My Night with Howie D

By moc.loa@eduD77nrocirpaC

Published on Mar 1, 1999


****DISCLAIMER: If you are under 18 or homosexual sex and situation offend you then read no further.

Also, this is fictional and is not meant to imply that Howie, AJ or Brian are gay......

Now if you are over 18 and homosexual sex and situations interest AND you can remember this is fantasy and NOT reality then read on.....

Before I start, I would like to give out some thanks. My good friends Jon and AJ for being there and pushing me when I needed it. Zaid for always reading (and look where that got you!) And Nick for showing me what I have to give. You are special and I don't know what I'd do without all of ya! ..............probably get more work done :)

Okay on with the story......

My Night With Howie D. Part 11 by CJ

I woke and the sun was shining in the room, but not yet on me. I just laid there with Howie's arm around me. It was so hard to believe that we had come this far.

From just meeting on Rosie's talk show to a huge separation spawned by a petty argument, the death of our two of our loved ones to us being madly in love and engaged to get married. And on top of all of that, our careers were kicking into high gear.

I was set to start filming a movie in October and was now back into "One of the Guys" on a part-time basis. And Howie and the guys were going great. They were touring, and their album was doing very well. They had just released the single "Everybody" and the video premiered on MTV and was holding the number one spot on Total Request Live for three weeks now.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Howie staring at me.

Then I started to feel it and I looked over to see him smiling at me.

He leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips. I pulled him to me and our lips parted and his tongue darted inside my mouth. We stayed deeply in this embrace til a loud buzzing noise startled us.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"The alarm clock." Howie laughed and reached over to turn it off.

"What's it set for?"

"Remember you have a meeting with Brad today. And that would be in another hour." he said and laid back next to me.

Then I remembered, the night before I had fallen asleep in the Jeep and Howie had carried me into the room and while I was falling back asleep, he had told me he was setting the alarm.

We laid there longer in each others arms before getting up and starting the day. I showered while Howie went down to the kitchen. I got out of the shower and the smell of french toast wafted up the stairs. I threw on my towel and went down to find Howie in front of the stove making breakfast! I snuck up behind him and put my arms around his waist.

"Hey! Your still wet!" he said.

"I didn't know you cooked," I said and nuzzled against his neck.

"Not as well as you, but my mama showed me a couple of things. Now go sit down and I'll serve you."

I sat down and watched him move around the kitchen and get everything. He brought me a plate and some OJ and then got his and sat down. He looked at me expectantly as I took my first bite. It was....delicious! I gobbled down the piece and smiled. He blew a sigh of relief and started eating his own. I sat there and watched him chew. Just the simplest things were sexy. He caught me staring.


"Nothing, just looking at you." I replied and calmly took another bite.

"Well, stop it makes me nervous," he said with a smile. "So you like the French toast?"

"Its great babe, I knew there was more to you than a sexy smile and bod!"

We laughed and finished up. I told Howie I would do the dishes so he could shower. While he went to shower I cleared the table and stove and then threw the dishes in the dishwasher. I got up the stairs and was just pulling on my shorts when Howie came out of the shower. Nothing on but a towel. I wanted to go over and just take him in my arms and tumble into bed, but I knew we were on a time limit, so I restrained myself. As he started getting dressed, I pulled on my shirt and picked up the phone to call Brad. His secretary picked up on the second ring.

"Brad Gouch's office, this is Sheryl. How may I help you?"

"Hey Sheryl its Craig."

"Craig, dollface, I have heard the rumour that you are coming back and this morning I see on my desk your contract and script meeting! Welcome back honey!" she went on.

"Thanks Sheryl. I just wanted to call and let ya know that I am on my way and I am bringing a friend."

She took the message and I got off just as Howie finished dressing. Joel already knew we were to be there and sure enough the limo was down in the drive awaiting us. Howie grabbed his backpack and I grabbed my wallet and keys and we were out.

"Hey Joel, what's happening today?" Howie asked as we walked to the limo.

"Nada, Howie, just at your beck and call." he said with a smile."So we are going to the studio today right?"

