My New Life

By James Midwest

Published on Apr 20, 2000


I'm sorry this has taken so long. Spring is here, and so is everything that comes with it. I will try to post every two weeks, but don't hold me to it.

Legal Disclaimer:

This story is totally fictional and is not meant to imply anything about the personalities of Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, J.C. Chasez, Joey Fatone, or Chris Kirkpatrick of the music group Nsync. If you are under the age of 18, offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving now. If you are looking for a story with lots of sex, go away! This is a story of friendship and only time will tell which direction it will take.

Like anyone who writes feed back, good or bad is needed. The good feed back, strokes our ego. The bad feed back, strokes the delete key. My e-mail:

This story can also be found on my web site at:

A special thank you goes out to Garret, my friend and editor. With his help we will hopefully eliminate the annoying spelling and typo errors.

And now on with the story.

My New Life

Last time

"Joe, what's taking him so long? It's never taken him so long to get ready." said Justin.

"I've never had to deal with this head of hair before." said Marc walking out of the bedroom. "I'm ready. What are we doing?"

"We've got reservations at a Italian restaurant, than we are going to hit a couple dance clubs." said Joe.

"Sounds like fun. Lets go." said Marc.

Part 14

The restaurant turned out to be a little place near the hotel. We were given a table in the back corner of the dinning room. And to our surprise the only person to approach was our waitress. The food was really good but Joey said he new a better place in New York, and he would have to take us there when we played there.

The dance club was crowded, the music was loud, and plenty of girls to dance with. Unfortunately the only one to have any trouble was Justin. He was carded at the door. And was not going to be let in because of his age and being from out of state. Marc talked to the bouncer and Justin was allowed in only if he would wear a special ID badge.

"Thanks Marc. He wasn't going to let me in." said Justin.

"The problem is, you being only eighteen and from out of state. The legal drinking age is eighteen here but it isn't where you come from. There has been a big problem with out of state kids coming over the boarder to drink and getting into accidents. Law suits have made serving out of state kids a real gray area. So most bars just stopped serving young out of state customers." Handing Justin a orange badge. "You need to wear this at all times. This tells the wait staff you are not to be served liquor." Justin's always smiling face grew dark as Marc handed him the badge. After pining the badge on he looked at Marc and saw he also wore the orange badge. His smile quickly returned.

"Come on lets join the others."

Marc and Justin made their way over to the others. "What took you so long?" asked Chris.

"They wouldn't let Justin in unless he joined a special club." said Marc.

Looking at Marc, Justin mouth a think you.

Everyone spread out as they hit the dance floor. Marc soon discovered that a dance partner was not required since there seemed to be more girls on the dance floor than guys. Every time he turned, he was able to dance with who ever was there, unless she had a boy friend. After an hour of dancing Marc made his way to a table. He was soon joined by the others.

"Marc, you ready to hit another club?" asked Joey.

"Yea, lets do it." shouted Marc.

As they walked down State Street Justin asked. "Didn't we need to give these back?" pointing to the badge.

"No, it will get you into most any club with out any more trouble." said Marc.

As they walked down the street Marc spotted a jazz club. "Hay, how about trying this one?"

They were quickly shown to a table. The waitress came to take their drink order. Everyone ordered a beer except Marc and Justin who ordered ice tea.

The jazz quartet was really good. After the last club it was nice just to sit and relax and enjoy the music. Marc noticed that the members of the quartet kept looking over at their table. When the group took a break Marc excused himself from the table and walked over to talk to the musicians.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Newman, almost didn't recognize you with the new look." said Toby Johnson, the base player.

Smiling at the comment. "Hi guys, your sound is like velvet tonight."

"Thanks, you ready to start work tomorrow?" asked Matt the drummer.

"Yea, I'm looking forward to it. I'm with some friends."

"We noticed, you switching music styles?" said Jeff the sax player.

"You recognize them?"

"Marc we have kids, and my daughter has their pictures plastered on her bed room walls. It's hard not to know them." said Allen the keyboard player.

