked.

"Well Britney..." Jane stated, grabbing Britney's hand and pulling her over to a chair. "Justin and Nick are getting married."

"What the fuck do you mean Justin and Nick are getting married? Nick Carter?" Britney asked, looking at Jane like she was crazy.

"Yes my son Nick." Jane stated. "You didn't know this?"

"No I didn't know this? Justin's gay?" Britney asked.

"Girl where have you been?" Aaron asked. "This has been all over the news for the last few months."

"I have been in Europe for the last couple of months." Britney stated.

"Europe? And you still don't know? It's not like Europe doesn't have MTV." Aaron stated.

"I don't fucking believe this. Is Nick the reason Justin broke up with me?" Britney asked, furious now.

"I don't know anything about that, but I know that wherever they are, they will be getting married soon." Aaron stated.

"Over my dead body!" Britney stated, grabbing her bag and leaving the room frantically.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 49

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