My Kinda Guy

Published on Dec 25, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

Author's Note: Yes this is the Christmas chapter of this story. Time has sped up a lot and this story takes place 1 day before Christmas. Everyone goes back to Paris to celebrate the Christmas season.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris

Chapter -- 12 by JT Poole and Nicole Brown

// A Cafe someplace in Paris -- Christmas Week //

"So Steve what's going to be our first move?" The guy asks, sitting across from Steve Fatone, Joey Fatone's brother.

"Well it's getting close to the holidays. I am quite sure that bitch will be out around town doing some Christmas shopping." Steve says, pulling out a folder and opening it. "This is what she looks like. She's still with that Backstreet punk Howie. She might be with my brother Joey since he and his boyfriend are here right now."

"This job seems like a breeze. The regular guy on staff will be leaving to go back to his family tomorrow. I will take over for him and then what?" The guy asks.

"You get in, get the babies and we go back to America." Steve says, pulling something out of the folder. "I need you to get this information about the babies and get it back to me as soon as possible so I can get what I need to get the babies to Michael."

"How am I going to get all of this? Someone is bound to get suspicious if I ask all these questions." The guy states, looking over the form.

"I am paying you to find out that information. You get it the best way you can." Steve says, closing the folder and standing up. "Get what I want and I will make you a very wealthy man."

"Will do what I can sir." The guy states, standing up and shaking Steve's hand as he grabs his jacket.

"You see that you do everything I have outlined in this packet and we won't have no fucking problems. Do I make myself clear?" Steve asks, looking at the man as Craig, Lydia, JT and Kevin walk into the Cafe.

"Crystal sir." The guy states as he picks up the folder and walks out, tipping his hat at Kevin and Craig.

"Why are we here Kevin?" JT asks, sitting down in the booth just where Steve and the guy had been sitting.

"This is a cafe baby. They sell food here and I am hungry." Kevin responds, patting JT's leg under the table.

"I would rather eat back at the villa." JT says, acting like a spoiled brat.

"Bro cut that shit out. We are trying to have a nice day. You need to get over yourself and have some fucking fun." Lydia says, elbowing JT in the side.

"I don't want to have fun, I want to go home Lydie. Don't start no..." JT says as Kevin cuts him off.

"Baby please don't." Kevin says, leaning closer to JT and kissing him on the neck. "We are just trying to cheer you up and get things back to normal. This is supposed to be our Christmas break. Please have some fun baby while we are able to spend this time together before the tour


"Listen to your husband bro. We are all getting tired of this stubbornness. You are pissing some of us off. We are all here trying to enjoy ourselves and you are here acting like a bitch. Snap out of it bro or else." Lydia says, as a waitress came over to the table. "It's almost Christmas and here you are bringing up stuff that happened months ago."

"Good afternoon. May I take your order?" The waitress asks, looking at Kevin first.

"I'll like to get the special of the day." Kevin says looking at JT.

"I'll have the same." JT says, glaring at Lydia, passing the menu to her.

"I'll have the Emince de Volaille sauce Roquefort - Pommes de terre

sautees." Lydia says, still looking at the menu.

"I'll have the Souffle au Fromage" Craig says, handing the woman the menu.

"Alright and what will you all be having to drink?" The waitress asks, writing stuff down on her notepad.

"Sweet Tea." JT says, as everyone nods.

"Alright everyone. I will have your orders up shortly." The waitress says, walking away from the table.

// The Eiffel Tower //

"This place is so beautiful." JC says as he and Joey rides up the elevator.

"Yeah it is baby, even in winter time." Joey replies, leaning over and placing a kiss to JC's lips. "I love you Josh."

"I love you too Joey." JC says as they reach the top of the tower.

"Here we are." Joey says as the gates open and they step outside. "The wind isn't blowing as much as I thought it would be up here."

"This is so lovely baby. Just look at that sky line." JC says, as he wraps his arms around Joey's neck and the two share a passionate kiss as the sun starts to set.

