My Mechanic

By Lust Stories

Published on May 28, 2020


Now that billy has moved in, I have to find a ring to make it official. I want to marry her as soon as possible and I have no doubt in my mind she is the right person for me and I want her to be the mother of my baby that is coming in 7 months. I still can't believe my ex husband knocked me up before he got the snip and it's not surprising as he really is a selfish cunt and he only cared about 2 things, himself and Henry his best mate. But I am going to have this child, he doesn't know that I am pregnant and his mum hasn't told him and I don't think she will ever talk to him again after what has happened. the husband of the murdered mistress decided not to go ahead with suing me as he realised I couldn't do much. I wish him the best and really wish this never happened and I feel sick every time I think of her and wish I was there for her

Billy and I hadn't been seem out in public together as a couple yet and I really wanted her to come watch my sons soccer game this weekend and really make it official for us. She came with me in the car to the game and actually helped me with the oranges and drinks. We sat in the stands and kissed and held each others hands the hole time, I think a few parents noticed us. She cheered louder than I did when tom scored his first goal and it really made me happy the emotion she showed. When the game was over we went and hugged tom and tom really gave billy a big hug and wanted to hold her hand as we walked to the car. I walked behind them as we walked to the car and the wife of the coach came and said hello "hi Annie. How are you going with the trial and what not" I knew she was a bit of a gossip and I didn't want to tell her everything. "Yeah I'm ok and I will see how it pans out" she hugged me and billy came and held any hand. I kissed her on the lips and the expression on gemmas face was priceless "this is billy my girl friend" she awkwardly put her hand out and shook billy hand "um nice to meet you. Um where did you meet" billy smiled and said "that's none of your business" and we walked off

I was so happy when billy said that as Gemma is a bit of a bitch and can spread rumours like wild fire and I was so glad billy kissed me when she did. "Thanks so much for putting her in her place babe" she kissed me and said "you deserve to be looked after" we dropped the kids off at my mums place and had a night to ourselves. On a Saturday night we would be normally out drinking and dancing, I would let her go out if she really wanted to but she wanted to sit on the in our fluffy nighties and slippers and just watch movies while cuddling. I already love what our lived will become. She was holding my hand and looking at my wedding and engagement ring and said "will you ever take those off babe" I honestly hadn't thought about taking them off before tonight and now that I think about it, I should throw them both in the river. "Honestly billy I haven't even thought about it till now, but they will be off and in a dumpster tomorrow" I took both off and put them on the coffee table. I haven't officially signed divorce papers yet but this pretty much signifies the end of the marriage. Billy kissed me and held me close

While billy saw a few patients on Sunday I went and bought an engagement ring, I took one of her rings she normally wears and got it measured a few weeks ago and had a specially made ring for her. I had a plan and first I wanted to ask her mum if it was ok to marry her daughter, I haven't met her yet but have talked to her on the phone with billy and she seems really nice. I made a dinner date with her for tomorrow night and I have thought up a plan on how to ask her and I hope it comes off. When mum dropped the kids off later that day I talked to her and told her what my plan was, she wasn't overly excited about what I was going to do. But she just wanted me to be happy and I know I will have her full support

Monday was a busy day and it kept my mind off dinner with the future mother in law, I don't think billy knows her dad as she really has never talked about him and that's why I am having dinner with her mum. While sitting in my office the lead detectives in my husbands case came and had a chat with me, they wanted to clear the air after what had happened. I wasn't angry at them as they were doing there job, they think my husband will be found guilty and the evidence is too strong. They also talked to me about another homicide that remains unsolved that they think his mate Henry was involved in. Henrys wife hasn't been seen for about 5 years and she disappeared off the face of the planet one Sunday morning. They said they may have found her body and are looking at him and my husband, I honestly didn't even know about it. Wouldn't surprise me though

I told billy I was going to a work dinner and she looked after the kids for me, they love her so much and she will be a great mum to them. I went to the restaurant my mum owns and waited for June to arrive. My mum brought her in and seated her, she seemed to know mum well and they were quite friendly. We had dinner and she drank a few wines while I had water and I then showed her the ring. "June I want to ask your daughter to be my wife. Will you let me take your daughter" she started to tear up and she looked so happy and she nodded her head and said "yes Annie you can be billy wife" I hugged her and cried together "thank you June. I will look after her and be the best wife to her I can be". She sobbed and said "billy is so happy and its clear why, you have made her life so much better" I really felt so much better hearing that "I just hope you give me some grandkids" I laughed and said "well you might see grandkids before the wedding" she looked shocked "are you is billy" I rubbed my belly and said "I am having my third child" she hugged me and said "thank you"

