My Lupine Roommate

By Chaos Wolf

Published on May 20, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. These characters are owned by me Chaoswolf04. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is a story between two college roommates. One is human and the other one is a werewolf. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If it is not, go back and look for another story to read.

My Lupine Roommate, Part 01 by Chaos Wolf04

Hey there. My name is Matthew Tyler Anderson and I'm not exactly a normal guy. There are two things that I feel that make me different from most guys my age. First, I'm gay and I don't exactly fit the stereotype. I've tried to get a boyfriend, but my gaydar isn't perfect and sometimes I've approached a cute guy, but who turned out to be gay. Any gay guy I did find just wasn't my type. Despite being gay, I have a good amount of straight guy friends and they like me as a friend regardless of my orientation. It could be that I don't act gay. I don't know and I don't care. The second reason is more personal, something that only I am aware of. I am a werewolf. I don't share that with anyone because I don't think other people could handle something like that.

It happened when I was 12 and still asking myself why I was into other guys more than girls. My parents and I went camping one summer night and that's where it happened. I was walking toward the cabin during the evening which housed the bathroom and showers. I felt like I was being watched. I ignored the feeling. It was my first time being out in the woods and I guessed I was being paranoid. I heard something leap out of the bushes. It was a wolflike creature, but I only saw that for a second because I soon blacked out.

My parents became worried and found me unconscious with a minor gash in my shoulder. They screamed and immediately called a park ranger. The bite seemed like it came from a large wolf. The rangers tried looking for a wolf, but they never did. Doctors administered a rabies shot just to be sure. I unexpectedly recovered quickly and was sent home. I wondered what had attacked me. At least I was still alive. The bad thing, if you can call it that, was that my mother started to baby me. Fortunately this was only for the following week after I got home.

I found myself healing in ways I never had heard of. For example, my cock is cut. At least it used to be. After I got home, I found it was being undone somehow and eventually there was no sign that I ever was circumcised. It was troubling somewhat, but I had to cope with it. My doctor was puzzled by this and I don't blame him. There wasn't any report of spontaneous regeneration of a foreskin and with the special tissues that come with it. I didn't want the doctor to say anything. As long as I wasn't in danger, why bring attention to myself. That wasn't the only thing I also was becoming more muscular and energetic, so much that I was strongly considering participating in sports. I never did though.

The night of the full moon following the attack was the real beginning of my new life. My parents had gone out for the evening for some work-related event and wouldn't be back until morning, thank goodness. I was studying when a burning pain attacked me. It was very painful. I got out of my clothes which sort made things better, but it got worse. I collapsed on the ground and saw thousands of brown hairs sprout all over my body. I brought my hand to my face and it morphed into something more like a paw. The lower spine felt strange and a thought entered my mind. I was growing a tail. My face hurt the most. I roared out in pain as I grew a muzzle.

The pain stopped and I was bombarded by all sorts of sights and sounds. It was very annoying at first, but I became accustomed to it. My window was open and the cool wind blew in and against my fur. I didn't know what color it was, but perhaps it was brown. That is my hair color after all. I walked to my mirror on my misshapen legs. I saw a werewolf staring back at me. Was that I? I waved my arms and the reflection did the same. I guess it was. I couldn't help but look at my new body. My eyes roamed all over my body and came to my groin, now a furry sheath accompanied by equally furry balls. I became aroused and my dick emerged from the sheath. I was horny and I wanted to jack off badly, but decided not to. It went back into the sheath a few minutes later. Things were certainly going to get more interesting.

I am now 18 and I'm off to college. It was a good thing I quickly learned how to control the changes. In fact from the second day, I was able to control myself. A few weeks ago I got a call from a guy identifying himself as William Walsh. When he said whom, he was, I knew who he was because I got a letter telling me who my roomie was going to be. We talked for a while mostly about what we were doing during the summer. We really didn't ask each other many questions. I felt I wasn't ready to talk about myself and I guess he wasn't ready.

Late August, I entered my room and found my new roommate had already arrived. Now I had a face to go along. Will had a football player's build and black hair parted in the middle. He was very handsome to my eye, but we just met so I wasn't going tells he that he was cute just yet. We got along quite well. We would go out together to the mall, the movies, and other places.

I soon discovered my roommate was gay also. I found out one day after finding out my teacher was sick and class was canceled for the day. With nothing to do, I went back to my room.

Will Walsh knew his roommate was gone for an hour. He could take care of business and clean up before he got back. He opened the drawer and beneath his clothes, he got out his special binder. It contained clippings of hot guys he found from various sources. He was too young to enter an adult store and this provided him a good substitute. He took off his clothes and draped them on his chair. He lay upon his bed and stroked his member while looking at his binder. He would have heard the door unlock if it wasn't for the headphones he had placed on his head.

I opened the door and found my roommate beating his meat. I exclaimed, "What's going on!" Will turned and shouted, "Matt! What are you doing hear?" He scrambled to get his clothes on, but it was too late. I said, "Don't worry, so what if you like to play with yourself. Can I see what you're wanking off to?" Will sighed and presented me with a binder. Perhaps he thought I had seen something and didn't want to hide it. Honestly I didn't see anything at the distance I was. I thumbed through, looked up and said, "Cool. Want to jack off together looking at this stuff?" Will stuttered, "You're gay?" I laughed and said, "Yea. So, want to?" Will looked down at his dick already getting hard again and said, "Why not?"

Will sat against the bed. I went and locked the door, afterwards taking my clothes off. I sat down on the other side of the binder. We looked at each other then at the binder as if it was the only thing in the world. I ejaculated shortly before Will did. Our chests were coated with an hour cum. I grinned and said, "I could use a good shower. Want to join me?" Will nodded. We got up and went into the bathroom taking our underwear with us. Will turned on the shower and we got in.

