My New World

By Dave Starr

Published on Aug 31, 2007




All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dave at ----

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between Males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create any kind of personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.


My New World in 7 short Chapters

My New World, chapter #1

My initiation into a new world happened almost by accident. In the summer between High school and College I decided to hike the Blue Mountain range. My thought was to go alone and clear my head for my higher education goal. I thought that a period of quiet time would be good for me after breaking up with my girlfriend of 3 years, how wrong I was. In High school I was a second rate track star so I was sure that I had the stamina. At a little over 5'10" and 170 pounds the hundred-mile hike I had planned should be a cakewalk. By the fourth day I could tell by the partially overgrown path that I was virtually alone out here; in fact I hadn't seen another person in 3 days. This made it even more surprising when in the middle of a driving rainstorm I abruptly came upon a small clearing with a nice rustic little cabin against a creek bank. I was soaked and it looked like this was an all day rain so I hurried towards the cabin intending to stay on the porch while the rains poured down. When I got there I was soaked to the skin. As I watched the rains pour down shivering in my wet clothes I was startled by the door opening.

There was a very tall older man there I would guess about 40 but in very good shape. "Hi son, boy you sure are wet, why don't you come inside and dry off before you get sick." I was certainly eager to get dry, even under the porch roof I was dripping wet. The cabin was dry with a nice fire going in a small wood stove. " Why don't you get out of those wet things while I make you a cup of coffee son, just strip down." I had often stripped in front of others in the school locker room so I thought nothing of it even when he sat in a rocking chair watching me. I was traveling light so the only dry clothes I had was another set of underwear. I had to admit that I really was glad as I stripped off my wet under-shorts. When I stood up he was next to me handing over a towel and just staring at me. I finally got on my dry jockey shorts and sipped my tea. As we chatted I learned that his name was Kirk and he was married to a Lady named Jan. It seems that she would be up later on in the week. Since there was no road into this place he used an all-terrain vehicle to traverse the 20 something miles from the road. My clothes were slowly drying but I was warm enough now being close to the wood stove. Kirk got up and walked over to the side of my chair where there was a toilet. "In a one room cabin everything is out in the open, I suppose we should have enclosed this but we never got around to it." He zipped down the fly of his pants and whipped out the thickest cock I had ever seen. I wasn't gay but like everyone else I had stolen glances in the shower and this was certainly a very big, very thick cock. I had never seen anything quite like it and could not stop starring. When the mouth of the cock head opened up the stream of piss looked like a fire hose splashing down. I was still starring when he was finished and just standing there. I realize now that he was posing, letting me get a really good look at his magnificent looking piece of meat but at the time I just didn't think of what kind of message my starring was sending.

I was still in a bit of a trance when he tucked it back in and refilled my cup my last recollection was of being very sleepy. I don't know how long I was out but as I slowly awoke I noticed it was now dark out and there were soft, dim lights on in the room. I was on the floor and Kirk was in the chair in front of me. As I tried to get up I found that I had my wrists fastened behind my back and there was a short chain on my ankles.

" Oh don't worry about the chains they are there to keep you from kicking. That thing in your mouth is a ball gag, I know its uncomfortable but you will get used to it and it keeps you quiet while I tell you the way it is. As of right now you're my captive and your going to become my suck slut. Oh don't pretend that you don't want to, I saw the look in your eyes when you were starring at my prick. Just let yourself go and you'll enjoy yourself. There is no one here but us and since you're tied up there is really nothing that you can do about it anyway so you are free. The restraints free people like you of their inhibitions; with no choice you must serve me and any enjoyment you get is guilt free. Now I am going to take the gag out of your mouth and I expect you to keep quiet, think of this like it's a training program at your old high school"

I kept quiet as he removed the ball from my mouth.

"Your dripping, the ball in your mouth sure makes your saliva run doesn't it, actually anything in your mouth makes it run, eh." He opened his robe and snaked out his cock again, what a tool! " Get up on your knees boy so you can get a good look. With your ankles chained it will be hard for you but believe me it'll be worth it to you."

To this day I don't know why I did it but I struggled onto my knees ending up at eye level with his monster. "I think its time for you to perform boy, whether or not you know it yet this is what you want and need." He came closer and I could see that monster cockhead with its wide little mouth, I was mesmerized by it. I know I was again starring but I could not help it. He rubbed the rubbery cockhead across my lips and I panicked pulling my face back. He slapped my face hard. "Uh - Uh boy you know you want it now open your mouth before I get my whip out. We can make this easy or hard for you, I really don't care, either way I'll enjoy myself." It only took another slap and my mouth opened and he sat his cockhead on my tongue. I closed my mouth around it and received another slap. He reached down and grabbed a riding crop .

"OK boy I guess we need to give you a little more instruction in just who is the boss here. I want you to bend over with your face on the floor and your ass up." I did as I was told and he moved around in back of me and I felt him pulling my jockey shorts off my ass cheeks. He gave me 3 very hard blows with the crop and then told me to spread my legs wider, I did and he rained more blows down on my ass. I was sore and crying like a little girl when he had me get up again on my knees and open my mouth. "Now boy here is the way I want it. I'll tell you what to do and you do it exactly, not more, not less, just what I want." To punctuate what he told me he reached down and again brought the riding crop on my sore, red ass. "You look pretty good with your mouth open now let me rest my cock on your tongue and you just breathe in until you get used to the man smell of a cock." I did exactly as I was told this time and found the musty man smell almost sweet. "OK boy just close your lips around the head and nurse on that cockhead; that's right, you've got it just like a baby suckling on its Mother's tit." The rubbery, soft cockhead filed my mouth and stretched my jaw it was so wide. "Now take some more of that meat in, suck it up boy. Ah that feels good." He grabbed my head and slowly began feeding me more and more of his cock. My jaws were aching but surprisingly it was a good ache.

I dimly heard his words of praise, the "good boy", "suck it harder boy" and it spurred me on. My mouth was being raped and I really wanted to please this strange man. He stroked his big cock back and forth in my mouth with a slow, relentless rhythm as he commented on my having a hard-on. I suddenly sensed that it was swelling even larger in my mouth, he was getting ready to cum, he was going to cum in my mouth. There wasn't much time to panic as he sighed and blasted cum into my sucking mouth. I swallowed and swallowed to keep from choking when he pulled out and sent the last blast in my face, right up into my nose and eyes. My eyes were watering and I was crying as he stuck it back in my mouth with the order to suck it clean, I nursed on it until it was clean. He closed his robe, sat down and began reading. I sat back on my haunches and caught my breath.

My New World, chapter #2, My new owners.

