My Safeways Chicken

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Aug 10, 2004


-WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty. My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE

My Anniversary Story .......... MY FIRST FULL YEAR WITH NIFTY

This story is for the sweet little kid (probably 17 or 18) who does one of the registers at the local Safeways. His name is certainly not Oscar. Hope he never reads it because he blushes something terrible.



1 - Oscar Leaves, Carl Cums.


G. Cutter

Suppose I've got to do the preamble. I'm nineteen, drop dead gorgeous, got an amazing six pack and a dick like a donkey. Anyway, that's the American Dream but we're in the dreary old grey U.K. so let's start again.

I am nineteen indeed, nineteen coming on twenty. I have no family as I'm a foundling and have survived a number of insitutions and foster parents. I live on my own at present and am retired from work.

That one got you going didn't it. This will sound an utter load of crap but believe or not, I don't really care. I won our National Lottery just before my nineteenth birthday. When you realise that our Nation Lottery has created over five hundred millionaires over the years I suppose I'm not that exceptional, just lucky. As they often say, someone has to win. I won't broadcast how much as I don't want kidnappers on the doorstep. I keep my finances very well hidden between my financial advisor and bank manager both of whom earn well out of me.

Anyway, to get a bit more personal. I'm just around the six foot mark, reasonably well built and yes, I have a six pack as I did quite a bit of youth boxing which explains the broken nose as I wasn't very good at it. I've got dark brown hair which I keep short, dark grey eyes, all in all your typical Hitler Youth (joke, chaps). I did well at the various schools I attended and that was at sports and with the studies. It was a bit of a shock coming into my money and I went off the rails a bit. Did a lot of drinking and employed a lot of rent boys. You guessed ..... bully for you, I'm gay. Of course I am, I wouldn't be writing on Nifty else, would I? The point was although I went through this patch for around nine months I never let any of these little scrubbers know that I was loaded otherwise I could have been in big trouble. When you hit the double million plus and stay at your same level of society with the same friends you are really asking for trouble.

I think my bank manager saved me, he got me in and gave me a fatherly chat, more of a bollocking really and I saw the light. I moved area and cut myself off completely from my old life. Big problem, I like company, I like a firm, warm body in my bed and I'd decamped to what appeared to be the Geriatric Capital of the World ... Guildford.

I joined a couple of clubs and cruised a few pubs but the demon drink was under control and I kept myself on the straight and narrow. The problem is that when you're half drunk and you're loaded you can pick up, swag and shag (I like that) without any great misgivings. When you're sober and careful the complete reverse applies, you're scared of your own shadow.

I think it took about a six month to come out of the alcohol zone and then more time to rebuild my self confidence. It's a hard thing to explain but now I'm nearly twenty I feel better in myself, I certainly don't chuck around the money I used to but my sex life has just about gone tits up to put it bluntly.

Anyway, although wealthy I've never been pretentious or posh. I'd got myself a nice single story detatched and a decent car and spent a hell of a lot of time surfing the net chatting up various under age muppets. The trouble was most if not all of them were very reluctant to send you photographs so you never knew if they were the age they claimed or some soppy old perv. I chatted to some British kids, one in Manchester, one in East London and another in Manchester but they all claimed sixteen for an age and six plus for a dick but never a photograph.

I think my saving came about one day when I went shopping. Yeah, even fat cats have to eat. I went to my local Safeways to top up on food and I saw this kid, I fell in love instantly and totally. Now how's about that for a change of pace because you were getting pretty pissed of with this lot so far. Right.

His name was Oscar or so his name tag said and he was manning a till at the local supermarket. Make a good song title that. His Name was Oscar. As soon as I saw him getting flustered and politely arguing with some old biddy I was smitten. He had fair hair cut in what I think they call a 'massacre', he may have got it at the local butcher's, he was fair complexioned with fantastic greyish green eyes. He was a very good looking kid and I could see that he was getting stressed which is not suprising working in a super market on a Saturday afternoon. Hell, I was getting stressed trying to get some food and booze.

Ha ha, I hear you say. Gotcha! Be fair, I never said that I'd stopped drinking, I just said that I'd got it under control, all right critics.

Anyway, here I was and there he was. It was difficult to judge his height sitting behind the till counter but he was definitely slender, thin arms and fine hands, I did notice that he seemed to have tried a bit of home tattooing on the webbing between thumb and fingers but you had to look hard to see it, of course I was looking hard at everything about him. He'd certainly not done too much labouring with those hands but I wasn't into rough trade anyway but he was so good looking.

'Thank you, Oscar,' I paid up and gave him the long stare. It never works, with my broken nose I look like a bloody thug. He just mumbled something and gave me my change. I don't suppose too many people read the name tags and do the over polite bit. I got to my car and stowed the shopping. God, I had to have that kid, didn't know how and I didn't know when but I was well and truly in love. I drove home I had some serious plotting and planning to get down to.

The first step was to phone the Safeways manager on the Monday and explain that I'd been so please with a certain Oscar and that I'd like to write my thanks. They obligingly told me they only had one Oscar and his surname was McBride. Very good of them. Next down the Council offices to check out the Electoral Lists which are public property. Only two McBride families listed in the area so it was all down to a bit of lurking in the car. That was easy, I had his name and his home address within the day. Naturally enough I also had his home phone number.

All details but as they say knowledge is power, told you I was smart at school. The next step was to visit Safeways on a regular basis although not always making a beeline for young Oscar, I chatted up one of the girls and found out their shifts, even applied for a job and got the shift patterns down to a tee. I then started to make a point of using Oscar's till when he was on ..... it took me two weeks before I got my first smile and a shy 'hello,' he normally looked a bit harassed as if he wasn't too keen on the job but that smile. It transformed him, he was gorgeous, his teeth were perfect, his lips were absolutely eatable even the shitty green shirt they have to wear looked good on my boy Oscar. A couple more visits a couple more smiles, I was ready to progress to stage two and I had to be very careful. He seemed quite shy, maybe a bit of loner, mind you the rest of the male staff there were nonentities. Don't get me wrong, I hadn't sat indoors for a fortnight and moped over Oscar, I had other things in the pipeline so to speak.

The first great step forward was to give him a lift. I'd ascertained that he caught a bus to work so it was matter of 'accidently' driving by his bus stop at the right time pretending that it was something I did on a regular basis and stopping to offer him a lift. Naturally enough he recognised me after a month's custom in his store and he accepted my lift. I just don't know how I kept my hands off his slender body, he was slightly shorter than I, probably about 5 ft 10 and so sweet to talk to. I obviously didn't press him on the first lift but just made the time of day. When I dropped him off at work I promised to look out for him in the future, it would save him an expensive bus fare after all. He thanked me very sweetly and he was off. He was a well spoken boy and clearly out of place with the normal run of Safeway's staff, I cursed the store for the crap uniforms they issued, the puke green shirts and the baggy black trousers, he'd look gorgeous in maybe a sleevless t-shirt displaying his smooth brown arms and a nice pair of faded jeans stretched over his undoubtedly tight bottom, maybe even a pair of tan cargoes draped on his slender hips.

He opened out like a flower in the sun after a few trips, I didn't overdo the 'accidental' lifts, just two or three a week, I was being very cautious. I found out he was seventeen, he didn't seem to have too happy a home life although I didn't pry and more importantly he didn't have a girlfriend, apparently he found girls quite boring. Music to my ears. My hot pursuits via the chat rooms were turning up zilch so I decided to go Oscar full time. After all, I was a person of independent means.

Anyway, I had an important test to carry out and I did it late one Friday evening. He was on his till and it was nearing closing. I had a folded up fifty pound note in my wallet that I let drop into the section where you bag up your gear when I paid the bill, there was no one behind me and he could quite easily pocket the note if he wished. I picked up my bag wished him goodnight and walked away.

'Hey, hey. Excuse me.' Oscar had stood at his till and was calling after me.

'Yeah, what's the problem?'

'You dropped fifty quid from your wallet.' What a sweety, what a nice honest sweety.

'What a dummy,' I tried to look annoyed with myself. 'Here take a tenner, finders fee.'

'Nah, nah,' he held his hands palm out making it quite clear he wasn't into rewards.

'OK, let me give you a lift home then.' I knew perfectly well that he finished in around ten minutes and the bus service was hell. I should know, I'd been studying (or stalking) him for long enough.

Before you all start saying 'sad prat,' I loved this kid. I loved him so hard it fuckin' hurt. Now if you've never felt like that you're not human, you're a fuckin' alien.

'Dunno, I was thinking about having a drink on the way home,' he gave me his shy grin. I smiled to myself, the kid wasn't that silly. I suppose he thought that anyone who was stupid enough to throw fifty pound notes around was well able to pay out a couple of drinks as a reward.

'Meet you in the Carpenters Arms in fifteen?'

He looked at me for a long moment and then gave me a broad grin, bloody beautiful. 'OK, if you can give me the lift afterwards.'

'No problems.' I smiled back. Looked like Stage Three was upon me.

I had a nervous twenty minutes sitting in the rather posh bar of the Carpenter's Arms, it was not the sort of pub that shop assistants frequent so I wasn't worried about any of his workmates spying on us or even embarassing him. The slight torture was waiting the fifteen to twenty minutes, would he come in or would he decided against it.

