My long-range forecast

By CJ Wilson

Published on Nov 13, 2023


My long-range forecast -- chapter 49

Hello everyone. I hope you all had a good weekend. Special thanks and shoutouts today for Dan, Darrell, David, Geoff, Jerry, Martin, Milford, Mike, Randy, Rick and Wayne.

I continue to rewrite, add to and write more chapters of this story and I'm seeking any suggestions, constructive criticms or positive feedback you have about the story. Please send information to For those if you who have already reached out to me - my thanks! I'm working your ideas into future storylines.

The week continues for CJ. He volunteers at the crime victims organzation and falls in love with working with children.

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I woke up to my alarm and found myself still curled up in Wally's arms. I shut off the alarm, went into the bathroom, relieved myself and got into my morning readiness routine.

Wally was naked and waiting for me at the breakfast bar when I exited the bedroom. I went up to him, gave him a kiss and said "good morning sweetheart. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy waking up in your arms baby. I hope that one of us wins the lottery, and neither of us has to worry about work ever again." He cracked up and said "nah, I like what we have going CJ. The lottery dream is nice, but money isn't everything. What you and I have together in our hearts is more valuable than all the money in the world."

I went into the office, retrieved the second stereo unit and went back to the kitchen. Wally said "what do you have there in the package babe?" I smiled and said "I treated myself to a birthday gift with one of the visa gift cards I received. I bought two bookshelf stereo units for myself. I have one set up in the office here, and the other one is going into my work office. You know me, I love my music and I know I'll use both of them when I'm doing work in one of my two offices."

Wally poured me my mug of coffee and said "I hope you have a wonderful day sweetheart. I'll try my best to get off early and enjoy some afternoon time with you today." I smiled and said "that will be great babe if you can. I love you, Wally." He gave me a hug and kiss and replied "I love you more CJ."

I made my way through the quiet streets and ended up in the station parking lot. I entered the newsroom, greeted Angela and started brewing a pot of coffee for everyone. Angela said "good morning, CJ. Another day, another dollar! How are you doing this morning?" I said "I'm doing good, I feel great and I think we're going to have an excellent day today my friend." I took the stereo unit to my office and decided to set it up later after the morning shows are over.

I got started on the weather segment and had it in good shape by 3:15 am. Angela brought me over a dozen stories to start working on and I said "wow -- a busy news morning!" She replied "yes, it is this morning. I'll check in with you in an hour to see if I can help you out with anything."

Ross and I were soon busy working on stories while others continued to stream into the news room for the morning shows. We chatted about several subjects as we wrote up our stories for the morning news. I was able to use the AP news feed on three stories, which made my morning work load easier to manage.

I finished up my stories shortly after 4:30 am. Before I went to the set, I scheduled a meeting with Bailey at 9:00 to tell him about the Pinellas Partners in Action meeting, and to ask a favor of him to obtain gifts for the children in the study hall on Wednesday.

The morning shows went well for Ross and I. Jennifer is continuing to expand her wings with feature stories to add into the morning newscasts. We're continuing to operate as a true team and the morning shows are benefitting from our synergy together.

I decided not to go to breakfast this morning as I want to get my stereo set up, set up a meeting for the Gasparilla race runners and get my thoughts prepared for my meeting with Bailey later this morning. I grabbed another cup of coffee along with a cranberry juice out of the newsroom refrigerator and proceeded to my office.

The stereo did not take long to set up and it looked good in my bookshelf. I rearranged some pictures of myself, the family and my college friends around the stereo unit. I put the speakers on the shelf above the unit and faced them towards my desk. After I plugged the unit in, I programmed the presets and soon I was enjoying the adult progressive station that I listen to while working out. I love that this station is still run by disc jockeys and not part of a consolidated network. I thought to myself "I need to stop in someday and meet the personalities over at the radio station. Who knows, maybe they are looking for a tv personality to do pre-recorded weather updates for them throughout the day."

I sat down at my desk, logged into email and began all the tasks I wanted to. I created a distribution list for the Gasparilla race participants. I was shocked to see that everyone was available next Tuesday at 1:30 pm for a kickoff meeting. I booked the time for everyone and scheduled us to meet in our large conference room. I added Betty as a cc to keep her informed of my progress with the event.

I got lost in the music and before I knew it my meeting time with Bailey had rolled around. I went to his office, knocked on his door and said "morning Bailey, is now a good time to talk to you, or do you need me to reschedule?" He looked up from the pile of papers on his desk, smiled and said "now is fine. How are you doing this morning CJ?" I replied "I'm doing well Bailey. I'm catching up on some items I've put off this morning." He said "I understand the feeling and I'm doing the same. Your meeting invite is perfect timing as I need to discuss the Thursday chamber of commerce meeting with you."

