My Kinda Guy

Published on Nov 19, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris

Chapter -- by JT Poole

// Paris, France -- The Chevreux Bourges Villa -- The Kitchen //

"Baby stay here, don't go anywhere." Kevin says, kissing JT passionately and then walking out of the room to go find Howie.

"Why did he call us pedophiles Nikki?" JT asks, still crying softly. "What 's wrong with him Nikki? What is it that all of us gay men do to him?"

"He didn't mean it JT, honest he didn't. Howie isn't thinking correctly." Nikki says.

"He meant it Nikki. He stood right there, right there Nikki and said it directly to my face. He meant every word he said." JT says, turning away from his friend. "Since I am a pedophile I will not have anything more to do with the babies, that way he can't call me a pedophile."

"No JT, that's not going to solve anything! Nothing at all!" Nikki says, getting angrier by the minute.

"Well it will keep your maniac of a husband from calling me a pedophile. I don't know how Kevin, Nick and Justin feel about that, but I am not going deal with that kind of crap. Better yet, I am going back home to New York, I don't need this drama." JT says, walking out of the room.

"JT? JT you can't be serious." Nick says as he and Nikki walk out of the room, following behind JT.

"Oh I am serious, serious as a fucking heart attack!" JT shouts, walking down the corridor to his and Kevin's room.

"Nick go find Kevin now!" Nikki shouts, pushing Nick to get him to move. "I'm going to try to diffuse the problem at hand."

"There's nothing you can diffuse here Nikki. Alls said and done with already. You might try talking with your husband and diffuse him before someone else gets hurt!" JT shouts, pulling his cell phone from his pocket and dialing a number.

"Who are you calling?" Nikki asks.

"I said I was going back home to New York, I'm calling to get my flight information." JT says, turning away from Nikki, stopping long enough to press the numbers on his phone. "Could you connect me to Reservations at the International Airport in Paris France please?"

~~"Connecting your call."~~

"Reservations, may I help you?" The person asks, answering the call.

"Do you have any flights leaving for the United States this morning?" JT asks, sitting down on his and Kevin's bed. "Do you have any flights departing today for anywhere in New York?"

"Yes sir we do." The person says. "Would you like to reserve a seat on that flight?"

"What time is that flight?" JT asks, pulling his wallet out of his pants' pocket and retrieving his credit card.

"Sir that flight leaves at two this afternoon." The person answers him. "There's another flight leaving tonight at nine."

"For the flight that leaves at two this afternoon, is there a layover or is it a straight through flight?" JT asks as Nick and Kevin enter the room.

"The flight is..." The person replies, as JT isn't able to hear the rest the person says as Kevin takes the phone from his ear.

"Baby I am not going to let you leave me." Kevin says, pressing the end button on the cell phone.

"Give back my fucking phone Kevin!" JT shouts at Kevin. "I am not staying anyplace where people are going to accuse me of something vile as being a pedophile."

"You don't have to leave JT, don't leave." Nick says.

"I already told you how I felt about the matter. I am leaving one way or another. Either get out of my way and give me my phone back or I will make a path through you." JT says, anger apparent in his voice and his eyes.

"Fight me, do what you want to do baby, but I am not going to let you leave me. I will go down fighting with you baby." Kevin says, looking at JT with tears in his eyes.

"You wouldn't have to fight if you would just get out of my way!" JT shouts, making a move to grab his cell phone. "I am not kidding with you."

"Kevin give him his dayum phone back. Don't make him angrier than he already is." Nikki says, shaking her head, pacing back in forth. "Where the hell is D?"

"He's out by the pool." Nick says.

"Come on, you come with me. Let's leave these two alone." Nikki says grabbing Nick by his hand, pulling him along with her out of the room.

// Outside by the Pool... no pun intended //

"D, what the hell is your problem?" Nikki yelled as she walked up to where her husband sat by the pool. Howie looked up, but didn't say anything as she continued to rant. "You know, I understand that you got hurt by Lou Perlman! I even understand why you don't like gay men! But I will never for the life of me figure out how the fuck you made the jump from all gay men being bad to all gay men being pedophiles!"

"I told you what Lou did to me! I don't want our sons to go through that!" Howie yelled back at her, tears running down his face.