He sidled in the door and I realised he was under age for a pub but the night was dead and I imagine the publican would be grateful for any custom. He spotted me from the doorway and I stood up to welcome him and ask his order. He wanted one of those alcopops, five percent alcohol and instant tooth decay. I settled for a whiskey and a splash of lemonade, it's about the only spirit mix which doesn't floor me. We sat down and I asked him about his day making general conversation. It was relaxing and the pub was cosy and certainly not overcrowded.

'Supposed to be a pretty crappy job, Safeways or so I hear.' I toasted him and grinned. 'Here's to an honest man.'

'Thank you,' he smiled. 'Yeah, the money's pants.'

That threw me for a moment until I realised that 'pants' was the current 'in' word for rubbish or more crudely crap.

'And you gave away a gift of fifty quid.'

'It wasn't a gift was it?' He grinned. 'You dropped it.'

'So I did,' I took another sip of my drink and we sat silent for a moment listening to muted sounds from a small radio on the bar top.

'It's nice in here,' he gave his lovely little grin again. 'Bit upper crust though.' He looked at me over his glass and put it down on the table. 'You seem to be in and out of the shop a lot lately.'

Shit, he had noticed after all. 'Got a lousy memory, that's why. Anyway, it's good to see my favourite assistant helping all those little old ladies.'

'Yeah, they kill me,' he pulled a face. He didn't comment on the favourite assistant bit. 'I really don't like working there,' he looked at me and gave me a sad little smile. 'Can I ask you a personal question?'

'Not too personal,' I gave him an encouraging smile. Personal was just what I wanted.

'What do you do for a living?'

'I'm a freelance photographer, I work for myself.' I'm a bit surprised that he'd never asked the question before. I was telling a pack of lies of course but I could make it up as I went along.'

'That's what I should be doing instead of sitting behind a till.'

'Needs training,' I stood up and went to the bar, he was opening up a little now.

I returned to the table and gave him his drink. He gave a little giggle. 'I shouldn't have too many of these, I'll get myself drunk.'

'Could be dangerous.'

'Why?' He grinned at me.

'Well, you know .....'

'No I don't, he grinned at me. 'Why?' he repeated his question.

'I might attack you, I might be a dirty old man.' There you go. That's what they call throwing the gauntlet down. I watched him carefully, his reaction would be interesting.

'You're too young to be a dirty old man,' he looked at me keenly.'What are you twenty, twenty one?'

'Nineteen, twenty in a couple of months.'

'Well, I'm eighteen in three months,'; his voice had dropped to a whisper. 'Not much in it.'

'True,' I smiled. 'What time do you have to work tomorrow?' I knew perfectly well he had the next two days off.

'I don't but if you want to make a move,' he suddenly looked uncomfortable maybe thinking he'd outstayed his welcome.

'No. No rush,' I soothed him. 'I was worried about you getting into trouble at home.'

'I'm always in trouble at home. Doing what I'm entitled to do spend some of my earnings on a drink isn't a priviledge, it's a fuckin' right.

I wasn't shocked, all kids swear to some extend but he sounded bitter, very bitter. I was also a bit taken by his turn of phrase, his English was good he wasn't a moron like some of the teenagers I'd come across. Naturally enough I didn't point out he was spending my money not his earnings.

'Mmmm,' I tried to sound sympathetic. Where now? I let him talk.

'I'd like to get a decent job and get my own place.' he took another healthy swig of his drink. Of course my ears had gone up like a Trekky's Spock at his remarks.

The ghost of an idea was drifting through my mind, it would cost money but that wasn't a thing I was short of. It would be an investment, I wasn't after a one night stand you understand, I was after a permanent full time teeny companion and Oscar filled the bill. I should have said lover instead of companion but I had time. Worstways I could investigate the pair of so called kids up in Manchester, it wasn't a thousand miles away after all.

'You're miles away,' he giggled. 'Sorry I'm a bit of a whinger, it's been a hard day.'

'No sweat, Oscar.'

'I hate that name,' he snarled very prettily. My middle name's Carl .... that's short for Carlton,' he giggled. 'But don't tell anyone.'

'Carl suits you,' I tried a bit of soft soap. 'Can I call you Carl?'

'If you like,' he looked at me for a moment as if sizing me up. 'Yeah, why not.'

'Righton Carl,' I stood up and virtually galloped upto the bar again before he could do a Cinderella on me. Luckily the last bus had gone so he was in for a long walk if he did do a runner.

'Cheers,' he accepted his third bottle. 'You've given me lifts, you're buying me booze and I haven't asked your name yet.'

'Mark, Mark McCloud.'

'Hey two Macs,' he giggled again, I think the drink was beginning to work.

'Two Macs?' I tried to look mystified.

'Yeah, my name's McBride.'

'Carl McBride, it sounds good.'

'Does it,' he grinned pleased with the silly little compliment.

'Good name for a model, you should do some work for me.'

'Really,' his eyes seemed to light up, I might just have hit the jackpot. 'What sort of modelling.'

'Clothing; trousers, shirts, boxers, y-fronts, anoraks, sports kit,' I reeled of a list of kit that I'd probably buy him if he moved in. How's that for long term delusional. 'Maybe the odd nude out in the garden.'

'Nude?' His voice broke and he squeaked and spluttered his drink.

'Tasteful stuff.'

'Yeah, I bet,' he scoffed but he didn't look too alarmed. 'You sell all this stuff.'

'Yeah, I gotta cover my costs,' I explained the finer points. 'If the clothing angle's a bit slow I can sell the nudeys online.'

'Dunno about having the bod online for everyone to see,' he gave a very dirty laugh.

'How many people do you know surf sites for naked teenage boys?'

'Dunno,' he shrugged. 'Got to be some but they aren't going to tell me are they?'

'Probably not but most of my stuff goes to the States or Eastern Europe.' This fact was true. Pictures I'd taken of ex boyfriends normally went onto my private CDs but any 'over the top' I normally passed onto one of the sites for a small payment. It was a hobby, not an earner. If I ever did get any of Oscar, sorry Carl, doing the biz I certainly wouldn't be selling them on without his sayso.

He looked at me and grinned, I noticed his eyes were just slightly too sparkly, I think the stuff he was drinking was taking it's toll.

'You serious?'

'What? About the modelling?'


'Yeah, you're a good looking kid, you'd go down well.'

'You think I'm good looking?' He beamed, he actually lit up, kids are such suckers for compliments.

'I think so,' I lowered my voice. I didn't want everyone in the pub eavesdropping not that there were too many people about anyway. 'I think you're very attractive.' There you go, I'd said it.

'Oh.' He looked at me again and concentrated on his drink. His slightly drunken mind must now be whirring like clockwork. The whole conversation had reached a turning point and he was smart enough to know it. I still don't think he knew that I'd been after him for a month to six weeks and hopefully he didn't know what my main interest was but he was on alert now. The point: Was he straight or even homophobic, was he gay (small chance) or was he adaptable?

'How much do you pay for this modelling?'

'I'd pay by the session,' I tried to explain, bearing in mind I was making it all up as I went along. 'Maybe thirty quid for a two hour session of clothing, maybe fifty quid for a couple of hours nudes. Extra for outdoors stuff ..... you know, nude on a secluded beach, that sort of stuff. Small bonus for doubling up with another kid on the clothing. Double bubble for doubling up on the nudes.' All I had to do was remember that lot. I wasn't too sure if I had it right or attractive enough but it was a starting point.

'Doubling up nudey,' he giggled, the idea seemed to appeal. 'Nothing naughty?'

'Good God, no.'

'Oh,' he looked slightly disappointed.

'Unless you and the other kid wanted to let your hair down,' I chucked that one into the melting pot.

No comment there, however, he did give me a little grin. He wasn't thick for God's sake. He might even have been wondering why I didn't just spin him fifty quid for an all night in, I wasn't a bloody mind reader was I?

'Quarter of an hour to closing,' he looked up at the bar clock. 'Lemme get you a drink,' he fished a wallet out of his back pocket.

'No way,' I held my hand up. 'I'm rewarding you for the honesty bit.'

'Nah, I'll get it,' he insisted. 'Gotta keep the right side of the new boss.' He did a little blush and walked upto the bar.

Yesss, yes, yes! We were on our way. Mind you the way he weaved upto the bar I might be home and dry quicker than I'd anticipated. But as I've said, a one night stand would be marvellous but I wanted strings, I wanted him to come around in his time, I wanted him to want me as much as I wanted him, I wanted a marriage.

'Here you go, it was a whiskey wasn't it?'

'Yeah, thank you. I've got to be careful driving. Anyway, I've got some drink indoors.'

'Have you?' he looked at me over the rim of his glass. This time I was a mind reader. He'd got a taste for it and I knew he was off tomorrow. I suddenly had a feeling that all the stalking and preparation had been a waste of time, he was going to go down tonight.

'Yeah, you're welcome to drop around if you like,' I spoke casually, chucking bait around actually.

