My Life as a Cocksucker

By Steven889

Published on Feb 10, 2016


A Cuckold cocksucker's unusual week.

I'm getting used to spending each evening orally servicing my wife and Ed, her dad, and of course Dave each week. I don't even mind that I'm not working a regular job. I do miss a regular Paycheck, and being part of a team, but as I've been told numerous times, my new team is between the legs of whomever I'm orally servicing.

Take this week for instance. Unusual in that Dave, who acts like he owns me now, had to leave for a business training session in Seattle for the week. He sprung this on me Saturday morning while I was sucking the second of two loads from his always full nuts. As I milked his spent cock, I lubricated the shaft with his entire second load. Just my mouth, tongue, saliva mixed with cum, and his softening shaft. We spent several minutes joined like this. I swished the cum around his cock with my tongue, savoring the taste, as he lightly petted my head. Sometimes he can be nice, especially after he dumps a large load in my mouth. He told me recently he had a cum slut in college that loved to soak his spent shaft in his load before being swallowed, and he wanted to experience it again. We've done it this way several times. It is a delightful sensation, and brought about an extreme submissive feeling I enjoyed repeating. He enjoyed the extra wetness, milking action, and hearing my constant moans of contentment. After about 10 minutes he said,

"Swallow cocksucker" and I did. It took two swallows and then I had to suction the remaining wetness from his shaft. I looked up afterward to look for a smile or something. Instead I got a smirk, and his terse command, balls cocksucker". I looked down and there was a couple of drops of cum almost ready to slip off and drop on the sheets. I quickly swallowed nearly all of his shaved scrotum. I finished cleaning Dave and he softly pulled his nuts from my mouth and said,

"Damn I'm going to miss your hot sucking mouth next week. I may have to find a blow boy in Seattle."

I usually spent Sunday with my wife and Ed, but because Dave needed a ride to the airport early Monday, and he would be giving up his time with me for the week, I stayed over the entire weekend as Dave and his friends kept me busy the entire time. I got doubled teamed twice, and sucked off several others numerous times. If I remember right. I only had a couple of pieces of fruit and one meal on Sunday as I spent so much time being fed, especially while they watched football.

Dave's flight Monday was at 7:45 am, so we had to leave around 6:00 to make the flight. I got up a little earlier to make some coffee and a quick breakfast. Dave drove, but as soon as we made the freeway, he unzipped and pulled out his wonderful cock, and grabbed me by the collar and just pulled me down on his cock as he drove.

"Oh shit that feels good cocksucker. We got 20 minutes until we pull near the terminal, get to work. I don't want to fly with a hard cock"

There wasn't much room between his crotch and the wheel, so I had to suck him off deep and with a lot of suction. Every time I tried to go up and down the back of my head hit the wheel, and I knew that was dangerous. I have to say, it's always a turn on when I get used as a cocksucker without regard to my safety. And sucking someone off at 65 miles an hour has its moments of danger. A couple of times he pushed my head balls deep and kept me there until I began to struggle for air. He'd release me just for a second and do it again. I'd get light headed, but I sucked harder for 10 minutes than I ever had in my entire cocksucking life. I tightened my lips and literally squeezed the shaft while tonguing the head. I could feel his cum as it spurted, each deep shot was immediately swallowed as I didn't want him to stain his suit pants. I could feel the car slow down as he came in my mouth. It was probably just a reflex, and as soon as Dave finished expelling his yummy load, the car began to pick up speed. I straightened up and licked the remaining cum from my lips. I just kept looking down. I felt so used and submissive, I almost wanted to sit on the floor.

"Well, we didn't have time before we left, and I wanted you to start your week off right. Now what do you say cocksucker?" Dave said.

"Thank you sir, that was kind of you to feed me before you left. I'm going to miss swallowing you cum. Is there anything else I can do for you while your away?" It replied

Dave looked at me, and as we pulled into the terminal he stopped the Car. He laughed a little and grabbed my jaw kind of hard. It's what he does whenever he want a me to really look at him when he had something important to say.

"20" that's how many loads I want you to swallow before I get back.

I want video evidence of every fucking load, and that's before you swallow. Do you think you can handle that cocksucker?"

It kind of stunned me. But I've been trained to obey without question.

"Yes sir I will. What if I exceed 20?