"Don't use that as a fucking excuse to hate the men in that house D!" Nikki said, voice quivering as she began to cry. "Because of you, JT is inside packing to leave! You have to go apologize! Please don't let him leave like this!"

"Good! Let him leave and take the rest of those freaks with him!" Howie said flatly, turning his back on his wife. Nikki stood there silent, not believing that Howie meant what he'd just said.

"D, before you make the mistake of alienating all of your friends, let me ask you something," Nikki said softly, watching his back to see if he was listening. When he turned his head to her, she continued. "You've known Kevin, AJ, and Nick for almost ten years, right?"

"Yes," he replied, still refusing to look at his wife.

"Well, in all the time you have known them, have they ever tried to hurt you?" Nikki asked, moving closer to Howie. "And in the time since they all came out and I had the twins, have you ever seen them do anything to hurt my sons in any way?"

"Well no," Howie replied, unsure of where Nikki was going with this conversation. "But that doesn't mean that some gay man somewhere won't try."

"I'm not talking about some mystery gay man D. I'm talking about three men who are closer to you than brothers. I mean the same three men that you have spent at least 24 hours a day with for the past seven or eight years. I'm talking about three men who love you almost as much as I do... have they ever tried anything untoward with our sons?" Nikki asked, wrapping her arms around Howie's waist.

"No they haven't." Howie admitted, red color suffusing his face. "They have just been trying to love and accept my new sons and give me and my new wife some time alone together, haven't they?"

"Now he gets it," Nikki said softly, kissing him on his cheek. Howie smiled down at his wife, kissing her until another voice interrupted.

"Glad to see you two made up," Nick said sarcastically, grinning when Howie gave him the finger. "Seriously though, I hate to see you guys fighting. D, I'm sorry if I did or said anything that might make you think I was going to hurt the babies. I just wanted to be a part of your new life... and you know how much I love kids."

"Yeah I do Nick... and I'm sorry for being such an asshole to you guys," Howie said as he walked over to hug his friend. "You know I love you, right?"

"Of course I do," Nick replied with a grin. "But I think you still need to apologize to JT for what you said to him."

"So do I," Nikki said as she rejoined her husband. When Howie groaned, she gave him a gentle shove in the direction of the house. "Come on mijo. It won 't be that bad."

"D, what did you mean about Lou Perlman doing something bad to you?" Nick asked, looking wary of how Howie might answer. Howie stopped in his tracks, turning around to confront Nick with fire in his eyes.

"Lou didn't do anything to me! Now shut the fuck up about Lou!" Howie snapped, then stormed off towards the house, leaving Nick looking hurt.

"Nikki, did I say something wrong?" he asked timidly, lowering his head to hide the tears that were threatening to fall. Nikki rubbed his back, trying to comfort him.

"No you didn't Nick, but Lou Perlman is a sore subject with D. So just let it go for now, okay?" Nikki said softly as she continued to rub Nick's back.

"You know what the secret is, don't you?" Nick asked, looking down at his friend's wife. Nikki sighed; trying to avoid answering but Nick persisted. "You know, don't you? Please tell me. I wanna help D."

"Yes I know what happened... but I'm not going to tell you behind my husband's back. So please stop asking," Nikki begged, eyes filling with tears again. When Nick seemed about to say something more, she stopped him. "It's not my secret to tell Nick. D has to be the one to decide if he wants you all to know. I will tell you this. The problem he has with Lou is the same one he had with me using a gun when those security guards broke into my room in Hawaii."

"Holy shit!" Nick exclaimed, tears beginning to fall. "Lou really hurt him, didn't he?

"Yes he did," Nikki whispered as she rubbed his back. "But don't cry Nicky. I hate to see people I care about crying. If you cry, I cry... and that won't be pretty."

"I'm okay," Nick replied with a small smile. The smile disappeared when they heard a commotion inside the villa. "What the hell is all that noise?"

"Oh shit! Stop JT!" Nikki yelled as they took off in the direction the noise was coming from.

// Back Inside //

"You steppin' up to me again to say what this time Howie? Going to call me a fucking pedophile again?" JT asks, grabbing Howie and punching him in the stomach. "Sorry I am not going to give you the chance to utter those words to me ever again."

"Owwww!" Howie shouts, bending over and holding his stomach as JT tries to grab him again, but this time Kevin stops him.

