My Kinda Guy

Published on Jul 13, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris Chapter -- 6 by JT Poole and Nicole Brown

// Molokai, HI -- Lydia's Hotel Room //

"Lydia, Lydia I know you are in there. Open this damn door!" Ben, Lydia's husband shouted.

"Oh my God, what am I going to do Craig? If I open the door he will surely kill one of us." Lydia spoke as Craig moved closer to her.

"Just open the door." Craig spoke, kissing her on the cheek, moving past her to open the door.

"No Craig, he will kill you." Lydia spoke, grabbing Craig's arm, trying to stop him from opening the door.

"No Lydia, we need to face this and move on." Craig spoke, opening the door to be faced with Ben, Lydia's husband.

"I knew you were a low down dirty ho!" Ben shouted, grabbing Craig, slamming him into the wall as he turned around and grabbed Lydia, shaking her.

"Stop it Ben, you're hurting me!" Lydia screamed as Craig jumped up and started punching the man. "Craig stop! Don't!"

"What the fuck is this?" Ben asked, kneeing Craig in the groin. "Is this the person you have been cheating on me with?"

"Cheating on you? You were cheating on me with that bitch from down the street!" Lydia screamed as Ben raised his hand in an attempt to slap Lydia as Craig tackled Ben, knocking him to the ground as the two men struggled.

"Stop it! Stop it right now!" Lydia screamed, trying to pull the two men apart.

"Fuck this shit! I'm out of here!" Ben shouted, getting up and kicking Craig in the gut. "The both of you will pay for this shit!"

"Just get the hell out of here!" Lydia screamed, leaning down to hold Craig in her arms.

"I'll leave now, but believe me I will return." Ben spoke, slamming the hotel room door behind him.

"We won't be here." Craig spoke, spitting up some blood.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry." Lydia said, helping Craig up as the two of them walked over to the sofa to sit down.

"It's not your fault, it was bound to happen one of these days." Craig spoke, lifting Lydia's chin up and placing a kiss to her lips.

"It was my fault. I shouldn't have told him I was coming here to check on my brother." Lydia spoke, hugging Craig as he winced in pain. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay baby, really it is. I don't think anything is broken." Craig spoke.

"Well you are not a doctor, I think we need to get you to the hospital so someone can check you out." Lydia spoke, standing up now and pulling out her cell phone as it rang.

// Back in Paris - The Chevreux Bourges Villa //

"Hello?" JT spoke answering his cell phone. "Howard where are you?"

"I'm at Police Headquarters. I have Justin and Nick and we are headed towards the Villa. Could you tell Julian to pack the guys' belongings?"

"What? Why?" JT asked.

"With the recent events here, the guys feel they should return to the States and I agree with them." Howard spoke.

"Well I guess I would feel that way too if I was in jail for something minor like that." JT spoke.

"Just let Julian know that we are returning to the States and that Johnny will be in contact with him." Howard spoke.

"Okay." JT stated.

"Oh and JT, the plane leaves two hours from now, that means you and Kevin should be packed and ready to leave unless you are not security detail for Justin and Nick." Howard spoke.

"Well I am not their actual security detail, just the supervisor of staff for now." JT stated.

"Well I suggest you be at the airport within two hours." Howard spoke disconnecting the call.

"Well he's bossy and rude." JT spoke.

"What was that all about baby?" Kevin asked, walking over to JT and kissing him along his neck.

"We are going back to the States." JT spoke.

"What? Why?" Kevin asked.

"Well with everything that has happened, Justin and Nick want to go back home. So as Howard said we are leaving within two hours." JT explained, getting up off the stool. "Come on we gotta pack. Julian!"

"Yes sir?" Julian asked walking back into the kitchen.

"We are leaving. Could you please pack Justin and Nick's things?" JT asked, walking over to Julian. "Also, Howard stated for me to tell you that Johnny will be in contact with you, I am guessing to tell you what to expect or something."

"Yes sir." Julian spoke walking towards Justin and Nick's room. "I shall have their things ready in just a moment."

"Thank you Julian." JT stated, he and Kevin walking into their room to start packing their belongings as well.

// Nick and Justin -- On The Way To The Airport //

"Baby are you sure you want to leave?" Nick asked.

"Yes I am sure. I don't want to spend any more time than necessary here." Justin spoke, caressing Nick's cheek, placing a kiss on his lips.