As usual, Bailey got up from his desk, shut his door and joined me on the visitor side of the desk. He grabbed his cup of coffee, sat down and said "what's on your mind this morning friend?" I said "I need to ask a favor from you. I attended a meeting at the Pinellas Partners in Action yesterday afternoon. I'm very pleased with my experience, and I'm starting to volunteer with the group this week. I'll be working with young children on their school work tomorrow afternoon." I went on to inform Bailey about Jimmy and his interest in science and math. I then asked "are there any promotional items I can take to the kids that we may not be using anymore?" He smiled and said "there sure are. Please stop by Mindy's desk after we're done, and tell her to get into the archive closet for you. I think we have quite a few book bags, smaller tee shirts and stuffed animals with the channel 2 logo and call letters." I smiled at Bailey and said "that's perfect boss, thank you so much." He said "no problem. I know Betty has always spoken quite highly of that group, and we have helped them in the past. I think it's great that you're volunteering for them and one more item to add to your list of activities for that upcoming BANA Humanitarian Award." I cracked up and said "I'm doing it for the children Bailey, not the award. I was amazed by some of the stories I heard yesterday, and I want to pay it forward to the community with any services I can offer." He smiled and said "very admirable and a wonderful gesture on your part CJ."

I continued on and said "Bailey, I also want to present the reward money to the group. Do you see any problem with that, and how should I go about doing it?" He said "I don't see any problems with it, but let me get Betty in here for a few minutes and we can develop a plan for you."

Betty joined us and I informed her of my intention to donate my upcoming reward from the chamber of commerce to the Pinellas Partners in Action group. Bailey said "I have no problems with this occurring Betty, as it shows the genuine nature of CJ and his focused attention on community service issues. I want to see if you have any concerns with CJ announcing his intentions on Thursday evening at the chamber's recognition of him?" Betty smiled and said "first, CJ this is very admirable of you. I have worked with the group and their director Randy on a number of occasions. It's a fine organization, and I'm so pleased that you are engaged with them now. I know this will be well received by the chamber members as Randy's organization is held in high regard amongst them. This will also provide excellent visibility for Randy's organization and CJ will be placed on a pillar by the chamber of commerce. If we can get Randy to the meeting on Thursday, I'd say let's have CJ present the reward to Randy after he accepts it." I smiled and said "that's a wonderful idea Betty. I've been telling people that I want to pay it forward to the community of St Petersburg. This will be a win-win situation for all, and it's my beginning of community service that I want to provide for the community. Thank you both for hearing me out on this."

Bailey said "this brings me to my topic I want to discuss with you CJ. The chamber meeting is a dinner meeting at the Hyatt downtown Thursday evening at 6:00 pm. They have reserved a table of nine for us. Brad, Betty, you and I make four. We need to add five others and I want you to pick out the attendees."

I thought to myself quickly and said "I'd like to extend invites to Alex, Aaron and Wally as they were the first three to assist me after my unfortunate event. I'd also like to have Detective Fullinger and Randy Oster join us if they are available." Betty said "that sounds good CJ. Let me extend an invite to Darrell and Randy today. You go ahead and invite Alex, Aaron and Wally and we should be set for Thursday night."

I thanked Bailey and Betty for their help and went to see Mindy about the archive closet. I wonder what all treasures are in there, and if there is anything that my man and I need to finish our wardrobe.

Mindy loaded me up with book bags, tee shirts, pens and stuffed animals for the kids. There were also hooded sweatshirts which I had not seen before. She said "yes, those were given out two years ago and did not go over well." I said "do you mind if I take some for me and my friends?" She said "take as many as you want, as no one ever raids this closet except for me!" I grabbed three extra larges and one large for my original foursome. I also took a couple of smaller sizes for special gifts at the study hall. I thanked Mindy for everything and proceeded back to my office.

I called Aaron, Alex and Wally and invited them to the Thursday dinner. Each one of them accepted my invite with the chief saying "I'll be there only if they have a karaoke contest." We both cracked up and he said "of course I will attend CJ. Thank you for the invite." I received an email from Betty later in the morning and she informed me that Darrell and Randy gladly accepted the invite to the dinner as well.

I loaded up all of the gifts I received from Mindy in a box that I had in my office. I sat back down at my desk and pulled up the morning weather segment to make my noon changes for it. As I began the changes, my favorite song came on and I sang along with it enjoying my birthday present I gave to myself.

Our noon show went okay. We encountered some audio problems for Ross and myself, but the problems were resolved over a break by the engineer on duty. The weather segment went well, as I worked in more features from the new cg system upgrade. After the show completed Angela said "where did you find those new features you used at noon? They looked very good on the shots of you at the green board." I smiled and said "I was messing around with it after the shows yesterday, and I happened to run across them. I tried them in preview mode and liked the effect they created. Did it come off okay today on a live show?" She nodded her head yes and said "let's not go overboard with them, but they were a nice add and we should use them again occasionally."

I retrieved my box from my office, headed into the newsroom, wished everyone a good afternoon and went out to my jeep. It was a little cloudy and the temperature felt good. I decided to put the top down on the jeep, turned my radio up and headed west for the beach area.