After dinner I went home and billy was asleep on the couch, I picked her up and took her to my bedroom, she was beautiful. Billy wasn't feeling well on Saturday and she didn't come to soccer with tom and I. When I got to the game all the parents looked at me and sniggered and I knew why. I just put the oranges and drinks down and watched the game and again tom played so well. Gemma the coaches wife came and talked to me "where is the lady you were with last week" I looked ta her and she had a smug grin on her face and I said "her name is billy and she is at home sick" her face when I said that was pathetic pretty much saying yeah right. I knew she had been fucking Ryan's dad who is toms best friend. "So have you and jason been having lots of sex while your husband is at work" she looked at me with shock and walked away. That will put an end to her bitching and judgemental comments about me

After the game at my car trish Jason's wife came and saw me, she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the lips and said "thank you for telling Gemma off and I have always wanted to kiss you" she was a good kisser and has the rack every soccer mum wants and an arse that I want. "Look I shouldn't have said what I said. I know you told me that in confidence, but she was getting on my nerves. Also you are a good kisser". She slapped my arse and said "it's ok he doesn't know that I know and he doesn't know that I'm sleeping with Jill hanks mum" this was a big shock. She hugged me and said "I'll see you at 3. What for I wondered. I drove to my ex husbands mums place and she took the kids for the night, I went and had some lunch

I arrived home at around 3pm and there were cars everywhere and I thought there was a party on. I entered the house and billy wasn't inside. I went out to the backyard and all I heard was "surprise" bill had thrown me a surprise baby shower, I was in tears. Billy had rung all my friends and invited them to the gathering and Jill and Trish were there and they had some news of their own, but they didn't want to make it about them. Honestly it was a perfect day, billy didn't have to do this as she has so much to do these days. The girls spoilt me rotten and I was so happy. At the end the only thing the I could top this and I had the ring in my pocket after getting changed and I thought it was time to ask her. It was a special day and I wanted to make it even more special

Everyone had gathered round and I started to make a speech. "Thank you everyone for coming today, this means a lot to me" I started to cry and then I turned to billy and pulled the box out and opened it "billy I never thought I would find someone as special, kind and funny and a great mechanic like you" she laughed and as well everyone did. I got down on one knee and opened the box "billy will you be my wife" she was so surprised and she then got down on one and and surprised me and said "Annie my sweet babe, you are the only person that I have met and instantly fell in love with. You are a great mum, a great dancer and a great friend. Will you be my wife" she opened the box ip and she had a ring like my first engagement ring but silver. Jill came up and said "is that a yes for both" and we both screamed "yes!!!" I put the ring on her finger and she did the same to me. We stood and kissed while everyone cheered

Trish and Jill took us out for dinner, their news was that they were leaving their husbands and I was so happy for both of them. After dinner we got home and just stood for a minute and let it all sink in "you know what would cap off this great day?" I looked at her and said "you eating my snatch" she took my hand and said "I'm still hungry". I laughed and we went straight to our room, I was naked by the time we entered the room. I went and laid on the bed and watched billy undress, she is so sexy when she wears a red dress. She crawled up to my pussy and grabbed my bush and said "you need a shave hun"

She kissed my pubic mound and to made me giggle a bit and it made her smile, she then started fingering my already wet snatch. She fingered faster and faster with every second that was made, she lowered her head and spread my pussy lips open and thats where the fun began. Her tongue worked so hard inside my pussy and it really made my hips back and I screamed with when she flicked my clit with her tongue, I needed her to suck on it bad. She finally got her lips on it and sucked on it like she would a lollipop and I just went crazy, it felt like we hadn't had sex in months, when really it was only 2 weeks. I have never experienced this much joy in my life. She sensed I was about to cum and she moved quickly that she could rub her pussy against mine. She interlocked our legs together and started grinding her pussy against men, she was going hard and fast. Her screaming was so loud it would have woken the dead. We both reached a hot a sticky climax

I was spent and I was glad to finally have her climb beside me and cuddle me. What a wonderful day and I only have billy to thank for that

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