'I wouldn't mind,' he looked at me hopefully' I really don't know if it was the booze talking or if there was something else there, the latter I hoped. 'Gotta sofa?'

I thought for a minute and then it sunk in. 'I have got a spare bedroom as well as a sofa.'

'Mmmmm,' he looked at me and sort of rocked his head from side to side as if he was making a weighty decision. 'I'll have to phone up the people and get slagged off.'

'Your choice.' I didn't want to influence him in any way, I also didn't want to get into trouble with his parents although he was seventeen and could do what more or less what he liked. Kids get confused about this, they seem to think that after sixteen they can do their own thing, in fact, as long as you live under someone's roof you have to do what you're told more or less. You can't use the place like a dosshouse or a hotel. I slid my mobile over the table. 'Do it outside whilst you feel brave.'

'Pushy, pushy,' he gave me a grin, grabbed the phone and walked out into the lobby.

He knew, I'm bloody sure he knew but he was playing his cards as close to his chest as I was. I think it called for another drink, they seemed to be working. One thing was for sure and that was I needed his measurements, all the stuff I'd got left over from previous adventures would be far to large. Still if we opted for nudes first we wouldn't need the clothing. Hope spring eternal in the human breast.

'That's sorted them,' he came back into the bar looking quite annoyed.


'My dad says that if I stay out the night again at a minutes notice I can pack my bags and get out. He says I'm to give him twenty four hours notice of staying out.'

'Well he didn't say you couldn't .....' I tried to sound reasonable and wind him up at the same time. It worked.

'Cheeky sod.' He didn't even notice that he had another bottle in front of him. 'Don't want to rent that spare room do you?' He looked at me quite seriously.

I actually sat back and gawped at him. He'd actually walked right into it, he'd more or less propositioned me or at least that's the way I saw it.

'I dunno.' I started a strategic withdrawal. 'I like it on my own at the moment, I don't know how I'd get on with a kid running around the house.'

'A kid,' his voice rose. 'You're only eighteen months or so older than I am.'

The fact that we were virtual strangers and he was more or less demanding a room off me seemed to have escaped his notice. Booze talking again I suspected. I wondered idly if I gave him a bit of modelling and paid him some money, treated him nice without any pressure he may stay the weekend and really fall out with his folks. I could be on a winner, I needed to be careful but I was just so obsessed with this kid.

'How much do you pay at the moment?'

'I pay fifty quid a week for my room and food and laundry.'

That seemed a hell of a lot to ask of a boy working in Safeways for crap money and having to pay pretty hefty fares.

'What if I made a suggestion?'

'Go on,' he looked at me and took another sip.

'What if I said twenty quid a week but you do some modelling for me, feed yourself or pay for your food, keep your own room tidy and maybe run the hoover around for me now and then ..... things like that.'

'Sounds interesting.'

'Well you'll see the house tonight and you can sleep in the room that's on offer.'

'Great,' he grinned. 'I thought you were gonna suggest that I slept somewhere else,' he gave me a little smirk. So much for Mr Innocent Teenager. This kid knew which way was up.

'The sofa?' I gave him a blank look.

'Yeah,' he laughed. We were back to wordgames. I wondered if he had any experience with full on sex or was just into chat, maybe he'd had experiences with other kids. Who knows. As I said earlier I wasn't a mind reader although sometimes I wished I was.

At that moment the bell went for last orders. 'One for the road?'

'Yeah, please,' he hiccupped. 'Don't want to get drunk though.'

'Not really,' I murmured to be rewarded with another of his laughs. Amazing, a couple of cheap drinks and the surly shop assistant had gone to be replaced by a slightly worldly wise teenager barely out of his boyhood. I had visions of his slender pale skinned body laying naked on my bed and tried to banish them before I got a raging stiffy on and let the side down. Progress; excellent so far, what the night would bring was anyone's guess but I was determined to play it cool unless, of course, he demanded sex which I thought was a bit unlikely.

I got the final drink and we sat in companionable silence for the remaining minutes. He'd learnt something of me and I'd gathered information on him. From various remarks I'd gathered that he wasn't a total innocent, after all how many teeneagers were in this day and age.

I didn't know if he had suspicions regarding my motives or not but I was quite convinced I was being as transparent as a chunk of glass. How thick was he, how smart was he. I didn't know. I'm a great romantic and I was convinced that love would find a way. Nice, uh!

I drained my glass and looked across the table, there was still time for him to back out and break my heart.

'We going?' His speech was a little slurred but nothing to make you think he didn't know what was going on, he knew exactly what he was doing.

'Car's round the back,' I gently steered him by the elbow before he managed to walk through a table or a chair.

'Whew,' he stood by the car and gave it the once over. 'Nice wheels.' At that time I had a black BMW, just a little bit flash but I was in upmarket Guildford, a lot of young men had flash cars, at least mine was paid for. He got in and wriggled his butt in the well upholstered passenger seat. 'Cor, this is the life.' He'd obviously been in the car before but this was the first time he'd been on his way to being drunk and it was showing.

'Glad you like it,' I took off gently, too many PC Plods around at that time of night for my liking. I was tempted to make a grab for his knee and have a little squeeze but thought better of it. We were at my home in around fifteen minutes and he was totally confused.

'How come you pick me up at my place in the morning when you live over here?' I think he was more puzzled than suspicious.

'I do some early morning photography, wildlife around the reservoirs now and then, I like to come home for breakfast just about the time you catch your bus.'

'Question answered,' he grinned and swayed as he waited for me to lock the car and open the front door. 'Big place, you share?'

'No. It's all mine.'

He looked at me with just a little bit of awe. He'd finally realised that I had money and it was big money. The car, the house, no cheap gear here.

He wasn't in the least bit shy or uncomfortable which I would have been. I waved at an armchair and he just flopped into it. Those bloody black trousers, you couldn't even see a hint of what he may or may not have between his legs.

'Well Carl,' I sat opposite. 'A coffee or something else for a nightcap. A scotch or one of those thing you had in the pub.'

'Have you got any?' He looked at me and grinned with his sparkly eyes.

'Sure,' I went over to my mini bar and got him the drink he wanted and poured myself a decent scotch and slopped a ginger ale in. 'Here's to us, Carl.'

'Yeah, right,' he raised his bottle and took a swig, I hadn't bothered giving him a glass.

'Tell you something .....'

'Go on.'

'My old man came near to giving me my marching orders tonight.'

'Why? As you said you are entitled to the odd night out, you are seventeen after all.'

'He asked me where I was staying and I told him with a young guy I met at work.'

'And ......?'

He looked at me and I could see a blush settling on his face. He took a fortifying drink and looked at me rather piteously. 'He called me dirty names and said that if I wanted to slut about I could sod off out of his house.'

'That wasn't very nice.' I moved over and put my hand on his shoulder. 'Sleep on it, Carl. It'll all look a bit better in the morning.'

'It won't,' he leant back and looked up at me. 'Did you mean what you said about the room to let?'

'Yeah, I did.'

'If you let me stay tomorrow night he'll throw me out and I can move in.' He looked at me like a little boy, I swear there were tears in his eys. God knows what this boy's home life was like but it sounded a lot like some of the places I was fostered but these people were his natural kith and kin.

'We'll talk about it tomorrow, you've been drinking.'

'I won't change my mind you know,' he stared at me defiantly.

'Excellent,' I stood up and sat back down in my seat. Any more of this and I'd be planting wet sloppies on his scruffy hair or better yet on his luscious lips.

'Mum's as bad,' Carl was off again. 'All she worries about are the girls ..... still they can have separate rooms if I leave.'

'Why did he call you a slut?' I had to ask hadn't I?

'He's like that,' Carl frowned. 'Cos I haven't got a girlfriend and I don't go out creating havoc with the lads.'

'Sounds good to me,' I grinned.

'Yeah, I bet,' he laughed and choked on his drink.

'You're pushing it,' I finished off my scotch and that was enough for me for the night. 'What time do you normally get up?'

'Whenever I have to,' he looked at me owl eyed. I think the change of subject had thrown him.

'What about nine, if you want to go and sort your old man out I'll drop you off a bit later.'

'We'll see how tonight turns out,' he said after a short pause. 'Can we talk about it in the morning.'

'That's what I said.' I stood up and looked down at him, he looked utterly exhausted. 'I'll lend you a track suit tomorrow. For the time being I'll show you the spare bedroom and this is the one I'm offering to rent out.'

'OK.' He staggered to his feet, drained his bottle and followed as I led off. I showed him the bathroom pointed out my bedroom and ushered him into the spare. The bed was made up but it did want sheets and pillow cases which I told him were in the box at the foot of the bed. He was delighted with the room, it was large and airy, a bit too airy unfortunately, it was quite cold. It had a small balcony as mine did which overlooked my disastrous back garden, half an acre of semi jungle.

'So, if you want to puke up or want the toilet in the night you know where it is.'

'Yeah, cheers,' he sat on the edge of the bed like little boy lost. I turned off the ceiling light and left him with the two bedside lights for illumination. 'I could freeze in here,' he gave a dramatic little shiver.

