My long-range forecast

By CJ Wilson

Published on Feb 2, 2024


Greetings to everyone and Happy Groundhog day to all! To all of you in the mid-west, both groundhogs in Pennsylvania and Ohio did not see their shadows today, so I'm pulling for an early spring for all of you. I'm not going to cheer on any more NFL teams, as I seem to jinx them with my support. I'm also sick of the media wondering if Taylor will make it in time for the game. Such drama, who knows where the Travis and Tay-tay romance will go once the super bowl is over (maybe Jimmy does!).

I continue to rewrite, add to and write more chapters of this story and I'm seeking any suggestions, constructive criticms or positive feedback you have about the story. Please send information to For those if you who have already reached out to me - my thanks! I'm working your ideas into future storylines.

The week continues on for CJ and Wally. They're surprised by two requests from Fred.

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The rest of the week has gone by very quickly for me. I'm still riding on an emotional high, and I know that feeling has helped me accomplish all of the items I want to before UD and Jack get into town. Even though the week went by quickly, there were several significant items which stick out in my mind to summarize the week.

I continued to help Josh each day with setting up weather segments. Josh is doing very well on the setup, and like me he is able to load the segments to the switcher due to our experience we have gained through work at Maumee.

Jennifer had Josh go to her Thursday ZooTampa segment. They were able to split up the report into two distinct subjects, which allowed Josh to get some remote reporting in. Their co-work on the segment went very well, and it was very interesting for the audience. Both Ross and I commented on the segment, as we were both informed and entertained on the pygmy hippo conservation efforts being conducted at ZooTampa. I was smiling too much and Ross asked me on air "CJ, that segment seemed to entertain you immensely as we were watching Jennifer and Josh. Anything you want to share with the audience?" I replied "yeah Ross, that took me back a few years to the Cincinnati Zoo. I know there is a difference between pygmy hippos and other breeds, but I remember visiting the zoo during Queen Fiona's first year. I, along with the majority of Cincinnati, were rooting for her to make it through her premature birth weight. Now, here we are six and a half years later with Fiona leading a high-quality life. The conservation and preservation efforts that go on in our zoos are incredible, and my sincere thanks to anyone who chooses to go into that profession. It's wonderful work going on there at ZooTampa, and now I need to make a holiday visit to the Cincinnati Zoo to visit Fiona and her bloat." Ross joined back in and said "my wife and I are visiting northern Kentucky in a few weeks. We already have a trip planned to the Cincinnati Zoo primarily to see Fiona and her brother Fritz. We've been watching Fritz on you tube videos and he looks like a feisty youngster and we want to see him in person before he reaches his maturity."

Before leaving the station, I checked my messages and found that I had a new one from Fred. I quickly listened to the message fearing that something happened to Wally. Fred's first comment in the message was "CJ, don't worry everything is okay with Wally and Alex. I need to talk to you though before you meet up with Jimmy today." I decided to drive to their construction site, versus a phone call with Fred.

When I pulled up, all three of my construction men saw me. They all approached and Alex was first to ask "are you okay, and is everything alright?" I smiled and said "all is well my friend. Fred left me a message, and I decided to visit all of you at the site and talk to Fred in person." Alex said "okay, I'm going back into the kitchen then to work on the cabinets." Fred spoke up and said "Alex, I want you to hear this as well because I'm going to need your support on this topic also."

Fred looked serious and said "don't worry everyone, this is a good topic, but I do need to include all of you for your sake as well as Jimmy's sake." I grew concerned with what Fred was about to tell us. He started in and said "CJ, thanks for coming out here to the site. I'm glad we're going to discuss this face to face."

He took a sip of water and said "Jimmy started asking me questions on Tuesday night when we left your place. The questions were about CJ and Wally to start, but did lead to Alex and Ronny also. It was a good talk, and all I can say is that my little eight-year-old is a very intelligent, open and caring person. Jimmy is aware that all of you are gay, and he understands the meaning of gay. He's very accepting of it, as some of his friends have two daddies or two mommies as he puts it." I smiled and said "oh Fred, I'm so sorry you had to have that talk with him at Jimmy's current age." Fred chuckled and said "I'm not CJ. I do not want to hide anything in today's society from Jimmy. He's a very perceptive kid and as you are aware soaks up anything he learns. Our talk continued into last night and he's now informed about a straight couple, a gay couple and a lesbian couple. He asked me if all types of couples can have children, and I told him it's easier for a straight couple to have children, but there are other ways a gay or lesbian couple can have children."

