My Kinda Guy

Published on Jan 29, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 50 -- A by JT Poole

// Hawaii -- Midnight (Friday) -- The Hotel Deck Area //

"What the hell are you doing out here?" Howie asked, walking past Nikki.

"Minding my fucking business creep." Nikki stated, getting out of her chair and walking over to Howie. "I have had a bad fucking night and I don't need you bothering me and making it worse."

"I am not bothering you. This is a public area." Howie stated.

"What the fuck ever man. Don't make me get all up in ya shit." Nikki stated, waving her finger in Howie's face.

"Why are you such a bitch?" Howie asked.

"Did you just call me a bitch?" Nikki asked, grabbing Howie by the collar of his shirt, and pulling him closer to her face.

"Yeah I did." Howie stated, trying to back away from Nikki, as she still held him by his collar.

"Well say it again, while I have us face to face." Nikki stated. "I dare you, I double dog dare you to say it again. We are here alone and there's no one here to get me off ya ass."

"You are not going to do a damn thing to me." Howie stated, pushing away from Nikki. "You're nothing but talk."

"Nothing but talk, I will show you talk." Nikki stated, turning around and slapping at Howie as he ducked and she missed, falling on top of him. "See nothing but talk."

"Why I ought to kick ya ass." Nikki stated, getting up off of Howie.

"Do it then. You keep saying you are gonna do it, then do it." Howie stated, grabbing Nikki by her arm, forcing her to face him. "Kick my ass. Do it."

"Let go of me." Nikki stated, trying to pull away from Howie.

"I am not going to let you go until you kick my ass." Howie stated.

"Oh you will let me go." Nikki stated, punching Howie in the chest, causing him to double over, clutching at his chest. "I told you to let me go."

"You hit me, you actually hit me." Howie stated, still clutching his chest as he started coughing. "Kill me why don't you."

"I am not trying to kill you." Nikki stated.

"What do you call it? I am already dying, now here you are trying to knock my fucking heart out." Howie stated, getting up off the ground.

"Did you just say you are already dying?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah, so what. What do you care?" Howie spoke, stepping away from Nikki.

"Oh my God, what's wrong?" Nikki asked, pulling Howie over to one of the lounge chairs.

"I have a heart condition," Howie stated, moving back on the lounge chair, "which you might have worsened when you just hit me."

Oh my God, I didn't know." Nikki stated, grabbing his hand. "Is that the reason you have been such an asshole to everyone?"

"I haven't been an asshole." Howie stated.

"Yes you have. You have mistreated every gay person around us and you know it." Nikki stated.

"So I have a problem with gays, so what. They are going to die anyway, it's a sin against God." Howie stated.

"Oh you really need help." Nikki stated.

"The only help I need...oh fuck it." Howie stated.

"What? What kind of help do you need?" Nikki asked as Howie pulled her down to him and kissed her passionately.

"What the hell are you doing?" Nikki asked, standing up, walking away from Howie.

"Oh don't act like you didn't enjoy that as much as I did." Howie stated.

"Don't kid yourself loser." Nikki stated, walking towards the hotel lobby doors.

"Nikki don't. Don't go." Howie called out to her.

"Why the hell not?" Nikki asked, turning around and looking at Howie as he walked up behind her.

"Because I don't want you to go, I want you to stay here." Howie stated,

"Why and the hell would I want to stay somewhere with a homophobic jerk?" Nikki asked, looking at Howie.

"I am not a homophobic jerk." Howie stated, getting offended now.

"What do you call it when a straight guy, such as yourself, goes around mistreating gay guys like you do?" Nikki stated, voicing her question to him. "Ever since you have been around you have made it your goal to put Nick, Justin, JC, Joey, Chris, AJ and JT down, and from the screams I heard the night you and Kevin arrived in Orlando, you had given him a hard time too."

"I have my reasons." Howie stated.

"There is no reason for you to go around hurting people on purpose that haven't done anything to you." Nikki stated.

"Oh that's calling the kettle black. From what I heard you used to slap JC on a daily basis for the hell of it." Howie stated. "So don't judge me unless you are prepared to get it back."

"Our situations are not the same." Nikki stated, turning and walking away from Howie again. "I didn't slap Josh because he was gay, I slapped him because he got on my nerves. There's a big difference between me and you. I am not going around slapping everyone the way you are harassing them."

"Whatever Nikki, I am not the same as you. You slapped him and pissed him off and I said some things to piss someone off. You are no better than me. You can't hold me on some clipboard as doing wrong when you have done wrong yourself." Howie stated. "I liked you, but fuck it, I don't care anymore now."

"Oh yeah, like I am supposed to believe a line like that. A person like you can't like somebody. You are filled with too much hate." Nikki stated, turning around. "I sense too much hate and evil in you."

"Fuck off Nikki, just fuck off." Howie stated, walking away with tears in his eyes.

"Oh fucking God, he's crying. He's crying." Nikki stated to herself, walking behind Howie.

"Leave me alone Nikki." Howie stated, feeling Nikki touch his shoulder. "Just leave me alone. I must have been out of my mind thinking that you would understand anything."

