My Love Corey

By moc.oohay@95c3tv

Published on Jul 15, 2002


All rights reserved. Copyright held by the author. If you are underage or are offended by gay fiction, containing graphic sex and explicit language, please exit now. Message by Author: Be careful whom you have sex with, that person may carry STD

**************** My Love, Corey 3 ****************

JOHN'S POV *****************

I wiped my eyes, looking at my watch, it was already 5 o'clock in the evening, and amazingly, it was pitched black outside, it could've been the weather, the climate, whatever. I stood up, and walked outside to the door, I was still haunted by the dream, I was paranoid, I was afraid when I open the door, Corey will be standing there, and I'm afraid he might force me to do that again, I was afraid. I was so paranoid, that I didn't even fully open the door, I peeked out of a crack, and to my discovery, and I found the cab driver.

"Hey, you forgot this in the cab John" he said handing me my underclothing baggage

"Hey, how the hell do you know my name" I asked

"What? You told me in the car remember?" he asked

"Oh, sorry, I just woke up, and I had a really bad dream, and I'm still a little bit paranoid, so don't mind me, thanks for the concern, this is my under clothing baggage, if you wouldn't have bought it back, I could have not sleep tonight, it's starting to get cold already huh? Just beginning of August, and the cold is already returning, oh well...Hey, do you want to come in to have a drink or something? A beer maybe? Coffee? Or perhaps tea?" I asked

"I'd prefer tea, Thank you" he said

"You're not the drinking type I see" I said

"No, I have this thing for alcohol, whenever I have alcohol, I like to be in control of everything around me, and boy, do I mean EVERYTHING, and I can't have coffee, because I need the night sleep, so I'd prefer tea just fine" he said

"I respect that," I said welcoming him

"So, how long are you going to stay here? And why are you working if you're taking a vacation" I asked him

"I plan to stay here for another month or so, and I work just for today, because my uncle is sick, and he needed someone to take over for a day, I get all the money that comes in though, so it's pretty good, plus, I get to tour the city and all" he answered, sipping his tea

"Oh, I see" I said

"So, why are you here" he asked

"To tell the truth, I have someone that I love back in California, and they never realized how I felt, and they went off to get married, and I was heart broken, so I just wanted to get away from the place, and create a new life else where" I said

"So, is this person a guy or a girl" he asked, taking another sip of his tea

I was surprise when I heard him asking this question. I didn't know he paid that much attention

"What...What...What do you mean?" I asked

"Well, if it was a girl, then you wouldn't have to use "they" you know" he said, smiling

"Are you trying to say that I'm gay?" I asked

"Well, I didn't say that you're gay, I was just wondering why you have to use "they" instead of "her," and even if you were gay, there's nothing wrong with that, being gay is not something we have power over, it was a god-given thing my friend" he said

There was something about this man, that distinguish him from all the others, he made the other person that he was talking to feel comfortable (or at least I was) and he talks so openly, he doesn't hide anything in.

"Oh ok, well, I think you should get going now, it's getting pretty dark, and it's already.........7:30! We've been talking for an almost 2 hours! Jeez!" I said

"Yeah, I guess this is my time to take off huh" he said "Maybe I can have your phone number, and maybe we can go and have a chat sometimes? About California, and where each of us lived?" he asked

"Um, yeah, sure" I said, handing him my number "I'll be available a lot from now to the end of next week" I told him

"Oh, alright" he said, walking off

"Wait! I never got to know your name!" I yelled out

"Richard! But you can call me Richy if you want, that's what all my friends called me" he yelled out, getting into his car, driving off.

RICHY'S POV *****************

"My name is Richard! But you can call me Richy if you want! That's what all my friends calls me" I said "Remember! I'll call you to schedule that lunch, dinner, whatever!" I said, walking off

When I got home, I took a shower, eat some dinner. Dinner was not very good because my uncle was not a very rich man, and very busy. Being a taxi driver, he was always busy out, and when he gets home, he couldn't cook because it was already dark, and I had to order out.

