My Straight Roommate

By moc.liamtoh@ydlabcnj

Published on Jan 30, 2010


Hello my faithful readers. Keep sending the encouraging E-mails ( You don't even realize just how much I appreciate them! You are all wonderful people and I hope you enjoy this chapter. I have changed some names of people and places. Stay tuned for chapter 4, and love to you all!

Chapter 3 - Graduation

It was May and Chris and I were stronger than ever. We still weren't out of the closet yet, but there was really no rush. We were deeply in love and near inseparable. We both had just a week left of class and then we would graduate! I already had a great job offer to teach at a residential school and Chris was waiting to hear from the law school nearby. Even though it was pushing it I was still looking for apartments in the area. It was right by where I grew up so if worse came to worse we would just keep our stuff at my parent's house and crash with David until we found a place of our own.

The week before finals started I was an absolute mess. Not only did I have my final exams for classes, I also had my exit exams and the pressure was killing me. Chris was a huge help through this. It was Sunday night and I was reading through notes for one of my classes. Chris wasn't home and I wasn't expecting him until the next morning because he was having an all-night study session at the library with all of the students in his year of the program. That meant I was sneaking cigarettes in, a habit I kicked a long time ago but I would pick it up whenever exam time came around. I was also pouring what seemed like gallons of coffee down my throat, trying to stay awake.

I was lying on the kitchen floor in only my underwear because the tile was cold and the air had broken the day before so it was hotter than hell in the apartment. Even though I was near naked I was still dripping with sweat. I had my iPod in and my tunes blasting as I studied every note I had ever written for this class. At about 2 AM I could have sworn I saw something move in the living room. I removed my ear bud and looked but didn't hear or see anything so I put it back in and continued my studying. I about had a stroke when somebody squeezed my ass but when I looked it was Chris.

"Are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack?" I asked him.

"No but I see you're trying to give yourself one with those cancer sticks." He said. I noticed that his clothes were completely drenched.

"Is it raining outside?"

"No... I walked home from the library because the campus rides were an hour and a half wait and the library was closed... That's a long fucking walk in this heat. Isn't it supposed to get cool at night?"

"Obviously not..." He leaned down for a kiss and I scooted away, "No! You're smelly and hot! I can't have any more heat right now!"

"Suit yourself..."

Chris walked off into the bedroom and I went back to studying. He was gone for about 20 minutes then came back to torment me. He took the buds out of my ear and set them to the side and then he straddled my back. He was completely naked and fresh out of the shower. He started massaging my shoulders.

"Babe... That feels really good but it's just too hot for that right now."

"Jas just wait and trust me! I'll make it really good."

"I just want to lay here on the cold floor and study! I would love a massage but it's too hot for that!"

"Don't worry, I'll cool you down."

"And how the hell are you going to do that?"

"Just relax and keep reading, let me take care of you."

He leaned forward and started kissing my neck. As he kissed me both of my shoulder blades became ice cold. I looked back and he had been holding an ice pack so his hands were icy to the touch. I moaned because it was the greatest feeling. He massaged upper back with the hidden talent he has for massage. He had never taken a class or anything in it but he had the hands of a master. As he massaged me he kissed all over my back. His hands started to work themselves lower. It started to get hard to concentrate. His massage just felt so good.

When he got to my lower back, Chris slid my underwear off completely and got to work massaging my butt. When his hands started to lose their icy feel he would cool them more on the ice pack. As his hands started massaging my legs and inner thighs I felt his tongue start to lick at my crack. It had an icy feel also; he must have licked the ice pack. He rubbed and caressed my thighs with his hands and probed my asshole with his cold tongue. I closed my notes because I had lost all ability to concentrate and focused on the man eating out my asshole. I pressed my ass into his face and he held onto my hips to bury his face deeper in my ass. I reached my hand under myself so I could rub my already hard cock.

Chris turned me over climbed on top of me. He kissed me hard and thrust his hips so his cock rubbed against mine. We continued our passionate kiss as he ground his crotch harder into mine. Chris had forgotten about the ice pack so it started to get hot fast. We were both covered in sweat so he was sliding around on top of my as he kissed and dry humped me. We played war with our tongues, a little game we would get caught up in while we kissed. See who could keep the other's tongue in their mouth for longer. I was winning, which I loved because his mouth always tasted so good. I noticed him reach for something and saw that it was lube that he must have brought in before he started the massage. He put some on his hand then reached down and rubbed it all over my cock, then slid his hand across his asshole to get the rest off.

