My Second Time

By Rory Muldowney

Published on Aug 10, 2001


Disclaimer: This story should only be read by adults and those claiming to be adult. This story for all intent and purposes is true, though some events have been changed and others exaggerated. Names and places have been changed, but I hope you enjoy. Please E-mail me at for any comments.

My Second Time Part 4 By Rory M.

"Rory" I felt a knuckle trail down my cheek lightly.

"Ror, sweetie, wake up." Tim said barely above a whisper in my ear.


I didn't remember where I was, it took me a minute to focus and then remember. I didn't remember moving from the couch to the bed, and I didn't remember taking off my shoes, shirt, and pants. I felt groggy and tired, as I had for the most of 3 weeks. It was dark out, but it got dark at around 4 PM, so I wasn't sure what time it was or how long I had been sleeping. Tim sat on the edge of the bed looking down on me, stroking my hair. I felt safe when he did that, but now I felt like I was under a microscope, or as if he was trying to read and understand me.

"Hey Angel, you hungry?" He asked with a light smile.

"What time is it?"

"Around 7, do you want something to drink?"

"No but can you get me my bag, I needed to do meds a while ago."

"Why didn't you say something earlier, I wouldn't have let you slept!" He mocked yelled as he crossed the apartment to retrieve my messenger bag I always had meds and toiletries in. He came back with the bag, a glass of water, and a thermometer.

"Thanks, mom." All I could do is look at the thermometer and chuckle.

"You felt hot and you're flushed. Maybe letting you travel so soon today wasn't a good idea." A look of concern was evident on his face.

"I'm fine, and since when am I not flushed?" I didn't want to get into the fact that I had perpetually felt like shit since I left the hospital.

"Listen wise ass, open your mouth or I'm going to flip you over and do this the hard way."

He looked serious, so I didn't ask questions. Great. So, my temp was a little over 102, but that was normal for me recently, as soon as my meds kicked in I'd be fine. Oh well, he wouldn't think of it and for the next two days I wasn't allowed out of bed. I hated it. I was going crazy lying there, that's all I had done the week before. Now at least my nurse wasn't some old troll with a syringe and a voice that could make your insides squirm whenever she opened her yap. No, this nurse was much better, one I got to touch back :).

During this downtime what much is there to do except sleep, watch television, or talk? Well, Tim wanted to talk, and by talking he didn't mean the weather, he meant me.

Through the past almost 5 years I hadn't talked about it or anything that upset me. Sure I was sent to councilors, therapists, and a psychologist, especially after every suicide attempt. The rape however I had successfully avoided in sessions. There was enough to talk about my sexuality and the problems I faced with my family and everyone else for that matter about it. They diagnosed me, advised me and medicated me and then I was on my way. So now, after getting through all of that bullshit, I was faced with doing it again... This time only there was no lying or avoiding, and I wasn't dealing with a paid professional I was looking into the eyes of Tim, my lover.

For a long afternoon the following day we had the discussion that he had been pushing for since I had told him. It was probably the most painful, difficult and relieving conversations in my life. At many points he was crying or I was crying but usually both. At one point I blew up and didn't want to go on anymore, my emotions and thought process was on overload and I wanted to forget it all. Just forget it like I had tried to for so many years. He wouldn't let me, he just held me and soothed me and insisted I went on.

With all of the pleading, yelling, talking, crying, remembering I was exhausted. Yet, it was a good feeling. I never wanted to leave that bed or Tim's arms after that night, never. He supported me 100% and stayed calm. He reassured me, and gave me the feedback that I had wished to hear for so long. He was right in the long run. All I needed to do was talk about it. For some reason I didn't think he'd look at me the same way again, or at least he would in a lesser light. It's funny the way it went in a completely opposite direction. By the end of that evening I couldn't have cared what he thought, I had rid myself of that burden.

I spent the next week and a half with Tim before the spring semester started. It was probably the nicest time I had had in a long time. I was slowly getting my strength back, it probably would have come sooner if someone had let me do anything except for be waited. But it was a nice feeling. No longer did he touch me and I thought of Anthony, no longer did I feel a twinge of fear before sex or have nightmares after. And further more, I was ready to move on to better things.

