My Mothers Boyfriend

By naughtyboy

Published on May 29, 2018


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The rest of the week went just like the first day. Chris had me drink two of his special concoctions every day, and when I got home from class, I headed straight down to the gym where he and his client worked out. They all sucked me off while Chris fucked me, always in different way according to the client's perversion or Chris's desires. The moment the home bell rang, I instantly got hard knowing I'd get that daddy dick soon.

Tuesday he had me on the weight bench, my legs tied to the rack, my hole on display. He shot his load all over my dick and the blond god he was training licked me clean. Wednesday he had me doggy style on then mats, the ebony bald man under me slurping my cock. Chris pulled out and shot all over my back. That man slipped a finger in my ass while he gathered the spent load with his tongue.

Thursday he had two Latin guys. They could have been twins, or at least brothers. They just watched as Chris fucked me hard missionary style. He shot his load all over my face and they swooped in to lick it all up, their tongues battling at times in kisses while I jacked another load for them. Friday was the guy I assumed to be a Marine based on his tattoos. For him I sucked Chris while on my knees, him behind me pinching my nipples hard and roughly jacking me. We blew our loads all over his chest that he eagerly scooped up and ate, a look of elation on his face while he did it.

Mom, in the meantime, had no clue what was going on. She was busy getting ready for her new job, going into work early and staying late to get things ready. Every night I would hear Chris fucking her, neither caring that I could hear. Afterwards Chris emptied the filled condom into my mouth before returning to my mother. I was always tempted to touch myself, but dared not to without Chris's consent.

Saturday, Chris worked me out hard in the morning. The entire time he ran his hands over my body, teasing me. I could see and feel his hard bulge in his shorts. My mother was out grocery shopping and I was hoping for a good one on one fuck session. "Aren't you going to fuck me?" I whined when he ordered me upstairs.

He was on me in a flash, dragging me by my hair across his knee. "Count." He ordered with a snarl. I did. Thirty hard swats across my sensitive cheeks. He stood, dumping me off his lap unceremoniously. "I decide when and who fucks you. Remember that." He left me there on the floor, ass stinging to think about what I had done.

I carried my sore ass up the stairs and to my room. I stunk from the intense workout Chris had put me through, and my ass was sore and not from what I wanted it to be. I turned on my shower and was soaping up my body, pondering the idea of stroking out a pent up load, when the shower door opened and Chris stepped in.

He pressed me against the wall, my hard cock bobbing up and down for him to see. "Don't you even think of touching yourself." He growled in my ear. He reached down and took hold of my balls and began squeezing till I winced in pain. "These like the rest of you belongs to me. Understand?" I cried out in pain, his hand a vice grip on my balls. "You make sure you save up all that load for tonight. I have plans for that cock and ass."

He let go and I slipped down the wall, holding my balls in pain. He stood over me, his chest puffed out in dominance. Then I felt the warm spray of his piss over me. He moved the stream over me, marking me as his and only his. He must have been holding it for a long time because it seemed as if pissed forever.

"Be ready by six." He said shaking the last drops off his cock. "We're going to play poker with the boys tonight and I'm betting the house they'll enjoy you tonight like they did this past week." He stepped out, leaving me crouched on the floor, the water beating down on me. "Don't waste that fucking water." I heard him say as he left.

After dinner, my mother kissed me goodnight, claiming to be tired. Chris took her upstairs while I did the dishes. He eventually came down, a grin on his face that told me he had plans for me. I finished the dishes and before I could turn around, Chris came up behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist. He pulled me back against him, his hard cock pressed into my ass.

"Let me go show you something." He guided me upstairs to the bedroom he and my mother share. "Don't say anything." He whispered to me, guiding me in. There, laying in the bed, her arms tied to the bed posts lay my mother naked and blindfolded, her goodies, on display. I turned to bolt from the room, but Chris held me there, mouthed me to stay.

I watched as he moved up to her, his head, leaning down to kiss her on the lips, a hand moving down to his vagina, slipping a finger in. "We'll leave as soon as the guys get here." He said softly, her body arching from his fingering. "You make sure they leave with a smile on their faces." He stood, pulling his fingers from her, putting the fingers in his mouth, tasting my mother. "You taste good."

