My Soggy Soccer Star

Published on Nov 29, 2022


My Soggy Soccer Star Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The following day, Dad met us baby boys at home only minutes after I got home, and as soon as we are all in fresh baby diapers, Dad takes us to the hospital to get Dallan checked out. Even though we had an appointment, we still ended up waiting just over half an hour for them to call Dallan in to do all the scans that they want to do, face and stomach, and then almost an hour after that, his doctor finally came in with the results.

“Well young man, even though you look like you were well beaten, it doesn't seem that you took any more damage than we'd first suspected, so, be thankful that the other boy wasn't any stronger.”

“Honestly Sir, he wasn't even very strong, the first two hits to the stomach didn't even hurt at all, still pissed me off, and probably the only reason his hit to my face did as much damage as it did, was because his hands are nearly twice as big as mine are.”

“Be that as it may, you ended up far better than most who take four hits, by anyone, whether strong or not. You're shockingly tough, of that there's no doubt.”

“Thanks. I have soccer practice Saturday and Sunday, and then the final games leading up to finals mid next week, am I allowed to start playing with my team?”

“Yes. If you get hit even just a little in either area, I'm sure I don't haveta tell you how much it's gonna hurt, so just try not to get hit there is my suggestion, but otherwise I see no reason why you can't start full regular duties. You're still healing though, remember, so you will get tired a little faster right now, so get more rest. I want you down to only twice a day on your pain medications now though, when you get up and when you go to bed, but take with at least five hundred milliliters of milk, preferably whole, but two percent if you haveta. Honestly, a boy in your shape, at your age, and with the exercise you do, you probably should still be drinking whole milk anyway.”

“Trust me Doctor, I don't plan to get hit, I don't actually enjoy pain, thank you very much. I've noticed that I've needed more rest lately, but Harris explained to me why that is, so I know. As for the pain meds, that's what I've already been doing anyway starting yesterday, I just kinda forgot to take them the other two times. I really don't like drinking milk, though, I was never allowed it when I lived with my useless mother, so I never got used to it, now it makes my mouth feel gross, so try not to. I've been taking the pills at bedtime with a glass of warm milk, but I haveta brush my teeth almost immediately, and in the morning I've just been having them with breakfast.”

“That's okay too, not everyone enjoys a glass of milk, and you certainly don't haveta, but taking them on an empty stomach's worse, so just suck it up.” He said, and Dallan and I started giggling, because what he probably does not realize is that we usually do, from a baby bottle.

“Heads outta the gutter boys.” The doctor grinned.

“Sorry, can't help it.” Dallan said.

“How'd you know we were boyfriends?” I ask.

“Hate to break it to you, but it shows.”

“Oh, um, you're not gonna say anything, are you, 'cause I'm just a little older than Dallan is, and some people don't think that's right.”

“You have nothing to worry from me, but certainly be more careful. I probably noticed it more because I'm trained to not only notice things, but I'm gay as well. Then there's the fact that your worry for your baby boyfriend's shown well. Just try not to be so obvious about your feelings when around others.” He smiled warmly to us.

“Oh, thanks.” Dallan and I both said.

“Well, I think you boys are good to go, so, have a good night, oh, and Dallan, no offense, but I hope I never see you again. Well, at least here.”

“No offense either, but ditto.” Dallan giggles.

We are all starving by the time we leave the hospital, so we went to a really nice restaurant that Dad and I have enjoyed many times in the past, went in, placed our orders when asked, each taking a pot of tea and a glass of water with lemon and no ice.

“Well, I for one am glad that I can start getting back to normal. Even though I know it'll still be uncomfortable, I just feel the need to run.” Dallan says happily.

“Just take lots of breaks, have naps if you need them, but it doesn't sound as if you can really do that much damage now, so go ahead and push yourself as much as you possibly can again.” Dad says.

“I will, don't worry.”

We enjoyed our dinner, then went home and Dallan wanted to go for a good hard swim, so we all went and had a good workout, since we had not done so this morning, and Dad and I both need it too. Even though Dallan pushed every bit as hard as he usually does, he was happy to find that he is really not in that much more pain than he had been before starting, but boy is he tired he claims. We hit the sauna and then the hot tub to really rest, and then did a nice lazy swim for a little to cool back down again. After getting cleaned and dried, we headed upstairs to get diapered and ready for bed. Dallan and I ended up spending damn near half an hour diapering each other, we rubbed the lotion and cream in extra well you could say, and every time I came and spilled my cum into my belly button, Dallan would bend down and lick it out, then crawl up my quivering body and share it with me in wonderful cum kisses. We double diapered, just because, then met Dad downstairs to get a drink and Dallan wanted a snack.

It was decided that it is close enough to bedtime that Dallan could take his pills with his snack instead of in a little bit and having to drink milk, and yes, Dallan did take his pills with his baby bottle, so sucked it up, just like the doctor ordered. Then again, I thought he sucked it up just fine a few minutes ago as well.

The rest of the week went well, and before we know it, it is the weekend again. Jared and Zavien are spending it with us again, and we are just taking Zavien to practice with us as well, so that his dad does not have to go. Dallan's practices had went really well, the coach happy to hear and see that Dallan is all good to go, and that he is doing really well as well. Dallan did take a quick nap both afternoons after the practice, but only for half an hour, which he did sleep for.

Monday was back to normal, but Dallan had some more information on the boy who had hit him, of whom he then wrecked the teeth on, so he told Dad and I at dinner.

“So, yeah, the boy I broke the teeth of, he hadn't been in school Thursday and Friday, but he was there today. They hadta completely remove the damaged teeth, he said that they were just too damaged, that the roots had already died, so they hadta make him fake ones. He apologized to me today, saying that he was really sorry that he did what he did, and told me that his parents have refused to allow him to accept any apology from me, because they feel he got way less than he deserved, hence the rest of his punishments.

“I asked him if he's doing okay, and he said not really. Apparently he's pretty pooped in the head, and even though he wouldn't tell me why, he says he's done a lot of crying lately with his therapist. I don't think he's gay, and I've never seen that he wears or wantsta wear diapers, so I wonder what it is. He did admit that he's also joined a gym, he asked his parents to, and he's gonna try and lose weight and get in shape, which is good, he's still probably twice as heavy as me, and he's not any older. I hope he admits to me soon what's wrong with him. I really don't like him or his friends, and I don't think we ever could be friends, we're just too different, but I'm afraid I'm gonna haveta pull him aside sometime soon and get it outta him.”

“That's really good Baby. You apologized anyway, didn't you?” Dad asks.

“Yeah, told him that I never meant to actually hit him, but that he'd hurt me pretty bad, and it just happened. He said he's not allowed to accept it, but, like I said, whether he accepts it or not, doesn't change the fact that I'm still sorry for doing what I did, no matter what he did to me first. He did tell me that I damn near broke his jaw, that there were some tiny hairline fractures, and that had I hit him just a tiny bit harder, I would've broken it for sure, which he said he was told that would've meant having his jaw wired and immobilized. As it is, he says it hurts to chew, which he admits is probably a good thing, and his bruising is almost as bad as mine is.”

“Well, serves him right. That's a powerful lesson, I'm sure it'll stick with him for life. I'm glad that you didn't hurt him any more than you did, though, I wouldn't want for that to be on your conscience, but that should also be a lesson to you. Especially in anger we must control ourselves, for when we lash out with emotions, we hurt not only others but ourselves as well.” Dad says.

