My lawnboy

By Mason County

Published on Nov 8, 2024


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My lawn boy - part one

I was tired of dealing with the yard work at my house and I messaged a friend asking if he knew anyone who'd want to make some extra cash. He told me that his son R.K. would do it. I told him to have his son stop by and we'd talk.

R.K. showed up the next day and I explained all that I wanted and expected to be done. We discussed a price and shook hands. This was between his junior and senior year in high school and he had yet to turn 18. He was on the varsity football and wrestling teams, 5'10 150-160 with dark hair and eyes. Sports had given him a nicely toned and sculptured body. Big broad shoulders, narrow tapered waist, and those v-lines for days.

I should probably say that back in the day, his father and I used to play around. His father had an amazingly long and thick dick that he loved sucked and an ass he begged to be eaten. I blew him for about 2 years before I moved away.

Now back to present day, R.K. was a great worker and so well-mannered and polite. Right before the beginning of his senior year, he turned 18 and he would send me snaps of him flexing in the bathroom mirror shirtless and in his boxer briefs.

After his high school graduation, he asked if he could mow for me again so he could make some money for college. He had received a scholarship to play football and wrestle. I told him sure thing. We spent lots of time talking in person and on Snapchat.

He left for college and I made plans to go see him for his birthday and take him for a sushi buffet. I asked what he wanted for his birthday and he commented that he was thinking of getting a lawnmower so he could do manscaping. I got him the gift set that included the really nice boxer briefs.

After going to dinner, we came back to the hotel and I let him open his present. I told him there was one stipulation with a part of his present. He was going to need to model the underwear. So he went into the restroom and came out wearing just the boxer briefs. I thought I might need a crash cart. He and his body was breath-taking.

I asked if I could see his cock, he said he guessed so, I said well only if he felt okay showing me. So he did. I asked if I could touch it as he was quite hard and thick. Not like his dad but pretty damn close. He shook his head yes. I began to stroke him and as I felt him get throbbing hard I knew he was going to shoot. I dropped to my knees and swallow his cock all the way down to his balls as a massive load of fresh 19 year old cum shot down my throat. Afterwards, he got dressed and I asked if he was ok with what happened and he said yes. He returned to his dorm and I jerked off to the wonderful memory.

More to come

Next: Chapter 2

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