"This looks like a dream come true baby." Joey says, pecking JC's cheek quickly. "I am the luckiest man in the world. I have my boyfriend, I am spending time with my little boys and I am spending time with my friends drama free."

"I am happy for you Joe." JC says, looking down.

"What's that for baby? We are supposed to be happy, not sad." Joey says.

"I'm sorry Joe. I am sorry for all the things I did in the past to create a rift between you, Nikki and the babies. I am so sorry baby." JC says, crying as Joey hugs him.

"It's alright baby, really it is. You were just scared that something would happen to take me away from you. That's all water under the bridge." Joey says, kissing JC.

"But I...I wanted you to know that I was sorry. I told everyone else I was sorry, everyone but you baby." JC says, as Joey hugs him.

"I knew you were sorry. You don't always have to say it. I know your heart baby." Joey says as they hug each other looking out over the skyline as the sun continues to set.

"Hello you two." Lance says, as he and Carson walks up behind JC and Joey. "Are we interrupting?"

"No you're not Scoop." JC answers, waving at him and Carson. "Did you two find what you were looking for?"

"Yeah I got all the gifts I was looking for. I even found something for the two of us to have fun with." Lance says, smirking as he kisses the top of Carson's hand.

"I don't think we want to know what that is." JC says, laughing as Joey turns around.

"Is it almost time for us to go back to the villa?" Joey asks, looking at Lance and Carson.

"The car should be here in twenty minutes. Julian is on his way to pick up JT, Kev, Lydia and Craig. He should be here after that." Lance responds, pulling out a camera and snapping pictures.

"We better get copies." JC says, smiling as Carson jumped in the picture with him and Joey.

// An Adult Shoppe in Les Mefayette Landing ( A Shopping Mall) //

"Come on Nikki this looks totally hot." Nick says holding up a leather leotard in front of her.

"Who do you think is going to wear that?" Nikki asks, walking over to Nick. "I am not putting that on."

"But it looks hot Nikki. I bet D would love it." Nick says, smirking at her.

"Fine you wear it." Nikki says, moving past Nick to look at something else. "I like this studded bra and panties set right here."

"Come on girl do you think D would want to see you in that when he can see you in this. This will get the most attention." Nick says as Justin walks over to them wearing some leather chaps and a leather vest.

"Oh baby I really like this." Justin says, turning around, modeling the whole get up. "This feels hot."

"Damn is that Justin?" Nikki asks, looking at the man in front of her. "Damn he fine."

"Hey girl, that's my man." Nick says, walking over to Justin, feeling him up. "This is just right."

"Damn right it's just right." Justin says, quickly kissing Nick. "I think we can find you a loincloth around here and dress you up as an Indian."

"Hot damn. My baby wants to rope me up and have his way with me." Nick says, as Nikki looks at both men.

"Nikki are you okay?" Justin asks, shaking Nikki to get her attention.

"Huh? What...oh yeah that's it." Nikki says. "I think I will take both of these."

"Cool girl. I bet that makes D rise to the occasion." Nick says as Nikki places the items in their shopping cart.

"I think we best get out of here." Nikki says, turning around to place little Joshua in the double stroller. "Come on guys let's roll. I am starting to get a little hungry."

"I'm hungry too." Nick says as he kisses Justin again, sending him on his way to go change back into his regular clothes.

// Back at the Chevreux Bourges Villa -- JT and Kevin's Room //

"Why are you acting like a bitch?" Lydia says, pushing JT down on the bed, standing in front of him. "Are you trying to ruin your first Christmas with your husband?"

"Lydie I am not in the fucking mood this right now!" JT shouts.

"Oh you betta get in the fucking mood. I am tired of this JT. When are you going to let that shit go? Get the fuck over it." Lydia says, turning around.

"Excuse me this doesn't concern you." JT says, standing up.