After we had rested for a bit he had me come over to his chair and curl up on my knees in front of him. He opened his robe again and was slowly stroking his cock as he talked. "That was pretty good boy, was that the first cock you sucked? "Yes it was." "From now on you call me Sir or Master , boy you've sucked me off and swallowed my cum, your mine now, got it?" "Yes Sir."

"I'll teach you what you need to know but from now on you are a slave and you belong to me. When I saw you looking at me I knew that you wanted to submit, well you will get a lot of chances to do that. If you let yourself go and only think about serving your Master you will learn to be a slave. It's your nature to submit and serve. Get your face in my crotch and lick my balls while I talk to you." I guess I was a little slow because I received a crack on my ass with the riding crop again just as I got my face into his crotch. I began tonguing his big balls. "Use the flat of your tongue boy lick and clean your Master's balls. I see your hard again, I knew you would make a good slave." As I licked his crotch I thought about what he was saying, was I a natural slave, was my role to be at my Master's feet like a prized puppy, I didn't know yet but I was still licking a man's balls just as he had ordered me. I slurped up and down his ball sack gently lifting them with my tongue. The taste was a little musty but intoxicating. My wrists were still behind my back so I was again quite helpless to do anything but what my Master wanted; this was the first time that I thought of him as my Master. "Your not to bad as a ball licker, good thing because you'll get a lot of practice. Its time for you to give me another blow job now, I really like getting my cock sucked and its obvious that you're a cocksucker. Go to it my young cocksucker.

Master lifted my face from his balls and stuffed his big cock into my mouth." look me in the eye slave, I want to see your eyes as you suck my prick. There is very little more satisfying than watching a slave that you own, humiliating himself as your slut. I want to stuff my cock right down your throat now so take a deep breath boy." He couldn't mean this could he, that impossibly long, thick prick would choke me. Just then he grabbed my head and poked his cockhead into my throat opening. I was choking and writhing on his cock as he held me in place on his spike. It seemed like forever until he slowly withdrew his cock.

"There , there now boy I know its tough the first time but you'll get used to it , now breath deep kid , here it comes." I was again choking and wriggling like a fish on a hook as he again plunged into my throat " I like the feeling of your throat muscles as they contract and spasm its kind of like a deep and talented cunt. That's what you are you know, just a cunt with a tongue." He again pulled out, told me to breath and pressed it again into my throat. As this was repeated my throat became very sore but the spasms became less painful, I was getting used to this invasion, I could now time my breathing to his trusts!

Master started to cum just as I was taking a breath. His cum erupted into the back of my throat. I am sure that master could feel me swallow the gooey wad before he speared me on his jetting dick again. He let two more searing spurts of cum rip straight down my throat before he pulled his cockhead to my lips. I caught the next two squirts on my tongue. He grasped his slimy cock in his hand and presented it to my panting mouth. "Milk it slave , clean it up." I sucked and slurped on his cum coated cock until it was spotless then Master fed his fingers into my mouth to clean them up. I sucked greedily liking the taste of cum. He was right , I was his slave and had never been hotter than I was right now. I was gasping and panting from the shear exertion of sucking the man I now thought of as my Master off. It only took a touch of his hand on my head to bring me back to reality. "From now on you need to keep your mind on the fact that I own you just like you were my dog or pony. You'll be getting lots of practice in cocksucking , I like to cum at least 5 or 6 times a day. Your deep throating skills are pretty low but its what I want so I'm sure that you'll improve.

My wife is meeting me at the rod and gun club down by the highway. Even though your very new as a slave I think I'll take you. It'll be a chance for you to serve with other slaves." There were other slaves, how deep was I getting myself into this?

I was soon on the back of Master's ATV wrapped in a sheet, my wrists were still chained behind me as he went back to the rod and gun club. I was taken off of the ATV and found myself inside of a large fenced yard behind a wooden building. There were people around and I was embarrassed as Master removed my sheet leaving me naked except for my chains. "Yeah he's real new but I think he shows a little promise , we'll be bringing him out after we train him some more. Master tied a rope to my wrist chain and led me like a prized pony into the building. Inside it was dimly lit and I could barely see as he led me through what I later found was a common area. We were soon inside of a small apartment. "Jan , this is our new slave , what do you think?"

"He's just adorable Kirk , look at his stiff little prick. I'm so glad we have a male slave for a change, is he trained. Oh no we've barely begun but I think he's going to make up in enthusiastic effort what he lacks in skill." "I'm in the mood to get my cunt licked right now but I'm involved in a slave training seminar. Put a collar on him and lets let him take his first course." I was confused as Master fitted a leather collar around my neck, it had two iron rings on the outside. "You know that with this collar on your really a slave, you should begin thinking that your slave collar is your symbol of submission." They hooked a leash to one of the iron rings on the collar and led me into the large common room. We went to a corner with better lighting and I could see that there were many other slaves, both male and female, with their Masters and Mistresses. In the front was a large, lush, padded table with stirrups on the end. I was surprised when my new Mistress mounted the table and Master helped her into the stirrups. The bottom of the table was fallen away and everyone had a perfect view of her spread cunt. All the slaves were called to the front so they could be taught how to shave their Mistresses cunt." All right now slaves settle down, this is another class to help you be a more valuable slave to your owners.

Today we are going to show you how to keep your Mistresses cunt and ass smooth and clean shaven. We want a slave that's inexperienced to participate so if an owner could offer one I would appreciate it." Master grabbed my leash and bought me to the front. "Here Sam he's as new as you've ever seen. Let me unchain him." It felt good to have my hands free but I didn't have a lot of time to think about it. Ok son get on your knees in front of her and watch me. The instructor took some lather and spread it on the stubble on her cunt lips. He then began shaving her with a straight razor but after a few strokes gave it to me. Go ahead son be careful " I was soon stroking across her beautiful pussy when I was told to get the little, short hairs on the inside of those pretty cunt lips. I gingerly pulled the lips apart as I was told and snipped the hairs off. The instructor pressed a button and Mistresses ass was raised and I could see her ass hole. "gently spread your Mistresses ass cheeks now slave and shave off those two little hairs. NOW's the best part for the slave , we've found that saliva is the very best after-shave lotion so go to it son. Just slobber it clean using the wide part of your tongue." I couldn't believe it, I was to lick her asshole! I tentatively stuck my tongue out between her ass cheeks and tasted her rosebud. It was musky tasting but so- so erotic. I was hard as a rock as I cleaned her entire crotch with my tongue. With her cunt spread as wide as this I could really get deep into her. I swabbed her crotch out for what seemed like an hour but I know that it was only 10 or so minutes. When Master pulled on my leash I gave her one last lick , it was certainly tasty.

My New World, chapter #3 , How it's done.