"You are some cocksucker. Don't get greedy. Let's just say, any more that that will get you bonus points. But don't even think about not meeting my figure. We will watch and critique your work when I get back. I'll text your wife and her dad about your quota. I dropped him off at the terminal. He squeezed my balls hard before he drove away.

"Remember these belong to me cocksucker".

And with that, I jumped into the car, and drove back home with the taste of Dave's fresh load in my mouth. I do remember Dave shifting his cock around in his trousers as he walked off. I'm glad I drained his balls before he left.

As I drove home, for an instance I thought about just driving off. Maybe I could find a new freedom away from oral and anal servitude.

I had some money secretly saved. I could go somewhere and start a life as straight guy. Maybe even start my own business. Be my own man. No more having my face between so many legs. Giving so much pleasure,and receiving so little. Not being called a cocksucker.

Funny, all the time I was having such fantasy, daydreams, or whatever you call it, my path to home never changed, and I continued on to my present situation as everyone's personally cum slut.

I drove over to my wife's house. It's hers now, as I've been told numerous times. Walking in the door, she met me and just laughed, shook her head, and said "20 That's pathetic, even for you. Oh well. I called the guys, and Ed is coming home to feed you. Well, at least I won't have to make you lunch, all that creamy cum should fill your cocksucking stomach right up"

Claire has a condescending laugh, and sometimes shakes her head after seeing me demean myself between someone legs. I know I've lost most of her respect, but she readily uses me anyway whenever she needs a quick mouth cleaning or orgasm. At least I'm allowed between her shapely legs, and not completely closed off from servicing her tasty pussy and ass.

When Ed came home he came in the door and immediately hollered

"Where's my cocksucker".

It's like I don't have a real name anymore. Dave's influence has filtered down to everyone in our group.

I came out of the master bedroom where I had changed the sheets and made the bed. It's one of my chores, as my wife prefers to have clean sheets often. It seems Ed was insatiable, and from the condition of the sheets, he was taking advantage of her luscious pussy and ass.

I just smiled and put down the laundry basket.

"Get on your knees and let's get started on your quota. Honey you don't mind me feeding your cocksucking husband my first load of the day"

She replied, "no, honey, first loads are always the largest. Let me get the camera, Dave wants to make a video of all the loads his cocksucker swallows. I think it's for a get together when he returns. It should make for quite the party favor don't you think?"

"Does he want the entire suck filmed, or just when I drop my load down his throat?" Ed exclaimed.

"What, and miss his exquisite ball worship? Let's get start to finish. I have some great software that will edit it down. I can even add music and Graphics. I can even blur some of the faces so we could even post this on a few cocksuckers web sites.

And with that Ed dropped his pants and stripped naked for effect. Claire filmed it from that point. Ed sat on the couch and obscenely spread his legs. I crawled over trying not to act, but be as natural a cocksucker as I could be recited as I recited the mantra Dave has taught me.

"May I please have the privilege of orally pleasuring you with my mouth and swallowing your cum"

Ed looked at me and just grabbed my head and shoved his hardening cock deep in my oral cavity. He started a rather hard face fuck. I just had to follow his lead. Up and down until his shaft was slick and fully erect. At that point he withdrew and I was nearly breathless. They were both softly laughing.

Claire said" don't wear him out honey, he's got to gather 19 more loads after you."

"Suck and lick my balls for awhile" Ed replied

Claire always the clever one sat on the floor and from a low angle filmed my ball sucking from a close intimate position. I'm sure it would be hot to watch as my moans and tongue work were loud and obviously natural. I even swabbed under each nut as the taste took over my senses. Guys really like having the bottom of their nuts licked. I like to feel the before and after weight of a scrotum. It validates my work as a cocksucker. It's like my tongue is a sperm scale, detecting the missing ounces of cum, now safely in my stomach. Not to get carried away, but I eventually got him off, although Ed requested having just the head rest on my tongue with my mouth wide open so the heavy shots of his sperm could be more easily recorded for viewing enjoyment. And for effect he loudly said,

Swallow cocksucker" as I closed my mouth and swallowed his abundant slimy load with a loud audible gulp. I licked my lips afterward before returning to milk the spent shaft of the remaining goodness. I wasn't going to get an oscar, but I did my job to their satisfaction, and took pride in the result.