Christ ushered my shocked body out and into my room. On my bed lay a black jock, short burgundy rugby shorts and a white tank top. "Make sure that ass is especially clean and get dressed." He bite my neck playfully. "Meet me downstairs and don't touch that cock." He patted my ass playfully before leaving me alone.

I did as I was told, cleaning myself inside and out again before slipping on the outfit. I felt sexy and slutty. The shirt stopped just above my belly button and the shorts exposed the top of my ass and the jock waistband. I knew I should have been ashamed of how I appeared, but I felt proud of it and how it showcased my body.

I came down as Chris was letting in three white men. They were all muscle and toned like him. "Remember, use condoms, I'll have a camera watching. Don't follow the rules, your wives get a copy of the video." He led them upstairs past me. "I want her opened up and ready for me, and if I taste cum when I eat your out, you're going to regret it."

One of the guys, a scruffy man with a scar on his cheek stopped by me. He looked me up and down and licked his lips. "This one for play too?" I felt my cock twitch. "Put him in some panties and stockings and I'll fuck him when your girl's not available. Boy pussy is just as good as regular pussy in a pinch."

"You can talk to me about that later." He sniped at the man. "We have an appointment to keep and his ass is spoken for tonight, so if you don't want some of this prime pussy upstairs, you can leave." The man let out a little huff and followed Chris upstairs. I stood there, at the bottom of the stairs, my heart racing my cock chubbing at the thought of being used by the man.

"Come on slut." Chris growled at me, taking me by the back of the neck and pulling me forward along with him. "You're not ready for that dick. Maybe in a couple of months, when I need your hole really opened up." We got in Chris's car and sped off, leaving my mother tied and at the mercy of three unknown men.

We drove in silence to a quiet suburb on the outskirts of town. There were a few cars parked on the street, but the drive was left free for his. I hesitated a moment, worried that I'd be seen, but quickly hurried out when I saw Chris had no qualms of leaving me there. "Welcome to poker night." He opened the door as if he owned the place and led the way inside.

I followed him through the house to a den where the men he trained this past week waited for us. In a love seat sat both Latin brothers, Rafael and Carlos, unnaturally close for two brothers. Rick, the guy from Monday, sat on the couch, Blake, the blond guy beside him and Damian, the ebony god, sitting on the other end. Frank, the tattooed jarhead, sat in the recliner.

"Boys." Chris pulled me close to him, his hand on my ass, patting it reassuringly. I put my head down against his chest, emphasizing his control of me. "Who's ready for poker night?" He squeezed my ass. I saw the men grin, hunger in their faces. "Rafael, Carlos, you guys playing together or separate tonight?"

The two men looked at each other and smiled. "Together." Carlos answered. He always spoke for the two, I eventually found out. "It's not incest if there's a third involved." The other men groaned. "What, I've let you all have my brother's ass, so be quiet or you won't get any tonight." He put an arm around his brother and pulled him tight, kissing him on the lips, the way brothers shouldn't kiss.

"Well, as promised, the boy is all horned up and ready, haven't even fucked him myself today." He looked over at Damian who was licking his lips as he focused on me. "Go pay Damian some attention before he burst." He nudged me over to the man and I obediently obeyed. "Touching only, nothing under the clothes."

Damian pulled me between his legs and onto his lap. "He's just so pretty." Damian cooed, running a hand up and down my legs, the other holding me up by the small of my back. "You lucked out with this one man. When can we do weekends alone with him?" My cock jumped at the thought of spending time alone for extended periods with any and all of them.

"In due time." Chris was agitated, I could tell by his tone, Daddy was leaving and Sir was coming out. "Let's get this going." Chris moved to the coffee table where two felt bags lay on either side of a huge bottle of lube. "Everyone has their chit in each bag?" They all answered affirmative. "Good." First my personal cock sucker." He pulled out a slip of paper. "Frank." The wicked smile on his face told me he enjoyed pulling that name more than anything.

"Fuck man." Tony's gruff tone came as he stood up from the chair. "You know I don't like sucking dick." He moved over to where Chris as sitting. "Come on, pick another name, let me call a pass on this one man. You know I ain't no fag."