I stopped at a bookstore on my way back to the condo. Luckily the bookstore had the two books in stock that I want to get for Jimmy. I also found two more books that seemed easy to understand on clouds and winter weather storms. I was very pleased with the collection and made my way to the checkout. Before I reached the checkout, I encountered a collection of calendars for the remainder of 2023 and all of 2024. One of the calendars is titled Extreme Weather 2024. All of the monthly pictures dealt with thunderstorms, lightning, hail, snowstorms and other weather phenomena. I decided to add it to the purchase as well. I know I'm going overboard, but Jimmy and his dad had a real impact on me. I remember his dad saying "he needs some good things to happen to him." I'm not trying to buy his attention, but if I can inspire his interest in weather and science more, I'm determined to do it.

I checked out of the bookstore and made my way back to the condo. I pulled into the parking lot, and the love of my life pulled in right behind me. We exited our vehicles, gave each other a hug and kiss and I retrieved my jacket, box from the office and purchases from the jeep. Wally said "wow sweetheart, what's all this?" I smiled and said "Most of this is my supplies for study hall tomorrow. I also got the four of us a nice hoodie from the station archive closet." He smiled back at me and said "you're going to enjoy working with the kids, aren't you?" I replied "yes, I am Wally. If I can extend my passion of weather and science onto the youth of today, I will consider it a great accomplishment in my life." Wally took the box from me and we approached the elevator. He said "well, what do you say we track our chief child down and see what all he has gotten into today?" I cracked up and said "sounds good babe. I promised him I will help him get the stackable washer and dryer in place this afternoon. He's probably waiting at the door right now wondering where I'm at. I can hear him now saying "we've got a schedule to keep CJ and I cannot wait on you all day!" Wally and I cracked up and headed to the fourth floor.

We entered the condo and found a note from Alex. The note said "Hey guys. I'm with Aaron working on their pantry. Come on down when you can. Be sure and look at our laundry and pantry areas first though! Love, the chief."

I opened the laundry doors with Wally standing behind me. The stackable units were in place and the flooring had been put down. Everything was arranged very nicely and he added a storage rack with hooks for mops, brooms and other household items. Wally put his hands on my shoulders and said "we need to clone him. Can you believe what a work horse he is?" I smiled and said "that's our good friend Alex, dear. He knows he is doing good things for Ronny, you and me. I do believe he will walk through fire for anyone of us if he has to."

Wally went to the pantry, opened the door and turned on the light. He said "come here my love and see if this meets your expectations." I went into the pantry and all of our canned and boxed foods are lined up very nicely with easy access to everything. I smiled, turned off the light and said "let's go see if we can help him and Aaron out. If they have finished up the other pantry today, I say we strap him in the sling and give him his fantasy that he will never forget."

Wally and I changed and went down to Aaron's place. I knocked on his door and heard "come on in, the door's unlocked." Wally and I went in to find Aaron and Alex finishing a coat of paint in the pantry. I said "geez you two, how early did you start this morning?" Aaron said "Alex and I started around 8:00 this morning. After finishing some jobs at your condo, we came down here and painted the laundry area, the flooring is in place in the laundry and as you can see the pantry door is in place and we just finished giving the interior a coat of flat paint. The only item left on our list for today is to install the washer and dryer." I smiled and said "Aaron, the chief is making you into a true homeowner! Are you enjoying the work?" Aaron busted out a big smile and said "yes, I have enjoyed everything I've done with the chief here. He's teaching me so much, and I'm ready to take on home improvement projects myself!" Alex grinned and said "we've had a good day. Did you two get a chance to look at our pantry and laundry?" Wally and I nodded our head yes and Wally said "Alex, you are just amazing me. Your finish work is outstanding. I think I have found another calling for you at Walters Construction. You're going to be a fine addition to my finish team as well as all the other items I have planned for you." Alex smiled and said "I'm ready for it all Wally, bring it on!"

Wally and I went to Alex's workshop and brought up the washer and dryer. The four of us got the units in place and hooked everything up. Aaron finished up the laundry touches with the same new storage rack with hooks for the household utensils. Once he had it in place, he turned to all of us and said "I'm ready for a few drinks and a nice dinner. Is anyone else interested to join me?" Just as Aaron finished his question, Bailey appeared at the door and said "hell yes, I'm interested Aaron!" We all cracked up and Bailey said "geez son, you look and smell like you've worked your ass off today." Aaron cracked up, put his arm around Alex and said "the chief and I had a great day, Daddy. Let me show you what all is done, then you can take us to dinner tonight." Bailey smiled, pulled Aaron into him, kissed him and said "anything you want my love. Show me what all you got done today."

Bailey was pleased with everything. Scott also gave him and Aaron a tour of the guest bathroom progress. Scott said "we should be wrapping up everything in the guest bathroom in the next ten days. After that, we'll move into the master bathroom and begin the work in there. We're on track to complete all of the work before the end of September."

Once Scott and his crew left, Bailey looked at all of us and said "everyone get cleaned up, and I'm buying dinner for all of us at The Beachcomber. Let's meet back here around 5:00 to head out."

