My Soggy Soccer Star

Published on Oct 26, 2022


My Soggy Soccer Star Chapter 1

My Soggy Soccer Star

****Warning, this story involves scenes of gay sexuality involving young boys, as well as diaper wearing and wetting, and mild piss play. If this does not sound appealing to you, please leave now. If however, this sounds like just your type of story, then I hope that you enjoy. You can reach me at erich5748 at if you would like to leave a comment, I do not require them to continue writing, for I write for myself and share with others who enjoy the same things, but I do love to hear from my readers and will answer every email I get. Remember that this story belongs to me, so please request permission prior to posting it elsewhere, though if you know of anywhere else that would like this sort of story, please let me know as well, I am always searching for other homes, not to mention, let me know if you know of any other diaper love websites. And last, Nifty is our friend, they offer a great service, but need our donations to continue running for free, so offer what you can. Thanks, hope that you enjoy.****

I'm depressed. There is simply no other way to say it. I have no friends, I get teased and bullied every day at school, and I truly hate being there. If it were not for my dad being so cool about who and what I am, I probably would not even still be alive. The day my life started getting better, the day I finally found happiness, I was just wandering through the local park. There had been a soccer game being played, it had been a bunch of younger kids playing, but other than stopping and watching for a few minutes, I did not want to be around other people, I needed to be completely alone. It had been a rainy and miserable morning, so most of the kids were covered in mud, but they had looked like they had been having a blast, running and sliding in the mud, and had probably just barely been playing soccer. I wish I could be that free again. Or maybe even free at all.

I have never been free of the teasing, even in kindergarten the others teased me, even though three other kids had peed their pants that year, and probably half of them wet the bed every night, they still thought it fun and funny to tease me, because I still wear diapers all day every day.

I suppose I was carefree and happy before school started, but by half way through kindergarten, I was miserable and hated going there. My dad had to quite forcefully make me go to school every day. It is like he said, he has to work every day, I cannot stay home, and if he takes days off just because I do not want to go to school, then he is not going to be able to work, which means no money, and then we will have nothing.

I was seven when the kids started teasing me for being gay. It was mostly the older kids, I had no idea what that even was, so, I innocently enough asked my dad, telling him that the older boys were teasing me about that, so, he sat me down and explained lots to me. Then, after, he asked me if I thought maybe I am. I admitted that maybe I am, but he assured me at that time that I am not, that I am still too young, and that while I may be, that right now the kids are just being mean.

I still am though, only now I know it fully. So does my dad, I have since told him that I know I am, and he is good with that too.

I honestly have no idea how anyone else knows, I sure as hell never told anyone, and though I have dreamed, I have never experienced. My dad had to inform me though, that really, anyone who sees me can probably see it, and that he had started to suspect it all the way back as young as three, he says I am a right little pretty baby boy. He admitted to me that he too is gay, and that he likes the right little pretty boys too, just older.

I asked my dad how he ended up with a kid then, when he is gay, and he told me flat out that he is so gay that there will never be a female in his life. His answer, he wanted a baby, so paid a woman to have his child, she too was gay, she too has the same bladder issue as my dad has, and that they passed to me. Yes, I have known my whole life that my dad is diapered as well, we walk around the house all day, every day in just our diapers. Truth be told, I am not entirely convinced I actually inherited the issue, my dad just never peepee potty trained me, and I just never asked to be, I was and still am a full on diaper lover, even though I think I could control it if I really truly wanted to, except maybe at night, I know for a fact that I wet every night without trying, but I do not actually see this as a bad thing.

I think I also knew from early on that my dad was gay too, even though I technically had no clue what it meant until he explained it to me what it was, because he never had women living with him. He never said the word gay, so I never truly knew about it either, it really is just that way it was, it was normal, which was why it was so easy for me to admit it to him that I am as well.

So, yeah, even though I have a great home life, I am still depressed. School sucks, there is no denying that, but I desperately want a baby boyfriend of my own as well.

Today is Saturday, yesterday had been possibly one of the worst days I have ever had. Right in the middle of the hall, a group of kids knocked me down, ripped off my pants, and made me walk down the hall in just my diaper and shirt. I cried the entire time, of course, I always do. I ended up going to the principal's office, in just my diaper and shirt, bawling my eyes out, once more, he took one look at me, and called an instant assembly. He never even said anything to me at all, just saw me, and pointed to the chair, I sat, and he left the room, then I heard his voice over the intercom telling everyone to assemble in the gym, immediately.

He came back, carrying a bin, and kindly told me to pick out a pair of pants that would fit, and I did. He then asked me to come to the gym with him, I tried to refuse, but he said I could stay back stage, that I did not have to be with the other kids, or be seen by them. So, we went.

As soon as everyone was there, he ripped a strip off the entire school, told them that they are all being bullies, and though I have still refused to say who all is bullying me, that it stops as of now. He told the kids that he knows that there are at least thirty plus gay students in his school that he knows of, at least five bed wetters, that he knows of, and well over twenty odd and assorted desires, that he knows of, but assumes that there are way more than all that, and that if the kids do not start behaving themselves, he will start expelling students who are caught bullying, for any reason.

I mean, I appreciate it, but, let's face it, it is not going to change, we all know that. He dismissed everyone, and then came and got me and took me back to his office, where he tried to promise that he is going to ensure that things will change for me. I said thanks, asked to go home, still crying of course, knowing that there really is nothing that he can do, and so he let me call my dad. He of course allowed me to go home.

I am thirteen years old now, just turned in fact, my little diapered dinky has finally started to grow. My balls started really growing almost six months ago, so they are huge in comparison to my dick, but I at least grow to a pretty decent size, at almost eleven centimeters long now, and about six around, so still kinda slim. I am really tall and slim, my dad calls me willowy, and when I have clothes on, most people think I have no muscles at all, but I do, they just do not show. Hell, they barely show when I try and flex, yet I can already bench press twenty kilograms fifty times, and when my dad and I work out, he says I am shockingly strong for my size, but then, so is he.

I have bright blond hair that I keep almost to my shoulders, it is soft and wavy, and I really like it, even if others tease me for it. I have bright blue eyes, light freckles on a small nose, and bright red lips that people honestly think I wear lipstick to achieve, but I have proven it time and time again that I do not, but still they tease me for wearing makeup anyway. My dad says I look like the elves from Lord of the Rings, but then, he actually looks a lot like me too, only he has almost reddish blonde hair and green eyes, but the rest is nearly identical.

I am now sitting on a bench at the far end of the park, there is no one around, just sitting here watching as the river flows by, thinking to myself, hoping that some day soon, I will find the gay baby diaper loving boyfriend I so desperately want and need. So engrossed in my thoughts was I, that I totally failed to notice someone walk up and sit down, and only when I felt the bench move, did I realize it. I looked over, and saw a younger boy, almost covered head to toe in dried mud, wearing soccer gear. He has his cleats laced together and draped over his shoulders, wearing them much like a necklace.