"Okay baby, I guess we can go back to Hawaii and spend our honeymoon there since I know everyone is still there." Nick said, wrapping his arm around Justin's neck.

"I don't want to see anyone. I just want to be alone with you." Justin spoke, lying his head on Nick's shoulder.

"Whatever you want baby." Nick spoke, rubbing Justin's back as they rode along to the airport.

"Nick, Justin I am making arrangements for you two to have hotel rooms." Howard spoke.

"No need to do that, we still have the hotel rented out for the rest of this week." Justin spoke. "I am sure our rooms are still available."

"Are you sure Justin?" Howard asked. "Maybe you should call ahead to see if your rooms are still available."

"I am sure Howard. I am really not in the mood for this." Justin spoke, lying his head back down on Nick's shoulder.

"Everything is going to be okay." Nick spoke, kissing Justin on the forehead, running his fingers through his hair.

// Back in Hawaii -- Joey and JC's Room //

"You could have told me that those were your babies before now!" JC screamed, smacking Joey and turning away.

"How could I tell you something I didn't even know?" Joey asked, trying to stop JC from walking away from him.

"You slept with her Joe, any normal person in their right mind would know if they were the father of those babies or not! If you know you slept with her last year, like nine to ten months ago, that could be a fucking sign! Damn Joe where the fuck is your mind?" JC asked, screaming and flailing his arms around, trying to keep Joey from touching him.

"I had forgotten I had slept with her damnit! Damn, it's not like I was with her everyday. It was one fucking time!" Joey screamed back.

"That's all it fucking takes is one fucking time and you knock a bitch up." JC spoke, as Joey finally grabbed him and turned him around.

"Stop this Josh! What has gotten into you?" Joey asked, trying to hug JC now.

"What has gotten into me? You mean what the hell has gotten into you! Tell me that Joe...tell me what has gotten into you. Are you really gay or am I just some phase you are going through?" JC asked pulling away from Joey.

"What?" Joey asked.

"What am I Joe? Am I some fucking phase you are going through?" JC asked, turning around, hands on his hips as he stood there tapping his foot waiting for Joey to answer his question.

"You are the man I love Josh." Joey spoke, tears slowly falling from the corners of his eyes. "I love you. You are the man that I love."

"I am the man that you love? Yeah right! If you loved me so much..." JC stated, stopping when he noticed Joey had sat down in the middle of the floor, crying. "Joe...Joe, I...I..."

"Just stop Josh. It seems you don't love me like I love you." Joey spoke, getting up off the floor and walking out of the room.

"Joe! Joe! Joey baby come back!" JC called out, running out of the room.

// Nicole's Hotel Room //

"Hello, may I speak to Lydia please?" Nikki said into the phone, smiling as she held Joshua in her arms and made silly faces at him to get him to smile.

"This is Lydia, who is this?" Lydia replied, helping Craig to get cleaned up.

"Lydia, it's me Nikki. How are you chick?" Nikki stated, continuing to play with the baby.

"Girl, I have some major drama going on over here. My husband just left and let's just say that he was not happy. But I'm good girlfriend. What's going on with you and those adorable babies?"

"The boys are fine. As a matter of fact Josh is sitting here smiling at me right now. What happened with Craig and Ben?" Nikki asked, putting Joshua back into his baby seat and getting up to check on Joey. "Please tell me that he did not catch you two there doing something you shouldn't have been doing."

"No, he didn't catch us doing anything but he still beat the hell out of Craig and threatened to kill us both," Lydia replied, sniffling as she wiped her face.

"Look, I still have my pistol. Do we need to go make a run? Cause you know I am not scared to shoot a fool," Nikki stated matter-of-factly, laughing when she heard Lydia start laughing too. "Seriously girl, do you need me to come through. I know some places we could hide the body."

"Girl stop! Now why did you call me?" Lydia asked, trying to stop laughing.

"Oh! I knew there was a reason I called. How would you like to be my matron of honor?"

"Girl I would love to! Thank you for asking me. Do I need to do anything other than get fitted for my dress and show up for rehearsal?" Lydia asked, handing Craig an icepack.

"Actually no. Everything else is taken care of already. You just show up, look really sexy in the dress I picked out for you and then that's it!" Nikki replied, standing up when someone knocked on her door. "Girl I will call you back later. Somebody is knocking on the door and Howie went out."