"Richy! Is that you?" he yelled out

"Yeah Uncle Sam! It's me, how are you doing with that fever?" I asked

"Thanks for asking! I'm fine! So how did the job came along?" he asked

"Yeah, it was real good" I said, walking into his room "Most of the passengers asked where you were, looks like you're really good with your passenger Uncle, they all asked about you and how you were, and wished that you were doing ok" I said handing him the driving money from that day

"What is this for?" he asked, "The money that you get is suppose to be for you Richard" he said

"Oh, come on Uncle, I didn't have anything to do, and I had to go outside to take a break, and plus, I got to tour the city a little more, and top of all, I think I met that someone" I said

All of my family members knew about my sexuality, and they were down with it, and that, to me was very important, I love my family.

"Oh, is that so? Who's the lucky guy?" my uncle said

"His name is John, and he is from California" I said

"What is with you and guys that comes from California?" he asked, with a laugh

"I don't know, it's just natural I guess," I said staring out the window, at a lonely star in the sky

"Is he a good guy?" he asked

"I don't know uncle, but it seems like it, he just moved here from California, and is staying here for a getaway from someone that he loved." I told him

"Why the hell is he trying to get away from the person that he loves?" he asked

"She got married, or should I say "they." He didn't specifically told me her name, he didn't even say that "they" were a she or a he." I said

"Oh, do you think he's...?" uncle asked

"I don't know, but let's hope so, let's hope so uncle" I said, walking out of the room "Good night uncle, get well soon" I said closing his door

"Yep! Good night mate" he said

JOHN'S POV ****************

I just got out of the shower that night, when Richy called

"Hello? This is John," I said

"Hello? John? This is Richy. Hey, I was wondering if you're doing anything tomorrow, I'm free tomorrow, and I was wondering if we can go get something to drink tomorrow then" he asked

"Um, I guess, since I have nothing better to do than stay at home and clean up my mess and stuff, so what time?" I asked

"Um, how about early in the morning, we can catch some fresh air, and have a refreshing coffee that will wake us up" he said

"How early" I asked

"6:00?" he asked

"6:00? Are you insane? What coffee shop will be open at 6:00 in the morning!" I yelled out

"Oh, I know of one, don't worry" he said

"6:00...I'm not sure, I don't kn..." I said

"Come on! Please?" he begged

"Oh, alright" I said "But you have to come over and pick me up, I just got here, I don't got any wheels" I said

"No problem, we can have coffee, and I can drop you off back at home, and then I can give the car back to my uncle before he even wake up" he said

"Ok...sounds like a plan, don't back out the last minute, I hate people that back out of things at the last minute" I said

"Oh, ok" he said "don't worry, I wont disappoint you," he said

"Let's hope so, I said

After hanging up, I went to dry myself, I didn't get the chance because Richy called and I had to hurry out. For some freaking reasons, I couldn't get Core out of head, I was thinking of him, and some how, I was really looking forward to the early coffee meeting, but I told myself it couldn't be anything other than that coffee. I thought to myself that I liked coffee a lot myself, so I think that was the reason, so I went to sleep. I was reluctant to sleep, I was afraid I might that dream I got earlier again, so I laid there, staring into space through the opening of my curtains through my window, the stars especially bright tonight, suddenly, Corey came into my mind, I was thinking of how he was doing, I even thought of calling him, because I miss him sooo much, and I needed to talk to him so bad, but my conscience told me not to. A side of me told me I had to talk to Corey, but the other restrains me from doing so. I was so confused, I stared at the stars for another 20 minutes or so, then slowly, and slowly, my eyebrows got heavy, and I start dozing off to sleep.

The phone rang and it woke me up, I looked outside, it was already dawn.

"Hello?" I said

"Hello? Hey John, this is Richy, are you ready to go?" he asked

"What the fuck, already? Fine, fine, come over and you can pick me up, that IS what you're going to do right? Because if you're not, then we can't go, I don't have a ride sir" I said, with a laugh

"Oh, you're sooo cute, of course I'll pick you up, and I'll come over right now, bye" he said, hanging up the phone

I was sooo tired, I just went back to sleep. I was woke up not too late after I went back to sleep. I was woke by the bell, I knew it was Richy. I went to open the door.

