My Kinda Guy

Published on Sep 29, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris

Chapter -- 7d by JT Poole

// Molokai, HI -- Early Monday Morning -- Kaluakoi Villas -- Justin and Nick's Room //

** Dream Sequence **

--- Justin's POV ---

For the last couple of days I haven't been feeling so well. Every morning I get up, I run to the bathroom and puke my guts out it seems and later on during the day I am sick to my stomach. I don't know what's going on, I don 't like it.

"Baby what's wrong with you?" Nick asks, as I walk out of the bathroom.

"Nothing baby." I tell him, placing a cold clothe on my forehead and sitting back down.

"Don't tell me nothing Justin, something's wrong with you." Nick says, sitting next to me and hugging me. Don't shut me out baby, talk to me. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing baby, nothing's wrong, honest. My stomach is just a little bit upset." I tell him, kissing him on the cheek.

"Maybe you need to see a doctor, you have been like this for weeks." Nick tells me, holding my hand.

** End Dream Sequence **

"Good morning baby." Justin says, kissing Nick on the cheek.

"Morning baby, how did you sleep?" Nick asks, sitting up in the bed, letting the covers fall into his lap.

"I slept somewhat peacefully after all of the married couples went to

sleep." Justin answers, moving up enough in bed to rest his head on Nick's chest.

"Yep they were kind of loud." Nick laughs, running his fingers through Justin's hair.

"Was that all sex or was their some arguing in there too?" Justin asks, rubbing Nick's thigh.

"Stop it baby that tickles." Nick laughs again, squirming a little bit. "Yeah I heard some arguing too. I hope it wasn't Nikki and JC. I feel she' s going to make him pay for causing problems at her reception."

"I don't know baby, he didn't do anything at Kevin and JT's wedding." Justin states.

"That's probably because JT threatened to shoot him." Nick replies as Justin sits up.

"What!" Justin shouts.

"What baby? I would have told him something similar if he would have acted that way at my wedding. I would have threatened to kill, not shoot his

ass." Nick replies as Justin's expression changes to one of sadness.

"You aren't serious are you?" Justin asks sitting up now and getting out of bed.

"Yes I am very serious baby. If JC had acted that way at our wedding he wouldn't be with us today." Nick says, standing up and walking over to Justin.

"But it's not his fault, he...he was just upset about Joey and Nikki's past." Justin says, tears in his eyes.

"He might have been upset, but he was still wrong. Baby you know his ghetto azz was wrong for that shit he pulled. If I was Nikki I would have dropkicked his ass like a fucking football then spiked his ass at the goal line." Nick responds as Justin pulls away from him.

"He might have been wrong, but everything you are saying...everything you are saying, you are trying to hurt him. He's been through enough and you know it." Justin says as the phone rings in the room.

"I know Justin, but still that's no excuse for him to act the way he has been acting." Nick says answering the phone. "Hello?"

"Good morning Nicky. We are up and ready." JT says into the phone.

"Good morning JT. You are up mighty early." Nick says.

"Nick it's almost eight, what's wrong with you? You and Justin doing the dirty?" JT asks, laughing.

"No we are not doing the nasty." Nick answers him, laughing. "Thanks for the wake up call. What are you about to do?

"Me, Kev and Howie are going for breakfast while we wait for you, Justin and Nikki." JT answers him, grabbing Kevin's ass as he walks by.

"Oh alright. We shall meet ya'll down in the restaurant then." Nick says as he and JT said their goodbyes. "Baby we are falling behind schedule. Come on, we need to get ready to go."

"Whatever baby." Justin says walking into the bathroom and slamming the door.

// Down in the Restaurant //

"So Mr. Richardson how are you feeling this morning?" Howie asks, sitting down at the table with JT.

"I'm feeling, just a little sore." JT says, smirking as Howie's cheeks went rosy. "Oh God, he's blushing."

"Oh cut that out." Howie says, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

"Well you did ask." JT says watching Kevin walk back into the restaurant with Nick and Justin following him. "I can't help it Howie, I enjoy having Kevin ram his manhood into me over and over again.