My new world revolved more and more around my slavery. Jan and Kirk were my owners in all senses of the word. In most cases my wrists were cuffed to the iron rings on my collar; that allowed me to use my hands to pleasure them but I absolutely could not reach my own cock so I was always hot. Mistress Jan was very insistent on my subrogation , she never missed a chance to remind me of my status. She would take me out into the common area and have me perform like a trained pet. I began to relish the submissive role. I soon became familiar with every inch of their bodies and what they liked. When they fucked I was what they called the "fluff" boy. It was usually quite a ritual instead of just a quick fuck.

It began with the two of them in the bathroom where my hands were free and I washed them while they relaxed in the big Roman Bath. As it had been explained my role was to excite and enhance their pleasure. It was quite a treat for my hands to be free and while they sipped wine and talked I used a soft cloth to wash them. Mistress stood and I gently unfolded her cunt lips and washed the inside lips. When Master stood I dried him with a towel finally falling to my knees in front of them. When they reclined on the couch I alternated between them sucking and licking their crotches. There usually came a time when the Mistress wanted me on the floor on my back. She mounted my face with her cunt and I licked her as she maneuvered onto her knees and Master pressed his cock into her pussy. If you have never had a cunt on your mouth as its being fucked you really can't understand just how wonderful it tastes as it heats up and the juices flow into your mouth. Absolutely nothing tastes like cunt. After some strokes Master would always pull his dripping cock out and present it to my mouth to clean. Their combined juice actually intoxicated me. After Master cum of course I knelt in front of the lady and gently licked Master's cum off of her puffy cunt lips. She liked to watch as my tongue took gobs of the sticky stuff and took it into my mouth. When she was as clean as if she just left the shower I crawled to Master and began licking the sticky, dried cum and cunt juice off of his semi-hard cock. even though my hands were free I wasn't allowed to touch either of them except with my tongue. Their bodies were now as familiar to me as my own.

The only Disappointment was that no matter how I tried I still gagged when Master chose to hold my head and fuck my mouth deep. I couldn't help it and I was ashamed. "You know that a good slave must be able to take a cock right down to the balls, you put a lot of energy into your cocksucking but you just haven't yet learned the knack. We are going away for a few days and I think that we're going to consign you to the Club's trainer while we are away; your going to cocksucker school boy." I was soon delivered to another cottage with a warning to obey the training Master as I would my own Master and a hearty "make us proud boy."

My New World, chapter #4, Trained as a cock slut I was in a large, dimly lit room that was dominated by a large leather chair that sat like a throne in the middle. A man was perched on it with a very young girl at his feet, she looked to be about 17 or so and was dressed only in a loose loincloth . The man was about 40 with very short hair just starting to gray at the temples. He looked for all the world like a medieval monarch but I instantly knew that this was my training Master. I was apprehensive yet excited as I entered the room and fell to my knees as my Master had instructed me to. "Ah so your finally here boy , I've been expecting you. I know your owner has explained that you need training to improve your cocksucking skills but we'll spend a little time on just how we will work together. Kirk has assured me that you want to master this skill so it will a fairly friendly tutorial that I'll be giving you. Its not going to be easy but in the end you'll be able to swallow any mans cockmeat you suck off right down to the balls. As a slave you want to do what pleasures your owners and you know your Master wants this, you'll learn." As I listened I couldn't help noticing that the slave girl had been ever so gently motioned away and we were alone. "I know that you need to learn to deep throat a cock but its been my experience that a slave must become as one with the cock he's sucking; I know that sounds kind of Zen but that's the reality of it. Your bi-sexual so cocksucking is a supreme form of submission. There is not much that says I submit to a man as my Master, the alpha male, better than being on your knees with your face in his crotch eh. For this exercise let me free your hands, ok that's better. Open my robe and look at my cock, look closely at your real Master." I was actually trembling as I looked at his prick; it was still soft and about 7 inches long and thicker than I had ever seen. The wide mushroom head was as big as a baby's fist with a slit mouth that seemed to pulsate. I couldn't stop staring, there was no way I could take a cock this size when it was hard, what was I to do now? His balls were big, loose hanging and almost hairless. "A slave must try to become as familiar with his owners body as he is with his own. Look at the piss slot, that's where your protein will be coming from. Get your face into my balls and get used to the man-smell." As I nuzzled his balls I realized that he was right, it was exciting. "OK slave now its time to see just how good you are, open your mouth and I'll lay my cock on your tongue, let you get a little feel for the cock your going to serve." With his cock on my tongue, kneeling there with my mouth open I couldn't believe the shear heft of this cock, it felt like a thick German sausage. I could feel its pulses and smell its man-scent. There was a faint hint of piss smell. Oh he was telling me to suck on the head, I closed my mouth and felt that purple head fill my mouth. I suckled on it . The taste wasn't unpleasant and I felt I was doing a good job on my trainers cock even though my mouth was stretched around the big head. "Now take as much as you can , lets see how good you are." I felt the massive cock advancing inch by inch until I started choking. "That was only 3 inches you stupid pig , you've got a lot to learn , maybe it's time for a little demo Eh." The training Master led me into another room and I was surprised that the little slave girl was on her knees just inside. " Well cunt I guess its time for a refresher course for you anyway , get up on the bench. We call this bench our cocksucker facilitator, it usually breaks down a slaves fear and inhibitions pretty quickly so they can concentrate on pleasing their Master." I watched as the slave girl fairly scampered up and onto the bench. The bench was a narrow, leather-covered affair with a lot of machinery , straps and cuffs attached to it. The girl's Master busied him-self strapping her in with the leather cuffs until she couldn't move. He then manipulated the controls until her head was positioned just in front of his crotch. I was on my knees at eye level to his gigantic, dripping cock. As he told me to watch closely. He slowly fed his cock into her mouth seeming to savor the feeling as he filled her warm, wet hole. I was mesmerized by the utter degradation of the scene in front of me. This pretty young woman was strapped down into a completely immobile position to be used exactly as her Master wanted, I was excited. he slowly began fucking her mouth taking deeper strokes each time. "I have to let her get used to my cocks size, its better that way" he explained. The slow prodding stopped though as I watched her eyes grow wide when he punched through to her throat canal. He left it there a bit before slowly stroking its length in and out deep into her throat. I couldn't believe it. It took a while but eventually he pulled his cock, dripping wet with saliva out of her mouth and laughed. "Look at her , she looks like a catfish , she's still sucking after my cock is gone , that's dedication. It's your turn now boy, I hope I'm not wasting my time with you." He quickly unfastened her and tethered the chain on her collar to a ring on the wall; just like a farmer would secure his livestock I thought.

