My Sub Vinny

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 20, 2023


So I slept well after that dinner, and while I was sleeping, my mind got to work on how I was going to bring up this formal function that I had learned about during dinner. I did some research. Vinny is an intellectual property lawyer, and this was an annual event "in honor of the judiciary." Black Tie. Not hundreds, but THOUSANDS of attorneys, from all over the country, with their clients would come and eat catered food, drink free booze, and listen to boring speeches.

Sounds dreadful, doesn't it? It had a nickname: some of the younger lawyers called it the "patent prom" or sometimes, the "penguin prom." Think about it: let's say 4000 lawyers in a room, in tuxedos and , for the women, identical black gowns. Sounds like a place anyone would give a testicle for to spend a Friday night?

I wanted to go. I wanted to be there with vinny in order to (i) let him know the world wasn't going to end because he was gay and (ii) to let the world know that we were a couple (of course, there's my protective sense of ownership there: vinny was MINE and I wanted people to know it).

Of course, now, vinny said he wasn't going. THAT was going to change. I just had to figure out how I was going to get him to change his mind. I thought through several ways of doing it. I kept on coming back to one.

"Dave: this may be what you WANT to do, but is this the best way?" I kept on asking myself. I thought it through more (I do my best thinking when I'm sleeping). Everytime my sleeping brain processed it, I pulled vinny closer and rubbed my cock against that fine ass. It always got a soft moan out of him. I wanted to keep that ass. But if I had to sneak around, and think of who was seeing us, it wasn't going to work. Yup. I had a plan.

vinny liked to sleep in on Sundays, and that was fine. Occasionally, I'd rouse him and have him take care of my hard on with a morning blow job, but not today. Instead, I got up, and as silently as I could, I got the debris from last night's party cleaned up. I threw out the spent flowers, gathered the wine bottles, picked up the stained napkins. I thought back to the moments of the party I enjoyed the most, and smiled. But I worked steadily. Still sleeping. I should have cut him off at his fourth glass of wine. That was ok though. I could get more done. By the time vinny did wake up, I was out on the front porch, just staring off into space, and having my 2nd cup. I heard him come out, and sit down next to me.

"Morning Sir. GOD, was I out." I gave him a morning kiss, and draped my arm over his shoulder. "How are you ? You cold vinny babe? My jacket is here on the side if you want it." He had on a sweatshirt, and jeans, but the weather had taken a sudden turn for cold, and I could feel a bit of shivering in his body. Besides, what better way to start my plan, than by giving him something with my scent on it. "Thank you Sir. That would be nice. " He put on the flannel jacket, and he snuggled into me. "You have plans for Sunday Sir? " I smiled and gave his earlobe a rub. "I do. Nothing taking us too far from home, so don't worry about that. " I kissed him again. "BUT... if last night was for socializing, today is OUR time. There's a newspaper, lots of movies, all kinds of things." My eyes glinted. "And a chance to make up for lost time, you sexy beast." vinny LOVED it when I called him a sexy beast. I meant it too. I sometimes thought of him as this beautiful wild animal that I had captured and was training. In many ways, I was spot on. "Does Sir need tending to?" He looked down at my crotch, and I smiled, still rubbing his ear lobe. I tightened my fingers, and I heard him inhale. "Yes, but not now, vinny boy. I'm saving it." "No gym Sir?" "Nah, day off today." I dropped my leg over his. "But if you think I'm going to give up the chance to see your chest pumped out like that, and your biceps flexing, struggling, that would be a mistake. I could see his smile. I had just told him I was gonna abuse him, without the gym. My plan was beginning to work. I saw the smile, and I saw him adjust himself to accommodate his growing cock. "Should I clean up first, Sir? Or do you want the bathroom?" "Why don't you do it vinny? " I kissed him again. "I feel kinda like this is a special day, and I wanna pick something for you to wear that, well, makes me hot as hell. " He grinned. "I'm gonna finish off this coffee and then get myself washed Sir."

While he was in the bathroom, I went through the closet. vinny had this pair of metal gray chinos. I'm not sure WHERE he got them: they were totally out of place in what he had bought himself, but they fit him, frankly, like a glove. I loved the way his ass looked in them. Shirts? Hmmm... Again, he had this button down: it was not new. In fact, it was beginning to fray. Medium sized window panes on a pink background. Heavier weight material.

I shouldn't forget: this was the outfit he was wearing when I first decided "I'm gonna have this man." I never saw him wear it again, which probably meant someone had complimented him about it. He was wearing it today. Then, I made sure ALL the restraints were on the bed. I pulled out a blindfold, the hitachi wand, the electric vibrator, the nipple clamps: I didn't take out everything I owned, but I took out most of it . I put it in what I called my "toy box," and put the toys right near the bed.

Then I went and got my shower as vinny got dressed.

