My Lupine Roommate

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Aug 23, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the sixth chapter in my Lupine Roommate series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read.

My Lupine Roommate, Part 6

There was roughly a month and a half between the end of the spring semester and the beginning of our program over in England. Fortunately, Will and I would have plenty of stuff to do before we left. Will and his family took a short trip down to Corpus Christi and I stayed home. It was lonely without him and often I'd rub my hands over my furry body to feel good. One night Dad had some interesting and unexpected news.

"Luke is staying with us for a week. Antonia's going off to a competition and unfortunately the sponsors only handed out three tickets and the chance of getting a ticket for him at this time is slim to none. You're grandparents are on a cruise and your Aunt Mabel and Uncle Gerald are also on vacation. They're traveling the new England states. He'll be here next week."

The following week, Luke came over. Where to put him? He had a sleeping bag with him, but my dad didn't want him to sleep in the living room. My parents decided to put him in my room. Oh, geez. Just great. Luke went up with me and I said, "You can have the bed." The boy said, "Thanks Matty."

That night we had fried catfish nuggets with red beans and rice. Luke enjoys that type of food, which is why my mom made it. After supper, Luke and I went back up to my room. Once there, I turned on my computer. He asked, "What time is it?" I looked at my alarm clock and said, "It says 8PM don't it." The boy said, "Yea. So what do you want to do?" I said, "I don't know. Find a game and play it. I'm going to check my email." I turned back to the computer screen." I heard the cabinet doors open and heard him rummaging about. I could hear my Nintendo start up and I heard him play some games. I turned back and checked my email and went into a few gay related chatrooms. I chatted a bit and had Role Playing cybersex with me as a tutor and the guy on the other computer as a jock. It was real intense and got me real hard. I didn't dare take out my dick with Luke a few feet away, but his back was turned to me so he didn't read any of this hot action. He went through all my games and by this time, it was getting late. Time to go to bed.

I told Luke, "Go wash up so we can get to bed." He put the controller, and went downstairs to the bathroom. He came back up and I then went to do my thing. I changed into my gym shorts and shirt. I went back and saw Luke climbing into my bed. I unrolled his sleeping bag and climbed in after turning off the lights. I closed my eyes and started to sleep.

"What's it like to be gay?" I was startled and I said, "Go to bed Luke." He said, "Please?" I grumbled and said, "What do you think it's like?" There was a pause and I thought he went to sleep, but he said, "You kiss and touch other men." I laughed and said, "Well that's part of it, but it's not all physical. A gay relationship is just like any other. Now will you go to bed?" He said, "Okay." Nothing was said afterwards.

By the time we woke up in the morning, my parents had already left. It was just me and Luke. I said, "I'll make breakfast while you take a bath." He said, "Okay." He went to his duffle bag, pulled out a pair of briefs, and ran off. I heard the bathroom door close and then running water. I headed downstairs to the kitchen. I almost started breakfast when I realized that I had forgotten what Luke wanted. "Damn. I forgot to ask." I waited around and he came down in a t-shirt and shorts and said, "Where's breakfast?" I said, "I forgot to ask you." He giggled and said, "I'll have cereal. I can take care of myself." I asked, "Are you sure?" He nodded and I decided I might as well take a bath. I guess I'll just have oatmeal or something afterwards.

I went up to my room and took out some underwear. I then went to go take a bath. My neck was feeling a little stiff so I took longer than usual, just letting that warm water flow over it. I turned off the water, dried off and put some clothes on. I opened the door and went downstairs to make oatmeal. I didn't find Luke anywhere. Must be in my room. I took the bowl and proceeded up to my room. I heard familiar sounds. It sounded like "Astro Boyz". I had borrowed that one from Justin Harper a lot and he suggested I finally get a copy for myself. I did just that. I opened the door slowly and saw the very beginning of the scene where Kenta and his American bunkmate John turn off their room's gravity and do a sixty-nine floating in the room. Luke's back was to the door. I couldn't tell what he was doing from this angle. I opened the door and quietly set the bowl on the desk. I said, "Where did you get that?" The boy was startled and he turned off the DVD player. He turned around and said, "Sorry Matty. I found it in your desk while trying to find a pen. I thought it was okay to watch Astro Boyz. Can I ask you something?" I said, "I guess." He said, "Why was it in your desk and not with the other movies?" I said, "What did you see?" Luke said, "Nothing, I swear. I just turned it on. It looks like a cool anime." I breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't seen anything naughty. I ate my oatmeal, brushed my teeth, and we left to go do stuff.