"Alright girl, I'll talk to you later. Bye." Lydia said, hanging up the phone as Nikki closed her cell and threw open the suite door.

"Nikki, I need you," Joey choked out through his tears.

"Oh baby, what happened?" Nikki asked, taking him by the arm and pulling him into the suite. "Was it Josh? Is he okay?"

"He is fine." Joey replied, sitting down on the couch next to Nikki and pulling her into his arms. They sat like that for awhile, neither one saying anything as they sat there and watched the babies play. Joey reached over and touched Joshua's cheek, smiling when the baby gave him a wide toothless grin.

"I think I need something to drink and it`s dinnertime for the dynamic duo. Do you want anything?" Nikki asked softly, getting up and heading into the small kitchenette of the room she was staying in. "Entertain you sons until I come back."

"Hey little man. You happy to see your Daddy?" Joey said softly, reaching down to pick Joshua up out of the seat. The baby just smiled in response, happy to see a new face. He ran his fingers over Joey's face, cooing as he did.

"You know something, you and your brother are among some of the only things that I have ever done right," Joey said softly, kissing Joshua on the cheek as the baby continued to coo softly. "I can't wait for you to meet your big sister Brianna. She is so excited about you two already. And you have to meet your grandparents too."

"They can meet them tomorrow when Momma Phyllis and Pops get here for the wedding. Now what happened that sent you running to me Tony?" Nikki asked, taking a seat next to Joey and handing him a baby bottle while she picked up baby Joe. "Come on, you can tell me you know. I'm still your best friend."

"Josh is still angry that I didn't tell him that I was their father," Joey replied with a tired sigh, staring down at his son, who sucked on his bottle contentedly. "He asked me if I was really gay or if this is just some phase that I am going through."

"Well Tony, is it just some phase that you are going through?" Nikki queried, not looking up from feeding the baby.

"Right now, I am beginning to think that maybe I should just forget about being with anyone, male or female. I mean, I have the worst luck when it comes to relationships. First Brian goes all psycho, now Josh won't give me any peace about what happened between you and me. I love him, but sometimes he makes me crazy with all of his insecurities."

"Honey, you knew these things about him before you decided to get involved with him, so why is this happening now?" Nikki wondered, putting Joey up on her shoulder to burp him. "What's happened since the last time we spoke that 's got you feeling like this?"

"I don't know what it is Nikki," Joey replied, avoiding her eyes and putting Joshua on his shoulder.

"Look at me Anthony," Nikki said softly, turning his face toward her and looking into his eyes. A knowing look came into her eyes as Joey pulled free from her grasp and turned back to burping the baby. "This is about me marrying Howie, isn't it?"

"Yes it is," Joey replied quietly, putting Josh back into his seat. He faced Nikki, eyes burning with intensity. "I keep wondering if I made a mistake all those years ago when I let you get away. I keep wondering what our lives would have been like if I had stayed in Brooklyn and we had gotten married."

"Honey what makes you think that our lives would have been any different than they are right now?" Nikki asked, putting Joey into his seat and straightening up to face his father. "Chances are good that we would have wound up divorced and we would still be right where we are now. So let's not play the "what-ifs", okay?"

"But they might not have though. Even if things hadn`t worked out between us, I might have still been happier than I am right now, and you would never have had to go through the hell Michael put you through," Joey replied, touching Nikki's face gently.

"Tony, don't do this okay," Nikki pleaded softly, tears filling her eyes. As tears filled Joey`s eyes, she pulled away from him, holding one of his hands in hers. "I love Howie and you love Josh. We cannot go back into the past without causing a whole lot of pain to two people who don't deserve that. I love you Tony and I always will, but we can't go back. You need to go talk to Josh and try to save your relationship with him Anthony."

"I'm sorry Kick," Joey said softly, reverting back to his old nickname for her. He leaned down and kissed each of the babies, lingering over Joey before straightening up to face Nicole. "We will always have each other Kick. No matter what else happens, we will always be a part of each other through these two. I guess I had better go now. Good night."

"Oh Tony, what have you done?" Nikki asked softly after the door had closed, lying on the couch to cry her heart out over what might have been.

