My Soggy Soccer Star

Published on Dec 6, 2022


My Soggy Soccer Star Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Monday, at school, Jared told me that he had invited his little cousin to come spend the evening with them, so, on Tuesday morning, he happily told me what had happened.

“So, my cousin is so totally a little gay baby boy diaper lover. When I asked him if he'd liketa meet another little gay baby boy diaper lover like him, he damn near came. Of course, that coulda been because I was lotioning and creaming him real well at the time. He said, yes, by the way, and can't wait to meet Jayden. I've arranged for him to spend the weekend with us, and I've asked my dad to maybe rescue Isaac from his mom, because, like I said, he is being abused, not physically Isaac says, but definitely mentally, he says he hates her and wishes he could live with us. I didn't tell him anything, I didn't wanna get his hopes up, but, I think they're up there anyway.”

“That's great. Now, we just haveta figure out something for our dads.” I said.

“Yeah, except, I think they've maybe already taken care of that.”

“Huh, how so?”

“Not really sure, but when I asked him if he'd let me set him up with a friends dad, he said, too late, but wouldn't elaborate. I tried pestering him, and he just bent me over his lap and gave my seriously soggy baby bum a spanking for being a naughty baby and pestering Daddy, of course it didn't hurt, he didn't even spank hard enough to hurt had I not been wearing a double thick, double soggy baby diaper. Fuck, damn near made me cum actually. So, yeah, nothing I'm afraid. Did you get anything from your dad?”

“No, nothing. I just said, would you liketa meet another gay baby boy diaper lover, and he just said, no thanks. Kinda shocked me, actually, but I've learned with my dad to never push him, he's way more stubborn than I am, and I can ask 'til I'm blue in the face and it'll do me no good. The only thing he did tell me yesterday was that everything was put through, and now we're just waiting on the final clearing of all the paperwork and to have the lawyers sign off on everything, and then get the keys, which might be as early as tomorrow, but who's to say. Sounds like we may be moving this weekend though, but I doubt that's gonna take too much work. Dad's already said that nothing's coming with us except our personal things, so I think that he's just buying all new and having it delivered, and likely set up as well. Since all the bedrooms are pretty near identical anyway, I imagine that we'll just kinda getta pick whichever ones we like, and I know that Dallan and I'll already pick a pair of bedrooms that share a bathroom, since that'd make it way easier for storing our things.”

“Hmm, hate not knowing things.” Jared laughed.

“Same, but I've gotten lots usedta it, and have learned good patience because of it, since my dad's always been like that. I hope our dads work out, and you getta move in with us, especially with your cousin, but then, not a freaking clue how we'll also get Zavien to move in as well, so that you get your baby boyfriend living with you, but I know nothing of his dad really. I know Zavien thinks his dad's gay as well, and he's pretty cool about the diapers, so, maybe he's a gay baby boy diaper lover too, and if he is, and has a baby boyfriend, maybe Dad would invite them to come live with us as well. I doubt it though, I mean, what are the odds of that.”

“No shit, but, really, what are the odds that all us gay baby boy diaper lovers live so close and already know each other anyway, so, we can always hope, because I'd really liketa have Zavien living with us as well.”

“Actually, you do have a point. We're not exactly common already, and we now know more than I thought an average city would have in it, but then, even my dad's told me that we're an incredibly gay friendly city, so maybe we just have higher odds here because of that, I know that's one of the reasons my dad moved here in the first place, because he wouldn't be shunned here.”

“I wonder if that's why my dad moved here as well, because I know this isn't where he grew up, so, maybe you have a point there. Maybe you're totally right, and we just have higher odds of having diaper lovers as well. I know lotsa gays like other things as well, so, why not, right. I bet with your dad being an investigator, he's probably already found every gay diaper lover in the entire city.” Jared laughed.

“Fuck, I so totally would've, that's for sure.” I could not help but to laugh.

We had to get to class shortly after that, so, we went and had a good day, had lunch and our breaks together, of course, and then headed home.

As soon as I got home, I found Dallan already waiting for me with a kiss and our diaper change materials already laid out. Well, as it just so happens, I could use a really good super soggy baby bum change, so, sure. Well, our super soggy baby bum change took damn near an hour, but we had both been much too hard and in the way to tape up, well, now we are not, and I know that Dallan enjoyed making me soft as much as I enjoyed doing so to him. We sucked each other for our first time, at the same time, we enjoyed our very first sixty nine, and just wow, so much better than I dreamed it would be, and even though I was dry half way through my third orgasm, we still came five times each. We are still in our super soggy diapers at that point still, because why take them off when we can pet and rub each others soggy baby bums sensually as we suck each other, it was so fucking nice. We did not slip our hands inside each others diapers, yet, we know that is coming, and while we have petted each others bum holes as we lotioned and creamed each other, neither of us have inserted anything into the other yet, though we both enjoy doing so to ourselves, several times, even still, as we watch each other do so, because do still enjoy doing that. Finally we actually change each other, opting of course to go with our extra thick night time baby diapers, and one of our largest and thirstiest doublers inside.

“Ah, much better, that was way better than I thought it was gonna be though.” I said, our first words since we said hello to each other when I walked in, and then we kissed, and totally stopped talking.

“Mmmhmm, our first suck fest and then a gloriously thick and thirsty double baby diaper, how much better could it be. Did you wanna insert your hand into the back of my diaper and tickle my baby bum hole, and maybe more, as much as I wanted to do so to you?”