He is cute. He too is blonde haired like me, so bright that you could land a plane in the night from it, I would guess him to be eight or nine, but I have no idea. So far, the only thing I can tell for sure, is that he has been crying, the streaks running down his dried muddy cheeks are very clear.

“Hi, what's the matter?” I asked softly.

“I don't know where my mom is. She was supposed to pick me up after the game, but she hasn't come yet, and when I tried to call, my cell phone says emergency calls only, it won't work.” He said, sniffling, though the tears have all dried up.

“But it's been at least two hours since your game probably ended, that's when I stopped hearing all the yells and cheers?”

“I know. It's been two and half hours, actually. She probably saw what I did and dumped me.”

“Why, what'd you do?”

“I was stupid, I scored the game winning goal, and kissed my friend. It was right at the very end of the game, we were in over time, so she was probably already there, and she probably saw it. She's always said that if I ever turned out gay, that she'd throw me away like yesterday's garbage.”

“And are you? You're only what, eight, nine, do you even know what that is yet?”

“Yeah.” He said sadly.

“Yeah, same, and truth be told, I can kinda feel it from you as well.”

“What's worse, my friend, I just meant to hug him, but the desire to kiss him lots lately has been stupid high, when I kissed him, he looked grossed out.”

“Maybe he was, or maybe he was shocked, maybe he doesn't even know what kissing's all about yet. You could always hope he doesn't hate you.”

“No, I probably just lost my only friend.” He sniffled again, but again, there are no more tears.

“So, how old are you, anyway?”

“I turn ten in a few months.”

“I just turned thirteen. Would you liketa try calling home on my cell phone?”

“Yeah, I probably should.” He sighed, though I think he already knows what is going to happen, and I think I do too, but, really, he should.

I passed over my cell phone, he dialed, waited, and then said it's me, when someone picked up, and then I watched as his face fell. For almost two minutes I could hear someone yelling at him, but not what was being said. Finally, even though I can still hear the yelling, he pulled the phone away, and disconnected. He handed the phone back to me, and I slipped it back in my pocket.

“Didn't go so well, huh?” I asked softly.

“No, she told me that I'm a disgrace and no son of hers, that I'm dead to her, and to never come home.”

“I'm sorry. I'll take you home with me, I'm gay, so's my dad, so we understand.”

“Really?” He whispered.

“Absolutely. I don't know what'll happen, but we'll figure something out for you, okay.”

“Thanks.” He said, and then launched himself at me, and hugged me ferociously tight.

I did it without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him, and ended up cupping his cute little bum in doing so, and that was when I came. I very clearly felt a very clearly soggy baby diapered bum. It was, by far, the most powerful orgasm that I have ever experienced.

“Are you diapered?” I whispered hoarsely, though I am petting said soggy diapered bum, and definitely not letting go like I should be.

“Oh god, please don't make fun of me for that.”

“I get teased and bullied every day, so I'd never do that to anyone, and most certainly not for that, because I'm diapered as well. How come you are? We're so very rare.”


“Oh yeah, and that was the one thing I was worried about if I took you home, how you'd react to the fact that my dad and I walk around in just diapers all the time.”

“Wow, I'm never allowed to go around in my diapers at all, ever, I must never show my shame or be punished severely. I was in a bad car accident, my dad and I, he died, and something almost killed me too, and tore a bunch of the nerves in my stomach apart. They were able to fix some, but not all, there was just too much damage they said. My bladder was totally destroyed, and so they replaced it, twice, but my body rejected them, I was five the last time they tried, and when it failed, I said no more, that I'd rather just keep my diapers. Boy was my mom super pissed at me, but even the doctors all said that they really were out of options, that they can't keep doing that to my poor little body, and that catheters or diapers were my best bet, but I hated the catheters. The only good thing is, my mom can't say anything, insurance pays for all my diapers and everything, I even go on the website and do the ordering myself for what I need, and they pay it all.”

“Wow.” I said, and then told him about me and my dad.

“Really, so you're a diaper lover too?”

“Oh yeah, even though I think I could hold it, if I really wanted to, I just don't. I'd probably still have accidents though, I'm certain that most often I pee without knowing it, because I know for a fact that I don't pee anywhere near that much when I actually feel it, because my diapers are always good and full.”

“Nice.” He grinned. “I've always wanted a diapered friend, someone who'd understand me.”

“Same, though having a diapered daddy is great for that too. It feels like Baby needs a super soggy baby bum change too. I hope you have at least a few diapers in your pack.”

“Yeah, I do, but not lots, only five, so I'm gonna haveta figure out how to order more.”

“Don't worry about that. I'm sure we can get you some. Let's go home. So, outta curiosity, since you're gonna come stay with us, for at least a few days anyway, what's your name?”

“It's Dallan, what's yours?”

“I like that, mine's Jett, just like the plane, only spelled with two tee's.”

“Cool. I like that.”

I almost grabbed Dallan's hand as we walked, but I managed to hold myself in check. We are only a little better than five minutes walk from my house, but we did not really talk all that much as we went. When we got there, Dallan saw the house, and whispered to himself, holy crap, nice house. I just laughed. We walked in and I called out.

“Dad, I'm home, and I have someone with me, but come out in just your diaper if that's all you're wearing.”

My dad came from the basement, so he was down playing games I would guess.

“Hi there Handsome, and who's this?” He asked, eyeing up the cute little guy.

“His name's Dallan, and Dallan, this is my dad, Harris. Dad, Dallan kinda needs a new family.” I said, and then we told his tale.

“Oh, really. Well now. Let me go get dressed, and Jett, show Dallan to the guest room, that's where he'll haveta stay, since it's our only other bed. Dallan, you need a soggy baby bum change, so follow Jett and do so in your new bedroom, and Jett, it looks like you could use one as well.”

“We could just change each other in my room.” I said, I think I sounded nonchalant, but the way my dad looked at me, I am guessing no.

“Or, you could show Dallan to the guest room, his room, and you can each change your own diapers.” Yep, he knows.

“Okay.” I said, and led Dallan upstairs.

“I think I'd rather change each other too.” Dallan whispered to me as we went.

“Same, but you heard my dad, he's no nonsense when it comes to following orders, and you heard that loud and clear, that was an order that we are not to disobey.”


I showed Dallan to the guest room, I went to mine, and I changed myself. I had no choice but to jack off once, so that I could tape myself back up. As it was, I had been so fucking hard inside my diaper, I am surprised that I had not drilled right through it. Finally I taped myself up into a fresh diaper, redressed myself, and then headed out. Dallan was just coming out as I was.