"Baby stop, he's trying to apologize!" Kevin shouts, struggling with JT. "Don't hit him again, let him speak."

"Let me go Kevin! Wait until I get my damn gun!" JT shouts, grabbing Kevin by the arm, elbowing him in the chest and slinging him up in the air, over his head, tossing him on the bed, knocking the wind out of Kevin.

"Oh shit! You see what JT just did." Nick says as he and Nikki stand in the doorway to Kevin and JT's room. "JT stop!"

"Mind your business Nick!" JT shouts, grabbing Howie again, this time Kevin and Nick both tackled him to the floor as he held on to Howie, still punching him. "Call me a fucking pedophile. You must be out of your fucking mind! Can't you see I'm the wrong fool to mess with!"

"Please JT stop! You are hurting him!" Nick shouts, being thrown against the wall

"I am giving him what he fucking deserves!" JT shouts, pushing Kevin away from him, going back to work on Howie.

"JT please stop." Nikki says in a calm voice. "Please stop before you two hurt each other."

"Each other? Hell looks like JT is causing most of the damage." Nick says as JT pushes Howie back and he falls against the wall, coughing and rubbing his throat.

"That's enough JT!" Nikki shouts, stepping in front of JT as he got ready to lunge forward and attack again. "You proved your point. Now enoughs enough."

"I think he needs more than that." JT says as Howie stands up, still holding his stomach and rubbing at his throat.

"Baby are you alright?" Nikki asks, hugging Howie as he flinches.

"Hell naw I ain't alright!" Howie shouts, coughing again, this time some blood appearing in his hand. "Just keep that mad man away from me!"

"I wouldn't be a mad fucking man if you hadn't tried to turn me and every gay man on the planet into a fucking pedophile!" JT yells as Nick and Kevin both get up, ready to tackle him again if needed.

"JT stop, he's bleeding. You beat him up. Isn't that enough?" Nikki asks, still standing in front of Howie. "All of this fighting has solved nothing, nothing at all. Men!"

It's all his fault!" JT says, stopping what he was doing and dropping to his knees on the floor. "If he hadn't called me a pedophile, we...we wouldn't have been fighting."

"I'm sorry for calling you a pedophile, I...I took my anger for someone else out on you guys. I'm sorry, please believe me when I say that." Howie says, coughing again, holding his chest this time.

"Who were you angry with Howie to call me and your friends pedophiles?" JT asks wrapping his arms around his knees, pulling them closer to his chest. "What's the deal man!"

"I am not going to answer that question." Howie says as Nikki hugs him and kisses him on the cheek.

"D man we want to help you." Nick says as Justin walks into the room.

"What's going on in here?" Justin asks, walking over to where Nick stood. "I thought I was dreaming all of this but it seems to be real now that I have gotten up."

"Your friend here thinks all gay men are pedophiles and we are now waiting for him to tell us why!" JT says, standing up now.

"Pedophiles? Why are we pedophiles? What did we do? Did someone do something to the babies?" Justin asks, looking around the room, seeing the way JT looked and then looking at Howie. "JT did you do something to the babies?"

"Oh no? Here we go again." Kevin says, jumping in front of Justin, grabbing JT. "Baby he's not accusing you, he's asking what's going on."

"Sounds like he's calling me a pedophile too!" JT shouts, struggling with Kevin.

"Baby please calm down. Justin isn't calling you a pedophile too, he's just trying to find out what's going on around here is all." Kevin says, breathing heavy as he motions to Justin to be quiet.

"Someone just get to the point please. This place looks like someone tried to take down the military or something." Justin says.

"I will take you down next!" JT says, struggling in Kevin's arms as Justin steps back away from JT. "Let me go Kevin, just let me go!"

"No baby, I won't let you go." Kevin says, pulling JT over to the bed, sitting down and pulling JT in his lap.

"You should have just let me go and get on my plane!" JT shouts. "If I was on that plane, none of this would be happening right now!"

"You are not leaving me here." Kevin says, kissing JT on his cheek. "Baby just please try to calm down."

"Nick can you tell me what's going on?" Justin asks, rubbing Nick's back.

"The short and sweet version is that this morning Howie called JT and the rest of us a pedophile. We are waiting on him to tell us why he believe that we are pedophiles." Nick explains.