"Hey, come in, sorry for the nakedness, I like to go to bed in my boxers" I said, looking down at my boxers, then looking back at him with a not-so-sure look (You know, the look where you get when you have something under the quality of your partner's expectancy, and you're like :-/

"Ha, ha, it's alright, I sleep totally naked, so I don't mind" he said

"Uh, did I just hear that? Wow, that just turned me on right there, I better go and shower before I get a hard-on in front of this stranger" I thought to myself "Ok, you just sit tight while I shower, and when I'm done, we can take off" I said, walking off to take some new clothes to shower

"Ok, I'll wait here then, mind if I take a look around then?" he asked

"Don't mind if you do" I said, closing the door

RICHY'S POV *****************

"What if...What if...Ha, ha!!!" I thought to myself

"What if I can pick the lock and peek at him showering." I thought to myself with a laugh... "Ahahahahhaha!"

His house was not a really big one, but really spacious. It had one bathroom, 1 bedroom, a patio, and a spacious kitchen and living room. It had a homely feeling to it. I couldn't help myself but stare through his under clothing baggage. I noticed it had designed boxers, and some briefs. I walked outside, sitting down at one of the tables, and waited.

JOHN'S POV *****************

I finish showering, and I was drying myself when I heard Richy asking me a question.

"Hey! I'm sorry for asking, but I can't really help myself, but I was wondering how much you paid monthly for this house" he asked

"About $700 bucks, why?" I asked

"Um, nothing, I just thought it was somewhat of a cheaper price" he said

"What are you trying to say, I'm cheap or some crap" I said

"No! I'm just comparing my uncle's house and this house, we're both from California, and you should know rent is really a pain in the butt over there" he said

"Yeah, I guess, this house would've cost a grand in Cali" I said

I walked out of the shower, I had a towel wrapped around my waist, the hard-on was gone now, but it was still vaguely visible. When I got out, I didn't see Richy, so I search for him, I found him in the Kitchen

"Oh, there you are, be right there" I said, walking back into my room

I went back into my room to change, and went outside, and took off.

"Hey, how far is that coffee shop away from here" I asked

"Oh, not that far it's only about 20 minutes away" he said

"Oh, wow, I was thinking somewhere in the 10ths" I said with a laugh

I turned on the radio, and it was on Kost 103.5 and it came across my favorite song in the whole wide world..................................................................I'll be here waiting by Richard Marx

Oceans apart Day after day... And I slowly go insane... I hear your voice... On the line... But it doesn't stop the pain... If I see you next to never... How can we say forever. Wherever you go... Whatever you do... I will be right here waiting for you... Whatever it takes... Or how my heart breaks... I will be right here waiting for you... I took for granted... All the times... That I thought would last somehow... I hear the laughter... I tasted tears... But I can't get near you now... Oh can't you see it baby... You've got me going crazy... Wherever you go... Whatever you do... I will be right here waiting for you... Whatever it takes... Or how my heart breaks... I will be right here waiting for you... I wonder how we can survive... This romance... But in the end if I'm with you... I'll take the tears... Oh can't you see it baby... You've got me going crazy... Wherever you go... Whatever you do... I will be right here waiting for you... Whatever it takes... Or how my heart breaks... I will be right here waiting for you...

I drifted off to sleep, and I heard to music ended...but I didn't care, I was too tired

COREY'S POV ****************

"How about you shut the fuck up bitch!" I yelled out

"What the fuck is wrong with you Corey! We've been married for 3 months, and you're acting like this, I don't know if I chose the right person or it was a big mistake marrying you, you know what, it's been like this for the last week, I think we should just forget about this marriage and move on our separate ways" she yelled out

"Yeah, that's the exact fucking thing I had in mind too! When's the divorce going to be!" I yelled out

"Whenever you fucker! And get the fuck out of here faggot! Are you pissed off now that your friend John left you? I know why you're acting like this, you're a homosexual, and you like him, am I wrong? Well, guess what! You both can kiss my ass, and he can go to hell fucker!" she said

"NEVER! EVER! TALK ABOUT JOHN LIKE THAT IN FRONT OF ME, OR YOU'LL BE FUCKING SORRY YOU SORRY LITTLE WHORE!" I said holding a knife in front of her, I thought she was going to say something back, but she just fell back, and started crying

"Cry for all you want hoe! Cry until your fucking eyes fucking pop out for all I care" I said, walking out of the door, slamming the door

I drove to Kerry's house to cool off. I rang the bell, and Jenny his wife opened the door.