"I'm working with them this summer. I will be traveling with them as their web master."

"Not in the music area?" quizzed Matt.

"No. They know some of my musical background but they don't know anything about Saturday. I don't plan on telling them about the concert until Friday. So don't ruin the surprise, ok?"

"Ok, we'll keep your secrete. But isn't rehearsals going to be a problem?" asked Allen.

"Their management knows and are helping me out with meeting. Their rehearsals are scheduled about the same time as ours. Come on and meet my friends."

Walking back to the table Marc did the introductions. "Now how to start this. This is Allen on keyboards, Toby on base, Matt on drums and Jeff on sax. I'd like you to meet my friends Justin, Lance, Joey, Chris, and Josh."

Handshakes were traded all around. Justin asked. "How do you know Marc?"

Marc stepped in with a answer. "Their my music instructors. Their professors at the University of Wisconsin."

Looking at Marc, Lance asked. "Is Marc a good student?"

Laughing Allen said. "He is a excellent student. And when we can get him to be serious about his studies, he can be supper."

"We've notice his serious side doesn't show up all that often." said Joey with a smile.

Marc was about to change the subject when Toby jumped in. "It's been nice meeting you but we need to hit the head before we start our next set. Marc it's been nice seeing you again. Have a good summer and we'll see you in the fall."

They stayed through the next set before deciding to head back to the hotel. Arriving at the van Marc stopped Josh from getting behind the wheel. "Josh let me have the keys. You've been drinking, I'll get us back to the hotel."

      • Back at the hotel room Marc had changed into shorts and t-shirt and went out to the living room. Everyone was just hanging out, winding down from the nights activities. Plopping down between Justin and Chris, Marc said. "I'd like to thank all of you for today."

"Just our way of saying thanks for last week. You did so much to see we had a good time on our vacation and we appreciate you, as a friend." said Josh.

Marc sat there looking at his knees trying not to let his emotions get the best of him. "When this started this morning I had no idea what you all had in mind. All I could do is trust you. All in all everything turned out great. And I had a good time."

Laughing Joey said. "I thought you were going to freak at the tattoo pallor."

Smiling Marc said. "You don't know just how close I came to bolting."

"I hope you know we wouldn't force you to do any thing you didn't want to do?" asked Lance.

"I know, but you do have a big influence. I don't think I would have ever had the nerve to have my ears pierced."

"Yea, you didn't even pass out when they pierced your ears, but you sure turned white." said Joey.

"Well thanks again for the day. I'm beat, and I'm headed for bed. See you at breakfast." said Marc as he headed off to bed.

Marc awoke to Joe's snoring. Looking at the clock. `Time to get moving. I think this morning I'll run alone. Their going to get a workout today with rehearsals. I'll just let them rest.'

      • Returning from his run Marc heard Joe in the shower. Going to his suitcase gathered his shaving kit and clean underwear. Joe walked out of the bathroom drying his hair with a towel. Marc had his back to Joe when he said. "How was you run?" Marc jumped, at Joe's voice. "Sorry Marc I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's ok Joe, I just didn't hear you come out of the bathroom. Are you done in there?"

"Yea, it's all yours."

Marc went into the bathroom to shave and shower. Standing under the hot water he closed his eyes drawing the heat into his muscular back. Letting the water massage the tension from his muscles. "One good thing about hotel living is the endless supply of hot water." Marc said softly to himself.

Marc emerged from the bedroom wearing jeans and one of his new shirts. He carried his shoe's and socks. Sitting on one of the couch's he finished dressing as he asked. "When will breakfast be up?"

As if on cue there was a knock at the door. "I think this answers your question." said Josh as he opened the door.

Two food carts was pushed over by the big table. They were filled with eggs, toast, French toast, cereal, fruit, milk, juice, coffee and tea. Everyone grabbed a plate of food and started eating. Pete and Lynn joined them for breakfast. Near the end Pete started going over the schedule for the week. With rehearsals scheduled for this morning and afternoon. He also laid out the rest of the week for them. All through this Marc remained very quiet only half listening to Pete.