“Oh yeah, but we can still wait. I'm in no rush.” I say, and for some reason it felt peaceful to do so.

“Mmmhmm, same.” Dallan sighed.

“Glad to hear it boys.” Dad said.

We both whipped around, and found Dad standing in the doorway.

“Holy shit Dad, don't do that, you damn near made me poopy my diapy. How long have you been there?” I said.

“Not sure how you coulda missed me, I've been here since it sounded like you went dry, so whenever that was, and then two more baby boygasms after that.”

“And what, exactly, would you have said had I been spying on you?” I asked rather pointedly.

“I woulda told you it was inappropriate, and so too was it for me to do so, yet your door was wide open, so, as you know, all bets are off. No, I shouldn't have stayed to watch, but, honestly, you two are just so soft and tender and loving, and super fucking sexy, I simply couldn't help but to enjoy the show. I am glad you two are taking your time, though, it makes it so much more special.”

“Yeah, it does, but you still shouldn't watch Daddy, it's not polite.”

“I know, but like you coulda stopped yourself from doing so had you been given the same show.”

“No, you're right, and I couldn't blame you in the least. Still not sure how we both missed you being there, though.”

“You only had eyes for each other. It was cute, actually.”

“Yeah. So, why exactly are you home already anyway, you usually stay in the office 'til at least five in case someone calls or comes in?”

“Because I wanted to come pick you two up to go furniture shopping with me. So, get dressed.”

“Oh, okay, but you probably shoulda let us know you were there, and what your plans were before we double diapered each other.”

“Yeah, I know, but, I think I'll double diaper as well, and I'll tell Jayden to do the same, we can just all make sure that we wear the proper clothes, and we can be extra super naughty gay baby boys.”

“Actually, where was Jayden.” I asked, then added, “I think we all were already anyway.” I grinned, Dallan nodded, and Dad laughed.

“Mmmhmm.” Dad and Dallan did say. Dad added, “I picked Jayden up from school, he wasn't having a very good day. Surprised Dallan didn't say anything.”

“Kinda was too horny and forgot about it. So sue me, right.” He grinned.

“So, yeah, he's downstairs, waiting for us, probably wondering what's taking so long.”

“Good. Would you like us to come and double diaper you?”

“No thanks, you two made me too hot, and I needta cum, but that's not for you to cause, having my sons do that for me just feels wrong, so, gimme just a couple minutes, but, I think we would all liketa take a mug of tea with us as we shop, so, while you wait for me to drop a load, would you two go make a pot of tea?”

“Okay.” Dallan and I both say, and as Dad heads to his bedroom, Dallan and I find the clothes we need, and dress each other.

Sure, you can tell that we are definitely thicker in the baby bums and crotches than we probably should be, and if someone were to pat our seriously diapered baby bums, they would instantly know, but, we do have clothes that were bought around hiding even a diaper this thick, and so, that is what we put on. Our most babyish diaper shirts are first, of course, then drawstring pants that are good and baggy and loose, and nice long tee shirts, actually they are good lounging clothes, but it is not like we do not see people walking around all the time wearing damn near the same thing, and though I hope every one of the boys wearing the same as we are, are just as heavily diapered, unfortunately I doubt that is the case, it is just super comfortable.

Dallan and I headed to the kitchen once dressed, told Jayden what's up and what he should go and do, so he went to do so, and we made the pot of tea, as requested, only we did the full large batch that will still give us two mugs each, since why not. Jayden joined us a few minutes before the tea was ready, and he is dressed just like us, so he looks nice and relaxed as well. We still had to wait a few minutes for Dad to arrive, he must have seriously needed to cum, because he took easily twice as long as I thought he would.

“Ah, there you are, I thought for sure you'd only take a few minutes, did you haveta cum three or four times or something?”

“Three, it just wouldn't go down, and I haven't actually cum in days, so, seeing such a wondrous sight made me extra charged I guess, and I'm not even attracted to either of you sexually at all, even though you're both insanely sexy gay baby boys, and so very loving with each other.”

“Good, then you seriously needta go get some hot gay baby bum then.”

“Oh yeah.”

“I have an option for you.”

“I know, but I don't need my son's help in that, don't worry.” He grinned to me.

“Fine.” I said.

Dad was for some reason perfectly happy when I pointed out that I accidentally made way too much tea, and so, unfortunately, we have to suffer with two large mugs of the perfect tea, and here I thought I would be horribly beaten for wasting so much. Dad snorted when I said that, and then came over and gave my seriously padded baby bum a good smack, but, like Jared had said when his dad did the same to him, Dad did not even hit me hard enough to hurt had I been bare, it just felt good through my double diaper.

“Okay Baby Boys, let's go buy all the furniture for the new house, shall we.”

“Okay.” Dallan, Jayden, and I said together.

When we make it to the store that we are going to, we all went in, and as we looked around, I realized this is not the same sort of furniture store as I am used to, not that I have been in a lot, but I did get to pick out my new bedroom suite when I was eight, and when I was ten we went and bought a new couch, but this is nothing like either of those stores.

“Holy crap, Dad, everything in here's so expensive.”

“Yeah, I know, but I felt we deserved to get good stuff that'd last generations, and that's what this furniture is. Everything here is solid hardwood, meticulously crafted, and so therefore expensive. Now that you're older, I think that you'll take care of things better, not that that ended up being a concern with you anyway, since most kids are super hard on furniture, but you never were. We also want stuff that's gonna look good in our new house, nothing at a traditional furniture store would really do, it's just all too cheap looking, and most of it too modern as well, neither of which goes with our new place.”