"Hell it doesn't even concern anyone but you now. You are just being a bitch. Nikki and Howie have moved on past this shit. Hell they apologized to you before we left this place. You are the only one still holding on to it." Lydia says, getting up in JT's face. "Stop acting like a fucking baby!"

"I am not acting like a fucking baby! You are the one acting like a bitch!" JT shouts as Lydia smacks him. "Aw hell naw!"

"Come on bro jump!" Lydia says, getting into a fighting stance. "I need to beat your ass!"

"You can't beat my ass sis!" JT says as he and Lydia moved around in a circle in front of the bed.

"Imma beat your ass down like the bitch you acting like!" Lydia screams as the door flies open and Kevin and Craig run into the room.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Craig asks, grabbing Lydia as Kevin grabs JT.

"I'm gonna beat his ass!" Lydia shouts, struggling with Craig. "I came here to enjoy myself, not have him ruin my holiday baby."

"Baby he's your brother. You two don't need to be fighting." Craig says, kissing Lydia trying to calm her down. "This is the Christmas season, you two should be peaceful and kind, not throwing down like this."

"I wouldn't be trying to kick his ass if he would just let the past be the fucking past!" Lydia shouts. "He's ruining everyone's Christmas!"

"I'm doing no such thing!" JT shouts, struggling with Kevin trying to get to Lydia.

"JT stop this. She's your sister. She's a girl. You wouldn't hit a girl would you?" Kevin asks, trying to calm his husband down.

"You have a point Kev." JT says as he stops struggling and walks over to the closet. "I won't hit her, I will just shoot her ass!"

"Baby stop this!" Kevin shouts. "I have had it with this drama! Do you love me JT?"

"Kevin I..." JT starts as Kevin interrupts him.

"The only answer I want to hear is a yes or a no. Do you love me JT?" Kevin asks again.

"Yes I love you." JT answers him. "You know I love you baby."

"If you love me, then stop this arguing. Please, for me." Kevin says, walking towards the door with a sad look on his face. "We are trying to have a good time baby. This is our first Christmas together. Do you want this to be one of our first?"

"No I don't Kev." JT says, looking down at the floor.

"That was months ago baby. D is really sorry for what happened back then. You should go ahead and forgive him for this. Please baby. Don't let your anger for something in the past ruin our first Christmas." Kevin says as he walks out of the door leaving JT, Lydia and Craig standing in the room.

"I'm sorry bro. I just wish you would let this stuff go. It's been like seven months already, let it go. Please for me, for your husband." Lydia says.

"You don't understand..." JT says as Lydia sighs.

"You don't seem to understand. You are ruining a beautiful time that you can be sharing with your husband. This is your very first Christmas man." Lydia says. "You two have been apart for the last two months. Enjoy this time with him before he goes back on tour."

"J man she has a point. I know you miss him just like I miss her when we are working. I know you love Kevin and he loves you. Go be with him and let that shit from the past go. Howie isn't your man, hell he shouldn't even matter. Kevin is the one that your world should revolve around. Go to him and show him that you love him and want to be with him." Craig says, hugging JT. "Go on, go find your husband before its too late.

// Galeries Lafayette -- The Food Court //

"I'm really tired guys." Nikki says as they reach the food court. "Why don 't we spend a few minutes here, rest and get lunch?"

"Sounds good to me." Nikki says as Howie walks over to them carrying baby Joseph in his arms.

"Hello mija." Howie says, kissing Nikki passionately as he sat next to her at the table.

"Mijo." Nikki says, reaching over and tickling baby Joseph. "How did you two fare?"

"I am okay, just a little bit of pain in my side." Howie answers her as she takes baby Joseph from Howie and places him in the stroller with Joshua. "So did you find anything nice for Christmas?"

"Yes I did suga." Nikki says, grinning from ear-to-ear, thinking about the items she bought in the sex shoppe.

"Uh oh, what did you get angel?" Howie asks as Nick and Justin walk over to the table carrying food.

"Hey D, man you are just in time for lunch." Nick says, laying a container in front of Nikki as he passes one to Howie too.

