My long-range forecast

By CJ Wilson

Published on May 23, 2024


Greetings everyone. I wish you all a good Memorial Day Weekend, and ask each of you to take a few minutes and reflect on all of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for this country and the freedom that we have today.

I continue to rewrite, add to and write more chapters of this story and I'm seeking any suggestions, constructive or positive feedback you have about the story. Please send information to For those if you who have already reached out to me - my thanks! I'm working your ideas into future storylines.

CJ recovers from his meeting with Aunt Sally and prepares for his national news big break covering Hurricane Vince.

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Before I left the parking garage, I sat in my jeep for a few minutes trying to clear my mind. I did not want to drive back to the condo with so many wild thoughts running through my head. I thought of so many things, including: do I call UD and let him know what all was said; do I tell my cousins that I'm gay before they hear it from Sally; should I reach out to Sally and apologize about the way I came out to her; and do I tell UD that I suspect Sally and Dominic are having the affair?

Once I had calmed myself down, I started the jeep up and cranked up the music. Taylor Swift began blaring from the speakers and a big smile came to my face. God, I wish my young friend was here with me now just singing our troubles away to a swiftie song.

I kept my mind on the traffic and made my way back to the condo. I was surprised to see Wally's truck in the parking lot when I pulled in. My thoughts immediately turned to him, wondering if he is okay?

I raced up to the condo, and found him at the breakfast counter drinking an ice tea. I ran to him, gave him a hug and said "are you okay sweetheart?" He gave me a kiss, pulled my face away from his and said "you summoned me in our special telepathic messaging. I felt as though you needed me, and I came home sensing the meeting did not go well for you. Are you okay CJ?"

I grabbed Wally and hugged him with all my might. I placed my head on his shoulder and began to cry like a baby. He stood up, and took both of us to the couch. We sat down, and he continued to comfort me. I can't believe he heard me as I was asking for him to come to me earlier when I was travelling home.

We didn't say anything, as he continued to hold me and rub my head. Eventually, he kissed my forehead and said "I'm here for you CJ. Can I get you anything baby?" I asked him for an ice tea, and he quickly retrieved each of us a fresh glass. He sat back down and said "sweetheart, do you feel like going to work, or do you need to call Bailey and ask for a sub today?" I looked at the clock, and it was approaching 11:00 am. I turned to Wally and said "I have to go in due to the short coverage. I'll be fine baby, and I don't really have to be there until 2:00. Do you have some time to sit and talk with me?" He lifted my chin with his hand, gave me a kiss and said "I've got all the time in the world for you, my love. I'll even drive you to work and pick you up tonight if you need me to."

I shared what happened with Wally. He shed a number of tears with me but I made it through the entire story with him. At the end, I fell into his arms again and just wept on his shoulder. Wally was so comforting to me, and I cannot believe how he saved me today. Without him, I don't think I'd have the strength to face work later.

After a few minutes, Wally looked at me and said "I'm not going to tell you everything will be okay, CJ. You went through a very traumatic event, and I cannot believe how your aunt treated you. You walked away with your head held high, and I'm very proud of you for that. I don't think you will hear from Sally before she leaves, but I do think you need to give UD a heads up in case she calls him today to chew his ass out." I looked at Wally, smiled and replied "thanks dear. That's one item I had on my mind while travelling back home. Do you mind staying here with me while I call him?" Wally smiled and said "I'll get us another ice tea. You place the call and put it on speaker baby. I'll be right back."

UD was available and I said "hey there, do you have some time for me to unload on you?" He replied instantly saying "I've been waiting for a call from you CJ. Are you okay and do you feel like telling me what all was said today?" I said "sure UD, I'll fill you in as I suspect you will be receiving a call this afternoon or evening about it. Wally is here with me, and I have you on speaker." Wally spoke up saying "hi UD. If you want to talk to CJ privately, I understand and will leave the room for a while. I felt as though he may need to talk today after meeting Sally for breakfast, and I wasn't wrong." UD said "you just keep your ass next to him and get him through the tough spots for me. Go ahead CJ, I'm listening son."

