My Life as a Tramp

By moc.loa@012jre

Published on Nov 26, 2007


Disclaimer. This Story is meant mainly for adults, and is just for such. Story: This story has multiple parts. This is based on a story by The Professor called Withes of Fairmount High, so you may have to read parts of it in order to understand parts of this story.

My Life as a Tramp Part 2

The bus ride home was an odd one. For some reason I always remembered it differently. As I looked around the bus earlier, I realized some one was missing. Then I saw Michael. Mike and I have been best friends since middle school. He's the only one of my friends who is on the same route as I am. We usually sit together, but I got that after hours of deliberation while staring at the ceiling of my room while trying to get to sleep. On the bus however, he trigger a much different response. I felt turned on by him, I wanted him bad. No, it was even worst than that. If it wasn't for common decency, and my long training, I would have mounted him right then and there.

But this recent memory is a bad one. If it is true, and Mike was my friend, and not a potential lover, than something here is wrong. For some reason, I don't even remember my room being like this. My room seems wrong as well, and when I pushed for it, I remembered walls with planes, and ships on them. Now its boys and stuff animals, and pink carpeting on the floor. I must admit, I've had a soft spot for my stuffed animals, so I never got rid of them, but they were all up in the attic in a box, not displayed proudly threw out the room. This is too unusual. Tomorrow, I must go to the mall and meet Ms. Marset in the food court. She must know why my mind is so screwed up.

The next day I wake up even more confused. I had a dream of what happened yesterday, but I it was so fantastic that I don't know weather it was real or fake. But for some reason, I know it's real. For right now, all I can do is get dressed, and hopefully make my way out to the mall. I roll out of bed, and immediately proceed over to my dresser. I stripped out of my silk night cloths and reviled my mostly naked body to the cool morning air.

Mall,' I can't help but to think, That's nice, but with a body like this, I should head over to the beach and try to get with some college guys.'

It sounds like a good idea at least, and my body is hot. My breast are at least a large C cup. They are perfectly shaped to. They are full bodied, with just the right amount of hang; they are the perfect breast for holding onto, and the nipples, oh the nipples. They are perfectly situated in the middle of my breast, just were they need to be. I pull off my blue satin underwear to revile my rather tiny wad of hair. I've maintained it this way ever since it began popping up. It's just the right amount to get a guy to go mad, without looking disgusting.

My figure is also just as seductive as my breast. I am the perfect hour glass shape, and a small size to boot. I've got meat in all the right areas, yet not too much anywhere. My legs are long and smooth, and to a point rather reflective as if I just shaved them yesterday. I also have a nice hint of an even tan.

I decided that I will hit the beach later today. I open my swim suite drawer and push my hand all the way to the back. Its here were I keep my sexy stuff. My parents haven't come in my room in ages, so I have no need for an even more secretive hiding place. I pull out my favorite piece. The set is almost as close to a string bikini as one can get. It is dark brown, and has little breast support, but its design just screams do me, and that's what I want. I place the bottom on first, making sure to tie the ties. I then pull the top over my head, and tie the strings that go around my back. I then look in the mirror and check myself out. I can see just the right amount of body to my large globes, and that's just what is needed. Of course, with this on, I have to wear something so that my conservative parents won't freak out. I place on a dark colored T-shirt with a pair of tan shorts. It doesn't necessarily match, but sometimes fashion demands risks.

I through on some ankle socks then head out door, and downs stairs. Of course, my little brother is down their already watching cartoons. Oddly enough, this sight is just as confusing for me as others have been threw out last night. On one hand, I find a twelve year old still watching Saturday morning cartoons rather stupid and childish. On the other hand though, I feel like sitting over there with him and enjoying our time together. This whole issue only heightens my trip to the mall before I go down to the beach. I proceed into the kitchen where my mom stands over a waffle maker. From the looks of it, its strawberries this week.

"Hello dear." She says, but in a tone I've heard before.

"Hey mom, what's for breakfast?"

"Oh, just waffles and some tea. Do you want to help?"

`There it is. She's just upset that I'm older and don't care to be held to the kitchen like she tends to be. I guess it comes from her ultra religious background.'

"No thanks, got to head out to the mall fast. I'm meeting up with a teacher there."

"A teacher, at the mall? This teacher isn't a..."