"Oh God, did you have to say that?" Howie asks, taking a drink of his coffee.

"Oh get over it man. Its just sex Mr. Dorough. Don't act like we haven't heard you and Nikki going at it. There are times I wish I didn't hear you nailing Nikki." JT says, causing Howie to spit out his coffee

"Were we that loud?" Howie asks.

"Are you ever silent?" JT asks, laughing as Howie blushes more.

"No comment." Howie says, realizing that he and Nikki are loud, just like everyone else.

"Damn right no comment man. Get over it already." JT says, as Nick walks over to the table and sits down.

"Good morning Nick. How is married life treating you?" Howie asks, trying to get the focus off of him.

"Morning Howie. I was about to ask you that very same thing." Nick answers him, taking a sip of his juice. "Are you okay?"

"He's having a hard time with the current discussion." JT says, taking a bite of his toast.

"What is the discussion?" Nick asks, taking a bit of his apple turnover.

"We were talking about sex. He's a little bit shy about that." JT says, patting Nick on the shoulder. "Nick here knows what I am talking about. Sex the mating game."

"But men don't mate when they have sex." Howie replies, eyes ticking back and forth between Nick and JT.

"No, but we can have fun trying." JT says as Howie's coffee ends up on the table again.

"JT..." Nick laughs, grabbing a napkin and helping Howie wipe up the coffee.

"Damn Howie, what's wrong man?" JT asks, passing him a napkin. "We are only talking about how good our men can pound us, or in your case how good you pound Nikki."

"JT I think you better stop now." Nick says as Howie's face goes redder than what he was.

"Why? We are all men here, or I think we are. I don't know about you Nick, I have heard some things about you." JT says, trying to hold his laughter back.

"What have you heard JT?" Nick asks, looking at JT strangely, not knowing JT was joking with him.

"Let's see, which one of you gives and which one of you receives?" JT asks, laughing as Nick turns red in the face too.

"Well there's no shame in my game JT, I like it when Justin gets on top of me and rides me like I was a bull." Nick says, as more coffee as spit out on the table, this time from JT. "I mean, like damn, my baby be going deep in me and I sometimes wonder if he's trying to make his dick come out of my mouth or something."

"Damn Nick is Justin hung?" JT asks, as Howie looks over at him, not believing he asked that question.

"My baby is stacked." Nick answers JT, smiling from ear to ear, "I know my baby ate his `Wheaties' when he was growing up."

"Okay can we talk about something else?" Howie asks, looking pleadingly at JT and Nick.

"Well damn Howie, you can't keep up with the conversation?" JT asks, spreading some jam on his second piece of toast.

"I would just like to change the subject, this is getting outrageous." Howie says, sweating a little bit.

"Oh I'm sorry Howie, am I offending you?" JT asks, looking at Howie carefully. "I thought you were okay with us."

"I am okay with you...I just...I know...I...ah...well." Howie says, falling over in the booth.

"Oh my fucking God. Did he faint?" JT asks, getting up along with Nick, walking around to the other side of the booth.

"What is gong on here?" Nikki asks, walking up behind JT and Nick, standing over Howie. "What's wrong with D?"

"He fainted Nikki." JT says, fanning Howie, looking back at Nikki with a scared look on his face.

"Why did he faint JT?" Nikki asks, moving around past me and bending down to fan Howie now.

"Nikki I had nothing to do with it, it's all JT's fault." Nick states, getting up and going back over to his chair. "He was sitting here talking with Howie when I got here."

"You were here talking too turncoat." JT replies, turning and looking at Nikki.

"Talking about what JT?" Nikki asks, standing back up and tapping her feet as JT stood up and walked back around the table to his sit with Nikki following him. "Well?"

"JT was talking about sex." Nick answers for JT, causing JT to glare at him

"You helped damnit." JT says as Nikki pops him in the back of the head.