I informed UD of everything I had shared with Wally. By the end, UD was in tears with me. After I finished, UD said "CJ, you and my three girls are the loves of my life. What Sally said today is true. She did try to convince me to have you stay with your grandparents. I did not agree to it, and I believe that may have been the start of her turning away from me. I would not have changed my decision CJ, and I hope you know what a bright spot you have been in my life son. I love you, and if you need me to come down there this week, I will."

I shed some tears and replied "no UD, I'm okay. I know I could have come out better to Sally, but I'm the one who handled the conversation like an adult and walked away with my head held high. I had to let you know about everything though, as I suspect Aunt Sally will hold this all against you."

UC chuckled and replied "I'm ready for her CJ. Counseling has not been going well, and we're getting ready to tell the girls that we're getting a divorce. Sally wants nothing to do with them, and wants me to take custody of them until they finish school. I'm fine with-it CJ, as I love them all and will protect them in any way I can."

I smiled when I heard UD say this and said "UD, do you think I should call the three of them tonight and inform them I'm gay? I want them to hear it from me, not Sally." UD thought for a minute and replied "CJ, you have a busy week and need to focus on yourself, your handsome partner and your career. You can tell the girls when your schedule frees up. I doubt that Sally will announce it to them. If she does, she is more of a cold-hearted bitch than I give her credit for. I'll handle the damage control here and to be quite honest, it will be my final straw to tell her to move out as quickly as she can. Please CJ, take care of yourself son. I'll be fine here, and we'll all get through this. I may need your help with the girls, especially Laura. I know you two are close, and I think she will rely on you heavily to make sense of us divorcing son."

After a few minutes UD said "can I share something with you and Wally?" Both Wally and I acknowledged yes to him and UD said "I ran into Jenny Harper at the grocery store yesterday. It took me by surprise and I told her I thought she was at the conference with Sally. Jenny informed me that she could not go, as she is finishing up two houses for Sally. So, I now suspect that Sally and her boyfriend are there at the conference together." I replied to UD saying "UD, I agree with you. Do you want to know who is registered for the conference besides Sally?" UD quickly said "I know who is there with her CJ, and to be quite honest if I ever see him again, I may beat the shit out of him. Dominic can easily be changed into Dominique with a few crucial punches in the groin." Wally and I busted out laughing at him and he said "good, I'm glad to see that I can still crack both of you up even when it's needed in a crisis situation."

Wally sensed that UD needed another tension breaker and said "hey UD, do you want me to send Alex to the conference and beat the shit out of the homewrecker for you?" UD bellowed in laughter, and said "Wally, thank you. You don't know how much I need these laughs today. I can just see Alex going in there and raising hell for us! I'd lay money on Alex kicking his ass for us. I can't tell you how much I want to see you all, and soon."

Our conversation with UD went on for over an hour. By the end of the talk, UD and Wally had me feeling much better. Before the call ended UD said "CJ, I love you and try to forget what all Sally said to you today son. The four of us here will make it through the upcoming divorce fine. I will need to lean on both of you at times, but I cannot tell you both how much strength you two give me. Wally, please watch our special guy. If either one of you need me down there, just say the word. I'm here for the two of you. I love both of you, and will talk to you again very soon."

Wally put his arm around my shoulder, pulled me in close to him, gave me several kisses on my forehead and said "how are you feeling baby? I feel much better that UD is in the loop on everything. Thanks for calling him sweetheart. He loves you very much, but not as much as I do." I buried my face into Wally's chest and snuggled up closer to him. I said "I know Wally, it was the right thing to call him. I'm still having problems with all of this, as I never suspected Aunt Sally as being such a cruel person to anyone. I wonder just how much UD has put up with in their time together, and if the troubles they have gone through are what drove him to Jack?" Wally responded "probably CJ. Your uncle is a very sensitive person down deep. We need to be there for him, and I need to keep you strong for his sake. What can I do for you CJ?" I lifted my head up, gave Wally a long kiss and eventually said "will you take a shower with me before I go to work?" Wally smiled at me, lifted me off the couch and took me to the shower. I may be wrong, but this might be our first nooner together.

