My Mechanic

By Lust Stories

Published on Sep 21, 2022


Billy and I are a week away from our dream day and I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle, its been a long 6 months for us both, I have had a few health issues to deal with in my family and billy has had an ex stalking her and it was extremely scary for me and the kids with billy. I was actually confronted by her on my way to my last day of work before maternity leave and it shocked me that she even knew where I worked. She was arrested eventually and she is is prison right now awaiting a trial. Jill and trish had their wedding before we did, it was supposed to be an engagement part, but it turned into a surprise wedding and they looked and are really happy and their Bub is due any day now. Jill is just gorgeous and I am so thankful for what she has done for me since my husband had his mistress killed and I am extremely thankful that is all in the past

Billy and I welcomed a baby girl and we named her camilla as a tribute to camilla who was murdered, billy and I are so happy and we have a full family and we bought a new house that would be big enough for my kids and billy and camilla. I can't wait for our wedding day, I am absolutely positive I made the right choice with billy and I have never been this happy in my life, I knew the day she came to look at my care. I would like her, she has the best personality and is so vibrant and she doesn't treat anyone like shit and we have had our ups and downs of late and we have had a night or 2 apart. Just to keep ourselves calm, I thought the baby was going to come early a few times and I got angry every time and I took it out on billy and she was so good to me, the last time she wasn't happy and I spent the night at my mums. Billy is a wonderful woman and she took my back the next day and I love her so much, I can't wait for the wedding and I want to see what she will be wearing on the day

My ex husband had his last chance of freedom denied just a week ago and it means he will be given the needle. He rang me a week or so ago to ask me if I could come and see him one last time, billy said it would be a good idea just to clear the air and have it our with him. Jill my best friend and lawyer was cautious and she said don't take camilla with me as he might act on something. I decided to go and see him, he still has up to another year before his execution. I left camilla with billy and decided to go and see him, this was going to be a struggle for both of us, as we did love each other and we had some great times together. We had 2 beautiful and great kids and this is what hurts the most, they will grow up knowing dad was a murderer and that he had someone killed because they were pregnant with his child. I can't think how they will cope with all to it as they grow up

I entered the facility where he was being housed, we were allowed to meet face to face and not have a screen between us. When I went up to I hugged him and he was happy to see me "how are you going Annie, have you and billy had your wedding" I smiled "the wedding is next week and I am great" we talked about the kids and I told him that I had a baby girl, I didn't say what the name was as it might cause a bit of angst "look nick I have to ask, why did you do it, camilla was going to have your baby and she was a wonderful woman" he stood up and turned away from me and said "I don't know too be honest Annie, I didn't know how you would feel about her and I having an affair and she having my child. I panicked and I shouldn't have listened to Henry" I stood and said "at the time I when I saw you in the city with her I was angry and when I over heard her talk about being pregnant. But I wouldn't be angry if you left and to be with her" he then went on to say Henry thought up a plan which in the end would kill her, he would follow her home after dinner with nick and he would grab her and kill her. He raped her first and then killed her

It was heartbreaking talking to nick and how stupid he was and now his life is going to be taken away from him "have you talked to Henry since you were both arrested" he shook his head and said "I haven't talked to him since the night he killed her, I didn't want him to rape her as well" I shook my head and said "I warned you about him nick, look I'll bring the kids and your baby daughter before your day arrives, they miss you" he was crying "I should have listened to you and I should never have gotten myself involved with him, I miss them and I really want to see my baby daughter" we hugged and I left, it was good to see him as he was a great part of my life. I got home and hugged my kids and I was so thankful for them and I just am so glad I am their mother and they are great kids. Billy came into the room with our baby girl and god she looks amazing with her "I love you billy" I said.