“Yeah, you have a point there, but, did you see the price of that dining table we just passed, it was twenty thousand dollars, and that didn't include chairs.”

“Yeah, that's a little more than I wanted to spend, that's for sure, but then, that one was made of Wenge, which is a very expensive hardwood already. No, I'm thinking walnut for most of our stuff, but I'm totally going purpleheart for all my bedroom furniture, I love the colour of it, and purple's already my favorite colour anyway.”

“Yikes.” I said.

“Don't worry. All our bedroom suites are gonna be exactly the same, except we'll just get them in a few different woods, I want walnut for the dining room, and I'm thinking either cherry or maple for the living room, depending on what they have. None of those are terribly expensive hardwoods, but they're nice, and strong as well.”


Since bedroom suites are what we need most of, that was the department that we head to first. When Dad saw the salesperson he wanted, he waved him over.

“Hey Jim, how's it going?”

“Great, and you?”

“Excellent, thanks. Bought a new house, so, since I finally feel I have a house that deserves the quality that you offer, I came to see you. How's your son?”

“Getting better. No small thanks to you, of course.”

“Good to hear. You might remember my son Jett, though it's been years, and these are now my son's as well, adopted them not all that long ago, Dallan and Jayden.”

“It's good to meet you boys.”

“Good to meet you as well.” We all said.

“Boys, Jim's son was kidnapped and raped, I helped to find him and jail his kidnapper, and she's gonna be in jail for a very long time. The poor guy was only seven at the time, he's ten now, but what's worse is that he's gay and hated what happened to him so much more because of it, but it was after that that he realized why he hated it so much, and admitted to his dad why only a year after. The girl was only seventeen, and Jim's son is super cute, and she really liked the looks of him, I found out just how long she'd been planning it, all that she did, and so, I ensured that she was charged as an adult, because it was so well planned out. Sadly, it took even me almost two months to find him, and Jim was starting to lose hope, but I finally found him, and he was only four doors away.”

“What on Earth would possess her to do that, he couldn't have been big enough to really pleasure her anyway. Heck, I'm barely big enough to do anything with.” Dallan said.

“Who knows, but he said she fed him stuff to get him hard, and had sex with him sometimes as much as five times a day.” Jim said.

“Oh, poor little guy.” I said.

“Yeah, he thinks about as highly of having sex with a female as I do, and when he admitted to me that he was gay, I told him I am as well, and how I would've felt about that as well. Truth be told, he told me when he was eight, I knew when he was four, but then, both his mother and I were both fully gay as well. So's his sister, whom I helped to make as well, we all know each other, yet we're not the parents of the others kid either. He now knows this too.”

“We all think the same thing too, and I hope he gets better.” I said.

“Thanks, and he's getting better. He now has himself a cute little boyfriend, and between me, him, and his therapist, we're all helping him, and he's pretty much over it, but that's not something you ever forget either.”

“I bet not.” I think we all said as one.

“So, bought a new house, huh?”

“Yeah, kinda getting too small with having three kids in a three bedroom house, too many bad questions could be asked, and as you can see, all gay too, and I think all our snoopy and snooty neighbors would eventually notice that I have three incredibly gay boys living with me, and they all already know I'm gay, so they wouldn't bother to ask, they'd just insinuate, and even though I work with them, if the police get a tip, then they haveta look into it, and as you well know, an accusation's pretty much the same as a conviction to many, so, I decided to buy a new place.”

“Yeah, no shit. So, what are you needing then?”

“Ten bedroom suites, living room and dining room to comfortably seat twelve, with room to grow, I'd like to seat up to twenty in our theatre, since it's big enough for that, and I think that's all.”

“Oh, that's all, well that's not very much. How do you expect me to feed my kid man?”

“Oh, I'm sure you'll manage.” Dad grinned.

“No shit. What are you looking for”

“All the bedrooms should be the same, other than wood types, but simple and well made, which I know you specialize in, all the bedrooms can comfortably take a king size bed, two end tables, and a lower and longer dresser with ten to twelve drawers let's say. The only stipulation, at least one of the bedroom suites must be purpleheart. I'd like walnut for the dining room, and include a nice china cabinet for there, and then cherry or maple in the living room. I'd like all arm chairs for the dining room, and let's say a few good sized couches and a few chairs for the living room. Let's do a nice warm coloured and soft suede leather for the couches and chairs, we'll need a few end tables, and maybe one decent sized low coffee table. Same leather and whichever wood for the theatre is fine, with matching end tables. Am I missing anything boys?”

“Um, no clue.” I said. The others nodded in agreement.

“Okay, I think I got it all. Mattresses for the beds, what would you like?”

“We all like the ones I bought from you last time, since you're the only one I buy them from, so, the medium firm again please.”

“You got it, the new version's even better, I just upgraded mine to it, and man, so comfortable.”

“Good to hear.”

He led us through the store, and Dad would say yes or no to whatever Jim pointed at, and Jim kept taking notes. We must have toured through the store three times, and boy is some of their stuff real nice.

“Okay, when would you like all this delivered and set up?”

“Is right now good with you?”

“I'm good, I'm not god. Best I can do for you is tomorrow morning.”

“Fuck, if I wanted such pissy service, I would've gone to Walmart.” Dad said, throwing up his hands for effect and everything.

“I know, but alas, what can you do.” Jim laughed, and at least three other customers looked to Dad in shock at his outburst, and then their laughter.