'You know the solution to that, Carl.' I gave him a nod and left him to it. The offer was there and I know it was early days but I could get lucky. At least all the unanswered questions and suspicions that must have been trundling around his head had been answered. I wondered what he was thinking as he sat alone in the comfortable but rather chilly room, away from his family and all on his ownsome.

I went to bed. My head was spinning, too much scotch and too much thinking. My masterplan was off and running, all I needed to leave him alone. I needed him to think, I needed him to make the decisions. I know he was a boy or more properly a youth but I'd left all the clues, I think I'd given enough hints, it was upto him now. I thought he'd come to me but how long would it take. A couple or three days, anybody's guess.

It took an hour actually.

I'd heard the door creak and the sense of movement. He sat on the edge of the bed and spoke in a whisper. 'You still awake?'

'Get in,' I mumbled.

He gave a nervous laugh and I felt the bedclothes move and he slipped in alongside me, so close that I could feel his body heat, so much for freezing to death. 'You're nice and warm,' he snuggled up against me and I could feel material so he must have boxers on and I could also feel the silken smoothness of his young body as it pressed against mine.

'Go to sleep,' I whispered in return and turned and kissed him on the side of the face.

'Poof,' he giggled and turned his back on me. 'Snuggle up and keep me warm,' he pushed his body back and I could feel his soft bottom pressed up against my groin, needless to say my penis came to an immediate erection. 'Oooh,' he wriggled and pressed back hard against me. Much more of this and I'd be taking him then and there.

'Go to sleep,' I told him again and put my arm over his hip flathanding his smooth and quite hard belly joining us as if one.

'Alright,' he whispered, one final wriggle of his little tush and he was away.

I stayed awake for about another half an hour, I didn't want to try and get his boxers down and get into a rough and tumble because I didn't know where he was coming from as they say. I was totally confused. He seemed to be taking one step forwards and then two backwards. He must of known what I was and what I was after.

So, he had trouble at home and was keen to get out, I'd more or less made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He knew that I was well off and bent, that was the bottom line. Was he going to play the prickteaser or was he a closet gay and going to come out after a respectable period of courtship or was he a perfectly straight boy and gonna go rent.

I didn't know and it was razor edged enough that I didn't want to grope him or go too far so that he'd do a runner. If I was a bit more forceful in my mind I could have taken him then and there but I didn't want that, I wanted him to make love of his own free will ..... silly or what. There I was in bed with a beautiful boy with his tight little butt pressed up against my hardness and I was playing Saint Mark McCloud the boy protector. I was still puzzling it all out as I drifted off to sleep.

I awoke early as I usually do, it was chilly but I could see through a chink in the curtains that it looked like being a good day. My mouth felt like a buzzard's crotch so I quietly slid out of bed to go to the bathroom, a glance at the clock had shown me that it was only six o'clock which was far too early to be up and about and anyway, it was Saturday.

My little chum from the previous evening was laying on his back making gentle sighing noises as he steadily breathed in and out, he was dead to the world. I took a quick peek under the bedclothes to see that he had a well worn pair of boxers on which seemed to be held in place by sheer good luck, of course I also noticed a trace of a fuzzy blonde pubic triangle heading for his navel, it would probably take a year or so before it got there as he seemed pretty hair free. Naturally he had an early morning stiffy and I was delighted to see by the outline in his boxers it was a respectable size, in fact, it was a little more than respectable, it looked a goodly man sized penis and he was only a whippet.

I went for a pee and cleaned my teeth. I tottered into the kitchen and made myself a coffee, I didn't disturb Oscar or Carl as I'd now call him as it was far too early. I took the coffee back with me and quietly slipped into bed, he hadn't moved an inch.

I sat up and studied his face, he was bloody good looking, it looked as if he didn't even shave yet. His joe-boy hair was a mess, he must use some gel on it. I gently ran one finger down his cheek and he was so smooth, I bared his shoulders and kissed him lightly, he didn't make a movement. I finished off my coffee and set the cup down. All the thoughts and decisions I'd made last night were out of the window, I was up for a bit of adventure.

I slid down the bed under the duvet and could just about see what I was upto. Very slowly and very gently I lifted the saggy waistband of his boxers and examined the prize within. Definitely a six incher at full stretch, dark pink as one would expect and uncircumcised but the foreskin was back a bit exposing his dark red glans which was just a little shiny. I moved his boxers down a little and they were loose enough to stay down. I kissed his hip where it was a little lighter than the rest of his body and tasted boy. Slightly sweaty and probably in need of a bath after his day's work of yesterday. Like a breath of a summer breeze I lightly ran my dry lips up his shaft and was rewarded by an automatic twitch. Step two; I lightly ran my tongue up the full length and watched as it's foreskin started to retreat as the core stiffened. Too far gone now to back down I lapped at his hairless scrotum tasting his sweat and boy funk, it was glorious and his penis was hardening up nicely, I even tasted the faintest hint of precum. I glanced up to see that he was still sleeping like a corpse. I gently slid one finger into his pubics and lifted his heavy cock up a little and licked it again.

Sod it. I opened my mouth and took his succulent red glans in slipping and slithering my tongue around his now full engorged head. No more Mr Nice Guy I started to run my lips up and down his shaft taking as much of his thick meat into my throat and mouth as I could.

'Uuugh,' his hips jerked. I froze. 'Don't stop, that's nice,' he sleepily muttered and I felt his hand rest on my short hair.

That was it I held his scrotum in one hand and began to give him a proper blow taking him in as far as I could. I breathed through my nose as his now freely precuming cockhead slid into the back of my throat and out again.

'Aaah, thats so good,' he groaned and pumped into my mouth, he didn't even object as I slipped his boxers down to his knees and clasped his firm young buns.

God, he was delicious better than all the strays and the rent boys I'd entertained in the last twelve months, this was a twenty four carat boy and he was in my bed pumping his man sized cock in and out of my mouth.

'Aaaagh, I'm gonna squirt,' he gasped and immediately did so. I swallowed and gobbled as he pumped his streamers of thick boy spunk deep into my throat, I swallowed his creamy semen and it was wonderful. At the end I licked it clean and slid up the bed nestling my head in the crook of his arm.

'Have I got to do you?' He sounded frightened.


'I will do if you want me to,' his voice quavered and I could tell he was scared.

'Everything come to he who waits,' I quoted as I slid up the bed a bit more until we were face to face.

He looked at me with a shy grin. 'I've never had one of those before.' He ducked his head and kised my chin. 'Mind you I've never woke up in bed with a poof.'

'Keep calling me a poof and you'll be out of bed and in the bloody dustbin, short stuff.'

'Sorry, sorry,' he giggled and clutched me holding me fiercely, his hair tickled my nose and his hands seemed to be everywhere. 'You're so smooth for an oldie.'

'As you said last night, we're only about two years apart.'

'Yeah, we'll work it out, It's probably around eighteen months,' he looked up at me. 'If we're about the same age a bit of buggering about doesn't really matter, does it.' I loved the turn of phrase.

'Not really,' I stroked his smooth torso and held his slim hips pulling him onto me. 'I'll teach you, we've got stacks of time.'

'Did you mean that last night about the room and a bit of modelling?'

'Of course.'

'It wasn't all that cold in there last night.' He spoke quietly and didn't look at me. 'I just wanted to sleep with you to see what would happen.'

'Now you know.'

'Yeah, I sure do,' he flashed a grin. 'I gotta pee.'

'And clean your teeth, theres a fresh brush in the cabinet, you smell like a alcopop.'

'Righton, boss,' he sketched a sloppy salute as he slid from the bed and scampered across the room with his dodgy old boxers making their way south. That was the first thing I was going to buy him, some decent underwear. With his build and his package he was a CK man or maybe Haines. I was going to take my little doll into Guildford today and get him togged out, I'd explain it as I got paid by the fashion company or somesuch twaddle.

He came back and he had a towel around his waist, he stood at the foot of the bed and grinned at me. 'The elastic gave out.'

'Cleaned your teeth?'

'Yessir,' he flashed his pearlies at me.

'Come on then, I'll show you how to kiss properly.'

'Aaah, yeuchy gross,' he giggled. He was fun, one minute he was so adult the next so childish. I suppose he could give you brain damage after a while but I'd risk it. He dropped his towel and stood in his naked glory back in serious mode again. 'You like?'

'Get back in bed, I'll show you. and don't tease me.' He gave me a little smirk and he was back in with his slightly chilled body back in my embrace. I was in love. As he turned to face me I put my arms around him and clasped his firm buns. 'Now Spunky Boi .......' I kissed him quickly on the tip of his cute nose and then full on the lips. He kept his lips tightly shut as I probed with my tongue and then suddenly his mouth opened and our tongues met.

'Mmmmmfph,' he struggled and grabbed my bum as I rolled on top and explored his teeth and gums with my flickering tongue. We parted at last both sucking in great gulps of air. 'Wow, that was another first,' he grinned and kissed me lightly on the lips and then flopped back and stared at me as I gazed down at him.

'So kissing's yeuch and gross is it?'

'Depends who you do it with, Marky,' he grinned up at me and opened his mouth as I dived again. This time I could feel his tongue exploring my mouth and then tongue's slipped and slid together as we tried to outdo each other. 'I'm hard again. he whispered. 'Reckon that makes me as bent as you.'