Wally was so gentle with me in the shower, and helped me to wash all my sad feelings down the drain. Once we finished up the shower, he made some calls while I changed into my suit. I figured the calls were for business, but little did I know he called Alex and Ronny. He gave Alex a heads up in case he ran into Sally telling him that the meeting did not go well. Alex's first concern was for me asking Wally "should I come home and stay with him this afternoon?" Wally replied "nah chief, he's getting ready for work now. We'll take care of him later tonight." The call to Ronny was similar with Wally asking Ronny to watch me closely today.

As we departed the condo, Wally said "CJ, are you sure that you want to drive to work? I don't mind taking you to the station sweetheart." I gave my man a hug and kiss, and replied "I'm much better Wally thanks to you. Had you not been here when I returned, the story may be totally different. Once again, you have been there for me and relieved me of my worries. I need to get to the station and make sure that Bailey is not taking over for me on the storm coverage. Don't worry Wally, if I need you, I'll call. I'm good now baby. You go make sure everything is going okay at the construction sites. Tell Fred I said hello, and ask him to tell Jimmy that I sang a Taylor song without him today in the jeep. I missed him not singing along with me." Wally smiled at me, gave me a kiss and said "I'll tell Fred for you. Please take care of yourself, and I'll be sending you all of my positive energy tonight. You better make Mama B happy tonight and pucker your lips towards David!"

I made my way through the St Petersburg mid-day traffic to the station. Upon entering the newsroom, my entourage swarmed me giving me updates about the storm and information around my report with David tonight. Bailey was even in the crowd and told me "We'll probably position you in Naples or the northern keys late tomorrow, CJ. The storm is still racing towards us, and the network executives are anxious to get you in position ahead of The Weather Channel." I smiled and said "sounds good boss. Maybe you, Jim Cantore and I can enjoy a cigar together at sunset tomorrow night wherever we're at!" Bailey smiled and said "I'm getting turned down to go with you as the execs want me here to control everything since you and Daniel will be out. Don't worry though, Angela has volunteered to go along with you and Carl. We'll probably send one more reporter with you three to help you cover stories. The network is going to position two junior reporters in Miami initially. They'll follow Angela and you to cover stories that result from the hurricane strike and the aftermath. Are you ready for your big break?" I smiled at Bailey and said "yeah, I'm ready for this Bailey. I have to admit, I was looking forward to being on the road with you, but I understand the need for you to control things back here. Keep Trev and Josh in line boss! I'll make sure that Carl, Angela and I don't get into any trouble before Vince's arrival."

Ronny breezed into the newsroom and noticed that I had arrived. He came up to me, shook my hand and spoke quietly to me saying "I'm here for you bro. I know that you had a bad morning with your aunt. If you need to talk after the newscasts, just let me know." He winked at me and I chuckled to myself. I replied "thanks Ronny, I'm better than I was a few hours ago. Who called you, Wally or UD?" Ronny smiled and said "I'm a reporter and I never reveal my sources. Let's just say your studly partner is very worried about you and asked me to watch over you. He also informed my beautiful man about the scene. Alex has been blowing up my phone every couple of minutes asking me if you're okay?" I shook my head, smiled and said "ah that chief! Always on the watch for all of us." Ronny grinned and said "that he is my friend. I think the man will take a bullet for any of us if needed."

Before I did anything, I texted Alex saying "thanks for your concern my friend. I'm fine and will talk to you later. You do have my permission to turn Dominic into security if you see him!" It wasn't even two minutes later when Alex returned my text saying "I'm on the lookout CJ. So far, no sightings. Please take care, forget what happened and I'll see you tonight."

Trev, Josh and I got to work for tonight's shows. I can't believe how much Trev is into this coverage with me. Josh is also spreading his wings. As the three of us were splitting up assignments Josh said "I can't believe how much experience I am gaining from you two. I have to admit, covering the weather is fun. Who knows, maybe I'll be the next official meteorologist here behind you two."

We split up my work, and I sat in on a 3:00 pm call with Angela and the network producer. He informed us of the video they are planning to show while I voice over it. I made notes about the video and obtained a copy of it for my reference before my report with David. The video shows the impact of Hurricane Vince on Antigua and Barbuda in the Leeward islands. It also shows hurricane preparations underway in St Croix and San Juan. Sal, the network producer, asked me if I had any questions concerning the video? I told him no that I have enough to create a segment. His final comments to us were "we need a one-minute segment from you tonight." Once we ended the call with Sal, I told Angela "Give me an hour, then you and I will reconvene to make final adjustments."