The smack across Frank's face was quick and swift. "We don't use that term." Chris snarled. "Now strip and get ready to take my dick in your mouth." Frank said nothing as he began removing his clothes. "I think you need to be reminded at the end who is the alpha in this pack." Frank paused, fear in his eyes, but he said nothing.

Chris sat the bag down and reached for the other, pulling another chit out with a smile. "Since Frank is sucking my dick, he'll have to wait his turn." I could see that Frank almost said something, but didn't. Chris pulled out another name. "Blake, my man, you get to unwrap the package and taste its fruits first."

The blonde man stood and took me by the hand, peeling me away from Damian. I saw that Chris was rubbing Frank's ass affectionately. I had a pang of jealousy He guided Frank to the chair where he had been sitting and began stripping, revealing those rippled muscles of his. Blake pulled a mattress that was leaning in the corner into the middle of the room.

I watched as Chris sat naked, his four by ten standing straight up in the air. "Suck it, Frank." I watched the tattooed man swallow him down with ease. "For someone who complains about dick sucking so much, you're awfully good at it." If Frank took offense by it, he didn't show it, he just moved up and down my Daddy's dick with practiced ease.

"Back here, baby." Blake said huskily. He turned my face to meet his and I felt his lips press against mine. I put my hands over his head and he pulled me close, one hand finding its way into my shorts and my eager ass, the other feeling its way up my shirt and my nipple. I groaned into his mouth with he flicked the nub.

His bottom hand moved up and found the bottom of my very skimpy shirt and pulled it up over my head, breaking out kiss. He tossed it to the side before palming my head and pulling my head back by the hair, exposing the long muscled lines of my neck. His tongue traced the lines of my neck up and down before he moved down to my nipples.

My back arched as he nibbled gently on the tiny nubs, causing pleasure and pain as he gently bite them. His hand let go of my hair and moved with the other to the top of my shorts. He pushed them down, letting fall down in a pool around my ankles. He kissed and licked my hard taunt belly, his light scruff scratching me. My hands rested on his shoulders, bracing me as he began to nuzzle my cock in his confines.

He was on his knees before me, totally in charge of me. He looked up with those eyes, and I was spun around. I heard him removing his shirt before his hands spread my cheeks and his mouth was on my hole, licking and sucking. My legs quivered and I leaned forward, landing on the mattress, on all fours my ass sticking out for Blake to enjoy.

Blake fell along with me, his tongue firmly worming its way along the crack of my ass. I looked up and around, the other men, massaging their obvious hard ons as Chris enjoyed his oral pleasure at the mouth of Frank. They were all watching me and Blake, watching me. They were each deciding what they were going to do to me when it was their turn.

Blake feasted on my ass, unabashed that he was being watched and I found it a huge turn on that all these men were watching me. I felt the hard smack of Blake's hand on my ass then the cool air as he stood up behind me and moved to my head. His hard body was lightly covered in blonde hair and he undid his pants revealing the tip of a very hard strawberry tipped cock.

I sat back on my haunches and watched, eager to taste him. He slipped his khaki pants down over his muscled thighs along with his bikini briefs. He stepped out of them, stepping forward to me, aiming his cock at my trembling lips. He pulled my head back by the hair. I opened my mouth, inviting him in.

I thrust his cock down my throat in one fell thrust then pulled out, repeating it, causing me to gag and sputter till my throat learned to accept his seven inch red tipped cock. Finally he pulled me down on him, allowing me to swallow him to the base and he let go of my hair, letting me rest there, feeling ever vein and bump on his cock.

When he didn't move, I did, working his long shaft with my tongue as I worked my lips up and down his shaft. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of his dick sliding across my tongue. I worked him, from the base to the tip, encouraged by his moans of enjoyment. He wasn't as fat or as thick as Chris, but he did slide in and tickle my throat.

I was lost into my own groans and pleasure of finally servicing a cock after Chris's teasings when he pulled himself from my mouth and pushed me back down onto all fours. "Get ready." He said with an evil glint to his voice. I knew what he meant, and I just smiled up at him, wiggling my ass for him.