“That's awesome Jim, thanks. Tell your guys to just set up the bedrooms wherever, just as long as they match, of course, they're pretty near all identical anyway, so no worries.”

“Will do. Now, let's go see how many millions of dollars you owe me.”

“I'll pay you a dollar, not a penny more.”

“I bet.” Jim snorted.

It took Jim nearly twenty minutes to get everything entered, and when he did, and then gave Dad the total, I was shocked. I had been adding it all up in my head as we went, and I am reasonably certain that we bought easily twice that much, but Dad just said okay and paid it. Do not get me wrong, we still spent something like a hundred thousand dollars, but then, our dining suite was fifteen thousand just by itself, and each of the bedrooms was close to ten, so I knew it was going to hurt, yet I am pretty sure Dad only paid half what it was actually worth. We all said goodbye, and then headed up.

“Um, Dad, I was adding it up as we went, and I think you got a really good deal, that was pretty close to half what it should've been!”

“Yeah, Jim's been looking to pay me back for finding his son, so, he only charges me bare cost for anything I need, same with the mattresses we buy, they've been from him for years already anyway, since way before his son was kidnapped, since he's always had the best. I didn't charge him for finding his son, the police department paid me, but he wanted to, he said he'd give me anything to find his beautiful little boy.”

“Oh. I kinda suspected he'd give you a good deal, just not that good.”

“Yeah, I'll likely never haveta pay more than cost with him, ever. Now, let's go electronics shopping, which might hurt damn near as much, even though we don't need near as much. We're so totally upgrading our theatre, since our new one's pretty near twice the size.”


When we got to the electronics store, the home theatre department was where we headed first, and as promised, it did hurt, but man oh man, it will be every bit as good as going to the theatre, without all the extra people, because that is pretty near exactly what we are getting. Dad also got a new TV for the living room, and a few other things, including new computers for us boys, even though mine really is not that old, but he said we should all get the same, and he just bought he same model for himself not too long ago, so he knows it is a good one. Since my cell phone is only a few months old, Dad did get ones for Dallan and Jayden too, since it really makes it easier than having a home phone, this way we are not tied to any one location. Dallan and Jayden both tried to say no to both the phone and computer, but Dad soundly ignored them. There was not all that much else from there, but it did cost damn near the same as at the furniture store, but then, the theatre system was the best there is. Dad arranged to have it installed tomorrow as well, and so, they are coming after lunch some time, hopefully the two different deliveries can work together, because I doubt the furniture guys will be done before the electronics arrive.

“Holy crap Dad, you sure spent a lot tonight.”

“Yeah, and on top of the cost of the house, I may needta suspend feeding you boys for the next year or two.”

“No kidding.” I snorted.

“It's okay, we're not exactly hurting, and when we sell our current place in a couple years, I imagine that all this money will be replaced, on top of what renting it out 'til then will get us. A house in that area, with a pool, will rent for really good money, but I'm gonna have a rental management company do that for us, so that they take on all the risks and the headaches, I get less, but I also get way less headaches from it.”

“So, are we heading home now then?”

“No, dinner first, then home store next, because we need all the linens and stuff like that now. We're gonna rent our place fully furnished and ready for people to live in, so, we need all new for our new house, including dishes and all that as well.”


We went to a nice restaurant that Dad and I have always enjoyed, and we all had a great meal, all taking a pot of tea each, since the tea that we had made has already been drank. Finally we head to the home store and started shopping there, which took us way longer, and all four of us ended up pushing carts. Our new sheet sets, and we each got two full sets, are the softest cotton I think I have ever felt in my life, and should feel wonderful. We grabbed lots of nice blankets and pillows, protective mattress covers of course, new towels and cloths for all the bathrooms, and towels and cloths for the kitchen too. We got really nice dishes and utensils, and Dad splurged on a few extras for the kitchen that he has always wanted, but since our current kitchen is really not all that large, he did not want to take up the space they needed, but now we have lots of extra space, so, he got them. We did two full passes through the store before we are satisfied that we have everything that we need, and then we went and paid. Well, it is our cheapest stop of the night, yet still staggering, but, I guess we really do have a huge amount to show for it, so that is good. We somehow managed to stuff it all into the vehicle with us, and when finally we did get home, Dad just pulled into the garage, saying that there is simply no point in offloading any of it, so, we just leave it in the truck, which does make some sense at least.

“Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm actually getting tired, and soggy, all our double diapers are starting to get gloriously full, so, I think goodnight.” I said, and then went and gave Dad hugs and kisses goodnight. Dallan and Jayden both claimed that they too are getting tired, so, before either could get far, Dad snagged them back and gave them both hugs and kisses goodnight. Dallan is finally getting used to this, but Jayden has not yet.

I grabbed my baby's hand, and led him to our bedroom, but Jayden follows us as well, and then we split off to our bedrooms. Dallan and I strip each other down to just our soggy baby diapers first, and then I offer Dallan first change, so he climbs on the bed as I go and grab all the diaper change supplies. After our fun and games earlier, I am not surprised to find that Dallan is only half hard, we had drained each other pretty sufficiently, not to mention, we really are getting tired, who knew shopping could be so tiring, but it is already bed time too, only, we usually have more than enough in us to play at bedtime as well.