Wally smiled at Fred and said "my goodness Fred. You have had one hell of a week my friend." Fred smiled back at him and said "the week has been okay Wally. My boy finally said last night before bed, he was okay with everything we've talked about. He did ask me if I was gay, and I told him I was not sure. I left him know that I still love his mother wherever she is at, because she and I made him and he makes my life so fulfilled every day." By this time, the chief and I were tearing up and Fred noticed it. He looked at the two of us and said "come on you two, everything is good. I went on and told Jimmy I was not ready to be with anyone right now as I want to spend every moment I can with him. I told him that maybe I'll meet someone in the future that I will fall in love with. I ended the subject by telling him that if that person was a man, I'd be open to it as long as he loves me and Jimmy."

Fred's last sentence did it for me and Alex as we both began a river of tears. Fred put an arm around Alex and myself and said "I left the subject open with Jimmy and told him to ask me any questions he wants to about the whole subject. Jimmy is okay with everything and said to me that he does not want to stop seeing any of you because of this. He considers you all to be his friends, and he even asked me if he and I will be invited to CJ's and Wally's wedding?"

Wally and I both got a big smile on our face and I said "of course you two are invited Fred. I know that my wedding planner over there is already counting on Jimmy to be the ring bearer." Alex cracked up and said "yeah CJ, how did you know that?" I did not disclose that Fred had mentioned it but said "Alex, in just a short time I have discovered that your mind works similar to mine. Wally and I want Jimmy in our wedding party if it's okay with Fred and Jimmy?" Fred smiled at me and said "he hasn't asked me about the ring bearer yet CJ. I know he's seen them at other weddings. When you and Wally ask him, I know he will be so excited and scream YES to both of you."

The four of has had a good laugh together and Fred continued with "guys, thank you for making this conversation easy on me. I wasn't sure how to bring it up to all of you, but I need your support moving forward. If Jimmy asks any of you a question about the subject, please be honest with him. If you're not comfortable with answering it, just tell Jimmy to ask me. I told him that some people may not be comfortable with answering his questions but he can always come to me and ask. He's aware that most of the group is gay, and is okay with everyone because they eat cheeseburgers with him, help him with homework and questions, have taught him how to throw darts and play games with him. He feels as though he's part of the group, and so do I. I cannot thank you all enough for the kindness, warmth and love you have shown to Jimmy and myself. Please know that we have quickly fallen in love with all of you in a different way."

We all got into a group hug and when it broke, I asked Fred "are there any subjects you want us to stay away from with Jimmy?" Fred thought for a moment and said "I heard something about a sling on Monday. I don't really want to know about it now, and I want to shelter Jimmy from any rough sex activities at this point." I smiled at him and said "understood Fred. I believe the way you are approaching this whole subject with Jimmy is healthy. It's a topic he will face during his formative years, and I know that he will be receptive and open to all types of couples. I wish that all parents teach their children to be open and not prejudice. You have my full support, and I will keep you in the loop with any questions Jimmy asks me, as well as my answers to make sure you and I are on the same page with topics he raises." Alex and Wally both chimed in with similar responses. Fred pulled us all in for another group hug and said "thank you all. I'm so blessed to have each of you in my life at this point in time. Just when everything could have turned south on Jimmy and I, you three appeared in our life and we will benefit from you each day moving forward."