“Did you haveta rub yourself in order to be able to tape up too?” He asked me.

“Oh yeah, I take it that you did too, I'm glad I wasn't the only one!”

“Oh yeah.”

“Better go find my dad.”

When we made it back downstairs, Dad was just coming out of his bedroom, so I am guessing that he too had had to release a load as well.

“What are we gonna do Dad?” I asked.

“Go to Dallan's moms house, get all his things and paperwork, make her sign some papers, and whatever else we needta do while there.”

“You're gonna make me see her again?”

“I'm not gonna make you do anything, however, with that being said, I am gonna strongly recommend that you do so, so that you grow. I know just how much you wanna go there now, probably every bit as much as I wanted to go to my dads when I was rescued as well, but, it'll help, I promise.”

“Oh, you went through this too?”

“Sure did, only the rat bastard beat the shit outta me when he found out how big a disgrace I am, and when I went there, I gotta kick him in the nuts and spit on him, and tell him that he was a bad father, then we took everything we could, and he still ended up going to jail.”

“Cool.” Dallan said, happy that he will get to live with someone who understands.

We got ready to go, and then Dad had Dallan lead him to his moms house. When we arrived, we all went up to the door and rang the bell. A few moments later, a woman answered the door. As soon as she saw Dallan, she went ash white, and we could see that she wanted to start yelling.

“What are you doing here, you little disgrace?” She whispered dangerously instead though.

“Wasn't my idea.” He whispers back, only his whisper is in pure fear.

“May I introduce myself.” Dad said pleasantly.

“No, you may not, you can get off my property with this, this thing.”

“Actually, let me introduce myself anyway. My name's Detective Harris O'Hardy, I'm a special investigator and forensics expert, and while I don't strictly work for the police department, when I call them here, you will be arrested and charged with both mental abuse and abandonment. Now, we're coming inside, if we do so kindly right now, with your permission, it won't be with a full police escort later, with a piece of paper that says that we are allowed to kick in your door. Am I making myself absolutely, positively, perfectly clear?” Dad said as happily as he could make himself sound.

“Fuck. Wish you had've just died instead.”

“Yeah, well, I wish it had've been you instead of Dad.”

“And that there is also more mental abuse, only now in front of a detective. The way Dallan spoke of you, I already assumed you weren't very smart, now I know so. Now, are you going to invite us in, or are we coming back later with a full police escort. I might even let slip that there may be guns in the house, because Dallan's sure you have lots, which means we'll arrive in full SWAT formation, and if you just so happen to make any sudden moves, at least three itchy trigger fingers will likely twitch.” Dad said amiably again.

“Fine, come in.” She snarled.

“Thank you, your graciousness at receiving us into your home is most appreciated.”

We only heard her mutter under her breath, fuck you, but she did not actually say it.

“Heard that.” Dad laughed.

“What do you want. I'm not taking it back.”

“I'd never subject a child to something like you, I was abused by something like you myself, and things like you deserve to be taken out by SWAT. Now, what we're here for, simple, everything of Dallan's, so, Dallan and Jett, go collect all your things. Your mother and I are gonna have a chat.”

“If having a chat means something more than just talking, I wanna be here to watch it.” Dallan said.

“No, at this time, that wasn't a euphemism for beating the living shit outta her for being a horrific parent. I make no promises for later, but even then, I wouldn't allow you to watch. No child should watch someone die. I'm sure it won't come to that, though, your mother seems reasonable enough to me. Now, scoot, we have lots to talk about.”

“Okay.” Dallan said, and then led me to his bedroom, but I would have much rather stayed and watched as well.

I asked Dallan where there are suitcases, so we went and grabbed them from his mothers bedroom. I saw her jewelry box and felt that Dallan deserves anything of any value that is in it. I also searched a few of the best hiding spots to see if there was anything else of good value, and there was, a fair bit of cash in fact. I did not count it, just took it all. We then headed to his bedroom and packed all his things. We ended up having to pack a bunch of stuff into his backpack as well. Finally we are done, so, we head back downstairs.

When we made it, we found the two of them sitting there quietly, she was glaring daggers, Dad was looking around as if he were having a great time at a party.

“Ah, there you two are. Was starting to think that you'd gotten lost or something.”

“Nah, we hadta find luggage, and then I felt that his mom would happily donate all her good jewelry and cash hoard to Dallan.” I said happily.

“Oh, wasn't that sweet of you. Dallan thanks you from the bottom of his beaten and battered heart.” Dad said, and she looked utterly furious now.

“How dare you steal from me.”

“Didn't steal, took what was mine.” Dallan said happily.

“And just so you know, rightfully half of anything you have, is in fact his. His father died, so his half of everything technically belongs to Dallan, and don't forget that. You already know that I'm requesting a copy of his fathers will, to ensure that Dallan gets every penny that he deserves, and I will ensure that he gets every penny from you that he can possibly wring out of your tight puckered ass for treating him like you have. Just think of it this way though, it's either pay now and stay out of jail, or still pay later but go to jail. You might not be smart, but even you haveta be smart enough to see the correct choice here. Now, is there anything else that we should know before we leave?”

“No.” She said, gritting her teeth so hard I have no idea how they could withstand the pressure.

“Good. Dallan, do you have a bike?”

“Yeah, I should go grab it.”

“We'll come with you and I'll put it in the truck for you.”


“Would you liketa say goodbye to your loving mother?”

“Yeah, maybe I should.” He said to Dad, and then turned to his mother. “I hate you, I hope I never see you again, you're the biggest disgrace in this entire house, and fuck you.”

“Ah, isn't that sweet, can't you just feel how much he loves you.” Dad said so sweetly to Dallan's ex mother it damn near gave me cavities.

“Fuck you.”

“Right back at ya, bitch.” Dallan said happily, and skipped out of the house, Dad and I trailed him.

We went to the garage and found Dallan's bike. You know, he was a little clumsy though, and accidentally scraped his exposed steel handle bar right down the side of his mothers rather expensive car.

“Oops, that was clumsy of me.” He giggled when he looked back at the damage he had caused.

“Oh dear, well, accidents happen Baby, no point in worrying about it too much, just try not to let it happen again, and all will be forgiven.” Dad laughed.


Dad picked up the bike and put it in the back of the truck, and then we hopped in and headed out.

“So, what'd you talk to her about?” I asked.

“Nothing much, mostly just legal shit that'd bore you to tears. I made her sign a whole bunch of papers, so, now you're officially my newest son Dallan, though it hasta be notarized by a judge, but I know one who'll do it for me, no prob.”

“You mean it, just like that, I have a new family, one who understands me?”

“You sure do.”