By the time I am done getting Dallan lotioned, creamed, and taped up, he had only just made it to full hard. I had double diapered him again, and as soon as he is taken care of, we trade places, and as soon as he opens up my super soggy baby diaper, he exposes the fact that I am now fully hard. I too had only been about half hard when I started diapering Dallan, but I rose in hardness even faster than he had, and so, now I am very hard. Dallan did not play, though, he just made it a very gentle baby diapering, and taped me up.

As soon as Dallan laid down and joined me in bed, for I had moved so that he can, we met in a deep kiss, and then we started petting each others diaper monsters, and together, we came barely a minute later. Given the fresh lotion and diaper rash cream in my diaper, Dallan knew that he would not be able to get my cream without getting a bunch of that as well, so, he just left it to soak in, which really is a waste, but that is okay too. We kissed for only another minute, before breaking apart, whispering I love you and goodnight to each other. We curled up together and fell fast asleep.

Even though not one of us baby boys wanted to go to school, Dad made us, telling us that until we are done school, that we will only be in the way anyway, and that even he will only stay outside and do work on his computer, but just be there for questions if any arise.

One billlllllllllllllllion years later, school finally ended though, and I finally head home. I made it faster than I ever have before, and as soon as I make it there, I find Dallan and Jayden already there as well. Dad is not yet here though. Crap. Oh well, I do need a soggy baby bum change.

“I was hoping Dad'd already be here, so that we could head out right away.” I said, after getting a kiss from my baby.

“Yeah, me too. I do need a soggy baby bum change, and Jayden says he's a super soggy baby boy too, as are you I'm sure, so, we may as well use the time wisely, and go change. I don't know about you two, but I'm so going triple thick today, so, let's go baby ourselves. Jett and I won't be playing anyway, so, you may as well come get your soggy baby bum change with us Jayden.”

“Okay.” We both said, and ran to our bedroom.

We all stripped ourselves to make it faster, and then Jayden was urged up first, and Dallan and I changed him, he is getting one regular diaper with a doubler in it and holes poked in it of course, and then one of his and Dallan's extra thirsty diapers over top of that, and then taped on extra well. Just as we were taping Jayden up, Dad came in.

“Ah, good idea Babies, are you going double again?” He asks.

“Nope, triple.” Dallan answered.

“Ooh, goody, I think I'll do the same then.”

“Grab your supplies and come here and you can join the diapering party.” I said.

“Okay, sure.” He said, and then skipped out. He was back only a minute later, and joined us in getting Dallan diapered. As we did so, we talked, of course.

“How come you weren't home by the time we got home?” I asked.

“Lost track of time. Sorry, but I'm not exactly all that late, am I?”

“No. So, how's it going?”

“Excellent. Furniture is now done, and the electronics guys showed up at about quarter to twelve, and they have maybe an hour left themselves, so we do haveta hurry.”


As soon as Dallan was all done getting his well deserved triple baby diaper, I offered Dad the next change, and so, we all diapered him up the same way too, and finally I went last, and they all diapered me so gloriously thick. We then put on the exact same clothes that we had worn the day before, since they really are not dirty, and we kept them out just for this reason, because I think we all knew that we would be at least double diapering again today, but triple really is even better yet.

Before leaving the house, I did think it prudent to grab all the tea supplies, so that as soon as we make it to the new house, we can make a nice large batch of tea, for some reason the others all thought that this was a good idea. When we hopped in the truck, we all realized that Dad has already emptied everything from inside it, but he says that it is only just in the rooms it belongs in, nothing has been opened yet, so therefore not yet put away.

“So, when are we gonna pack everything and bring it to the new house?” I asked as we are on our way.

“I'll grab a bunch of boxes from somewhere tomorrow, and then as soon as you baby boys get home from school, we'll do it then. That barely leaves us enough time to get the place ready for you boys' sleepover this weekend, but, I suppose, if it's not all done, it really doesn't matter either.”

“Okay, sounds good.” I said, and the others nodded their agreement as well.

When we got to the new house, we all went in, but Dad warned us not to get in the way of the people that are working in the theatre. They already have everything else in and done what they needed to do, so, now they are pretty much only in there. Other than just looking in, to see how it is coming, Dad did not let us stay and watch. Instead, we next toured the rest of the house, to see all the furniture.

“So, I've already picked my bedroom, it's the one next to the base of the stairs with the purpleheart stuff, so, now you baby boys needta pick your bedrooms. I assume that you two,” He said, pointing to Dallan and I, “Are gonna pick a set of adjoining bedrooms.”

“For sure, that'd make it way easier on us.” Dallan said.

“That's what I thought as well.” Dad said. “So, which ones do you want?” he asked us first, since it makes the most sense for us to choose first for that reason.

“I really liked the walnut bedroom upstairs.” I said.

“And I really liked it and the cherry one adjoining it.” Dallan grinned brightly.

“Perfect, so, you two are upstairs then. What about you Jayden?”

“I really liked the other purpleheart one, so, I think I'd like that one please?”

“Excellent, so you're downstairs opposite end to me then. Perfect. So, now, all the bedding is still in the living room, so, we may as well go grab the ones you wanted and put them in your bedrooms, and then we needta get started in the kitchen to get it all unpacked, cleaned, and then put away.”

We got started right away, and just before I could ask Dad what we were going to do for dinner, because I am starting to get hungry, the doorbell rang, and Dad went and answered it. He came back with three large pizzas, which only made my stomach stand up and growl even more. Fortunately the plates were one of the first things we put through the quick clean cycle of the dishwasher, so we already have them ready, and so, to christen the nicest table I have ever eaten at, we ate pizza like pigs at a trough.