"You need your ass whipped JT, you know better." Nikki says, smacking him across the back of his head again.

"Stop that." JT says as Justin and Kevin walks over to the table.

"Why are you violating my husband?" Kevin asks, sitting next to JT.

"I didn't violate your husband, that's your job." Nikki responds, sitting down in the booth next to Howie. "Besides I was giving him what he needs for causing D to faint."

"Nick helped me." JT whines.

"Nicky baby what's going on?" Justin asks, setting his glass of milk on the table.

"We were talking and D fainted." Nick answers him.

"Fainted? Why?" Justin asks, taking a muffin off of Nick's plate.

"I hope you two were not talking about sex baby." Kevin says, poking a piece of toast in his mouth.

"Well we were. Why? Is that a crime or something?" JT asks.

"Yes it's a crime JT. D is very shy when it comes to sexual talk in the open." Nikki answers, looking at JT like she could knock him down.

"Oh like I knew that. Nick didn't say anything about it, he just kept on going with it." JT states, dropping his head down, as Kevin rubs his back. "I'm sorry."

"He's not the one you should be apologizing to." Nikki says as Howie opens his eyes.

"Good morning Angel." Howie says reaching up and caressing Nikki's cheek.

"Morning yourself quierdo." Nikki says, kissing Howie passionately. "How do you feel?"

"Where is JT and Nick?" Howie asks.

"Here." JT says, waving shyly at Howie.

"I'm still here too." Nick says, holding his head down guiltily too. "I'm sorry D, I shouldn't have gone along with JT."

"I'm sorry too Howie, I didn't know that kind of thing effected you like that." JT says, holding his head down again.

"Don't worry about it JT." Howie says, kissing Nikki passionately. "I know how to get back at you."

"No you don't. I don't think there's nothing you can do to get back at me." JT says laughing as the rest of their food arrives.

"Let's eat, we are running out of time." Kevin says. "Our stuff just got loaded into the airport vans, I told them we would be ready after we ate."

"Oh alright." JT says taking a bite from his eggs and bacon. "Want some baby?"

"Sure baby." Kevin answers as JT fed him some eggs.

"Oh look, they are so mushy." Howie says, as Nikki fed him a piece of toast.

"Oh what the fuck ever." JT says, accepting a piece of Kevin's grapefruit. "You two are just as mushy as us."

// Outside //

"Hi guys." Everyone heard as they all walked outside to head for the vans that would carry them to the airport.

"Hi Lydie." JT says, hugging his sister, spotting Craig over her shoulder. "Hello Craig. What are you doing here?"

"Damn Kevin must have fucked you silly." Craig replies, as Nikki looks at him strangely. "What?"

"Oh nothing. Why are you here?" JT asks again.

"Well we are going to Paris today aren't we?" Craig asks, pulling out his Palm Pilot. "I am in the security detail for them."

"Oh yeah I forgot all about that." JT says, pulling out his Palm Pilot and going over some things.

"My brother the goof." Lydia says, hugging Nikki and then Kevin. "How are my two favorite people doing."

"Hey!" Justin and Nick said in unison.

"Sorry guys." Lydia says, walking over to Nick and Justin. "You two are still favorites, but you didn't recently get married like they did."

"Oh okay then, that's a different matter." Nick says, kissing her on the cheek.

"Where are the little ones Nikki?" Lydia asks, looking around.

"The nanny is right over there changing diapers." Nikki states, pointing to a young woman that was holding little Joshua.


"What da hell!" JT screams, pushing Kevin down to the ground. "Take cover. Craig secure the area!"

"Baby what's going on?" Kevin asks.

"Stay down Kevin!" JT shouts, pulling out his gun and getting up. "Craig do you see anything?"

"Yeah I do, right there." Craig answers, pointing at Ben, Lydia's husband.

"Ben what's the meaning of this?" JT asks, staring at the man. "Put the gun down, put it down slowly."

"Shut the fuck up man! I came here to get my wife." Ben says, still approaching JT and Craig, not putting his gun down.