"Yes Joel, time for me to make my money." I laughed.

We got into the limo and settled in for the drive. The studios were about a half hour away so we settled in for the drive with Howie resting his head in my lap. Joel was silent and had his radio going and soon Howie had dozed off , so I just stared out the window and fingered his hair. We arrived at the studio and before the car had stopped I had Howie awake and ready to go, so when Joel opened the door we were ready. We stepped out of the limo and headed to the office building. We heard a honk behind us and I turned and saw Drew pulling in. He parked and got out with Shana, these out of all the people I worked with were my `friends'. Shana plays my sister Alyssa and Drew plays my best friend Tristan. They came over and we all started hugging and talking. Then Shana notice Howie.

"Hi, my name is Shana, seeing as how CJ forgot to introduce us." she said and smiled at him.

"I was getting around to it," I said and put my arm around Howie. "Drew, Shana this is my fiance Howie. Howie these are my friends."

Howie turned to me with a shocked look, but then Drew came over and shook his hand.

"Congratulations, guys. Wow! I always knew would find someone to settle down with CJ!" he said and hugged me.

"But guys, lets just keep this between us for now, aight?" I asked, noticing how uncomfortable Howie was.

They agreed and we made our way into the office building. We all went down the hall and into the conference room. It was a huge room, with a massive table in the center that could seat at least 30. On the far wall was a projection screen with which Brad used to point out flaws or perfections in our performances. Kyle (who plays my older brother Hunter) was at the coffee table getting a drink, while Mateo (who plays Hunters buddy, Slater) was at the table going over some papers. They both looked up when we walked in and smiled. Kyle came over and shook my hand.

"Its good to have you back CJ, this trilogy is gonna knock them on their asses!" he said and then turned to Howie, "Hey! Good to see you again Howie, how are Brian and the other guys?"

"They are fine Kyle, but still in Orlando. We're on break for a month and we took separate vacations." Howie said as they shook hands.

Then Brad walked through the door.

"Ah this is more like it! My family is back together again!" he said as he approached.

"Yeah Brad me and CJ were just saying how much me missed working together," Kyle said.

Drew and Shana gave me a look and I just shrugged. Then Brad noticed Howie.

"You must be Howie D. Its a pleasure to meet you, but I am going to have to ask you to wait out in the reception area while we have this meeting."

"Brad, hang on he's here with me and he won't leak any.." I said.

"No problem, I have some reading to catch up on," Howie cut me off and walked out.

I went after him and caught up with him in the hall.

"Howie, what's wrong?? Come back with me. I can talk to Brad." I said.

"No, its okay "CJ", I'll wait out here. Besides, WE need to talk later and right now I just need to think." he said and started to turn away.

"Howie! Is this about what I said to Shana and Drew?" I asked.

He kept going and when I put my hand on his arm he threw it off and didn't turn back. Then Drew popped out and told me the meeting was starting. Torn: I wanted to run after Howie, but knew I had to go to the meeting. So I turned and went into the meeting.

We spent four hours discussing the plot and when it would air. We discussed how the rehearsal s and tapings would go most importantly how the three of us were going to do movies and appear on the show. At first Brad was hardballing Shana and Drew, and they were accepting it and saying they would try to get other producers to arrange around Brad, but when he got to me, I played hardball right back, after and brought up my contract (which Jeff had drew up himself) and how I was able to make my own decisions. Seeing that I wasn't going to give, they went with me and against us Brad backed down, but you could see how much it pissed him off to do it. Meanwhile Mateo and Kyle were exchanging glances and I knew that this new season would be every bit as interesting as the others had been. We had just pulled ahead and left them behind eating our dust and they were NOT happy about it.

We finally got out of the meeting and I went to the reception area to get Howie and found he wasn't there, but Sheryl was. She squealed when she saw me and gave me a huge hug.

"Oh dollface, I have missed you!! Its good to have you back around here." she exclaimed.

"I missed you too Sheryl, hey have you seen my friend?" I asked.

