My Secret Love

By D Laws

Published on Jun 14, 2023


Warning: This does contain material involving same sex relations, if you are offended by this in any way then don't read it. This is only for fun, and not meant for anything else.

My Secret Love By D. Laws

Part Four

There we were sitting on the couch, me rambling away trying to ease Lauri into feeling comfortable and not having to make her feel forced in anyway in having to tell me anything, but she surprised me. She interrupted me, and after a few moments of laughing and enjoying the moment Lauri became serious with me again.

"So Samantha, where were we?" Lauri paused for a few moments

and moved closer to me on the couch. "I really do want to get this

out in the open and finally explain things to you. Please Samantha,

don't think I'm being forced into saying anything just because I

know you have feelings for me. I want to tell you how I truly feel,

and not what was said that day. It's very scary and confusing for me,

I don't admit to understand any of this really or how it came about,

but all I know Samantha is that I, too, have feelings for you.

I don't know really when it started or how it developed but after all

that has happened the past few weeks between us, our kiss, us arguing,

my fears that day, and then seeing you lay in that hospital fighting

for your life. Well it's made me realize that you mean something

to me, that your important to me. Damn..." Lauri said flustered.

"This isn't really coming out the right way."

"Lauri, it's okay. Just tell me what you feel now from your

heart. There is no wrong way to tell someone the truth."

"Samantha, I'm not good at expressing my feelings, and to tell you

the truth I'm very nervous here. You bring out all these new

feelings in me that I haven't felt before and I'm confused and

scared and just so many feelings all at once. I don't know how

this will work out Samantha or where any of this will lead but I do

care for you...well, more than care for you." Lauri hesistated for

a few seconds. "Samantha, I think I love you as well. That day

these feelings were so overwhelming for me that it scared me too much

and I didn't want to admit these feelings to myself either, and the

only way I knew how to deal with them was to push you away.

And being your instructor well that was the best thing and the right

thing to do for everyone concerned, at least I had thought that it

was at the time. Now...I still don't know. I didn't know this

would happen, or that I would find myself with these feelings for

you. I love my husband still and am just so confused!"

Lauri's nerves were shot. She wanted to get away from Samantha and run, but she knew she had to tell Samantha how she felt, even if that meant that she still loved her husband as well and wasn't sure about any of this.

"Lauri, I don't know where any of this will lead either. I realize

you still love your husband and you have a family, and I don't want

to come between that. Lauri, we don't have to go any where with this.

I do love you Lauri, and I do understand your confusion and these

new feelings that you have. I won't push anything on you that

you don't want. How about we don't put any pressure on us at all for

anything to happen, okay? We've both been honest in how we feel

about each other, so how bout we just take each day as it comes and

just see what happens. Let's not expect anything, and just

be friends, and if things happen then we'll face that then. But for

now I hope we can become good friends anyway." I said reaching for

Lauri's hand.

Lauri smiled at me and grabbed my hand as well and gave it a squeeze. Her hands were shaking a little as she held mine.

"Thanks, Samantha, your such a wonderful person. Thanks for

understanding me, and being so, well, just being so understanding."

Lauri said smiling at me as she squeezed my hand. "And I would

love to become a good friend of yours. In fact, I hope we already


Lauri leaned in and gave me a gentle hug not wanting to squeeze too much with my sore ribs from the accident that was still recovering. It took me quite by surprise. To feel her arms around me brought my feelings to the surface again that I had to keep in check. I had to remind myself, go slow Samantha, just friends, remember just friends, at least for now I was thinking anyway. I returned the hug and wrapped my arms around Lauri. For a hug it sure seemed to linger longer than what would be considered a normal friendly hug. It felt so nice and warm to feel her arms around me. But I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable so I slightly pulled away and smiled.

If I didn't know better, I had thought I heard a slight disgruntle as I pulled away, but I pretended I heard nothing. She definitely wants this, I thought to myself. I just have to be subtle in letting her see that and make the right moves in making that happen.

It was a silent awkward moment right after the hug as we looked at each other. I didn't want to be forward with her, but at that moment I wanted to kiss her so bad. Memories of our last kiss together flashed through my mind. That kiss in her office was filled with such passion and lust. I shook the thought from my mind. Before I knew what was happening, Lauri was leaning forward and slightly and so softly she kissed my lips. It wasn't like our kiss before, this kiss was so soft and slow. She pulled back and looked at me unsure of herself.