"What's this?" Howie asks, popping the top of the container looking at the food.

"It's chicken and taters." Nick says, giggling as Justin pops him on the arm. "Well it is chicken and taters baby."

"Is that it?" Howie asks.

"Yep man. You are surely welcomed to go order what you want." Nick says, opening the container in front of him. "This isn't mine Justin, this is yours."

"Well then this one's yours." Justin says, sliding the container in front of him over to Nick.

"I think I need some ketchup or something." Nick says getting up. "Does anyone want anything?"

"Could you get some extra napkins please?" Nikki asks, looking through the baby bag looking for the bottles for the babies. "Oh and can you bring a fork and some salt and pepper please?"

"Sure Nikki. That's all?" Nick asks.

"Yep cupcake, that's all I need." Nikki says, sitting up again.

"I am going to get something else to eat. I can't eat this." Howie says, getting up to go order something else.

"Complain complain complain." Nikki says shaking her head as Justin drops his fork on the ground.

"Damn it. I'll be back. I am going to get another fork." Justin says as he gets up, leaving Nikki alone at the table with the babies.

"Oh well its just us three." Nikki says, moving the top of the stroller back as she leans down to pick up baby Joseph. "Hello small fry are you hungry? That's right little one. Mamma has some milk for her sweet baby."

Turning her back to reach into the baby bag for a clean towel, a strange man comes out of nowhere and tries to reach into the baby stroller to take baby Joshua out. The man bumps into her, getting her attention as she stands up in a hurry.

"What the hell!" Nikki screams, scaring the man as he drops baby Joshua back into the stroller as he backs away from her and the babies and trips on the chair behind, falling to the ground as the commotion gets Howie, Justin and Nick's attention. "Help! Somebody Help!"

"Shut the fuck up bitch!" The man shouts, pulling out a gun as Justin and Nick get back to the table.

"What's going on..." Nick asks, seeing the gun in the man's hand.

"Don't come any closer or I will shoot!" The man shouts, getting up off the floor as he pushes a chair in Nick and Justin's direction as he starts running.

"Nikki are you okay?" Justin asks as she absentmindedly sits down in the chair and starts crying as she holds on tight to Joseph.

"What's going on here?" A constable asks, walking over to the table.

"A man, a man tried to kidnap my son." Nikki barely says as the constable had to lean down to hear what she had to say.

"Oh my God." Howie says, sitting next to Nikki, wrapping his arms around her as she tenses up. "It's me angel."

"That man tried to take my heart." Nikki says, tears streaming down her face.

"Guys I think we need to just get home." Howie says, as Nick picked up Joshua in his arms and Justin got the stroller.

"I'm calling for someone to come pick us up." Justin says, pulling out his cell phone.

"Why don't you all come to the security station with me." The constable says. "We need to make a report of this."

"Why is it the day we decide to go out without security something happens?" Nick says aloud as they walk to

// 1 Hour Later //

"Look man I am the head of security. Let me talk to them." JT says, standing out in the main waiting area with the head constable.

"They are all being interviewed." The man states, turning away from JT.

"Well are they okay?" JT asks, trying to look past the man.

"No one was hurt that we know of sir." The man says as he gives up trying to talk to JT and presses a button as a buzzer sounds and the metal gate opens. "Come on back sir."

"Thank you." JT says as he is led to where Nikki and the babies were. "Nikki are you okay?"

"She's not speaking." The man says, picking up a folder. "She hasn't spoken two words since we got her down here."

"Where is her husband?" JT asks.

"He's in the next room." The man says.

"Why isn't he here with her?" JT asks. "She needs him right now. Where are the others?"

"Follow me sir." The man says, closing the door and leading JT down the hall where Nick and Justin were.

"Excuse me. Why are you treating them like criminals?" JT asks, looking into the room to see that Howie, Nick and Justin were in a barred room. "Why are they behind bars?"

"This is the only place we have to hold people." The man responds.