I looked up and smiled and Ed said "cut" as his milking ended.

Claire said" honey I'm so proud of you, that was a first class cum extraction. We will get a few more today from the group. I know Bryan will prefer driving deep when he unloads, but that's okay we will need variety for this video to be watchable"

She continued, "now we've decided to adjust your schedule this week so you can consume the largest loads possible. I mean any guy in the group could cum 3 times a day, and just Ed and dad alone could fill the quota Dave's set for you. But your such a obedient and talented cocksucker, and we've done the math. You only need 4 loads a day, and it's just going to be too much fun producing this wonderful oral video tribute of your love to swallow cum, that it's best if you get a variety and large quantity with each nut you suck out. I want you to edge everyone by spending several minutes licking and suckling their balls. I want lots of verbal from everyone, but especially you. It's just so much hotter to hear a cocksucker proclaim his adoration and pride as you debase yourself between someone legs. And I know for sure, dad will still demand to be rimmed. He especially enjoys your asking for permission to suck his crotch, and your heartfelt thank you for receiving the gift of his cum. You understand what I'm saying?

Don't talk, just nod".

I knew better than to disagree, especially if I wanted to receive permission to jack off while Dave was away. I nodded, and just looked down at the floor like a good submissive.

"Well it's good to see you've adjusted your attitude. This video is going to be so much fun to watch. I intend for everyone involved to be there at its premier next week. Your going to be a star honey"

Claire was very animated and really excited to be part of my humiliation.

Claire continued. "Aren't you glad to have exchanged roles? I mean it just suits you better to be penetrated by cock and taking the cum of others."

On Tuesday I got a surprise. Claire's two older brothers who live nearby, have offered to help out by offering their cocks while Dave is away. I've always been somewhat cowed by these two guys. Jeff is the oldest and also the largest of the two brawny men. Don is slightly shorter with a perpetual short beard. Both never really liked me much, and now that Claire has leveled with both of them of my new status, I heard they wanted to know why she was still married to such a wimp. This was told to me by her father, who actually agreed with them. He did let them know it had its advantages having a trained cocksucker and rim expert in the family. They both agreed to come by that evening after work to help with my cum quota. It was okay to film their dumping their loads, but didn't want their faces in the video.

I got both of them off twice. It must have been a while for both as their loads were thick and plentiful. Claire and Ed cheered for me to swallow ever drop of family sperm. I did feel a connection as they unloaded deep in my throat. After all I was swallowing the cum of real men who had the same DNA of my beloved wife.

I really love being labeled a cocksucker. Lots of people, men and women, go through life never finding that passion that defines who they are. I'm fortunate to go to bed each evening and waking up each day knowing I'm helping out others. Yes, I know your going to say that it's sucking the cum from a well fucked pussy, or straight from the balls of some stud in need of relief, but the looks I receive as I swallow their cum are proof that giving rather than receiving is much more satisfying.

Claire helps me to remember my giving nature by making sure that I fall asleep with the taste of whoever I got off last. I'm not allowed to rinse my mouth after a stub uses me as his cumdump. She's asked Dave and her dad to help with that request. It's a wonderful, yet mucky way to sleep, but reinforces my submissive nature and gives me wonderful dreams about my servitude. I'm so grateful to everyone for their efforts to keep me busy helping others.

She also asked me to write down what advice I would give to prospective cocksuckers. Her thoughts were that my experiences should be shared with others seeking to give oral enjoyment. This is what I came up with.