The mall was somewhat crowded and Luke wanted to try out the newest arcade games. I like arcade games too, but it got expensive at 50 cents a pop. We went to go see a movie he'd been wanting to see and we had a pizza when we got home. At dinner, my parents asked what we did all day. I replied that we kept busy. My mom was pleased to know that we weren't just sitting around all day long. Tomorrow, we were going to go to the museum.

That evening, there was a werewolf movie being shown on TV. Most of them are pretty scary and so was this one, but Luke wanted to watch it. I was going to say no, but nothing better was being offered. Add to that the fact that I was a werewolf. Besides, I was his age when I saw my first scary werewolf movie and he said that he wasn't scared of it. My cousin was captivated by it and especially when the main character changed into a werewolf. I blurted out quietly, "I've seen better." I didn't intend for him to hear it, but he heard me. His eyes lit up and said, "Where, what movie?" I was trapped in a corner, I replied, "I forget." He said, "Yea right, better. How can anything be cooler than this?"

Should I or should I not tell him? How would he react? Would he even believe me? I said, "No movie, I'm a werewolf." He giggled and said, "Yea, right." I sighed, "Have you ever known me to lie to you?" My cousin thought it over and said, "No, but why say something like that? It can't be true." I said, "I'll show you." My cousin said, "Oh, okay." I got up and went to my closet. It's very big because when my parents were converting this space, there lots of room. I changed into my old gym shorts and stepped out. Luke said, "Well Matty, you certainly look the part with those rags." I said, "Well it's only part of the whole werewolf thing. Now, you're not going to be scared or something?" He giggled, "Hey, if I can watch a werewolf movie with realistic effects, I certainly can watch this." I nodded, "Okay then, but if you want me to stop transforming, you just raise your hands or something. My parents are asleep so hopefully we won't make any noise." My cousin was impatient and said, "Go on change."

I concentrated on my inside, the region where the beast lay waiting, biding his time until he was called upon to surface. I started to feel tingly al over and I knew the changes were starting.

Wow. Simply amazing. Luke was so excited to see this happen. He saw brown fur pop up all over the place on his cousin's body. His limbs changed shape, a tail grew, and the face morphed into a muzzle. The boy slowly approached the werewolf. He had to constantly assure himself that his was his cousin. He whispered, "Is that you Matty?"

I opened my eyes. The darkness was as clear as day despite lacking color. I heard my cousin say, "Is that you Matty?" I looked at him and nodded. He said, "What's wrong? Can't you talk?" I shook my head. Do I look like I can talk in this form? He'd have to be a werewolf like me to understand. Since he was human, I could say whatever and he wouldn't understand. I chuckled at the thought. Luke gave me an odd look. It had to be the laugh. Will often noted how strange a werewolf's laugh is. He moved closer and started to move his hands through my fur. He said, "Awesome." He moved my arms and touched my feet. Luke smiled, "You're absolutely real. I always wanted a doggy, but you know how that's not possible." His parents liked cats and had this tabby named Lulu. I nodded. I never had a dog or any other pet. I guess me being a werewolf was as close I was going to get. Luke yawned and said, "Cool. Thanks for showing me. I nodded. I yawned and motioned for him to go to sleep. He climbed into my bed and I got inside the sleeping bag.

The next day, we went to the zoo. Every time we passed an animal pen, specifically ones housing a prey type animal, they got spooked. Luke whispered, "It is because you're a you-know- what?" I said, "I guess so. They probably think I'm going to jump the barrier and take a bite out of them." We finished our visit with a picnic in the neighboring park.

