My Sub Vinny

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 13, 2023


As I listened to vinny's message the second time, I smiled. The easy part was over. NOW, we moved to the part I enjoyed the most: conquest. submission. It was like back when I was a boy: pinning those guys when we play wrestled? That was easy. The fun part was getting them to yell "I SUBMIT. I GIVE." I wasn't QUITE looking for that with vinny, but I was looking for something else. I called him back. "Hey, what's going on?" He seemed surprised I called him back. "Hey Dave. Thanks for the return call." "No problem. Sounds like you're not up to anything this weekend." "Not really. I was wondering if you felt like hanging out or something." "Sounds good. I didn't have any plans yet. Have any ideas?" There was a pause. I KNEW he was struggling with what he was about to say. The thought of vinny struggling, in any way, got me excited "No, not really, but I thought, well... " I decided to put an end to it. "Tell you what vinny? How's about I meet you on the train tonight? Call me when you're leaving your office, I'll time my leaving to that. Let's stop at at your place, get some weekend clothes for you, get something you can wear to work on Monday, and then we'll head to my place. Just some drinks and a little dinner tonight, and then we'll take the weekend as it goes." There was a pause. "Just drinks and dinner... Sir?" AHA! Yup, first set to Dave. "I have some ideas, vinny, but I'm gonna keep them secret" Now I paused. I dropped my voice. "Did that make you hard?" "yes sir," he sort of croaked back. "Send me a selfie of you right now. I wanna see what you're wearing. It'll get ME hard." "Should I go to the bathroom and undress Sir?" "Just where you are. You look so sexy in a loosened necktie with that sweet moustache. Makes me wanna ... Well, you'll find out." The picture showed that he had on a beige button down, and a blue and red tie. Again, I found this all incredibly sexy. "vinny. I'm gonna have a hard time keeping my hands to myself on the train." "I wish you were here now Sir." "Ha ha. You tell me when you're set to go. I'll met you at GCT" I checked my watch. It was 11 o'clock. I set a timer. Every hour, I sent vinny a short text. Something along the lines of "you're a great kisser," or "your ears were so sensitive I can't wait to get my tongue back in them." I didn't tell him about the new twist I had planned, but the last message I sent, was a pair of handcuffs . THAT got a text back. "FUCK SIR. I just shot a load." I sent an emoji of a whale spouting. I hoped he got it (He didn't. I had to explain the sperm whale later).

vinny gave me a call at about 5:10. "Can you make the 5:35?" "Think so. Usual car?" "Usual car." I got there at 5:30 and there he was, sitting in his inside seat, looking around a little anxiously. (I came to call that his 'hamster face'). "Hey, " I said as I sat down. "You mind if I take this seat handsome?" Now he grinned. "I've been saving it for you." "Saving this for me too?" I teased him by rubbing the inside of his thigh. He pulled his legs together like a Catholic school girl. "NOT ON THE TRAIN DAVE" he whispered. I started laughing. "I oughtta take you into the bathroom and give you a lesson on what you can do on trains." He blushed. "Can you behave yourself until we get home?" he asked me. "Can you?" He was staring at my crotch. He blushed redder. "I'm gonna read." "Is it porn?" "DAVE!!!!" I just started to laugh. "So, do I get to come in and pick what you're wearing this weekend?" He paused for a minute. I WAS just kidding, but he answered "You know, if you're gonna be in charge, you probably should. " I couldn't believe how easy this was getting. "So, what do you feel like eating tonight vinny? " I didn't tell him my plans included him tasting cock "I've been wanting barbecue. I like spicy sauce." As soon as he said it, he knew how easy he had made things for me, so I just smiled. "I like spicy sauce too. " I dropped my voice now. "And I may wanna lick it off your ears." Now I looked at HIS crotch and I could see: I was getting to him. We continued like this until we got to his stop. We drove to his house, and he opened the door, telling me "I have to be honest, I don't have much of a wardrobe, but..." In one way he didn't, and in another way, he did. His "casual" clothes were the clothes he wore to work, but older, and a little worn. That was fine with me. I found some jeans buried in a pile of pants. One pair was really worn. "Those are from college. They probably don't fit." "Try them on" I said. He muttered "yes sir," and went to change. They were tight, but they molded his ass beautifully. "Take off your tie. Let's get some more stuff. " As he was looking through his closet, I snuck my arm around his middle. I put my mouth on his ear "Relax vinny, relax. This may be your first rodeo, it's not mine. " I nibbled his ear and he began to sigh. "That feels so good when you do it, Sir. I don't want you to stop." "Not for a while. I didn't plan to make love here, but...." I spun him around and kissed him. On my third kiss, I began prying his lips open, and I got my tongue in. Then I pulled him closer, so he could feel how hard my cock was. "See what you do to me vinny? See how HOT you make me." I had my hand on the back of his neck and I was about to push him forward for more kissing. "Do you want me to try sucking it, Sir? I watched videos today. I think I could do it." I smiled and kissed him. "We'll do that tonight. For now, though, let's get your stuff together, and put it in your car. Drive me to mine, and we'll meet at my place."

