My Mothers Boyfriend

By naughtyboy

Published on Nov 30, 2018


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When I came down Sunday morning, Chris was sitting behind the island, a salacious grin on his face. I assumed my mother was still sleeping, worn out from her own sexual smorgasbord, but then Chris moved his hand down and she popped up from the kitchen island, wiping her mouth, casually, as if she hadn't been caught sucking dick in the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning, honey." She said licking her lips, savoring the taste of Chris's cock on her lips like I would have. "I was just cleaning up a spill." I knew what spilled and where it was. She had a small dribble on the corner of her lip that showed she had been properly rewarded for her hard work. "Chris is going to take me to the airport alone, I hope, you don't mind, we have unfinished business."

I knew exactly what that unfinished business was. "No, not at all." I gave Chris a knowing smile. "That's okay, Mom, I have some things to do here, and you won't be gone that long, will you?" I moved to the fridge, careful to keep my back to the two of them. Chris undoubtedly had his dick hanging out still. I didn't want to fight my Mom for a taste.

I rummaged in the fridge, bent over so my pert ass was sticking out for Chris to admire. When I heard the sound of his zipper, I finally pulled my head out, taking the orange juice out with me. Chris winked at me, a devilish smirk on his face. "I'll have some chores for you to do while I'm gone."

My inner slut moaned. "Yes, sir." I poured myself a glass before putting the juice back to hide my gleeful grin. I was certain I'd be tied up and used by Chris or one or more men that he would choose to use my body as they see fit. "When are you guys heading to the airport?" I really wanted to know how soon I'd be alone with Chris so he could use me as he see fit.

"We'll be leaving in about thirty minutes." Chris kept his eyes on me as he sipped his coffee. I knew he had something planned, some instruction for me that I'd love to hate. I couldn't wait. "Honey, shouldn't you make sure you have everything you need?" My mother leaned in and pecked hi on the cheek before heading up the stairs. I watched as she moved with the grace of being freshly fucked by Chris' dick. I knew I'd be walking that way soon. "I want you to shower and be extra clean as soon as we leave."

I knew better than to question his vague instruction. "Yes, sir." My cock was getting hard just thinking about what he had planned for me. "Is there anything else?" I asked a bit too eagerly. "Do you want me naked and waiting, or handcuffed to something waiting for you?" I was practically moaning.

"No." He got up and moved over to me, getting up close and personal. "Leave the front door unlocked. I have a present arriving that I will come with instructions." His hand moved to my hardening dick, stroking it through the thin nylon short fabric. "You like that, don't you? Knowing you'll be serving me, but not quite sure how?"

"Yes." I shuddered as I moaned the words. "I can't wait to be your personal fuck toy again." He stayed close, his hand moving up and down my shaft. "Sir, you're going to make cum." I whined. I knew he wanted me properly edged before he left. He let go of my cock then spit in my face, showing his dominance over me. "Thank you, sir."

I kissed and hugged my Mom goodbye and watched them drive away. I had triple checked the door to ensure it wasn't locked before I bolted to my room to shower. I scrubbed and cleaned myself out as thoroughly as possible. After I slipped on a jock, my shortest running shorts and a loose tank top before heading downstairs to see my present.

Frank, the jarhead from last night was sitting on the couch in a pair of shorts and a short sleeved shirt, looking around nervously. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, he spotted me and got up. He thrust out an envelope for me. "Hi, Nick." He seem a bit nervous, which was odd considered he had me service him the night before. "Chris left this in the mailbox for me to give you."

I took the envelope, eyeing his sexy muscled body. "It's good to see you again." I commented as I opened the letter. He didn't have the biggest dick in the group, but he sure knew how to make me feel good. I couldn't wait to have him and Chris using me. "Is anyone else coming over?" Chris was silent as I read the instructions.

Frank is yours to use.' The instructions began. You can do with him as you wish. He will follow your commands, but he is not to fuck you, and you are not to fuck him.' I was a bit disappointed I'd not get to feel him fucking me, but Chris would fix that later today. `He knows he has to obey your every command. Have fun, I'll be joining you shortly.'

I looked up from the paper a bit perplexed, but eager to enjoy Frank's body. "Strip." I said without any thought. I wanted to see his body. He didn't question the order. He just started taking his clothes off, folding them neatly before setting them on the table. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy you."

I stepped close to him, running my fingers down his bicep, feeling the bulging muscle. He tensed but allowed my hands to trace the outlines of his tattooed arms then the intricate design on his chest. My hand moved down his ribbed abdomen to his hard drooling cock. I wanted it in my mouth, but I wanted to enjoy something else first.

He didn't resist when my other hand went to the back of his head and pulled him into a lip lock. His body relaxed as our lips met. His arms went to my sides, holding onto me to steady himself as I teased him. I pulled back from the kiss, letting go of his cock. My hand was coat in his excitement. I brought it to his mouth. "Taste yourself."