“You're right, because even though the logical part of me says that I have nothing to be sorry for, the emotional part of me feels real bad for causing him pain. The other boy who broke his hand, I can't make myself feel bad for him, because I did absolutely nothing to him, the brick wall did the work for me, and he was just stupid enough to hit it. When you were telling me about logic and emotions and all that, I didn't really understand it, but now I think I do. You're right, I've just been allowing my emotions to dictate what I do, but that's not good.” Dallan said peacefully.

“Good, I'm proud of you. Children are by their very nature more emotionally driven, most adults are too, Jett's getting a lot better, and the older he gets the easier that's becoming for him as well, but you're already starting to learn, so that's great. Don't let your emotions cloud your better judgment. No, he deserved to be hit, and I'm proud of you for doing exactly what you did, but you shouldn't have hit him quite so hard. Had you had just a bit more strength in you, you coulda done serious damage, and just a bit more again, and you coulda killed him. In just a couple very short years, with as strong as you already are, you're gonna have the power in your little body to easily kill someone if you lose your temper, don't, please don't do that to yourself. Even in self defense, if you kill someone, you never release that guilt. I've seen it before, even good therapists and psychiatrists can only do so much.”

“Thanks, I know, you've told me that already, and it scares me, which is why I'm really trying to be a logical thinker like you're trying to teach me.”

“All you can do is practice, and the more you do so, the more you let your logical mind do the deciding, rather than your emotional one, the easier it becomes. Just so you know, I too have hadta defend myself, many times over the years, but I hit only just hard enough to end the fight, a quick pop to their nose, just hard enough to bring tears to their eyes, but not break it, is usually enough. When faced with a weapon of any sort, I have no qualms about a swift kick to the nuts, not enough to remove them from the gene pool as a general rule, unless I feel they deserve that, and I have done so with someone who raped a little girl, but usually a quick upper cut jab just in the armpit is a most excellent non lethal hit that's almost always guaranteed to drop your attacker without any real damage.

“We should probably all join a martial arts group, I have a blue belt in Karate, but it's been more years than I care to admit since I went last, since my Sensei died actually, and while I know I still remember much, I don't remember all, and that's one thing that they teach well, is non lethal self defense. My Sensei was big on personal achievement, and always looking for non violent ways of resolving an issue, but that when forced to fight, you fight hard, you fight fast, you fight fair, and you do no more than you absolutely haveta. He was all about self control. I'll see if I can find us a class that teaches like that, because not all do, they teach fighting, which is not truly what Karate is all about.”

“Okay.” Dallan and I say together.

“So, how are you feeling now Baby?” Dad asks Dallan.

“Still in pain, but I'm feeling lots better about being at school, even with everyone knowing I'm a full on gay baby boy diaper lover. At least a few kids will talk to me, and even at school today, one of the loudest mouth pieces in our school asked how I could face everyone being like I am. I told her that I am who and what I am, I ask no one for permission or forgiveness, that I'm happy with who and what I am, and if no one can deal with me as I am, then that says more about them than it does me. I told her just because I'm gay or wear diapers, doesn't mean I'm some horrible freak or monster, I'm a nice person who just wantsta be friends with everyone, and that they can hate me for being me all they want, but that I won't hate them for it.

“She didn't know that our teacher was standing right behind her, and I smiled at her the entire time. The teacher said that that's possibly one of the wisest things she's ever heard, and told all the kids that they needed to live life like that, because I'm not the only gay kid in the room, nor am I the only one who wears diapers, though the others only wear to bed, she said she also knows of at least two other things that others would be bullied for should they ever be found out about, and that I'm no more weird or different than any other student in the room. She told them all that every person is weird and wonderful in their own special way, and that once they realize that, that life actually becomes easier.”

“That's excellent. You look so much more at peace now.” Dad said.

“I feel it too.”

The next couple days went well, Dallan says that even though he still has no actual friends at school, that more kids have started to come around and realize that he really is not any more different than anyone else, so they are all talking to him more. Especially the pretty little boy in the grade below him.

After Dallan's game on Wednesday, which they won, as had they the one the night before, which their coach claims puts them back into first place where they belong, we went home, got undressed and changed our soggy baby bums, and met back in the living room, because Dallan had told us that he wanted to tell us something.

“So, what's up Baby?” I ask.

“Remember the pretty little boy in the grade below me that I told you has been talking to me more lately, the one I thought for sure must be gay?”

“Yeah.” Dad and I say together.

“Yeah, he asked me to come and talk privately, so I took him to the office and asked to use the quiet room, so we went in, and he burst into tears almost right away. I hugged him and asked him what's wrong. He said he's gay, and he's scared to death of his dad finding out, even though he thinks he already suspects it, because he's been saying lately that if he turns out to be a fairy, that he's gonna dump him in the river. He admitted that since he found out I was gay, that it's made him realize just how much he is too, even though he's only eight. I asked him about his mom, what she'd think, and he said she died a couple years ago, so it's just him and his dad. I asked if he has any family he could go to, and he says he doesn't think so, that he just has one uncle who's just like his dad, a drunken asshole. I wanna know, would you adopt him Harris?”

“I'd liketa, really I would, but as it is, I already have two gay boys here, and awkward questions could start being asked when people realize I'm adopting gay boys.”

“Yeah, and I wondered about that too, because if his dad can't see that he's gay, he's a blind ape, because I've seen it since before I fully understood it in myself that he's gay. So, yeah, others will see it, and I think pretty much anyone who sees me knows I am as well, so it will look like you're adopting the gays. We all know what they might think of that, even though it's not true.”

“Yeah, I'd be willing to bet that most people that see you at least suspect that you might be gay. You're still pretty young, so many will just dismiss it, but once you're older, I think everyone will know it. So, let's say I did decide to adopt this young man, how would he feel about our wearing diapers?”

“Well, he knows that I wear, and that doesn't seem to bother him, and obviously before I made any sort of offer, I hadta ask you first, but if you'd been okay with it, I was gonna go and talk to him and explain everything. Of course, the diaper lover side of me would loveta get him into diapers, he's already really cute, but in nothing but a super soggy, quadruple thick baby diaper, I think he'd be spectacular.” Dallan grins.

“Tell you what, explain who and what we all are here, and invite him to spend the weekend if he's okay with it. Yes, we can still have Jared and Zavien spend the weekend too, this way we can surround him with others who are the same. If he has any inclination to wear diapers at all, it won't take him long to decide. You may not push him though. You're also gonna haveta clearly explain to him that you can't be his boyfriend, if he's already getting horny enough to work past his fears, he may be hoping that you'd help him out, but at this time, with as new and young as your relationship with Jett is, you simply can't do that yet. Not that I strictly agree with having others join in anyway, but, it can be fun, but really, I personally only think if you're in a fun only relationship, though I have known others in committed relationships who often had other friends join them, but then again, they did always do so together, so I suppose that makes a lot of difference too. Either way, you needta explain all this to him.”

“Okay, thanks, that's what I was hoping that we could do to start anyway, and I was planning on doing that too, I don't know about Jett, we've never actually talked about sharing our love with others, but it's not really something I think I wanna do, at least right now, but I don't think ever. I mean, sure, Jayden is super cute, very pretty, and will look even better in just a soggy baby diaper, if we get him in them that is, but he's not who I want, I'd like him as a friend, nothing more. Of course, that won't stop my dick from going impossibly hard seeing him in nothing but a soggy baby diaper, same as all ours do seeing each other and Jared and Zavien too.” He grins.

“Good, and nothing wrong with that.” Dad smiles.

“And just so you know Baby, I doubt very seriously that I'd ever desire another to join us either. I mean, sure, I've read a lotta stories where they had amazing parties, and that sounds amazing and all, but only to read.” I say.

“Good, same.” Dallan says happily.

