My Kinda Guy

Published on Apr 11, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Twilight In Paris Chapter 4 by MzNikkiGotStyle and JT Poole

// Nikki's Room -- Post Brian Beatdown //

"Oh God...what have I done?" Nikki wondered aloud as she paced the room, tears running down her face. She stopped with her back against the wall nearest the suite door. "I can't believe I said that to him! Even if Brian is the most heartless bastard I know, I should never have said those things to him. Michael was right. I don't deserve to be a mother to those babies. I'm just like my Dad... full of anger."

"Nikki... baby open the door!" Howie yelled, banging desperately on the door in hopes of getting her to open it. "Nikki please. I just want to make sure that you're okay."

"Howie, just go away." Nikki replied, sliding down the wall and pulling her knees up wrapping her arms around her legs. "I don't want to see you right now! I'm fine!"

"Baby, don't you understand that I don't care how you look?" Howie stated. "I just want to look into your eyes and see that you are okay for myself. Then if you still want me to go, I will. Just open the door a crack."

"Alright, alright," Nikki reached up to unlock the door, wrapping her arms back around her legs as Howie walked into the darkened room. "Now you have seen me, so just go back wherever you came from Howie."

"I won't leave you here like this. Now tell me what's wrong." Howie pleaded, kneeling in front of her and forcing her to look up at him.

"Nothing is wrong," Nikki lied, forcing herself to meet his loving gaze steadily without flinching. The war of wills went on for a few seconds before Nikki dropped her gaze, tears coming to her eyes again. "Everything is wrong. I wished death on another person today Howie. I have never said those words to anybody in my life... but I said them to Brian. And the worst part is that I really meant it."

"It's ok mija. We know you were just upset... nobody is holding that against you." Howie stated, wiping the tears from her cheek, then frowning when she jerked her face away.

"You don't understand! My husband was beating me on a daily basis. Hell, he almost killed my sons but I never said those words to him, even though he probably deserved it more than anybody I have ever known did. Yet I said it about Brian. What kind of person am I that I could say those words to him?" Nikki finished, burying her head in Howie's chest and sobbing.

"Baby, listen to me. We all know that you were upset. Besides with all the crap Brian has put you through he deserved to have more than just some harsh words said to him. He's a ruthless, cold-hearted bastard who deserves to have his ass kicked on a daily basis." Howie stated, holding her close to him, placing kisses on her forehead.

"Do you hate me for attacking him?" Nikki asked, playing with the lapels of his shirt.

"Corazón, I could never hate you. I love you too much." Howie replied, pulling her into a searing kiss that left both of them both breathless and needing more. Howie held out a hand to her, helping her up off of the floor and leading her over to the bed to sit with him.

"Do you really love me Howie? I mean, it was just yesterday that you were pissed off with me about shooting those security guards. I want to believe you, but this change of heart seems kind of sudden to me." Nikki states, looking at Howie.

"I think that I have loved you from the first moment that I laid eyes on you Nicole. You are intelligent, loving, caring, and you never once backed down from me. Sure, I was angry about the gun, but I look into your eyes and I see my forever. You could have walked away that first night we were together, but you stayed, even when I told you about what Lou had done to me. You held me and made me feel safe for the first time since that dirt bag hurt me. For that I will always love you." Howie replied, smiling at the stunned look on Nikki's face.

"You really do love me, don't you?" Nikki asked, the tears coming back into her eyes. Howie laughed, taking her into his arms and looking down into her eyes.

"Más que usted sabrá jamás a mi ángel... más que usted sabrá jamás." (More than you'll ever know my angel... more than you'll ever know) Howie replied, claiming her lips again. Howie turned around with her on his lap, laying her on the bed gently. Howie broke the kiss long enough to remove his shirt, pulling Nikki into a sitting position while he peeled her shirt over her head.

"El amor de la marca conmigo" (Make love with me) Nikki said softly, pulling Howie's face down to her. Part of Howie wanted to comply with the heated request, make sweet love to her until she begged for mercy, but another; stronger part was holding him back. Nikki watched the conflicting emotions crossing his face, figuring out what the problem was.

"Howie, look at me. I would never turn my back on you for what Lou Perlman did to you. You are in my heart and soul now nothing will change that." Those softly spoken words gripped his heart, healing a place in him that had been shattered when Lou had taken away his innocence.

"Gracias, ángel hermosa." (Thank you, beautiful angel.) Howie said, kissing Nikki deeply, making her whimper when he began to let his fingers roam over her exposed flesh. Nikki pulled away, looking into his eyes for a second as if trying to decide something. She finally gave a small nod, having made her decision.