My New World, chapter #5, my turn. I remembered my last deep throat encounter with my Master and it made me shudder to recall how inadequate I was on his much smaller cock, what was I to do? I didn't really have much time to consider that for he motioned me onto the table. Master was really solicitous about my comfort as he began strapping me into position, I admit that as silly as it sounds I was flattered by his concern. I suppose my gratitude was similar to a dog's reaction to being petted. When I was properly fastened I was scared, I was helpless and unable to move. I sensed he was making adjustments to my position until I was staring directly at that massive cock. "You're a little lucky boy that we are alone here, I always try to break in a new cocksucker alone on a one to one basis. That way it's more intimate don't you think. The way I've placed you it's a nice clear shot straight into your gullet. I know your worried now but don't think about anything but the cock that's going to invade your throat. Your helpless so there's nothing you can do about it so only think about your Master's cock; now since this is really your first time were going to make sure you don't bite the cock that feeds you eh. Let me put this in , open your mouth nice and wide." Master busied himself fitting a ring behind my teeth then I felt it expand as he twisted a key in it. Now I was really scared. "This will keep your jaw open boy, just in case you get the urge to bite down , believe me this is better than my knocking your teeth out and besides you don't want to bite your owners cock, do you." If the purpose of this preamble was to relax me , it failed.

Master placed his cock on my tongue and just relaxed with it there. He slowly began moving it forward until it filled my mouth. With my mouth fixed open my jaws ached and I knew I had absolutely no choice or control. "That's nice slave just get used to it being deep into your mouth. You know that the average mouth is 3 to 4 inches deep and my cock is 7 inches , it will soon be in your throat so get ready. You're going to have to concentrate on breathing to do this but I'll be patient while you get used to it. A lot of Master's will just shove a dildo into their cocksucker's mouth until eventually they tire and it easily goes in. I personally like this more intimate way where the cocksucker learns to accommodate his Master's cock just because that's what the Master wants." I heard him as he slowly fucked my mouth right up to the opening to my esophagus before withdrawing. Master's cock was very thick but I was getting used to it's fullness in my mouth. With my head leaned back I could see Master's balls advancing towards my face. I admit I was very hot to serve him.

He began to pull his cock out and pause for a few seconds with his cock laying on my tongue. I was slobbering with saliva flowing out of my mouth. "One of the side effects of having your mouth pried open is that your saliva glands are open like a river ; don't worry though I like a nice, wet suck. I'm going to push into your throat now slave so take a breath eh." I gulped in air as he pushed his cock into my throat. Even though I was helpless and restrained I tried to wiggle and move as I thought I was choking. Master pulled back and silently gave me a chance to breath before advancing again past the gag reflex at my throat opening. "There's kind of a ritual to breaking in a cunt mouth you know, doing it nice and slow usually makes the cocksucker really strive to please, I know it's uncomfortable now but soon you'll be able to swallow the biggest cock right into your belly without a thought. Here it comes again boy." He was now warning me as the thick cockhead entered my throat. I could sense my throat muscles weakening as it again punched through. I was really slobbering now but had to admit that I was getting used to this invader. Master began a slow, steady fucking of my mouth just randomly pushing into my throat so I didn't know when to expect my breath to be cut off. I was no longer choking as I became aware of his balls resting on my nose with his cock stationary in my throat opening. I felt his hand on my throat as he stroked it. "That's right boy your doing good. This is really no different than breaking a pony you know. How does it feel to have your throat muscles massaging my cock head, I think it feels great." He slowly pulled his cock out while stroking my throat and face telling me that he liked feeling his cock enter my throat tube. was that all I was now , just a pet like a pony to be trained? Inside my mouth, the head slid down into the opening at the top of my throat. It wormed its way into the very top of the esophagus. Don reached out to put his hands on my head and slowly pulled my face towards his groin. Nine, then all ten inches of cock disappeared from view. Now the head of the cock was well down inside throat, pointing downwards, its curve showing a definite bulge in her neck and upper chest as it worked it's way down.

In an odd way I was really proud that I could take this man's cock al the way down to his balls, I was elated. Master slowly fucked my mouth and I could now breath on the out-strokes. "Well boy, you did it but don't get too cocky , no pun intended , for you've still got a lot to learn." Even though I couldn't close my lips I could feel His cock was growing in my mouth and throat. I knew that Master was close to cumming. He pulled out and shot his cum all over my face. With my head tilted like it was the thick stream of cum shot right up my nose causing me to again gasp and choke on it. Master paid no attention to my discomfort as he again fed his spent cock into my mouth telling me to clean it up. I used my tongue to lick and suck the sticky cum off of his prick. He was gently stroking my cheeks again and commenting on how I was a natural slave. "You know boy sometimes people think they are slaves and their only playing but I think you are prime slave material. As a boy slave you only have two holes to please with so you'll have to try harder, it won't be easy for you. You still have a lot to learn." Master busied himself unstrapping my legs and wrists as he continued talking. My mouth was still pried open and really ached as I stood up. "No-no boy , on your knees , that's the place for you. Here let me take the teeth ring out, I bet you want that by now. In a while we'll see how you perform without it. Myself I much more enjoy a slave using his mouth naturally to suck me off. You know that a mouth has much more control than any cunt so a talented cocksucker is more fun than just plain fucking. I'm going to enjoy training your mouth-cunt."

I was sitting on my haunches, with my hands loose behind my back as Master was putting something on my head. "This is a special kind of ball gag we've developed to get your throat used to the steady feel of a cock. You notice that the end of the rubber cock just touches your throat opening, you'll get used to it." I noticed that whenever I moved just right the tip of the rubber cock brushed against my throat opening; the constant urge to gag was very hard to ignore. "Don't worry , after a while you'll only feel natural with a cock in your mouth. Your owners will be back in a couple of days and you still have a lot to learn." My mouth felt truly stuffed and I had the feeling that I better get used to it. At least I now knew my Master's were returning soon.

My New World, chapter #5, The end, my end ! The next day my trainer continued my training in earnest. My balls were wrapped in thin leather strips and my leash was attached to the cord. " I bet now you'll follow me very close eh boy. We're having a guest today boy so this is kinda like your debut. I didn't really know what he meant then. It wasn't very long until I was ordered to kneel in the corner, ready for our guest. I was surprised when a tall, pretty woman of about 40 showed up. After some small talk I was ordered to crawl over for an inspection. I know that this must have looked very awkward, it's hard to move with your hands behind you. The lady seemed very interested in me and asked if she could inspect me. I was soon told to get on my feet. As I stood there like a docile dog she walked around me slowly groping me and commenting like I wasn't there. "He's not too bad is he ? How is his service , has he been well trained ?