He didn't hesitate. His tongue ran across my palm, between my fingers then sucked each digit into his mouth. My cock screamed as his mouth suckled each finger. He kept his eyes locked with mine as he cleaned himself off my hand. Chris said no fucking, but he didn't say I couldn't use his mouth. I was going to use that mouth for all its worth.

I pulled my hand back from his thin lips. I traced a finger over them, knowing they'd soon be wrapped around my dick. I put my hand on his chest and pushed the muscle massive man back so he fell back onto the couch. I pulled my tank top off, revealing my hard smooth chest for him to enjoy.

I straddled him, the fabric of my tiny shorts stretched to their limit. I devoured his mouth in a frenzied kiss. His hands found my waist again, but I moved them to cup my ass. Chris said no fucking, he didn't say we couldn't appreciate. He was hesitant then squeezed my plump cheeks with lustful desire.

I knew what he wanted, what he wanted to do, but we had to obey Master Chris. He broke our kiss, licking along my neck. "No marks." I moaned as he nibbled on my neck. Only Chris was allowed to leave marks on me. He moved down to my chest, gently biting my nipple as his tongue flicked the raised nub.

I moaned my approval as he moved from one pert hard nipple to the next. I was losing myself in the moment. I pushed him back, getting off his lap. "My bedroom now." I took his hand in mine and lifted him up off the couch. "I want to feel your mouth all over my body." I pulled him along behind me. He was my present and I was going to enjoy him.

I looked back at him as we ascended the stairs, feeling like a whore taking her virgin back to their room for a first time experience. Frank was oddly quiet, but I didn't care. This was about me not him. I pulled him into my room, his hard body pressed against mine. I leaned in, my mouth just a hair's breadth from his ear.

"You look hungry." I stepped back, hooking my fingers into my shorts and sliding them down, revealing my bulging black jock. "I think I should have you eat something." I turned to show him my smooth ass. I climbed up on the bed, pointing my ass at him. "Why don't you eat my ass? I know you want it."

"Fuck yeah." He said in a low grumbly voice. He was down on his knees, his face buried between my cheeks. "Fuck, you taste so good." I heard him mumble. I felt his tongue digging deep into me. The wet slurp of his lips as he kissed and licked me from behind. He was definitely a man who loved to eat, and made sure if was done with finesse.

I pushed back, arching my back into him as he dragged his tongue from the top of my crack to the base of my balls. His hands gripped my ass, pulling my cheeks apart to get deeper into me. "Eat it." I ordered, reaching back and pulling his head into me. "Eat my ass. Eat my boy ass." I let out a groan of appreciation as he did just that.

I humped back against his face. I was getting good and primed. I didn't want him to stop, but knew if I didn't make him, I might break the one rule Master Chris had given me. I pulled off his mouth, laying down on my back in the middle of the bed. I rubbed my aching crotch. "I want to feel your mouth on my dick."

Frank moved onto the bed, positioning himself between my legs. He ran his face over and over my jock, inhaling my scent. His fingertips danced up my thighs to the band, then pulled them down slowly, allowing my hard seven inches to bounce free. He pulled my jock down my legs and tossed it to the floor, resuming his place between my legs.

My cock was drooling, waiting for his hot mouth. He took one of my hairless balls then the other, fondling them gently with his tongue. My hands ran over his blond crew cut. "Clean my ball, baby." I stroked his head. "Yeah, make me feel good." I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensations.

I moved one hand to my nipple, flicking it. I was feeling good. I wanted, no needed a dick in me. I pulled my hand from Frank's head and gripped my dick, pointing it up. "Suck it." His licked his way to the top of my cock, circling the head with his tongue before taking me down to the base. "You're such a good cock sucker." I groaned while he worked his way back up.

Frank swallowed me down to the base over and over, press his nose against my smooth pelvis before he languidly moved back up. I was enjoying the feel of his mouth on my dick, but after ten minutes of his teasing work I had to empty my balls. I could feel the boiling in my balls crest then settle with Frank's talented mouth.

"I need to cum." I snarled, taking hold of Frank's head and thrusting hard into him, over and over again. He gave no resistance, just accepted that I was in control of him. I kept thrusting up into his mouth over and over again, his willing throat taking me in. "I'm going to fill your mouth, baby. Swallow it all down."

I knew he would make me pay for this later but this was my time to enjoy. "You ready for my sweet boy cum?" He tried to grunt something but my cock stopped any words from coming out. "Get ready." I almost howled. I was so close. My breathing quickened and just like that, my balls exploded, filling Frank's mouth.

"Swallow it." I hissed as shot after shot blasted forth, filling his mouth. My body tensed as the spasms of pleasure flowed through me. I let go of Frank's head, my arms falling limply to the bed. "Damn, that was great." I looked down to see Frank, still on my rod, slurping up the last bits of my juices. "Come here."

He let me fall from his lips, and moved up beside me. I pulled him down into a kiss, my hand stroking his side. I was coming down off my sexual high. I could feel Frank's hard six inches pressing against my leg. Just because he was my present, didn't mean I didn't get to enjoy his cock as well. "Are you ready to get off?"