"Oh, hey Corey, how are you doing" she said

"Not real fine right now, I just got in a fight with my wife, and we're getting a divorce" I told me, walking inside pass her, I saw her holding her hand over her mouth "What, if I realize I don't like someone I can get a divorce can't I?" I told her

"..............." she stood there with a blank expression

"Is Kerry home? I need to talk to him really fast" I said. She pointed to the bathroom, and closed to door

"Kerry? You there?" I called out

"Yeah! Getting dressed! Why are you here so early Corey, aren't you suppose to be at home with Lana?" Kerry asked

"Fuck that bitch! I don't give a fuck any more! Since John left, I can't think of anything! I've lost over 40 pounds, my work's a mess, rent's not paid for a month, and look at me, I look like some homeless! I haven't even shave my beard for a month! God! I hate this! I hate my life! I hate John for leaving! I hate everything! GOD! PLEASE! Help me! If anyone can help me find John, I'll do anything for them" I said

"Anything" he asked me

"YES! ANYTHING! PLEASE!" I started to cry

"Ok, I think there's just one way you could reach him" Kerry said

"How! Please! Tell me Kerry! I'll do anything for you! Goddd...I can't live another day with him!" I said, getting down on my knees to beg Kerry

"What the hell are you doing?" he yelled out "Get up! I don't want to bowed to! Get up! Or I'm not going to help you Corey!" I yelled out

"Ok...ok...Sorry, but it's just that I'm really miserable right now" he said "And John's the drug, and I'm the Drugie! And I need him, or I'm going to die right now! I miss him sooo much! I want to hear him talk! I want to see his smile! I want to hear him laugh! I want to hear his stupid jokes! I want to kick his ass for leaving! God! I need John!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled out

"Alright, Alright, Jeez. If you love him THIS much, then why didn't you just tell him back then when you had the chance, and you even screw yourself even more over when you got yourself married to Lana, you know, he was a very patient man, he waited for you for 10 years, no matter how bad you offended him, or how much you hurt him, or how lonely you made him feel, he always end up smiling in your presence, and you ripped his heart up in a million pieces and threw it away when you got yourself married to Lana" he said


"Alright, but how about work?" I asked

"Who cares, you're taking a vacation anyways, and this is about John, I could careless about my work" I said

"Alright, let's bounce then" he said

JOHN'S POV *****************

"John! John!" I heard Richy calling to me

"...Huh? What?" I asked

"Were here already, let's go man, god, you're really tired huh" he asked

"Yeah, I guess, I never get enough sleep" I asked

"I could use a back rub, or even a message right now..."I said

"You know, I'm pretty good with my hands" he said

"Haha, you're funny" I said, walking into the coffee shop "What's so special about this coffee shop anyways, just plain, and normal like any other that I've been into man, why do we have to drive all the way here just to have a cup of coffee?" I asked

"Just wait, I'll show you something after we order our stuff" he said

"Number 59, your order is ready sir" Richy went to take our orders, and took me outside, when I saw it, I was so shocked, I couldn't say anything.

"So what do you think?" he asked

"Uh...I...Uh...Yeah...I...Uh...I can't say I hate it" I said it with a laugh

"So, do you like it?" he asked

"I love it" I said

(Haha, you're sitting at home, thinking what is so great?) He took me outside to show me the great view of a lake, with the rising sun. The lake was still quite, the water was still, it was like a giant mirror laid out in the open, reflecting the ray of lights. It was occupied by cherry blossoms around it, cherry blossom petals were falling, and it made such a romantic scene, but at the same time, it made such a sad view, for some reasons, Corey suddenly appeared in my head. I was thinking of him, laughing, joking around, he is probably at home, having fun, and partying right now, enjoying his life, while I was here, heart broken and sad.

"John! What the heck? Hello? Earth to John" Richy said

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about that person," I said "Sorry, I didn't want to ruin the moment" I said

"Oh, it's ok, here, sit down, have a drink, enjoy the view" he said

"Ok, thanks" I said

I sat down, started sipping my drink, still thinking of Corey. Suddenly a line of a song popped through my head "...Nothing last forever but time and sky." And it hit me that I should forget Corey and move on with my life. I know I'll find a person that I'll love that will love me back.

***************** To Be Continues *****************

Any, and all comments or commands welcome at Thanks for reading, I'll try to post the next chapter ASAP.

Next: Chapter 4

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