He had hit on it lightly by the end of my stay when we had started to get back into our dinner and a suck off routine. I had come clean with him that the only reason I didn't want him to fuck me was that it scared me before, that it brought back too much of a negative feeling. He understood and dropped it, but now I guess I wanted it. That seemed like the biggest thing I had to get over now. True I wasn't over anything, but I felt at piece with a lot of it because of Tim, and I wanted him to know that I trusted and loved him enough to do this. It was more than sex to me; I would be giving myself to him. I never got to know what it was supposed to be like the first time, never shared it with someone special or felt special. Whatever, the first time isn't supposed to be that great under normal circumstances anyway, right? My second time was going to count though, and the only person I ever wanted to do that with ever was Tim.

I had to return to campus Tuesday, and that day was looming over our happiness as the day grew near. I had decided to tell him the Friday night before that I was ready, that I wanted to take that step.

He gave me an almost hurt look that confused me. "Are you sure?"

"Never been more sure about anything else."

"Ror it's a big deal, I don't want you to regret anything, it is really soon."

"Really soon? It's been 5 years since then, and 7 months since we've been together. We've taken our time."

"I meant since...." I placed a hand over his mouth and kissed him.

"I want you to make love to me. Is there anything wrong with that?"

He giggled. "I guess not. But not tonight."

"I need to make an appointment?"

"No, Smartass. I just want it to be more special than sitting around eating left over Chinese on my couch and then fucking. We can do that later." He said with a grin.

"I just want to do it before I go back."

"Well aren't you impatient."

"I just want to make sure that we have time and we're both not tired with everything else going on."

"I know sweetheart, I know."

At this point he kissed and hugged me. I was confused at what he meant, but he always one for being a romantic and strived to please. The next day we went shopping and cleaned a bit. We went out to dinner, later, a really nice place downtown, I really wasn't expecting it, but I had a feeling it wasn't going to be the highlight of the evening. I knew then what he meant by special. We went to my favorite Jazz bar afterwards and saw a really great group, but I didn't want to stay all night, I had better things on my mind and was a little impatient I suppose. We left the club around 11 that night, it as freezing and icy, I'm surprised I didn't catch pneumonia still.

As soon as the front door was relocked and my jacket was off his arms were around me and his lips locked with mine. I felt weak at that moment, light headed I supposed. I had waited a while and I was anxious but a little scared too. All of those concerns left me as soon he gave that kiss. I knew I was safe. I knew I was loved. I knew that he was going to make this special to me.

The next thing I knew I was being picked up playfully and taken to his bedroom. I couldn't help but laugh as he flung me over his shoulder like a rag doll. He laid me out on the bed and proceeded to kiss me. My hands were roaming around his back and hair and he was tracing his hands up and down my sides as we kissed passionately. I managed to sit up and pull him onto the bed without breaking the kiss. I swung around and straddled his lap like I usually did when we made out, it helped with the height difference and I liked the warmth of the closeness. His arms caressed my back and thighs as mine draped around his shoulders as we continued to kiss.

He moved from probing my mouth with his tongue to nibbling my lip, then my chin. He kissed and nibbled his way across my jaw line to my ear lobe, which he flicked and then sucked on. I couldn't help but bite my lip and moan as I felt his hot breath on my neck.

"I love you, Rory." He said as his tongue flicked my lobe again.

I didn't have a chance to reply my feelings as my mouth was again covered with his. His hands moved from my back to the buttons on my shirt. When he removed mine he flicked off his sweater and threw them both across the room. He wrapped his arms around me and proceeded to lift me and turn me so that I was lying on my back again, with my legs still wrapped around his waist in the position I was sitting in. He proceeded to kiss my lips down to my neck. He planted little kisses on my Adams apple and collarbone. I felt his hand trace up the inner thigh of my pant leg and then rub my penis through the material. His other hand at the same time started to pinch my right nipple as his tongue swirled around the other.

"Oohh god." Was all I could pant out.

He stood up over me again and removed my shoes and socks. He slowly pulled down each and rubbed the arch and soul of my foot slowly but firmly. He knew it would tickle me if he did it lighter, but he also knew it turned me on as I squirmed and flexed my toes under his slow touch. He then moved up and took down my pants and boxers in one slow motion. He then continued to disrobe himself quickly and returned to lying on top of me. He supported his weight on his knees that lay on each side of my calves. His erection rubbed against my inner thigh as we kissed and touched each other. He broke our kiss and moved to sit above me and stroke my penis.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Ahh, yes."

He lowered himself more and flicked the head of my cock with his tongue. God it felt great when he did that. He started to swirl his tongue around it and without warning start to pump on it with his throat. He did this for a few minutes before he moved down to sucking my balls, he must have sensed I was close.

