My Lupine Roommate

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Jun 28, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the third chapter in my Lupine Roommate series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read.

My Lupine Roommate, Part 3

Thanksgiving was about a week away. The university was going to close the dorm for the holiday. If you want my humble opinion, I think it's stupid because there are students who don't live very near living here including several international students. I found some of the international guys titillating, especially the latin ones. They'd occasionally play soccer on the quad. I'd get a hardon watching their bronze, muscular, and shirtless bodies prance about kicking the ball to each other. However, as much as I wanted to call one of them over to my room, lower his shorts, and suck his dick, I didn't act on that because my roommate and I liked each other very much. It wouldn't feel right to do so.

William Walsh, my roommate, would watch with me. He'd whisper, "These latino guys are so damn sexy, aren't they Matt? I want to invite one of them to our room for a threesome. I replied, "I'd like to too, but we have something special. I'm a werewolf and you are a human. Besides we can just jack off watching them." He nodded as his hand dipped into his pocket. I looked down at his crotch as it moved about. I asked, "Are you..?" He said, "Yea. Why don't you beat your meat too?" I chuckled, "I'd love to, but I'm wearing jeans." I jumped off the platform that we were sitting on. I looked down and saw my aroused member pressing against my jeans. I pulled my shirt up and out so that it was covered." I said, "Come on, let's go to our room. Jeopardy's on."

We loved Jeopardy out of all the game shows and we'd calculate how much money we won. I guess we liked them because we got a kick out of people answering wrong while we knew the answer. I know it's wrong to do that because we could be in their shoes being offered a question we don't know the answer too.

We were watching when the phone rang. I pressed the mute button and the closed caption subtitles appeared. Will answered the phone and didn't hand it to me, so it must have been for him. He looked okay for a while, but started to get a little ornery. He said, "What? How long? I can't go, why not? Oh, all right I'll ask him." He put the phone back, got into his chair and sighed. I turned off the TV and asked, "What's wrong?" He looked up and said, "Our house has a big problem with mold. It's going to take all holiday to fix the problem. They're going to stay at my grandparents' house. What's bad it that I can't go because they have to leave on the plane tomorrow and school's still in session. My Uncle Hector lives here and he's going to check up on the work. I can't stay with him because he lives in a one bedroom apartment. It was planned for us to go together up to Kansas, but since I can't go, I'll have to stay behind. They asked me to ask you if it's okay if I stay with you over the holiday." I said, "I'll need to talk to my folks."

Later in the evening, I called and asked my parents if it was all right if Will stayed over for the holiday due to his unforeseeable situation and my parents said it was fine. The only problem was that we were going to have company over for dinner because it was our turn to host the dinner. I explained it to Will.

He listened as I told him of our little family tradition. I said, "It started with my grandma's family. She'd go to a different relatives house for Thanksgiving dinner. It's carried on. My father has a brother and a sister. We alternate between my grandma's house, my house, my uncle's, and my aunt's. My mother's side prefers to have just a household dinner. Don't know why it's just them. Anyhow, you'll have sometime to unwind before they get here." I then went on talking about the relatives that would show up. He was sort of nervous because he felt that he'd be out of place. I snickered, "Don't worry. It's only one evening."

The next week, the dorm building closed. The Residence Hall staff kept going on the intercom telling people how much time they had left until the building closed. Any student found in the hall after 2100 hours, and they did use that time designation, would be fined 25 dollars for each hour they stayed there. Me and Will had no problem considering that we were picked up at 6pm.

It was the first time my roomie and my folks had met each other. It seemed that every time they came over, he wasn't there. We didn't eat anything because we were told that we were going to eat at a restaurant.

We ate at a Mexican restaurant and had combo fajitas. We always had the combo because of the various tastes that go with it. Normally, I eat until I get very full. However, tomorrow was Thanksgiving. I needed to be empty to eat all that food.

When we got home, I don't know what came over me, but I needed to confess to my parents. I said to them, "Mom, Dad, there's something I need to tell you. Please sit down for this." Will sat down behind me. Before I could say anything my dad said, "We already know you're gay son. You told us when you were 16." I replied, "That isn't it. I..." My mother said, "You want to tell us Will's your boyfriend." I said, "No, I mean yes. What I mean is that he's my boyfriend, but that isn't what I wanted to say." My dad said, "You're going to say you've lost your virginity with this guy Will. Are you using protection?" I could almost hear the standard sitcom laugh track in the background. I was starting to get annoyed, but I kept my cool. I said, "No. I want to tell you two, that I am a werewolf."