"We are waiting D, what's your problem? Why are we pedophiles?" Kevin asks.

"I said no, I am not going to answer that question." Howie says, turning away from them.

"Why don't we just let this problem drop and leave it alone." Nikki suggests, holding Howie's hand.

"There must be something wrong for him to call us pedophiles like that Nikki." Kevin says, hugging JT to his chest. "You just don't call someone a pedophile for no reason."

"Kevin...Kevin just drop it please. We don't have to go into this right now." Nikki says, pleading with her eyes to Kevin.

"Hell naw Nikki!" Justin screams, getting closer to Nikki and Howie. "I am like Kevin now, I want to know what his problem is. We are all here and we have a right to know why he thinks we are pedophiles?"

"Go ahead and answer us already!" JT shouts, as Kevin rubs his back, trying to keep him calm.

"Fuck all of you!" Howie screams as Nikki continues to hold his hand.

"Is that the problem? You need sex and you are not getting the right kind?" JT asks, as Howie glares at him.

"Well is that it? You jealous or something?" Justin asks, looking at Howie. "Come on man what's the fucking deal with you?"

"Go to hell Justin! You don't deserve to know shit about me!" Howie yells, advancing on Justin but being blocked by Nick. "You don't know anything about me!"

"That might be it. He's jealous that he's not getting what we are getting." Justin says, turning around and walking away. "He's calling us pedophiles because he's just envious of us."

"Why I oughta..." Howie says as Justin turns around and punches him.

"You are going to what Howie?" Justin asks, as Nick grabs him. "You want to call me a pedophile to my face, bring that shit!"

"Calm down baby, we are trying to stop the violence." Nick says, hugging Justin.

"I don't give a fuck. He wants to call us fucking pedophiles, but can't give us a fucking reason for it!" Justin says, getting upset now.

"I think I know why he has a problem with us." Nick says, a tear falling from his eye.

"You don't know nothing Nick! Shut the fuck up!" Howie shouts, pushing past Nikki, punching Nick in the face. "Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up!"

"Owwww!" Nick screams, falling to the floor.

"You have gone to far Howie! You hit my husband! You want to hit somebody, hit me!" Justin shouts, caressing Nick in his arms. "Baby what do you think is going on?"

"Lou is what's going on." Nick says, crying now as Howie tries to get to Nick as Kevin blocks him from getting to the man.

"What do you mean Lou?" Justin asks.

"Shut up Nick, shut up! You don't know what you are talking about!" Howie screams, struggling with Kevin as he starts to cry. "You don't know what you are talking about!"

"D stop, listen." Nikki says as Howie stops struggling.

"It is Lou isn't it Howie?" Nick asks, pulling away from Justin. "Lou hurt you too didn't he?"

"Don't say no more Nick!" Howie says, still crying. "Please Nick, don't."

"I have to tell Howie, I have to." Nick says turning to look at Justin.

"What's going on here? What did Lou do?" Justin asks as JT stands up.

"Oh my fucking God." JT says, looking at Nick and then at Howie. "That's it, the pieces fit."

"What pieces? What are you talking about JT?" Justin asks walking over to Nick. "Baby what's going on?"

"Baby remember when I told you something bad happened to me a long time

ago?" Nick asks, caressing Justin's face.

"Yeah I remember you telling me that." Justin replies.

"No Nick, I didn't know." Howie says, hugging Kevin as Nikki hugs him.

"Oh damn, He hurt Nick too." Nikki whispers, tears falling from her eyes as the realization hit when her and Nick were outside earlier.

"A long time ago Lou...Lou when he was managing us...he...well...he hurt me." Nick says as JT walks over to him hugging him and Justin. "He tricked me into his office and he beat me and raped me."

"Oh my God!" Justin shouts, gasping as his tears overtook him. "I had no idea that happened. I'm gonna fucking kill that man!"

"Is that the reason why you don't like gay men Howie?" JT asks, turning to look at Howie.

"Yeah it's all Lou's fault!" Howie shouts, releasing Kevin and crying in Nikki's arms as she rubs his back. "He raped me, tried to fucking kill me!"

"I am so sorry he hurt you two." JT says looking around to see Nikki leading Howie from the room, as he still held Nick and Justin in his arms as Kevin hugged him. "Howie."

"What?!" Howie says, looking up at JT.