And then Dallan burst into tears. I had purposely sat in the back with him, because I thought this might happen, and so, I pulled him close to me, and held him as he cried. He cried all the way home, and when we made it there, Dad opened the door, I unbuckled Dallan, and Dad carried him into the house. Dad then sat on the couch and held Dallan as he cried even more.

“Thanks, so much, for everything.” Dallan finally managed to say.

“You're so very welcome. When and if you wanna start calling me Dad, you're welcome to, or you can just call me Harris, whichever you prefer.”


“Don't decide yet, you're still a little too raw for that. Now, when at home, Jett and I rarely wear clothes, as you clearly saw earlier from me, and so, I'm gonna go strip down to just my soggy baby diaper, and Jett likely will as well. You're welcome to as well if you'd like, and you may always feel free to wear whatever you like when at home.”

“Okay.” He said happily.

We all headed to our bedrooms, where we all stripped down to just our diapers, and then met in the living room a few minutes later. Dallan looks really good in just his slightly soggy diaper. He actually wears the exact same ones that we do, just in his size, he is in Youth Small, while I am in Youth Medium, and Dad is in Adult Medium, though he could fit Small as well. We chose these ones because they are the best. We have their overnight version as well, which is nearly twice as thick, so holds even more. We of course wear them for bed, but also when we know we are not going anywhere. We also have some of that same companies diaper doublers, which, when added to our overnight diapers, makes for a nice full day, if you catch my meaning. It is so amazing, you cannot even begin to understand it.

“Wow, you guys look really good like that.” Dallan sighed deeply.

“Thanks, you're quite the little hotty yourself.” Dad said. I totally agree, and I think I shot to absolute full hardness in a quarter of a second or less.


“So, do you have lotsa diapers and supplies left, or are you needing to order them?” Dad asked.

“I have a couple weeks worth left of diapers, and a little more than that for other supplies. I get all that for free, so I never haveta worry about that.”

“That's good. What you won't get for free, though, are the premium diapers and doublers. Would you like for me to order you more right now?”

“You mean it. I've seen them on the website of course, but the insurance doesn't cover them, so I could never get them.”

“Of course, we may need our thick thirsty tape on baby diapers, but we love them even more than we need them, and we love 'em thick, and so, that's how we buy them for home. As you can see, we like the same diapers as you do, they really are the best we've found, for daytime, but, this same companies night time diapers are even better, hold nearly twice as much, and are gloriously thick, but, when we add doublers, it borders on heavenly, if of course we believed in heaven.”

“Wicked. I'd totally love some of them then please.”

“Got it. And how are your diapers Jett?”

“My regular day time are down to about two weeks, and my ultra thick are a little better. I have probably thirty doublers left though. I was gonna ask you to order more soon.”

“Okay, almost exactly the same as me then, but then, we do wet and use about the same, so that does make sense. Why don't we go place our orders right now. You go grab your computer and order what you normally can, Dallan, since we may as well get as much for free as we can, right. Actually, why not set it up for automatic delivery, you can on their website, and since insurance is paying for it anyway, who cares if we end up with a bunch extra.”

“You can, I didn't know that, or else I totally woulda, that's for sure.”

“I don't bother, since we pay for them ourselves, but I do claim it back on my taxes for medical expenses, which gets me at least a few bucks back. So, grab your computer and I'll show you how to set it up.”

“Okay, cool.”

Dallan went and grabbed his computer from his pile of stuff, booted it up, and went right to the diaper website, which he of course has bookmarked, just like we have all the best diaper sites bookmarked. Dad then showed him how to set it up for automatic delivery, and it really is pretty easy. Dad then grabbed his computer, and ordered ours, as well as the new supply of goodies for Dallan. Dad had made sure that he included wipes, lotion, and cream in Dallan's automatic top up ordering, and now, once a month, Dallan will get what the insurance company thinks is a one months supply, but Dallan says that he has always had the best quality, so while the insurance company covers four diapers per day, he averages only three, and only sometimes needs four. Of course, with him now getting even thicker diapers, and doublers, he will likely go through those ones even less now, but we will have extra for just in case, and I have a really good idea of what to do with any extras as well. I think Dad and Dallan would likely enjoy it as well, hopefully every bit as fully as I know I will.

“So, now, what else do you like, want, or need to make you happy, let you be who and what you are?”

“I don't know what you mean?”

“Well, for instance, Jett's what's known as a teen baby, well, sorta. What that means is, he also likes baby bottles and baby soothers from time to time, as well he has some cute little baby clothes. He doesn't sleep in a crib or poopy his baby diapers though, which is what many of the true babies like, just not necessarily all. I'm just a full on gay baby boy, diaper loving slut, and liketa feel full, so I like certain toys. Almost anything you care to ask for, I'd get for you.”

“Really, you like that too Jett?”

“Yeah, but not all the time. Well, except my soothers, honestly, I'd still totally suck my thumb all day, every day if it weren't for them, and more often than not, when I'm at home, I have one of my soothers on a ribbon around my neck, and I'm usually sucking it too.”

“I'm a thumb sucker too, except around my mom, who'd slap it outta my mouth if she saw it. I'd really liketa try some soothers and baby bottles please, and could I maybe see some baby clothes, I think I'd like some of those. What kindsa toys, though, are you talking about some of the toys I've read about in naughty stories?”

“Of course, we can order you your own, but Jett will likely be more than happy to share with you as well until yours come. We'll look into clothes for sure, especially diaper shirts, and yes, those would be the sorts of toys I'm talking about. So, you've already started reading the naughty stories, huh?” Dad grinned brightly.

“Oh yeah. Started more than a year ago now.”

“Yeah, right about the same age as Jett did. He's already got himself a couple small toys I'm certain he enjoys fully.”

“Mmmhmm.” I sighed.

It had not even been embarrassing asking my dad to help me choose my first toys either.

“Wicked, I think I'd really liketa get some of them too please.”


And so, for a little better than an hour, we looked through the various websites for all the things that Dallan would very much like. Dad and I both got a few new things as well at the same time, since, hey, why not, right. Sadly, other than sex toys, everything that we have ordered today we cannot buy in town, but even then, the sex toy store really does not have that great a selection, or so Dad says, clearly I have never gotten to go there. No one carries good diapers, and believe you me, we have searched, as for baby clothes, that is truly laughable, hell, even diaper shirts that would fit either of us, no one carries them at all. A supposedly existent god only knows why.

“Wow, you bought so much for me, and it cost so much. I want you to take all the money that we got from my mother.”

“Nonsense, that's yours, I don't want or need it, and for this sorta thing, you simply never haveta worry at all.”


“No, no buts, just your cute little diapered one, in all the glorious baby diapers I just bought you, and probably filled shortly before that by at least one of those amazing toys as well.”