We continued to talk and laugh, but moved downstairs to play games while we do so, until bedtime, which was a little early, but not as early as the night before. Dallan had been almost falling asleep in the car yesterday, but today he still has a little energy in him. He admitted both yesterday and today after the games that he is very sore, and that he had not been able to run quite as fast, or push quite as hard as usual, but that he is getting better.

The following day went well, I confirmed with both Jared and Zavien that they are coming to spend the weekend, but warning them that we are trying to get another boy to come as well. They are okay with it. I asked Dallan about his friend as soon as I got home, but he said, 'let's wait for your dad so that I can tell you both together.' As soon as dad got home, and we were seated to eat the dinner that Dallan and I had made, Dallan started.

“So, I took Jayden to the quiet room at lunch today, and told him everything that he needsta know, asked him if he'd liketa come spend the weekend with us and our friends, but made sure that he'd be okay with it if we all walk around in just our diapers. He blushed, a lot, but said he'd be okay with that, and that even though he's certain his dad won't let him, that he's just gonna do it anyway, and leave a note for his dad, saying that he's at a friends house for the weekend instead of asking. I know he wantsta ask about diapers, I saw him blush at least a dozen times, and was about to ask something, but lost the nerve at the last second. I bet when Jett and the others get here tomorrow afternoon, and we all strip down to just our soggy baby diapers in front of him, and then tell him that we're gonna go change our soggy baby bums, that his dick makes him ask. And I definitely wanna strip in front of him, one after the other, 'til we're all naked except our diapers.”

“Nice.” I say.

“Very.” Dad agrees. “Just be careful with him, remember, he's even younger than you are, and you just barely grasp who and what you are, what you want and need. Don't be making him feel bad, or even overwhelmed.”

“I won't. I think it's what he wants anyway, and I think he's a bed wetter too, because today, when I hugged him after he finished crying, because he did again, don't know if I said that or not, I could smell stale pee on him. It wasn't too strong, so it could just be that he has old underwear that he drips lots into and they don't get washed enough, but I'm hoping that's not the case, of course.” He grins brightly.

“Yeah, used to know a kid at school who liked to let some of his pee into his underwear, and he'd wear them for a week or more, said he liked the smell. Yeah, he was a dirty fucker, and it took absolutely no convincing to get him into diapers or to get my diapered dick into his diapered ass.” Dad grins brightly.

“Nice.” Dallan and I say at the same time.

“Yeah, was. He took kinky to all knew levels, there was almost nothing he wouldn't do, well, except females, he said that the one time he tried, that he couldn't stay hard to save his life. We were fifteen to seventeen then. Sadly he died from HIV/AIDS several years ago, he was a partier, and condoms were for the weak. Yeah, well, he admitted that he was pretty stupid, and paid the price for it. It's sad, but he did enjoy his life fully, I haveta admit that.”

“Wow, that sucks.” I say.

“Yeah, it does, but that's life too. Sure, he died from something that really could've been prevented, but who's to say he wouldn't have died at the same time from something else anyway. He's not the only friend I've lost, and it always hurts, but it is part of life too.”

“Yeah, I know.” I say, and Dallan nods.

After dinner, we go and watch a movie, and then play a few games until bedtime. Dallan finally feels well enough at bedtime that we get to play again, because the previous two nights he had just been too tired to play, and had barely even gotten hard during our diaper changes. So, tonight we get to kiss tenderly and stroke each other sensually for three orgasms, and of course after every one, Dallan would extract his hand, and we would lick off all the mess, then kiss more as we stroke more.

Today went way too slow. Let's just say that right away.

Dad, Dallan, and I did our regular morning swim and relaxation, then got cleaned, dried, diapered, and dressed, had breakfast, made our lunches, headed to school and work, and then at least a million hours later, school finally ended. Jared and I both admitted that we cannot wait to see this pretty boy that Dallan is bringing home. We both admitted that we sure hope that he decides to get diapered with us. Finally we are walking in the house, and Dallan and Jayden are there to greet us.

Oh yeah, pretty boy to be sure. Think Legolas of the Lord of the Rings pretty, Jayden looks exactly like an eight year old version of him. No way his dad cannot see that he is gay, sorry, no chance someone could be that blind or stupid.

“Jett and Jared, meet Jayden.” Dallan says, introducing the three of us.

“Wow, Jayden, you're super cute, and if your dad doesn't know you're gay, then he's truly blind and stupid. Fuck, you just ooze gayness off you.” I say.

“No shit, fuck you're sexy.” Jared says in agreement.

“Yeah, I've pretty much told him the same thing.” Dallan giggles.

“Um, um, um, thanks.” He says extra bashfully, it is quite cute how much he blushes from that.

“You're welcome. I don't know how we're gonna find you a boyfriend to equal your hotness, but you definitely deserve one. Granted, I still see myself as being too plain to equal Dallan's hotness, you two are so fucking amazing, but, honestly, Dallan's diapered, so that makes him the hotter of the two of you, at least in my eyes, sorry.” I grin.

“Yeah, but get him in diapers, and he'd be every bit as sexy as Dallan.” Jared giggles.

“Fuck, no shit.” I groan, but then, so does Dallan.

“I agree.” Dallan says, and poor Jayden is blushing even more.

Just then, we hear the knock and then the opening of the door, and Zavien comes right in. He takes one look at Jayden, and groans.

“Fuck, you're hot, and wow, I've never met anyone before that I could instantly see and feel was so gay. I'm Zavien, and if I had've met you before Jared and I met, I would've bent over almost anywhere and offered you my gay baby diapered bum to fill.”

“Yeah, we pretty much told him much the same thing, just without being so lewd about it.” Jared giggles.

“Like I said, I'm Zavien, you're Jayden, right?” He says, sticking his hand out for the very cute younger boy to shake.

“Yeah, you're really cute too though.” Jayden says, still blushing, but shaking the offered hand none the less.

“Thanks. Well guys, I need a super soggy baby bum change, so, can we go get changed, or are we gonna go swimming first?” Zavien asks.

“No, we were gonna get changed too, then go and play games.”

“Goody, are we thinking extra thick, I was kinda hoping that we'd go extra thick?” Zavien asks, and is already stripping down to just his soggy baby diaper.

“That's what we were thinking as well.” I say, and I am surreptitiously watching Jayden's eyes as Zavien bares himself down to just his soggy diaper, and he is in awe.

“Oh, goody.” Zavien says, and then kicks off both his pants and shoes at the same time, stands up, and exposes himself in just his gloriously soggy diaper.

And that was when Jayden came.

We pretended we saw nothing, understood nothing, but as soon as he was back with it, Dallan started stripping down to just his soggy baby diaper as well, and was naked except for that only a minute later. I nodded to Jared, and so he took the hint and did so as well. I am still watching Jayden, and sure enough, he is so openly staring, and he is even harder than he had been, more than enough that even at eight years old, and not too big yet, he is showing as much as possible. Finally, as soon as Jared is naked other than his diaper, I too strip down until I too am in just my super soggy diaper.

“Much better. I really wish I didn't haveta wear clothes, ever. It'd be so much better if I could just wear my baby diapers everywhere.” I sigh.

“Mmmhmm, for sure.” The other three agree.

“But we can't. Well, let's head to mine and Dallan's bedroom and all get our soggy baby bums changed, shall we. You wanna come too Jayden?” I said as nonchalantly as I possibly could.

He tried to shake his head no, he tried not to follow us, but he could do neither, and as we walked, it was impossible to ignore what was controlling him, because his dick is directing him like a bloody compass. As soon as we make it to the bedroom, Dallan throws himself on the bed first, as I go and grab all the diaper change supplies.