Just as our conversation was breaking up, I received a call from Randy. He called to inform me that the other three kids will not be in study hall today, so it's just Jimmy and me. I said "thanks Randy for letting me know. I'll be there early, pick Jimmy up and take him to my place then." Fred, Wally and Alex heard my conversation, and I said "okay you three, it's only Jimmy and me today so I'm going to pick him up and work at the condo. Does spaghetti and salad sound okay for dinner? All of them gave me a thumbs up and I finished with "Fred, I'll pick Jimmy up tomorrow as well. I think it's going to take today and tomorrow to get his content entered into the computer. How about we plan on doing as much as we can with Jimmy on Saturday to finish up his project? We can tell him about the football game then to entice him to finish it this weekend versus next weekend". Fred smiled at me and said "sounds great CJ, thanks for everything you are doing for Jimmy." Alex chimed in and said "Ronny and I will help on Saturday as well with anything we can. Maybe we can even talk my hairy-ass boss into helping out?" Wally cracked up, nudged Alex in the ribs and said "you got it chief, I made a hurricane model once in school, and I can do it again."

I left the construction site, went to the condo, changed clothes and then picked up Jimmy. I decided to go very casual, and put on my channel 2 swim trunks along with a channel 2 tee shirt. I know it will crack Jimmy up as he will see me in more channel 2 attire. I went to the community center, and talked to Randy a few minutes before Jimmy got there. I told Randy about the discussion I had with Fred. Randy said "wow, eight years old and receptive to multiple facets of society. I applaud Fred for being such a good parent. Thanks for letting me know about this CJ. I'll ask Fred if it's okay to talk to Jimmy if he ever asks me a question on the subject." I replied "I'm sure he will be fine with your support Randy, but I think it will be a nice caring touch for Fred if you do that."

I made my way to the room and waited for a few minutes until Jimmy came strolling in. I was reading a book when I heard "hey, you beat me here today!" I looked towards the door, smiled and said "I sure did. Randy called me and said it's going to be just you and me today so I got here early." Jimmy said "cool. Does this mean we're going to your condo, and work there?" I replied "it sure does. We'll get started on entering your content into my computer, and we'll fix dinner for us, your dad, Wally and Alex. Does spaghetti sound good to you?" Jimmy smiled and said "you know I like it CJ, and you fix it good. What's for dessert?" I cracked up and said "we'll stop at the bakery on the way back and you can pick out something for all of us." Jimmy screamed "YEAH" and then followed up with the question, "since it's sunny outside can we put the jeep roof down?" I said "anything you want today, Jimmy."

We left the center, put the roof down on the jeep, got into our seats and put our sunglasses on. He looked at me and said "okay CJ, I'm ready -- let's head for the bakery and then your place." I smiled at him and said "okay dude, let's roll!" Even though I knew Fred and Jimmy had a very serious discussion, it was the same fun-loving Jimmy that has become an important part of my life. I decided to let him approach me on the gay subject when he is ready, rather than me approaching it from what Fred disclosed to me.

We pulled into the bakery parking lot, and Jimmy was out of the jeep before I was. We walked to the door and he said "wow, a channel 2 swimsuit. That's neat and it has a lot of colors, just like my WRAC shirt CJ." I smiled at him, opened the door to the bakery and said "I still think we have some more of these in your size at the station. Will you take a pair if I can get it for you?" Jimmy grinned and said "yeah CJ, I'd like to have a pair if they still have them. It's a neat swimsuit, and I'll be able to use it at our new pool once we move in."

We went to the counter and looked at all of the items which were available for purchase. The woman behind the counter said "my goodness, it's CJ Walters visiting my bakery. I watch you every morning and at noon CJ. How can I help you and your son today?" Jimmy smiled at her and said "CJ's my good friend not my daddy. CJ has been teaching me about science and weather. We're here today to pick up dessert for dinner tonight. My name is Jimmy mam."

The owner came out from around the counter, shook our hands and said "well hello there Jimmy, and hello CJ. What can I get you two today?" I left Jimmy continue to look through the case of goodies and he zeroed in on a smaller cake that had frosting and various fruits on the top of it. He looked at the two of us and said "this cake looks very good CJ. How does it look to you?" I smiled at him, took a look at the cake and asked the owner "is that an almond cake with cream cheese frosting?" She smiled and replied "it sure is, and it's one of my best sellers." I told her "We'll take it then, and I can tell you the group we're serving it to tonight has a hearty appetite for good desserts. I'm sure we'll be back, won't we Jimmy?" Jimmy smiled and said "yes, everything looks good and we'll be back mam."