My parents laughed and my mom said, "That's a good joke Matty. No seriously, what do you want to tell us?" I said, "That's just it. I'm serious." Will said, "He's right Mrs. Anderson. I've seen it for myself." He had his sketchbook with him, but that wouldn't prove anything. Plus, some of the pictures were pornographic. I said, "Let me get out of these clothes and I'll show you." I ran up to my room in the attic and put on some ragged shorts, much like the ones that I wore when I cut the grass. I came back down and said, "I'm going to transform now."

I concentrated on my inner being like a monk and brought out my wolfen self. My parents just stared. Will's eyes sparkled and I guessed I was turning him on. He shifted in the plush chair looking slightly uncomfortable. Yup, I knew that movement, he was horny. I went back to my human self and said, "There. See, I'm a werewolf. Please don't be afraid or anything." My mom said, "You've told us you were gay. This isn't such a big deal. How long have you been a werewolf?" I said flatly, "Since I was 12." My dad said, "It's taken you this long to come out about that?" I said, "Hey, I had gay feelings when I was 12 and it took me 4 years to come out of that closet." My mom said, "How long have you known Will?" Will said, "For about two months. It caught me by surprise. He sleepwalked in a way, changing while asleep." We all had a big laugh. Dessert, consisting of homemade oatmeal cookies followed a few hours later. Shortly thereafter, Will and I got ready for to sleep and we climbed into my bed. He whispered, "Good night wolfie." This was followed by a sensuous french kiss. I broke the kiss and said, "Good night Will." I turned off the lamp and we went to sleep.

My alarm clock buzzed and buzzed with the morning news. I reached over and deactivated it. As much as I wanted to go back to sleep, I knew I couldn't because we had much to do. I got out and Will moaned, "Can't you go back to sleep?" I turned to him and said, "No, I need to take a bath and help my mom with making stuff for dinner. You might want to take one too because the last time I had a guest over, she made him help." He got up as well and we took a quick shower together. He did give me quick head, but we couldn't lollygag any more. I was a bit perturbed because I hadn't giving him a blowjob. He said, "You can give me one tonight."

We stepped out and went back to the attic to put some clothes on. We went downstairs and had a quick breakfast which would get us to the banquet nearly 12 hours later. My mom said, "I know you are our guest Will, but I'd like you to help in making the dinner." I raised an eyebrow at Will. He nearly laughed because this is exactly what I told him. He said, "How may I help?" My mother thought and said, "Well, you two can crumble biscuits and place them in this bowl. We're making the dressing this year in addition to getting the turkey and making dessert." Will said, "I thought we were making everything." I said, "Na, it'd take too long and it's stressful to make all that."

Will and I went to the table while my dad brought us a tray full of biscuits. We took one at a time and crumbled it up over a bowl. We heard my dad cut up the vegetables and other organic rubbish that would go in the dressing. I don't think the word is appropriate to use, but what else could it be called? We finished nearly an hour later and while the dressing was baking, we started on the tiramisu. Yes, I am fully aware that tiramisu isn't exactly what you'd call a Thanksgiving dessert. However, my mom thought it'd be special to make it homemade and also because there was a 100% chance that my Aunt Mabel would bring a pie. It was difficult making two pies when neither would disclose what the filling was. There were quite a few times when we had two apple pies facing each other. My uncle preferred cake and would most likely bring a chocolate cake. The dressing finished sometime later and the tiramisu was placed in the fridge.

Now that everything was done, Will and I had time to relax. We could have fooled around, but we decided it would have been weird doing it while my parents were down below. I opened the cabinet and got out the games for my Nintendo. We played all my games and then switched my DVD player. I had borrowed a porno from our new friend Justin Harper who we met at Randy's Ranch. The most interesting thing is that he lived not to far from the University, he lived so close we could walk over there. The porno was called "Astro Boyz" and was drawn like Japanese animation. This wonderfully drawn video was made by a company called Geishanime Productions and was a series of 15 minute clips featuring young human males from various nationalities in different areas of this space station that looked vaguely like a condom before it's put on. They'd be grouped in pairs or threesomes in scenes that were sometimes softcore and at other time hardcore. Sometimes they'd go out and explore a planet for a change of scenery. There were no aliens to be found. It was perhaps our only criticism of the video. After all what's the purpose of space exploration if there aren't any aliens. Justin did say that Geishanime Productions had other animated videos and would have more, so it was possible that they would make a sequel and perhaps they'd have aliens in it. We had the volume on low. The English subtitles helped immensely and the Japanese language was surprisingly erotic. We rubbed our groins while watching these sexy animated guys get off, but didn't take our guys out of our pants. There would be plenty of that later during the night when everyone was asleep. I heard my mom's voice come on the intercom we installed, "Your Uncle Trevor's here." I turned off the DVD Player and went downstairs. Luckily our boners were going down.