“Oh, and Jayden, you're more than welcome to strip down to just your underwear, or naked if you prefer. We'll be in only our baby diapers, so it's only fair.”

He could say nothing, he just stares at me with huge eyes.

“Hey, you've probably never gotta change a diaper before Jayden, come here, let me teach you on Dallan.”

“, thanks.”

“Why. We all know you're gay anyway, so are we all, we're all friends here, and admit that you'd really like that. I mean, honestly, how often is it you get the chance to change a gorgeous gay baby boys soggy baby diaper, and make him feel very good for it. I mean, you probably shouldn't jack him off, but we all know he's gonna cum anyway, a proper baby bum change should be just good enough to cum during the lotioning and creaming if you ask virtually any gay baby boy diaper lover.”

“It's wrong.” He whispered so hoarsely, it sounded hot.

“Yet so very right.” At least two of us said together, I know I said it, but I am certain I heard at least one other voice as well.

“You promise you won't hate me?”

“With everything I have, may my diapers be taken away should I lie.” And the others all gasped, because to me, that would be far worse than death.

“He means it, losing his diapers would be far worse than anything else you could possibly do to him.” Dallan giggles. “Then again, I'm the same.”

“Um, okay.”

“And will you let me strip you either naked or to just your underwear?”

“No, not yet.” He says.

“Why, we can all see just how hard you are, your shorts and underwear can't hide what you've got, and trust me, it looks great, not to mention you have nothing to be ashamed of here. Hell, we're all every bit as hard, but with wearing such thick soggy baby diapers, it doesn't show quite as much, though you can still see it, even on Dallan, who's the smallest of us gay baby boys, but trust me, that's not a bad thing, fuck, he's damn near as sexy naked and hard as he is in a super soggy baby diaper.”

He looks down to confirm that he is visibly hard, and when he goes to cover himself, Zavien smacks his hand away. “Don't, it's beautiful, and while showing it off elsewhere might be considered rude or inappropriate, here it's celebrated. Don't be afraid or ashamed, never fear what you desire here. Anything, anything at all that you want, here you can experience it. Of course, we're not gonna have sex with you, for that you'll haveta find yourself a hot little boyfriend of your own, but making each other cum during a really good soggy baby bum change really isn't sex, that's just being nice.”

“Anything?” Jayden whispers hoarsely again.

“Oh yeah. No matter your desire, here you're encouraged to share it with us, hold nothing back, tell us who and what you are, what you want and need to feel whole, and most importantly, be who and what you are, no matter what. Outside here, we all haveta be more careful, though all us baby boys have understanding homes, so we can be who and what we are there too, but here, with friends, it's so much better. Now, I don't think I'm the only one who's seen your looks, if you're brave enough to say it, we'll give it to you as well, because I think we all see that you want it, and clearly here that's acceptable.”

“You mean it, don't you?”

“With everything I have, same as Jett, may my diapers be taken away from me, and I only just found them and couldn't live without them any more.”

“I wanna wear diapers too.” He whispers so softly that we barely hear him.

“You wet the bed too, don't you?” Zavien whispers back softly to him.

Jayden just barely nods his head yes.

“And your pants too sometimes, right?”

He nods again.

“But you're so ashamed. Your dad hates you because he suspects you're gay, but he already hated you because you're useless and lazy, doesn't he.”

And that was when Jayden burst into full on pitiful sobs.

Dallan hopped off the bed and joined the rest of us in gathering Jayden up into a nice big group hug. For nearly fifteen minutes, Jayden cried like he had never been allowed to cry before. We all held him, hugged him, stroked his back and hair and chest and cheeks, none of us saying anything at all. Finally he stopped, though we held him just a minute longer.

“Feel better?” Dallan whispers to Jayden.


“Yeah, not all that long ago, I felt like you do now. You probably didn't know it, but I haven't lived here all that long myself, I was adopted because I was living the same way as you are now. Now, I think you want something, I'm not gonna ask or say, but if you get the courage, I'll give it to you now, first.”


Dallan just nods.

“Will you baby diaper me please? Ever since I found out you were diapered, I wanted to ask you to diaper me as well, I knew it was what I needed, and really wanted so bad, that's the reason why I risked talking to you, even though I knew the others would just end up teasing me too.”

“Of course. Now, just stand right there, close your eyes, and enjoy. We'll make it the best possible first baby diapering we possibly can.”

As soon as Jayden closed his eyes and relaxed fully, Dallan steps forth and starts stripping him fully. His underwear are gross, disgusting even. I mean, I already think underwear are bad anyway, but his were way worse. As soon as Dallan has Jayden fully naked, we all admire his groin. Really, he and Dallan are virtually identical down there, though Jayden curves to the opposite side as Dallan does, but they are probably exactly the same size. We all join together to pick Jayden up and lay him on the bed, but, in truth, he is so damned light I probably could have done so myself with ease.

We then give Jayden a full body baby lotion massage, though Dallan stays only in his groin the entire time, the rest of us do everything else. Even when we turned Jayden over so that we can do his back, seconds before Jayden could cum for his first time, Dallan continued massaging his bum, even slipping inside to massage around his hole, which was more than enough to push Jayden over the edge.

When we turned Jayden over again, the others all continued his massage, while I went and got diapers prepared for Jayden, but I also got the rest prepared for the rest of us as well at the same time. Just as Jayden was cumming for his second time, I pass Dallan the first doubled diaper to slip underneath Jayden, and he takes it, and then switches to diaper rash cream. Dallan happily applied the cream well enough to make Jayden cum a further two times. Finally Jayden went soft, and so, Dallan pulls up and tapes closed Jayden's first diaper since he was forcefully potty trained shortly after he turned two.

“Do you haveta go peepee Baby?” Dallan whispers to Jayden about two minutes later, because as soon as he was taped up, Jayden slipped his hand down to feel the diaper.


“Then do it Baby, peepee your mega thick and thirsty tape on baby diaper, fill it up with all the good and probably delicious gay baby peepee you can, enjoy your first diaper the way a good gay baby boy diaper lover should.” Dallan whispers so softly that we can barely hear him.

It took a minute, and we could see Jayden concentrating to pee, and when finally he did, even we can feel the relief and the satisfaction. Again, as soon as he finishes, we allow him a minute to enjoy it.

“How was it Baby?” Dallan asks.

“If my dad's correct, I'm totally going straight to hell for that, but I'm gonna willingly go, with a smile on my face, whistling a happy tune, because that was better than I ever dreamed it'd be.”

“Good.” We all say as one.

“Now, the rest of us gay baby boys are in diapers that need to be changed, and I for one haveta go peepee desperately, but I wanna fill a fresh baby diaper, so, will change us all please?” I ask.


“Dallan, you go ahead first.” I offer.

“Thanks. Just make me cum once, that's all I need. You needed to feel the full amazingly good gay baby bum change, hence me making you cum so many times, but Jett and I share that more than often enough, and really, I shouldn't even ask you to make me cum at all, but, I desperately needta.” Dallan says as he is getting onto the bed and getting situated.

We have to walk Jayden through what to do and when, and he does a good job, and makes Dallan cum just seconds into creaming him up, and is taping Dallan up into the first of his diapers by the time he comes down. A few seconds later, and Dallan is done.

I was urged up next, and when I came, Dallan bent down and licked up all the cum from my stomach and chest, savouring it. He grinned to Jayden, who had looked at him in awe.

“You drank his pee.”

“Wasn't pee, was his cum, though if you've already taken the sex ed course you'll probably know it better as ejaculate or sperm, and it tastes fucking heavenly. Sadly that's not something you're allowed to take from us, that belongs only to baby boyfriends.” He smiles warmly and satisfactorily.