// Back in Paris -- The Airport //

"Thanks Julian, I think me and Kev can handle it from here." JT spoke, grabbing his bags as he and Kevin walked down to the VIP Lounge to meet Justin and Nick.

"Thank you sirs. It was nice serving you two." Julian spoke.

"Yeah yeah whateva." JT spoke as he and Kevin continued to walk as Julian turned around and headed back to the car.

"Baby you didn't have to sound so rude." Kevin spoke, as the door to VIP Lounge opened and out stepped Nick.

"Hi you two, glad you could make it here on time." Nick spoke.

"Hello Nick, how are you and Justin?" JT asked, stepping closer to Nick as the two of them hugged, then Nick hugged Kevin.

"I am okay, but Just has gone through some stuff in jail and he's acting strange." Nick stated.

"What kind of stuff? What happened in jail?" JT asked.

"Justin won't tell me. We know he was in the infirmary, but he won't tell us why." Nick stated, looking down at the floor. "He's closing me out and I don't like it."

"I'm sorry Nicky, just give him some time and I am sure he will tell you." Kevin spoke, hugging Nick again and then ruffling his hair.

"Hey watch the hair." Nick says, pushing Kevin's hand away. "Play with your own man's hair."

"I would but he doesn't have any hair that I can play with openly." Kevin spoke, causing JT to start smiling shyly.

"Kevin stop that." JT spoke, hitting Kevin in the shoulder playfully as Kevin pulled him close and kissed him on the cheek.

"Ummm guys I think you need to go inside, out here isn't safe. Too many prying eyes." Nick spoke as a group of people were starring at Kevin and JT.

"Who cares about them looking." Kevin spoke, making a generalized statement.

"Well I do." JT spoke. "I don't want to be the cause for problems with your career because..."

"Shush baby. You are the man I love and I don't care what those people out there think. You are the man that matters to me, not them. You will be my husband one of the days." Kevin explained, pulling JT close and kissing him.

"Can I get some more of that?" JT asked, wrapping his arms around Kevin's neck as the two of them shared a passionate kiss.

"You two cut it out." Justin said, getting up and walking closer to Kevin and JT.

"Oh be quiet you party pooper." JT stated, laughing as he released Kevin and hugged Justin. "What's up with you Mr. Timberlake? Why do you sound so grumpy?"

"I am not grumpy! Damn just leave me alone!" Justin shouted drawing the attention of everyone in the VIP Lounge to where they were standing.

"Hold on Kevin, I will be right back." JT stated, kissing Kevin one last time and going in the direction that Justin had went.

"Excuse me Mr. Timberlake can I have a word with you?" JT asked, walking up behind Justin.

"What do you want?" Justin asked, spinning around to see JT.

"Well first I would like to know what's going on to cause you to act like this and what happened in jail?" JT asked, turning Justin again, so they were looking at each other. "If I am going to be part of your security detail I need to know what's going on with you."

"Nothing's going on with me. Nothing happened in jail." Justin spoke, trying to turn away from JT as he stepped through the VIP Lounge doors.

"Justin don't lie to me man. I know something happened while you were in jail." JT spoke, grabbing Justin, pulling him towards a row of seats.

"Oh alright. I'll tell you, but you can't tell anyone else." Justin spoke, holding his head down. "You got to promise you won't tell Nicky."

"Okay I promise." JT spoke, unaware that Nick and Kevin were standing a few feet away in earshot. "Just tell me what it is."

"The investigator in jail tried to force himself on me." Justin spoke softly.

"What? I couldn't hear you." JT spoke as Nick and Kevin moved a little closer.

"I said the investigator in jail tried to force himself on me." Justin spoke as Nick and Kevin made themselves seen.

"Oh my baby...I had no idea that's what happened." Nick spoke, sitting down behind Justin, wrapping his arms around him, and hugging him tight.

"What are you two doing here?" JT asked, standing up looking at Kevin.

"We came to look for you to let you know that our plane was being called." Kevin spoke.

"So you were basically spying on the two of us right?" JT spoke, crossing his arms, looking at Kevin as he tapped his foot on the floor.

"Baby we were not spying." Kevin spoke moving over to JT and kissing him on the cheek.

"If you are behind us and we are talking and you don't announce yourselves, then you are spying." JT spoke, getting a little bit miffed.

"Baby please, it wasn't like that." Kevin spoke as there was a flash of light and they all turned around.