“Thanks.” He whispered, with a couple tears leaking out. “No one's ever done anything nice for me before.”

“You're very welcome Baby.” Dad said.

“How are you on a soccer team, it seems as if your mom never did anything for you?” I asked.

“That's 'cause she didn't. I started playing soccer at school, and I guess I was pretty good, because last year, when we were playing soccer at school one day, someone was there watching us, and at the end, he and my teacher pulled me aside, and he asked if I'd liketa come play for a real soccer team. I said I'd really loveta, but that my mom'd never go for that, because it'd cost way too much money, no matter how little it cost. He told me that it wouldn't cost me anything. I still wasn't really sure, I knew my mom would say no anyway, just 'cause it's what I wanted, and I told him that, but, like he said, who cares what she thinks, if it costs her nothing, then what can she say about it. He kinda had a point, so I said sure, but told him all about my diapers, and he said that that wouldn't be a problem at all. The team even covers me for my bus passes to get too and from practices, and when we go outta town for a game, everything's always covered, no problem.”

“Awesome. So, how did your mom react then?” I asked.

“Exactly how I thought she would. She said no, and so, I said I've already joined, and that it's costing nothing at all, and so, she had no say in it. She tried to pull the, I'm your mother and you'll listen to what I say crap on me. If I wasn't so afraid of her then, I woulda burst out laughing, she's been a lotta things to me, but a mother wasn't ever one of them. So, I just never told her. It actually took her six months to notice that I was actually leaving for practices and games and whatnot, and when she asked, I said, I'm in soccer, I told you I was joining. She said, I thought I told you no, so I said, and I said I'm doing it. She's never said another thing about it, so, I guess she just figured whatever, at least I'm not in the house. I gotta say, the times when we went away for games were awesome. Today was one of only maybe three times I actually asked if she'd pick me up, because we were pretty close to home, and there's no bus stops near to that park for some reason, but I hadta walk there.”

“Um, how'd you go away without your moms signature?” Dad asked.

“I forged it.” Dallan giggled naughtily.

“Let me guess, your coach even knew you did so, didn't he?” Dad laughed.

“Heck yeah, he was sitting right there when I did it. He just said, looks good enough to me.”

“What, did he want in your diaper or something?” I laughed.

“Nah, he's got a wife and twelve kids, that man's as far from gay as I am from straight,” Dallan giggled cutely. “but, he's hinted that he grew up in the same sorta situation, so I think one or both of his parents was a lot like my mom. No, he just usedta play soccer professionally, and went really far with it, so now coaches the next generation of soccer stars. He tells me all the time that I'm even better than he was at my age, and that if I can keep it up, that I'll go just as far as he did, maybe even further.”

“Really.” Dad and I asked at the same time.

“Yeah, but I really don't see it. I don't score the most goals or anything, but he's always telling me I'm the best on his team.”

“What position do you play?” Dad asked.

“I'm mostly a mid fielder, but I also play forward from time to time. It's not really my strong position, but our coach likesta try and get us all into all the positions, so that we all understand everything about teamwork and why each person hasta do their job correctly, so that we all win.”

“I'm no soccer expert, I barely even know the game, but correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't it the sole duty of the mid fielder to keep the area clear so that the forwards have a far better chance at scoring?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

“So, it's not actually your job to score, right?”

“I suppose so?”

“So, you protect your team mates and clear the path for the ones who are supposed to score. And your team does well I take it?”

“Yeah, and yeah, we're top ranked in our division.”

“And if you were crap at your job, do you think the forwards could score as much as they do?” Dad asked.


“Probably not. How about when you do play forward?”

“I can score, but I'm not as good at that.”

“So, the whole point of your position is to assist, and you're worried you're not good enough?”

“Yeah, I know what you're thinking, my coach tells me the same thing all the time. It's just, well, I'm constantly being told how useless I am, what a piece of shit I am, how much of a disgrace I am, and that's just from my mom. Then there's what the kids at school say to me.” He said softly.

“Know how you feel, well, the school part anyway.” I said.

“I know exactly how you feel, I was treated the exact same way, only I also got beaten nearly every day at home by my loving father. At least you never hadta deal with that.”

“Oh, she didn't mind slapping me around some when I was being especially useless, but, well, I kinda get more bruised and sore playing soccer, so she really couldn't hurt me much.”

“Be thankful for that. My dad was a brutal asshole, and when I was being especially useless, which was pretty much every day, oh he didn't mind beating my ass 'til it was bleeding.”

“Wow, you hadta deal with that?”

“Oh yeah, trust me, I know what you went through, but I had it worse, and for longer, I was thirteen when I was finally rescued.”

“Wow, I'm sorry.”

“Don't be. It's not your fault, and I'm over all that now. So, you're the best on your team, but because you don't score the goals, you don't feel as if you're pulling your weight.”


“Am I to guess that your coach has already told you that without your help, that there's almost no chance that the others could score goals?”


“You haveta remember, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Which, simply put, means that if none of you did as well as you all do, none of you would be anywhere near where you all are. Without you clearing the way, they wouldn't be able to win. If your coach tells you that you're his best player, then say thanks and accept it. Chances are, he means it.”

“Thanks.” Dallan whispered again.

“It's getting close to dinner time, what would you boys liketa eat?”

“You go ahead and decide Dallan.” I said.

“I don't know. Never even been asked if I wanted to eat, let alone what I wanted, I was lucky if I was fed three times a day, usually it was only twice, and it was always, here's food you ungrateful piece of shit, eat it and like it. I never did, nothing my mom ever cooked tasted good, but it was eat it or starve, I knew better than that.”

“Okay, and how about when you were on soccer trips, did you decide what to eat then?” Dad asked.

“No, not really. For a long time I never knew what I was getting, I just usually said I'll take the same as him, and order whatever it was the the boy next to me did. That's definitely the only time I ever ate well, though, I had some amazing food. Just last month, we were a few hours away, and we were at this Italian restaurant and I tried lasagna, and man was it good, and their garlic toast, holy crap, so amazing, even their salad was awesome.”

“Well, we don't have time to make a lasagna, nor do I have everything to make it, but how about spaghetti and meat sauce, similar, and almost as good, and my garlic toast and salad will likely blow theirs outta the water.” Dad said.

“Believe him, we've tried lotsa restaurants, but none have ever made it for us as good as he can.” I said.

“Okay, I think I'd like that.”

“Now, you're pretty thin, same as Jett, but he has well hidden muscles, how about you?”

“I don't know.”

Dad made him pose and flex, and he felt all over his small body. I admit, I am just a tiny bit jealous, I would very much love to be doing just that myself, but then, if I started feeling him up like that, I am certain we would end up on the floor fucking like bunnies only very shortly after that. Dad would probably have to break out the hose, but I am not entirely convinced that it would be enough.

