My Shit Servant

By Adam Markan

Published on May 23, 2015


My Shit Servant _ Chapter 2

Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction. All characters are made up and any similarity to anyone dead or alive is coincidental. This is a raunch story with scat, puke and a Master/slave relationship - if that offends you, please discontinue reading. If it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. I condone the acts in my stories as between consenting adults. If you like this story, you can contact me at Suggestions are always welcomed but they are just that - suggestions.

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Sorry it has taken so long for a second chapter. I'll continue this story from my perspective (Danny) and from Alex's.

My Life as a Shit Lord

I'm still in awe of where my life has gone in the last year. Meeting Alex has been the most amazing things to ever happen to me. After a few months of wrangling, he finally made it here for good. Now here we are six months later and I couldn't imagine anything more awesome than it is now. Fuck.

He trashed his entire life. Every fucking bit of it. He made himself just disappear. He made himself my property. He fucking gave up everything and gave it all to me. How the fuck did I get so lucky? I mean, I was always committed to this, but I had nothing to lose Ð only lots to gain. He turned his back on money, friends, family, job, and security, all to be this little punk's fucking toilet. It makes me hard thinking about it every time. It is fucking awesome.

I love that I now have this property that is all mine. He is nothing more than property. I took away his name and his identity. I took away his freedom. I took away any reason he had to live except for one Ð to serve me. I have more money than I've ever imagined. I have boys at my beck and call. I have everything a dude could want. And I own a person. Well, what used to be a person. You really can't call him human anymore. He's nothing, really. OK, he's something. I do love him.

My new life is amazing. Unbelievable. I'm learning each day what I am too. I am even more of a Master, a Dom, a Lord than I thought. Sometimes I am even surprised at what comes out of me. At what I do or say. Fuck yeah. I am fucking awesome. AWE. SOME.

Alex is just a piece of property that responds to my every desire. Best of all, and his first priority is being my toilet. I never want my ass to touch porcelain again as long as I have this perfect receptacle for my shit, piss and puke. He serves some semi-human capacity too. He cooks, cleans, irons, and takes care of me. That's all nice, but I love that we share this bond with each other. Shit. I love to see him submit to it and I love to give it to him. Shit is what completes us. It is my power over him. It is why he calls me his God. His Shit Lord. Fucking awesome.

I like to have my wild days and I like to get crazy, but as with any other life, most days are the usual. No matter what, I call the shots. I dictate what the day is for me and for him. I am in full control. Sometimes he just serves a certain role Ð toilet. Sometimes he is more. He is always whatever I need him to be. I keep pinching myself Ð how did I end up with this amazing fucking subhuman slave? I don't let him talk, maybe once in a while, but not really. If he does talk it is to say how awesome I am. I keep him on all fours like the animal he is unless he is cooking or I just want him to do so. He wears nothing Ð except a collar and some knee and hand pads. He can't leave here. I took him twice to a couple of sessions where he was used (more on those another time), but I really don't want to risk him being seen. Everyone in my life and in the building thinks I live alone. No one knows he is here and it needs to stay that way. I don't want someone who doesn't get what we are to cause trouble. That's why I keep him from any people unless I know the deal. He doesn't need that anyway. Toilets don't need friends.

I bought myself this crazy awesome fucking king sized bed. It is fucking money dude. Right below me at the foot of the bed is my slave. Waiting. Ready. Wanting. I had this bin built for him. I purposely made it cold and slightly uncomfortable. I want comfort to be a reward for him, not something regular. I want him to be in his own squalor Ð especially since I like that smell. Shit and piss and puke Ð in the room, on him. Since we can't stop him from pissing and shitting, I make him use a bucket or just do it in his bed. Of course, he has to eat and drink it all too. He's a fucking toilet! It is just recycling my waste anyway. He eats the little bit of food and water he gets from a bowl. Like a dog Ð even though a dog would be given better accommodations. (Hmm, maybe I should get a dogÉsorry, distractions.)

I know he sleeps. So, I've installed a vibrating buzzer that is set to go off just before my alarm on the days we have some sort of schedule. I want him awake and ready when I call for him to take my morning piss. If I have to piss in the middle of the night, I just go over and give him a kick; he jumps into action and takes whatever I give him. That is the most effort I want to put into it. I love how good he's become at swallowing piss. He doesn't miss a drop and his warm mouth feels so good on my cock. Morning piss is usually stinky and I think it is his favorite. After I piss, I knock him aside. He just goes right into worship mode and licks my feet, sucks my toes and just loves on me. God damn it feels good to wake up to that every day. I like to pet him like a dog too and I tell him he's a good toilet. He is after all. I like to tease him and call him cunt of faggot or piece of shit too. He's all of that. He's certainly not Alex anymore!!