I kissed him harder as he slid himself onto my throbbing cock. He moaned with pleasure into my mouth as I started to thrust upwards into his asshole. I held him tight and thrust myself deep and hard into his ass. He dragged his nails down my sides as I fucked his tight hole. He broke the kiss and moaned loud.

"Oh! Fuck me Jas!" He screamed before he started nibbling on my earlobe.

I sat us up and then set him down so he was on his back and then I had him put his legs up over my shoulders so my head was between them without removing my cock from his ass. I then started fucking him harder and faster. Thrusting myself into him with all the force I could. He loved it when I pounded away at his asshole and let me know it by letting out a pleasure filled scream. He grabbed pulled me down by my head and kissed me hard.

"Oh fuck yeah I'm going to cum Chris. You want to taste it babe?"

"Yes! Fuck my face!"

I slid my cock out of his asshole and shoved it into his waiting mouth. I was kneeling over him so I could only see his head and he couldn't reach my cock with his hands. I grabbed the hair on the back of his head and pushed him onto my dick. When his lips were at the base of my cock I started to thrust myself into his mouth. He gagged a little on it at first as usual, but once he got into the rhythm he swallowed my cock like a pro. I moaned as I fucked his face, my orgasm built fast and my body started to shiver. The room was suddenly filled with the sound of my loud moaning as I thrust my cock to the hilt into Chris' mouth and unloaded my cum. I slid my cock out and let him sit. When he did he tilted my head back and let the cum he hadn't swallowed ooze down into my mouth. We snowballed the rest of my cum a few times until he finally swallowed it.

"Are you going to fuck me now, stud?" I asked as I got on my hands and knees and wiggled my ass at him.

"Oh yeah baby, I'm about to fuck you good and hard!"

Chris knelt behind me and lubed up his cock. I got down on my elbows so my ass was sticking up farther and he squatted over me. Chris slid his cock into my asshole and started thrusting himself into me. He planted his hands on my back as he fucked me to hold his weight and slammed his cock into my asshole. Chris slid his cock out of my ass and he got me down so I was lying on my side. He got up behind me and started fucking me sideways. I turned my head and kissed him as he held me close, his free leg wrapped around mine and he fucked me hard and deep. He started rubbing my cock and playing with my balls, with every thrust I cried out in pleasure. I could tell Chris was about to cum; he held me tighter and bit into my shoulder. He thrust as deep as he could into me as he came in my ass.

"God I love you, Jas." I returned his love with a hard kiss.

"I can't study anymore or my head will explode... Want to shower and go to bed?"

Chris smacked my ass and followed me into the shower. I turned it to a nice, cool temperature and we got in. Chris got down on his knees and started eating my ass. He cleaned what was left of our little fuck session with his tongue. He then started to suck my dickhead. He licked around my head rough and fast as he jacked my shaft. I came fast and he swallowed it all. Chris stood so I could clean off his cock for him. I got down on my knees and took his cock into my mouth. I fit his entire cock into my mouth and started bobbing my head on it. When he started to get close I took just the tip and sucked it hard. He unloaded down my throat with a loud moan. I stood and we lathered each other up with soap and cleaned each other good.

The next day after my exams I was on top of the world. I easily aced them. When I got home I threw my stuff on the ground and ran into the bedroom, trying to find Chris. Just as I was about to scream for joy at being done with school forever I noticed that he was crying. I went over to the bed, sat next to him and slid my arm around his shoulders.

"What's wrong, Buttercup?"

"Babe... I have some bad news..."

"Chris, what is it? Are you okay?"

"No!" He cried, "I didn't get in the position for the school back by your home."

"How did you not get into the school? You're graduating top of the class..."

"No... I didn't get the job at the law firm! I needed that job in order to go to law school!"

"Chris... I know it sucks but we'll figure it out, you'll go to school."

"You don't understand... I know I can... It's just that I can't go to the one I want to because the only other firm I got accepted to is connected with a different school and I got a really good offer."

"What school?"

"It's in New York..." When he said that the world dropped from under me and I thought I was going to be sick.

"New York? What does this mean?"

"My job starts next Monday." It was my turn to cry.

"You're going? You're leaving me?"

"Jas... It's my only option, I have to!"

"What the fuck are we going to do about us? How the fuck do you expect us to work out when you're across the fucking country?"