Alex, Wally and I returned to our condo to get ready for dinner. The chief smiled at both of us and said "I felt guilty about showering with you two and told Ronny about us three showering together. He confessed that he had also encountered a shower scene with Carl and Trev. They are both in love with his hairless body. Once we had make-up sex for feeling guilty, we both gave each other free shower passes. So, I have his permission to shower with you two when I want to, and he has my permission to shower with Carl and Trevor. We agreed to no ass invasions from the four of you, but kissing, body contact and blowjobs are fine. Are you two okay with this arrangement? If you're not, I understand, but I hope you are as you both know I have always admired you two studs."

Alex continued on saying "so what do you say you sexy hunks, how about another shower together? I promise it will be one you both never forget." Wally cracked up, looked at me and said "I'm okay with it CJ, if you are?" I gave Wally a kiss and then proceeded to kiss Alex. I said "okay my men, let's go shower together."

Wally got the water temperature adjusted and the three of us entered the shower. Kisses were exchanged between all three of us as well as plenty of body contact, caressing and touching each other's cocks. Alex got down on his knees, and took Wally's and my cocks in his hands. He alternated blowing our cocks as we kissed each other passionately and began working each other's nipples over hard.

I have to admit, I have not been involved in three ways too many times in my life. Somehow though, a three-way with Alex is very enjoyable. I think it's because I trust him so much and love him like a brother. Knowing he finds me and Wally attractive helps as well. All three of us were moaning and Alex had Wally and I fully erect. We both adjusted our stances and pushed the back of his head to deep throat us. Wally's moans became more intense and he broke the kissing off with me. He said "watch out Alex, I'm cumming stud!" Wally took over for Alex and shot his load all over Alex and the shower floor.

As Wally finished up his climax, Alex turned his attention to me and continued to work on my hard cock. My moaning increased in intensity and I said "I'm ready to shoot Alex, get ready to take it you stud!" I erupted and shot my load all over Alex's face, chest and upper torso. Both Wally and I looked down at him as he opened his eyes. He smiled at the two of us and said "did you enjoy that gents?" Both of us cracked up and Wally said "what do you think chief?"

Wally and I raised Alex up off the shower floor. The two of us began to lick cum off his face and upper torso. Wally shifted to kissing him, and soon fell to his knees taking Alex's cock in his mouth. Alex was uncontrollably moaning as Wally was blowing him and I was kissing him. Alex started pulling on his nipples as well, and it did not take him long at all to begin shooting his load all over Wally and the shower floor. I whispered in his ear "yeah chief, that's it. Shoot your load for us you wild man!"

Wally got back up and all three of us recovered to our normal states. We began washing each other off and continued kissing each other in the passionate scene. Soon Alex spoke to both of us saying "I promise not to wear out my welcome you two. However, I cannot tell you both how much you two continue to be my fantasy men. I love you both guys, and thank you for enjoying my free pass with me."

After we finished up in the shower we got dressed and met back up with Bailey and Aaron. Bailey drove us to dinner and was chattering all the way there about the outstanding renovations done to the condo. He said "I am so proud of Aaron and Alex. Thank you both for what you're doing to our condo. Alex, I cannot thank you enough for working with Aaron. While we were waiting for the three of you, he told me how much he's enjoying the work and feels like he wants to take on more home improvement projects himself. You two are doing an awesome job together, and our place looks incredible!"

Everyone enjoyed dinner, and the gulf scene was absolutely breath taking tonight. There are plenty of clouds in the sky and the sunset is going to be full of color and bright intensity. Alex ordered Ronny some food to go and we decided to return to the condo and enjoy the sunset there.

Wednesday rolled around, and I was excited to get through the day and work with Jimmy and the other kids. The workday went fine, and I made sure I had some pictures of myself so that I can sign them for Jimmy and any other child who wants one.

After the noon show, I went back to the condo and did a quick workout before getting ready for the study hall. My work out felt good, and I said to myself "okay, two workouts in for the week -- so far so good CJ. Keep it up." After my workout, I returned to the condo to get showered up and changed for the study hall.

I entered and saw that Aaron and Alex were out on the patio. I joined them and said "afternoon you two! How are you both doing, and how is the pantry work progressing?" Aaron and Alex were both smoking a cigar and having a beer. Aaron said "my construction partner and I are finished up with the pantry, and we decided to treat ourselves to some cold beverages and a celebratory cigar." I cracked up at both of them and said "that's wonderful guys. I'm so happy that you two finished the pantry up. Aaron, do you think it will be sufficient for you and Bailey to use?" Aaron replied and said "it will CJ. Bailey and I looked at the area last night before going to bed. We're both pleased with the space and now I know he will be so excited to see all of the shelfing in it and lined with food. I'm so pleased with how it turned out."

I informed both of them that I needed to get a shower and prepare myself for the study hall at the center. I said "you two have a great rest of your afternoon, and enjoy this beautiful day on the patio." Alex said "we will CJ. You have a good day at the study hall with the kids. I hope everything goes well for you today."

I took my shower and changed into a polo, shorts and some sandals. I grabbed all of my supplies that I accumulated and headed for the community center. I made one stop before the center and picked up one dozen cupcakes for the kids.