While I was working on my national segment, Josh finished up my local video segments and forecast. Trev acquired information for me on the damage reports experienced thus far as well as the current watches and warnings in effect. He also provided me with the latest projected path of Hurricane Vince. Trev and I produced a thirty-two second video and audio segment which I plan to work in between my live segments with David Muir. Angela joined us and we ran through the entire segment with her. It was funny to hear Trev impersonating David Muir and handing the report to me. We're working so well together and I need to show my appreciation to him after we wrap this storm reporting up.

5:00 pm rolled around and we kicked in with our local newscasts. Josh did a very nice job on creating my segments and everything flowed very nicely for me. Once again, the tradeoff between Ronny and myself was incredible. Bailey was in the studio with us for the 5:00 show and commented after it was over to us "the chemistry between the two of you is just spectacular. We need to sit down later and discuss ways to team you two up more to improve our overall ratings here."

Once I finished the local newscasts, I headed for the rooftop to prepare for my national segment. Angela and Carl were already on the rooftop set finalizing everything and I was followed by Trev, Josh and Bailey. While we were waiting for the national news to start Bailey said "I want to let you all know how proud I am of you. Last night's segment was flawless, and with all of the preparation I have seen today, I'm expecting another outstanding report tonight. You're all doing a wonderful job, and keep up the great work for us."

The kickoff to World News Tonight did include a teaser segment to the hurricane and myself. My report is also being covered in the first segment tonight showing the increased focus on the storm and it's pending impact to the southeastern United States.

Before my segment started, the rooftop door opened and there they were -- Ronny appeared with Wally and Alex behind him. All three of them gave me the thumbs up with Alex saying "kick some ass for us CJ!"

David started in on my story by saying "Hurricane Vince continues to intensify and has made landfall on several islands. CJ Walters brings us the latest on the storm. CJ..."

Angela gave me the queue and I started in with "thanks David. Hurricane Vince made landfall on Antigua and Barbuda today with windspeeds approaching 130 mph. Communication with the Leeward Islands has been impacted. We do have video of the storm as it began to unleash its fury on the islands." Angela cut to the pre-recorded video and my voice over. She gave me the queue to come back live and I said "Search and rescue teams are ready to enter the Leeward Islands as soon as the storm passes. As you saw in the video, preparations are being taken in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico in advance of Hurricane Vince arriving. Vince has made a north western turn as expected, and its maximum wind speed at the eye is now 150 mph. Hurricane warnings are in effect for the US and British Virgin Islands along with Puerto Rico. Hurricane watches have been posted for the Dominican Republic, Haiti and the southern Turks and Caicos Islands. If the storm continues on its current path, the Florida Keys and Southern Florida will be impacted. We'll be moving our coverage tomorrow night to southern Florida in advance of Vince's pending arrival. David..." By this time, David and I were split screen again on the television screen. David responded with "CJ Walters reporting from St Petersburg for us tonight. CJ, thank you and stay safe in your coverage of the storm this week."

Once Angela gave the all clear, everyone on the rooftop erupted in cheers. Bailey was the first to come to me saying "another kick-ass report tonight, CJ. Do me a favor and screw up bigtime tomorrow so that the network does not demand you in New York to replace Ginger Zee." I smiled at him, gave him a hug and said "don't worry boss, I'm very happy here. They can keep Ginger, and I'll be their eye on the weather in the southeastern United States."

Wally, Alex and Ronny approached the group with Wally saying "hey everyone, dinner is on me tonight. A great job to all of you." Bailey smiled at him and said "thanks Wally, but dinner is on WPHS tonight. Let's head downtown to the pier and enjoy a good dinner for all."

Dinner was relaxing and very nice. The pain that I felt earlier in the day has now been replaced by joy. I'm surrounded by people I love and who love me for who I am. I'm also in shock as to what I'm doing in my career path. I never pictured myself on national tv at this age. There are so many reporters who would give anything to get the chance I'm experiencing at age 23. James has been quiet the past two days. I hope he's aware of what I have done and I will check in with him tomorrow no matter what.