We soaped each other up and rinsed each other off. Will asked reluctantly, "So, how did you find out you were gay?" I said, "I guess it had to be when I was 12 and when my family and I went on a vacation. At the hotel where we were staying I went into a stall near where the pool was to go change into a speed and go to the bathroom and I heard some odd sounds. I snuck a peek into the next stall and I found a guy giving another guy a blowjob. They were about 18. They didn't notice me, but it turned me on. I played with myself a bit and then put the speed on and went outside to swim. Those guys late came out to swim. It turns out that they were brothers because they told me so. One was 16 and the other was 18. They were staying a few days with their parents. They said if I wanted to spend time with them to come back here at this time. They thought I was cute and they said they saw me look at them, but they didn't say anything to me at that moment. Perhaps I should have done something with them, but they were strangers and I was just getting used to the idea of being gay. I just wasn't ready." Will said, "Too bad, but I understand. I found out when I was 16. I found a gay magazine in the trash one day. It was in good condition too. I took it out and took it home with me. That was the start of my binder that you saw."

We finished rinsing off and got out to dry ourselves when Will said, "I see you're uncut. Does it feel good?" I said, "Yea. It's great." Will frowned and said, "I wish I was uncut." I placed my arm around my roommate to comfort him saying, "Don't feel too bad. You can still function." I would have been like Will if it wasn't for what happened to me six years ago, but I wasn't going to tell. As far as I knew, Will didn't believe in such creatures. We rinsed off, put our underwear on and ate dinner.

We came back to our room and played a few games. It was then bedtime and we went to sleep. A few nights later, Will wanted to sleep with me. I asked, "When you say that, you mean sex?" Will chuckled, "No. What I mean is that we sleep in the same bed, no sex. Just the two of us in our tighty whities. We'll have sex later once we know each other better." I said, "All right, but which bed though?" We rolled dice to determine whose bed would be slept in that night. Whoever scored higher had his bed slept in. I rolled a ten and Will rolled a six. That settled that. It was nearing time for bed so we washed up, turned off the light and we got in my bed. I got in first and Will got in the bed after me.

I dreamed that I was running through the forest as a werewolf. I pranced on the grassy ground and chased furry little animals. I wasn't doing it for food. I just loved chasing them. I was chasing them when I smelled humans. They were after me and I had to run. I managed to escape them fortunately. A second later, I was humping another male werewolf.

Will felt odd. He felt something humping him, then a furry arm, then a muzzle rubbing against his neck. He slowly opened his eyes and slowly moved. He couldn't tell what was in the bed with him, but it wasn't his roommate. He turned on the light and saw a werewolf. He shouted and the werewolf woke up. He fell down on the carpeted floor and was too scared to say anything.

I instantly knew what was wrong because he couldn't see any colors. I saw my terrified roommate huddled on the floor. I concentrated and felt myself going back to my human form.

Will was stunned and looked like he wanted to ask all sorts of questions, but I raised my hand and said, "Why don't you sleep in your bed for the rest of the night. We'll talk about this in the morning over breakfast." Will didn't say anything as he climbed into bed and I didn't say anything either.

In the morning, we went to the cafeteria and got two breakfast burritos to go. We went back to our room, got out the TV trays and began to eat. Will was the first to speak, "So. You're a werewolf?" I said, "Yea. You?" Will replied, "Just an ordinary human who had no idea beings like you existed." I leaned back and said, "Well before I was 12, I didn't know werewolves existed. I was attacked and a month later, I transformed for the first time. I knew something was different when this grew back." I unzipped my pants and took my dick out. Will said, "Your dick?" I laughed, "No. This." I rubbed my foreskin. Will said, "Oh, you were cut? Weird." I replied said after stuffing my tool back in my pants, "Tell me about it. My doctor couldn't believe it and told no one." Will asked, "What about your friends?" I said, "I hadn't explored my sexuality before it happened so no one knew I used to be circumcised." Will said, "Cool. What's it like being a werewolf?" I went on to describe the heightened senses and concluded that the full moon myth was just a myth. I said, "I only changed that first full moon. I then knew how to control the changes. I can change anything about myself. Having fur is a relief during the cold months." We finished and threw everything in the trash.

When we returned to our room, Will said, "When you say change anything, you mean you could change your dick into something more canine while the rest of you remains human?" I nodded and I wasn't surprised he asked that. It was one of the first things I did once I realized that I could change a particular part of my body. I said slyly, "Want me to?" Will nodded. I sat on my bed facing Will, unzipped my pants, took out my dick again. I concentrated and we looked down at it. It grew bigger, but it wasn't due to arousal. I was simply bigger overall than my human self when I was a werewolf. Fur grew along the foreskin and my nutsack. I said, "See?" Will's mouth was open as he just nodded. I opened my pants so that my roomie could get a better view. He walked over and saw that the fur was limited to my groin. We were definitely getting turned on by the whole situation. He took out his dick and started to play with it. I wrapped my hand around my canine cock and played with it too. I was so horny I needed to release that tension in my groin and I guess Will needed it too. The base of my dick swelled into a knot and I humped furiously into it. I made a bunch of animallike sounds as cum spurted out to flow down my sheath and a few seconds later, Will ejaculated as well. Once my orgasm stopped, I lay on my side and started to lick my groin clean. My dick slowly went back into its sheath and I made it human again. Will said, "I knew college was going to be exciting, but not like this. Imagine that, a werewolf for a roommate."

I'm going to stop the story right there for now. It's my first submitted to the Nifty Archive. I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. You can email me at:

Next: Chapter 2

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