I moved him onto his back and dove onto his cock. I ran my tongue over his hard velvet mushroom head. He let out a gasp when my lips parted, sliding over the tip. I slowly worked my way down his six inches of excitement, slowly moving up and down, taking just a little bit more of him. He was my present, I was not his, so I took my time to enjoy him.

He wasn't as long or thick as Chris or the others. His length and girth was just right to fill my hungry mouth. I cupped his golf balls with one hand, their heft weighing heavy in my hand. "These baby makers are mine." I thought rolling them in my hand. I wanted him exploding across my palette. I wanted his taste to linger in my mouth all day.

Frank was grunting, groaning and moaning under my oral skills. He said no actual words though. I guessed he was enjoying my mouth too much. He would let out tiny gasps of enjoyment when I would swipe my tongue along the underside of his cock, just below the tip. I did that a few minutes sending him into convulsions of sexual bliss.

I was enjoying teasing him, sending him into fits of frenzied pleasure and calm enjoyment, but I knew this could not last. Master Chris would come home soon, and my dick was hard again, screaming for release. I teased him with slow long movements, torturing him with the brink of release, but not getting quite there.

"Please." I heard him beg in almost a whisper. It was odd hearing someone beg me. I felt a surge of power. I quickened my efforts, sliding my tongue along his length. Frank's moans increased. "Fuck, I'm going to blow man." He warned. I sped up my efforts wanting to feel that blast against the back of my throat.

I felt his balls try to draw up and the vein in his dick begin to pulse. I knew it was just a matter of moments and then with a roar of relief, Frank shot his load into my mouth. I swallowed every bit. Frank bucked up into my mouth as I gulped down every last drop, letting his cock soften in my mouth. I almost regretted letting him slip from my mouth.

I crawled up from his between his legs, laying my body on top of his. I looked down at that satisfied face and couldn't help put press my lips to his. I ground my hard cock against his soft one. I growled into our kiss. Frank wrapped his arms around me, his legs intertwined with mine. I wanted to blow again.

I rolled off him, standing up. My cock jutted forward, trying to reach Frank. "Let's go downstairs." I took his hand and pulled him off the bed, and along with me. I found it odd that Frank wasn't saying much, but I didn't care right now as long as I was getting mine. That's what Master Chris had said cock suckers were for, and right now he was my cock sucker.

I sat down on the couch, propping myself against the arm rest and spreading my legs, my hard cock bobbing. Frank stood there, unsure what to do. "Get on this dick and suck me long and slow." I said with a grin. Frank moved to between my legs and obeyed my command. "You mouth feels so good." I patted him on the head.

Frank was lost in his task, careful not to move too fast or too slow. I admired his hard muscle mound over the top of his head. I had forgotten to taste that butt, but figured he'd make me eat him out later. I closed my eyes and let Frank do his work. I rested my hand on his head, occasionally stroking his head for encouragement.

Frank had to have been working my cock a good twenty minutes and he had not complained once. I was lost in the pleasure that when I heard Master Chris's voice, I was startled. "Enjoying your present, boy?" I gave him a happy grin. "Good." He ran his hand over Frank's gorgeous mounds. "You didn't fuck him, did you?"

"No, sir." I answered in a low purr. "He didn't fuck me either." Frank hadn't stopped sucking my dick the entire conversation. I knew his jaw had to be sore by now, but I was enjoying myself too much and Chris hadn't stopped us. "I can't wait till you have him fuck me." I let out a low moan before continuing. "After you fuck me of course, sir."

Chris paused in his stroking of Frank's cheeks, shoving two fingers between the cleft, eliciting a pained grunt around my dick. "Just checking." He resumed his petting. "Him fucking you, is up to you." He slapped Frank's ass hard. "He's been demoted. Too many infractions. He's no longer one of my Alpha boys. He's too naturally submissive."

I watched in puzzlement as Chris groped himself through his jeans. "I'm giving him to you as a present to play with and train." I watched as Chris slowly undid his pants. "You get to be my lead beta." Chris's hard cock sprung free as his pants fell to the floor. "But you don't get to fuck him yet. I want that first dominate fuck to be special."

"Thank you." I could not take my eyes off Chris. I felt such pride, and such horniness. There were so many things Chris had done to me that I wanted to do to Frank. I wanted to hear him moan and beg for my cock. I wanted Chris to watch as I did it so I could show him how good I would be to teach his other betas. "May I have your cock as reward?"

"I thought you'd never ask." He grinned. "Why don't you give your new bitch's mouth a rest and make some room on that couch for me." I shoved Frank off my dick and onto the floor, letting Master Chris take up position on the opposite end. I groaned as I took his dick in my mouth. "Watch carefully, Frank. This is how you please an Alpha top."

Want to follow my work? Follow me on tumblr: naughtyboy4fun77 Google Plus: My Blog: Twitter: Robbylewis77

Next: Chapter 8

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