While the owner packed up the cake into a box, I noticed a sign behind her counter that said `we make cakes for all occasions including weddings.' On the sign, there was also a gay pride flag. I said "thank you for your help so much today. I see that you make wedding cakes. I know of several people who have just gotten engaged and I'll mention your bakery to them." She smiled and said "oh thank you CJ. My name is Jan Higgins. You tell your friends to mention your name, and I'll work them up something special. As an added bonus for you and Jimmy, I'm taking 20 percent off the cake today to entice you two to return." Jimmy said "wow, CJ, that's a nice discount. Thank you, mam." Jan looked at me and said "what an adorable and smart young man." I flashed a smile at Jimmy and replied to Jan saying, "he sure is smart Jan. We're working on his science fair project today and he's doing a wonderful job on it." Jan handed the cake box to Jimmy and said "you be sure to come back and visit again, Jimmy." He flashed his big smile at her and said "don't worry we'll be back. I want to try one of everything in your case. It all looks great mam."

Jimmy and I loaded the cake into the backseat. I opened his door, he jumped in and buckled his seat belt. I did the same and we were off to the condo. Once we got back, Jimmy helped me secure the jeep roof. He grabbed his book bag, and I took the cake. We went inside and I said "do you want to work in the office or at the dining room table, Jimmy?" He said "I'll work at the dining table, CJ. That way if I have a question, you can help me and cook dinner for all of us. If you need help with anything, I can help you out to."

I got my laptop, and got Jimmy set up to enter his hurricane information. It amazes me how young children can use a computer today. I got into Word for him, and he was able to take off on the entry of his information. I stood behind him for a few seconds and said "once you have everything entered, we can work on using different fonts and colors. If you get to the Saffir-Simpson scale today, let me know. We'll create a table together to make it easier to enter the information." Jimmy smiled and said "sounds good, CJ. My I have something to drink while I'm working?" I said "sure you can. What sounds good to you, milk, water, ice tea or lemonade?" Jimmy smiled and said "oh, I'd like a glass of lemonade please, CJ."

I poured Jimmy a glass of lemonade, and returned it to the table. He said "thanks, CJ. Before you get started cooking dinner, can we talk for a few minutes?" I pulled the chair out beside him and said "we sure can, I enjoy talking with you." He giggled at me and said "I asked daddy about you and Wally, as I heard some guys talking about you two getting married at the party on Monday. I understand what a gay couple is, and I'm very happy for you and Wally. Some of my friends have two mommies or two daddies, and the fact that you and Wally are in love does not bother me at all. I'm happy that you two are getting married, and I hope I can still be your friend, even though I know this." I smiled at him and said "come here and give me a hug big guy!" He smiled, got off his chair, and wrapped his arms around my neck. I looked at him and said "thank you for telling me that Jimmy. You and I will always be friends. Wally, Alex, Ronny and the rest of our gang will also always be friends with you. We like having you hang around with us, and I'm happy that you know about me and Wally." Jimmy smiled and said "don't worry, I won't tell anyone about it. Daddy told me it's no one's business except for you and Wally. I'm glad I told you today, because I never want to lose you as a friend, CJ. Can I share a secret with you?" I smiled at him and said "you can share anything you want to with me, Jimmy."

Jimmy took a drink of his lemonade and said "it's really two things CJ. First, Scott in our study hall has two daddies. I promised daddy I won't tell anyone, but I think it's okay if I tell you." I replied "that's okay Jimmy, I won't tell anyone else about it. What's your second thing you want to tell me about?" He said "it's more of a question CJ. When I grow up, will I be gay?"

I was not expecting that question from him, but I felt comfortable in answering it for him. I said "we don't know what type of a relationship you will end up in, Jimmy. As you get older, you will begin to develop feelings for a number of people, and other people will develop feelings for you. As you go through your life, you will begin to understand what makes you feel happy and loved. You may end up in what's called a straight relationship, or a gay relationship. That's a long way off for you. Until you develop special feelings for someone, just enjoy everyone you meet and treat them nicely. Does that answer help you now? You can always ask your daddy, Wally or me any question you have." He said "can I ask Ronny and Alex also, because I like them too." I chuckled and said "you can ask any of us questions you have. If we're not comfortable in answering them, we'll probably ask you to talk to your daddy." Jimmy smiled and said "thanks CJ. Daddy gave me the same answer that you just did. I'm happy that I can talk to daddy and all of you. I've got to get started with my project now. If I can help you cook dinner, you just let me know." I ruffled Jimmy's hair and said "if you need any help from me with your typing, just let me know to. I'll start dinner for us now."