When I entered the center, I asked the receptionist where the study hall was and she directed me to the room. Jimmy was sitting at a table and already had begun his homework. He saw me come into the room and yelled "Mr. Walters, you did show up for me today!" I smiled and said "of course I did Jimmy! I found my books about weather, and I have some other gifts for you and anyone else who shows up today." We were soon joined by three more children by the names of Betsy, Ralphie and Scott. All three of them recognized me as the weatherman on channel 2. Jimmy said "Mr. Walters said he is going to give me his autograph" and soon the other three children were begging me for autographs as well.

I smiled at the four children and said "do you think anyone else will show up today?" Jimmy replied "it's Wednesday and last week it was just us four on Wednesday." I said "okay everyone. Before we get started on homework, does anyone want a snack to start off with?" All four of them screamed "yes!" I smiled and said "do you have milk or juice here?" Betsy said "yes Mr. Walters. There are milk and juice boxes in the refrigerator over there." I smiled and said "how does a cupcake sound to everyone then with some milk or juice with it?" All four of them smiled at me and ran to the refrigerator to obtain their beverage of choice. Jimmy brought me back a milk and said "if you want juice instead Mr. Walters, I'll go get it for you." I said "I like milk with my cupcakes Jimmy, so thank you very much." He smiled and said "I like milk too with a cupcake."

The five of us were soon enjoying cupcakes and milk. Randy came into the room and said "wow everyone, is Mr. Walters spoiling all of you with delicious cupcakes this afternoon?" The four children giggled and Ralphie said "we're enjoying a snack before we start our homework." Randy smiled at me and gave me a wink. He said "well you have fun with Mr. Walters and after you finish your snack, let him know what you need help with on your homework today." Jimmy smiled and said "we will Mr. Olsen. I have some fractions to work on, and all of us need to work on a science project that's due at the end of September." I smiled and said "science projects -- I love to work on science projects!" All of the kids smiled and we finished up our cupcakes and milk.

After we finished our snack, I said "okay everyone I know that Jimmy has fractions and a science project to work on. Does anyone else have something they need to work on today?" All of the children said they had math homework, with three of them working on fractions and the fourth was working on division problems. I said "let's work on math first, and then we'll move to science afterwards."

The kids all got their work out and each one worked independently. When one of them had a question, they raised their hand and asked me their question. I was able to handle all of the questions, and before I knew it each of them had their math homework finished. I checked their work with each of them and was pleased to see that they were all doing well with the math topics.

It was just after 4:00 pm and I said "okay, let's switch to science. Based on what Jimmy said it sounds like you all have a science project due at the end of September?" Scott replied "yes Mr. Walters, we all do. Each of us has to pick a subject that we want to learn more about in science. We need to study the subject and make a storyboard or project about our subject and they are all going to be in a science fair at school." I said "wow, I remember science fairs. I always enjoyed them because I got to learn new things about subjects I didn't already know. Do any of you have any ideas about what you want to study for the science fair?" Jimmy said "I want to learn more about hurricanes." Ralphie said "I've always lived in Florida, and I've never seen snow or a winter. Sometimes I hear about blizzards and snowstorms. I'd like to understand more about snowstorms and what causes them." Betsy said "I'm not sure what I want to do for my project yet Mr. Walters." Scott chimed in and said "a weather topic sounds like fun, but I really haven't thought about a topic yet either Mr. Walters."

I smiled at everyone and said "I talked with Jimmy on Monday and he informed me that he wanted to learn more about hurricanes. Since I'm a weather forecaster, I know about hurricanes. I brought four books for Jimmy today about weather, but maybe he will share them with all of you and each of you can decide on something you want to read more about?" Jimmy said "sure Mr. Walters, I'll share the books with everyone because we're all friends here." I smiled at Jimmy and said "that's wonderful Jimmy. It's great to share. Maybe each of you can discuss topics you find fun as you read the book with others?" They all agreed, and I pulled the four books out of the box.

I continued on and said "since Jimmy wants to know more on hurricanes, I brought this book for him." Jimmy took the book from me and immediately turned to chapter one and began reading. Ralphie, you said you've never seen snow or winter. I am from Ohio which gets snow during the winters. I read this book when I was growing up about snowstorms and what causes them. How about if you start reading this one?" Ralphie smiled at me and said "okay Mr. Walters, that sounds neat to me." I said "I have two more books here; one is about clouds and the other is about tornadoes. Do either of those topics sound fun to you Betsy and Scott?" Betsy looked at Scott and said "I'd like to learn about clouds if that's okay with you Scott?" He smiled and said "yes, I'm okay with that as I think learning about tornadoes will be fun."

Soon all of the kids had a book and were reading. Each one took a turn and read three pages to the group. After each one read their three pages I said "well what do you think, based on what you read do you think you are excited with the book you have?" All of the kids said "yeah". I then said "okay, I got these books for Jimmy as he told me he likes weather so they are his. Since each of you come here after school, you can share the information with each other about what you have learned. How does that sound everyone?" All of them were very excited and Betsy said "I think that sounds great Mr. Walters."