I was diapered up properly only a few moments later, and then Zavien was urged up next, who got a very nice soggy baby bum change as well, and finally Jared was last, who also sprayed a good load of cum. Zavien scooped it all up and fed it to Jared.

“Jared and I aren't truly baby boyfriends yet, we're working on it, and we both want it, but I haven't even gotta truly make him cum yet, so his cum doesn't really belong to me yet. Granted, doesn't mean I can't take what he missed.” He grins as he slips his fingers into his mouth to try and get some.

“Damn, he got it all.” He grins brightly.

“Sorry Baby, I can't help it, it just tastes so fucking good.”

“Yeah, well, maybe soon. We really needta start learning each other anyway, I really wanna be baby boyfriends, soon, but we're not ready for that yet anyway.”

“Mmmhmm.” Jared sighs deeply.

I do have to explain this to Jayden, because he did not truly understand, and as I explained the quick version, we had all stood up and allowed Jayden to truly tape our mega thick baby diapers on, Dallan did Jayden's first of course.

“So, what do you think?” I asked, once Jayden got us all done, and he is getting to stand there and look at us all in our mega diapered glory.

“Wow, you all look super awesome like this. I've dreamed so much about this, getting to be baby diapered, and seeing other gay baby boys in their super thick baby diapers, I've even read lotsa stories these past few months, but this is way better.” Jayden sighed deeply.

“Thanks, you look super awesome like this as well, and we all started looking at and for all the same stuff at about the same age as you did, so, we're pretty much all the same.” I said.

“Thanks. I'm so afraid of my dad finding out, but, like you've pretty much all said, I think everyone can see it instantly that I'm gay, and I think even he's starting to truly see it too. He truly is blind and stupid, though, but I know just what he's gonna do when he finally finds out for sure, and if he finds out I'm a baby boy diaper lover at the same time, I think he might actually try and kill me.”

“As soon as my dad gets home, we'll talk to him and see what he says. After this weekend, you're gonna be different, and he's likely to see it instantly, but clearly it's not safe for you to go home, so, we'll talk it over with him and see what he thinks.” I said.

“Thanks, but what can he do, really?”

“A lot. Not only does he work with the police department a lot, but he knows several lawyers and judges, as well as the mayor and several of the people on council and whatnot. When Dallan asked him if he'd take you, he had a point, that people will start to notice and make insinuations, or downright accusations as to why he's adopting and or taking in all these gay boys, and he doesn't want that sorta spotlight being shone on him, not that I blame him, but he'll also know we can't possibly send you back home, not now. Like I said, it's just not safe to do that any more.”

“Oh. You asked your dad if he'd adopt me too Dallan?”

“Yeah, I had a feeling that you and I were a lot alike, and I didn't want you having to live with that for any longer, so I asked Harris if he'd consider it. He probably is right though. Same as me, you just can't shut off your gayness, and it shines bright, same as everyone says so of me. Even Jett, almost all that meet him know just how gay he is as well, and Harris would be asked questions, or, like Jett said, more than likely just ignorantly accuse him of utter bullshit, and no one gets out of that without harm.”

“Oh. Well, thanks I guess. I should probably just give myself up to child services, but, well, I'm a gay baby boy diaper lover, no one's gonna take me anyway.” He said, and he sounds so utterly depressed.

“Don't get depressed Baby, there's no point, we'll figure something out for you, have no fears there. Foster care isn't where you belong, though, because I too don't think that there's enough of the types of families who would or could take boys like us. I'm sure they're out there, but the odds of getting one just aren't there. No, no more worrying about things that we can figure out later with my dads help, so let's all go downstairs and play games, but I for one want a couple baby bottles and a couple large mugs of tea before we go, so, let's go get all us baby boys our baby drinks.” I said.

When we made it to the kitchen, we got every baby bottle we have and filled them up with apple juice, and as we all popped the nipples into our mouths to drink from them, Jayden watched in awe, and when he realized we really are all drinking from baby bottles, he happily slipped the nipple of his bottle between his sexy little lips, and started sucking it down as well.

“Nice, eh?” Dallan smiled warmly to his friend.

“Mmmhmm.” Jayden sighed deeply.

Shortly after the tea was ready, we had all finished sucking dry our baby bottles, and so, we started sipping our tea, as we head downstairs to play. Dad had told us this morning that he was going to bring dinner home, so we do not have to worry about that, and got to enjoy playing, and happily did so until Dad made it home. We all pretty much stampeded upstairs when he called, saying that he has dinner, and he could not help but to laugh at all of us.

“You baby boys sure are all well and truly diapered, and you must be Jayden, but my goodness, you sure are a sexy little gay baby boy diaper lover, you might be the prettiest little baby boy I've ever seen, and all the other gay baby boys here are either hot or sexy as well, but you're full on pretty.” Dad said.

“Thanks.” Jayden whispered.

“You're very welcome. If you were at least double your current age, we'd already be in my bedroom.” Dad laughed.

“Um, I could pretend to be sixteen.” He said huskily, blushing madly of course.

“Ah, dreamed of being with an older man I take it! That's great, but sadly I must decline, though, honestly, my promise to myself to never break that law, no matter who asked is gonna be really hard to keep with you around, because you're exactly the type of baby boy I desire. I do prefer my baby boys to be able to feed me their baby milk from their special nipples, though, which I know you're still gonna be many years away from, but you truly are a sexy little baby boy.” Dad admitted.

“Oh, I've kinda dreamed of having a diapered daddy who'd baby his baby properly.” He whispered again.

“You're not the only one here, but, sadly that's illegal. Now, I just haveta strip, I was just doing office work this afternoon, so right about the time I knew you baby boys would be quadruple baby diapering each other, I too did the same for myself, so I just haveta strip and then we can go eat, all the food's on the table already.” Dad said, and then started stripping, positioning himself so that Jayden could watch, and boy did he, who then promptly came as soon as Dad was revealed in his sexy quadruple diapered goodness.

“Oops.” Dad laughed.

“Yeah, he's done that a couple times already, and here I thought I lotioned and creamed him more than enough to prevent this from happening now.” Dallan giggled.

“Wow.” Jayden groaned as he got up.

“You really have been dreaming of a diapered Daddy lots, haven't you?” Dad asked, as he put out his hand to help Jayden get up.

“Oh yeah, and you're just so fucking sexy. Oh god, I'm sorry.”

“Don't be sorry about the words you use here, I don't mind, but thanks for the compliment, coming from a gorgeous little hunk of gay baby boy like you, that makes me very happy.”

“Thanks.” Jayden said.

“Well Baby Boys, shall we go eat, I have more than enough awesome Chinese food to feed three to four times our numbers, and I'll be horribly upset if there's enough for leftovers for my lunch tomorrow.”

“Ooh, goody.” I say, because there is one restaurant I would eat at nearly every day, and if Dad got Chinese takeout from them, then I will be very happy indeed. Every time we do so, though, we totally blow our healthy eating for like a whole month because of how much we end up eating.

As we go and dish up, the others all take lots as well. Dad and I, who are probably the only ones to have eaten from this place, take even more. As we sit and eat, I am watching Dad and Jayden. Jayden had sat right next to Dad, and is almost touching him. Dad is letting him, and I can tell that not very much of his thinking is being done up top, because they are both totally flirting with each other. I wonder if my dad is going to break one of his own rules. I think it would be good for both he and Jayden, but, at a tiny little eight, there is no way that Jayden will be able to take dad yet anyway. Almost no matter how much he has practiced.