"You mean Howie? Oh dear, he left awhile ago. He looked a little distraught if you ask me."

"How long ago Sheryl?" I asked

"I think it was only about twenty minutes after you went in to the meeting. OH!! Craig is he the ONE??" she asked.

I nodded and she squealed in delight and hugged me.

"I knew it! Now you go out there and apologize for whatever you did now! " she said and pushed me to the door.

I walked out to the parking lot and found Joel waiting with the limo. I got to the limo and he opened the door and gave me a strange look as I peered inside.

"Joel, where's Howie?" I asked frantically.

"He had me take him back to the condo a couple of hours ago Craig." he answered.

I jumped in and he got in and we left. As we pulled out of the studio he looked in his mirror and asked, "Is something wrong between the two of you?? He came out looking mighty angry and didn't say a word the whole time, and now here you are looking as if someone has left you on prom night."

I looked at Joel and just then realized that he wasn't that much older than me and yet gave off the distinct impression of someone much older. I also realized he knew more about me and Howie than many and still was kind toward us.

"Joel, how long have you know about me and Howie?" I asked.

"The twenty million dollar question eh? Craig, I have known since I was hired for this job. And even if I hadn't I would have known the second the two of you got into the limo from the airport."

"How?!" I asked.

"Well, you have a closeness that only two types of people have; brothers and couples. And with what I have seen and overheard you sure as hell aren't brothers!" he said.

We both laughed and I realized how at ease I felt with Joel.

"So Joel, how did you get hired to be our "escort"?"

"Well, my dad is the owner of the limo company and when I had heard that you and Howie were going to need and escort, I used my family ties to get it."

"But how did you know about me and Howie? Did Jeff tell the company?"

"Now you know he couldn't do that, you see, Jeff is my uncle and all the people who know are: him, my dad and me. Your secret is safe with us. Besides, I think it is pretty cool. Mind you, I am strictly into the females myself, it is cool that two of the guys in the industry that I like the most are gay."

We kept this conversation up and in no time we were at the condo. We pulled in and Joel asked me if I needed him for anything further.

"No, but Joel, tomorrow the other guys are arriving and Howie isn't supposed to know about it until Friday. So can you pick them up and get them to the hotel?"

"No problem Craig, so you are planning a surprise party?"

"Yeah, hey, you and your girlfriend are invited to Joel."

"Gee, thanks, but I will be goin stag. Unless this is a couples thing?"

"No, bring a friend if you want, but Joel you have been cool to us and this is my way of repaying you."

I gave him the info for the guys flight and went into the condo. It was silent and if I hadn't seen the Jeep in the drive I might have thought that Howie had left. Figuring he was at the beach and still not wanting to talk, I went up to the kitchen to grab something and found him sitting at the table writing something. Remembering what happened the last time we fought, I was determined to break the ice first.

I came up behind him and put my arms around him and held him. I expected him to struggle, but instead he put down the notebook and wrapped his arms around mine.

"Howie, I just want to say, I am sorry for telling about us and I promise I'll try not to be so stupid in the future. " I said and laid my head against his.

He sighed and said, "Its not your fault Craig. It just caught me off guard and then I was kind of shoved into the background while your friends took center stage."

"No Howie, your never the background, you are ALWAYS my center stage and nothing is ever going to change that."

I pulled him up and he turned to me and we kissed. As our tongues explored each others mouths our hands did so with our bodies. Howie pushed aside the chair and backed me against the counter and as he kissed me, grinded his crotch against mine. He was so hard and his cock was straining to get out. Breaking our kiss he pulled my shirt off and went to work on my chest. He ran his hands across my abs and worked his tongue around my nipples. I just leaned against the counter enjoying this. He slowly worked his way down lower and got to my belly button, and after toying with it, removed my belt and unzipped my shorts. They fell around my ankles and as he pulled my boxers down my cock sprang out and almost hit him. He took it in his hand and hungrily went down on it.