I reached my hand up and cupped her face as I looked within her eyes. That is all she needed for assurance as she leaned forward again and gently pressed her lips to mine. Her arms reaching around me and embracing me as she pulled me gently into her as our kiss deepened. I allowed her tongue entry as I felt her tongue slowly enter me so lovingly. Her kiss was so feathery and light, so gentle like she didn't want to hurt me, but it was so loving that it touched my heart with so much love for her. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as she kissed me. My hand caressed her face as she held me so gently to her. She slightly pulled her lips away while still holding me to her as her hand gently reached up and stroked my face as she looked into my eyes. She was so beautiful at that moment as she looked at me with so much love. The tears began to roll down my cheeks. She gently and lovingly wiped them away as she whispered that she loved me and held me into her once again.

For the rest of that afternoon not much was said between us. She held me close to her that afternoon so lovingly as we just enjoyed our company together. Nothing else happened other than the closeness we shared of opening up our hearts to one another. We watched some tv and just held each other for the rest of the afternoon as we both dozed in and out of sleep, not saying a word.

The kiss we shared on the couch earlier that afternoon was so soft and loving. I wasn't sure where we would go from there, but I just enjoyed this time that we did have together. It was getting late in the evening, and we both ended up snacking on some food that Lauri had in the house, and we talked a little about our life, our feelings. Lauri asked me some questions about what my brother had told her in the hospital about my marriage and all of that so we talked the rest of the night sharing and opening up to each other about our lifes.

We both were unsure where any of this would go, so we just enjoyed each others company and stayed in that closeness that the kiss had brought to us this afternoon and left things with that for now. It was going on past midnight and we were both tired. It had been a touching and very intimate night of sharing and talking, and learning and growing closer together. Lauri talked about her family and showed me pictures of her childhood, and pictures of her own children. She talked about the loss of her father a few years ago to cancer who was her world, and how hard it was at first for her to handle that loss.

I talked to her about my parents being killed and how the loss and closeness of my mother had affected me and how for awhile it had destroyed me. How I lost my way for awhile after that, and how it took me many years to get my life back together again.

We shared so many things together,and found ourselves becoming much closer and understanding each other even better. I found myself falling even more dangerously in love with her. She had my heart, and it scared me. It scared me so much cause I knew she had a life with her husband and children, and I wondered where I fit in all of that in her life. I wanted to be cautious, to not let myself get too close, and turn and run from her...from my feelings, but I just couldn't help myself being even more drawn into her, and loving her even more. I wanted all of her, and it scared the hell out of me.

Lauri got up and helped me up. She helped me up the stairs to the bedroom. I went into the bedroom, but hadn't a clue where my clothes were. Lauri had headed to the bathroom so I scrambled around, and yelled out to Lauri.

"Lauri, do you know where my clothes are, the others you brought

in earlier?"

"Oh yes Samantha, sorry about that. I put some of your clothes in

the dresser drawer near the tv stand." Lauri said as she walked in.

When I went to your apartment I wasn't sure what to pack so I grabbed

quite a few of your things and placed them in the drawers there.

I hope you don't mind?"

"No, I don't mind at all. I gave you my keys to get some of my

clothes, I guess I didn't expect you to pack my whole apartment.

I'm kidding." I said smiling at her. "Thanks, Lauri, I really

do appreciate that. Did you happen to pack any of my pj's in there

when you went to my apartment?"

"Um, no, I didn't see any. What do you normally sleep in?" Lauri

said a bit shy at asking that question.

"Well, normally in the summer I just sleep in my underwear and a

t-shirt, but I do have some summer pj's that I wear if I have

company staying over." I said smiling again at Lauri.

"Well, your welcome to sleep in anything you want, and if you need

to borrow any of my t-shirts or anything just let me know, okay?"

"Thanks, Lauri. Well tonight I"ll just wear these shorts and

this t-shirt. I don't want to gross you out with all my bandages

and all showing so I'll keep them covered."

"Samantha, please don't say that. You wouldn't gross me out with

seeing your injuries. Your here to recuperate, remember. And I'm

here to help you. So anyway while we're on that subject, can I

help you change and help you change any of your dressings?"

"Um...well, I don't want to bother you." I said hesitantly.

"Samantha, please, come on now. Here, tell me what we need to do

and I'll help you."