I was toweling off, naked, with my cock out in front of me. That was deliberate. I knew vinny was horny, and he saw it. He smiled, and reached up to open a second button on his shirt. "Do you need that taken care of Sir?" "Eventually vinny. Eventuallly. Not quite now." He looked disappointed, but since I planned to give him plenty of cock that day, I went off and got myself dressed. vinny had wandered off to the kitchen to put his coffee cup in the sink, so he didn't hear me come up from behind him. I wrapped my arms around him like I was going to squeeze him in a bear hug, but I just pulled him to me. Then, I rubbed my unshaven chin against his ear. I heard the breath go out of him and a "fuck yes," came out of his mouth. I continued to rub, gently, as I whispered "Know where you're going vinny?" "I think so Sir . On the bed. Underneath you." "Ha ha. Maybe 3/4 right." I took his wrists and he didn't struggle as I led him to the bedroom. I saw the wet spot at his crotch. DAMN I should've locked him up. I had concealed the restraints, and his eyes got big when they came out. I locked down his wrists, and locked them tight. I usually did NOT lock his ankles, so he looked surprised when I did. I spread his legs REALLY far, so his movement was very restricted. Movement in his cock wasn't, and I saw it growing in his pants. I smiled, and circled my finger around his navel. "You probably think that shirt's too tight vinny." "I do Sir. " "NAH. Fits you great. You're just eating better and working out. LOOK AT THOSE GUNS IN TRAINING." I squeezed his bicep. "You know, this is what you were wearing the day I decided I was gonna have you." vinny looked off. "That was a while ago Sir. I haven't worn this shirt in.." He didn't finish. I covered his lips with mine. "You're gonna be wearing it more often, studmuffin. I really like it." He was squirming from what my finger was doing to his navel. (When I met him, vinny always wore an undershirt. One of the first things I did, was throw them all out. I wanted my vinny available with as little trouble as possible). I straddled him and began opening his shirt. "So, vinny, I heard talk of the formal event for IP lawyers last night.. Tell me more..." I knew he didn't like it, but I began kneading his nipples. "It's... It's nothing Sir. Once a year. Tuxedos, speeches. Boring. " "Really?" I lay down next to him and began stroking his torso. "I thought I heard you say to someone this is the first year since you started practice you'll miss it." He gulped. "I... I wanted to spend my time with you Sir." I smiled. "That's sweet vinny, but I have a tuxedo." Then I leaned in and whispered into his ear. "We're going to this event vinny. As a couple." And I began nibbling his ear. He moaned. "Please Sir. Don't make me do that. Please. OOOOOOH." I had begun flicking my tongue in and out of his ear. "You ashamed of me vinny? " My hand went down to his crotch and lay there, firmly, but gently. He winced. "No Sir. It's not that, it's...." I moved my mouth over his lips again and kissed him. "You don't want your colleagues to see you as part of a gay couple. Is that it?" I had moved my finger from his navel to where his belt met his belly and was running it back and forth, something I knew made him wild. "He squirmed, and moaned. And then it came out. "Yes Sir. I'm scared." "Get over it." I told him. "Invite me to go with you." "Sir, I really don't want to go." "You don't want to go... YET, vinny. But see, here's the thing: we're going, because I said we're going. We're going together. But you're gonna ask me to go with you." "Sir, if you tell me that we're going, we'll go. You're the boss. But the rest.... " "I've got all day vinny. And by the way, I look REALLY GOOD in a tuxedo. " "I'm sure you do Sir, but.... " I got up and came back with the hitachi. "We're gonna start with this, vinny." I turned it to its lowest speed, and put it against his crotch. "How long should it go? Ten minutes? Fifteen? " He was moaning in 3. "Please sir. You know what that does to me." "I do. That's why I'm doing it. And here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna play with you for 15 minutes every half hour. And I'm gonna leave you here, until I get my invitation.." I put the hitachi back. I saw him suck in his breath. He began twisting, exposing his neck to me. I licked my lips. "Nope. Neck work is later vinny boi. " His hips began to jump up and down. "PLEASE SIR. NO MORE OF THAT. PLEASE." "I didn't hear my invitation, vinny boy." "I'm not going Sir. You can go if you want." I had never seen vinny so intransigent. But I looked at my watch. Fifteen minutes had gone. "I'll give you a rest now vinny boy. I'll be back with something new in a while. For now, though... No sense in hearing you yell and holler. " I picked up the ball gag he hated, and shoved it in his mouth. He hated it because vinny hated mess. The ball gag let him drool, and he hated the drool on him. I smiled as I kissed the ball. He looked at me with pleading eyes. "See you in 30"