"Actually Jane he has just begun training but I'm encouraged so far. I don't know how good a cunt lapper he is but I think he's going to be a premo cock sucker. It seems that he's a natural slave , really getting off on the shear joy of the act of submission. If you keep the humiliation factor up I think he will do anything you want , a true slave."

"Well we'll soon see eh." I was really surprised at how different being a slave in front of three people was. She cupped my balls and gently squeezed them as she smiled at me. That made it doubly surprising when she slapped me across the face still smiling. "Your to keep your eyes lowered unless your Master tells you different. You're a slut pig and you have no right to look at your betters unless ordered to. Do you understand pig ? Yes Mistress , yes I do. I noticed that the man just sat there smiling.

"I don't suppose that you think you know how to serve a couple eh , well we will make sure that you learn. Understand that your nothing but another animal to use as far as were concerned, like a kitten or puppy. To us your mouth-cunt is your best feature. You're to keep quiet unless you're told to talk, were simply not interested in any opinions you might have. As I said you keep your eyes averted and always fall to your knees with your hands behind you and your eyes lowered when a Master approaches you. You are never to refuse a Master's order, never." "Don , I see you've kept his wrists restrained , that's good. Have you broken him to a phallus yet ?

"No I really haven't had the time and I'm not experienced enough to break a pig to a phallus ; it would be interesting to watch you though." Get him dressed and we'll take him home to continue his training, before were done he'll be as great a Ladies maid as he is a cocksucker. I really don't even want to inspect him here." I was dressed and put in the back seat and driven to their house in town, boy it felt good to be without handcuffs. I followed them into a large addition in back of the house. I was very apprehensive.

After they had availed themselves of some wine they again returned to me. "Well boy you'll now see the difference in how a Woman trains and controls her slave. Slave, we must remove all of your clothing. Give them to me." She used a key to open a small, wood-paneled locker while I sat on an ottoman and took off my shoes and socks. Afterward I stood and unbuttoned the rest of my garments, surrendering them to her until at last I wore only under shorts. "Those, too," Mistress said, holding out her hand. Even after what I had been through in the last few days a flush of embarrassment swept over me. I hesitated. "Come on," she urged. I put my thumbs inside the elastic and slid the garment past my knees, to the floor, and stepped out of them. I was now totally naked in front of them. She smiled and let her eyes wander over me, then put my shorts in the locker and turned the key. I stood next to the ottoman and could tell that she was pleased with the image of my ass globes in the mirror.

She opened a drawer and found the handcuffs. "Slave I must follow the tried and true training rules. I know it is difficult, but I'll be with you as you learn, turn around and give me your left hand." I hesitated, then faced the mirror. She quickly handcuffed my hands rather comfortably behind me, double locking the ratchets. She turned me around, explaining in a firmer voice, "Now we want you to spread those legs. You must remember to do it this

way," she said to her partner, tapping my inner thigh. She urged my feet outward on the warm carpet until my legs were spread unnaturally, stretching my thigh muscles tightly. My genitals hung free and glaringly exposed. She moved her hand over my ass globes, feeling and squeezing. This treatment made my erection grow rapidly, to her satisfaction. "And remember never to speak unless asked."

She returned to the drawer and withdrew a white hand-towel and a small tube of clear jelly. She opened the towel and lay it on the table, put some jelly on her fingers and carefully spread it over the head of my cock, causing it to surge rigidly upward. She closed the tube and laid it on the towel. I was so ashamed yet so excited by being handled like this. "I know that neither of you have participated in breaking a slave to the phallus. She carried a small leather case and I wondered what it held. I saw her glance fall to my genitals as she put the case down and walked slowly around me, circling me like a cat would a trapped mouse, her eyes moving over my body from head to toe. She continued her appraisal for what seemed like several, long minutes. Finally asking my trainer ave you whipped him?" "No, he's new and untrained, a beginner, Jane." So that was my new Mistresses name. I certainly want to thank you for sharing a specimen with this much promise. Of course I will have to examine him myself."

"Of course." "Shall we begin?"

" Oh Yes, please, let get on with it."

"Good." She sat down on the other ottoman. "Bring him closer." Master took my elbow and walked me in front of Mistress Jane, my erect penis had to be at her eye level, and again she tapped the inside of my thighs with the crop, I spread my legs wide and nervously pulled against the handcuffs, breathing faster. "When you are finished here," Mistress Jane addressed me directly, you will have become a trained, sexual slave in every respect. You will be a prize for your owner, rather than just another clumsy submissive." She looked at Don, "Has he been sized?"

"No, but is it necessary, so soon?" "Oh yes, we must do it right away. But, in a moment." She idly ran her hand up my leg, beside the scrotum, my balls tightened. Her fingers played with my testicles, one by one, moving them up and down, feeling their shapes. I couldn't help it, I emitted a small moan. Using both hands she spread my scrotum, testicles apart, and examined them. She lifted my balls and looked behind them, feeling the shaft at the base of the penis. Finally, with two fingers, she squeezed the very tip of my cock, forcing out a clear drop. "Yes he is a remarkable choice.

"It's time for us to finish. Bring me the case, please, and if either of you have any questions as we go along, ask them." Master set the case in front of Mistress Jane and asked, "How long must he be handcuffed?" "Only until he learns not to touch his privates without permission. Some learn quicker than others. The training harness helps. I believe this will do." She chose a phallus from the case. It was a magnificent dildo smooth and veined like a real cock, with a ring attached to the base. "Bend him over the ottoman and bring me the jelly," she said as my eyes widened.

I was soon positioned with my legs spread, but my head down on the ottoman and my buttocks raised sharply. I was quite conscious that my balls were hanging down in full view of my Masters and Mistress Jane. I could not see, but only feel what they were doing to me. Mistress Jane squeezed some jelly onto the tip of the cock like phallus. "Now Don stand beside him, turn his feet inward on the floor as much as possible, and use both hands to spread his cheeks."

Master complied and I felt his hands on my ass globes , pulling them apart and exposing my anus. My ass hole was now fully open and exposed. "But why do you turn his toes inward, Jane?"

"It prevents him from pressing his buttocks together to resist the training cock. Now watch carefully." The jellied tip of the cock-phallus felt slippery to me as it touched the mouth of my anus.

"When you do this, Don, tease the sphincter with the cock-instrument as I am doing. It teaches his anus to grasp the tip and makes penetration easier. You might also pull slightly on his scrotum, like this. It's essential that this be done slowly and gently so he can absorb the full measure of his humiliation and also learn to crave cock." She took my scrotum, above the testicles, and pulled gently down in a milking motion. Again I couldn't help it and moaned loudly. "This milking action relaxes the males, Don. Helps them learn to take the cock-phallus. Now feel his cock. Is it very hard?"