The dinner group disbanded with several of us returning to the station, and the remainder of the group went to their homes. I departed from my threesome and they informed me they'll be waiting up for me after the 11:00 pm show. Trev also went to the condo knowing he had to be up in several hours for the morning newscast. Before he left, he said "I almost forgot to tell you that Ross says to return to him soon. He loved your segment Monday, and I'm sure he is extremely pleased with what you did tonight." I smiled and said "thanks Trev, I appreciate you delivering the message. You take care of Ross tomorrow, and I hope I can catch a couple of your morning shows. Angela tells me you're doing fantastic, and between the two of us we have a killer weather team." Trev smiled at me, gave me a hug and said "I'm here for you this week in whatever way you need me. I enjoy working with you so much, and I know down deep one of us is going to win the BANA best meteorologist award."

The late-night news went fine and I headed for home as quickly as I could. Wally, Alex and Ronny were waiting up for me just as they said they would. Wally turned in saying "come in and join me when you feel like it, babe. I love you." Ronny turned in also saying he has an early shoot tomorrow and needs to be at the station around 9:00 am. Alex gave him a kiss and said "I'll be in later you stud. I want to talk to CJ for a few minutes."

Alex and I went out on the patio, and he grabbed us each a beer. I probably did not need it, as I felt exhausted from the day. We sat at the high-top table and he said "CJ, I need to confess to something to you which occurred today. I hope you won't think I'm overstepping my bounds, but as you know I want to protect all of the special people in my life." I grinned at Alex and replied "chief, you have never and probably will not ever overstep your bounds with me. I know any action you take is for the good of everyone, so let me hear what you have to say."

Alex took a drink of his beer and said "before I left the conference today, I went to the front desk and asked for Sally's room as I needed to leave her a message. The clerk informed me that she had checked out due to an unexpected emergency. I then inquired about Dominic's room as I was supposed to meet both of them for dinner tonight. The clerk told me that Dominic had also checked out. Before I left the hotel, I called UD and told him about the checkouts as I did not want him to be surprised by anything this week. He and I talked for a while and he told me about your talk earlier today. He appreciated the news from me and said he will be ready for them when they return to Cincinnati." I smiled at Alex, pulled him in for a hug and said "my dear friend, thank you for looking out for me and UD. I so appreciate what you did and now I know I won't see her again this week. I also appreciate you calling UD as I want all of us to watch out for him in the coming weeks. He's going to need us for support, and you went above and beyond the call of duty today." Alex smiled, chugged his remaining beer, burped loudly and said "oh good, I was worried about how you might take my news." I chugged my remaining beer and said "you and I never have to worry about looking out for each other. Let's have another beer and play a round of cricket." Alex got us each another beer, and we shot the shit over a game of cricket.

I woke up just before 6:00 am feeling full of energy, but also feeling anxious about where I will end up tonight covering the pending arrival of hurricane Vince. I started brewing a pot of coffee for everyone and turned on the television set on the patio. The news came on and it was great to see Ross, Trev and Jennifer on set together for the opening teasers. I sat down with a cup of coffee and listened to the three of them. All the time I sat I had a smile on my face knowing I should be there where Trev is at. He has improved so much, and I like the combination of him and Ross for a morning team.

I heard a knock at the door and went to answer it. I was shocked to see Bailey with Aaron following him. Bailey said "morning CJ. We're on our way to work out this morning. If you have not heard, the storm track did not change overnight. The forward speed has increased and it's holding at a cat 4 storm right now. Hurricane watches are up for most of Cuba now, and I bet the Keys will be under a watch by tonight. The network suggests getting you in place on Marco Island today. Are you up for it CJ?" I smiled at him and said "hell yeah, I'm ready Bailey." He smiled at me, gave me a hug and said "okay, I woke Carl up and he said he will have everything ready to go by 10:00 this morning. I also let Angela know the news. She's already working with two reporters out of Miami coordinating their stories for tonight. Relief supplies are being staged at Miami International for distribution throughout the Caribbean. CJ, I know you're excited about this, but do not take any chances with your life. When the winds get over a cat 1 strength, get yourself in a protected area and don't be a hero!" Once Aaron heard all of this, he came to me, hugged me and said "you're going to do great my friend. Just come back to us in one piece."