Yeah, we are all well and truly stuffed by the time we are done, but, as always, it was truly amazing. As we had been eating, we had been telling Dad of Jayden's story, and as suspected, Dad was none too happy with it, but admitted that he still really cannot take Jayden in. I know why he is saying it, and so does he, but, I can also see how much of a struggle it is for him too. After cleaning up, we headed back downstairs, taking the tea with us that we had made while cleaning. Almost as soon as we made it downstairs, Jared pulled me aside, saying he wanted to talk.

“What's up?” I asked.

“Jayden wants and needs your dad, bad, and your dad wants him too, but, he's right, that's just too illegal, and there's no way tiny little Jayden could possibly take him anyway, probably not for several years, so that'd be super hard on their relationship. We needta find both of them baby boyfriends of their own, ones closer to their own ages, and I know someone who'd be perfect for your dad.”

“Let me guess, your dad?” I asked.

“Yeah. How long have you been thinking that we needta get them together?”

“Since the day you told me he's a gay baby boy diaper lover as well. You?”

“Same. I sure wouldn't complain about them hitting it off and getting to move in here either, your house is amazing.”

“Yeah, we probably should get them together, but that still leaves poor little Jayden. Just not sure how we're gonna find him a baby boyfriend of his own as well.” I shrugged.

“Well, actually I might have that covered too. I have an eight year old cousin, he's actually a second cousin, doesn't really matter I suppose, but I'm kinda certain he's gonna end up gay as well, and last I heard, he still wets the bed. I know my dad's gotten mad at his mom before because of her constant griping about his bed wetting and how he's such a baby, and how she refuses to buy him diapers. I should see about inviting him over, I think my dad'd be good with that, and seeing if we can help him. If we help him out, and he turns out how I think he will, then maybe getting both your dad and Jayden baby boyfriends could work.”

“That'd be great. Totally go for it, what've we gotta lose, right.”

“Okay, I will. Now, what do we do about our dads though?”

“We're totally gonna haveta set them up together somehow. Just not sure how.”

We joined the rest in playing after that, and we had a great time before bed. We went to bed late, because we were having so much fun, Dad went to his bedroom, while us baby boys curled up on the living room floor in a nest of blankets and pillows, and we all passed out almost instantly without any more talking.

I was the first one awake, and when I got up, I saw that there is a note on the coffee table where I would see it, so I stealthily grabbed it and read it. Apparently there was a kidnapping in the night and so the police called my dad in right away, so he has no idea when he will be home. I went to the kitchen to start a nice large batch of tea for us all, and as I was waiting for that, I got us all some baby bottles. As soon as it was all ready, I took it to the living room to wait for the others to wake up, and one by one they did, and I pointed out their bottles, and they all smiled happily and took them. Once all are awake, and our bottles empty, I told the others where Dad is. I then steered our conversation where we need to go.

“So, Jayden, I think we all saw just how you were feeling for my dad yesterday, and what you were thinking too, and we saw how much you practically hung off him. He's right, though, you're just too young, too small, admit it, there's no way you could take him inside yourself, even if he wanted to give it to you. Honestly, how many fingers can you even get inside yourself now?”

“You saw?” We all nodded. “Only two.”

“Yeah, well, you haven't seen him naked and hard yet, though I'm sure you will before too long, even though he tries not to actually get hard around us baby boys too much, but he's big, and until you can take four of your own fingers deeper than even they can go, there's no way you could take him. Hell, even taking your whole hand might not be enough. Jared has an idea for you, but we're gonna wait and see how that plays out, so, stop torturing yourself, you already know you can't have him, and he can't give it to you. Oh, sure, you both want it, a lot, but you just can't, okay.”

“I know.” He sighed sadly.

“I know, it's what you really want, but you do know it, deep down, don't you, that you just can't be together like that.”

“Yeah.” He said, and he has tears in his eyes.

“It's okay. If what Jared's planning pans out, he just might have good options for both you and my dad. We can't promise anything, of course, but I have a good feeling about this, so, keep your diapered dinky down, with any luck, soon you'll have all you need, okay.”

“Okay, I really hope it does.”

“Us too.” The rest of us pretty much said as one.

We got up and made breakfast shortly after that, and enjoyed it, our tea, and our diapers, a lot. Only an hour after breakfast, we are all in danger of leaking, and so, we all head out to the pool. I handed Jayden the pair of scissors and told him that it will be his honour today to remove all our soggy baby diapers, and happily he did so. Each and every one of us are hard as nails inside our soggy baby diapers, and Jayden groaned from deep within himself every time he exposed one of us, and though he managed to hold off on cumming while removing our diapers, when it was time for me to remove his, because I took the scissors, I did probably the most evil thing I think I have ever done before, and petted his little diaper monster for at most half a second. Yep, that was all it took, and he exploded in a super nova worthy orgasm. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he slumped to the ground, totally passed out, but his eyes are still open and everything.

“Holy shit.” At least a couple of the others said.

“Ooops, didn't think he'd completely shut down like that.” I giggled.

“It looked like you hit him with a train instead of just petting his peepee.” Zavien giggled too.

“Yeah, and he didn't even make a sound.” I laughed.

I had to get down and remove Jayden's diaper carefully while he was in the bundle that he fell in. We then all hit the shower, wondering when Jayden would come to again.

We were almost fully showered by the time Jayden came back around, and when he did, he looked to us with pure lust in his eyes.

“Wow, that was both horrible and amazing, all at the same time.” Jayden groaned.

“Looked like it. Sorry, had no idea someone could be so charged to cause that.” I said.

“That's totally okay.” He sighed deeply.

“Well, come get cleaned you dirty baby boy.” I said, and so, he came and did so.

“So, you do know how to swim, right?” I thought it kind of important to ask the question.

“Actually, no, I can't.”

“Yeah, same as Dallan, but then, you've both lived much the same life before coming here, so, no surprise, really. That's okay, we have life jackets you can use, and we'll happily teach you. The shallow end's also more than shallow enough for you to just stand up anyway.”

“Okay, thanks.”

For close to an hour after getting in the pool, we all taught Jayden how to swim, and he is doing fairly well, but then for at least another hour after, we just played, but I gave Jayden a life jacket so that he did not have to worry, and he enjoyed himself, same as the rest of us did. Finally we slipped into the hot tub to sit back and relax, and we all sighed deeply. After sitting back and relaxing for a while, talking and laughing lots as we did, we decided to get cleaned up, dried off, and diapered thickly, so, we did so, and once more, we are all in quadruple thick baby diapers.

Just as we are finishing lunch, Dad made it home, but, I can tell instantly that it was not a good case. He has been crying.

“Bad one, huh?” I said, after going and giving Dad a big hug.

“Yeah, I just don't understand people sometimes.”

“I'm gonna guess that whomever was kidnapped didn't survive?”

“She wasn't kidnapped, her mother killed her and tried to make the police think her daughter was kidnapped. Oh, she tried acting all distraught over the disappearance of her daughter alright, but I just sat there and watched her. Her sorrow didn't reach her eyes though, and I see all. Within fifteen minutes of my getting there, I told the police to arrest her, that she's their suspect, it took me until almost nine this morning to find her daughter, unfortunately she was already dead. Clearly the mother said nothing, even though me and three other police officers all grilled her, but I got enough from her to start figuring out where her daughter might be.