He engulfed me down to my pubes and slowly worked his way up and then down again. He kept at this and would alternately suck my cock and lick my balls. Soon I was gripping the counter and my knuckles were white and I let go with the most mind blowing orgasm I have ever had from head. Howie took it all in, not letting a drop escape.

I pulled him up and put him against the counter and ripped away his shirt and shorts. Just standing there in his boxers (which had a major tent going on) he looked at me and I took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply, tasting traces of my cum. Skipping the foreplay, I just went straight for his throbbing cock and much like he did engulfed it, but instead of keeping it constant, I decided to tease a little.

I would go all the way down, then come up and stop for a minute and then do it all again. After about five minutes of this, he reached down and held my head and proceeded to fuck my face. Giving in I let him ram my mouth. He built up his rhythm and intensity and his balls were slapping my chin. I could feel him tensing and prepared myself and not a second later, he started shooting off into my mouth. I took it all down my throat and kept on it til his cock softened and he pulled me up to him. Kissing each other we smiled and made our way to the shower.

After we got out of the shower we fell onto the bed and cuddled. The next thing I knew, I was asleep nestled against Howie.

We woke the next morning to a car honking. I got up and went to the window and saw that it was Joel in the limo. I looked and the clock said it was ten in the morning! Me and Howie had slept the whole night AND slept in still. I picked up my cell and called Joel.

"Hello" he said on the first ring.

"Joel, what's going on?" I asked.

"Well, you are needed at the studio Craig, in fact your needed now, so you better hurry down."

"Joel, I just got up! And I didn't know that I was supposed to go in today!" I said and started looking for clothes.

"Well, some PEOPLE arrived and some PLANS need to be made, and it is important for YOU to be there without COMPANY."

Then it dawned on me. The guys were here and we needed to set things up, and I needed to do this without Howie knowing.

"Well I will be down in like 10 minutes ok?"

"No problem Craig, I'll be here."

We hung up and I started throwing on clothes. Not having time to shower, I just threw on some shorts, muscle tee and my Nike hat. I grabbed my bag and went over and kissed Howie on the cheek. He had slept through the whole thing and I wanted to let him sleep, that way I could also slip out easier. I wrote a note telling him I would be at the studio and he could call my cell to get to me. I put it on the nightstand and quietly left the house.

I got into the limo and found the Backstreet Boys awaiting me.

"Bout time you got here, what's up not enough beauty sleep?" Aj asked.

"Or were you and D just REAL busy," Nick said with a smile.

"Yeah well I missed you guys too." I said and laughed.

"So Craig what's our plan?" Kevin asked.

"I was thinking about having a beach party here at the condo. It would be kewl, we got the condo and the beach behind it and that way we can have plenty of people here." I answered.

"That would be cool, so what do we need to do to get this ready?" Brian asked.

"Well we need to get the supplies, the DJ, the guest list and I think that is it."

"Well, we have friends coming in from Orlando." Brian said.

"And I have everything set with Howies family." I said.

"So we got the guest list, and we have two more days until the party, so maybe we get the DJ settled today and the supplies can go for Friday" Kevin said.

"So in the meantime we have to stay hidden from D, right?" Nick asked.

"Actually no, we can probably let him know, we just won't tell him about everyone else." I said.

"No, he would know there was more, remember we all planned to meet up later, no one said anything about coming here for his birthday. So that means that you are gonna have to show us the sights Craig." Aj said.

"No problem, Howie thinks that I am on the set, so I can show you guys whatever you want. After we arrange a DJ." I said and lowered the partition, "Joel, do you know where I can find a good DJ?"

"Yeah, I can set it up for you if you want?" he answered.

"Kewl, get him for Friday night from six to about midnight. And price isn't a problem." I answered.

"Gotcha, anything else?" he asked.

"Well, you guys eat yet?" I asked.

They all said no.

"Aight Joel lets go get something to eat and then hit the mall."

So we all sat back and without knowing it had just set into motion, the end of me and Howie.




My love is all I have to give, and all I want is Howie..............

As always, comments good or bad to or chat me on ICQ #30076584.

Next: Chapter 9

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