"Well, can you help me remove this shirt. It hurts too much for

me to lift my arms up too high."

Lauri walked over to me and helped me slip off my t-shirt. My bandages covered where the doctors had operated, and some I wore as constiction around my ribs to help them repair.

"Lauri, can you reach around here? Yeah, there, that's good.

I have some solution there the doctor wants me to wash over the

area there to keep it sterile and then I have some bandages in my

bag there near the bed I brought in from the hospital."

Lauri grabbed the sterile solution and helped me remove my bandages. Lauri told me to lay down as she cleaned the area for me. I was a bit embarrassed and apprehensive with this but she made me feel at ease. So I laid down on the bed onto my side as Lauri was behind me.

"Samantha if this hurts let me know, I'll try and do this as

gently as I can."

"Okay, Lauri. Don't worry I'm use to the nurse doing this so it's

okay really."

Lauri grabbed some sterile gauze and solution and began to gently clean the area where my stiches were. I jumped a little at first contact but then relaxed into it as Lauri continued. The bruises and cuts were still evident from my accident but were healing rather nicely. Even my ribs weren't as sore and I seemed to have a little more movement. I laid there relaxed as I felt Lauri's hands gently caring for me. It felt nice having her do this for me. Lauri then grabbed the bandages and surgical tape and covered up my stiches. She helped me up again and helped me wear the constriction suit around my ribs.

"There, how's that?" Lauri asked.

"That feels good Lauri. Thanks for helping me here. I don't think

I"ll have to wear this thing too much longer." I said pointing to the body bandage around my ribs. I didn't know quite what to call it but I had seen this before with people who had surgery or liposuction where the doctor made them wear this thing. It was comfortable enough so I didn't mind too much.

"So Lauri, how did the stiches look?"

"Actually it looks like it's getting better, there doesn't seem

to be as much swelling as before like last week when the nurse had

done this. Here let me help you with your t-shirt." Lauri helped

me put my shirt back on. "There you go. Okay, ready for bed then?"

"Yeah, thanks so much for the help Lauri." I said as Lauri helped

me climb under the covers.

"No problem there Samantha, I want to help you all that I can, okay?

So ask me anytime."

Lauri climbed in the bed on the other side. She was wearing a night shift. It looked really nice and sexy on her, though a little less clothing would have been nice as well. Lauri turned towards me. "Are you going to be okay Samantha, do you need any extra pillows?"

"No, I'm fine thanks Lauri." I said as I layed down on the bed and got comfortable.

I think we were both a little nervous but it felt nice being close to her. Lauri was about to turn back but stopped. She looked at me and gently ran her hand through my hair. She leaned forward and slightly kissed me on my lips. "Goodnight Samantha." She said and then turned over and layed down in the bed.

"Goodnight Lauri." I rolled on my side and soon found sleep taking over me. It had been such a long day, with coming home from the hospital, Lauri and I being open and honest with each other finally, and then the kiss, the most beautiful kiss I had ever experienced. Maybe it was because I truly loved her, and that made the difference with everything. It felt good being near her, though my fears were still very real of losing her, but I knew I had no right really to expect anything more from her.

Unbeknownst to me Lauri was laying there in her thoughts as well as I drifted off to sleep. "Oh Samantha, I do love you, I can't help but fall in love with you every time I see you. I want to take care of you, and do so much for you. I'm so confused. I wish things were easier for me to sort these feelings out. I wish I didn't have to choose between my feelings for you and my husband. But damn it, I want you so bad in my life. What are we going to do Samantha." Lauri pondered to herself as she layed there.

Lauri rolled towards me, my back was turned to her. She gently ran her fingers down my face. "What are we going to do," she thought again as she looked at my sleeping body. "I love you Samantha," Lauri whispered as she rolled back over and fell asleep.

The early morning sunlight shining through awoke me. I felt something heavy on me. I realized Lauri's arm was draped over me. I smiled to myself at how nice that was that she was all cuddled up to me. I wondered if she did that in her sleep and realized that she had her arm around me. I didn't want to startle her so I slightly moved feigning sleep to just see if Lauri would reposition her arm or stay in that position. As I slightly moved out of reach, she followed moving her arm around me again.