It was approaching 5:00 and I said "how does this sound everyone? Each of you continue reading your book outside of study hall. Starting next week, I'll be here on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Each of you can take turns and tell us what you have learned about your subject. We can all help each other then with our science storyboard or project that you want to do?" All of the kids nodded their heads yes at me and Jimmy said "that sounds like fun Mr. Walters. We can all learn from each other and help each other with our science projects." I smiled at Jimmy and said "that's right it will be good for all of us, don't you think?" All four of them screamed "yeah, it will be fun."

I said "okay everyone, study hall is almost over for today. Do any of you have a book bag to carry your books in?" All of the kids shook their heads no and I said "well guess what, I brought you each a book bag today to carry your books in!" I gave them each a book bag, and each child got a big smile on their face. Ralphie said "wow, look they say WPHS Channel 2 Television St Petersburg, Florida. That's neat!"

They each put their book in the book bag and I said "I also brought each of you a tee shirt, a pen and a stuffed animal from the tv station." I distributed the items to each of the kids and they all said "thank you Mr. Walters" in unison.

I continued on and said "Jimmy asked me for my autograph. I brought a picture for him and I'm going to sign it for him. Does anyone else want a picture of me to show to your other friends?" Once again, they all said "yeah" very excitedly. I signed four pictures in total for them and made each one a personal message. Scott looked at me and said "wow Mr. Walters, this has been fun today. I was not thinking about my science project and now I'm excited to learn about tornadoes." All of the kids agreed with Scott and I said "well today has been fun for me also. I got to meet each one of you and I know a little more about all of you. I'm excited about helping each other with the science projects over the next few weeks kids."

We finished packing their book bags, and I said "since I'm not able to be here tomorrow, I'll put the remainder of the cupcakes in the refrigerator. You four can each have another cupcake tomorrow with some milk. I'll be back next Tuesday and we can begin work on the science projects. How does that sound to each of you?" All four of the kids smiled at me and nodded their head yes.

I noticed some movement at the door and looked over to find a group of adults including Randy, Jimmy's dad and my man Wally. Everyone was smiling at us and I said to the kids "look everyone, I think your parents are here." The kids looked over to the door and started waiving, with their parents waiving back at them. Betsy got up first and said "thanks Mr. Walters. I'm going to read a lot in my book about clouds. I'll be ready to talk about them next Tuesday." She gave me a hug and went over to her mother to show her all of her channel 2 gift items. Scott said "thanks Mr. Walters and see you next Tuesday." He stuck out his little hand in the form of a fist and I gave him a fist bump saying "be good Scott!" Ralphie said "bye Mr. Walters" and ran to his father talking a mile a minute about what he was doing his science project on. Jimmy was left at the table with me and he was smiling from ear to ear. I smiled back at him and said "what's that big smile for Jimmy?" He said "you're a lot of fun Mr. Walters. You promised me a book, tee shirt and autograph. You gave me everything you said and more. I liked the cupcake also today. It's been great today and I can't wait to tell you what all I learn about hurricanes next Tuesday." He stuck out his hand to me and I gave him my hand. We shook hands and I said "your dad is here, let's go talk to him."

Jimmy and I walked over to the door and Jimmy said "hi Daddy. We had a lot of fun today, and I finished my math homework. I'm also going to do my science fair project on hurricanes. Mr. Walters brought me this book to read about them. Look at this neat book bag, tee shirt and picture he gave me with his autograph. He and I had a cupcake and milk together too. It's been a fun study hall."

Fred smiled at me and said "wow Jimmy, that all sounds like fun. I'm glad you enjoyed your time with Mr. Walters." Jimmy said "he's coming back each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help us with our science projects. I have to go to the bathroom before we leave Daddy. Wait for me."

Fred laughed, shook my hand and said "thank you CJ. I can tell that Jimmy had a great afternoon with you." I smiled and said "he's a very bright boy Fred. You can be so proud of him." Fred said "I am proud of him and I'll let you know how much he talks about you tonight before he goes to bed."

Fred continued on and said "CJ, I believe you already know Wally? Wally and I had a great interview today, and I'm starting at his company tomorrow morning as a construction project manager!" Randy stuck his hand out to Fred and said "Fred, that's wonderful. I'm very happy and pleased for you." Randy then shook Wally's hand and said "hi Wally, I'm Randy Olsen the director of Pinellas Partners in Action." Wally replied "hi there Randy. I'm Anthony Walters, but as you already have guessed I prefer to go by Wally."

Jimmy returned and said "okay Daddy, I'm ready to go." Fred said "okay Jimmy. Before we go though, I want to introduce you to Mr. Walters. Starting tomorrow, he is my new boss." Jimmy smiled again showing his pearly white teeth and said "you got the job, Daddy?" Fred smiled, gave Jimmy a kiss and said "I sure did Jimmy." Jimmy stuck his hand out to Wally and they shook hands. It looked so funny as Wally's hand was so much bigger than Jimmy's. Jimmy said "thank you Mr. Walters for giving my Daddy a job. He will do a good job for you." Wally smiled and said "I know Jimmy. Your Daddy is a good man, and I'm looking forward to working with him. Are you hungry Jimmy, and do you like cheeseburgers?" Jimmy said "I love cheeseburgers and onion rings Mr. Walters!"