"Marc, you need to be back here by 10:00 a.m. You will be in a teleconference with our home office PR Department. Than we have contacted the university, they have agreed to let you use the labs all week." said Pete giving Marc a cover.

"Oh lucky you. You get to miss our chorographer try to kill us this week. I was hopping you would document what they are going to do to us." said Chris.

Marc only offered a weak smile at Chris's comments.

Lance noticed Marc's reaction and leaned in to ask. "Marc what's wrong? You haven't said anything at breakfast. Are you feeling ok."

Everyone's attention went to Marc.

Marc had been fighting with himself all morning. He knew what he had to do. "Thanks Pete for you help but I don't want this week to be full of lies." Marc looked up to see questioning looks coming from his friends. "Pete was helping my out with a problem. I had not planed on coming on tour with you this week. I'm committed to a special project this week and Pete was kind enough to help me fulfill my commitment." "I need your help." Marc said looking at his friends. "I need you not to question what I'm doing this week. I need to be able to devote my full attention to this project and I can't do it if I'm having to keep my stories straight."

"When will you fill us in on your project?" asked Justin a little miffed.

"Friday afternoon after your sound check." said Marc. "Justin, I don't want you to be mad at me. I hope you can understand."

Justin just sat there not replying. It looked like he was not going to let this pass. Seeing the tension build between Marc and Justin Lance said. "Marc, I know this project must mean a lot to you. Go ahead and work on it. And thanks for not lying to us all week. We can put up with a mystery for the next five days."

"Thanks Lance." said Marc with sad eyes. "I need to get ready. I'll meet you all back here after your rehearsal." Giving Justin one last look hoping for eye contact. Marc went to his bedroom and closed the door.

Lynn had sat quietly through the whole exchange and was quite pissed at her sons actions. Getting up from the table she said. "Justin I want to talk to you in your room." heading toward his bedroom she noticed he had not budged. "Justin Randall Timberlake NOW!"

Justin got up and followed his mother into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

"OOOh! He's so dead." said a stunned Chris.

"You didn't have to treat me like a kid out there." complained Justin.

"When you act like a little child. That's how you get treated. Now what's with this attitude toward Marc?"

"I just don't like being left in the dark. Do you know what he's up to?"

"Yes I do. But I need to respect Marc's wishes. You will have to wait until Friday to find out what his project is." "Honey, Marc could have taken the easy way out. He could have fed you stories of meeting. But his integrity prevented him from telling you lies. Instead he laid it out in a way that let him not tell lies to his friends. He asked for your help and understanding. He needs to put 110% into this project for it to work. And now he is upset because one of his close friends has to be a asshole about it."

Considering what Lynn said. "I need to go talk to him."

Everybody looked up as Justin's bedroom door open. Not looking at them Justin went to Marc's door, knocked and when he heard no answer tried the knob. Entering, Justin found Marc sitting on his bed with his back against the headboard, knees pulled up to his chest with his arms wrapped around them. His face was barried in his arms.

Walking over to Marc, Justin sat on the edge of the bed. "Marc."

"What!" Marc said softly with a cracking voice.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted out there."

Marc looked up and Justin saw just how upset he was. His eyes were moist with tears. Justin moved closer to Marc reaching out and putting his hand on Marc's arm. "I'm sorry for being such a dick out there."

Marc smiled at the comment.

"I just don't like being in the dark about things."

Marc sat up straight letting his body relax and taking Justin's hand. "Just, for you, the group is the most important thing in your life. You put everything you have into it. You know that you would be willing to give everything you have to the group."

"Well this thing I'm working on means just as much to me. It is no were as important as your music. But for me, this is just as important. I need to give it my full attention. And I need you to accept this."

Giving Marc his best killer smile. "I'm ok with it. Go do your thing. But I can't promise not to pump you. Sooner or later you'll let something slip."

Marc grinned "Just, from you I'd expect nothing else. I think I'm up to the challenge."