I started making a salad first. While I was slicing carrots for the salad, Jimmy said "what's your favorite song CJ?" I looked at him and replied "I doubt if you have ever heard it, Jimmy. It's a song by the group Green Day called "time of your life." He giggled and said "you're right, I've never heard of that one CJ." A few minutes later, my favorite song started playing from the computer. Jimmy knows how to navigate a computer browser and you tube. He smiled at me and said "is this it?" I shook my head yes and he said "I'm going to print off the song words and memorize them so that you and I can sing your song in the jeep sometime." I smiled at him and said "I'd enjoy that, Jimmy. We'll sing some Taylor Swift songs along with it." He laughed at me, and continued on with his typing.

I finished the salad, made up some meatballs and started heating the sauce with meatballs. I got out a larger pot and filled it with water for spaghetti. I also retrieved a loaf of garlic toast from the freezer, and arranged it on a baking sheet. I looked over the breakfast counter, and asked "how are you doing? Do you need me for any help?" Jimmy looked at me and said "yes, I'm ready to start the Saffir-Simpson scale. Will you show me how to insert a table?" I smiled at Jimmy, walked to him and said "I sure will. It's really easy, let me show you how to do it."

Once I showed him how to get a table into his document, he was excited. He looked at me and said "thanks CJ. I'll bet I can use tables a lot in the future on my projects. That was neat to define the table and see it appear in the document." I showed him how to increase the size of columns and lines in the table. After just a few seconds, he carried on like a professional on a mission to finish his science project.

I went back to the kitchen to check on the sauce and I heard a voice from the front door saying "anyone home?" Jimmy had a good view of the door and said "hi guys! Come on in. CJ's fixing dinner, and I'm working on my science fair project." Bailey, Aaron, Carl and Trev walked in and they all immediately made their way to Jimmy. He was soon giving fist bumps to all of them and he said "everyone tell me your favorite song. I already played CJ's favorite for him, and now I want to play all of your favorites for each of you." All four of them gave him their favorite song, and soon our resident disc jockey was pleasing everyone.

Aaron came into the kitchen while the others helped Jimmy finish his Saffir-Simpson scale. Aaron said "can I help you with anything? It looks like you're in for the evening versus karaoke?" I smiled at Aaron and said "yes, Wally, Fred and Alex will be here soon. I'm not sure what Alex and Ronny have planned for tonight, but Wally and I are staying in to recoup from our weekend, as well as get ready for a rowdy week next week with UD. How is everyone at the station treating you, Aaron?"

Aaron got himself a glass of water, took a drink and said "it's been a great three days CJ. I have been able to get two sales made for commercials, and Mark keeps telling me what a great job I am doing. I'm really enjoying it, and I owe it all to you for introducing me to my stud over there." I smiled and said "it's my pleasure Aaron. I'm so happy for you, and keep those sales coming in." He replied "I'm planning on it, CJ. Mark is turning me loose on my own, and I'm visiting two businesses tomorrow to give them a sales pitch on their television advertising needs."

My construction men came in a few minutes later. Once again, they all look exhausted and Fred said to me "thank you so much for fixing dinner. That heat out there beat me down today. It's so nice to have something ready and know that I won't have to worry about fixing dinner tonight for Jimmy and me." Jimmy ran over to Fred and said "daddy, you won't believe how much work I got done this afternoon. CJ showed me how to insert a table into a document. I've got my Saffir-Simpson scale almost done." Fred picked Jimmy up, gave him a smile, kissed him and said "that's great Jimmy. What do you say we try and finish your project up this weekend, so we'll have plenty of time to put on any last-minute touches you want?" Jimmy said "okay daddy, I like that idea. Will we bring the model over here and use the printer to print everything off?" I chimed in and said "yep Jimmy, that's the plan. We'll finish up your project here on Saturday afternoon. If we have time, we'll go swimming and then have a party with WRAC on the patio. I'm going to fix you and everyone here cheeseburgers." Jimmy got a big smile on his face and said "okay CJ, that sounds like a lot of fun." He went back to the kitchen table and said "okay everyone, you heard CJ. I want to finish up this last paragraph, and then we'll be able to finish my whole project Saturday afternoon. Let's all plan on going swimming and eating cheeseburgers Saturday afternoon."