Master reached underneath my stomach and felt my penis. It was bone-hard. Another loud moan escaped my lips. Mistress Jane spread my cheeks again. "If you looked at the end of his cock, Don, it would be red and flared," Mistress Jane continued, still teasing my ass hole with the cockhead of the phallus. "Relax and breath through your mouth, slave."

How could I relax!!!!

"Now Don, when you push it in, do it slowly, backing out slightly, then in again, moving the shaft downward, this way," she demonstrated, as the tip disappeared into my ass and the shaft followed. I felt like I was hyper-ventilating taking deep breaths and gasping out air. She pushed it in to the ring. "See how the sphincter widens easily around the shaft? He is taking it well, Don And this is the right size training phallus. We won't have to find another size until he becomes used to this one."

Only the base of the phallus, and the attached ring, was visible. I was still panting in short breaths, with my hips moving slightly, causing the ring to bob up and down a few inches.

"Yes, I see, Jane. May I try it once?"

"Of course, dear. Remove it slowly, take your time, and you may do it again." Master Don took hold of the ring and carefully withdrew the cock-phallus, pausing slightly as the head passed through the anal opening and my cheeks quivered violently.

"Before you put in back in, straighten him up and check his cock , this is a good way to find out if a sub is a true slave."

Don took my elbow and guided me to a standing position. My cock jutted straight out, pointing slightly upward. "Ha-ha just look at that cock , he likes this treatment just as I thought."

"That's why you do this slowly and deliberately so he understands just what a slut he is. Now bend him over again."

Once more I was forced, head down, over the ottoman and my legs spread apart, feet turned awkwardly in. Mistress Jane applied more jelly to the cock-phallus and Master parted my cheeks. "That's right, Tease the hole of the anus with the tip. Let the ass hole nibble and learn to reach for it like a trained horse takes the bit." And indeed, as the tip of the phallus touched my nether hole I could feel that the anal opening flexed and nibbled, like Mistress Jane said. After a moment, with Master's fingers grasping the base, Master easily slid the shaft fully in, provoking another desperate gasp from me. "In time he will get used to the phallus, Don. There is an alternate method of insertion that slave will now show you, however."

Mistress Jane slowly removed the instrument. My buttocks quivered and flexed as the shaft withdrew and I moaned again as the large phallic head passed through my anal opening.

"If you position the phallus below the anus, Don, you can force him to squat on it, thereby inserting it himself." She held the shaft upright, beneath my ass hole, and then, grasping the top of my scrotum between her thumb and forefinger, she pulled firmly down, obliging me to squat onto the phallus. Again, it slid easily in up to the ring. She released her grip on my ball sack and I was grateful for that. "I think a training harness will do for now, and a leash. Then we can take a walk to observe his motion." "Do you think he should be gagged?" "I don't know." Another long moan escaped from my mouth.

"Perhaps it would be best since he has never been force-fucked before." "I agree." She laced a ball gag around my lips and locked it in place. Mistress Jane then opened a drawer in the small table and removed a black leather harness composed of a belt and two thin straps, attached with buckles. She fastened the belt around my waist and turned it so the buckle was under my navel. The other two straps hung down together from the small of my back and fell between the cheeks of my ass sliding through the ring on the cock-phallus, spreading to each side of my scrotum where she attached them to the belt near my hips. "Now stand him up, Don, and we will collar him."

Master Don then stood me upright and I guess I jumped slightly, shaking my

harness. "See him prance? It's their way of fighting and testing the cock-phallus, Don. They all do it, for awhile, until they learn that bucking the cock is useless. The phallus always wins." Mistress Jane then took a small leather collar, no bigger than the circle of a thumb and forefinger, with a small ring set in the leather opposite the buckle, and sat herself on the ottoman. "Bring him here Don, facing me."

I was placed in front of her with my legs spread. I was breathing heavily and tensing my buttocks until Mistress Jane stroked the inside of my leg, saying "Easy boy. Easy now." I was after all bigger and stronger than her, but she was certainly in control. She skillfully lifted my balls and slipped the collar behind and around both my scrotum and the base of my penis, positioning the small ring at the front, on top of the collar. As she tightened the collar I again groaned, panting noisily into the gag.

"Oh! Is he all right?" asked Don."

"Oh yes Don. Don't be alarmed. New slaves often react strongly to the harness and collar. He will settle down. If not, there is always the crop."

At that, I moaned a little and struggled slightly against the handcuffs. "Now bring me the leash and the real gag," Mistress Jane instructed.

Master went to the drawer and found them, a long black leash and a leather cock gag. "Kneel," commanded Mistress Jane , pushing down on my shoulders. I fell awkwardly to my knees and swayed slightly. "I won't tell you again, but I want those thighs spread, even when on your knees," she reminded. "Now open your mouth. Wider. Just suck on this. Yes, all the way back." She placed the gag, a soft, compressible leather cock shaped device scented with musk and attached to a strap and buckle, into my mouth. "It is a tongue suppressor and gag, both," she explained, pulling the buckle snug behind my neck. "In time, the scent of musk will arouse him." The strap covered my lips and completely silenced all but my most intense moans. She stood me up again so that my erection bobbed out in front of her completely giving me away.

She smiled to see me quickly spreading my legs to avoid the crop. She uncoiled the leash, snapped it to the ring on the small collar around my balls and handed it to Master, saying, "He should have knee hobbles." Then Mistress Jane took two leather cuffs, joined by a short chain, from the drawer and buckled my legs together just above the knees.

"Now observe Don, when you lead him, he is hobbled so you can always keep a slight tension on the leash. Break him to the leather-training phallus by walking around. Perhaps tomorrow you can come over and exercise him outside on the grounds."

Hobbled, I moved in quick little steps to obey commands from the leash as Master pulled me forward across the room. "You will need this to keep his attention," Mistress Jane said, handing Master a short, black leather whip. "On occasion, smack his buttocks if he lags or balks. Later I will show you the art of finer whipping to raise his responsiveness." Hobbled, with the phallus deep inside me, I really felt like the slave slut I was in training to be.