Cocksuckers advice Column

I always start by lightly licking just under their balls of whoever has chosen me to service them. It's up to others to decide whom I suck. It sends a shiver through them, and gets them primed for what is to follow. Lick and lightly suck their balls for a while, suck each testicle, go back and forth. Take your time. Remember that only a thin membrane of flesh separates the yummy cum from your tongue. Save the cock for last. Start by Licking the head, then the shaft, act like your studying his crotch, which you are. I don't use my hands much, except to lightly squeeze their nut sack, or to touch the perineum under the sac. When you do start to suck, take it easy and slowly take the shaft deep. Stop when you feel a gag coming on, and just stay there. Look up at them at this point. Some guys will want you to maintain eye contact as you suck. I like to close my eyes sometimes to enjoy the unique sensation of sucking full tight cum filled balls. As you take the shaft into your mouth, Back off and try and go deeper. It's a learning process with each cock. I don't suck uncut, but to each his own. Get into a rhythm going up and down the shaft, suck the balls again and say how good he tastes. Pull up the shaft with your hand to get some pre-cum. It will appear as glistening delicious drops from the slit. Some guys take longer and will need additional stimulation. The amount varies, but I've sucked a few guys who almost weep the precious fluid. Lick it up and savor the taste. Tell him it's delicious, which it is. Try and read his movements. If he's passive, take his hands and place them on your head. I find its increases your submissiveness. When you've edged him awhile, (means bring him to the edge and back off) go for the load with enthusiasm. Take the shaft only an inch or two into your mouth. If he drives his cock deep, well you may happen to learn to take it, but I would ask him beforehand not to because your a novice, but want to learn to swallow his loads. It's Loads, because your going to be there between his legs again. Let him shoot and hold your mouth steady. They cockhead get sensitive , so just let him shoot. Some guys prefer to have a hard suck while they cum. Listen to his instructions, which may come while he's calling you cocksucker, faggot, sissy, or other terms men use while getting off in someone's mouth. Savor the feel, taste and texture of his semen. Swallow his gift, and lick him clean of saliva and any cum you may have missed. Now this is important. Let him rest his spent shaft in your mouth. Take him deep and just breath. You have just emptied his nuts. Your a good cocksucker and should be proud of yourself. Remember manners are important, so Always, and I mean always, thanks them for the load and the honor or whatever word your comfortable with of sucking his balls and cock. If he desires, offer to wait a few minutes and go again. The second load is more work, and the loads are generally smaller, but and you can be more aggressive in your efforts. It's incredibly satisfying to extract a second load. If this is your first time, the anxiety should be gone. You've already sucked a cock and swallowed a load of hot cum, so there is no going back. If you never suck again, you will always know you are now a cocksucker. That will never change, so just accept that as a fact. Take pride in that about yourself. It's nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary you've given of yourself selfishly to please another. If he doesn't cum again even with your new efforts, don't feel bad, you needed the practice. Let me know how it goes.

Claire was pleased with my instructions, and posted them online on a cocksuckers website, along with a video of me taking several loads. She had Ed obscure my eyes so I wouldn't be Identified.

I'm picky, but it's nice to be desired. I love to suck a clean cock. It's like it belongs in my mouth. I love the cum too, at least if it tastes good. The guy yesterday had some decent tasting cum. I think he will call me soon, maybe today. He says he always cums twice. I find that rare in most guys, and highly desired. I sucked his balls after I shaved him. He took a quick shower after to clean away stray hairs. The second nut was pretty large too. I was impressed. Not a large cock, but those guys are easier to deep throat. I'm sure I was a revaluation to him.

Rim work.

While I was sucking Claire's dad the other day, he asked, no more like demanded in a nice way that I change up my rimming this afternoon.

He had set up a video camera in the living room. Claire wanted something special for Dave to watch when he returned.

" My little girl wants to see first hand your passion in pleasing my crotch. She wants you to remember what it was like when you met. She said you used to have long make out sessions. You remember all that tongue and slobbering. She called it suck face. Do you remember that?"

I looked up from the floor and nodded. I also remembered her sending me home with horrible blue balls.

"Well, that's what she wants to see, and hear as well. I want you to make out with my anus. Kiss it like your making out with my little girl. Talk to it, say the same sweet things you would say to any young honey you want to fuck. Get to it, and there is no set time limit. Shoot, I remember kissing a cute girl once for a couple of hours just to get to second base".

At that he turned on the video camera, and at a brief introduction about how I begged to make this video, and how I well I was going to treat rimming Dave when I returned, I made this video to show how much pleasing him with my mouth, lips and tongue meant to me.

I'm glad her dad takes a shower before our Rimming sessions, but there is always a musty male smell that emanates from his crotch. His man smell is delightful and always makes my mouth water. I never get enough of it, or find myself getting tired of sniffing and sucking up the maleness, not to mention my steady diet of man milk.