Everyone cracked up at Jimmy, and Trev said to Alex "you look beat big guy. Are you up for karaoke tonight?" Alex smiled at Trev and said "I'm going to give you a rain check Trev for tonight. I'll be back in action next week. Ronny and I are planning an evening at home tonight."

The karaoke gang headed out, and Jimmy made sure to say goodbye to each of them along with a hug. Once they left, I said to everyone "dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes." Alex said "I'm going to shower up real quick CJ, then I'll help you out." I turned to Fred and said "if you want to shower up also Fred, please do so. I've got plenty of extra tee shirts and shorts you can wear." Fred smiled and said "CJ, that sounds wonderful." Wally looked at me and said "I'll get Fred some towels and a change of clothing babe." He came near me and whispered in my ear "I'm going to rinse off too, but can I get a CJ shower later before we go to bed?" I cracked up at him and said "best offer I've had all day."

Wally and Alex went off to the shower first and Jimmy said "CJ, I'm done for today. I still have a few things to do for the model labels and the title. We can finish up tomorrow or Saturday. I'll put your computer back on your desk." I said "good job Jimmy, you did get a lot finished today." Jimmy ran off to the office and Fred said "thank you CJ, for all you are doing for Jimmy. I have to ask, did he ask you any questions today?" I looked at Fred, smiled and said "we did talk at his request. It was a good talk Fred, and he said I gave the same answers as you did. I'll share more with you later, as well as sharing the topics with Wally, Alex and Ronny." Fred gave me a hug and said "that sounds great CJ. Thank you so much for your support on this, and I hope Jimmy does not pester you too much." I smiled at Fred and said "that little guy will never be a pester to me Fred. He is welcome to ask me anything, as long as you and I are on the same page."

Jimmy returned to the kitchen and said "your laptop is on your desk CJ. Are we eating at the table, or the patio?" I said "where do you want to sit tonight, Jimmy?" He grinned and said "the patio CJ. I have not said hello to WRAC yet today, so I know he's missing me." Alex returned and said "okay Jimmy, let's go set the table for CJ. Fred, the shower is all yours." Fred took his towel and change of clothes into Alex's bathroom. Before he left the dining area, Alex said "oh hey Fred, don't worry -- free balling is allowed anywhere in the condo and patio." Fred busted out laughing, and Jimmy said "what's free balling Alex?" That was all I needed, and busted out in laughter also. I regained my composure and said "well chief, your brought up the subject, so you need to inform our guest with an answer." Alex blushed, grabbed some plates, silverware and glasses. He handed some items to Jimmy and said "come on Jimmy, I'll tell you what free balling is out on the patio."

I heard Jimmy laughing loudly on the patio and he and Alex returned for more items to take to the patio table. Alex opened a bottle of wine for dinner, and handed Jimmy the salad to carry out. I leaned down to Jimmy and said "did he tell you what free balling means?" Jimmy giggled and said "yeah CJ, he told me. I'd like to go free balling because it'd be like swimming all the time. Alex is too funny."

We had a great dinner and were joined by Ronny later. Jimmy noticed him first at the patio door and said "hey Ronny, come and sit down. Are you free balling tonight?" Alex turned three different shades of red, while the rest of us busted out laughing. Wally turned to Alex and said "I take it you are giving Jimmy lessons in proper vocabulary?" Ronny sat down next to Jimmy and said "no, I'm not free balling Jimmy. You need to wear underwear when you go to work or school. You can ask that question here with all of us, but don't ask any of your friends or teachers at school as they might get mad at that question." Fred smiled at Ronny and mouthed `thank you' to him. Jimmy smiled at Ronny and said "okay Ronny, I'll remember that. You better hurry up and eat before everything gets cold. Do you want me to fix you a plate?" Ronny smiled at him and said "Okay, if you want to that will be very nice. I'm going to go and change out of my suit so I don't spill spaghetti on me."