First one, then the other, and then both of them. I couldn't help but arch my back and whimper. He was always a little rough with playing with my balls and it drove me crazy. He'd tug on them with his mouth and impossible suction and I couldn't help but moan.

His tongue moved down lower and started to trace up and down my ass, grazing over my hole. His arms moved to lift my thighs into my stomach as his tongue started to center in on that area. I had never gotten tongued before but it felt so good. His tongue started to move across it with stronger strokes and soon was poking and jabbing at the pucker. At first it stung a little, well maybe not stung, but as his tongue pushed itself into me it was definitely a strange feeling. After I had relaxed I began to enjoy the tongue fucking. I reached down to stroke my penis as he assaulted my with his tongue faster and faster. I managed to just wrap my fingers around the shaft before his hand came up and moved it away.

He had a hand playing with my nipples the entire time this was going on. He reached up with his hand and placed a finger at my lips, probing to get in. I sucked the finger with earnest as I thought about the feeling coming from my ass cock. As abrupt as the finger was placed at my lips he took it away, along with his tongue. I was puzzled by the sudden loss of contact for a moment, until I felt I'm guessing that same finger enter my ass.

"Aaahhh" was all I could do as I felt him slowly rotate it within me.

"You want more?" He said mischievously.

"Yes, oh...oh god, fuck me." I said with a whimper as I continued to pant.

He moved his free hand to his nightstand to retrieve a bottle of lube. He lubed up another finger and again started to finger fuck me. I couldn't believe how good it felt and wanted him that moment. I couldn't wait any longer and pulled him down on top of me. He again started to kiss my neck and up to my ear.

"You sure, babe?" He whispered huskily into my ear.

All I did was nod my approval and kiss him. He again sat up on his thighs and opened the bottle of lube. I felt him finger the cold liquid into me again and then watched him spread it over his penis. He finished and leaned over me again; I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. His hands slowly brought my knees to rest on my chest as he positioned himself on top of me. I could feel the head of his cock stroking up and down my ass. It was hot and I could feel the precum leaking from it as it mixed with the colder lube.

He bent down and kissed me as he pushed the head of his cock against my sphincter. The head slipped in with almost a popping sensation and my entire body tensed. It hurt. The sensation was one I remembered and I quickly opened my eyes and struggled to see why he was hurting me. But just as my panic had come it had gone as I looked into Tim's eyes and he stroked my cheek. His concern looked evident and I was once again determined to get over my fear. He wasn't going to hurt me.

"It's ok hun, it'll pass. Just relax and tell me when it doesn't hurt." He said as he leaned in again to kiss me.

Within a few moments he was pushing himself into me again. The pain came back but not as intense and again he waited for me. Ever so slowly he began to move in and out of my tender chute and reassure me with little kisses and touches. Within a minute it was beginning to feel good, really good. I knew he had found my prostate as small waves past over me with each inward stroke.

He was still going slowly when he wrapped his arms around my back and flipped us over. He sat Indian style on the bed with me balanced on his cock and in his arms. His arms grasped my ass and easily moved my small frame up and down on his cock. It was slow and sensual. He kneaded and spread my ass as he moved me to massage his cock. I was pumping up and down the best I could as I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his broad back.

His hand came up to flatten on my chest as he pushed me to lie back down on the bed. My head and shoulders touched the mattress as the rest of my body was lying across his thighs and around his waist. His hands for a moment traced up and down my chest, sides, and stomach before they found their grip on my hips and started to fuck me again. His hands pulled and pushed me off his cock as I laid there, my back arched and my legs prone to a new position over his arms. The feeling was incredible as he got closer and started to go faster. He used long strokes and managed to hit my prostate every time.

I could feel he was close as he started to get louder and jerkier with his strokes. I had yet to touch my cock but could feel my balls drawing up, as his cock grew larger within me. All of a sudden I couldn't take it any longer and started to cum all over my chest, stomach, and then down into my crotch. I clenched around his cock with each spasm of orgasm and this sent him over the edge as he lurched his body forward and slammed me into him with each volley of his own orgasm.

I lay limp across his legs and on the mattress trying to regain my breath and some sort of strength. His arms wrapper around my waist and pulled my limp and panting frame into his chest. I kissed him softly, for that's all I could do as his arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace.

"You ok?" He whispered into my ear as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I love you so much." Was all I could muster as I collapsed into his arms with exhaustion.

Well, that's it for now. Please email me with questions or comments at I'm also Rory Danial on AIM. Thanks to all of the people at Nifty for their support, you guys are great.

Next: Chapter 5

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