"Howie, I want to try something with you if you want to." she stated, looking nervous all of a sudden.

"What do you have in mind corazón?" Howie asked, curiosity filling him.

"Something that will be a lot of fun, but it will also require you to believe that I would never hurt you. Do you want to try it?" Nikki asked.

"Yes, I want to try it." Howie replied, pulling Nikki down on top of him as he lay back on the bed. Nikki pulled slightly away, mischief dancing in her sepia colored eyes.

"Ok. You lie here... I will be right back." Nikki said excitedly, getting off of the bed to rummage around in one of her suitcases. Howie watched her, but soon he drifted off. Nikki stood watching him for a few seconds, smiling softly at how innocent he looked before putting part of her plan into action.

// Howie's POV //

"Howie... baby wake up." I heard as Nikki lay down next to me on the bed, tracing soft circles around my nipples. I moaned, pulling her to me, but unable to make contact with her soft skin before she straddled me, grinning wickedly before she leaned down to kiss me, licking a trail over to my ear.

"Close your eyes," she whispered against my skin. My eyes closed immediately without question, trusting her completely. Her hands slid up as she ran soft fingers across my stomach and chest. I felt a soft, silky material brush against my chest, teasing my nipples and I arched into it. She shifted, straddling my thighs, but the silk never left my body. It skated across my skin teasingly, causing me to whimper.

"Do you trust me?" Nikki asked, leaning down, lips touching mine.

"With my life." My response was barely a whisper, but the confidence in my words speaks loudly. Her lips crash against mine tongue sliding between my lips and twirling with my own. I responded feverishly, pressing up into her warmth, opening my mouth wider for her, allowing her to lick at each and every corner of the hot cavern.

When she finally pulled back, we were both panting harshly, but I still kept my eyes closed. I felt her move back so that she was sitting further down on my legs, pulling me with her until I was in a sitting position as well. I could feel the silk against my cheek, my eyelids, my lips, before she wrapped it around my eyes and tied it loosely behind my head. She laid me back down against the pillows and slid down next to me, still pressed up against the side of my body. I could feel her pulling my arms up over my head, securing them to the headboard with more scarves.

Her lips trailed across my shoulder, biting gently before kissing the sting away. I could feel her hands, gentle as a breeze, against the button of my jeans and knew the exact moment she got them undone. I lifted up slightly, helping to get the pants down over my hips and off my legs. I strained against my bonds, wanting to reach for her, searching for her mouth, her neck, any skin I could attach my lips to. I missed her mouth but found her jaw, which wasn't a bad trade. I kissed and licked a trail up to her ear, sucking the lobe between my lips. She cursed and leaned into me, wet heat pressing into my hip a testament to the effect I'm having on her.

She pulled away from me and I whimpered at the loss until I feel her shimmy down my body. My legs were spread and I felt her hands on my thighs, pressing gently to keep my legs open. Her tongue licked at my thighs for a moment before she moved up, lapping gently at my balls. I gasped and squirmed, trying to get closer. But she held me still, tongue never leaving my body. Slipping back farther, I felt the wet appendage lap at me, teasing little nips and longer slower laps to take the pain away.

"Do you like that?" She whispered huskily, licking at me like a lollipop. All I could do was nod helplessly; unable to voice what she was making me feel. She tongued me slowly, swirling around the head before stopping again.

"¿Quiere usted mí parar?" (Do you want me to stop?)

"Yo nunca quiero que usted pare... nunca." (I never want you to stop... never)

She slowed her tongue down, licking slow, gentle circles around my head, teasing me, loving me. My hands itched to reach for her, needing to bury my fingers in her caramel colored curls. She knew exactly what to do to make things feel good, no screw that, feel incredible. She was doing it now... licking in slow, gentle circles before stopping to press gentle butterfly kisses against the skin of my stomach and chest without breaking contact, at least not yet.

"Esto es lo que haciendo el amor se supone ser." (This is what making love is supposed to be.) Nikki whispered, moving up my body, nipping and teasing overly sensitized skin as she came. Her tongue teased the delicate shell of my ear. This woman was in my heart and now she was in my brain. I think that the reason I hated her so much for so long was because I knew, even then, that she would be the one to own me heart, mind and soul.

"¿Usted está seguro que usted no quiere que mí pare?" (Are you sure you don't want me to stop?) She says softly, coming up to caress my face gently, straddling my hips. She began to move her hips against mine, the sensuous back and forth motions making my head spin.

"Nikki... Mi amor... Yo lo necesito... Yo lo quiero a..." (My love... I need you... I want you to) My sentences were broken, words tumbling out between pants and moans.