Alex and Jimmy fixed Ronny a plate when he returned from changing. Ronny got another bottle of wine for the table, and we all enjoyed a nice conversation. Jimmy looked at me when Ronny had finished eating and said "CJ, don't forget about our surprise dessert for everyone." I said "okay, how about you and I clean up some of these dishes, and well go in and fix the special dessert for everyone?" Jimmy started taking dinner plates away from the table while I took other items away. I brewed a pot of coffee for the five of us and asked Jimmy if he wanted milk with his cake? Of course, he wants milk as he said "come on CJ, you know you can't eat a piece of good cake without milk." I smiled at him and said "do me a favor and go ask everyone at the table if they want coffee with dessert?"

Dessert turned out to be one of the best flavored cakes I have ever tasted in my life. It was not just me either as everyone offered compliments about how moist and flavorful it was. Wally said "where did you and Jimmy find this?" Before I could answer Jimmy said "it's a bakery on Central Avenue. The lady who owns it is very nice, and she gave CJ a discount because he's a tv star!" Everyone cracked up on his comments and I followed up by saying "Jimmy and I met the owner today. Her name is Jan Higgins, and we promised we will return there soon." Fred asked "does she make doughnuts also?" Jimmy said "yeah daddy, she had a lot of neat looking ones in her bakery case. I think you should pick up some for your work crew sometime." Fred smiled at him and said "okay Jimmy, I will. I'll get you and me some to for a quick Saturday breakfast sometime." I looked at Wally and said "I think I found a good person today to bake our wedding cake."

Jimmy wrapped up his evening by conning Alex and Ronny into a game of darts. Fred, Wally and I enjoyed another cup of coffee while we listened to the three of them bantering about their dart shots. Fred looked at the two of us and said "guys, I already dropped on bomb shell on you two today, but do you mind if I broach one other subject with you two?" Wally spoke up and said "please Fred, what do you want to discuss?"

Fred took a sip of coffee and then said "you know my ex-wife is out of the picture, and I have broken all contact with her parents as they never really liked me. My parents are both in poor health. They enjoy time with Jimmy, but their future does not look promising. I have no siblings and this last year has made me realize that I need to secure protection for Jimmy if anything should happen to me."

Fred took another sip of coffee and continued on with "don't worry, I am in good health and there is so much more in life I want to enjoy with Jimmy and all of my friends. I've seen how much Jimmy has attached on to you two, and all of the guys in the group. I see how much care, love and attention you two in particular show to Jimmy. I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone else in the group showing the same care and love that you two express for him. When I look at people whom I feel will be suitable guardians for Jimmy, I keep coming back to you two." At this point, Wally grabbed onto my hand and squeezed it harder than I have ever felt him squeeze me. Fred finished up by saying "I'm not asking for an immediate answer, but I'd sincerely appreciate you two consider being Jimmy's legal guardians should anything ever happen to me. I know that you two will love, care, teach and fight for that little guy over there." Wally and I both had tears come to our eyes. He looked at me, and I looked at him. We both nodded and Wally said "Fred, there is not need to think further about the answer to your question. We are very honored to be legal guardians for Jimmy should anything happen to you. Please put your mind at ease on this topic. I took one of Fred's hands, while Wally took Fred's other hand. I said "Fred, I hope you know that we will honor all of the values you have already instilled into Jimmy. I can promise you that if anything should occur to you, Jimmy will be loved, adored and taken care of in the way I know you want someone to care for him."

Fred started crying after my comments and said "guys, I can't thank you enough for all that you have done for Jimmy and me. I know this is a lot to ask of the two of you, but it makes me feel more secure knowing that Jimmy will be well taken care. Please know, you two have made a huge impact in my life, as well as Jimmy's. We both love you two with all of our hearts, and it feels me with joy knowing that I can rest peacefully now having addressed this with the two of you. I'm going to update my will with my lawyer, and in the future, I'll address it with Jimmy. I don't want to scare him about the subject now. I think he needs a couple of more years before I even address it with him."