As soon as we were done dinner, we continued unpacking, cleaning, and putting everything away. By the time we are done, we have one hell of a good pile of garbage, and an even bigger pile of recycling. The electronics guys had finished just before dinner, and while we had not went and looked at it when they were done, we went down as soon as we were done dinner to check it out, and it really looks spectacular. The whole house really does look spectacular, to tell the truth, but the theatre truly is the best, well maybe the pool too, possibly they are tied.

“Well, I don't know about you baby boys, but I needta get to bed, which means we really do haveta head back to the other house, since we truly don't have all that we need to stay the night.” Dad said.

“Yeah, which was kinda dumb, we totally shoulda brought everything we needed to stay here. Oh well, let's go Daddy.” I said.

“Yeah, but we can't think of everything. We'll stay tomorrow night.”


We headed back to the other house for our last night. It is the only house I know, I was brought home from the hospital to that house, but I am not depressed about it, because we are moving to a pretty kick ass house. As soon as we got home, we all headed to our bedrooms to get changed and go to sleep. Dallan and I barely managed to stroke to only one orgasm tonight, and we did so before changing, so that Dallan could get his baby milk, which he then shared with me. The only problem, yeah, we kinda fell asleep before changing, and while we had not been completely full yet, we definitely peed way more than they were capable of holding, and as such, we both leaked, a lot.

The groan I made from waking up in a cold wet bed woke Dallan up as well, and then he groaned as well.

“Ew, yuck, I hate it when I leak.” He said.

“Me too Baby. We didn't just leak, though, I think we both pretty much exploded our baby diapers, we totally forgot to change before going to sleep, and it was just too much for them. I reached down already, and I can feel diaper gel around both of us.”

“Was worth it though.” Dallan giggled his cute little laugh.

“Mmmhmm.” I said, and then laid on my baby boyfriend a very nice kiss.

And so, in a messy and pissy bed, we reached down and replayed the scene from the night before, only cumming once again, and then sharing mine in glorious cum kisses.

“Well, we may as well fold the blanket and sheet down, and then kneel and remove our baby diapers right here, so that we don't end up with more mess elsewhere.” Dallan said, and then did just that.

“Good idea.”

We helped each other out of our super saturated baby diapers, attempting to roll them in such a way to contain as much of the mess as possible, and then threw them in the garbage. We then stripped the bed and took all our bedding to the laundry room, only to find another set of sheets and a blanket in there already.

“Looks like either Dad or Jayden also leaked too.” I said.

“Both of us.” Dad said, as he came in carrying the other set.

“Same here. Did you guys just forget to change like we did, or did you just pee too much for the diapers you put on?”

“Jayden forgot, and he exploded his triple thick diaper, and I shoulda put a doubler in, so my bed wasn't near so bad as Jayden's was, and I'm guessing with two of you having done the same, yours was worse.”

“Oh yeah, we had pee and diaper gel going from nearly ankles to shoulders. So, we definitely needta shower well before swimming.” Dallan said.

“So did Jayden. I woke to him crying, he thought he was gonna get in trouble, but like I said, leaks happen, and that so had I. He's just going poopy in the potty, and then he's gonna meet us in the pool.”

“Okay, cool, too bad for the poor little guy that he still feels like that.” I said.

“Yeah, but it'll take him years to get over all that, but even Dallan knows some of that, and it's taking him a long time to heal from it.”

“Yeah.” Dallan nodded.

We all headed down to the pool, and got good and clean, Jayden joining us only a minute or two later, and he too cleaned up well.

“So, you exploded your triple thick baby diaper after forgetting to change too, huh, Jett and I both did as well, boy were we wet.” Dallan said once we could talk without the sound of the shower drowning out the sound.

“Yeah, I really don't miss that, at all.”

“Thankfully I never hadta deal with that, but I have leaked before, and I never like that, but at least it's way better than just plain wetting the bed like you hadta, that woulda been horrible.”


We started a good workout, and as soon as we were done, we relaxed in the hot tub, sauna, and steam room, then dove into the pool to soothe everything. Finally we went and got a quick wash and conditioned our hair, dried off, and headed upstairs to get diapered and dressed, ready for the day.

“Dallan,” Dad asked as we were eating breakfast. “When is your next game or practice?”

“Not sure, Coach hasn't let me know.”

“That's odd, you'd think you would've had one these past few days at least.”

“It is kinda, I'll text him and find out what's up.” He said, and then did so, then received an answer just as we were cleaning up from breakfast. “He says sorry, he musta forgot to let me know, but we have a game Saturday night on our home field, but had been wondering why I missed practice yesterday. I'm kinda surprised he didn't text me when I wasn't there, but oh well. So, Saturday at six, we haveta be at our home field.”

“Okay.” Dad said.

We made our lunches, and then headed out. This will be the last time that I will get to walk to school I guess, but that is okay too. When I made it to school, Jared greeted me, asking me how the new house all looks, so I told him it looks spectacular. I also told him that tonight is moving night, so, right after school, we pack everything and then we will be living there, and that hopefully by tomorrows sleepover, we should have most everything done.