"What was that?" JT asked, looking around in the direction the light came from.

"I don't know." Nick spoke, still hugging Justin.

"I think it was a camera flash." Justin spoke, pointing at a man walking away down the hall.

"I told you we all should have been inside." Nick spoke. "If someone took a picture, nine times out of ten, it will end up in the Enquirer or on television."

"Damnit Kevin!" JT shouted, then covered his mouth, tears running down his face.

"For security you sure do cry a lot." Kevin spoke, kissing JT again.

"Are you out of your mind? Someone just took a picture of us kissing and here you are kissing me again." JT spoke, trying to move out of Kevin's embrace.

"No I am not out of my mind. Our flight is being called. Let's go. Whatever happens happens baby. We will deal with it later." Kevin stated, grabbing JT's hand, clutching tightly as they walked towards the terminal to board the plane.

// On The Plane //

"Baby are you okay?" Kevin asked, lifting JT's face so he could see his eyes.

"Yeah I am okay." JT spoke, sniffling.

"You don't look okay. What was that back there?" Kevin asked.

"What was what?" JT asked looking away from Kevin.

"No look at me. What was that back there? Why were you crying back there and why are you sniffling now?" Kevin asked, grabbing JT's hand and placing a kiss on his palm. "I love you."

"I love you too, but..." JT stated, tears rushing from his eyes again.

"May I get you gentlemen anything?" The flight attendant asked stepping over to where JT and Kevin were.

"Can we get some water please?" Kevin asked.

"I will get that for you sir." The flight attendant spoke walking away.

"But what babe?" Kevin asked.

"Your career is in jeopardy right now. If someone took a picture of you kissing me, then there goes everything." JT explained. "Johnny and the other guys are going to flip out when all of this hits the fan."

"I don't care about that, I care about you. You are my moon and stars, my sun and sky. JT I wish you would see that." Kevin spoke, getting up out of his seat and stepping into the aisle.

"Kevin what are you doing?" JT asked as Kevin pulled something out of his jacket pocket and got down on one knee. "Oh my GOD!"

"I will ask you again, the guy that completes me, the guy that knows what I like, the guy that I have grown to love and I know that loves me..." Kevin spoke, placing a kiss to JT's cheek then grabbing his hand. "JT Poole, I ask you again, will you make me your husband, will you marry me?"

"Oh my God..." JT stuttered out, the tears falling slowly down his face as other passengers had gathered around along with Nick, Justin and Howard.

"Oh no, he's going to say no again." Justin whispered to Nick.

"No he's not, he's going to make the right decision this time." Nick whispered back.

"I...I..." JT stuttered.

"See, I told you he was going to say no again." Justin whispered as Nick moved up to where JT and Kevin were. "Excuse us for just a second."

"You can wait, this is between me and JT." Kevin spoke.

"No, right now this is between JT and me." Nick spoke, grabbing JT and pulling him up.

"I don't believe this." Kevin spoke, tears coming to his eyes as Nick dragged JT away with him.

"STOP!" JT screamed as everyone stopped and turned in his direction. "I love you Kevin Richardson, of course I will marry you."

"Hot damn!" Kevin shouted, jumping up and down as everyone in first class started clapping. "I love you JT Poole."

"I love you Kevin Richardson." JT spoke as the flight attendant returned to quiet everyone don

// A Few Minutes Later -- One of the Bathrooms //

"Why couldn't you tell me what happened?" Nick asked. "I'm your husband Justin. We should be able to tell each other anything."

"I just didn't want to worry you is all baby." Justin spoke as he leaned into Nick and placed a passionate kiss on his lips.

"Mmmm baby, I love that. I haven't felt that in a few days." Nick spoke, wrapping his arms around Justin's waist.

"I have missed it also baby." Justin spoke, placing kisses along Nick's neck, causing Nick to squirm around.

"Baby what are you doing?" Nick asked.

"Making up for lost time." Justin spoke.

"We can't do this here." Nick spoke, not stopping Justin from what he was doing. "Haven't you learned from recent events?"

"Baby we are almost home, we are no longer in France's jurisdiction." Justin spoke, unbuttoning Nick's shirt, and rubbing his pecs.

"Justy..." Nick moaned out, repeating Justin's earlier actions and unbuttoning Justin's shirt in the process of Justin, kissing and nipping at his neck. "Oh God baby I just want to do it right here, but we can't."