He positioned himself behind me, reaching over to the table to squirt some lube in his hand. He leaned down and began chewing on my hole again while he slicked his dick up for me. Once he had me nice and wet, he lifted his head and placed his cock head at the entrance to my hole. Slowly he pushed in, one hand on his cock, the other on my hip.

I felt him pushing slowly into me, savoring the feel of my loose yet tight walls hugging him. I thrust my head back as he bottomed out easily in my ass, his cock pulsing with enjoyment in me. Without warning, without mercy or quarter, with both hands on my hips, he rapid fired into me, thrusting hard into me, bouncing me off his hips with such force I had to reposition my hands before I could meet each forward thrust of his with a backward push of mine.

I arched my back, as I had been taught, turning my hands into fists that I planted into the mattress as I took his harsh wonderful pounding into my hole. The men around me starred at me intensely, studying my body as I took Blake's cock with ease. He was a good size and a person not used to taking dick would have struggled but I had almost a week of Chris's dick in me and I could take it, I could take them all, if Chris so wished it.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum." Blake's announced through clenched teeth. His thrusts became more hurried, with need and urgency. His fingers dug into my hips and I let him take over control. "Chris, I'm going to breed your boy here unless you say otherwise." I wanted his cum in me, soaking my walls with his baby makers.

"Breed him." Chris said with an air of annoyance. "Only I feed him. Understand fellas?" I looked over at him, seeing Frank still lazily slurping his cock as Chris stroked his head fondly. "Frank is going to stay here as punishment." I gritted my teeth as I felt Blake thrust hard into me, his cock spurting deep inside me as he grunted his release with no dramatic flair.

He pulled his dick from my ass, tapping the semi hard member against my ass before grabbing some wipes from a side table and cleaning his cock up and then my ass. I stayed in position, not knowing what I was to do. "Up next." I saw Blake dip his hand into the bag. I wanted Damian, I needed Damian. "Rick."

The big hulking man stood up and immediately started taking off his clothes. Blake took his seat beside Damian. Damian started feeling the blonde man up. Blake offered no resistance as the black man stroked his chest. "This is going to be fun." Rick's bulky body stood before me, his stubby thick cock swinging hard in front of him. "Stay just like that."

I knew what he wanted and Blake had left it deep in me. He maneuvered himself under me, bringing my ass down onto his mouth. I jumped on his fat cock and began sucking him. He didn't hit my throat but he did fill my mouth, his cock leaking profusely into my mouth. I swallowed greedily. He spread my cheeks as far as he could, licking and sucking trying to get at Blake's deposit.

Eventually he grew tired or annoyed he couldn't reach his goal and pushed me forward up off him. A quick squirt of lube on his hand and he was preparing himself without any word. He punched into me, stretching me. I almost let out a yelp as my ass was split in half. He was definitely thicker than Chris, but had none of the skill a man with a dick that thick should.

He pumped hard into me. He as a man of few words, only grunting and groaning. "Fuck man, he's tight." I heard him say, his thrusts never wavering or alternating it rhythm. "He ain't going to be tight much long." I gritted my teeth as I felt my ass being stretched to its limits. I was almost relieved when I heard the casual grunts of his climax into me. "Damn, that's good ass." He pulled out and did as Blake did, cleaning himself then me with some moist wipes.

He reached for the bad to see who would be next when Damian spoke up. "Naw, man." He had an arm around Blake, his hand flicking the blonde's red puffy nipple. "Let the brothers go." I saw Blake's eyes, rolling back in his head, his cock already hard again. "I want him good and primed for me and my black snake."

Chris nodded his approval and the two Latin men stood. They undressed each other, their hands wandering and lingering over each other as they removed each other's track suits then their tight trucks, Rafael wearing green, Carlos wearing green. The both sported thick long hooded cocks that were already drooling, waiting for me.

They took up position, one on my left, the other on my right. Carlos turned me over so I lay on my back and they laid beside me. Carlos moved my head to his brother and we kissed passionately, his tongue thick and heavy in my mouth. His hand roamed over my body and then I felt Carlos suck and nipping at my neck, his hand too, roaming over my chest and down my body.