My New World chapter#6,To serve the Club I was kept hobbled and restrained as my trainers led me out on a leash. In their home I noticed that they lived very comfortably and seemed devoted to a luxurious lifestyle. While I was only a trainee to them they wasted no time in explaining just what my status was. " Well slave look around, this is your new home for a while. We'll be enjoying your service even as we are training you. When we get finished you'll be a trained body slave." I was mesmerized by my situation as I stood there in chains, head bowed, listening to my owners describe how I would be their slave. My Mistress sat on a high, wide, living room chair, opened her robe and spread her legs. Master roughly led me to her and pushed me to my knees. "OK pig get a good look, before were done you'll be more familiar with that crotch than with your own face." I couldn't help salivating as I gazed on the beautiful, pink, hairless cunt of my new trainer. "Get your nose up there and get used to my scent, it's a perfume that you'll love, eau of crotch eh." Master sat on the chair edge and watched me; the fact that I was being watched added a very erotic aspect to my humiliation. The cunt had a musky odor with just a hint of stale piss smell. I shuddered as Master grabbed one of my ears and led me to those delicious, soft folds with the one word command "lick." I was soon lost in the act as I licked up and down her cunt slit using my tongue to service her. I noticed that she had begun to gush cum juice; I lapped it up like it was a fine, French sauce. "The pig looks good down there, how is he doing? Pretty good, he has a nice, wide, long tongue. With a little coaching he will be as good a cunt-lapper as he is a cocksucker. I want to get fucked now, his tongue as put me in the mood." I was roughly pushed away being told to watch as a man fucked a cunt. On the floor I watched as Master approached with his enormous cock sticking out. I was commanded to wet the head so it could slide easily into her. I sucked and licked his cock until he pushed me down on my back, she climbed on top with her cunt at my mouth. He mounted her from the rear.

For the first time in my life, I had a close-up view of a cock fucking a cunt. I was so close that I could hear the wet sucking sounds of her cunt and felt the juices spray my face with each plunge. Master Don started to tease her by slowly pulling his cock from her pussy until just the head remained inside. Then he'd wait until she started whimpering for more before shoving it back in as hard as he could. Each time she would moan loudly. His cock was so thick it stretched her pussy lips far apart, and, when he pulled out, her lips stuck to his shaft and stretched far from her pubic mound. The sight of this was awesome. I was so hot.

As Master fucked Jane, she panted and gasped for air and made sounds that I never heard before. Master fucked faster until, with a growl, he plunged into the hilt, almost squeezing his tightened nut sack inside the cunt, as well. I knew he was spraying his spunk inside her pussy now and I knew I was seconds away from eating his leftovers. He had already told me I was to be the "clean up" boy.

When Master Don pulled out his slimy meat, a long string of cum followed it out and splashed on my face. I quickly attached my mouth to her gaping gash and proceeded to suck out the warm scum. It tasted similar to what I had sucked directly from his cock but somewhat sweeter. It slid like syrup down my throat, along with Jane's own sauce. God, it was delicious! Jane then sat up and a rush of sperm flowed out of her pussy and down my throat. He must have shot a huge load deep into her!

After I cleaned everything out of her pussy, she raised her crotch off my face and looked down at me with a smirk on her face. My face was drenched with their juices. "Have fun down there?" she said and then giggled, it was the first time she had smiled. She then told me to immediately go to work on Don's semi-stiff rod. His dick was wet with mixed cum and pussy juice, which I slowly licked up. I worked my way down to his balls and gently lapped at each one, and his dick started swelling. I thought to myself, "this is where I belong."

Don took me to the main area of the club the next day. What a revelation it was, I didn't think such a place existed. This was the day I was to visit with them, Master laughingly referred to me as an interested observer as we entered the compound. This was the first time in a week that I had clothes on and it felt funny. The Club was situated in the middle of a 130-acre plot. It had been built many years ago for the express purpose of being a sex club. As we drove up I could see the brown, brick stucco walls that enclosed the place. Master dialed in the key code and the gate opened for us to walk in. We walked thru a dimly lit building and out into a large pool patio. In addition to the pool there was a hot tub, palm trees, lounge chairs and what looked like some small rooms in back of light curtains waving in the soft breeze. It certainly wasn't difficult to tell who was slave and who Master. All the slaves wore leather cuffs, collars and leashes while the obvious Masters and Mistresses were in various stages of dress with some naked and others fully clothed.

There was a small mahogany bar in the middle with comfortable bar stools and Master Don sat down motioning me to the floor on the side of him. The man next to us had a very young, pretty girl on her knees licking his feet. "Hi Don, who's the mooch, a new slave boy?" "Yeah he's new all right, I bought him here to observe, see if this is his scene. You know it's not for everyone but I think he just might make a good slave, we'll soon see." From my vantage point on the floor I tried to watch the action but I couldn't see very well. Master Don noticed and motioned me to follow him. I was soon in the middle of the compound where Master tied a rope around my neck fastened to a steel ring in the floor. " Take a good look boy, see if you can visualize yourself here. Don't worry no one will bother you without the leather collar and cuffs that make you a full fledged slave, enjoy."

As I cringed on the ground I looked around, slaves were being used all over. The majority were women but there were a few other guys. On my right a Mistress was in a hammock like sling complete with stirrups and the bottom cut out allowing very complete access to her cunt and ass. A slave girl was using her tongue and slobbering up and down her crack from asshole to fuck hole. Every once in a while a man on a recliner next to her would stand up and stick his cock in her pussy. The little slave would move her head and watch. When he finished he pulled out and she slurped his cock clean before returning to her cunt-lapping task. In all this I was amazed that the Masters seemed to be able to continuously cum, in great quantities, at will. Then I remembered Master telling me on the way down that they took a herb potion that allowed them to cum whenever they wanted. Over to the other side it looked like there was an initiation of a new slave beginning. There were two men training a slave girl of about 17 how to serve a cock. Her name was Laura and even though she, like all the slaves sought out the humiliation and shame of slavery she was certainly apprehensive. I imagined what this must be like for her.

"Now you just open up and take the head, little girl. We'll start out real slow while you get used to suckin', Ok? Now first thing, just slide your tongue around the head of my cock, get it good and wet before you get some suction going."

"Yes, Sir" she said as she slowly opened her mouth and accepted the thick cockhead. The man's cock was drooling quite a lot of precum now and she could certainly taste the salty tang of it as she ran her tongue over the huge head. The man sighed as slave Laura's hot mouth surrounded his hard cock. She had never tasted cum before but she figured if it wasn't any worse than the taste of this mans precum then he would be ok.

"Take it you fuckin' whore!!" The man said as he thrust his body up to her mouthcunt.