Wally smiled at Jimmy's answer and said "okay everyone. Jimmy has told us what we're having for dinner. I'd like to treat you all to dinner at Mel's for a cheeseburger and onion rings, or whatever you want for dinner." I smiled at Wally and Fred said "Wally, thank you but you don't need to do that." Wally looked at Fred and said "nonsense Fred. I need to make sure you're well fed tonight so you show up for work tomorrow." Fred cracked up and said "okay Wally, we accept your invite." Wally turned to Randy and said "Randy will you join us as well?" Randy smiled and said "I'd love to join in the dinner celebration with everyone." Wally said "perfect. Let's all meet at Mel's in thirty minutes or so." Randy said "it may take me longer than 30 minutes to get there. I decided to walk to work this morning, so I need to go back to my place and pick up my car." I said "I'll drive you over to Mel's Randy, and then I'll drop you off at your place after dinner." Randy smiled and said "okay CJ, I'll take you up on that offer. I need to get to know you better so that I can offer you a permanent position in teaching our study hall!" We all got a laugh out of Randy's comment and Wally said "okay everyone, we'll meet at Mel's very soon."

Randy and I had an enjoyable conversation on our way to Mel's. We traded our life stories and how we ended up in St Petersburg. Randy is seven years older than me and grew up near Louisville, Kentucky. It's amusing to both of us that we're both tri-state transplants to the gulf area. Randy said "CJ, you are absolutely wonderful with children. I was watching you for quite a while from the door. It amazed me how you split up the books and got each child to read out loud to the group. Jimmy has been the talker of the group, but I was amazed with Ralphie. He has been shy and reserved, but opened up to you so well. Did you ever have a desire to work in the education field with children?" I laughed and said "from high school through college, I knew I wanted to work in the television broadcasting field. I love working with kids though when I see excitement in them on a particular subject of field of interest. I think a lot of it comes from working with my youngest cousin Laura. When I moved in with my uncle and aunt nine years ago, Laura was four years old. I watched her grow up, helped her with her homework and took a genuine interest in her wants and desires. She watched me pursue my interests in the broadcasting field, and now she wants to enter broadcasting as well." Randy said "well, if you want to continue working with kids, I welcome your involvement in our study halls. It was truly a pleasure to watch you in action with those four children today. I'm so impressed with how you influenced Betsy and Scott into a possible topic of interest for their projects. I'm looking forward to continue watching the progress of the five of you on the science projects. I plan to help you out with them if you don't mind?" I smiled and said "I'd appreciate that, Randy. Completing four science projects in one month is going to be quite the task!"

The five of us met back up at Mel's and I casually asked Wally "did you let the chief know where we are at?" He nodded his head yes and said "Alex told us to enjoy ourselves."

Lucas was working at Mel's and greeted us at the front entrance. He smiled and said "CJ, Wally it's good to see both of you tonight." Lucas looked down at Jimmy and said "how are you tonight young man?" Jimmy smiled and said "I'm good sir. My name is Jimmy." Lucas smiled and said "it's nice to meet you Jimmy, my name is Lucas." Jimmy replied "this is my Daddy." Fred smiled and said "hi Lucas, I'm Fred Peterson." Randy chimed in and said "I'm Randy Olsen, Lucas. It's nice to meet you." Wally said "we're out for a celebratory dinner Lucas. Fred is joining my company tomorrow as a construction project manager. Jimmy likes cheeseburgers and onion rings, so we're dining at Mel's tonight for the cheeseburger and onion ring special!" Lucas laughed at Wally and said "follow me everyone. I'll be your server this evening." Lucas sat us at a nice table facing the gulf. Jimmy looked out and said "wow Daddy, we're eating close to the ocean tonight." Fred laughed and said "we sure are Jimmy, it's going to be fun, isn't it?" Jimmy smiled wide and said "yeah, this is going to be a lot of fun."

Lucas gave us each a menu and took our drink orders. He informed us of the specials for the evening, and sure enough the shrimp and grouper tacos were on the menu. I put the menu down after he said that and knew immediately what I wanted. The four adults each had a beer and Jimmy ordered a glass of milk. Lucas returned in a few minutes with our beverages and took our orders. Jimmy was the first to order his cheeseburger and onion rings. The rest of us ordered the shrimp and grouper tacos and Wally added on several appetizers for the table to enjoy.

Once Lucas had finished our orders, Wally spoke up and said "I'd like to congratulate Fred on his new position with Walter's Construction. I appreciate you agreeing to start tomorrow for a quick transition period with the current manager. I look forward to working with you and with your qualifications, I know your going to be a tremendous benefit to the company and myself." Wally then looked at Jimmy and said "Congratulations are also in order for Jimmy on selecting hurricanes for his science project. Cheers everyone!" Everyone clinked their glasses together, and I was surprised when Jimmy joined in with his glass of milk. He did very well, and did not spill a drop.