Rafael nudged my head over to his brother and we began our tongue tango. His tongue work was dominating, yet filled with a fiery lust. Rafael found my nipple with his mouth, and their hands found my hole together and they began strumming it in unison, like they were playing a guitar. Carlos joined his brother on my chest, toying with my other nipple.

They were sending bolts of pleasure through me. My cock strained against it confines as they toyed and teased me. They took my arms and pinned them to the bed, above my head and with synchronized precision, began licking and chewing my pits. I gasped, my body arching up. I felt both of their fingers slip in me.

I tried not to struggle, but I couldn't help it as they overwhelmed me with pleasure. They held me down firm, their cocks rubbing against my legs. They paused, allowing me to catch my breath, flipping me over onto my stomach. I felt their tongues trace lines down my back as they made their way down to my ass.

They began alternating between who was eating me. Carlos was rough and tough, flipping his tongue like a lizard. Rafael was delicate and vigilant, his tongue moving over my hole like a cat cleaning itself. I gripped the sides of the mattress, as one ate my ass, the other adorned my cheeks with kisses. I felt as if I was going to burst from the pleasure.

They eventually pulled me up, my hole aching for them. Rafael took position up front, while Carlos remained in the front and they spit roasted me, fucking my mouth and ass in time with each other. Rafael pushed me back against his brother as Carlos pushed be back onto his brother's dick. They bounced me back and forth like a ping pong ball till Carlos said something Rafael and they both pulled out of me.

Rafael, pulled me up to my feet, and Carlos laid down, his cock pointing straight up. Rafael guided me down onto his brother's cock. It felt so good to have him back in me. Carlos guide me up and down his cock, Rafael moved behind me, kneeling down. I knew what was coming but it didn't register.

Rafael lubed his dick and as I bounced up and down on his brother, his cock rested on his brother's. Each bounce up and down, I felt it cock trying to get in, and then I felt the pop and pressure of his cock sliding alongside his brother's. I couldn't speak, couldn't moan, and couldn't move. The brother took care of that, sliding me up and down their cocks as they fucked me in unison.

Rafael licked the back of my neck as he rotated his hips in me. His hands came around my chest, toying with my nipples, taking my mind from the overstuffed feeling I had from two dicks in my ass. Luckily Rick's dick was thick and had stretched me some, but not enough for two huge Latin sausages.

The pain subsided and I began enjoying them both in me and felt a sense of pride as I took both these men into me. These men knew what they were doing, double dicking me like they were. This obviously wasn't the first time they had done this together. I felt their dicks rubbing against each other in me as they moved in and out. Their pace quickened just a bit, and Rafael pulled me close to his chest as he tried to get deeper in me.

I felt Rafael's love bite first, then the expansion of their cocks in me, Carlos under me saying something in Spanish that was obviously signaling his own climax. This was the only time their thrust deviated from each other as their cocks exploded in me, coating my insides and each other's cocks.

Rafael pulled out first, moving to his brother's head and presenting his cock. I watched with amazement as he Carlos took his brother's dick in his mouth and cleaned it without worry. He guided me off his dick and I laid on my side as I watched him swirl his tongue in the foreskin before standing up and presenting his own cock for his Rafael to do the same.

Once finished, Rafael stood, kissed his brother, their tongues swapping the tastes of each other's dicks. They then took their time, cleaning me, kissing my cheeks with appreciation as they made sure their wild adventure did no permanent damage. Rafael ran a hand up my spine, sending shivers through me as he and his brother took back their seats.

"My turn." Damian pushed Blake off him and stood. He made a show of taking of his shirt, bouncing his pecs once the shirt was laying on the arm rest. I watched as he lowered his sweatpants, releasing the black python from its hiding place. He swung his hips, sending his cock this way and that. "You hungry for a real man's dick, boy?"

I scrambled up to my knees. I wanted it. He looked as big and thick as Chris with a purple head that begged to be nursed. He stepped out of his pants and toward me. A pearl of precum formed on the tip and dribbled down in a long sticky string. I leaned in and licked it up and brought my mouth to his rod and swallowed, as much as I could, down.