"Why are you holding them?" JT asks, walking over to the glass, tapping on it to get Justin's attention.

"JT get us out of here!" Justin shouts in the room.

"I'm trying buddy." JT says, turning around to look at the man. "They haven't done anything. Let them out of there."

"We haven't finished interviewing them." The man states.

"Who are you interviewing now. You are not talking to them to ask them what happened!" JT shouts, closing his eyes as he tries to calm his nerves. "Let them out of there and now!"

"You don't give orders here." The man says as JT, raises his hand.

"Hold up." JT says, pulling out his cell phone as he makes a phone call. "Howard Marshall please. Howard, JT here. Hi there. It's nice to hear your voice too. Listen, I'm in Paris right now and it seems that Nick, Justin and Howie are being held against their wishes at a security station in the Galeries Lafayette. It seems there was a kidnapping attempt on one of the babies and the constable asked them to fill out a report. The get here to fill out the report, but are placed in holding cells. Why is that?"

"I don't know why that would happen JT." Howard Marshall, Nick and Justin's lawyer says.

"Well I am quite sure they didn't do anything wrong this time. Nikki is the victim here and these guys are treating her husband and friends like criminals." JT says.

"Is there someone in authority there like the Chief Constable?" Howard asks.

"Yes, he's standing right here." JT answers him. "Would you like to speak with him?"

"Sure JT. I would like his explanation of why they are behind bars." Howard says as JT chuckles and hands the phone to the man.

"Ah hello?" The man says into the phone.

"Hello there. Howard Marshall, I'm the attorney for the people you have behind bars. Is there a reason for Mr. Carter, Mr. Timberlake and Mr. Dorough being behind bars?" Howard asks.

"Well ah...ah sir...we were interviewing them...we were trying to find out why there...why there was an attempt to take the woman's child." The man responds, looking at JT with a shocked look on his face.

"There's no reason why you should have those men behind bars. I suggest you let them go." Howard says. "If they are not release in the next few minutes you all will have to answer to me and the American Embassy."

"Sir we need..." The man says as Howard cuts him off.

"You need to let them go and let them go now." Howard says, as he starts typing at his computer. "If the gentlemen with you calls me again, you will regret it. Let those men go."

"Here's your fone sir." The man states handing the phone back to JT.

"Thank you." JT says. "I'm waiting."

"Just a moment sir." The man says as he walks out of the room.

// Down in the Room with Nikki //

--- Nikki's POV ---

Why does this keep happening? Just when I feel safe, somebody tries to steal my son. They tried to steal the one thing that means more to me than my life. I look down into Joseph's sleeping face and tears blur my vision. Oh God... I need to take my babies away from all of this and just go someplace where nobody knows me. Maybe then I can have some peace. It wouldn't matter though... I'll never be safe, no matter where I go. D tries so hard, but he can't protect me. That guy pulled a gun on him, Nick and Justin because of me! I have to leave! No! I don't want to leave him... but I don't have a choice. I have to keep my sons, and the guys, safe.

Please God; give me the strength to make the right choice, I prayed as I rocked my son. And please, please don't let anybody else get hurt because of me! Especially not my Sweet D! He's already suffered enough because of me. Don't let my being in his life hurt him anymore. Just let this all be over... even if I have to die to stop it, please don't let anyone else I love hurt because of me.

"Mija, oh my sweet mija." My husband says, walking into the room, sitting next to me.

"I need to go home." I say, still rocking Joseph in my arms. "I need to go home now."

"We are going baby, we are going." He says, sliding his chair over to me as he wraps me in his arms. "We are just waiting on JT and the others."

"D I want to be safe, I need to be safe." I say, tears falling from my eyes as he rubs my back.

"I know baby I know." He says, crying now too. "I am so sorry I couldn't protect you and the babies earlier."

"D we need to go! We need to go home!" I shout, scaring baby Joshua.

"Nikki baby please calm down." He says, caressing my face. "I'm sorry Nikki, I sorry I failed. I failed you as a husband."