"Yes we can baby...I locked the door and we don't have to worry about anyone coming in here and arresting us." Justin spoke, unzipping his pants and then unzipping Nick's pants. "I can't wait baby."

"I can't wait either." Nick spoke, dropping to his knees in the tight confines of the room to suck Justin's dick into his mouth.

"Oh yeah baby, suck that cock." Justin growled, grabbing the sides of Nick' s head and using his ears to guide his head back and forth on his dick. "That's right Nicky suck that cock, suck it like you're hungry for it..."

"Mmmm..." Nick moaned out, stopping for just a moment to pull of a Justin's dick to lick on of his finger that he was planning to insert into Justin's ass. "I bet you don't know what I am about to do. Do you want to guess?"

"I don't care what you do, just do it baby." Justin said, grabbing his dick in his hand and trying to guide it back to Nick's mouth, finding the opening he was looking for. "Shit, that's it, lick that dick and play with my balls."

As Justin was in heaven with his dick buried in Nick's mouth, he wasn't expecting what was about to happen. Still lost in the pleasure Nick was giving him, Justin was caught off guard when Nick inserted his finger into Justin's ass hitting his prostate causing them man to start cumming.

"Oh damn!" Justin screamed, grabbing on to what fixtures he could grab on the walls and held on as his orgasm over took his body. "Oh baby..."

"That's right baby ride it out, that's it let it slide." Nick spoke seductively still sliding his finger in and out of Justin's ass.

"Oh Nicky, baby, I...I...want you to fuck me." Justin finally was able to say after he caught his breath. "I want to do it now."

In a hurry, Justin pushed Nick down on top of the toilet seat and went to work on sucking his dick. Satisfied that he had Nick's dick good and wet, Justin sucked his finger into his mouth, sure to leave as much saliva on his fingers as well in his hand. Reaching around, Justin inserted his fingers into his opening and inserting his fingers as he let out a soft moan. With a few strange movements Justin was sitting in Nick's lap with Nick's dick implanted deep in his ass.

"Baby are you okay?" Nick asked, holding Justin's hips, letting Justin get adjusted to him being inside.

"Yeah baby I'm okay, just go slow." Justin spoke, leaning down and kissing Nick passionately on the lips.

"Just let me know when you are ready baby." Nick spoke, wrapping his arms around Justin's waist, just lazily caressing his skin.

"That tickles baby." Justin laughed, kissing Nick again, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry baby." Nick spoke, as someone knocked on the door.

"This one is occupied, try another one." Justin spoke out, covering Nick's mouth as he started giggling.

"Damn we are going to get caught." Nick said just as Justin started slowly moving up and down, causing his ass muscles to suck his dick in a little deeper. "Oh God baby that feels so good."

"I thought you would say that." Justin said, leaning in and placing another kiss on Nick's lips as Nick sped up his motions.

"Oh yeah baby do that again. Oh God, what a way to be indoctrinated into the Mile High Club." Nick spoke as Justin started giggling.

"Oh is this what this is?" Justin asked, pulling all the way off of Nick's dick and then sitting back down quickly.

"Oh shit yes..." Nick moaned out as Justin started moving faster as Nick through his head back, trying to clear his hair out of the way. "Oh baby you keep doing that and you will get a reward."

"That's what I am hoping." Justin spoke, grabbing his own dick, stroking it in time with his movements up and down on Nick's dick.

"Oh damn baby, get up, get up..." Nick spoke, trying to grab Justin and move him off of his lap.

"No baby, you don't have to." Justin spoke, kissing Nick and holding him tight as he started climaxing.

"Oh yeah..." Nick moaned out as his orgasm over took him as well and he held on to Justin for dear life.

" I come again." Justin moaned out as he started shooting spurt after spurt of his man juice on Nick's chest as he collapsed against Nick's chest. "I love you Nicky."

"Oh baby I love you too." Nick spoke kissing Justin all over his face as someone knocked on the door again.

"Nick, Justin are you two in there?" They heard the voice of JT.

"Oh God we have been found out." Justin spoke, still trying to catch his breath.

"We better get cleaned up and return to our seats, we have been in here for a while." Nick spoke, kissing Justin again.

"Yes we have, but I don't care, I have been in here with you." Justin spoke, grabbing Nick's hand and kissing him again. "I love you Nick."