      • "How long have they been in there?" asked Chris.

"Almost fifteen minutes." said Lance.

The door opened, a smiling Justin and Marc came out. Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"We need to get going guys." said Pete.

Marc walked out with the guys. As they climbed into the van Marc stepped back and said. "I'll see you all tonight." as he turned and walked to a waiting cab.

Getting into the cab the driver asked. "Where to?"

"The civic center theater. And do you see the van up ahead. They may try to follow. Don't let them. Let's take a scenic route."

"Well do we follow Marc and see what he's up to?" asked Joey.

"No." said Justin. "Let him do his thing. We'll find out on Friday."

Marc arrived at the civic center and entered the annex going to the rehearsal hall. He was early for his meeting with the symphony music director, Al Freeman and the rep from PBS, Jody Brown.

"Marc, we at PBS are very excited with this series spotlighting young composers." said Jody. "After talking with Al and some of the key musicians we were wondering if your up to conducting the whole concert?"

A stunned Marc said. "Oh wow, the whole thing."

Thinking about the offer Marc made a decision. "I want to thank you for the offer but there is no way I can prepare two other pieces in five days. If it wasn't for working with the symphony two weeks ago, there is no way I could pull off conducting Winters End this weekend."

"We'd just like to see you do more than Winters End. Another number would bring more attention to you as a composer and conductor." said Jody.

Marc thought for a moment. "I may have an idea that could fill your needs. Let's see how today's rehearsal goes."

Pete watched as the boys went through the show. "Just as if feared. A week off and your dancing is off and your missing your queues and are off key." "Work with the choreographer the rest of the day. Lets see if he can get you back in shape."

Marc had just finished the third run through with the orchestra. "Thanks people. Your right where we need to be for Saturday. Your hard work has paid off. See you all tomorrow."

Going over to Ed and Jody. "Well how did it sound?"

"Perfect!" they said.

"Yea, their ready for the concert. I have another piece I'd like to try with them."

"Another piece by you?" asked Jody excitedly.

"Can you give us two days to work on it? I will present it to you Thursday morning. If you like it we can use it in the concert. If not we can go back to your original program." said Marc.

"Fair enough. We'll see you Thursday morning." said Ed.

On the cab ride back to the hotel Marc made a few phone calls. One was to his printer back home and made arrangements to have the new piece printed and shipped to him in care of the symphony by 10 a.m. tomorrow. The second call was to Pete. "Hi Pete, it's Marc."

"Hi Marc, how's it going?"

"Fine, I'm on my way back to the hotel. How are they doing?"

"They are working their butts off. A week off has sure thrown them off. The choreographer will be working with them another hour at least."

"All right, I'll see them at the hotel then. Bye."

Marc thought for a moment than asked the driver to take him to the rehearsal studio. As he walked into the building he pulled out his ID and placed it around his nick. Security admitted him without any trouble. Marc found that the guys had their backs to him so he quietly took out his camera's and started taking pictures with the flash off. They were half way thru the number when Chris spotted Marc's reflection in the mirror. Paying attention to Marc's reflection and not to what he was doing, Chris missed a turn and was run over by Joey.

"Chris what's with you? You've done that step an thousand times." asked Joel the choreographer.

"It's my fault." called Marc from the other side of the room. "Chris was watching my reflection in the mirror."

Everyone looked up to see Marc with his camera in the mirror. "He has this thing about photographing out back sides." said Chris.

Grinning Marc retrieved his backpack. Scrolling back several pictures he found the shot. "Actually it was a shot showing your back and your reflected front in the same shot. Double Nsync." Handing the camera to Chris.

Everybody gathered around to look at the picture. "Great shot Marc." said Justin. Chris scrolled thru the other pictures and everyone laughed at the one of Chris missing his turn. "Even the shot of twinkle toes doing his thing." said Josh.

"Stop picking on Chris. I shouldn't have been sneaking around." Marc said taking his camera back.

"All right let's get back to work. From the top." said Joel.

Marc went over and sat down next to Pete. "How was your day?" Pete asked.