"No mom, he's not a guy." I say while slapping a pop tart in the toaster. "It's a new teacher, and I think she wants to talk about," `Actually, what does she want to talk about?' "School stuff." I lie.

"Well, okay dear. What time are you suppose to meet up with her?" She asks in her usual manor.

"About noon."

Mom doesn't even have to glance at the clock to know its ten ten.

"Well then, you have enough time for real food instead of that pastry junk you slid into that toaster." The Avenue Mall, its nice overall, but not the best mall in the area. It mostly has mainstream stores, not the higher valued stores I tend to like. But the food court is a hang out for most people I know. So far though, I haven't even seen this teacher. I've seen no one I know, and so far, no one I care to know. Of course, that may have just changed. Within a few seconds, Mike comes into the food court. From the looks of it, he just got off from working at his parents store. I take a brief look at my watch. Its one PM. I decide that his company is definitely better than none, especially since this teacher hasn't shown up yet. I walk over to where he stands in line, and gently move in front of him.

"Hey, long day?" I say in a playful, somewhat sensual way.

"Yeah, but well, the pays good." Mike says with a smile. "So you getting anything?"

"Well, I could use a soda?"

Within a few minutes were both seated back at my table laughing and talking about any old thing. For a moment, I forget my physical requirements and actually began remembering. For some odd reason, just talking to him has reminded me of some other life, but what?

Over an hour has passed since the last time I looked at my watch. Its now two ten, and still she hasn't shown. I decide to just screw it and head to the beach.

"You know Mike," I start as I begin to stand. "I'm tired of waiting for her. I'm headed to the beach."

"Don't think so." He says pointing to the skylights. They revile dark clouds that look like they could produce rain any minute. To make matters worst, its spring. Any thunderstorm this time of the year could last hours, not the normal thunder showers that are here one second and gone the next.

"I hate Florida whether." I say as I stand up fully. "It's a long walk back to the house too."

"Why don't you come over to my place?" Mike asks.

"Okay, why not." With that tough, my feelings begin to return, and I begin to think of Mike as more of a walking dildo than anything else.

One thing about Florida storms, no matter what the season, they don't have to start of slow. By the time we got half way down the street, it was pouring down. By the time we reached Mike's house (a typical ten minute trip, which we did in four), it was a veritable deluge. We both walked into his house completely soaked. And to think, I planned on going to the beach, but never cared to get in the water. Mike immediately went up stairs, and left me in the foyer area. Overall, his house is pretty large, especially for the area. His parents had the since not to by one of the cookie cutters that I live in. As I look around the rather well appointed house, a strange feeling of familiarity fills me. Not only do I feel that I have been here before, but often.

Mike eventually returns down stairs with a towel in hand, but still in his rained out cloths.

"Here you go." He says handing me the towel.

"Thanks." I take the rather soft towel and begin to rub myself down. About the only thing that would have made this better is if I had wore a light colored shirt. That way, I know I could get Mike off with less effort than I have to now. "So, why didn't you get changed." I ask hoping for a usable response.

"I didn't want you down here soaked while I walk around in dry cloths." His response was honest, and quiet courteous, but I have him. After all, if I can't have college boys, he's one of the next best things.

"Is that right. Well the only thing that does is get us both getting pneumonia. Of course, there is a way round that." I say in a tone hinting to my sexual intensions.

"What's that?"

I'm not a hundred percent sure if he's playing coy, or just wants me to work for it, but I have every intention in doing so.

"Well, I'm actually wearing a bathing suite below this, and you do have a dryer. I was thinking that, if you don't mind being clothed like each other, then you shouldn't mind being a little more dry with each other. Even if it means stripping something off."

"But I'm not wearing a bathing suite."

`A slight flash reminded me that Mike only wears briefs, but do I want just that?'

"Well then, what do you suggest?" I say, leaving the ball in his court.

"Well, we could be dryer if we got rid of all our wet stuff." He says, obviously aware of what I'm trying to do. "And your stuff can go threw the dryer while we wait."

"But that might take an hour. Well have to do something then, any ideas?"

"I have one."

Finally, the boy takes the lead. He walks up to me, and takes me in his arms. With no hesitation, he kisses me. At first he just presses his lips against mine, but eventually, he forces his hard wet tong into my mouth. I immediately begin massaging his tongue with my own. As we kiss, he probes my body, as if looking for something. I decide to return the favor, but my right hand decides its his butt its looking for.