"I love you Justin." Nick spoke as he and Justin started to get cleaned up.

As the two mean cleaned themselves up, they washed the other's sexual remains from the obvious places and got dressed. Taking a look at themselves in the mirror, they decided that they looked okay and walked out of the bathroom. Stepping back into first class the whole area erupted into noisiness as everyone applauded as Nick and Justin returned to their seats.

"What the hell is going on?" Nick asked as JT walked over to the two men.

"As a recent member of the Mile High Club, I would like to welcome you into the club." JT stated, kissing both Justin and Nick on the cheek. "Again welcum, get it wel-cum, ha ha ha."

"Oh my God." Nick said as everyone continued clapping as he turned and looked at Justin.

"They must have heard us." Justin spoke, looking around at everyone including the old couple sitting a few seats over.

"Oh God look." Nick said pointing to the old man that was giving him the thumbs up. "They did hear us."

"That's right boys we heard you, it was better than the in-flight movie. Thanks again." JT spoke as Nick and Justin started blushing.

// Molokai, HI -- Back At The Hotel -- Nikki and Howie's Room //

"Nikki... where are you baby?" Howie called out as he walked into the suite. The sounds of "Memory Lane" by Minnie Ripperton greeted him, making him smile until he saw the look on Nikki's face when she sat up.

"I'm here baby. How did your fitting go?" Nikki replied, sitting up on the couch and turning off the stereo, wiping the last of the tears away before she turned to face him.

"Hey Angel... my fittings went fine, but why are you crying?" Howie asked, hurrying to her and wrapping her in his arms. "Are the boys okay?"

"The boys are fine. They're napping in the nursery." Nikki replied, getting up and walking over to the minibar, pouring herself a glass of white wine. "I just got a visit from Joey."

"What the hell did he want?" Howie asked, walking over to Nikki and taking the glass out of her hand. She turned away from him, avoiding his eyes, but he grabbed her arm and forced her to turn back to him. "Answer me Nicole, why was he here?"

"He had an argument with JC, and he came to me because he wanted to talk," Nikki finally replied, trying to break his hold on her arm without success. "Howie, you are hurting my arm. Let go!"

"That wouldn't have upset you like this baby. What else happened Nikki?" Howie asked, releasing his hold on her arm, taking her in his arms. "What's gotten you so upset?"

"He told me that he wonders what our lives would have been like if he had stayed in Brooklyn with me," Nikki replied softly, putting some space between the two of them. "He told me how he thinks he would have been happier if he had held on to me."

"And what did you tell him?" Howie asked, watching the parade of emotions cross her face with a sinking feeling in his heart.

"Don't look at me like that baby. I told him that we can't go back to the past, no matter how much both of us might want to," Nikki replied, walking over to Howie and kissing him. "I told him that I love you, and that he loves JC. I told him that we can't go back without hurting people who have done nothing but love us."

"And what did he say to you then?" Howie asked, hugging her to him again.

"He didn't say anything really. He just said goodbye to me and he left to go talk to JC I suppose." Nikki replied, trying to pull away from him, but Howie stopped her with a kiss that left them both panting harshly.

"Did you tell him that he can't have you back?" Howie asked softly, grabbing her by the hair and kissing her passionately. He pulled back to look deep into her eyes, stroking her nipples through her shirt, making her gasp. "Did you tell him that he can't have you back because you belong to me now? Did you tell him that you only burn for me now?"

"I-I ... Oh damn," Nikki whimpered as Howie began to kiss and suck her on neck. "Oh my God D... what are you doing to me?"

"Reminding you of who I am... and how much I love you," Howie replied, trailing kisses up her neck to claim her lips again.

// Nikki's POV //

All thoughts of Joey fled as he picked me up, heading towards the bedroom of the suite. He leaned me against a wall, holding me there while he continued to stroke me through the thin material of my t-shirt. I wrapped her legs around his waist, holding on for dear life as he opened the door and laid me down on the bed, standing there staring down at me.

"Do you want to go back to him Nikki?" Howie asked, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it aside, attacking my lips again before I could answer. "Well... do you?"

"No," I replied, desperate to evade him as he began to unbutton my blouse, kissing and licking as more and more skin was exposed. He tongued my nipples through the thin material of my bra, holding my hands fast as I began to squirm beneath him. "Yeah baby, that`s it. Touch me like that."