I was allowed to close my eyes if I wanted, as that is what you do when you kiss. I chose to keep them open at first. It was just so more humiliating to see myself pucker up as I leaned in to service his anus. I tried to imagine I was kissing a beautiful girl. I puckered up and planted a long smooch kiss directly on his anal ring. I heard a loud gasp and backed off, and did it again. I made sure to make a loud kissing sound and used plenty of saliva. I reached around with my hands and pretended to caress his hips like I would a girls face or shoulders. I moved my face left and right just like you do when making out. This was kind of fun, and reminded me of the times I tried to please a women. He softly caressed my head as I made out with his sphincter. I loved all the attention I was getting. That is my transformation into a cuckolded, cocksucking, cum drinking, rim sucking faggot.

Her dad was moaning quite a bit now, and even started to stroke his huge cock. He pushed me away a few times to use his finger to smear some pre-cum on his hole, and then he would tell me to continue. It was tasty to lick the sweet cum from his anus. I stated to use my tongue to penetrate his hole when he told me to remember to French kiss my new girlfriend. I was starting to shake with the utter humiliation and role play. I lightly kissed and tongued like it was another pair of lips kissing me back. His ring began to loosen under my passionate assault. His balls were bouncing on my forehead as he kept pace with my anal make out. I was actually enjoying this, and I'm sure it was hot on video. I would turn to face the camera, lick my lips and talk to his anus and the camera. Saying I loved kissing your sweet lips, and wanted to continue. I said it was giving me blue balls, but that I loved making out this way. He would pan down to my chastity device, and then back up to my anal worship.

I'd return and press my lips again and began to smooch his whole hole, moving my face around before lightly tonguing it for the camera.

"What do you say to a pretty girl you've just kissed?

I looked up and thought about it for a moment.

"Your just so beautiful, I don't want to stop kissing you"

At that I closed my eyes and leaned in and puckered up and planted a wet kiss with plenty of smooch sound directly on the center of his sphincter. I licked like an ice cream cone from the bottom of his balls, past the perineum, and continued talking sweet words as I returned to tongue his hole. I was Happier than I've ever been in my whole life, and exactly where I was born to be.

Her dad continued to smear his heavy leaking pre-cum on his hole. I loved being forced me to lick it up. This went on for at least an hour. My knees and back were getting sore, not to mention my lips were chapped and my tongue was getting fatigued. He had to raise and lower his legs a few times to keep from cramping up. But I've trained to not complain, and to obey without question.

Eventually the scene, and all of my talking and expressions of love for kissing his sweet lips was to much and he abruptly stood up and forced the head of his shaft balls deep and unloaded the largest load I've ever had the privilege of eating. It choked me from the first hot volley, which was just the first of 7 strong contractions. I couldn't escape his hard grip on both sides of my face, and coughed up part of the load all over his balls. In his overly satisfied state, he wasn't too agitated that I didn't swallow his entire load as he shot off. As He sat down, I proceeded to suck up all the sweet load, and anything else I missed. We ended with me once again sensuously kissing his anus, and speaking directly to the camera.

"Thank you for allowing me to make out with your asshole. If you don't mind, can I jack out my load and swallow it to show I wouldn't cheat on you, and would prefer that then make out with anyone else."

And with his permission, my cock lock was deactivated. Looking into the camera I furiously pulled on my little cock until I shot what for me was a large sissy sperm load into my left cupped hand. I asked for permission to eat my cum before I licked it all up for the camera. It's difficult to eat your cum after you shoot as your sexual desire is greatly reduced. But her dad insistenced that this was a reward and a fitting end to the video. He didn't force me, but I felt his approval as I sucked each finger and lick my palm completely clean of my spend.

All and all, It turned out to be the best make out session of my life so far.

And so my week continued. Not to belabor the point, but I had swallowed over 30 loads by the time Dave returned. We got nearly all of my oral worship on video. Ed and his friends edited it down to show mostly just the cum shots and some of my ball and ass worship. It also included me sucking many loads from Claire's sweet, but battered pussy and asshole.

It concluded with a Star Wars type description and music. The banner flashed across the screen "Out of this world rim job" and a condensed 10 min version of my make out session was shown. I was present during the showing of course, and you could see Dave was highly amused and everyone clapped and yelled their approval. You see, It was another famous cocksucker Andy Warhol who said everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame. And with that my wife, Ed, and the others enthusiastically voted to post the video on-line as a learning tool for other sub missives, and to advertise my use as a cumdump to others in the community.

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