I usually shit later in the morning, but sometimes I have to shit right away, (especially after a night of drinking and partying). I hang my ass on the edge of the bed and show my hole. He jumps right in and starts licking and sucking and anticipating my shit. He is a fucking eating pro. He fucking lives for this. I LOVE how much he LOVES eating my shit. He fucking moans in absolute ecstasy while he takes it all. When he's done, he cleans my ass better than any toilet paper or wipe. Perfection.

Most days I go sit in my favorite chair and fuck around on the internet or watch TV. He does everything for me. Brings my computer to me, turns on the TV, changes channels for me, props my feet up, anything. He goes and makes me breakfast. This piece of shit can cook! (That's why I let him stand up for this.) He brings the food to me and feeds me. I fucking love being fed. I really feel powerful when he does that. After I eat, I make him blow me. I love a long, deep blowjob to start my day. I pump him full of cum and send him to the bathroom. Here's when I usually shit, if I didn't earlier. Otherwise it is shower time.

There is no actual toilet in our loft. Well, OK, there's one in the front part I invite guests into that aren't clued in to my twisted world. Otherwise, the rest of the bathrooms have a rim seat and a place for him. Our master bathroom has a mirror so I can watch him eat my shit. If it is a day that I need to shit then, or maybe even a second time, he is right there waiting for me. I sit and he gets to rimming my ass and waiting for shit. I always fart in his face first. I know he loves it by the way he breathes it in deeply. I slowly let out my thick, hard turd and he chomps it up as fast as it comes out. He groans with delight. Fuck, he's so good. I mean the best fucking shit eater there is. He eats my shit as fast as it comes out. We both fucking love this. I piss in a small bucket and he drinks that up after he cleans my ass. I go right to the shower and get bathed by him. I don't want him to shower because I like my toilet to stink. Again, his comfort is a reward, not a regular thing. He washes me from top to bottom. If there's nothing going on for the day, I make him worship me with his tongue for hours. If it's a workday (yes, I still go to work), he just uses a cloth. He dries me down and dresses me and then rushes off to the door. He is a lot like a dog. Fuck yeah. My pet toilet.

I like to keep up appearances, plus I don't want to get bored or into trouble, so I work still. Still at the school I was at before, except now I was able to buy my way into a much cushier job. I don't do much. I do have the resources to do things there that I couldn't have before. I have to show my slave a little love, so I let him stand up and I kiss him goodbye each day. A really long, nice, passionate kiss. I do love him. He does give me chills. I also love to just use the fuck out of him. I only call him `him' because our love is the only human thing he has left. Otherwise, he is just property. A FUCKING TOILET. A beautiful, amazing fucking toilet. I get to taste my shit in his mouth too. I like shit too and I like to taste it this way. He bows down to me. I still fucking love that too. He professes his love and loyalty to me and I pet him and go.

When I'm not there, I really don't know what he does other than miss me, cleaning, do laundry, house keeping, and chores, whatever. I know he does what he has to to keep his Master happy. I don't let him shit or piss unless I give him permission, so I think he does that when I leave. Once in a while, for fun, I make him do it in front of me and consume it all in front of me.

Like clockwork, he is ready at the door when I get home. He greets me by bowing down and telling me how much he missed me, takes my clothes off and makes me comfortable. I always save my shit and piss from the day Ð rarely missing any Ð and I give it to him as soon as I get home. He's usually hungry for it and digs into it like it is the last fucking thing he'll ever eat. At the school Ð an all boys school, an all young boys school, oh fuck yeah Ð I had a hot fuck buddy rig up the bathrooms for me to collect shit and piss. Sometimes I bring that home for my toilet as a special treat. Fuck, I love me some teen boy shit. I often eat some myself. He always is ready to worship my smelly feet (especially on hot summer days) and is always ready to rub me down or just make me feel good. He worships me like the fucking God that I am. Sometimes I take advantage of this time to bond with him and we sit on the floor and eat shit together or feed each other. More love.

This is pretty regular for us every day and he usually goes and makes me dinner. He feeds that to me too. I play games, read, watch TV or chat and he just worships me or just lies by the chair waiting for me to need something. Our evenings really depend on the kind of day I've had, how horny I am (always fucking horny) or if I have plans. Sometimes I'm feeling abusive, sometimes sexy; sometimes lovey and sometimes I just want to be alone.

A lot of times I just fall asleep in front of the TV and he is just there. Waiting. Wanting. When its time for bed, I give him a kick and go to the bedroom. I stand there and he is on his knees in front of me ready to take my nightly piss. I jump into bed, get tucked in and fall asleep dreaming of what a wonderful life I have and how lucky I am. My slave is right there in his little plastic bin waiting for me to need him.

I look forward to telling some more stories of my adventures with my Shit Lord. With the intro and set up done, the stories will become more graphic and wild, though I will still occasionally share details too to keep the stories going. Look for the same story told from Alex's point of view - My Shit Lord.

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