My Ra

By moc.liamg@arsnosaj

Published on Apr 9, 2007


This is my first nifty story but I read enough of these that I wanted to give it a try. Now I'm going to tell you all right now that this is not going to be a story that going to be all about sex. For the most part this is a true story. The names have been changed but besides that I'm going to try and keep it really close to the truth. I really would love to hear comments back. If this writing style works, is there a good enough picture to understand the story, things like that. I guess I will also take some suggestions on the plot. I want to stick to the real story as much as possible but I can bend it a little. So without further interruption the story begins.

My RA Chapter 1 "How We Met" My email is

It's almost the end of the school year and I think I might be one of the only people that are upset about it. With school coming to an end this means that I wont get to see my...well...I don't really know what to call him. We've been "together, together" since I guess the end of first semester. But we've never really brought up what we are. Anyway you're probably totally confused to what I'm talking about. I guess I should start at where it all began. See I'm a freshman at a University in the heart of the Midwest. So yeah my first year of college and I love it. I was excited just too finally get away from my family and just have the "normal" college experience.

August 17th was the day I moved into my dorm, which was on the 10th floor of the building. With the elevators extremely busy because of it being move in day the stairs were faster. So after carrying two boxes up ten flights of stairs I made it to the top. So after walking around the floor trying to find my room I find a door tag with Jason and Corey (my roommate's name) outside my door. I inserted my key card and dropped my boxes on the floor of 14 x 18 foot room I would be sharing with another person. With not being in my room for more then two minutes I hear. "Hello." I turn around suddenly and am met by an older looking college guy.

"I'm going to take a guess and say you are Jason," He says looking at the door sign.

"Why yes how did you know?" I said as approached him to shake hands.

"Just a lucky guess... it's a 50 50 chance." He said with a bit of a laugh.

"Yea I guess it is." I mumbled out. I was more focused on checking him out. He wasn't like some Greek god sent down from the heavens. He was just your normal looking college guy. He was 6 foot tall with close cropped blonde hair. He had the small town guy look. He look to have what I would think would be an athletic build. I would probably guess baseball with the tan he was revealing with his khaki shorts.

"Oh well I guess I should take a guess and say that your name is Mark." I said with a sly tone. He kind of looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Yeah I'm Mark. How did you know that?" he replied kind of taken back.

"Just a lucky guess... that and it says Mark on your shiny gold name tag." I reply in a sarcastic tone. He was wearing a brown shirt that had our school logo on the chest and was the name tag.

"Oh yeah I forgot I was wearing this." He replies and it looked like he was blushing. My dad is in the room the whole time. He probably even noticed that part when I was checking Mark out. My parents aren't alright with it but they know that there is nothing that they can do and believe me, they have tried. Anyway Mark introduces himself to my Dad. Mark then informs me that he is my RA. (Resident Assistant is an older college student who lives on the floor to make sure that you have sort of "guidance" on the floor.)

"Well if you guys don't need anything I'm going to meet the other people arriving. Come find me if you need anything." He says before wondering off down the hall.

"Will do." So I was the first to admit that I had a crush on my RA. He was definitely cute. But he wasn't giving off any sign of being anything close to gay. But hey a boy can dream. So after moving all the rest of my things in my parents took me to Target to grab some last minute things and then out to eat before they head back home. I only lived a little over an hour away. So it wasn't that far of a drive for them.

So I returned to a dark dorm with boxes all over the room. I slowly started to unpack and made what little room I had mine. After a good hour I decided to get online. So I opened my laptop to get online and a screen popped up that said I had to register my computer before getting online. So after I register I'm then informed that it could take up to an hour. So have nothing to do but unpack my room I kept unpacking my room. So after about an hour I go to my computer to see if it is working yet. Still isn't. I decided to see if other people were having the same problem but no on had really moved in yet. So I went to Marks room. I guess I really didn't realize how late it was until Mark came to his door in shorts and his room was completely dark.

"Oh sorry I didn't realize how late it was. I guess it is almost midnight." I say feeling bad about disturbing while also starting at his revealed upper body.

"Its alright I was just watching to some TV. I hadn't actually gone to bed yet. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah umm don't worry about it. It's nothing."

"Are you sure?"

"Well I can't get my internet to work."

"Well let's take a look." We walk over to my room and he sits down at my computer. He clicks around and it still doesn't work. I stand there in the dark room. The only light in the room is coming from my desk light. My eyes slowly drift to his naked back. It is so perfect. I have the urge to come up behind him kiss his neck. All the sudden he clicked something and I see "Google" come across the screen and it snaps me out of my daze.

"Wow thanks. How did you do that?"

"I don't really know."

"Well it's fixed and that's all that matters."

"Thanks Mark."

"Goodnight Jason." He walked back to his room. I wish he would have stayed and talked but I did just keep him from going to bed. With it almost half past midnight I decided that I was very tired. A long day of moving will do that to you. I laid in bed that night thinking about him. I don't know what it was about him. Even at dinner I was catching myself thinking about him. I slowly drifted off to sleep hoping that this was leading somewhere.

Please tell me what you think.

Next: Chapter 2

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