I felt her shifting, moving to grab something from the bedside table. When Nikki took me in her hand to apply the condom, I could feel my explosion building. I needed to be inside of her soon. Just knowing that she was feeling the same about me was enough to drive me insane with need. I want to touch her desperately now... to show her how much she is a part of me.

With the blindfold on, it's like all of my senses are on overload. I can feel how heated she is as I'm slipping into her, inch by agonizing inch. The rhythm she sets is slow, almost too slow. She's breathless with wanting me. I can feel the shivers taking over her body as she fights to keep from speeding up. She needs me as much as I need her, and that makes me burn even hotter.

"Nikki... mija... necesito tocarlo." (I need to touch you) I am almost begging now for the privilege of feeling her body beneath my fingers. She never breaks stride as she releases the bonds holding my hands, panting and kissing the side of my face.

Finally my hands are freed from their bondage... free to touch her skin, touch her lips, to tease her just as she has teased me. I press up into her, meeting her thrust for thrust as my hands trail over her back. I felt her lips against my shoulder, my neck, my jaw, licking and sucking and biting.

"Gonna make you come, D." It was mumbled against my throat as she sped up even more, pushing onto me with an almost wild abandon. I can feel our orgasms building, coming fast and hard as we move together as one.

"¿Sabe usted cuánto te quiero en este momento?" (Do you know how much I love you right now?) I whisper softly, kissing her trembling lips.

"Sólo si es te quiero tanto como."(Only if it's as much as I love you) she replied, yelping softly as I pulled her down into me, rocking her faster and harder now, needing to find release with the woman who owns my heart.

"Come for me baby," I tell her between desperate kisses, sending her over the edge. She pulls me into her once more, her spasms knocking my world off its axis and I follow her into ecstasy. I hold her to me, never wanting this moment to end, but I know that every night will be like this if she agrees to do what I am going to ask her soon.

"I love you so much Howie Dorough," Nikki whispers into my ear, snuggling into me as she falls asleep.

"I love you too Corazón," I whisper back.

// A Little While Later //

"Are you feeling alright?" Nikki asked, not moving to break the embrace Howie had her in.

"I am feeling better than alright mija." Howie stated matter-of-factly. "Nikki can I ask you a question?"

"Sure papi... what is it?" Nikki murmured, fighting off sleep.

"How do you feel about Joey now? I mean, with all of the stuff going on I just have to wonder if you still feel anything for him." Howie asked, looking very nervous. "I know that you're not my wife yet, but I just have to know before I..."

"D, listen to me now. I will always love Joey. He's the father of my sons, but I am not in love with him. I don't even respect him very much anymore. That honour is reserved for only one person. You." Nikki affirmed succinctly. "What do you mean I'm not your wife yet?"

"Patience young grasshopper... all things will be revealed in good time." Howie stated, waggling his eyebrows. Nikki burst into laughter, dark mood completely forgotten.

"Silly man." Nikki quipped lovingly, pulling the covers up to cover them both. "Are you going to sleep with me?"

"I will in a second. I just want to do something really quick and I will be right back." Howie stated, kissing her on the forehead before tossing the covers back and walking out the door. He made his way over to the nursery and went in, unmindful of the baby monitor sitting on the dresser.

"Hey little man," he said softly, stroking the down soft hair on little Joey 's head as he opened his eyes, looking up at Howie with a curious expression on his tiny face, but not making any other noise. Howie picked him up and sat down in the rocking chair that the hotel had provided for the nursery, turning on the radio as he began to rock

"I guess you and your brother don't really know me, but I know your mommy really well. She is a very special lady, and she loves you guys a lot. I want to be the one to teach you guys how to love her back. She deserves so much more love than I can ever give her, and so do you and your brother.

I guess I'm really here to make sure it's okay with you if I ask your Mommy to marry me. I know that you don't understand me right now, but seeing as how you two are the men in her life I thought it would be right to tell you first before I asked her. I wanted us to discuss this man to man before I ask her though."

Nikki sat up in bed, smiling and wiping at the tears in her eyes as she listened to her new fiancée pouring his heart out to her son, and pledging to love him forever as his own. Nikki got out of bed, stealing quietly over to the nursery to hear the rest of the softly spoken words.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that you guys are happy. I promise that I will never make any difference between you two and any brothers and sister's you might have. I'll teach you Spanish and we can play baseball together. You are gonna love your new abuelita y el abuelito (Grandma and grandpa). You'll have new aunts and uncles cousins to spoil you rotten. But that's because they will love you as much as Mommy and I will."