With a few days to our wedding billy and I went out on the town one more time, we went to a normal bar with Jill and trish, Jill will be my bridesmaid and trish will be apart of the wedding as well. Jill can't drink as she is heavily pregnant and and she was happy to dance and have fun. Annie and I were drinking and watching trish and Jill dance and billy said "how would you like to have one last fling with one person before we get hitched on Friday" wow I thought she was crazy "nope the only one I want to be have sex with before the wedding is you babe" she smiled and we looked at the happy couple "what about those 2, why don't we see if they want to do something" I shook my head "Annie I don't want any flings, I just want to get to our wedding day and spend the rest of my life with you" she came and gave me a big passionate kiss and said "thats all I wanted to hear babe"

Our day arrived and I couldn't sleep a wink I was that excited, my god this is amazing I thought to myself. I had my dress hanging up in my room and Jill was already up getting stuff ready, I decided to wear a traditional wedding dress, as I love being like a princess and this dress is just perfect. I am staying at my holiday home and billy was staying at her mums and it was a good start to the day. I started cooking breakfast when Jill came and hugged me "morning princess" she said. Her belly was so big "I feel like a princess Jill" trish walked in and she came and hugged me as well "my 2 favourite girls". Jill is a month or 2 away from giving birth and she is ready to pop "thank you so much girls for last night, I have been a nervous wreck" the 2 girls smiled and were happy to be with me. I went and got ready, I wore a white strapless corset with suspenders and nude hold up stockings. I wore a while thong and I made sure I shaved my bush before hand.

When I fitted for my dress, I was 6 moths pregnant and had a decent belly, the designer did an amazing job and she took into account my pregnancy. When I put it on and looked in the mirror I shed a tear "you really do look like a princess Annie" trish said. Trish and Jill were amazing. We headed to nannies mums place for the ceremony. I had dad walk me down the aisle and he was so proud of me. I stood and waited for billy, I heard our song being played and I saw her, I had tears rolling down my face. She was wearing a white pant suit and she looked absolutely beautiful. Trish was our celebrant and she was amazing. "I am the luckiest girl on earth, Annie you have changed my world for the good and I can't be any more happier than I am now. You are my world and you have made it the best" I was crying so much "Annie, I am glad I had a shitbox for a car and I am glad my usual mechanic was away, if he wasn't away I wouldn't be here with you. You have made our family a special one and I am grateful for you, I love you and I will always love you". We said our I dos and kissed

Annie and I got changed before heading to the ceremony at a beautiful restaurant owned by mum and she was so happy. We were announced to the guests and Annie definitely was the star of the night, we both wore a pant suit, mine was blue while hers was a black number and she looked so hot. While we had our first dance Annie said to me "I'm going to make you cum hard tonight babe" I laughed "you always do" she was so beautiful "when we get to our room I have a surprise for you" she said "surprise, do tell" I asked she shushed me. I watched her all night and swear she didn't have one alcoholic drink. After we both tossed the bouquet we headed off for our short honeymoon, we will have a family vacation once our kids are on school holidays. The room was perfect I stripped naked and laid on the bed and waited for Annie "make me cum hard" she smiled and went to her purse and pulled out a box "is this the surprise" she nodded her head and said "open it" I opened the box and it was a pregnancy test "whats going on' she showed me the result "we are having another baby, while you were looking after camilla and I was doing stuff. I started my own ivf treatment, last week I found out I am pregnant" I hugged her so hard "oh my god this is the best day ever"

Annie pushed me back and moved straight to my pussy, she started fingering my pussy. I was so wet after a long day "god I am horny" I moaned. Annie opened my pussy lips and started to lick me, she licked all over inside my pussy. She had her fingers going in and out so hard and fast it was intense. She licked and licked and licked, she want on a mission to make me cum so hard it might cause an earthquake. I clamped my legs around her and squeezed tight as she clamped her whole mouth on my pussy. She started sucking on my clit and this sent me well over the edge, she sucked on it so hard I nearly passed out. She sucked and sucked until I had the best orgasm ever, she made me cum so hard and it was so good

I wanted to taste her, but she didn't want me near her pussy until after the baby comes, we laid together and looked into each others eyes and said "this is what happiness is" I took her name and Annie had a baby boy, 2 years later she had twin girls. We are living a great life and my kids are happy and I love them so much. Annie will be the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will never regret what happened

The end

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