Uncle Trevor was the first to appear. He had a cardboard box in his hands. My cousins Luke and Antonia came running in followed by their mother and my aunt Louise who was carrying her signature green been casserole. They hugged me as tightly as they could because they hadn't seen me since the summer. Luke was 9 and Antonia was 12. Aunt Mabel and Uncle Gerald came in soon after with my 17 year old cousin Meredith aka Merry. Some minutes later, my Grandparents Natalie and Alexander arrived with a pot of Mashed Potatoes. My parents had them place the stuff in the kitchen while they set up the table.

An orderly procession was created in the kitchen and we prepared our plates. As patriarch, my grandpa said the prayer. It was then time to get wild on the foodstuffs and consume it all. I don't know why, but ever since I became a werewolf, Thanksgiving was elevated as Favorite Holiday. I figured it was due to all the smells. We were talking about stuff and one of the things that were discussed was Will. I said how he was my roommate and needed a place to stay because of a family emergency. It was a pretty mundane discussion until Luke pipped in, "Is he your boyfriend?" Will and I blushed at the same time while the rest of our family just looked at him like he had recited the Pledge of Allegiance backwards. He frowned and said, "Sorry." They all knew I was gay. Shortly after coming out to my parents, I came out to the rest of my family. They were accepting, but Uncle Trevor took some time to accept it since Luke was the only male cousin younger than myself in both sides of the family. I love my cousin and wouldn't do anything to him. Uncle Trevor came to realize that I was still the same guy before I came out.

Supper was finished and there were a few hours to burn until it was time for dessert. Luke said, "Can I go play Nintendo Matty?" I said, "Sure." He started to bolt up the stairs and then I became terrified, "Astro Boyz" was still in the DVD Player. I whispered my concern to Will. We went up the stairs. I was afraid that he'd find the DVD player connected and be curious to see what was in and press play to see what it was. I saw light come from my TV, my heart beat faster as I turned to see what was on the screen.

It wasn't "Astro Boyz" or any other DVD I had. He had disconnected it and plugged in the Nintendo. He smiled and said, "Come on, let's play." I breathed a sigh of relief and we three guys played Nintendo. Luke had gotten better at this particular game we were playing. I couldn't tell whether it was due to him training or my lack of playing. It didn't matter though and I relished the challenge. Poor Will, he owned a Play Station and didn't far as well. I felt it was in his best interest to switch to something that didn't have such a large learning curve, so I searched my discs and found Tetris. Dessert was soon ready so we went down the stairs and had our fill of cake, pie, and tiramisu.

It was getting late so my relatives left soon after. We didn't have the heart to wash the dishes so we all went to bed. After we were sure my parents were fully asleep, we got busy. Will said, "Suck me wolfie." I said, "You mean..?" Will replied, "Yea, suck my dick as a werewolf." I smiled and nodded. I had the light dimmed just enough so that Will could see me. He told me to put on my clothes and slowly strip while transforming. I granted his odd request, but it was sure hard coordinating my transformation into a werewolf and taking off my clothes. I managed to achieve this task competently. Will turned off the lamp.

Will could see those glowing eyes in the darkness. He was afraid because it was a natural human response, but he knew it was his lover and this fright was very erotic. He had his legs draped over the side of his bed and his heart pounded as those glowing eyes came closer and closer.

I could sense the lust radiating from Will's body, if one could sense something like that. I walked on all fours and came over to Will's body. First, I sniffed his crotch and then I licked his balls and his shaft. It swelled and begged to be sucked. I was thinking how to go about it because I didn't want to bite his dick and make him a werewolf. If he wanted to be one, as I told him, he needed to ask. I didn't have a choice in becoming one and I wanted Will to have a say in the matter. So far he hadn't said anything. I opened my muzzle and took in his throbbing member. My long tongue swirled around it like a cotton candy wand going around and around in a tub of the sweet fluffy stuff. Will moaned, "Yea, doggie. Make me cum." I kept at it and he petted my head and whispered, "Here it is. Be a good doggie and drink my cum." Part of me didn't appreciate the use of the word doggie, but it made me horny. Jets of semen shot out of his prick and into my snout. His orgasm subsided and I set about to lick him like I lick myself after cumming. He said, "Thanks. Does Matty want to cum?" I panted, wagged my tail, and gave a quiet yip to tell him that I wanted to cum badly. Will got off the bed and got around me. He reached under my legs and placed his hand around my furry sheath. My dick came out of it and held on as I humped furiously into his eager hand. His other hand milked my fuzzy balls. My canine knot swelled and pushed through his hand. I panted some more as my lycanthrope cum sprayed out of my dick and landed on the floor. Will climbed back into bed as I licked myself clean. Once clean, I jumped into bed and Will placed his arm around me. I licked his face and he said, "I love you Matty." He then dozed off. My head fell against the pillow and I started to dream a peaceful dream.

I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. You can email me at:

Next: Chapter 4

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