'Don't worry about it,' I started to kiss down his throat and onto his chest, Getting a firm grip on his springy buns I sucked and lapped at his nipples one by one until they were like slippery little nuggets. He moaned as my flickering tongue left a trail of saliva over his firmly muscled belly, lingered a while at his navel and then engulfed his reawakened penis once more.

'Jeez, Mark. You're gonna kill me,' he began to pump into my mouth again. 'What a way to go,' he giggled and rubbed his knuckles on my scalp. 'That's punishment for corrupting me.'

I ignored him and took his nuts into my mouth giving him something to squeak about, my spit covered finger slipped between the bottom of his cheeks.

'Aaaah,' he groaned and grabbed my head forcing it back onto his jerking penis as my forefinger slipped through his pucker and started to move to and fro. 'You dirty bastard,' he giggled and clamped and eased his butt on my probe. I was begining to think my little Carl may turn out to be a raver but he hadn't commited himself yet. He would, I was sure of it, he wanted to play and I think the desire may have been laying dormant for some time. His cock was getting really rigid once again and his balls were tightening up. My little lodger was about to pop his pearly drops once again.

'Oh, my Gawd,' he wailed as I felt his spongy prostate and massaged it with quick up and down strokes of my finger, his legs parted and his knees rose. I could have taken him then and there but I gave him his pleasure digging my finger in deeply and sucking and slobbering over his straining meat. 'Markeeee ......' His second blast of cum shot into the back of my mouth as he groaned in a mix of pleasure and exhaustion. Another slippery stream of boy spunk splashed into the back of my mouth and he was done, he was drained dry for the time being.

'Very nice,' I slid my finger free and slipped back up the bed again, this time the kiss was more relaxed and more loving.

'You wanna fuck me, dontcha?'

'I'd like to make love to you and I'd like you to do me,' I whispered and drew the duvet back over us both. Early morning sex is fine but I must remember to close the window next time.


'Up to you, I'm not pressuring you.'

'Tonight then,' he snuggled up and closed his eyes. 'We'll do it together but you'll have to show me.'

'It'll be a pleasure.'

'I bet,' he sniggered and still with his eyes closed he kissed my throat and then moved down onto my chest. I held my breath, I didn't believe he was going to go for it so soon. I stroked his unkempt hair as his head slowly moved down my body.

'You don't have to do this.' I gave him his last out. I was quite happy letting him choose his own time and learning the things we would do together as boyfriends at his leisure.

'Want to,' I saw the brief gleam of his eyes from under the duvet and then his hot mouth and wet lips engulfed my penis and he gently held my tight scrotum. This was not going to take long. He must have taken notes, he was good, he kept his teeth out of the way and licked and lapped like a good little boy. I was hoping he was going to massage my prostate but he didn't, early days as yet.

I told him that I was going to cum as I felt my heat rise but he kept his mouth glued to me like a leech and got the full blast of my massive cum straight down his throat. I heard him gasping and spluttering and when he finally surfaced he had my semen splashed on his jaw, his cheeks and even a drop on his nose.

'I did it,' he gasped and nestled against my chest.

'Who's a good boy then,' I basked in post orgasmic bliss. My little lover had given me his first real token of his affection. It was Saturday morning, we didn't have to get up, the day was ours and I was in bed snuggled upto the best looking boy in the world.

'Don't taste too bad,' he sniggered and pulled a face as I licked his face clean and gave him a good morning kiss.

'Let's snooze, we've gotta couple of hours yet.'

'Let's,' he agreed and promptly fell asleeep in my arms. I gave him a final kiss on his wet cheek and closed my eyes.

The next time I woke up and it had just gone nine, Sleeping Beauty Boi was still in the Land of Nod so I spent a moment admiring my catch and headed for the kitchen. This time it was coffee for two. By the time I got him out of bed with all the touchy feely that goes with it and we'd had a small breakfast it had gone eleven and we were off to Guildford centre to do some shopping and have a decent lunch. I knew you had to feed growing lads and I was bloody hungry myself, having said that he was a bit skinny, he looked like he needed feeding up a bit. I managed to get him presentable in the first shop and we stashed his Safeway's kit in a bag, now for some serious shopping.

He seemed slightly overawed, it was amazing what an American Express and a bevy of Gold Cards can get you in the way of civility and attention. We semed to spend most of the afternoon trucking shopping from the mall to the car, I managed to explain that I reclaimed most of the money from the Companies I worked for. I don't know if he believed me or not but he managed to swallow it (the lie I mean).

We had a nice pub lunch and a few drinks, I noticed that this time he settled for Cokes which suited me fine and around four o'clock we wended our weary way home. I hate shopping but I did love showing off Carl, I could imagine all the old queens saying: 'Look at that bit of rough trade with that beautiful boy,' or something like that. Carl was doing my ego the world of good. I was determined that I'd get him in front of a camera when he was ready with another kid and preserve his moves for posterity.

I don't know how long we had together, maybe just this one weekend, but he was mine tonight and I was his. I'd face next week as it came and just hope that lust, greed and hopefully love as my secret weapons would win me the prize.

'Jeez, Mark. You spent some money,' he looked at me with a weird sort of hero worship and we cruised back to the house.

'All in a good cause,' I replied and glanced at him in his new kit, he looked so much better. No he didn't, he was a bloody vision for God's sake.

'You know about tonight?'

'Yeah,' I answered cautiously.

'I really meant it, I wanna try it.'


'Anyway, I wanna fuck you,' he guffawed. Boy did that kid have a dirty laugh.

'Goes both ways, Carlton.'

'Carl, Carl, Carl. Don't call me Carlton ever ..... otherwise I shall have to call you Mark the Muncher.'

'OK,' I laughed. 'You gotta deal.'

We arrived at the house and then came the fun of carting everything indoors and getting rid of a mountain of packing.

'Where do you do your photgraphs?' This one came up as we were sitting in the garden bathing in the weak sunshine relaxing after all the humping and rubbish disposal.

'In the garage for the more posed stuff, in the country, some in the garden and in the bedroom you've just taken over for the less than tasteful stuff.'

'Less than tasteful? Does that mean what I think it does?'

'Probably but I've only done a few lads in there, maybe two or three.'

'Have you still got their pictures or have you flogged them.'

'I've got some on the computer, I normally keep my stuff on CD-RWs.'

'What's them?'

'CDs you can save stuff onto, the modern version of the old floppy disc.'

'I thought a floppy disc was one that couldn't get a hard on,' he laughed. Did I mention he had a really crap sense of humour.

'I'll give you a tour around later,' I looked at him and looked around my shambolic garden. 'Tell you what if I get the camera you can give me some flesh shots down the bottom,' I nodded at the end of the garden.

'How long before you get them developed?'

I laughed. 'It's all digital, lover. I can have them on the computer in five minutes.

'You called me lover,' he looked at me over the rim of his Coke can.

'Woops, sorry.'

'No probs,' he grinned shyly. 'Perhaps we will become proper lovers, boyfriends anyway.'

'I love you now,' I had to finally admit it. 'I can't help it Carl, I just love you.'

'You've only known me five minutes,' he protested.

'Bit more than that but I'll tell you all about it later.'

'If you loved me so much you'd want to fu.... make love on the spot.'

'I do.'

'Um.' he looked at me and stood up, I could see a distinct bulge on the front of the cargoes I'd bought him in the morning. 'I'm gonna have a lie down,' he'd turned a bright red.

'You alright?' I asked him anxiously, maybe all the rushing and panicking about might have been too much.

'I'm OK,' he walked behind me towards the patio windows. 'I'm going to lie down on your bed, come and see me,' he kissed me from behind on the side of my face and he was gone.

'Jesus. This was it, this was going to be our first time and I was shaking like a jellyfish, God knows what that boy felt like, he was a virgin on both fronts.

It was bloody amazing, everything I'd dreamed about and imagined for the last God knows how long was coming true and I was flapping about like a bloody schoolkid. I took a deep breath and went into the house, my house and hopefully my boy. I went into the bathroom and had a quick rinse snaffling my little pot of Bio-Gel on the way. This stuff was so expensive but this was a special occasion, Carl had looked ready and seemed ready, I just hoped that he wasn't pulling my chain.

I went in the bedroom and there he was, he'd actually managed to turn the fire on low just enough to take the chill off the shaded room and he was laying naked on the bed. He was fully hard and his erection lay up his belly headed for his navel. He gave me an uncertain smile as I came into the room barechested and just wearing my jeans.

He was delightful, his pale body was tanned to a delicate golden brown with the paler shades where he'd obviously worn speedos. His man sized six inch cock stretched up his belly from it's nest of blonde pubic hair with it's foreskin full retracted and with just the hint of a gleam. I suspect that he'd been running his skin over the glans to smear precum but for the moment his hands were under his head and he gazed at me with a mixture of shyness and uncertainty.

I dropped my jeans and stood there in my briefs, he couldn't miss the pronounced lump, I was as hard as a rock. In fact, I was a quivering mass of lust. If he was playing games I'd probably tie him to the bed and ravish him sore but it didn't come to that.