Nikki stood in the doorway of the nursery, crying softly as Howie talked to her sleeping son. She pushed open the door, catching Howie by surprise as he held the now sleeping infant in his arms. He smiled sheepishly as she took the baby and put him back in his bassinet before turning back to him.

"Did you really mean what you just said to them?" Nikki asked quietly, not wanting to wake the baby again.

"I meant every word corazón. I wanted to wait until I could do this right but this just seems like the perfect moment. Nicole Thomas, will you marry me?" Howie asked softly, watching her intently for some clue to what she was feeling as a parade of emotions flashed through her eyes.

"Yes, I will marry you Howie Dorough." Nikki said, pulling him into her arm and kissing him gently. Baby Josh picked that moment to make his presence known by letting out a loud yawn as the two of them pulled apart laughing softly.

"I guess that it is official then. I just got the Joshua Thomas seal of approval. I'm good to go since baby Joe likes me. I'm sorry that it wasn't more romantic for you though baby. I wanted to make it special." Howie said, smiling down at her.

"My love, we have the rest of our lives to make special moments. But this one will always be the most precious one of all." Nikki replied as she melted into him, the love she was feeling overwhelming her so that happy tears began to fall from her eyes.

The two of them danced slowly, not really moving as they listened to "If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys. They looked over at the bassinets, noticing that both babies are now wide-awake. Each of them takes a baby in their arms as they continued dancing.

"What are you thinking right now?" Howie whispered, pulling her closer to him.

"Life is beautiful, mijo. Life is beautiful." Nikki replied, pulling the three men in her life closer to her heart, truly happy and content for the first time in a very long while.

// Over in Paris, France -- The Chevreux Bourges Villa //

"That's correct Johnny. That's correct also. To start, Justin called and said that he and Nick were in a compromising position in the bathroom when they were caught. Justin says the police has this all on tape." Julian spoke, talking to Johnny on the phone.

"Well you let them know that I will send someone over to get them out and be sure to tell Justin to stay calm. I am quite sure he's trying to give the IP `tude and that's not helping either of them." Johnny spoke.

"I will let the both of them know you are sending someone. Should I set up a place here in the villa for the person you are sending?" Julian asked.

"Yes you should and be sure to contact me as soon as the person gets there." Johnny stated. "Thanks for letting me know what was going on Julian. You will get a raise for this."

"Thank you sir." Julian spoke as he and Johnny hung up the phone.

// Down in Kevin's Room //

"I'm gonna take care of you baby. You are going to do what the doctor said and get lots and lots of rest." Kevin stated, walking around the room.

"Oh great, just what I need, a home healthcare nurse." JT spoke. "Are you going to wear a stethoscope and keep a thermometer in your pocket too?"

"Maybe I should. I would like to take your temperature rectally." Kevin stated, winking at JT.

"I don't think so baby." JT stated, walking over to the closet.

"What's the deal baby? Why are you acting like this?" Kevin asked.

"I'm sorry baby, I just...I don't know, I just feel like since I got shot, that I am not whole anymore, like I am a weakling or something." JT spoke.

"A weakling? Why do you feel like a weakling?" Kevin asked, walking over to the bed and sitting down next to JT.

"I let him get away. If it wasn't for me, Michael would be in prison, probably being gang-raped or something." JT stated.

"Well from what I know and heard about the guy, he deserves to be in jail getting gang-raped." Kevin spoke, pulling JT's shirt over his head. "I feel sorry for Nikki and those babies. I would be ashamed if my dad was someone like Michael."

"I would be too, but that's something I don't want to talk about, lets talk about us." JT spoke.

"What about baby?" Kevin asked.

"Well first, what are you and the guys of Backstreet going to be doing now that Nick has gotten married?" JT asked.

"Well we are all taking a break from things right now and during that break, I am going to spend all the time I can with you." Kevin spoke, kissing me full on the lips.

"Oh? Why do you want to spend all your time with me? I am so not the most exciting person to be with, especially when I am bored and not working." JT stated, rolling over in bed.

"Well I will be sure to do things to keep you excited." Kevin spoke, placing his hand on JT's chest. "I love you JT and I hope to be able to marry you one day, one day maybe soon."

"Marry me one day, maybe soon? Whoa partner, we can't get married." JT stated.

"Why not baby?" Kevin asked, wrapping his arms around JT and kissing him on the cheek.

"Could it be that your career and the career's of the guys would go down the drain when the world finds out?" JT spoke, looking at Kevin intently.