The slave took a quick deep breath in through her nose before the cock slammed back into her mouth. She couldn't think straight as the cock that was now her universe fucked her mouth. The long, thick cock in her mouth gagged her every time it slid down her throat. Slave Laura didn't even have time to panic as she dealt with this hard, horny Master using her mouth as a cum-dump. The swats to her ass were causing her to lurch forward eager for the prick thrusting through her lips. She could also feel the collar around her neck bite into her every time Master fucking her mouth thrust into her face, a reminder of her status. The clasp holding her collar together was not giving at all, allowing her Trainer face-fucker complete access now to her tight, spasming throat. After a dozen fast strokes into her throat the heavy breathing she heard turned to a loud groan as the cock fucking her mouth hardened. Her eyes flew open as she felt the large shaft go rock hard with a pulse working up to the tip. Suddenly a shot of cum blasted out and coated the back of her throat, then another and another until the slave girl's mouth was full of thick, hot cum swimming around Master's hard cock. The man kept thrusting into the slave's mouth as he worked out every drop of cum from his swollen balls. The taste of nut juice slammed into her senses as the slowly thrusting cock finally started to shrink. The man shuddered as he reluctantly withdrew his cock from the slave's hot mouth. He leaned down to see her body jerking with the sensation of the cock leaving her mouth.

"Now you just swill that load around in your mouth, kid, get a good taste of what you will be eating for the rest of your life, what you were born to do.

And don't you even think about spitting it out!! That is high quality V.I.P. Master cum that is not to be wasted. What do ya think cunt? Taste good?"

A tear slowly slid down Laura's face as her mouth held the thick load of man cum. The man smiled down at her. "Open up, kid, lets see how much I shot into your slut mouth!" The slave girl opened her mouth to show the man a large, milky load pooled in her mouth. Another hard thrust into her mouth from his fuck stick caused a bit of cum to slip over her lower lip and slide down her chin.

"Ah, ah, baby. That is prime man sperm! We wanna make sure you swallow it all down!" The man slowly slid his finger under her jerking chin to catch the large drop of cum. "Here ya go kid, suck that off of my finger and swallow down my load. Ya need to make room for the next hard cock to make a deposit."

She swallowed once, twice and then a third time trying to get all of the thick, sticky cum down her throat. She couldn't get it all down, it felt like it was coating her mouth and throat. I knew that the taste of cum would not go away from her senses soon!! "Good Girl." the man said as he stood tall and zipped up his slacks. "Now you enjoy that cum meal and don't worry, I will send someone else over to fill that hot mouth of yours in a few minutes. From what I saw when I got here, this place was filling up fast, there will be Masters over here one after the other. You will be eating a lot of man cum tonight, kid, but I will always remember that my load was your first. Later, kid." Slave Laura winced at the thought of eating cum but did not have time to worry about it. The man who had encouraged her by whipping her ass was standing in front of her.

There were more slaves that were tethered to floor rings or various devices that positioned them for a Master's pleasure. I watched an older slave who was fastened on her stomach over a wide, upholstered hassock. Her ankles were spread wide so that her ass was spread wide and in position for any man who wanted to fuck it. On the other side there was a red curtain that kind of closed off a corner. I wondered what could possibly go on in there given the sex being done out in the open. I sensed a presence and looked up into Master Don's face. "Well I can see from your hard on that your excited by all this. Look at me and tell me you want to continue or I'll take you out of here." He was right I had to go on, I really did like this. "I want to serve here Master, let me stay." I thought so boy, you're a natural slave but as your Master I have to tell you that it won't be easy, you have a lot to learn." He untied the rope that tethered me to the floor and walked towards the red curtain in the corner with me scampering behind him. I was soon festooned out with leather cuffs and a collar but stark naked like all the rest of the slaves on site.

As we entered I noticed that it was dimly lit, so that was the reason for the curtain. There were many slaves of both genders inside the room, which appeared to be a rest room! As my eyes grew accustomed to the gloom I saw just how strange a rest room this was. Master motioned to a slave girl tethered to a freestanding urinal in the middle of the floor. She shuffled to the back of it and stuck her head thru it. There was a hole molded into it in the shape of a head that a slave could stick their head into! Master opened his robe and took out his half hard cock. The other slaves were watching with what I thought was envy as Master Don looked down at the girl's face and slowly began to pee. I couldn't help it I sighed with the shear eroticism of it. Master looked at me and asked if I thought I was ready. "Do you think your really ready boy, want to take her place?" I nodded my head saying "yes Sir, please Sir." She reluctantly moved and Master was solicitous about placing my face just so in the urinal. When he walked around the front I took a second to wonder what I was in for, I was so hot.

Don took his time standing in front of me with a half hard on just looking at me. "Open your cunt mouth slave and lets see your eyes eh. Stick your tongue out now, try to lick that drop of piss of my slit, a little taste for you. Ah, good, now let me tell you how its going to be. I'll piss into your mouth and your to hold it there, just like a piss bowl eh, until I tell you to flush your mouth by swallowing. Its your first time so I'll go slowly so you can get used to and savor your Master's piss." I didn't have time to reflect anymore as he shot a short stream into my open mouth. It didn't taste half bad, very warm, salty and tangy with a musty pissy smell. "Swallow my piss now boy, you're a star, all the other toilet mouths are looking at you pissed off because their not getting it. Ha Ha pissed off, no pun intended cunt." Once again he filled my mouth with the warm, salty brew having me swallow on his command. I was as hot as I had ever been with my face in a man's urinal. "Well pig, I guess we both know what you are eh."

My New World chapter#7, Club Slave I had answered them that I wanted to become one of their "club slaves" and serve the Master's and Mistresses that would now own me as surely as if I was a new puppy for their amusement. They were now in the process of fitting me up with my new slave paraphernalia, an older slave woman was doing the work at a Master's direction. Of course I was naked as she locked the leather cuffs on my ankles and wrists. Master was continuing my instructions as she worked. "I think you're a natural slave but even so there are rules that must be adhered to. The Master's and Mistresses of our Club jointly own you. Anytime one of your owners gives you an order you are to rush to carry it out. After all they own you and your ultimate task is to please them. Actually your only pleasure will be giving pleasure to your Masters. The cuffs and collar are symbols of your servitude to be worn with pride. We will of coarse continue with your training as a body slave as no slave can ever be perfect. You will be whipped and humiliated as befits the mood of your owners and of course your status as property. All slaves here are equal as property and no slave is better than another unless we tell you. You may have noticed that the owners are always horny and can continually cum ,time after time. We have a herbal pill to accomplish that. The secretions of your Master's and Mistresses are sacred and you are to accept whatever is offered you taking care not to spill or swallow without their instructions. We demand your total devotion to our pleasure." I was proud of my acceptance as Master replaced my collar with one that had heavy iron rings on it. I was now decked out like all the rest, naked with only cuffs and a collar on. I was told that I must always keep my head slightly bowed as befits a slave. A leash was fastened to my ring and I was led out.

I learned that they called the big, outside lanai "the bullpen." It was where all unassigned subs stayed. Master Kirk was there and motioned me to my knees in front of him. He opened his robe and I sucked his cock into my mouth, he never paused in his conversation. It wasn't very long before he began spurting his cum into my waiting mouth. My new life, what a life.

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