'You gonna lie down or stand there all day,' his voice trembled.

I peeled down my pants and joined him on the bed, as we turned to face each other he gently fed my erection between his smooth legs and clamped hard on it and grinned at me. I put my hands on his firm buns and pulled him in tight and kissed him on the lips.

'I do love you, Carl,' I wasn't just talking crap.' But I understand how you feel, I'm not asking for you to love me back or anything.'

'But I do, you silly man,' he giggled and kissed me on the nose. 'Didn't you know?'


'It's pardon,' he laughed softly and rested his face against mine and spoke quietly. 'Why do you think I gave you the fifty quid back when I could have pocketed it?'

'I thought you were honest?'

'I am ..... generally.' He moved slightly on my meat giving me the feeling of a gentle wank. 'I've watched you in and out of that store for a few weeks now and I really fancied you, then last night you spoke to me and I thought this is it.'

'Unbelievable,' I muttered and stroked his so smooth butt.

'Yeah,' he continued. 'Then it came to me in the pub, you fancied me too. I could have talked to you at any time and you'd have probably taken me out.'

'More than probably,' I grinned at him and rolled onto my back and opened my legs. He smiled, he he still had my hardness trapped between his legs, as I ran my fingers down his crack I could feel my knob end protuding at the base of his cleft.

'I didn't think for a minute you were gay,' I put my legs onto the back of his smooth calves and made vague fucking motions upwards.

'Dunno if I am or not, I just fancied you. I've never done anything with guys other than the odd wank with mates, I've never actually been in bed with anyone,' he blushed a little. 'Never ever done anything like the sucking biz.'

'Blowing they call it.'

'Really,' he grinned. 'I knew that,' he laughed. 'I ain't a complete dummy, you know.'

'Sorry, Carl.'

'I love it when you call me Carl, Marky,' he looked at me intently. 'Now show me how to make love.'

'You go first.'

'OK,' He gulped and slid back as I took my legs off his and parted them.

'Kneel between my legs.'


I uncapped the pot and took a good glop from it and grabbed his hard cock.

'Jeez, that stuff's cold,' he giggled and looked down at me. 'Your dick's leaking.'

'Must be love,' I smiled up at him and raised my knees upto my chest. 'You know what to do .... take it easy.'

'Christ,' he muttered and moved in a little, I felt his oil covered glans nudge at my ring, I grabbed his neck and pulled his head down for a gum numbing kiss as I felt his bulging spongy knob spear my ring and slowly begin to force it apart as he entered me. This was his first time and from the look of pure bliss on his face we were going to get on just fine. I dropped my legs onto his back again and applied pressure as he began to slip in me with his thick boy cock slowly but surely filling me with his hot and hard youthful meat.

That was it, I was complete. I was coupling with Carl on a Saturday afternoon for the very first time. My dreams were actually coming true in broad daylight. Heaven on earth was actually happening.

'This is incredible,' he breathed as he sank deeper and his curly pubics brushed against my tautly spread bum, he was in, his cock was in me, now I wanted his loving and his seed ..... all of it, every single drop. I wanted this kid to remember this for a long time if not forever. 'I'm gonna die,' he slowly began to move edging his knees closer.

'Don't die before you cum,' I groaned and grabbed his smooth buns pulling him in even tighter. 'Now ..... as hard as you like.'

He didn't need telling twice. Kids! He started going like a bunny rabbit. He was puffing and panting and by the time he climaxed he was splattering me with his sweat.

'Jeeeezus, I'm gonna cum,' he groaned and rammed into me like he was trying to shove me through the bed.

My God. Did that boy cum, I could feel his thick dick swell and then pump, I counted six distinct splurts and then it got messy. There was his boy's spunk everywhere. If his cuming was a measure of his passion, he was in love, no two ways about it.

'That was wonderful,' he held me tightly and kissed as I felt his slippery cock now wilting a little slip from my well battered bum.

'Worth leaving home for?' I looked at him steadily.

'No doubt about it boss,' he grinned at me and softly kissed me on the lips. 'Can you stand a messy kid in your posh house?'

'I'll try,' I squeezed his sweat sheened bum and after a struggle got us under the duvet. 'Have a snooze.'

'I thought you......'

'All the time in the world,' I stroked his hair. 'You need breaking in.'

'Hey, that sounds bad,' he laughed nervously.

'Don't worry, I love you. I wouldn't hurt you for the world.'

'That's good enough for me, Marky.' He snuggled in and we drifted off.

It was dark when I awoke, Carl was missing and I had a moments panic until I heard the sound of splashing in the bathroom. I just lay there thinking about the afternoon and let him have his privacy, it was a thing I needed to think about as well. With two of us in the house we both needed our space and the occasional time alone. We'd work it out, neither of us were children. I felt my belly rumble, I was hungry and all I had in me was a load of youthful cum, it was nice but it didn't measure upto a good pizza.

'Hi,' he came into the room damp from the bath. He had one of my white towelling bathrobes on and he looked an absolute angel (here I go again). 'I didn't wake you up, you were out of it,' he grinned.

'Well fucked,' I returned the smile and stretched out in the bed. 'Pizza or Chinese, your choice?'

'I'm easy.'

'I hope so.' That one got another laugh.

'Would you like a coffee, tea or something?' Excellent, the boy was housetrained as well.

'Coffee in the lounge in ten minutes. I'm gonna have a quicky quick shower and join you.'

'OK,' he looked at me as I clambered from the bed. 'Er......'


'Do you mind if I keep this on and we can put the fire on downstairs, we're not going out or anything are we?'

'Listen, Carl,' I sat on the edge of the bed. 'Our house, your life. You do your thing, I'm not your parents you don't have to ask me things, you just do what you want within reason.'

'OK,' he nodded happily. 'But we need to talk about things later don't we.'

'We shall,' I promised.

He went downstairs to brew up and I went to the bathroom to do what I had to. I took a leaf out of his book, if he was happy wandering around in just a bathrobe then so was I, he'd waltzed off with mine so I grabbed the spare and eventually finished up downstairs. the coffee was made and the room was warming up, it was still summer but the nights were getting colder so the cosiness factor counted especially if you were half naked. 'Pizza or Chinese?'

'Toldya, I'll go with you.'

'OK, your funeral.' I ordered two large pizzas which would give us a freebie big Coke. Come on, I said I was rich, I didn't say I was a spendthrift.

I gave him another of his terrible alcopops to keep him going and I settled for my coffee. I just sat there and wallowed in the pleasure of having a bare arsed seventeen year old sitting in the armchair opposite gift wrapped just waiting to be fed, pizza in the first instance and then me.

'So what did you think of your first sex with a man?' I was a bit nervous asking but we really did need to talk without any more beating about the bush. By the end of the evening we both needed to know exactly where we stood.

'It was OK, I guess,' he answered straight faced and looked at me keenly. He must have seen what he wanted to as a broad smile arrived and he choked on his drink. 'It was fuckin' brilliant, you dummy.'

'Cheers for that.' I sipped my coffee. Key question coming up, one that would set the tone for the rest of the conversation. 'Do you want to move in with me ..... permanently. Think carefully,' I looked at him, talk about walking on eggs.

'If you want me to.'

'Listen Carl. Let's stop beating around the bush. I want you for a live in lover, boyfriend if you like. What do you want, you, not me?'

'The same,' he put his bottle down and leapt across the room and sat on the arm of my chair. 'I wanna stay with you but what about work and the 'rents?'

'It's up to you,' I put my hand inside the bathrobe and held him by his slim and pretty trim waist. 'Legally you can leave home anytime you like. You can do it anyway you like but you mustn't let them list you as a missing person, if you know what I mean.'

'Yeah,' he admitted grudgingly and leant into me, I caught the scent of soap and fresh boy.

'Work's easier. You can go down Monday and hand in a week's notice and work it out, or you can cut and run. Once again it's your choice.'

'I'd rather do the right thing and do a week's notice but it's getting there and back,' he looked down at me from his perch.

'I'll take you and collect,' I smiled up. 'What about your home?'

'Safeway owe me half a day so I'll go in one afternoon when they're both at work and get the kit I want. If someone's there I'll tell them I'm leaving if not I'll leave a note.'

'That one's upto you but I'll help anyway I can.'

'OK,' he stood suddenly startled as the front door bell rang.

'Pizza man, you wanna get it.'

He stood up with his bathrobe open and his cock hanging heavy and almost semi erect. 'What like this?'

'I'd belt up if I was you, it might be a randy delivery boy.'

'Some hope and no hope,' He grumbled and went to the door after making himself decent, I just thought about his thick uncircumcised cock hanging heavily between his legs, he was ready, apparently willing and hopefully able.

He came back with two large cardboard packets and the litre of Coke and a big grin on his face. 'He was quite nice,' he grinned. 'Around eighteen I reckon.'

'Gawd, I'm breeding a monster.'

'Breeding comes next,' he gave me a quick grin and flopped back into his chair. We ate and chatted the night away. I knew that this was going to be a big night for him and for me also. We'd made decisions about Monday and we had the Sunday to firm up and get to know each other better.