The conversation flowed well in our group. Randy asked me if I knew anything about Betty's invite to the chamber of commerce meeting tomorrow night? I replied "the chamber is recognizing me for the apprehension of Jasper Jeffers, the man who committed the crime against me. Jeffers had over three million dollars of drugs in his possession when he was caught. The chamber members want to thank me for keeping the drugs off the street. There were extra seats at the table and I asked Betty to extend an invite to Darrell Fullinger and yourself. I want to recognize both of you tomorrow night for the assistance you two have given to me." Randy smiled and said "CJ, that is so nice of you. I always enjoy chamber of commerce events as it's a good public relations opportunity for my organization." I replied "great, I was hoping you'd view it in that manner. Don't be surprised when I call out your name and organization at dinner then tomorrow night."

It was nice to get to know Randy, Fred and Jimmy better over dinner. It turns out that Fred's ex-wife abandoned him and Jimmy when Jimmy was almost two years old. Fred has been raising Jimmy on his own, and I must say he is doing a fine job. I don't think I've met an eight-year-old with such proper manners.

Everyone commented on how good the tacos were. Randy said "I have not been here in a couple of years. A group of us always came out on Thursday nights for tacos and karaoke. I forgot how delicious the tacos are here." I smiled and said "Randy, I have a number of friends who come here for Thursday night karaoke. I'm planning on getting back into the scene starting next Thursday. You're welcome to join us for an evening of fun." Randy replied "thanks CJ. I will take you up on that next week. I've been putting in way too many hours at work recently and need some fun activities to balance out my life."

Jimmy ate most of his cheeseburger and did well on finishing his onion rings. Wally asked him "Jimmy, did your cheeseburger taste good to you today?" Jimmy smiled and said "it was a big cheeseburger Mr. Walters. I liked it very much, but the onion rings are my favorite." I looked at Wally while he was talking to Jimmy and he had a sparkle in his eyes I had not seen before. I listened to the two of them banter on and thought to myself "Wally and I have not discussed children in our future. I wonder if that is something he has been yearning for, or am I just reading into this scene too much?" I made myself a mental note to discuss the topic with Wally. I'm not opposed to the idea of children in our future, but I want time with Wally before we even explore bringing a child into our lifes.

Fred looked at his watch and said "oh goodness, I did not realize it's getting so late. Everyone, I have had such a wonderful time this evening. I need to get my little guy ready for bed shortly, and then get ready for my big day tomorrow." He turned to Wally and said "thank you so much for giving me a shot at your company. I will not let you down." Wally smiled at him and said "this is going to be a good move for both of us. I look forward to working with you Fred."

A few minutes later Fred looked at Jimmy and said "are you ready to leave Jimmy and go get ready for bed?" Jimmy replied "yes Daddy, all that good food is making me tired. We need to read a few pages of my hurricane book before bed tonight to." Fred cracked up, ruffled Jimmy's hair and said "everyone, thank you for an enjoyable evening. I'm going to get Jimmy back to our place and I'll see you bright and early at the shop tomorrow, Wally."

Jimmy got up from the table and shook everyone's hand. When he got to Wally, he said "thank you for giving my Daddy a new job. He will do good work for you." Wally smiled and said "I know that, Jimmy. It's been good to get to know you tonight. You be a good boy tomorrow at school."

We all decided to call it a night. Wally paid the bill and I said "let me take you home Randy. I'm getting tired and my 2:00 am wake up call will soon be calling my name." I informed Randy that Wally is joining us at the chamber dinner. Randy said "I've attended a number of their dinners as a guest. It will be a very nice occasion, and I thank you both for the wonderful dinner and company tonight. CJ, again I cannot thank you enough for what you did for the children today. I'm so delighted that you'll be helping us forward with our study halls. I said it earlier to you, and I'll say it again now. You are a miracle worker with the children. If you ever want to exit the broadcasting industry, you'll make a wonderful teacher for our youth of today."

Randy and I made our way back to his apartment and I said "I'll see you tomorrow night at the chamber dinner Randy." Randy shook my hand and said "My thanks to you and Wally for a wonderful evening CJ. I look forward to our get together tomorrow night, and you get some sleep my friend."

I got back to the condo and found Wally waiting for me at the breakfast bar. He had the coffee pot set to brew at my normal time. I went to him and gave him a hug and kiss. He looked into my eyes and said "thank you my love for a beautiful day and a wonderful evening. Fred is going to be a tremendous help to me, and Jimmy is adorable. I have to agree with Randy though CJ. I watched you with the kids for several minutes today. You are a natural with them." I smiled at Wally and said "I enjoyed it sweetheart. It reminded me of good days when I helped Laura with her homework. I'm going to like working with the kids during the study halls. I hope I can make it a consistent part of my schedule."

Wally smiled at me and said "let me get you to bed now my love. You have a big day tomorrow. It's going to be your day for surprises to the chamber and Randy. Are you ready for everything my love?" I looked into Wally's eyes, gave him a kiss and said "yes babe, I'm ready for a wonderful day tomorrow with you at my side!"

Next: Chapter 50

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