"You haven't failed me as my husband." I say, looking him in the face. "How were you supposed to know what was going to happen?"

"I should have been there with you. I should have been there to stop him angel." He says, looking me in the eye as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"You weren't there D!" I shout at him, scaring both of the babies now.

"Nikki please..." He says, taking Joseph from me as Nick and Justin walks into the room.

"I gotta go! I can't stay here. I cause problems for everybody!" I shout, looking around the room. "I'm a fucking catastrophe. You don't need me in your life D!"

"Nikki calm down." Justin says as Nick pick up a crying baby Joshua.

"Come on Angel calm down." Howie says in a calm voice, hoping to calm me down.

"No! Stay away from me! You best leave me D, just leave me and get on with your life!" I shout as JT walks into the room.

"What's going on in here? Nikki?" JT says, surveying the scene.

"Stay back! Just everybody stay away from me. I am a fucking jinx! I only cause problems in the lives of the people around me!"

"Nikki please stop. You are scaring the babies." Justin says, stepping closer to Nikki as she backs up against the wall in the corner.

"I said stay away from me!" Nikki shouts, grabbing the chair holding it in front of her at Justin like she was taming a lion.

"We need to get her calmed and now." JT says as the constable ran into the room with a syringe.

"What do you think you are doing?" Howie asks, as the constable walked closer to me.

"I'm going to give her a tranquilizer." The constable answers as I hit him with the chair, knocking him away from me and sending the needle flying across the floor.

"She's going to hurt somebody and possibly herself. We got to get her out." JT says.

"No you can't do that!" Howie shouts.

"Right now I agree with the constable. She needs the tranquilizer." JT says, as he ducks, grabs the needle and gets hit with the chair too, falling back on the floor as Howie, grabs the needle from JT and jumps over to me, sticking me in the arm as a wave of pleasure flows through me and then nothing but darkness.

"Is she going to be okay?" Nick asks, as the baby in his arms continues to cry.

"Hopefully yes." JT says walking over to Nikki, helping Howie get her up. "Come on guy we need to get back to the villa."

"Yeah we do." Nick says.

"I think you should help me while Howie carry one of the babies." JT says, as Justin gives Howie the baby. "Come on Justin we need to get her into the car and get back to the villa."

// Back at the Villa //

"What happened to her baby?" Kevin asks as JT and Justin come walking into the house with Nikki, followed by Nick and Howie.

"She wasn't herself baby, so the head constable had to knock her out with a tranq." JT says, as he and Justin lays her down on the sofa in the main room.

"What? Why baby?" Kevin asks as Lydia and Craig come into the room.

"Let's just say she was a little hysterical." JT says, as Howie sits down besides her on the sofa.

"She wasn't hysterical." Howie says, running his fingers through Nikki's hair. "She's just a little bit scared right now."

"Scared enough that she knocked down the constable and knocked the needle out of my hand with a chair." JT says, turning around, heading to his room. "If I am needed, I will be in the bedroom making some phone calls."

"Thanks for helping us JT." Justin says as JT disappears into his and Kevin 's room.

"Kev is he still mad with me?" Howie asks, getting off the sofa and walking over to Kevin.

"He says he's not D." Kevin says, looking away from Howie, knowing in his mind he's lying to his friend.

"Then what's wrong with him? He's been quiet since we all got here Kev. I don't want him to be made or upset. This is a special time for all of us and there shouldn't be no ill will." Howie says.

"I know its special D, this is the first Christmas for all of us." Kevin says, looking down at his hand where his wedding ring is. "Excuse me, I need to go take care of something. You get her to bed and make sure she's okay."

"Okay Kev. Yo Kev. You know if you need to, you can still talk to me. I am still your best friend." Howie says as he and Kevin hug.

"I will keep that in mind." Kevin says as he walks down the corridor to his and JT's room.


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Next: Chapter 70: Twilight in Paris 12b

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