Hmm...I wondered. Is she still sleeping? This time I reached my arm towards her and held her hand. I slightly caressed her hand as my back was still turned from her. I felt her move a little now. I rolled towards her. Her eyes were still shut. I looked at her beautiful face as she still lay sleeping, at least I think she was still sleeping. I gently caressed her face, running my fingers down her jawline. She still laid still.

I leaned in a little closer and slightly kissed her lips. Still no response. I let my fingers trail down her neck to the crevice of her breasts. Do I dare go any further I thought to myself. I felt my body beginning to become a little warmer. I shouldn't do it, but the temptation was too much for me. I trailed my fingers down her jaw, her neck again, then I remained still as my fingers ran so daringly close to her breast. I went a little further down her crevice. Still no movement. It shouldn't hurt, I thought, she's still sleeping. I began to feel a wetness start between my legs...damn I thought. I really need to touch myself, for her to touch me. I guess I must be feeling better I smiled to myself if that area of my body is functioning okay.

I stopped. Lauri slightly moved so I stayed very still. She seemed to have fallen back to sleep again, so I began tracing my fingers down her crevice again so slowly creeping towards her nipple. I traced around the material that covered around her nipple. Her nipple instantly became hard. I traced my fingers to her other breast, and slightly but slowly traced around her other nipple. I couldn't help myself but squeeze her breast a little.

I wanted her so bad, but in the condition I was in, I was in no condition yet for love making, or whether her and I would even go that far, I wasn't sure. She was so beautiful there and still sleeping. And I was so wet. I let my hand slip into my underwear and began to stroke myself. I had been so turned on by touching her that I had to release myself.

I turned over to my back away from Lauri and opened my legs a little more. Lauri was still sleeping so I pulled my underwear down a little and spread myself open a little more. I let my fingers enter me. It felt so good. I needed more and began to thrust my fingers a little deeper. With each thrust of my fingers I let out a little moan. I had to keep quiet cause I didn't want to wake her. I felt myself nearing my climax. It didn't take long for I was already so turned on by fantasizing that Lauri was doing this to me that it pushed me over the edge. I let my fingers now focus on my clit, stroking faster now, and that last stroke of my clit pushed me over the edge and I climaxed right there. I muffled a little moan as my orgasm ripped through me. My sweat now soaking my clothes. I let out a big sigh of air as I had been trying to hold my breath and not make any noise as I had touched myself.

Lauri was still sleeping, so I pushed myself up. The crutches were leaning against the bed so I reached for them, and got up and walked, or I should say more like limped as best you can with crutches. I wanted to clean the musk smell and sweat off of me before Lauri woke up so I headed to the bathroom.

As soon as Samantha left the room Lauri moved and let out a big sigh. She had been awake the whole time and heard everything. Lauri felt Samantha caress her face, moving slightly down her jawline and neck. At first she was about to move to let Samantha know she was awake but then decided to wait to see what Samantha was going to do. Plus she didn't want Samantha to stop. She wanted Samantha to touch her more, she wanted to reach around and touch her as well and let Samantha know that she wanted her, but she didn't know what to do. She was scared about these new feelings so she laid there still feigning sleep as she felt Samantha's hand move further down her neck to her breasts. Samantha caressed her nipple, then moving to her other breast. Lauri held her breath trying not to let out a moan as Samantha squeezed and caressed at her breasts. She felt her wetness between her legs and the need to touch herself.

Samantha rolled over. Thank God, Lauri thought to herself. I don't think I could have held it in much longer with her continuing to touch me like that. But then all of a sudden she heard little moaning noises. Lauri opened her eyes slightly and looked at Samantha out of the corner of her eyes while she still feigned sleep. Samantha was on her back, her legs were open and underwear down a little. Oh shit, Lauri thought to herself, she's touching herself.

Lauri suddenly felt a flood of wetness through her underwear. She laid very still cause she didn't want to disturb Samantha but her center was so hot and her breathing was becoming very rapid with each sound she heard Samantha make. She wanted Samantha to touch her so bad. She wanted to reach down and touch her clit but she didn't want to make any movement. Hearing Samantha was turning her on so much. It was pure torture for Lauri. She was hoping Samantha would climax soon so she could get up and run to the bathroom and release herself. Then she heard Samantha let out one last moan as she felt the bed shake a little as Samantha's orgasmed.