Bailey's voice woke up Wally and Ronny. I think Alex was already up and completing his work around the complex. I briefed Wally and Ronny on how my schedule was looking. Bailey said "just go casual with your station polos, shorts and a rain jacket if you have it. If you don't there are some in the marketing closet at work. Make sure you, Angela and Carl have one for the trip. Also, Jennifer is going along with you three after she finishes the morning news. You and her will be covering all of the stories that you can. Do you have any questions for me?"

I thought for a moment, poured myself another cup of coffee and said "who's planning my return celebration party?" Everyone broke out in laughter with Bailey saying "don't worry big guy. We're going to throw you a blowout of a party when you are back here safe and sound."

Just after Bailey finished his statement, there was another knock at the door. I opened the door to find Fred, Toby and Jimmy. I smiled at the three of them and said "come on in, we're having a morning party." Jimmy came scrambling into the condo, saying "good morning" to everyone. Fred said "sorry CJ, but he made you a card that he wanted you to have this morning." Toby smiled and said "he worked on it an hour past his bedtime last night. That kid is a wizard with a computer word processor." I smiled and said "I'm glad you three are here. Help yourself to some coffee and hang on while I get something from my office." Jimmy said "hurry back CJ, I have a gift for you."

I returned to the living area and gave Fred a birthday card. I said "I understand today is a special day for you. Happy Birthday my friend." I handed him his birthday card, gave him a hug and he said "you did not need to do this CJ, but thank you." No one else knew it was Fred's birthday and they all offered him a happy birthday wish along with hugs. A few tears came to his eyes as he said "thanks guys. This is turning out to be the best birthday I've had in a long time and we're only one hour into the day!"

Jimmy came up to me and said "I'm glad I get to see you this today. I've missed you the last two days, so I made you this card last night. Go ahead and open it CJ!"

I sat down with Jimmy at the table and opened the envelope. On the front of the card was my station picture along with a picture of David Muir right beside me. Below the pictures Jimmy placed a caption of "CJ and David -- a winning pair!" I laughed at it, ruffled his hair and said "thanks buddy, I've got to find a special frame to put this in." Jimmy said "there's more CJ, open and read the inside."

One the inside I found "Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go. So make the best of this test and don't ask why. It's not a question but a lesson learned in time. It's something unpredictable but in the end is right, I hope you're having the time of your life." The card was then signed "Some Green Day for you to enjoy while you're covering Hurricane Vince. Be safe, and come back soon. All my love, Jimmy."

I cannot tell everyone in the room all of the emotions swimming through my mind right now. Once again, my little friend has shocked me with a very special surprise. First, he remembered my favorite song and second, he made me a touching card that seems so appropriate for where I am at in my life. I looked at him, shed some tears and said "Jimmy, this is so special. You even changed the words to having instead of had." He smiled and said "good, I'm glad you noticed. You are doing something so exciting CJ and I do hope you're having the time of your life. Besides this story, I know you're going to do so many other fun and exciting things in your life. Just be safe covering the storm, and get back to all of us soon. You and I can talk about what the hurricane did over a triple cheeseburger!" I pulled him into me, gave him a big hug and said "it's a deal big guy! After we eat our triple cheeseburger, we'll take a ride in the jeep and listen to all of your favorite Taylor songs." He smiled at me and said "I'm glad I got to see you before you leave CJ. I have to get ready for school now. I'll be watching you all week."

As Fred, Toby and Jimmy departed the condo, another round of hugs and happy birthday wishes were shared. Bailey picked up my card and read it. He looked at me after reading it and said "how did you keep it together so well while reading this? My God, I want to curl up in a ball, suck my thumb and cry a thousand tears." All of us chuckled and I said "I don't know what he will end up doing in his future, but where ever he goes he's going to be a caring, compassionate and successful person. I feel so blessed to have him in my life, and I know where ever we both end up we'll stay in touch always."

Bailey and Aaron headed for their work out. Alex joined the three of us and I informed him of my schedule for the rest of the week. He looked at me, gave me a hug and said "you're not leaving here without some breakfast. You go start packing while Ronny and I fix the four of us some breakfast." There was no argument from Ronny as he followed his man into the kitchen, gave him a kiss and said "thanks babe. What can I do to help out."