As soon as we got home, because Jared had gotten permission to come over to help as well, which I and Dad thought was great, Dad was there to greet us, and Dallan and Jayden had also already arrived. We all decided to triple diaper again, and so, we went and changed first, and then got started on packing everything up. Dad had rented one of those cargo trailers, so, as we each finished filling a box, we would take it out there, and none of the boxes were really all that heavy, so that was good. Honestly, we are really hardly taking anything but our clothes, all the food, a couple of the really expensive kitchen things, our good crystal, all our movies and games (other than the pool table, Dad says he is already getting a new one installed, but they cannot come for another week to do so.) We are done by the time it is dinner time, having gone through the house two times to make sure that we got everything, but knowing that the house is not going to be listed for rent for at least two weeks anyway, so we have lots of time to come and get things if we remember anything.

We headed straight to the new house, but clearly I was not the only one wondering about dinner, because it was Dallan that asked, and Dad told him that there are already plans made for that. When we pulled up, we found another vehicle already there, and though I did not recognize it, Jared clearly did.

“Hey, that's my dad's truck.”

“What's he doing here Dad?” I asked.

“Just a minute.” He said, and then as soon as we parked, we all hopped out, and just as we did so, Jared's dad came out to greet us. I recognize him of course, but as soon as they were in range, he and Dad kissed.

“Holy shit, how long have you two been together?” I asked in awe.

“Surprise.” They both said.

“I'll say.” Jared and I said together.

“Believe it or not,” Dad said. “But we've actually been seeing each other since before the incident involving you two. We knew you went to the same school, and while we figured you must at least know of each other, neither of us had any idea how unwell you knew each other. Andy and I hoped that you'd become friends, since he of course knew all about who and what Jared was, but he had no idea how much Jared was burying it. Funny considering he's been working with me for almost a year, I'm now his only employer.”

“Oh. You never even told me you'd hired someone?”

“I though I told you I was looking at someone to help me out, and that I'd hired someone.”

“I remember you telling me that you were thinking of hiring someone to help, but I think I'd remember if you told me that you'd actually done so. You never said, so I just figured that you decided not to.”

“Oh, sorry. So, yeah, what's funny is, Jared was gonna be coming here tonight anyway, but you two arranged coming and helping yourselves, which ended up working out perfectly.” Dad said.

“No kidding. Now all we needta do is get Zavien and his dad here. Actually, where's your cousin Jared?”

“I don't know, where's Max Dad?”

“He's inside, nervously waiting. I told him everything this afternoon, and while he's excited to be living here, and all of us gay diaper lovers, he's still nervous to meet others, since most people tease him.”

“As for Zavien and his dad, as well as his dads diaper loving boyfriend, they're coming soon, in fact I thought they'd be here by now.”

“Wow, so freaking cool, so many gay baby boy diaper lovers, this is gonna be so awesome.” I said giddily.

“Yeah, it'll be good for all of us, that's for sure.” Dad said.

“You said something about dinner?” Dallan asked, clearly he is getting really hungry now.

“Yes, Zavien and his dad are bringing it, which is probably why they're taking so long.” Dad said. “Now, let's go in and meet Max.”

So, we headed inside, and as soon as Jayden and Max saw each other, they called out each others names, and ran for each other. “I had no idea it was you, I didn't know you were a gay baby boy diaper lover.” Jayden said happily.

“Same. This is so awesome. I always thought you were super cute.” Max said, a little bashfully on the last part.

“Same. And now we getta live together too, maybe you can take the bedroom that joins to mine with a bathroom.”

“Okay. This house is really amazing.”

“Oh yeah.”

Just then, the door opened, and with it came Zavien and two men, though I do sort of recognize Zavien's dad, but his boyfriend is at best seventeen years old, and he is really cute.

“Ah, dinner has arrived, and our last family members as well.” Dad called out.

Introductions were made, and then, we all stripped down to just our soggy baby diapers, and oh yeah, I can so totally live with that, wow, they are all just so sexy. As soon as we are all naked other than our gloriously thick and thirsty baby diapers, we all headed to the dining room to pig out on all the Chinese food that had been brought, and thankfully there is a lot, since there are a lot of us, and we are all hungry.

“So, I guess there's no more sleepover weekend, huh, since everyone who was gonna be here for he sleepover now lives here.” I said happily as we were cleaning up.

“Sounds about right.” Dad said.

Everyone else had already brought all their things, and so, together we continued to put things away where they belong. By the end, the large pile of recycling that we had already had, started to get massive, but that is okay. By bedtime, we were all wiped, and saturated to the point that four of us had started to leak, and I count myself as one of the lucky leaky babies. Dallan and I did not play, we are simply too tired, we just double diapered each other, and then went right to sleep.

Dad told all us boys that there is no school today, that he is imposing an impromptu long weekend for us, and he and the rest of the men also did not go to work, and we all worked for the rest of the day to get everything set up perfectly, which is great, because only a couple hours after lunch, we all claim to be done. Then again, the triple thick baby diapers that we had all changed into first thing in the morning had also had all they could take by then as well, and so, we decided to go test out the pool, which we are told has already been set to perfect, and so, now we can enjoy it.

And boy did we enjoy it too. Because we had all worked so hard these past couple days, as soon as we were done in the pool and had just finished dinner, it was decided to go test out the new theatre to see if it really as much better as Dad thinks it will be. Oh yeah, so much better, the screen is nearly twice as big as our old one was, and the colour and brightness are way better, but then, the sound system was far superior to even that, and we truly enjoyed it.

For some strange reason, even though it was easily two hours before a respectable bed time, when Dad called out bedtime, we all cheered, and headed to our bedrooms. I do not know about the others, but Dallan and I had a great night.