Watching his friends go through the dance routine. "They dropped a bomb on me first thing. They wanted me to conduct the whole concert."

"Are you going to do it?"

"No, not enough time to prepare. But I start working on another of my compositions tomorrow. If we can pull it together in two days maybe they will use it."

Marc watched as for the third time Joey made the same mistake. Joel started to yell at Joe. And Marc sat back laughing. Joe saw Marc and called to him. "Ok Newman if you think you can do better, get up here and show us."

Marc stopped laughing. With a raised eye brow he thought. `A challenge. Well I can't do much worse.' Getting up Marc took up the challenge.

"Ok Joe, take a seat. Let me show you how to do it."

Joel gave Pete a questioning look. Pete nodded his approval, let him try it.

"Ok, from the top. Three, Two, One." said Joel.

Marc danced Joe's part without any mistakes. All dance steps and body movements correct and on the beat. Joey sat there with his mouth open in amazement and Pete had the biggest grin on his face.

Marc walked over to Joe. "Well?"

Joe just sat there with his mouth open. Reaching out Marc put a fingerer under Joe's chin and closed his mouth. "Come on, I'll show you where your loosing your beat." Marc smiled.

Marc walked Joe through the routine showing him where he was leaving out steeps, thus throwing him off beat.

"Come on all together. Three, two, one." Joel counted off.

They went through the routine without any mistakes. "Yes!" said Joel.

Justin got a evil idea. "Marc, do you think you can do my part?"

Looking at Justin he considered the question. "I don't know. Your part is a lot more copulated than Joe's."

"Yea, I thought it would be too much."

Tilting his head, with a little smile Marc said. "I'll try it."

Taking Justin's spot Marc indicated he was ready. Joel counted it off

Marc went thou the routine making all the transitions from the front to the back with out any trouble. While doing Justin's moves at the front he would add a few extra rear end moves. Only the guys behind saw the moves and they were trying to keep straight faces, as Marc was doing his best impression of Justin's girl killer smile.

Justin was impressed at Marc's performance. "I'm impressed." said Justin.

"Never underestimate a fan. Some of us know your dance steps as well as you do." said Marc.

The guys couldn't hold it in any longer. They started to laugh as Josh said. "I never noticed Justin doing some of those moves Marc."

Marc just looked at Josh with a big grin. "Your just lucky I don't sing."

The next three days was a blur. Up early, breakfast with the guys. Marc off to rehearsal and the boy's off for interviews and rehearsals. They would meet up for dinner than head off for bed exhausted.

Friday finally arrived. Marc awoke and laid there thinking before getting started. He heard someone moving around in the other room, so he went to see who was up.

Going into the living room he found Lance. "Your up early."

Lance looked over at Marc smiling. "I don't sleep late on show days. Too wound up."

"Come on, get dressed, come running with me. It may take the edge off the day." said Marc with a sparkle in his eye.

"Ok, be ready in five." said Lance as he headed to his room to change.

Marc came out of his room four minutes later to find Lance waiting. Looking at Lance, Marc frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Come over to the sink." Marc said as he turned on the water. "Bend over let me wet your hair." Lance did as told. Marc took a dish towel and quickly dried Lance's hair leaving it damp. Running his fingers through Lance's hair until he was satisfied. "There. That got rid of the spikes. Know you don't look so much like Lance. More like James in the morning." said Marc with a smile. "Come on there's a sun rise waiting."

Justin came out of his bedroom yawning to find Josh and Chris already at the table. "Who was Marc's victim this morning?"

"Lance was missing when I woke up." said Chris.

There was a commotion outside the door. Then the door opened and in came Lance and Marc pushing in the food carts. "Look what we hijacked." said Marc.

"Great food's here." said Justin.

"Any problems this morning?" Josh asked Marc.

"No. We ran past a group of girls and they didn't even give us a second look." said Marc.

"When we get into the bigger cities it will not be all that easy. Just be careful." Lectured Josh.

"Yes dad." said Marc with a twinkle in his eye.