“The little girl was only four years old, fucked if I can understand why someone would kill such a little child. It's taken me since I found the little girl to get the rest of the story though. I walked in after finding her daughter, I had already printed out the pictures of her little girl, cold and dead, I laid them on the table in front of her, and asked her how she could be such a cold hearted bitch to kill a four year old, and so very innocent little girl. Oh, she tried saying that it wasn't her, I laughed, and said her body language says something entirely different. She tried again, and I said I'd already collected more than enough evidence to fully convict her, but, the second biggest piece of evidence was her daughters bedroom, where her daughter was supposedly taken from. There were no finger prints, anywhere, other than hers and her daughters, the bedroom window was closed and locked, as well as all the other evidence.

“I told her flat out that I don't need her to confess, because I already know the truth, that she killed her daughter, and she will be going to jail for a very long time. As I stood to leave, though, I did ask why she'd do it, how she could kill her daughter like that, how she could stare right into her daughters eyes, as her hands were wrapped around her tiny little throat, she was facing her daughter as she did it, so the little girl saw her mother killing her, knew it was happening. The pictures of her hand and ring prints embedded in her little girls throat are of course the largest evidence, and I had already taken pictures of her hands, and matched them one hundred percent to the marks around her daughters throat. She still said nothing, she never even shed a real tear, and as I left the room, I told her she's a monster.”

“Oh, that's horrible Daddy. Have you already gone to see the therapist, or have you made an appointment?”

“Made the appointment, I hadta come home to sleep.”

“Okay, let me get you some lunch and a nice baby bottle, while someone changes you and gets you into a nice thick thirsty tape on baby diaper, other than you by yourself Jayden, you know why.”

“Thanks Baby.”

“Would you like a mug of Chamomile tea as well?”


It is always like this after Dad has a tough case like this that doesn't end well, he always goes to see a therapist, and then I also help him as best I can. All the others together helped to change Dad, giving him a really good full body baby lotion massage, then they added way more diaper rash cream and baby powder to Dad's diaper area, then pulled up and taped onto him a wondrously thick quadruple diaper. As soon as it was taped on good and proper, I sat on the couch and patted my lap. Dad came and laid on the couch with his head on my lap, I pressed the nipple of his already prepared baby bottle to his lips, and he started sucking it right away as I played with his hair. Once his bottle was empty, I continued to play with his hair for a few minute more, until he relaxed some. I then pretty near fed Dad his lunch, all while he sipped his tea, and as soon as he was done both, I sent him to bed, telling him that I will wake him in two hours.

“Wow, he really hasta deal with that sorta thing?” Zavien said as I came back after tucking Dad in and giving him a nice kiss.

“Yeah, it's truly horrible what some people will do, especially to children, and Dad's seen it all. He'll see his therapist a few times to help, but I don't think he ever truly forgets what he sees in his line of work. I suppose it's for the best that he doesn't. He's really very good at his job though, hence the reason the police don't mind paying him, even though he doesn't strictly work for them. Cases like this are hard on him though, he's always had a soft heart toward children, and seeing one hurt in such a way hurts him so much. Which is why I know that he's just gonna bloody well do it, be damned of the consequences, and probably tell Jayden that he can stay here almost as soon as he gets up. Just be warned Jayden, he will take you to your old home to collect your things and to face your father. It's the same thing he himself did, and he made Dallan do so as well. But, like he says, it helps, and it sure helped Dallan with his mother, and Dad will protect you from him, no worries.”

“Oh. Okay.” Jayden says, a mix of both happy and anxious.

As soon as two hours was up, I went to wake up Dad.

“Time to wakey wakey Daddy, I have another baby bottle already ready for you, and a nice cup of tea.”

“Mmmm, thanks Baby. Would you crawl into bed and feed me my baby bottle?” He asked softly.

“Of course Daddy.” So, I did so, and once again, I let Dad lay his head in my lap, and as I fed him his bottle, I played with his hair.

“Thanks Baby.”

“You're welcome Daddy. You know I'd do anything for you, I love you so much, and if this helps, then I'll happily do so for you every time.”

“Thanks Baby, and I love you so much as well, and I'd do anything for you as well. You know, just having you soothe and help me in the way you always do is always way better than my therapist ever does.”

“Good, I'm glad. I do still want you to go and see him though, same as every other time, we can't have you shutting down or getting depressed because of what you see. I also want you to talk it out with someone else, someone I know you can tell all the details you just won't tell me. I'm strong enough to take it, but I know you'd still never get some of that off your chest with me, and I suppose, in a way, I do thank you for that.”

“I wondered if you knew. No, I love you too much to tell you the gruesome details, you're my rock when I have a case like this, the one and only person that can truly help soothe me, but still, I couldn't hurt you like that. I truly hope you never haveta witness some of what I have in my line of work, it truly is horrible.”

“Yeah, I knew, I could always tell. I'm happy to help you like that though. So, you don't want me to do what you do then, do you?”

“No, I truly don't. I also don't think you're smart in the ways I am that would help in what I do, you're more science and math, I'm more analytical and logical. That's not to say that neither of us doesn't possess the other traits, because we do, just we're both more so in our fields of expertise. I think you'd make an excellent scientist or doctor actually, and we really should start having the school testing you to find out what fields you'd be truly spectacular in, and start tailoring your education toward that goal, if it's one you'd be interested in, of course.”

“Yeah, I kinda think the same thing, actually, and I thought of being a doctor, but, at the same time, I just don't think I could handle losing a patient, especially a child.”

“That's the toughest part, so, you just become the best you can be, so that when and if you do lose a patient, you know that no one else could've possibly done any better. That's why I try so hard, especially when searching for missing children, I know that by my finding them faster than anyone else possibly could, then maybe they won't suffer, or die, but even I can't help if the poor kid's already been killed, like what happened today.”

“True. I still haveta think on it, though, and see if that's what I wanna do, but if they'll test me and see what I'd be good at, then great, let's do it then.”

“Good. Now, you said something about tea, I could use some, so, let's get up, shall we.”

I gave Dad one more kiss and hug to show him even more love, then helped him out of bed and led him to the kitchen. Dad grabbed the tea that I had made for him, I grabbed mine as well mind you, the others all already have theirs, and so, we head downstairs to play. We are all playing poker around the poker table, and are already into our second hand, when Dad clears his throat to get all our attention.

“Jayden, I can't let you go home, after seeing what I did today, and knowing that that little girl was so young and innocent, and what her mother did to her, I can't let you go home, knowing that you're no longer neither so young nor innocent, and what your father might do to you. Tomorrow morning, we're gonna go to your house, explain a few things to your father, and then remove you from his care. The only problem, though, is that you'd be taking our very last bedroom, so I honestly think that maybe we should move, maybe out into the country a bit, not too far away, but with more space and privacy.”

“You mean it?” Jayden asked, tears pouring down.

“Yes. What do you boys think about that?” Dad asked Dallan and I.

“What difference does it make, though Dad?”

“How many bedrooms do we have?”


“And how many people live here now?”


“And are you and Dallan technically legal to be together in any way?”


“And why did I tell you to keep Dallan's bedroom always set up strictly for him?”

“So that should anyone come snooping, they won't easily and instantly see that Dallan and I are together.”

“So, what does that mean if I adopt another little gay baby boy?”

“That we need a bigger house with more bedrooms, so that there's no easy way for anyone to see that Dallan and I are sharing a bedroom.” I admitted.


“So, last night, after I went to bed, I actually started researching properties that might be suitable, knowing that I really couldn't let Jayden go home already, and I found a ten acre property up in the mountain a little ways, it's actually only about fifteen minutes form here, so you wouldn't even haveta change schools, there's a bus that goes to both schools no problem, there's a large pond with a creek, it's in a bit of a valley, there are no neighbors anywhere nearby that I can see, it has ten bedrooms, eight bathrooms, massive pool house that's even nicer than what we have here, huge garage, and is really nice. It's way more than I ever thought I'd spend on a house, but I can actually afford to buy it outright, and then just rent this house until the market swings back up in this area, then sell it.”