We finally lost our virginity to each other. Because we had been so thickly diapered, and really, I would still just barely be able to go through two single thickness soggy baby diapers, but Dallan absolutely would not be able to, for our first time, we actually decided to go bare, though considering what we want and need, we left our soggy diapers underneath us at all times, so to catch anything. Yeah, except it did not matter, we rotated after each round, making long, slow, beautiful love to each other, and after our fifth time of each making love to each other, apparently it was too much. The fact that the diapers were not catching much from our leaking baby bums by then truly did not matter, because we so totally soaked the bed, and managed to sleep in even still.

When we finally did wake up, it was with a laugh, and then deep passionate kisses, telling each other how much we love each other. We stripped our bed after throwing our used diapers in the garbage, and took them to the laundry room, only to find that the washer is already running, and at least two more sets of bedding sitting in front of it, waiting to also be laundered, so, we threw ours in the pile, and headed to the kitchen to find all the others who are awake, and just over half the rest are up, and they too are all naked, so, that answers that. We laughed about the fact that we pretty much all passed out after a particularly draining night, and only Jayden and Max had not, but, only because they did not last nearly as long, and claim to have only kissed and stroked last night anyway. Jared and Zavien also claim to have lost their virginity last night, and at four times each, they too passed out. It seems Dallan and me were the winners at five times each, and we are all exceedingly happy.

After breakfast, we headed out to the pool house to get cleaned up well, and then we had a decent work out, though more than half the others bowed out before we were done, and then, for well over an hour after that, we just played and had a blast, as well relaxed in the hot tub, sauna, and steam rooms, all of which were larger and nicer than our old ones were.

That night, Dallan and Zavien had their soccer game, which we all went to, and cheered them on, and they won. But then, they won every other game after that, and only two games were close, one of which went onto double overtime by the time they managed to win it, so a damn good game. Dallan's team ended up getting the highest points in nearly forever, and of course won the playoffs.

It was only three weeks after moving, that all us baby boys still in school decided to no longer go to school, it really was not worth the effort any more, and so, did it at home instead, and we are all far happier for it.

Dallan grew nicely, and by the time he was turning twelve, he had a nice piece of equipment for me to enjoy, and then fed me his first load of sweet baby milk just over three months after he turned twelve, so, way earlier than I was, but I am so happy with it. We really started making baby diaper love to each other on Dallan's twelfth birthday, since he now had more than enough to do so, and while I could have easily done so to him, I did not want to, until he was able to do so as well, so, we had usually just gone bare, or pulled each others soggy baby diapers down in order to do so, and while that had always been great, making gay baby diaper love, properly to each other, so so much better than any mere words can describe.

Twenty years later, and we all still live together, we are all still happy beyond measure, all diapered as heavily as we can be, as often as we can be, and that, truly, is all that matters. And we all lived soggily ever after, and I no longer ever feel depressed.

****So, the end of yet another story. I hope that you enjoyed, though I honestly feel as if this story just feels too much like a few of my others, and as such, took so long to write, and am still not entirely happy with it. I actually started this story a bit better than a year ago, when I saw the boy who became Dallan in a store, he had clearly just finished a very muddy soccer game, his cleats were around his neck as well, and he was covered from head to toe in mud. I laughed and said looks like you had fun, but honestly, did you kids even play soccer, or just play in the mud, he grinned and said mostly played in the mud, his mom laughed and said that's pretty much exactly what it looked like too, but they had all had fun. That is good, a kid who can't play in the mud and have fun and get stupidly dirty is a kid who doesn't have a very good childhood if you ask me. Fuck, I can't even tell you how often I came home, covered in mud, and my mom would tell me to strip to my underwear on the deck and hose me off, my siblings often getting the same treatment, and then we would all get a nice hot shower and a mug of tea or hot chocolate, I always took the tea, since even then I could barely have that much sugar. Even though I could not truly see just how cute he was, I could see enough, and he was really cute. Recently I had someone say that some of my cases of parental abuse and child abandonment was unrealistic, and that that doesn't happen. I will answer that now. Um, hell yeah, it is. I live in what amounts to a really small city, my parents are foster parents, have been for more than twenty years, and they have had several kids that were abused by either their mom, dad, or both, and were either thrown out or rescued. They have also had three kids who were gender fluid or reversed, two full on gay kids that I know of, and some of their stories are horrible. My parents have never had a kid leave them once they come to their home, well, except one, but she kinda died, so, that's not my parents fault, and all those kids, with their help, and therapists too, are doing very well, and they have had some real doozies. Many of the other scenarios, my mom has told me that they either have had or do have right now in care, other scenarios I took from news stories, old and new, so yes, this sorta shit truly does happen, far more often than most realize. Again, in my little city, we have at least twenty kids that are homeless that the ministry is aware of, but, they refuse help, many are already hooked on drugs, and so therefore have something far better to live for, poor kids, makes you wonder how they got hooked on drugs so early, and one of them that I know of is only twelve. So yeah, this shit doesn't just happen in stories, and monsters aren't always just on television and in movies, and never do they look like how they portray them. Anyway, just thought you should all know. Now, as always, should you wish to contact me, I would love to hear your comments, and I always try and answer any and all questions that you might have, though no, I will not give out personal info. Should you wish to do so, email me at erich5748 at Also, please remember, I write for myself and share with others who may also enjoy this sort of tale, and as such, don't require your comments, but do thoroughly enjoy them. Nifty is our friend, they give us a great service, please donate to them what you can to help keep it free for all. Well, even though I did not care for this as much, I hope that you do, and have a great super soggy diapered day.****

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