“Okay, you have really good muscle definition, and it hides on you like it does Jett. However, you're still too skinny. I have a sneaking suspicion that you're not getting enough food, and certainly not enough nutrients to cover what you're expending in soccer. We're gonna get you eating well and properly. Has your coach ever told you anything of what you should be eating, and how much and all that?”

“Yeah, lots, he says the same thing, that he doesn't think I'm getting enough. He always has lotsa protein bars, fruit, and all that for all of us, but he feeds me before and after every practice or game, because he says I need more. He usually gives me whatever he has left too, so that I can eat more and better when I'm at home, and it's helped, lots. I usedta be way hungrier than I am now, it usedta get pretty bad actually.”

“Good. I think I like him already. From now on, we'll ensure that you're getting more than enough food and all the good nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that you need. Jett and I eat very well, never any processed foods, rarely ever any sweets, never any pop, we eat only a little meat, and always lots of fruits and vegetables. Jett and I do a good workout every morning, sometimes on our weights, sometimes on our machines, and sometimes in our pool.”

“Oh, you have a pool.”

“No. We have a pool. It's out back in a glass enclosure. That's also where all our equipment is. We also have a hot tub and a sauna in there too. We're usually up for just a little after five, and we're usually out there for two hours, one just for working out, and then another hour for relaxing. It's quite nice, I assure you. Can you swim though?”

“No, not even a little. Even though I've been in a few hotels now that had pools, I never went in them, I was too afraid. I sometimes sat with my legs in the water, and I'd sit in the hot tub. There were a couple pools, I guess, where I could just walk right in, so I went as far as my knees, but that was it.”

“Okay, then tomorrow morning, we teach you how to swim.”

“Will it only take one day?”

“More than likely, yes. You're old enough that it should be pretty easy to teach you.”

“Oh, okay.”

Dad had Dallan and I come to the kitchen, and he made us help with getting dinner ready. Poor Dallan had to be taught how to actually use a knife, he damn near cut his whole hand off while trying to chop the onions. I am used to helping Dad in the kitchen, he has always, as far back as I can remember, had me help him with absolutely everything around the house, since it is just the two of us, and he has never felt that he should have to do everything, and I have never minded. As we cooked, we talked, getting to know Dallan, and he us, he is really quite funny. It took us a little better than an hour to make dinner, and by the time it was done, boy did it smell good.

We sat down and enjoyed our pasta feast, this is one of the rare times we have red meat, only about once or twice a month do we, and it is usually in a meat sauce like this that we do. Though we do enjoy a good roast beef every now and then. We usually eat more chicken than anything when it comes to meat.

“Wow, that really was amazing, I'm so full now though, I feel like I'm gonna explode.” Dallan groaned happily.

“Thanks, glad that you enjoyed it, and glad you're full. Of course it's not healthy to eat until you're full like that, but every so often it won't hurt, and honestly, you could use a couple days of that to get you closer to where you should be.” Dad said.


“Let's get cleaned up, and then we can go and play games for the evening.” Dad said, and so, we agreed, and cleaned.

We then showed Dallan to our games room, it is not huge or anything, but we have a pool table, a card table, and then our games systems. We have a huge TV with five different games systems hooked to it, but a few more as well in reserve for when we want to play them, and almost an entire wall of games to play on them. We have two chairs for sitting in when we play, though we like to stand and play too, and since there are three of us now, that is what we will do tonight and/or until we get another. We have more than enough controllers, since Dad makes sure to always buy extras in case one breaks or something, and since a couple of our systems are pretty old now, but some of the games are still awesome, it has come in super handy to have had extra controllers, since they usually cannot be bought any more, though he does buy them when he sees them.

“Wow, this is cool. I haven't really gotta play a lotta video games before. A few arcade games here and there, but that's about it. I've played my friends' hand held games systems before though, mind you, and those are usually pretty fun.”

“We liketa try and be as active as we can, as often as we can, but there comes a time when you just gotta relax. We read lots as well, and usually we go to bed an hour early to read before bed, to fully unwind, but this is awesome when you don't wanna do anything else. Even though we have chairs for sitting in, we stand more often than not, since some of our games actually require that anyway. We'll haveta get you a chair of your own soon, but we can stand 'til we get another one.” I said.

“And of course there's the pool table and the card table, which are great too.” Dad said.

“Wow, and you have so many games.” Dallan said, looking at the shelves full of games. “How many are there?”

“Almost a thousand now. Dad's been collecting these since he was my age.”

“Wow. I've never even seen a gaming setup so amazing.”

“Me neither.” Dad and I said at the same time.

“Now, for tonight, I say we play card games, so that we can more easily sit and talk.” Dad said.

“Okay.” Dallan and I said together, but then Dallan added, “I don't know any card games at all, I'm pretty sure I've never played one.”

“That's okay, you'll learn.” Dad said.

So, for a little more than half an hour, we taught Dallan how to play Texas Hold Em poker, and he was having fun learning and playing. As we played and taught, we did talk, but most of it was about the game. Finally Dallan had learned all he really needed, and is now holding his own.

“So,” Dad started. “Both of you two are gay baby boy diaper lovers, of that there's simply no denying. I know what you both want, and probably even desperately need. I've seen how both of you look at each other, and I think both your feelings are fully mutual. But.....”

“I know, it's stupidly illegal, right.” I said.

“Not stupidly, but still just a little. You're just over the three year age difference, so, if you two were caught doing what both your diapered dinkies are telling you to do, you, Jett, and you alone, would be in serious trouble. If I were to know about it, and you were caught, I'd be in just as much trouble.”

“Yeah, I know.” I said sadly.

“Really.” Dallan said, sounding utterly crushed.

“Afraid so Baby. The law's pretty clear on that. 'Til you're sixteen, you're legally only allowed to play the way you wanna with another child that's no more than three years different than you. However, with that being said, since you're not even ten yet, most people feel that there's no way you could know what it is that you want. I call bullshit on that myself of course, and most do know too, they just choose to ignore it. So, even if Jett were twelve still, there are those that would and could cause troubles. It's not usually 'til a child's twelve that anyone starts thinking that sex should be allowed, and some think it should be even higher.”

“But, I know what I want now!” Dallan groaned.

“I know, and I was the same at your age, and Jett was seven the first time I truly caught him jacking off and fucking himself with a toy, and so I knew then how much he wanted and needed it.”

“You did, you never told me that.” I laughed.

“Oh yeah. Your Lightsaber was your favorite toy for months, most kids sleep with a teddy bear, you slept with your Lightsaber.” Dad laughed.