When we got to my car, and I got in, I yanked off my own necktie. I would've been in business casual except for a meeting that day. I kept on thinking of that sweet, hairy man, who was gonna be my "student bottom" as I thought of him. I checked my pocket. Yup. I had remembered to bring the butt plug.

When we got to my house, vinny was absolutely fastidious about putting his stuff away. As he was getting to the end, I began stroking his butt cheeks. "These jeans make your ass so hot. We gotta get you more pants like this." "Is it all about the ass for you Sir?" I laughed. "Not ALL of it. Some of it is about lips." I kissed him some more. "And ears. GRRRRR." I pointed to the bed. "Lay down. I'm gonna have some fun with you." After he lay down, I grabbed his left wrist and tied it tight. Then I did the same with his right wrist. My finger found a space in his shirt, and began circling his navel. "I was thinking today vinny. I was imagining you as a captured spy, and I was trying to get information out of you. And I know exactly how I would do it." He smiled. "How's that?" "Like this." I put my mouth over his ear and began to lick and chew. "Oh, you fucking sneak. " I said nothing, but kept on working on his ear. I heard him moan, and I could see a small rise in those jeans that showed everything "Ok,ok. I'll tell you everything I know.. Just don't stop." He breathed hard. "But vinny, there's so much else to do. " I got up and opened his shirt. I ran my hand through his fur. "OH GOD. I LOVE THIS HAIR ON YOU VINNY." I began running my 5 o'clock shadow over his torso, and that was making him a little wild. He got even wilder when I pinched one nipple, and chewed the other. "OH. OOH. OOOOOOOOOOOH. OH GOD. " He began to whine. "No one ever... No one ever... OH SHIT... " I had begun chewing harder, and then I moved up to his neck. I went for the left side, and he scrunched up. "NO. You're not gonna make me THAT crazy, Sir." I moved to the right side and he scrunched again. I just smiled. I sat up and started kneading both of his nipples. "Gimme that neck vinny. Give the boss your neck. " He struggled, and he breathed hard, but finally, he moved his head to the side. "TAKE IT. TAKE IT SIR. " I did. I growled and moved in, scruffing him and nibbling, before I moved to his chin and nibbled that. I saw his mouth open from the sensation and I slipped my thumb in "LICK IT VINNY. LICK YOUR MAN'S THUMB. PRETEND IT'S HIS COCK." He had no problem with that game, and began sucking on my thumb. "Not bad," I thought. "If he got THIS far just from watching videos." I got myself up, smiled. I stripped. He saw my hard cock, and I laughed. "No, no, not yet, vinny. But.... you're gonna taste this. " "From this position, Sir?" "No, you're not ready for that. " I untied his wrists and I signaled for him to put his hands behind his back. I tied them. "Now I'm gonna sit on the bed, and you're gonna kneel. You're gonna take as much of my cock as you can, without gagging. When you can't take anymore, stop." He closed his eyes. "NO NO. You gotta be 'HERE'. Keep those eyes open, vinny. Get your mouth on my dick. SUCK ME." "Yes sir. " I learned that evening that vinny responded best to clear, unambiguous orders. It's made our life together fun. That night, he got his mouth around my cockhead. He was leaning forward too far and his moustache began to tickle my cock shaft. "That moustache... It's hot. I'm getting bigger stud." I was. The hair was tingling me. Most guys with moustaches keep their head up just a little bit, so you never feel that hair. vinny was new. I loved it. He got about halfway down my cock before he stopped. "Sorry Sir. I gotta breathe." I rubbed one of his ear lobes. "You can stop now vinny. That was a great effort. We'll do more later. For now though... back on the bed, drop your jeans so I can get to your cock. "Yes sir." The jeans were so tight that it took him some time to get them down. If he had shot that afternoon, he was ready again. I pinned his arms down, and I began edging him. "So, you know vinny, this weekend, you're mine. Anything I want, you'll do." "Yes sir. I understand... " He was breathing faster. "And I'm gonna start training you to take dick up your ass. If you do as well there as you did with cock sucking, it won't be long." He was breathing harder. "Thank you Sir. OOOH. I love it when you restrain me like this, and I can't do anything... " I ran my finger over his cockhead and that was it. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK. His hips pitched up and he shot . I don't know how big his afternoon orgasm was, but he shot 8 times in my bed that night. The first time. I smiled. "Now, what I just did to you, you're gonna do to me. Start jerking me vinny. Or, if you wanna suck me, go ahead. I'll tell you when I'm gonna shoot so you don't get any in your mouth. You're not ready for that." "I'll suck you sir. I like sucking you. " "THEN STOP MAKING ME WAIT." "Yes sir." He got his mouth around my cock, and this time, he went down just a little further. I will admit, I was close already, from everything else. After only about five minutes, I looked at him. There was no hair I could grab to pull his head back so I yelled. "BACK. I'm gonna SHOOT. BACK." He didn't move his mouth. He swallowed every drop. I looked at him "vinny? Why did you do that?" "I thought it would make you happy Sir. It didn't?" "Oh shit yes, it did. " Then I figured something out. "BUT YOU DIDN'T FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS. THERE'S PUNISHMENT COMING." "I understand Sir. Sorry. I'll try to do better next time." "Lay on your back again. " "Yes sir." I went over to my nightstand and got some lubricant. Then I pulled out the butt plug. It couldn't have been more than two inches. "What's that Sir?" I laughed. "Think of it as training wheels for new bottoms. You're gonna wear this the rest of the night. It'll get you used to the feel of something being in your ass." "My grandmother used to use suppositories on me Sir. It looks like one of those." "Well, this won't melt like they did." "I always got excited when she put one in, Sir. I was sad when they melted." "Well, you won't be sad tonight. You're gonna wear this through dinner. Maybe I'll take it out when we come home. But you're wearing it to bed. And you'll wear it every day next week." Sir, what about when I need the bathroom?" "Before the weekend is over, I'm gonna teach you how to put it in yourself. And before you know it, you'll be taking my cock like you were born to take it. (And he did, but we're getting to that.). I had a hard time getting through dinner. I was hungry, but I was hungry for more vinny. At the barbecue joint, he knocked my shoe off and began playing with my foot. He smiled when he did it. I looked at him. "You know, I bet you're gonna HATE having your feet tied and tickled." He gulped. He tried to get away when we got home, but I had him underneath me fast enough. I rolled him on his belly. He fought, again, trying to keep me from hogtying him. A little rib tickling took care of THAT fight, and then, hogtied, I slipped off his shoes, then his black socks. "You know, I COULD ball these up and shove them in your mouth. Another day. " "Thank you Sir. They're not clean." "That's why I'd use them vinny. Oh, MY. You DO take care of your feet. They're so soft looking. Not a callus on them... My nail began to trace a path down each sole. vinny's laugh was as deep toned as the rest of his voice. It resonated and it rumbled. "PLEASE SIR. DO ANYTHING TO ME BUT THAT. ANYTHING. " "Suck me again, vinny. No, wait... " I had slipped a small container of the hot sauce in my pocket on the way home. Hogtied, he couldn't stop me from rubbing it on the frame of his ear. I began to lick. "OH FUCK! " The peppers in the sauce, and my tongue, were pushing his limits something fierce. "How's my boy's ass?" I whispered. "Loosening up Sir. It feels good. " I whispered "8 inches is gonna feel even better." I finished the hot sauce and turned him on his back after releasing the hogtie. "Just remember vinny. If you like being punished. I got lots of ways to do it. " Then I kissed him. "Catch a movie on TV?" "Something silly Sir. Something brainless?" It was late , it was the weekend. It was easy to find that. He sat next to me on my sofa, with his head on my shoulder. His shirt was opened, and I just ran my hand over and over his chest. The motion must have pacified him. vinny snored.

Next: Chapter 4

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