I also had to come clean about the photography. It was true that I had done some catalogue work in the past but I'd lost interest. I'd also done some classy nudes of my odd rent boys and was in EMail communication with others. I'd messed about and not really got anywhere, with an assistant things might perk up. If Carl was willing he could be my number one model and we could recruit others as we went along. All this flitted through my mind as we ate and had a fragmented conversation.

'Did you notice the 'to let' sign when we came in?'

'Not really,' he looked up from his food.

'I lease this place, I'm buying a slightly large place up near Walton, a bit nearer the big City.'

'Oh,' he looked worried. I could see all his little plans whatever they were, crumbling.

'You can keep in touch with your old chums, I reassured him. 'I wanna move out after we have our holiday, so you're going to come in handy.'

'Phew,' he looked at me with his grin back in place. 'I thought you were buggering off and leaving me.'

'Come on, Carl.' I very nearly snapped at him. 'You and I are lovers, the holiday when we sort out where will be a honeymoon and when we come back we move into our new place.' I saw it all before me now. The place I'd made an offer for was larger than this, a secluded garden and a large garage adjoining the house which would make a perfect studio for the more arty stuff. He'd love it.

'I don't mind moving out of this area,' he finished his pizza. 'There's nothing here for me.'

'Good, that's settled.' Now was the time. 'I'll show you some of my friends, or ex friends on the computer.'


'But not now.'

'Whatever,' he shrugged and polished off the last piece of his pizza.'

I don't think he really noticed when I stood until I took his hand. He looked up at me with a question in his eyes but I gently tugged him to the thick pile rug by the fire and he got it at last. As we settled by the fire I shucked his bathrobe back totally exposing his flawless body and softly kissed him on his sweet lips.

'Is this it?' He looked at me and I could see the worry in his eyes.

'This is it, baby.' Before he could panic I was naked and so was he, I rolled him onto his belly and attacked his butt with my lips and mouth.

'Marky,' he squeaked. Nobody and I mean nobody had ever called me Marky before, I felt like one of those little Disney boys. As I probed his cleft with my hungry tongue he opened his legs and then I flathanded his buns exposing his little ring. One look at his pucker with it's wrinkled outer and smooth inner, that's talking darts terms and I was in. He squealed and wriggled as I licked and lapped at his sweet cherry, He actually pushed his bum up into my face as I probed and lubricated his most private of places.

'Yum, yum,' I gave him a long and sloppy kiss on the small of his back and fingered his wet little fanny.

'Go on, Marky, do it.'

'Not yet baby,' I extracted the lube from my discarded bathrobe's pocket. Moments later I smeared his ring with my finger and he flinched at the contact, I then gently pushed entering his hot body.

'Aaaaah,' he tensed and clamped on my finger.

'Relax,' I slipped my digit right into his hot flesh upto the knuckles and began to slowly finger fuck him with a circular stuffing motion easing and relaxing his virgin ring. He was so tight, so hot, so bloody desirable. I could feel my hardness dribbling like a tap. I'd waited so long, I'd exercised such control and now it was slipping. I slid my finger free.

'Do it,' he demanded.

I was going to give him the two fingers to really ease him but I was losing it, he was willing if not ready and I couldn't wait. I warned to him to push out with his belly muscles as if he wanted a crap and then placed my weeping glans at his oil coated sphincter and pushed.

'Aaaah,' he bucked under the pressure, I met resistance and pushed a bit harder.

'It hurts. Stop. It hurts .... please.'

I was nearly crying with frustration but I slid free and span him round and cuddled him. The fire beat on our bare skin as he huddled there, him with tears in his eyes and me nearly crying with frustration.

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Marky,' he looked at me piteously.

'Never mind,' I kissed him. 'These things take time. Your ring's a bit too tight for me.'

'Right,' he looked at me with determination in his eyes. 'Loosen me up more,' he pulled free and lay on the carpet and opened his legs. 'Come on, we both want it.'

He was right. I bent over and kissed his perfect bottom and greased up two fingers. I slid them between his cheeks onto his hole and gently pushed.

'Ooooh,' he tightened up again but immediately relaxed as I slid my fingers right in and found his prostate. 'Whooo,' he twitched and gave a little giggle. 'You can keep doing that.... I like it.' I did.

In cricketing terms it was the second innings and it was better, I took my time, easing that oh so tight little muscle, oiling his little tunnel and stroking that youthful prostate. At the end he was begging for it and I was up for it once more.

I flathanded either side of his slender brown torso and guided my penis to it's objective by belly power alone. Once I saw my slick glans at his well oiled pucker I gently pushed and sank into his warm welcoming flesh for the second time.

'Aaaah,' he clutched the rug and I froze. 'No, keep going,' he whispered and gave a little push up onto my descending heat. I pushed in a little more and my glans slid through his gateway to be surrounded by his hot flesh. 'Yeah.....' he hissed in satisfaction. I grinned with pleasure and started to slowly move to and fro sinking fractionaly deeper at every movement.

'Yeah,' he groaned. 'That's OK. It feel like a huge turd.' What a way with words.

'It'll pass,' I started to move a little faster, his tight little ring clung to my shaft as it slid in and out forcing my hard glans deeper and deeper into his body.

'Yeah, go on, go for it,' he grunted and pushed up onto me demanding more. That was it, I came off my flathanded stance and dropped to my forearms and pushed into his exquisite tightness in a steady thrust. 'Ooooh. Ah,' he groaned in triumph and forced himself up agaist my belly and my pubics. My six and a half or seven inches was totally surrounded by his hot boy flesh and he was ready. 'Fuck me, Marky,' he pushed up again onto my belly.

Final stage, I lay on his back and kissed the side of his face as he craned around and slowly began to fuck him just moving my hips up and down delighting in his tighness and heat.

He was such a beautiful boy and he was beautiful sex as well.

I fucked him maybe a little rough for the first time but he loved it and there would always be time for more before the weekend was out. 'This rug's giving me a wank,' he declared at one stage. I just fucked him harder and harder plunging in deeper and deeper into his deliciously tight and hot flesh.

'I'm gonna cum,' I heard myself growl as I felt the heat in my tight scrotum shoot up like a volcano and shoot deep into his tight little love tunnel.

'Eeeeh,' he squealed and pushed back as my organ pumped and spurted my thick white cream deep into his little bottom. 'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' he chanted as he pushed up forcefully onto my hot streamers of spunk. I slowly finished off on a coating of my own cum and his body juices. 'I am shagged,' he mumbled into the fireside rug and giggled. 'Well and truly shagged,' he added for good measure.

He stopped me as I was about to slip free. 'Leave it in for a bit,' he pushed back and we rolled so that we were on our sides still joined by my limpening penis.

'Now that was different,' he craned his head presenting himself for a kiss, I stirred in his spunk filled tunnel. I was getting hard again. 'You dirty man,' he laughed and clamped his cheeks on me making matters worse. With a huge grin he slid free and rolled over and looked down. He grasped my cum covered cock and wanked it slowly. 'Next time in bed, full frontal, OK?'

'You're the boss,' I smiled back and held him tightly kissing his sweet lips and savouring the heat from the fire on our sweating bodies. Jeez, I might have got a tiger by the tail ..... hopefully.

'Fancy a drink?' He gave me a funny look.

'Yeah, you do the honours I'm going to the loo.' Thank God, he was beginning to find his feet. I suppose it must be difficult in a stranger's house but we were hardly strangers now. As politicians would say, we'd agreed a statement of intent and it was now all systems go. When I came back down he had his bathrobe back on although he hadn't belted it up so I was treated to tantalising glimpses of his heavy and slightly hard penis through the gap in the front.

'Hope you don't mind me doing drinks.' He still looked a little uncomfortable with himself.

I walked over and kissed him on the forehead. 'My house is your house, lover.'

'OK, then,' he gave me his little grin. 'What we doing tomorrow?'

'We can drive up and see the new place, the decorators are in so I've got a set of keys. We can also have a look at the holiday stuff, by the way, do you have a passport?'

'Yeah,' he looked at me eyes wide.

'Good, we can go somewhere peasantlike, maybe the Canaries for a couple of weeks.'

'Peasantlike?' he laughed.

'Don't worry, I ain't booking a dump. Nothing best for the honeymoon.'

'Great,' he giggled. 'Maybe find a little Canarian to help us out.'

'Slut,' I laughed. 'Portugese or Spanish I fancy, some of the hotel helps are quite tasty but I might buy you a nice wedding present, around the sixteen mark.'

'We'd have to share it.'

'Him,' I corrected. That was another little problem out of the way if you know what I mean. 'Wanna look at my computer, see some of my old models.'

'Mmmmm,' he pulled a face. 'Yeah, go on, let's see the sluts.'

'How do you know they're sluts.'

'You ain't gonna tell me that you got their clothes off and kept your hands to yourself are you?' He gave me a look of disbelief.

'Whatever.' That was a stock teenager's answer, it meant anything you wanted it to mean, it could even mean nothing at all. I went to the corner of the lounge where I had my computer, monitor and all the rest of it parked and flashed up. He eagerly sat on the swivel chair in front of the screen where I placed him and I pulled up a stool. We were off, I dragged up the files of the three boys I'd photographed and then paid for sex. I've got no shame, they took the money on the understanding it was for nudey pictures, they knew what they were getting into and, yeah, we did have sex afterwards.