"Jason... Do you think I'm happy about this? Do you actually think this is easy for me?"

"So... When are you going to leave, you graduate Friday are you just going to leave me then?"

"My ticket is for Saturday afternoon so I can see you walk across the stage."

"Don't even fucking bother."

I got up and stormed out of the apartment. Chris tried to stop me but I was gone. My heart had just been ripped out of my chest and I couldn't even be around him. I spent the next few days over at one of my friend's, Caitlyn, apartment. On Friday I went to Chris' graduation ceremony. I couldn't spot him in the sea of caps and gowns that was all of the students. I was shocked when his name was called and nobody walked the stage. Caitlyn dropped me off back at my apartment, when I walked inside all of his stuff was packed up in the living room. Chris was sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter, nursing some tequila straight from the bottle.

"Why didn't you go?"

"What the fuck would have been the point? It's not like I have any family to see me or anything, all I have is you and I figured you wouldn't go." Every word out of his mouth was a drunken, slurred mess.

"Chris, I'm sorry I blew up so bad... But you never even told me you applied all the way out in New York."

"I applied everywhere! That's what you're supposed to fucking do. The only good offer I got was from New York... What, do you want me to be a fucking bum and not go?"

"No, I want you to be successful but I want to be with you, I love you."

"What the fuck for? You act like I'm the bad guy because I'm going away; did you ever think for a second that you could come with me? You expect me to give up everything so you can do what you want, why can't you sacrifice something?"

"Chris, we have had our plans set for two months now! What do you expect."

"Things change, Jas... Hell, not even a year ago I was planning on marrying a girl. Who would have ever thought I'd end up having sex with you on a nightly basis? How about this, you go back to being alone and I'll go back to fucking girls. It'll be like we never happened, boom there goes the pain!"

"Fuck you Chris."

I went back to Caitlyn's until Saturday after Chris left the apartment and my graduation. I packed up the rest of the apartment and left back for home. I was depressed out of my mind, I could barely sleep, I didn't eat, and I didn't leave my room. My family had no idea what was going on because I couldn't tell them that the man I loved and I had broken up. Monday was incredibly hard for me. I knew that Chris would be settling in to his new job and life without me and my heart broke all over again. My sister would come downstairs occasionally to check on me, but I just told her to fuck off every time she knocked. At about 10 PM there was another knock on my door and I replied with my normal fuck you. When my door opened I got pissed off. I turned to let my full rage come down on Abbey, but was utterly shocked when I saw Chris standing in the doorway. He closed the door behind him and locked it. My rage turned white hot when I saw him, how dare he come back like this after what he said.

"Jason just let me say what I have to say before you say anything. I am so sorry about what I said; I didn't mean any of it. I was drunk and I thought that if I got you mad enough at me, my leaving wouldn't be as hard for either of us. I was wrong and I know this. Jas I couldn't imagine living without you. You are the one person on this earth that I have, you have become my everything. Before you, I didn't know who I was; I was only with Kara because I thought that was the way things were supposed to be. We went out in high school and we were supposed to be married. Then I met you and we always had this connection. When we first kissed after Kara and I broke up, even though I tried to deny it, I knew that we were meant for each other. I was put on this earth to love you and only you. When you touch me I react like I never have with anyone else. One small touch from you sends sparks throughout my entire body and ignites my soul. My flight was delayed on Saturday due to technical problems and I knew it was a sign for me to stay and try even harder to go to school and work here. I waited until now to come back because I had a meeting with one of the partners from the firm this morning. She loved me and I will be starting with the rest of the first year law students in three weeks. I also needed to figure out what I would say to you and get this." He pulled a platinum band out of his pocket and gave it to me, "The design matches the cross your grandma gave to you perfectly and I had 'forever yours' engraved inside of it. I love you Jason and I got you that ring to signify what I'm giving to you right now. I am yours, I am fully committed and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We may not be able to get married but who needs a piece of paper, we have each other and that is all we need. Do you forgive me?"

I didn't know what to say. He completely caught me off guard with this. I did the only thing I knew was right and slid the ring onto my finger then kissed him with the intensity of the rage I had felt just minutes before turned into a passion I had never felt before. It was something beyond just love, it was belonging, and we belonged together. My emotions just went crazy after we kissed and I started crying again and just couldn't stop. I was so happy and I couldn't help myself. Chris just pulled us both down onto the bed and we spooned. He held me tight and close and sang softly to me as we both fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 4

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