I worked his cock without any guidance, any urging from him. "See fellas, I told you white boys know how to take care of black man dick." They all laughed as I inched him down further and further into my mouth and down my throat. He was definitely thicker at the base than Chris, but I did my best to get him all the way down.

I worked my mouth up and down his cock, flicking my tongue over the tip, suckling the tip for that precious precum. He allowed me to work his cock for a good ten minutes before he pulled it free from my mouth. He was right, the Latin brothers really had me horned up and eager. Damian laid me down on my back.

He nudged my feet apart and covered me with his body. He pinned my hands by head. I wrapped my legs around his waist, letting him rub his cock along my hole. He leaned in and kissed me, sucking my lower lip as he slowly grinded against me. His kiss was wet, but purposeful. He ran his tongue along my jawline and fought the urge to beg him to fuck me.

When he sensed I was ready, he sat up on his knees. I watched him as he lubed up his cock, the tip glistening with lube and precum. He raised my feet up to either side of his shoulders and leaned forward, his cock brushing against my hole. "Do it." I mouthed quietly. His lips covered mine and he slipped in. He humped me slow and steady, all the while kissing me.

He gyrated his hips and I gasped in his mouth, and then he did it again and again. He wasn't a quick fuck like Blake, or a lazy fuck like Rick. He wasn't as intricate as Carlos and Rafael he was just deliberate and soothing, allowing me to feel every thrust into me, enjoying the slow methodical fucking.

"You ready?" He said sweetly into my ear. "I'm going to load you up with a weeks' worth of my load." I nodded, unable to speak. He took my feet from his shoulders and pressed them against my chest. He moved his lower body in waves, making his cock move in and out of me while his eyes stayed locked on mine. I watched the perspiration break out on his forehead.

His hips picked up pace. He sucked in his lower lip and I knew that it was going to be soon. The slapping of his hips against my ass filled the room. He bared his teeth and then he let out a curse and a roar before he pushed deep in me. His face contoured in concentration. He leaned down and kissed me, as he thrust a few more times into me.

He pulled up and out, leaving me feeling empty. He followed suit, cleaning himself off then me. "Look at that gaping hole." He said running his hand over my puffy ass lips. "You ain't gonna feel a thing in there, Frank." He winked at me before sitting back down, pulling Blake back to him. I watched as Blake obediently allowed Damian to feel up on him.

"Go fuck my boy, Frank." Chris pushed him off his cock with a wet plop. Frank's mouth was shiny with use. "Damian, come suck my cock for that remark." Damian groaned but obeyed, taking Frank's place between Chris's legs. Frank stood a moment, lost in the moment, his stubby six inch cock hard and ready. "Get too it, Frank."

Frank didn't say anything, but presented his cock to me. I obeyed the unspoken command and sucked his dick, reaching up and fondling the bull balls underneath. I felt bad for him, having to service Christ the entire time, not getting to watch the show that I had put on for all of them. My other hand went to that rock hard ass and guided him to fuck my face.

Soon he was getting the hint and took hold of my head, fucking my willing mouth. I pulled on his balls, and sensed he was getting close. Sucking Chris's cock had overstimulated him. I looked up into his eyes. He was lost in the moment and ready to blow. I pulled off his cock and moved so that I was on all fours, waiting for him.

He took the hint, lubed his dick and pushed my legs out so he could get a better angle. He pushed into my hole, used as it was and, with a surprising gentleness, fucked me. His hand reached up to the top of my spine and ran down to my tapered waist. He leaned forward, his chest against my back.

His weight forced me onto my stomach. Once he was certain he was still in, began fucking me. He ran his stubbed chin over my back and I cooed with pleasure. I felt his balls slapping against my taint as he rabbit fucked me into the mattress. He arched his back as he let out a howl, his cock releasing into me.

He collapsed onto me, kissing my back in thanks, before sliding of and out of me. As was custom, he wiped himself clean and then me. Instead of taking a seat with the others, he sat on the mattress with me. "I'm ready for my punishment now." He said looking over to Chris. "I won't say that again, Sir."

Chris moved Damian off his dick, who then stood and returned to his seat. I watched, not knowing what was going on, as Chris took his dick in one hand and slapped it into his other. "I am going to fuck you." He said, a wicked grin on his face. "I'm going to breed you while the others bring my boy off."