Carl was so sweet and so innocent, I almost said childish but I won't. He seemed to hover between being a full time youth of the world and a schooly. I never knew how he was going to take things and writing this now, I still don't.

How's that for getting past, present and future mixed up. A bit like The Sword in the Stone which I always loved.

Anyway, back to the past or is it the present?

'I know him.' Lover Boi actually squealed and hopped up and down on the seat, I thought he was going to wet himself.

'Who?' I peered over his shoulder to see that he had followed my instructions and was cruising through my own photographs. Needless to say he'd located the one that I was sure was underage. The kid called himself Terry although I thought this was probably false, he'd also claimed to be seventeen which was I thought was false as well. I had him down as fifteen, maybe sixteen. he was sweet but a slut and I wasn't his first although he'd insisted I was. Rent boys don't change, they charge but they don't change. Read that sentence carefully, fans.

'Joey Martin, he lives around the corner from me. I didn't know he was bent,' he looked at me doing his Macauley Culkin impersonation again. 'Did you and him ..... er?'

'Gentlemen don't tell.'

'Yeah, 'orrite,' he laughed. 'Come on tell me, lover .'

'Well first off he said his name was Terry and that he was seventeen, he posed and he blew me and that was it. I think he was ready to go the whole hog and at the end of the day we did.'

'Jeez,' Carl spoke ruefully. 'I always fancied him a bit, anyway he's only sixteen, he's still at school.'

'Do you fancy him enough to do the dirty in front of the camera?'

'Yeah, if he's willing.'

'What if he wants to fuck you?'

'With that?' Carl laughed and pointed to Joey's five inch spike. 'If I can handle you I can handle that.'

'I've got his phone number, we could have a session tomorrow when we get back from the new place, maybe in the afternoon.'

'It's upto you,' Carl grinned. I could see he fancied this kid, he'd had a taste of boy on boy and he wanted more. The more he kept looking at the monitor the more I was convinced I had gained a boyfriend and a possible porn star, time, as always, would tell.

'OK.' I'd made my decision. 'You phone him now and tell him the score, mention my name. Ask him if he wants to do duos with you and I'll pay him at the end of the session.'

'It's a bit late, it's gone nine.'

'Upto you.' I looked at him. 'Tell him we can collect him at the bus stop by the Cricket place at two tomorrow afternoon.'

'Yeah, why not?' Carl laughed and shot across the room once he had Joey's phone number in his greedy little hand.

It was amazing. Joey obviously answered the phone and the next minute they were talking like old friends. Joey was willing enough, apparently he'd been half expecting me to call but he didn't know anything about how much time I'd devoted to chasing Carl. He even had the cheek to ask if he could stay overnight as the school was on holiday.'

'Tell him yes,' I whispered to Carl. 'But tell him I'll pay well for the posing but any 'afters' are freebies.

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'He's a rent boy for God's sake, Carl.'

'Oh, alright,' Carl nodded although he clearly didn't understand what I was on about, I'd have to put him in the picture later. 'So he can stay?'


That was it. Done and dusted as they say. We now had the night to ourselves, or what was left of it. We had a morning trip to the new place and we had an appointment in the afternoon with a money mad kid who I knew from experience was an excellent fuck. Carl was about to experience a rather rapid change in lifestyle.

'Drink?' He looked at my empty glass.

'Yes please,' I held the glass out and he took it. 'I want to show you two sites and I want your opinion, OK?'

'Right, Boss.'

'And stop calling me Boss.'

Suitably told off he perched on the stool and I left my own work and went online. I showed him 'Klarks World' and 'Ton is Bad'. Both sites featured Russian kids some who appeared to be just under or over the eighteen mark but both sites had the peculiarity that they were based on one model and everything revolved around that model, namely Klark and Ton.

'Can I do the clicky bit?'

'Help yourself,' I grinned, his pale skinned shaft was poking out like a juicy lollipop, I gave it a gentle squeeze as we exchanged seats. He started to surf Ton's site, he was very taken with some of the younger models. The thing I noticed was that he seemed to like my favourites which was another good sign for the future.

'Jeez,' he sat back in the end, his glans had slid free from it's foreskin and he hurriedly covered it with his bathrobe.


'Excellent,' he thought a bit. 'The star boys are great, most of the others are OK especially that Ricky and Temas, some are dogs.'

'Yeah, I'll go with that,' I nodded my agreement. Actually Ricky was one of my heart-throbs. 'The point I'm looking at is that these are two sites which are based on one star. Not two or three but one. Now if I started a site or increased production I'd like you to be my star. Carl and little Joey, Carl and Tom, Dick and Harry, Carl with Batman and Robin.'

'What, all together?' He laughed.

'You get the idea,' I looked at him and made a playful grab for his hidden erection. 'Are you interested?'

'Yeah,' he nodded thoughtfully. 'But what about you and me?'

'You and me,' I looked at him steadily. 'Are that.' I crossed two fingers and pointed them at him. 'I love you, Carl, all the rest of it is just sex.'

'OK,' he smiled slowly. 'I'm a bit tired. Wanna go to bed and prove you love me.'

'Happily,' I shut down AOHell and then turned off the computer. I stood up and Carl was there, his hands went inside my bathrobe and he held me around the waist. Two very hard erections pressed together as we shared a tender kiss.

'Gonna fuck you to death.' Carl has a way with words.

'Bed,' I laughed. 'We've got a busy day tomorrow.'

This was better, much more relaxed, we both knew where we were at and we both wanted it to be slow and romantic. I let him go first, he seemed to enjoy playing the man and being able to maneuver an older boy around the bed and eventually taking his pleasure. I lay on my back but this time let him do the leg folding and the oiling up, after all he was supposed to be the husband for a little while at least. He seemed a bit nervous but he was horny and hard and that was the main thing, he shuffled upto me closely and gave me one of his butterfly kisses and I felt the mass of his glans push at my ring and he was in. He's a bit like one of those wines, he gets better with every minute. It was nice and slow, nice and gentle until he lost it a bit at the end as kids do and he started rooting into my body like a loony, it didn't matter by then I was well and truly in the mood and more or less munched the front of his face off.

'You are ..... such a ..... good fuck,' he panted as he nailed me to the bed.

'Shurrup.' Original or what?'

'I'm cuming,' he made his usual war cry and bottomed out with a massive lunge and I felt his cock throb and spurt his sweet juices into my bum. He was done. He collapsed panting and his sweaty belly slipped against mine as my legs dropped. A furious snog and we parted both laying in the gloom staring at each other.

'A couple of weeks of this and I'll finish up in a wheel chair,' I looked at him and kissed the tip of his sweaty nose. 'You fuck like an animal.'

'Cheers,' he grinned broadly. Flattery, it works every time. 'You can type the next bit.'

'Whatcha on about,' he looked at me in puzzlement mode. 'I can't type.'

'I'll explain then,' I held him closely and told him. I told him of my six week pursuit of his body which was a pure and simple stalking, of my basic nervousness and of my surprise and delight when I found out that he had feelings for me, feelings that I was sure would grow in time.

To my delight he just murmured agreement and snuggled closer. I had to tell him all this before he went to sleep on me so I pressed on.

'I have a friend up Walton way, another Lottery winner, that's how we met by the way'

'Yeah,' he whispered sleepily.

'He keeps a diary, sorta biographical, what he does and feels and what his little clique do. His regular boys all have a go, they talk and he types.'

'His regular boys?' He laughed. 'How many has he got.'

'Three or four the last time we talked. But his boyfriend keeps the others at bay, a half Spanish kid called Joe, a bit younger than you.'

'Yeah, go on.' His eyes were gleaming in the dark, I could see I'd got his attention.

'I'd like to do the same, especially when we get into the photography.'

'And how big is your harem gonna be?'

'Just you,' I gave him a reassuring kiss. 'But in this new place we're going to tomorrow, we might need a new gardener and it's be nice to have a houseboy cleaner or somebody to let us get on with our life.'

'It's upto you, you're the Boss.'

'Look. I held him tightly, this was the crucial bit. 'I don't want a relationship with you as a lover whereby neither of us can look at another person. We're both young and we both need sex. As long as at the end of the day we love each other isn't that the main thing?'

'So you don't mind if I pig out on little Joe tomorrow?'

'No. As long as you remember we two are a pair, an item. Little Joe is just a bit of icing on the cake.'

'One way of putting it,' he laughed softly. 'You and me buddies for....'


'That's a long time.'

'We've got a long time.'

'And you've got a horrible hardon,' he giggled and rolled over pressing his soft bottom against my rigid meat, it was going to be a long night again.


THE ODD JOB BOY and LIFE WITH PHILIP have just about run their course. However, some of the boys will continue into this story especially kids like Philip himself, Joe Rodriguez, the Chinese boy Patrick and not forgetting the dreaded Calvin Goldspink making guest appearances. Jeez, I nearly forgot Arron and Darren the boy model/actors.

Zipped pix of Mick and Carl are avaiable

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Next: Chapter 2

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