“Wow, really?” I said.

“Yeah, and maybe I'll call the Realtor soon here and arrange to go and view it tomorrow morning or early afternoon.”

“Cool, can we come too?” I asked.

“Of course. It hasta be yours and Dallan's decision just as much, it affects you every bit as much as it does me, and even Jayden too, since he's gonna move in with us as well.”

“Awesome, thanks Daddy.”

For the rest of the day, we played and had fun. We made and ate dinner, played some more after that, and then we all changed our soggy baby bums and went to bed. We all had a great sleep, and in the morning, we all only got into just one nice baby diaper, because we do have places to go today. Dad has asked Jayden when his dad was usually up for, and then, just the two of them headed out shortly after the time that Jayden said was safe to go, only the two of them got dressed just before they left. They were back only an hour later.

“So, how'd it go?” Dallan asked before they could even take off their shoes.

“Let us get more comfortable, then we'll sit down and tell you.” Dad said, and then they stripped down to their diapers as well.

As soon as we were all seated, Jayden started.

“So, when we went to the door, I tried to go in, but it was locked, so, we hadta knock, 'cause I don't have a key. Anyway, my dad answered the door and asked me why I'm home so early, was I really so useless and bad that my friends dad's bringing me home early. I said no, that my friends dad wants to speak to him. So, he asked what he wants, and Harris asked to come in to talk. My dad tried to say no, but Harris told him who and what he is, and said that it really would be better for him if he invited us in, of his own free will, so that we don't haveta come back later with a full police detail. Oh, my dad was mad. He didn't like that at all, and really meanly asked me what I fucking told the police. If Harris wasn't there, I'm sure he woulda hit me, or worse. Anyway, he did eventually invite us in, and so, Harris told my dad that I'm a gay baby boy diaper lover, and my dad said, fuck, it figures, I knew I shoulda gotten rid of you, you horrible disgrace, and so, I said, that's why we're here, 'cause I'm getting rid of you, like the smelly piece of shit you are. Well, it's a good thing Harris is way faster and stronger than my dad is, 'cause he totally launched right at me, and it probably wouldn't have felt good, whatever he planned for me.

“So, yeah, Harris made my dad sign me over to him, suggested that maybe it would be a good idea to move, even told him that if he was a good person, he should give me half of everything he owns as is my right, but, unfortunately, he actually has nothing, but, that's okay, I now have a great family.” Jayden smiled brightly.

“That's great.” We all said.

Then Dad added, “Yeah, he was either already or still drunk, when I restrained him, he tried to say how he was gonna have me arrested, and like I said, I restrained him from attacking a child, I think that he will be the first to go to jail. I made him sign everything, and when he said he had nothing, I made him prove it to me, and sadly, he really truly had nothing at all, he had less in his bank account than I have in my wallet. Kinda pathetic really. I helped Jayden to gather all his things, though I think we may've forgotten to pack his underwear, forgetful us, oh well. So, yeah, that's all done, and Jayden feels strangely free, gee, I wonder what that's like. Now, we have an appointment to view what'll hopefully be our new house in just over an hour, the Realtor is just meeting us there, so, we should have a slightly early lunch, and then get a move on.”

“Okay.” We all said, but we all congratulated Jayden on getting a new family.

As soon as we finished eating lunch, we all needed soggy baby bum changes, and so, not having a lot of time to do so and get dressed, we made it quick, and then headed out right away. It is a nice drive to where we are going, and I do not believe that I have ever been this way before, and then, when we pulled into the driveway, we are all amazed. We had not seen another house for a little more than a kilometer, and though we have no idea how much further up the road the next house is, we certainly cannot see it either. The property looks amazing, and the house even more so. It is a large farmhouse with large wrap around porch, it looks old, but very well cared for. It also looks to be close to three times the size of our current house, if not more so. The Realtor is clearly already there, because he is standing next to his car, waiting for us as we pull in.

He and Dad shook hands when they got out, it sounds like they have known each other for a long time, because they talked for several minutes about personal things, but us boys mostly just wandered around.

When they let us go inside, we are all incredibly happy with what we find. It is very nice, yet not flashy at all, it is all very natural and almost muted. There is no furniture yet, of course, so it looks very wide open right now. Four of the bedrooms, with two adjoining washrooms, are upstairs in the loft, the others are on the main floor, all with adjoining washrooms as well. The bedrooms are all nice and large and bright, and the bathrooms very well done. The kitchen had also been very well done, and looks reasonably new, and Dad confirmed that the kitchen had just been remodeled shortly before the house had to be sold. There is a basement, so we also head down there, and find that it is also huge. We will have way more room for our theatre and games room than we have now, that is for sure. Then we head out to the pool house, and as Dad had told us, it is even more impressive than what we have now, and I had never thought that would be possible.

“So, they want one point two for it, let's see if they're willing to deal. Let's say one million, cash, tomorrow, and we have a deal.” Dad said, and even I nearly shit my diaper.

Dad had said that he had the cash to just buy it, I had no idea he had that much.

“It's already a pretty damn good deal for that, but, you know what, it never hurts to ask, right.” The Realtor grinned.

He typed in his phone for a few minutes, probably texting the owners Realtor, and he had a response back only a few minutes later.

“He says hell no, full price, no lower, they can't and won't, they'd rather just continue to sit on it.”

“Well, I guess it didn't hurt to try, and honestly, I would've paid more if I hadta, and it is a steal of a deal. Any reason why that you know of?”

“As you can see from the three independent inspections, there's nothing wrong with the house that anyone can see, a few little things here and there of course, but to be expected in a house this age. As best I can tell, they're gonna go bankrupt, their business failed, so they need to sell, but, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, that's pretty much what's left owing, and that's the minimum they can take for it. I don't know all the details, but that's what I was able to get anyway.”

“Fair enough. So, what do you boys think, should we take it?”

“I say heck yeah.” I said.

“Same.” Dallan and Jayden both said together as well.

“Okay, the consensus is unanimous, we'll take it. Write it all up, send it to me, and I'll do the money transfer as soon as I have my lawyer ensure everything's legit.”

“You know, you don't always haveta be such a miserable and hard to get along with customer, you could try being nice for a change.” He grinned brightly.

“Meh, what can I say, I'm a raging asshole.” Dad laughed.

“Fuck, I'll say.”

“No shit, right.” Dad said again.

“Okay, well I'll lock this up, and get everything going. I expect I'll send everything to you first thing tomorrow morning, and your lawyer can just forward it to me when he's done, and then I'll call you and arrange the transfer of everything.”

“Awesome, thanks. Just let me know when we can start moving, and we'll move five minutes later.”

“Will do.”

As soon as the goodbyes were taken care of, we all piled in the truck and headed back to what sounds like will not be our home for very much longer.

“So, Dad, you really have that much money?” I asked in shock.

“Well, not any more, but I did have.” He laughed.

“Wow, damn near pooped my baby diaper when you said how much it was.”

“Me too.” Rang out from the rest of the baby boys.

“Yeah, but, honestly, something like that should be selling for nearly twice that, and if the market was anywhere near decent at the moment, it'd probably go for even more. Which is also the same reason I won't sell our current house right now, no point. Granted, I'd still make more now than I put into it, and it's paid off fully, so I wouldn't lose anything, but why sell now, when I can sell later for nearly twice as much.”

“Oh.” I said, I kind of had nothing to say to that.

When we got home, we all stripped down to just our soggy baby diapers and relaxed until the guests had to head home.

Next: Chapter 7

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