After kissing for what must have been a full minute. We both release.

"So were should we do this?" I ask him.

"How about upstairs in my room. But we still need to get your cloths dry, how about you take them off here and then head on up."

"That sounds nice." I say as I pull away from him. Then one by one, in my sexiest mannerism, I begin stripping off one clothing item after another, first my shirt, then shoes, socks, shorts, and eventually the bathing suite. Pretty soon, I stand in front of him completely naked. "Meet you up stairs." I say. I then leave him down stairs and head on up.

Like me, Mike has three siblings. As I flew to his room, for some reason I wasn't at all worried about bumping into them. I know neither one of them work at their parents' store, but yet I just know they won't be back for hours. To make matter worst, I immediately walk straight into Mike's room. While this should make me uncomfortable, it doesn't. I try to think back to my previous times doing this with guys around the area, but for some reason, the memories seem almost hallow.

I lie down under Mike's covers and begin to realize something's wrong. Before, I was terrified about being caught, but I can only remember that I felt it, not the actual feeling. Even on my first time back when I was thirteen. I remember doing it in the church bathroom, but the feelings that I usually get when I think about that moment are no longer there. That's one of my best memories, but yet it seems so hollow, so unreal, its almost as if I made it all up.

I want to continue debating this, but Mike walks in and my mind shifts immediately to his nude body. Mike's on the wrestling team, and is pretty built. While not as big as a football player, all of his muscles have definition. He is slender, but in a built manor. Then, there's his pecker. It has to be at least six inches long, and I don't even think its fully extended.

Mike throws the covers off of me and climbs over to me.

"Oh, now I'm cold. So what are you going to do about it?"

With a smirk on his face, he comes at me, but not to stick it inside me. He first grabs my breast, and begins massaging them. The additional feeling of him playing with my nipples sends shocks threw my body. Every time he finishes his circular pattern, I can't help but to shiver with pleasure. Eventually, he goes at one of my breast with his mouth. I can feel my nipples get taller as he sucks on them. I almost wish that I have milk in my breast to feed my baby. Eventually, he bores with my nipple, and moves down to my clit. I can already feel juices coming out of it. Mike gets excited by this, and immediately starts playing with my clit. My pussy instantly becomes a toy with him, the more he plays with it, the more fluid flows. But as he does, I can feel some sort of back pressure building. I figure I'm building to an orgasm. But I don't want to cum like this.

"Hey," I barely manage to get out, "why don't you let me exchange the favor for a little bit."

Mike doesn't seem to give up slurping up my love juices, but he eagerly gets into the 69 position, and lets me suck him off. His cock is hard, but I'm still not convinced its at its hardest. I begin sucking on his ball, and then swallow his hard rod. It tastes extremely good for some reason. In fact, it begins making hungry for his load, but do I waste it on my mouth? At this point I really don't care. I just suck him as hard as possible. Mike soon starts pumping in my mouth. He forces his cock as about as far inside my throat as it will go. As my mind folds to the pleasure of his eating my pussy, an instinct that calls for him to drop his load inside of my mouth grows exponentially. My patients is soon reward. Mike begins to spasm, and he immediately shoots his load deep into my throat. I choke on some of it, but them manage to get the hang of swallowing it down. But the sheer amount becomes to much more that I can handle, and I have no other choice than to spit some of it up on my face. I can feel Mike's rod go limp for a second, but then it re-hardens, just in time for me to catch my breath. He rotates around, and licks some of his excess load of my face. He then lowers his cock, lines it up for my entrance and sticks it inside. A surge of pleasure shoot threw me, and I almost come right then and there. But my mind is still overloaded by these feelings. His long, hard dick is now sitting inside me, it's a feeling I'm never had. Even better is the fact that my body is begin to spasm out of control from the pleasure. But I try to get it under control. I don't want to come before he has the chance to. Almost immediately after bottoming out, Mike begins pumping his now fully hard rod in and out of me. I feel every last inch, every millimeter of his powerful rod slide in and out of me. As time goes by, he increases his thrust. But my mind and body are already at their limits. I can no longer hold back this wave that has built inside of me. Fortunately, I don't think he can ether. With an extremely hard thrust inside brings both he and I to cum together. The wave immediately sends my mind blank.

To Be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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