"I have to show you how much I love you Nikki. I have to make you see that I can't let you go now. You saved my sanity. You are in my heart and soul, and I don't want to loose you to the ghosts of your past." Howie replied, sliding down my body, lifting my hips and resting my thighs on his shoulders.

The first touch of his tongue was like a jolt of electricity through my entire body. I held on to his hands, needing some kind of contact with him. He laced our fingers together, wrapping his arms around me to hold me still when I tried to pull away from him.

"Baby stop!" I begged, certain that I was loud enough to be heard all over our floor at the very least as he continued to taste me. Howie ignored me completely, content to continue to drive me insane. His tongue grazed one particularly sensitive spot, making me yelp. "D, I can't take it... please stop!"

I was going insane with all of the pleasure that he was giving me. No matter how I moved to avoid his tongue, D stayed right with me, teasing me without mercy. I tried to keep my voice down, but the longer he made love to me this way the harder it was getting.

"D, you have to stop," I was almost in tears now, begging him to stop, but hoping he wouldn't. "Howie! Shit... I can't take it! God, baby you have to stop! Baby, please let me go!"

Howie let me go long enough to move back up my body, sinking into me in one swift stroke that sent me into an orgasm so powerful that all I could do was scream and hold on to him. He began to move inside of me, slow at first then faster until I was biting my lips to keep from screaming out in pleasure.

"No, don't hold back baby... I want to hear you scream for me," Howie whispered, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth as he sank back into me again and again. "Cum with me corazon."

He began to slam into me, rocking the bed with his thrusts. I was past the point of caring about who heard me screaming now. I was getting louder and louder and I was too far gone to stop myself. Howie lifted my ass off of the bed, pounding into me. I could feel the next orgasm tearing through my nervous system.

"FUCK!" I screamed, bending almost double as the first wave hit. Howie held me down, shouting when I clamped down on him and pulled his orgasm out of him.

Howie held me in his arms so tight that I was feeling breathless, whispering "I Love You" into my ear over and over. When the waves finally stopped, I felt him pulling out of me, lying on the bed next to me ad gathering me into his arms. I lay with my head over his heart, tracing patterns over his stomach.

"Now do you believe that I love you with my whole heart Nikki?" Howie asked, looking down at me.

"I believed to before you tried to break me in half Howie." I retorted, kissing his chest and making his laugh. "Next time, a simple greeting card from Hallmark® will suffice!"

We both burst out laughing, kissing each other with more passion than I had ever known with either Joey or Michael. As we lay there wrapped up in each others arms, any lingering doubts I might have had about marrying Howie disappeared. I knew that I had made the best choice, not just for myself, but for my sons too.

// A Few Minutes Earlier //

"Damn baby do you hear that?" Kevin asked, as he, JT, Justin and Nick walked down the hall to their old rooms.

"Yeah I hear it, sounds like someone moaning." JT answered. "Oh God that's Nikki."

"Nikki?' Kevin asked.

"Yeah Nikki, Joey's friend girl, she's with Howie and I bet he's tearing her ass out the frame." JT spoke as Nick and Justin looked at each other and started giggling.

"Oh yeah like you two didn't do that earlier today Mr. And Mr. Mile High Club Members." Kevin spoke as we got closer to Nikki's room.

"Shhh,'s them...he's tearing that ass up." JT spoke.

"Excuse me, Howie isn't like us, so I am sure it isn't the ass he's tearing up." Nick spoke, giggling quietly.

"Oh shut up smarty pants." Kevin spoke as we got to our regular rooms. "We will see you guys later on for dinner."

"By JT, bye Kevin." Justin spoke, hugging JT. "Congrats on your engagement."

"Thank you Justin." JT spoke as Nick hugged him.

"Go in there and show your husband to be who's boss." Nick spoke, laughing as he grabbed Justin's hand and walked into their room.

"What was that all about baby?" Kevin asked, opening the door and pulling JT into the room.

"Just those two being silly." JT spoke as Kevin pushed him up against the door and started kissing him.

"I love you JT Poole, I am so happy that you decided to say yes this time." Kevin spoke.

"I love you too Kevin, I love you too." JT spoke as he turned off the room light and moved closer to Kevin.


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E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AOL/AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 61: Twilight in Paris 7a

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