“Oh, yeah, I guess I did.” I laughed. “Did you know that's when I started reading naughty stories on the internet too?”

“Of course. I never blocked your internet access, but I always had tracking programs so that I knew where you were, even though you always tried to cover your tracks.”

“Ah, shoulda known.” I laughed.

“I think I was seven, almost eight, when I started reading the stories too.” Dallan admitted.

“Yeah, same as Jett. So, yeah, I know how you both feel, I know what you both want, and I have absolutely zero issues with it. With that being said, however, I am imposing some restrictions, and this is non negotiable. Your sex toys, same as I told Jett when I gave him his, I did not buy them for you, you are a naughty little boy and stole them from me, and because I'm such a size slut, I never used those ones any more, so I never noticed that they were missing. I cannot know anything about that. Of course I do, but I never knew anything.

“Next, if and when you two do decide to expand the relationship that I know you desire, I cannot know about it. I'll likely know anyway, but that's beside the point. There'll come a time when you'll undoubtedly wanna share a bedroom, but you must keep separate bedrooms, for at least two and a half years. After you turn twelve Dallan, the rules become at least a little more relaxed, still illegal, but with you two being only just over the legal limitations, I think most would look the other way.

“Then there's how far and how fast you two go. When I was your age Jett, I was a right slut, if he was remotely willing, I'd willingly fuck and be fucked, suck and be sucked, I took in as much cock and cum and piss as I possibly could, ass or mouth, I didn't care. With as many boys as I could get, I didn't care. Group action was my all time favorite, and I'd happily and willingly allow a dozen or more boys to fuck me 'til they were all completely empty, and I was so fucking full, yet I still couldn't get enough. The problem, though, I was searching for something in the wrong place. I desperately needed to find love, but that's never what I found. No matter how full I was filled, it never filled the part of me that I needed. It's so stupid what I did, not only did I let hundreds of boys and men use and abuse me, which affected me mentally more than you can imagine, but it was only sheer luck that I didn't end up infected with a hundred or more sexually transmitted diseases.

“You ask, why would it affect me mentally, I was willing, it was what I wanted! Again, hopefully more than you can fathom. Dallan, you might even understand some of this next part, though Jett, you couldn't even begin to understand, because you've always felt love. I was searching for love, I needed it, I craved it, I thought that that's what I was getting, but all I was doing was being abused. Not by others, I caused that abuse myself. I thought I was getting the love I needed, but the more I self abused, the more muddy the concept of love became. I was sixteen when I crashed mentally. I attempted suicide and everything, the man who'd rescued me, no, he never had sex with me, and though I'm certain he knew some, he never knew all 'til after that. He made me see a therapist for almost three years, I found a steady boyfriend, and I started to understand love. Then not only did my rescuer die, but so did my boyfriend, two weeks apart, totally unrelated, and I crashed again. I finally started to feel and understand love, when both that I loved were taken from me.

“Another year of therapy, I started school with the money I was left, and became what I am now. It was the same year I finished school that I decided that I wanted to have a baby. I found the woman that became Jett's mother, though she signed papers stating that she's not his mother, and nine months later, my gorgeous little gay baby boy came home. Fuck was I ever happy that he was a boy, I honestly had no idea what I'd do if I had a girl. That was the day that I learned what true love is. I learned that true love meant that even though I'd sacrifice my absolute everything to save my beautiful baby boy, I'd do it happily and willingly, without a single thought of the outcome.

“So, by now you're wondering where I'm going with this. You may suspect what I'm gonna say, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Don't just hop into the sack and fuck like bunnies. You're both more than capable of doing so, and going all fucking night long, You could even go so far as to fist fuck each other easily within just a few days, but don't. No, I beg of you, don't do what your diapered dicks are telling you to do, just because you're horny and wanna finally feel a dick in your ass or mouth. Become friends first, learn all about each other, who and what you truly are, talk to each other, and even sit quietly with each other, say nothing, when you can do that, and then feel as if you can feel each others thoughts, then maybe work on being boyfriends. You're brothers now, so for life you'll be together, but if boyfriends is what you want as well, then great.

“When and if you do decide to move in the direction of boyfriends, move slow, take weeks or even months before you proceed in your explorations, start out slow, and move slow. Fast feels good, but it doesn't give you what you truly need. Take your time, learn each others deepest desires, each others hottest erogenous zones, everything that makes each other tick, spend an hour or two just touching, petting, caressing, all while kissing, don't even make each other cum, make each other so fucking hot from doing so that you feel you could run a nuclear power plant for a year, yet don't cum. Long, slow, tender, yet passionate, that's what feels truly good. Once you can do that for two hours or more, then you know you're ready to truly make love to each other, but still, move slow. Then move to all that your mouth can do. I assume you both also wanna tongue fuck each other, it's shockingly erotic, and feels so much better than it even sounds. Do the same thing though, make long slow mouth and tongue love to each other, all over each others bodies, until you can last a couple hours. Then, and only then, do I say you are now ready to make love. I hope that you take months to reach that point though.

“I didn't, I did it totally backwards, and I see now how wrong that was. Once you can do all that, and more, then getting a little slutty with each other, hot and fast and passionate, that can be a great deal of fun, especially if you just kiss and cuddle after, hold each other, tell each other just how much you love each other. No, from my experience, I say learn each other first, become best friends, then boyfriends, take it as maddeningly slow as you possibly can, ignore what your dicks tell you, for they only want one thing, but our heads, oh they need so much more. I'm also now of the firm opinion that we should know all that feels great on our own bodies before we go onto someone else, Jett, you've already started this exploration, though I doubt you've gone as far as you need, and Dallan, I doubt you've truly even started yet. No, find all the spots on your own body, that when you touch, tickle, pet, caress, that make your little diapered dinky harder, I doubt either of you's gone anywhere truly past your groins, do so, I guarantee you that there's at least a dozen more erogenous zones on your hot little bodies that'll feel amazing. Self exploration is the key to knowing yourself first, and then, once you know that, then you begin to understand what others might need.

“Making love and fucking are the same end act, fucking lasts minutes, but making love, if you're doing it right, should take a couple hours. Fucking is usually all about getting yourself off in whatever way you desire. I needed to be fucked hard, fast, and full to get off, so that's what I did most often. Making love is all about your partner, and what makes him feel best. You're doing everything in your power to make your boyfriend as hot as he can possibly be, and then making him go for just a few more seconds. If you don't even cum, and you only make your boyfriend cum once, then he passes out so totally sexually satisfied, then I think you've done your job well.