"I'm sorry all of this happened. I should have let you explain your self before I started commencing a beat down on you." JT says as Howie lays his head back down on Nikki's shoulder and the two of them walk out.

"Oh Nicky why didn't you tell me this before?" Justin asks, his arms around Nick's neck, looking him in the eye. "Why didn't you tell me about what Lou fucking did to you?"

"I didn't want to tell, I didn't want anyone to know the filthy things he did to me." Nick says, barely audible, still crying.

"But I'm your husband baby, I am here for you, you can tell me anything baby. You know that baby." Justin says, as Nick lays his head down on his shoulder.

"I...I don't want to talk about this anymore." Nick says, still crying. "Why don't we go take a walk or something."

"Come on baby." Justin says, kissing Nick on the mouth and wrapping his arms around his shoulder. "Why don't we go outside and stroll around the pool?"

"Sure, let's go." Nick says, as they both turn and look at JT and then Kevin, smile and walk from the room.

"Guys if you need to talk to us, you can, you know we are here for you." JT says, looking at the helpless look in Justin's eyes.

"Thanks JT, Kev." Nick says, as he and Justin turn around and smile, closing the door to the room.

"Now that its just me and you, we need to talk baby." Kevin says, wrapping his arms around JT.

"Talk about what Kevin?" JT asks, turning around to go back to packing his bag.

"This, you right now! Why are you still leaving?" Kevin asks.

"Because I don't belong here Kevin, I don't belong here with you." JT says, think about all the men he has been involved with in his life.

"What do you mean you don't belong here? You are my husband, you belong here." Kevin says, trying to hug JT.

"No Kevin I don't belong here, I belong around people that accept me for me, that don't compare me to other gay men that they have encountered in the past and I don't like having to fight my husband for something that is

mine." JT says, throwing more of his things into the suitcase.

"Well then I will go with you, we are married for God fucking sake!" Kevin shouts, grabbing JT by his arm and forcing him to turn around to face him. "Do you love me JT? Do you love me at fucking all?"

"Yes I do love you Kevin, but this isn't...this isn't where I belong as I just said." JT says, grabbing his cell phone that was lying on the bed and sliding it into his pocket. "I will always love you Kevin, but since I've been in your life...since I've been in your life, it has been wall to wall drama."

"All couples have drama in their lives." Kevin says, tears falling from his eyes. "That's the pattern of life baby."

"It might be a pattern, it's one I am not accustomed to living too." JT says, kissing Kevin, picking up his bag and walking out of the room.

"JT please don't do this to me, to us!" Kevin shouts, walking behind JT as he exits the room.

"Just look at this as saving you Kevin, saving you from dealing with unneeded drama." JT says, walking towards the main doors. "Julian please have the rest of my bags packed and ready to leave when the Airport Shuttle comes by to pick them up."

"Yes sir." Julian says, walking towards Kevin and JT's room.

"Julian stop! Don't do anything he just said." Kevin says, as Lydia and Craig walk into the hall way.

"What's going on? What's all the shouting for?" Lydia asks, looking at Kevin then JT. "Bro what's going on?"

"He's leaving me!" Kevin screams, throwing his hands up.

"Leaving you? For what?" Lydia asks, looking at JT.

"Ask him. He seems to think that he doesn't belong with me." Kevin says, tears streaming down his face, sniffling as he talks.

"Okay I'm a little bit lost here. What brought this on?" Lydia asks, walking over to where JT stood.

"I don't belong here Lydie. Pretty soon you will figure it out too. We don 't belong in the lives of celebrities." JT states, turning around to face Lydia. "Don't make the mistakes I have made girl. Don't think you are inside because you really aren't. You might go along thinking that everything is fine, but it never is. It's not real Lydie and you know as well as I do, that we can't change that."

"Bro what's wrong? What actually happened?" Lydia asks, looking at JT strangely, seeing something in his eyes she hadn't seen there in a long time. "You are scaring me here."

"I'm not trying to scare you Lydie, just warning you baby." JT says as he turns away from her. "I must go away from here."

"You can't leave me." Kevin says.

"Yeah what he said. You can't just leave him bro, that's your husband." Lydia says, grabbing JT by his arms.

"Not for long." JT says, walking through the door, letting it close behind him.


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Next: Chapter 67: Twilight in Paris 10

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