"What am I supposed to understand?" Nikki asked.

"I know I was a jerk, but I had a good reason to be a jerk." Howie stated. "You don't know how it feels do you? You don't know how it feels to be on the receiving end of an attack from someone."

"Oh you really don't know a thing about me, nothing about me at all." Nikki stated.

"Oh like you are so righteous." Howie stated, pushing past Nikki, and walking towards the lobby days now. "Maybe when you feel that you can see past the things that someone has done, then maybe we can talk."

"Maybe we can talk! Oh yeah you have really gotten on my nerves enough for one night. You are the only guy besides my abusive fucking husband that has gotten on my nerves as much."

"Your abusive husband?" Howie asked, stopping in his tracks. "Your husband abused you? I'm so sorry."

"Yes I have an abusive husband." Nikki stated, sitting back down in the lounge chair. "I am married to a guy that I just discovered to be gay and wanted me dead."

"Wanted you dead? Oh my God, that's terrible." Howie stated, walking back over to Nikki and sitting down next to her on the chair.

"Yes he wanted me dead because he was in love with Joey." Nikki stated, slowly crying.

"Wait. You saying your husband was in love with Joey? Joey Fatone?" Howie asked.

"Yeah one in the same." Nikki stated. "I met Joey a long time ago in High School."

"Where did you meet your husband?" Howie asked.

"Michael is Joey's adopted brother." Nikki stated. "We all kinda grew up together, just Michael was the shy one."

"Oh and so how did you and him get together?" Howie asked.

"Well we got together after I had graduated high school and broken up with Joey." Nikki stated.

"You dated Joey first?" Howie asked. "So you dated both of them? Did they know about the other?"

"I dated Joey first, but after he left to join N Sync, I was alone and well, well Michael was the next best thing." Nikki stated, wiping her eyes now. "After being with him for so long, I actually fell in love with him. We got married and that's about it."

"This is the same guy that abused you and you loved him?" Howie asked, retrieving a handkerchief from his pocket and handing it to Nikki.

"Yeah I loved him, but I later found out that he only married me because he was trying to hide his secret." Nikki stated, as Howie pulled her close to his chest hugging her. "He didn't love me, he was only using me as a cover. When I got tired of him going out all the time and confronted him about his ways, he started abusing me. I found out that he abused me because I was able to be with Tony and he wasn't."

"That sounds screwed up Nikki." Howie stated, rubbing her back. "I know you are mean, but you don't deserved to be beat on because you were with someone that he wasn't able to get."

"That's the point, he thinks he still has a chance of getting Tony. He still loves him and he is doing everything he can think of to get back at me for ever being with Tony." Nikki stated, rubbing her eyes. "I just don't know what to do about it anymore. Tony got me away from him and he still was able to do something to hurt me."

"It's going to be alright Nikki." Howie stated, hugging her again.

"How can you sit here and tell me it's going to be alright? He has kicked my ass time and time again and each time I run away he finds me or sends someone else to find me. I am tired of running from him now. When Tony and Josh brought me with them, they said I would never have to run from him again, but they lied. Since being with them, he has tried to kill me again." Nikki stated, crying full out now.

"Shhhh, it's going to be okay Nikki. I promise you that." Howie stated, trying to comfort Nikki.

"No, I have to go." Nikki stated, pulling out of his arms and walking back towards the hotel lobby.

// New York -- MTV Studios //

"I need to purchase a ticket on the next flight to Molokai Hawaii." Damien stated, speaking to a travel agent/

"When would you like to leave sir?" The person asked.

"As soon as I can. I need to get there as soon as possible." Damien spoke.

"Alright Mr. Fahey, I have reserved a ticket here for you. Your flight number is 102578 and your ticket is for American Airlines Flight #456. You can pick up your ticket and boarding pass when you arrive sir. Your flight is scheduled to leave in a few hours." The person spoke. "When you arrive here at the airport, just pick up your ticket and board your plane then."

"Thank you April and have a good morning." Damien stated, hanging up the phone. "Oh yes, Nick and Justin will regret ever crossing me wrong and that damn Carson and Lance will regret it too."

// Seattle, WA -- Airport //

"How long am I going to be stuck here?" Britney asked the woman behind the counter.

"Look ma'am I am sorry your plane had to land, but due to some problems with the FAA, we had to ground all planes." The representative spoke.

"I have some place to be. When do we get to leave?" Britney asked, pounding her fist on the counter.

"You will leave when the FAA clears your plane and the others to leave. Take a seat, there's nothing I or you can do about the situation right now." The representative spoke, glaring at Britney.

"Are you giving me face?" Britney asked, leaning over the counter, getting into the representative's face.

"Step back miss." The representative stated. "I will not hesitate to call security for you."

"Call whoever you want, but I am not leaving this counter until you give me a reasonable answer to my question." Britney stated, grabbing the phone behind the counter. "Call your supervisor or manager and get them here right now."

"That's it." The representative stated, grabbing the phone from Britney, pressing a button on the phone, turning on the PA system. "Security to CS counter, Security to CS counter."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 51

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