“Then there's your cum. I know you won't produce any yet Dallan, and I don't know if you do yet Jett, but, most of us gay guys can't get enough. One of the most loving things I've ever enjoyed was simply kissing and stroking each other, and after every cum, slurping up all the cum we made, and then kissing deeply, sharing it. I also love doing so with cum and piss after sucking each other. Some don't like piss like I do, but I find it incredibly erotic to take anything my boyfriend cares to share with me, and then share it with him as well.”

“I don't, at least yet, but I think it'll be soon, I'm starting to produce a little precum now, so I hope it'll be soon.”

“Good. I have a feeling that you'll be much like me in that you'll never willingly allow a drop to go to waste.”


“Good. The few times I came inside my diaper, without meaning to, I always took it off and sucked all the cum and piss out that I could.”

“Nasty. I can't wait 'til I getta do the same.” I said.

“Mmmm, me too.” Dallan said.

“Have you ever just sucked your diapers dry anyway, and then put them back on?” Dad asked us both.

“Oh yeah.” We both grinned.

“Yeah, I love doing that too. So, do you boys have any questions so far?”

“No, I think I'm good for now.” I said.

“Yeah, when do you think I'll start cumming?” Dallan asked.

“Somewhere between the ages of twelve and fourteen is the average. Most are right around Jett's age, early to mid thirteen seems to be the most common. I was late, I was already well into fourteen when I finally shot my first load, yet one of my boyfriends said he started shooting when he was eleven and a half. There's too many variables there, so I'm afraid no one can answer that for you.”

“Oh. Didn't know that.”

“By now you should've gone through the sex education course in school, Jett was either eight or nine when he did.”

“Nope, my mother said no, refused to sign the permission slip, said she doesn't agree with that, that kids that age don't need to know that.”

“Are you fucking kidding me. Fuck, and here I think that kids should be taught all that starting at age five, and tell them more as they age, as they need to know. That's why Jett knew all about masturbation and all the basic details when he was five. It was funny, when he came home after their sex ed class, he said he'd answered most of the questions that the other boys had asked, because the teacher either wouldn't or couldn't.” It is true, I did do that, but that was back when I wasn't near as shy and introverted as I am now, it was already starting, the kids were already getting pretty mean to me, but, it still was not as bad then.

“Afraid not. She was pretty stupid if you ask me.”

“Okay, then I guess we needta give you the full talk. Of course we'll only cover the gay aspects, since I can feel that there'll be absolutely no females in your future at all, will there.”

“Fuck no, I can barely look at a woman, all I see is my mother, and I hate them instantly.”

“Yeah, but that wouldn't matter if you were straight, trust me, otherwise I'd be straight.”

“True, I guess.” Dallan laughed.

So, for nearly an hour, Dad and I told Dallan everything that he needs to know. Some of it he undoubtedly has already figured out, same as I had, but lots he had no clue about. Of course, he has already started reading naughty stories, so some of this information was already assumed by him too, but we still taught him a lot.

“Wow, thanks.” Dallan said.

“So, just how hard are you right now.” Dad asked.

“Oh god, so hard it hurts.”

“Good. Ignore it, tell it to get lost, that it's not the right time, and then, when you go to bed, start learning, try and make yourself last as long as possible, and then let yourself cum.”

“Right now I'm not sure I believe that that's even possible.”

“No, right now you won't.” Dad laughed.

After that, we talked more and more, we played and had fun, we learned more about Dallan, and he us. Finally it is nine o'clock, the time when Dad and I usually go to bed, where we then read for an hour or so. Dallan was shown our library of books, we have lots, and he chose one. With that being said, though, I hope that he is every bit as horny as I am, and in need of some relief, in which case, I doubt that he will be awake enough to read, because I doubt that I will be. I only hope that I manage to change my diaper before passing out, because it has happened that I did not, and boy were those soggy mornings. I hope that Dallan also remembers to change, but, like me, I am not placing any wagers on it.

By the time I made it to my bedroom, my teen baby bone was already at full hardness and pulsing madly. I wish I could say that I am peeking out the top of my super soggy diaper, but sadly I am not. I am only just over eleven centimeters long, I do not even reach my belly button at all yet, even when I pull it and stretch it. I am about six or so slender centimeters around, and my balls have started to drop nicely, but are still usually pretty close to my body. I have like maybe seven hairs, all of them just above my dick, and none of them longer than a centimeter yet. However, with that being said, I do plan to keep them off, and will start using my dads hair remover system soon, he has a really good electronic one, and he says that the more he uses it, the less he has to, and he is as smooth as I was just a few months ago.

I gathered all the supplies that I am am needing, my dildo, a condom, lube, a fresh ultra thick diaper, a doubler, baby lotion, diaper rash cream, baby powder, and of course wipes and a towel. I spread out the towel, laid down, and got started by poking the hole in the seat of my super soggy baby diaper.

Ever since I first read about being diaper fucked, and of course dildo diaper fucking, that is how I have desired it most of all. Of course my dad knows, he had just laughed the first morning I woke to him shaking me, because I had passed out so totally, the dildo still laying on the bed, a rather large hole in the seat of my totally destroyed diaper. All the pee that I had let go through the night all over the bed with me. That was also the same time I learned the value of putting down a towel to help contain the mess, and a condom on the dildo to make cleanup easier. My dad told me that he likes to do the same thing, so told me a few things.

I get started by slipping the condom onto my dildo, set it aside, lube up my baby bum hole with two fingers to start, then slip the third in within a minute. As soon as I feel that I am ready for it, I lube up my dildo, turn it on, because it is a vibrating one of course, and slip it all the way inside myself slowly. As soon as I have it in as far as I can, I pause to allow myself to get used to it, and then sigh deeply as my body adjusts. Now being fully relaxed, I take my time and very slowly diaper dildo fuck myself, and only once I start doing that, do I also start rubbing my soggy diapered dinky as well.

It is too much, having seen Dallan all day, getting more and more soggy, more and more sexy, talking about all the sex that we did, I had been hornier than I have ever felt before, and at most one whole minute was all that I lasted once I started rubbing myself. It was such an amazing cum, that I damn near blacked out, yet I never even slowed down in the least, and kept right on going.

Cums two, three, and four all took about five to six minutes a piece to achieve, and even though I know it is unwise, I kept going for almost ten minutes more, and made myself cum a fifth time as well. Finally my baby diapered dinky shrank down, and I sighed deeper than I ever have before. Somehow I am still awake, which is both amazing and good. I slip my dildo out, pull the condom off, making sure that it goes inside out, so to contain any mess, remove my ruined diaper, clean myself up, and then as carefully as I can, I roll up the used diaper with the dirty wipes and the condom inside it, and throw it in my garbage can. I then ball up and throw the towel into the hamper to contain all its mess. Finally I proceed to diapering myself up as wondrously thick as I deserve, and as soon as I am done, I turn off the light, and fall fast asleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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