"Come on man put the gun down." JT says again. "Don't make me drop you man."

"Do what you have to do!" Ben says, firing another shot.

"That's it man!" JT shouts, firing his gun and getting Ben in the arm, knocking him down to the ground.

"Owwwwww shit man! You fucking shot me!" Ben screams in pain.

"It's best if you stayed on the ground Ben, don't get back up!" JT shouts, pulling out his cell phone.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch and the boyfriend!" Ben shouts, firing his gun again, causing Lydia to scream.

"I told you to drop the gun Ben! I'm not going to tell you again!" JT shouts, moving closer to Ben, talking into his cell phone at the same time.

"Fucking bitch!" Ben fires again, causing JT to jump down on the ground and fire blindly at him.

"Shit!" Ben screams and then there's a loud thump.

"JT are you alright man?" Craig asks, walking up behind JT, scaring him.

"Yeah man I'm fine." JT answers him.

"Looks like you got him, he's not moving." Craig says, walking over to Ben' s body laying on the ground. "You got him right in the chest man."

"Oh damn, I...I killed him." JT utters, over and over.

"Man calm down, it was either you or him." Craig says, walking back over to JT and kneeling down besides him.

"Oh my God are you two okay?" Lydia asks, walking up and catching the sight of Ben's dead body. "Oh my God he's dead."

"Baby, baby are you alright?" Kevin asks, kneeling down besides JT and Craig.

"Yeah I guess I'm find. How are you? Are you hurt? What about the

others?" JT asks, shaking a little bit, sounding as though he was nervous.

"The paramedics are here along with the cops." Craig says as they pick Ben' s body up and he starts moving.

"I'm gonna get that bitch and her brother!" Ben yells with all of his energy as the paramedics loads him into the back of the ambulance.

"He's not dead, he's not dead." JT says over and over, grabbing onto Kevin and hugging him tight.

"Come on baby, you need to give the officer your statement and then we need to get a move on to the airport." Kevin says, helping JT to his feet.

// At the Airport //

"Okay guys and girl this is it." Nick says, holding little Joshua and his arms. "In a few hours we will be in Gay Paree, I mean Paris."

"You said it right the first time baby." Justin says, holding little Joseph on his shoulder.

"Baby are you sure you want Justin and Nick to look after the babies again?" Howie asks, looking worried.

"The babies will be fine D, they were fine the other morning, no problems no worries." Nikki replies, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him down to sit next to her.

"Are you saying we are bad babysitters or something Howie?" Nick asks, walking over to where Howie sat.

"No, I am just...oh forget it." Howie says.

"Don't make me call JT over here." Nick says, laughing.

"Oh ha ha ha blondie." Howie says as Nikki laughs too. "Not you too baby."

"Uh huh." Nikki speaks, resting her head in Howie's lap. "Leave the boys alone or I will call JT myself. Let Nick and Justin have fun with the boys if they want, let them go on about their business. The babies will be alright."

"Baby what are you thinking about?" Kevin inquires, rubbing JT's shoulder.

"I was thinking about Ben, and how I shot him." JT answers him reaching up and playing in his hair. "I am also happy that we are married."

"I am happy too baby." Kevin says as their flight was being called.

"Okay gang that's us." Justin says standing up and placing little Joseph in his bassinette. "Come on Nicky get little Joshy ready."

"Oh stop his name isn't Joshy." Howie says.

"Oh leave them alone baby." Nikki says, walking past Nick and Justin, grabbing Howie and pulling him along.

"Come on baby, wake up." Craig says, shaking Lydia gently. "That's us, it' s time to go."

"Oh alright hun, just give me a minute to compose myself." Lydia states, standing up and stretching.

"We don't have all year for you to do that Lydie." JT says laughing as he and Kevin walks by.

"Oh fuck off brat." Lydia says as JT and Kevin continue to laugh at her.

"This is it, our journey starts now." JT says as they walk down the corridor to the terminal


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Next: Chapter 65: Twilight in Paris 8

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