Wally followed me into the bedroom. I knew he was behind me so I swung around and pulled him into a hug with all of my might. We began kissing and just stayed in each other's arms for several minutes. He broke the kiss with me and said "are you sure about this, and do you want me to come along with you?" I smiled at him, pulled his face to mine for another kiss and said "I'm sure sweetheart. I'll be fine, and I already have instructions from my boss dad not to take any chances. The network does not want us to go into any warning zones until the storm has passed. I'll keep in touch with you and you can keep UD, Ronny and Alex up to date with all of my information." Wally had some tears come to his eyes and said "you just be safe, and get your sexy ass back to me as soon as you can. I knew this day eventually was going to come upon us. I thought I was ready for it, but now that it's here, I'm scared to death that you're leaving to cover a hurricane. I'll be strong for you, my love. If you need me though, just send me those telepathic signals like you did yesterday." We embraced in another long kiss. After we broke the kiss, I looked at him and said "I promise you, if I need you, I'll send you our special signals."

The four of us enjoyed a breakfast on the patio. I had Alex share the information he found out about Sally and Dominic to Wally and Ronny. Ronny just stared at me in amazement and said "CJ, I know I'm having problems processing all of this, so I cannot imagine what you are going through my brother. Sally was always so nice to me and my parents. I cannot believe the façade she put up, and how many people she is hurting in her pursuit of happiness. I feel for you brother, and please know all of us are here for you, UD and the girls." Alex and Wally chimed in agreement with Ronny's statements. After one more cup of coffee, it was time for me to get ready and head out. Wally joined me for a shower which turned out to be a very tender moment that only two can share.

I decided to leave the jeep at the condo complex versus parking it at the station. Wally planned to store all vehicles inside his reinforced warehouse if needed. After a tearful good bye scene in our parking lot, I looked at the three most special people in my life and said "I will be home soon! No more tears. This storm will be out of the immediate Florida area by the end of the weekend. I'll keep in touch with all of you, and if Carl and I decide to have bourbon and a three-way with Jim Cantore, I'll take pictures for all of you!" The tears turned to laughter, and Alex drove me to the station before heading to his conference.

With my suitcase in hand, I went into the newsroom. Carl, Angela and Jennifer were waiting for me. I gave each of them a hug and said "are you ready for this my friends? I'm so glad that we're going to face this storm together. This will probably be a life-changing event for all of us." They all agreed with Carl adding "not to mention the huge bonus we'll receive for the outstanding coverage we're going to provide for the nation." I heard a voice saying "wait", and then I saw him running towards us. The father of the newsroom coming to send all of his kids off with special wishes.

Ross gave us all a hug and said "be safe all of you. If you need anything back here, call me if you can't reach whom you need. I know Bailey has already told all of us to take any requests from the four of you with top priority. If anyone back here gives you any crap, just let me know and I'll beat the shit out of them for you!" The five of us cracked up laughing, and joined in for one group hug before departing from the newsroom. Mindy had prepared reservations for us, and had all the information in a package for us. Our next stop is Marco Island, where we'll do our local and the national segment tonight.

Carl took the driving duties as he said "no one knows how to handle Bessie like I do." It always cracks me up when he refers to the news van as Bessie. As we packed up our luggage, a group of people gathered around us and Bessie to wave us off. Bailey led the crowd in saying "you four take care, and no heroics! Stay safe, get the stories and keep in touch with us. We'll be here for whatever you need."

The four of us got into the news van, and headed out of the parking lot. Carl patted the dashboard and said "come on Bessie, this is going to be our most exciting news story we've ever covered. Take good care of us girl."

As Carl pulled onto the interstate and headed south, it finally dawned on me what we are about to do. I said to myself "well CJ, you're not in Ohio anymore. This is something you have always dreamed of doing, so go down there and kick Vince's ass!" I looked at each of my trip companions and gave them all a smile. I turned on the radio and was shocked that my Green Day song was playing. I cracked up and said "we've got this my friends. Let's go make a name for ourselves and WPHS."

Next: Chapter 75

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