"Baby maybe you don't realize this, but Nick and Justin just got married and the fans were okay about that. Hell, when Nick and Justin were outed, the fans were okay about that. Lance and Carson are married and the fans know about them." Kevin spoke.

"That's them, what about you? What about your career?" JT asked.

"Well baby right now, the guys are my career. If I am not with the guys, then I have no career." Kevin stated.

"So if you guys parted what would you do Kevin? What would you do to keep your finances going?" JT asked, moving closer to Kevin.

"I haven't decided yet what I would do if we ever parted, but one thing is that I don't have to worry about money matters." Kevin spoke. "Before I ever got started with the guys, I had invested money into some small companies that have skyrocketed now, so I don't worry about money at all."

"Okay baby." JT stated. "So I guess..."

"I guess you have nothing to worry about and now you can marry me." Kevin stated.

"I can't marry you Kevin, not right now anyway." JT spoke.

"Why not baby?" Kevin asked.

"I just told you why." JT spoke.

"That's not conceivable. I need a better answer than that." Kevin spoke. "Do you love me?"

"Yes I love you Kevin you know I do, I just..." JT spoke as Kevin cut him off.

"You just what? I don't see what the big deal is. I love you, you love me. I don't see a problem with us tying the knot. Marry me JT, make me your husband." Kevin spoke with tears in his eyes. "JT will you marry me?"

"Yes I will marry you." JT spoke, as Kevin wrapped JT up in his arms, as the two of them shared a passionate kiss just as the phone rang.

"What the hell! Someone has terrible timing!" Kevin spoke answering the phone. "Hello! This better be good."

"Hello Kevin, sorry for interrupting, but I need to speak with JT." Johnny spoke, laughing at the way Kevin was sounding.

"Hold on. Baby its Johnny." Kevin spoke, handing the phone to JT.

"Hello Johnny, what's up?" JT asked.

"I know you just got out of the hospital and everything, but I need you for something." Johnny spoke.

"I don't think I can do that Johnny." JT spoke. "The doctor says I am supposed to rest and relax."

"Well what I need you to do shouldn't be too stressful and you can rest and relax doing it. The only thing I need is for you to go over to Paris where Nick and Justin are and handle security measures there." Johnny stated.

"That sounds like regular work Johnny." JT spoke.

"Well you will be in charge of things like you normally are, you just won't be partaking in any regular duties." Johnny stated. "You will just oversee what's going on and rest and relax."

"Hmmm, I don't know Johnny. I don't want to do anything that's going to hurt me." JT spoke, as Kevin leaned in closer to JT to hear what was being said.

"It's a very easy assignment JT, I only need you to supervise the other guards. You will do what you do now, all but actually working." Johnny stated. "You can even bring Kevin along."

"Oh I guess that's not going to be a problem since I won't be working, just telling the others what to do." JT spoke.

"That's all you will be doing." Johnny stated. "I need you to accompany Howard Marshall over there so that he can help Nick and Justin out of a little problem they have gotten into."

"What has happened to Nick and Justin?" JT asked as Kevin's ears perked up.

"It seems that they were caught by the International Police doing something they shouldn't have been doing." Johnny stated.

"Are they in jail?" JT asked.

"Yes, the reason I am sending a lawyer over there to them. You are going to help secure the location where they are currently staying." Johnny stated. "It seems that the fans have found out that Nick and Justin are in Paris and they are at the jail and the villa."

"Okay, so when do we leave?" JT asked.

"I have you booked on a flight to Paris later on tonight. You will meet up with Howard Marshall at the airport in Paris, I believe you two know each other." Johnny stated.

"Yes I know him, he helped with Josh's bankruptcy a few years back." JT spoke, getting out of bed now.

"Well good. When you get to Paris, hopefully you two can straighten this whole mess out before it get into the tabloids." Johnny stated.

"I will do what I can." JT spoke. "I will keep in touch."

"Please do JT and have a wonderful time with Kevin." Johnny stated, laughing as he hung up the phone.

"Okay baby come on, we have a plane to catch." JT stated, pulling his bag out of the closet. "We are leaving for Paris later on tonight. So get to moving snookums, we don't have long."

"Oh I just love it when you call me cute little names like that, it makes me want to make love." Kevin spoke, walking up behind JT and placing kisses along his collarbone.

"I know it does, but we can't do that right now, we have to pack." JT spoke, pulling away from Kevin.

"Party pooper." Kevin spoke, with a fake pout.

"You say that now, but you just wait, I will make you say something else later." JT spoke, placing a kiss on Kevin's lips. "Now we have to pack all of our stuff."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 59: Twilight in Paris 5

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