Chris stood and slicked up his dick. "Get that jock off, Nick." I paused for a moment then did as commanded, my hard seven aching for release. He slicked up his cock with some lube and Frank turned over, assuming the doggy style position beside me. "Nick move your head under his mouth. I want him kissing you while I'm fucking you. Guys, get to work."

I moved under Frank. He did not hesitate to put his lips on mine kissing me. I knew when he grunted in pain that Chris had started entering him. I felt five mouths converge onto my body. They explored and licked my body. I had a mouth on each nipple, one on my balls and two alternating on my cock. All I could see was Frank's face as he kissed me, his face showing the pain Chris was causing him.

I knew how Chris fucked. If he wanted you to feel it, he would. This wasn't a training fuck. This was a punishment fuck and he wasn't holding back. I felt my balls tighten and before I could ward anyone off, my cock exploded into some unknown mouth. They licked me clean, fighting over my split seed.

Chris was slamming into Frank, hard. I knew he just wanted to get off. Frank's face was squenched up, but he did not dare take his mouth off of mine. Hands roamed over my body, as I lay there, enjoying the forced kiss. He may have been a homophobic homo jarhead, but he sure knew how to kiss. I heard the sound of Chris's climax and knew he was unloading in Frank not on.

Frank relaxed, his kissing became hungry. "Look at him boys." I heard Chris laugh. "I say we turn him out next weekend along with my boy, what do you think?" I heard Frank wine, not one out of fear, but of desire. He wanted to be turned out. "Rick, clean his ass." I knew what that meant.

Frank groaned into my mouth. Rick was obviously eating his ass. I reached under Frank and felt his cock hard again. I stroked him till he finally sat up, leaving me lying there spent in a sexual bliss, enjoying the thought that I had just been fucked by six men and took two dicks up my ass at one time. I looked over and saw that Chris had brought Frank into a hug, kissing him like he kissed my mother.

I looked down at my feet and I saw that Blake was now worshiping Damian's cock. The Carlos was fucking Rafael while he sucked down Rick's dick. I stood up and moved over to Chris and Frank, running a cautious hand down both of their backs. Christ turned his head to me and kissed me briefly. "Frank, needs extra training. He'll be staying with us next week."

I smiled and leaned in to kiss Frank. His hand cupped my ass and moved me between him and Chris. Chris was already ready to go and he pressed his cock into my well-worn hole. This time, I kissed Frank while Chris fucked me. I wondered if this was how next week was going to be like. Frank toyed with my nipples as Chris thrusted up into me.

The men swapped between each other and with us for another hour or so, before they tucked their cocks back into their pants. Blake came up to Chris and spoke quietly to him before leaving. He gave Frank strict orders to be at our place at eight exactly the next night. I waited, patiently for Chris who led me back to the car.

"Blake wants us to break his son in too." He said as we pulled out the drive. "He wants him turned into an Alpha like me before he heads off to boot camp. "Seems he's a bit of a loser and he wants him toughened up." He glanced at me with a grin on his face. "Looks like you're getting a roommate in two weeks."

When we got home, we could hear my mother's moans. Chris told me if they asked, I would clean their dicks. He went upstairs and two of the men came down, their hands holding their cloths. "Helps us out?" One of them said, their hard cocks jutting out. They weren't impressive, but I swallowed one while jacking the other. It didn't take long for me to get them off, and I pointed their spurting cocks at my chest.

The last man down was the one who had eyed me when he came in. He saw me on my knees and didn't bother saying anything as he presented his seven inch cock to me. He came quickly, pulling out and shooting all over my face. They dressed and left with a quick thanks. I moved upstairs to my room, pulling the clothes off and ready to shower.

"Get cleaned up and get some rest." Chris was in my doorway. He moved over to me and pulled my head into a passionate kiss. "You did me proud today son. You can jack off tonight if you want." I blushed and casted my eyes downward. "Good night." He patted me on the ass and left me to clean up.

Want to follow my work? Follow me on tumblr: naughtyboy4fun77 Google Plus: My Blog: Twitter: Robbylewis77

Next: Chapter 7

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