"Go get cleaned up. It's starting to smell like a locker room in here." said Josh.

Lance and Marc just smiled as they went to take showers.

Breakfast was eaten mostly in silences and Marc enjoyed watching Justin. He seemed like he was about to burst.

"Well today is the day." said Justin as he looked at Marc.

"Yea, your right. I'm so excited about the concert tonight. I can't wait for tonight." teased Marc.

"I was talking about your project. Your going to tell us about it right?" asked Justin.

"Oh thanks for reminding me, I got to get going." Marc said as he got up and grabbed his backpack to leave.

"Marc!" pleaded Justin as he was about to go out the door.

Marc stopped and turned to the guys. "Later. See you at sound check." and he was out the door.

      • Marc spent the morning listening to the first number of the concert, a choral piece by Bach. Then it was Marc's turn and he took the orchestra thru the new number before they took a long lunch break.

After a lite lunch Marc wondered into the theater and found it busy with people preparing for the sound check. Taking a seat near the back he watched with interest the activity on stage. Hearing familiar voices his attention was brought to the five friends entering the stage. The first number was Sailing and Marc watched as his friends rose above the stage and floated out over the seats. It was Justin who first spotted Marc grinning up at them. "Hay man, see you finally made it."

Marc was able to watch three more numbers before he had to go. Going down to where Pete and Lynn was setting. "They are sounding better than earlier this week." said Marc with a smile.

"Is everything set?" asked Pete.

"Yea, how much longer?"

"About forty minutes."

"Good. If you take the side door over there, cross the hall and thru the door marked MSO. There will be someone to take you the rest of the way. See you all in a bit." said Marc.

The guys saw Marc leave the theater by a side door.

      • "Marc, their on the way." said Lee hanging up the phone.

Marc's friends were escorted into the room and shown to chairs. Each chair had a folder on it, which everyone picked up as they sat down. Opening the folders they each found the score to Winters End.

"What's this?" asked Justin.

Smiling Lance said. "Marc's little project. Justin check out who the composer is."

Looking, Justin saw the composers name. Marc Newman. There was hush as Marc entered and stepped to the podium. Raising his arms Marc lead the orchestra thru his symphonic piece Winters End.

At the conclusion Marc thanked the musicians for their time and dismissed them until tomorrow. Turning to his smiling friends he went over to have a talk.

"Marc, that was beautiful." said Joey.

"Thanks, Joe." said Marc as he sat down.

"I still don't understand." said Justin.

Smiling Marc tried to explain. "Well tomorrow I will conduct Winters End in concert. It will be part of a series of broadcasts focusing on new young composers in the US. It will be broadcast live on PBS and NPR across the country."

"That's what those big trucks with satellite dishes are all about out back." said Chris.

"Yes, they have been working all week laying cable in preparation for the concert. As soon as your concert is over tonight they will be in here setting up cameras."

"That means you wont be leaving with us tonight and we won't be here for your concert." said a sad Justin.

Smiling at Justin, Marc turned to Pete, with a nod. Pete said. "You won't be leaving after the show tonight. You'll be staying over till Sunday. You'll take a limo to Milwaukee for your interviews and be back in plenty of time for Marc's concert. We'll take the bus back Sunday morning and be there in time for sound check."

Everyone was all smiles at Pete's plan. "Marc did you get us seats?" asked Josh.

"I'm sorry Josh but you'll have to shair the box with my dad and Sara." said Marc.

"Sara's going to be here. Great!" said a grinning Josh.

"I thought you wouldn't mind. Now am I forgiven for keeping secrets?"

"You sure are." said Justin.

TBC Next: The Concerts.

Author's Note: A lot of you have written complementing me on the story. I thank you. When I started this my main intent was to tell a story of friendship. And this will continue. A lot of you have been asking when will Marc hook up with someone? Well it's going to happen soon. Thank all of you for your impute it has helped me write the next few chapters. I know not everybody will be happy, but this is a story, and it is not the end of the story.


Next: Chapter 9

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