We came home late in the afternoon and watched some TV. He said, "May I ask a favor?" I said, "Sure. What is it?" He said, "Can you make me a werewolf too?" I hadn't expected this. I said, "When did you think about this?" The boy said, "Well when I saw you as a werewolf, I thought it'd be neat to be one." I frowned and said, "Sit down. We need to seriously talk about this." My cousin sat down and said, "What's wrong? It's not like anything changes." I growled, I really did a real wolf growl and I realized my eyes went to yellow because everything went monochrome for a second. I said, "Sorry about growling at you, but you have to realize that this isn't some game or getting your face painted. This is something that sticks with you for the rest of your life. Do you really want to lose your humanity? I didn't have a choice, Will was an adult and knew what he was getting himself into, but you're just a kid. You can't make that big of a choice on your own." Luke said, "You're an adult, you can make the choice for me." I rolled my eyes and responded, "I can't make that choice. I'm not your parent." He said, "I know, but nothing would change really, right? It was still you under all that fur." I said, "That's pretty much it. It's your mind trapped inside a wolf's body. You'd have the senses of one, but the mind of a human to process those senses. The changes are only forced on that first moon. It's your choice from that point on." He said, "Good. Does that mean you're going to make me one?" I said, "Not so fast. Are you really sure? Once done, I can't undo it." Luke said, "Yes." I said, "One more question. You know what circumcision is right?" My cousin sarcastically said, "Yes, I know what that is. Why?" I said, "Well when I became a werewolf, I regrew my foreskin. It's going to happen to you." He shook his head and said, "No. I have mine. Wanna see?" I said, "No. I believe you. Oh, all right. Let's look at the phases."

We went up to my room and I looked online for the moon phases. Tonight was the night of the full moon. I said, "I'm not going to do it to you now. You'd change and my parents would still be awake. I am positive that if I did it in the middle of the night tonight, you'd change immediately." Luke said, "Okay. What do I do?" I said, "Nothing. You just let it happen. Much easier that way. I'll loan you my old gym shorts. I have more."

My parents came home a few hours later and we had a pleasant dinner. Night came and we passed through the rest of the night quietly. Once satisfied my parents were asleep for good, I began my task. I told Luke to put on the shorts and he did so. I then took a needle and pricked his finger. He said, "Aren't you going to bite me?" I said, "This is enough. Even a little bit of spit's enough." I placed it inside my mouth and he instantly yanked it out. He looked to be in pain. I said, "Calm. Stay calm." He grunted and laid down on my bed as the changes happened. I, still human, sat down in my chair and watched as another new werewolf was born. It wasn't new to me, but it was still quite remarkable. I had brown hair, Will had black hair. As for Luke, he had blond hair and now thousands of blond hair sprouted all over his transforming body. A few minutes later, they stopped. Well, that went better than I expected. I whispered and sounded as ceremonial as I could to make it special since he was just a kid, "Welcome to the state of existence known as lycanthropy. How do you feel?" He whispered back, "I feel okay. It's kinda funny how I sound like a dog." I said, "I know, but shush. Are you ready to sleep?" The werewolf boy nodded. He got under the covers and said, "It's hot under here." I replied, "That's because you have fur now. Just sleep without sheets." Luke kicked off the sheets and started to sleep. I yawned and followed him into slumber.

The next morning Luke woke me up saying, "Wow, Matty was that awesome." I smiled and said, "Yea, it is. Now you remember that only I know you're a werewolf. Well, Will too. He'll know the instant he sees you." He asked, "How would he know?" I pointed to my nose and said, "Scent. You smell differently than you did yesterday at this time. Humans smell differently from everything else like us werewolves. Add to that how everyone had their own unique scent. I hope it doesn't get complicated for you." He shook his head and I said, "Good. Now lets get breakfast."

We had breakfast and we went to the museum. Luke and I had fun the week he was here. He promised to keep in touch by email talking about being a werewolf. Will arrived shortly thereafter and I told him.

"Really, you made your cousin a werewolf?" he said. I said, "Really. He was very insistent." Will said, "What about his you- know-what?" I said, "I talked to Luke about it and he said he never was circumcised. That helps a lot." A couple of Saturdays after, our city had our annual gay pride parade.

Will and I ate a late dinner at this small Italian restaurant on the parade route so we could have dinner and see the parade too. We chose to do this because once we got to the gay area of town, it was likely we'd get trapped until it was over. It was our first parade and it was okay. The PFLAG group passed by and I wish our parents could have attended, but they passed on it because of the crowds. The mayor rode upon a convertible and waved to everyone. I met our mayor once when he dedicated our new gym back in high school. He was mostly moderate. In a city like ours, only moderates could get elected to those citywide offices. It ended and we went to his house to crash since it was so late. We snuggled and slept quite soundly on his plush bed.

In the morning he dropped me off at my house. Not much to do except start to get my affairs in order because next week, we travel overseas to England. ----- I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. You can email me at:

Next: Chapter 7

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