Lauri's heart was beating so fast that she was sure that Samantha must know she was awake. She tried to calm her breathing as she laid still. She felt Samantha get up and walk out. Lauri wanted to ask if she needed any help to get up but then Samantha would know she was awake and she didn't want to embarrass her so she lay there still waiting to see if Samantha could get out of bed herself, and she did. As soon as Samantha left the room, Lauri took a deep inhale and immediately touched herself and brought herself to an orgasm while she kept an eye on the door to make sure Samantha didnt walk back in on her, but she knew it would be awhile yet before Samantha would get back. Lauri orgasmed a few more times. She had never felt such an intense orgasm before as this, hearing Samantha and feeling her touch her was more than she had ever felt before that it brought her to another level.

Lauri grabbed some towels from the linen closet and wiped herself up a little as she waited for Samantha to return. Samantha walked in a few minutes later. "Morning Lauri, I didn't know you were up yet?"

"Morning Samantha. Yes, I just got up a few minutes ago. Were

you able to get down to the bathroom okay? You know you could

have woke me if you needed help?" Lauri said, though knowing all

too well that she laid there awake listening to Samantha.

"No, it was fine Lauri. I guess I'm getting use to moving around

a little better now and maneuvering a little better with these

crutches. So it wasn't a problem. I have to move a little slower

but I'm able to get there." Samantha said smiling.

"So are you up for some breakfast then?" Lauri asked.

"I sure am. How bout you let me help as well."

"Hmmm...I don't know Samantha. I don't think your that better

yet to be doing too much. You know you still have to take it


Yeah, if only you knew how better I was feeling, Samantha thought to herself.

"Well, I'd still like to help some. I don't want you slaving over

the stove while I'm here."

"I tell you what," Lauri said. "How bout when your feeling much

better than I'll let you cook a nice dinner for me. That's fair

isn't it?"

"Okay, Lauri. For now anyway." I said smiling at her.

"Why don't you go get washed up then. There's some towels and

washcloths in the bathroom. I know you can't get your cast wet

so just wash up in the tub. I know how much of a pain that is but

look on the bright side, the doctor did say in a few more weeks to

call him to set up an appointment to have it removed." Lauri said

with warmth in her voice.

"Okay, your right Lauri." I grabbed some of my clothes and tucked them under one of my arms. Lauri saw how difficult it was for me and took my clothes from my hand and helped me down the stairs. I went off to the bathroom to clean up as Lauri went to the kitchen to prepare for breakfast.

Not long after I could smell bacon and eggs cooking. smelt so good and was watering my mouth. I guess I was getting a little hungry, a sure good sign that I was getting back to my old self again. I loved to eat. I always tried to keep in shape and exercised as much as I could before cause I always made up for it with my appetite. And with me gaining my appetite back again meant that I was on my way to recovery. Well my early morning actions should have proven that to me, I thought smiling to myself as I continued to wash myself up.

I changed into some shorts and another t-shirt. This one was bigger and baggier on me so I was able to get it on without any help this time. But I felt my ribs not feeling so tight anymore so I could move a little better and seemed a little more flexible anyway. My bruises seemed to be fading as well and lessening quite a bit. I guess I should be glad that I didn't look like death anymore, my brother's words to be exact, as I remember him saying those words to get me to accept Lauri's offer of help.

Well soon I would be totally recovered, I frowned to myself, which meant soon I wouldn't be at Lauri's anymore. I knew I couldn't overstay my welcome, nor could I fake not healing as quickly either. I guess I was just enjoying myself too much at Lauri's now and I really enjoyed her company. I felt so close to her now. We shared so much together up to this point, that I didn't want to go backwards...I didn't want to lose her and how much we had gained so far. Last night we made such headway with each other, and then to even kiss again. I don't know where this will lead. I'm so scared of being so hurt by her, and being so vulnerable to her, but I'm afraid at this point it's a bit too late for me. I'm already so crazy in love with her that I can't back out now. My heart is in it too deeply, I said to myself as I looked into the bathroom mirror.

I know what I said to her last night about not rushing things, or putting any pressure on each other to be anything more than friends, but I sure hope that our kiss was any indication that she wants more. Well, I sure hope so.

I know she wants this, I just have to make it happen somehow. I finished up in the bathroom while all these thoughts rushed through my head. I heard Lauri banging away with the dishes. Breakfast smelled really good. Well for now I'm hungry, let's begin there first Samantha, then we'll come up with how we can seduce Lauri. I smiled at that thought.

Next: Chapter 5

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