I thought about what Fred said and replied "Fred, take it from someone who dealt with this subject at age fourteen. My parents never talked to me about a legal guardian and then one day, the subject was dumped on me like a load of bricks. I don't think it would have mattered to me if I had known who my legal guardian was or not. I do know that I never felt alone as UD was right there beside me when I needed him most. Please be rest assured that Wally and I will be by Jimmy's side immediately if we are ever needed."

Fred smiled at what I said and replied "you're right CJ. If he ever asks me my plans, I'll tell him. Instead, can I add each of you as emergency contacts for him on all the documents I need to?" Wally smiled at Fred and said "like CJ said, we're here for you and Jimmy in whatever way you need us."

The three of us got up from the table wiped away our tears and engaged in a series of hugs. I said "let's go see what our little guy is up to with his big bro's?" Fred cracked up and said "sounds good CJ. Thank you both again for coming into my life when I needed it the most."

About twenty minutes after we walked over to the pub area, the dart game ended with Ronny winning the 301 game, over Jimmy and Alex. Jimmy gave them both a hug and said "that's okay Alex, we'll get Ronny the next time. I think 501 is our game versus 301, so we'll challenge him to that." Alex said "that sounds great Jimmy, because I know we'll beat Ronny on 501." Jimmy giggled and said "Daddy, I think I need to get ready for bed. It's been a fun day, but Friday morning will be here soon and I'm getting tired."

The four of us walked Fred and Jimmy out the front door. All of us exchanged hugs and I said "hey Jimmy, I'll pick you up from school tomorrow and we'll go see the house that your dad is working on. After we finish there, we'll come back here, go swimming and then we can have cheeseburgers for dinner. How does that sound?" Jimmy smiled at me and whispered in my ear "sounds good CJ. Don't tell Alex we'll be free balling while swimming though." I laughed at him, ruffled his hair and said "be good for your dad tonight, and I'll see you tomorrow."

After Fred and Jimmy exited the parking lot, I knew I was not ready to go to bed. I looked at my threesome and said "who's up for a few beers, a game or two of darts and a cigar?" It did not take any time at all for the group to get into action. Alex and I finished clearing all of the remaining dishes and loaded the dishwasher. Ronny grabbed four beer glasses, and Wally grabbed the humidor, cutter and lighter for us. We soon were enjoying our beer, cigars and darts on a beautiful September evening in St Pete Beach.

Wally and I turned in about two hours later. He looked at me and said "are you still up for a shower babe?" I smiled back at him and said "oh yes sweetheart. I think we both need one after all of the deep conversations we've had today." Wally smiled and said "good baby. Even if we don't make love in there, I just need to feel you next to me." I replied back saying "I know babe and feel the same way. Just take me in there now and hold me please?" Before I knew it, we were standing under the rain head sensually caressing each other. Our caressing turned into passionate kissing and deep sensual hugs. I eventually moaned to my man and said "Wally, I need to feel you in me baby. This has been one interesting day, and I need to know it's been real and not a dream in CJ's mind only."

Before I knew it, I felt the love of my life inserting and withdrawing his rock-hard cock from my ass. He leaned over me, rubbed my shoulders and said "this is all real CJ. I've got you, you've got me and tonight is just another example of how you and I are going to fall deeper in love with each other babe. When you woke up today, did you ever expect to address the subjects Fred brought up with us?" I cracked up and started moaning from Wally's deep penetrations. I replied "never in a million years did I expect today baby. I'm glad I was with you for both bomb shells he dropped and that's how I want to face every day coming at us in the future. You and me together, in love and ready to tackle anything thrown at us. I love you so much Anthony Walters." I got the response I have heard so many times and fully expected with Wally saying "I love you more Christopher Jackson Skinner Walters."

After our shower, we fell asleep in each other's arms. My Friday morning came around very quickly, but I felt very good, refreshed and ready to tackle the day and weekend ahead.

Next: Chapter 63

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