vinny yelled for a few minutes, but eventually, the sounds died down to a low whimper. I sat, reading the paper. I KNEW he was gonna break, but it was a question of when. After 30 minutes I walked in. His eyes, that had been pleading when I was using the hitachi, now looked angry. Pissed. GOOD. "How's it going, vinny boi?" I took out the gag. "YOU'RE A FUCK, YOU KNOW THAT DAVE? I SHOULD NEVER HAVE GOTTEN INVOLVED WITH YOU." "But ya did, vinny, ya did." I laughed. "When we start watching gay mainstream movies you'll learn about that. But for now.... Have you reconsidered?" "GO YOURSELF. OR TAKE ANOTHER DATE. A NEW LOVER. WE'RE DONE." "No we're not. Look at that hard on you've got. " Indeed, there was a large bulge in vinny's crotch. "Should we let the little guy out?" "NO! STAY AWAY FROM MY... OH FUCK.... vinny had tried to pull out of the ropes and failed. Now, as I released his cock, holding it slightly, he fell back. The stimulation was too much. "You seem pretty hard for someone who doesn't want this, vinny boy." "PLEASE SIR. DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS. PLEASE..." I moved down to the base of the bed, where I pulled off his sneakers. Then his white socks. He thought I was gonna tickle his feet by hand. Well, I was gonna tickle him, but...." I reached behind and pulled the electric toothbrush out of my pocket. I had never done that. "OH SHIT." He said. "Please Sir, no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA" I started running the brush against the sole of one immobilized foot. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. GOD I'M DYING. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I started pushing his toes apart, and tickling the skin in between. Fighting me, by trying to tighten his toes, only made it worse. Now the bristles dug in harder. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " I moved to the other foot. "Please Sir. I can't breath. I can't... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. OH SHIT I'M GONNA PEEE. " Well, then, you'll be more than a bit uncomfortable." I looked at my watch. "We're not even half done, but... here's a little break." I moved the brush up to his navel, and tickled that. His reaction wasn't as intense, but he DID have one. Then I moved to his nipples and I got one too. "I wonder... are your pits as sensitive as your feet?" "NO. NO. THEY'RE NOT THEY'RE NOT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." They were. And I looked at my watch. Fifteen minutes down. "Ok, stud muffin. Time for the gag. Unless you have something to ask me." He said nothing. He just breathed hard. "Ok, vinny boy," I smiled as I gagged him. "Just a prelude. Your ears and neck are next." I saw the look on his face, and I saw how hard his cock was, and the drop of pre-cum at the tip. I had a feeling that the next round would do it."


"Hey vinny... I'm getting kinda hungry, ya know...." "MMMMPH" was what I got back as an answer. I parked myself down next to him, and ran my hand over his torso. "I bet you could use a GOOD lunch of Master Dave sausage, huh? Maybe with a smoothie after." That got back a whimper. He wanted cock. No question. "But you know what I want, vinny boi? I want Italian ears and neck.... I know where to get them too." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH...." "Oh, I forgot. Let me take that out..." I took out the ball gag. "You wanna make this easy for me, vinny, or hard?" I reached down and squeezed his balls." "e...e.... easy Sir..." He moved his head to the side. "GOOD BOI vinny. GOOD BOI. Now, you know what? I know I said fifteen minutes, but your ears always taste so good. No time limit." He tried to push back, but my chin was already there, blocking him, and I started nibbling his ear lobe. "OH SHIT. OH FUCK. OH GOD!!!! " He began murmuring, as I moved all around his ear. For good measure, I wrapped my hand around his cock, and applied gentle pressure. "NNNNNNNNNNNNGGGG" he was making sounds as if he were gagged, as I pushed my tongue into his ear. "FUCK SIR. FUCK FUCK FUCK..... " I whispered. "Am I invited?" He didn't say yes, but he didn't say no. Then my chin went down to his neck. I didn't shave, and now, I started scraping with purpose. "OH GOD PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT DOES. " "I do. I can feel it. You're so damn hard. I bet you wanna cum. I bet you want cock." "Yes sir.. Yes, I do." I let go of his cock. He had no more friction and he moaned in frustration. "What if I told you , you weren't getting cock until I get an invitation? HMMMMMM? " I got up out of the bed and went to his left side, so I could work on that ear, and that side of his neck. "You... you like my ass too much Sir... you wouldn't do that." "Heh heh. You're right. I do. So, how'd you like to be caged until..." I didn't finish. I just started nibbling his left ear, and he moaned. He moaned loud. When my tongue started flicking around, he groaned. "I GIVE UP. I GIVE UP SIR. YOU WIN. WE'LL GO. WE'LL GO. " I smiled, and looked at him. "We both won vinny. You'll see." I laughed. "You're gonna be glad you gave in now. Know what was next?" "What sir?" "A full body shave." "OH FUCK. I'd never take my shirt off again." "Yeah you would.. Because I'd tell you to. Now.... " I straddled his chest and pointed my cock at his mouth. "Get me wet. Get me wet for your ass. " "YES SIR. YES. MMMMMMM" He encircled my cock with his mouth. He slurped on it, slid back and forth, used his tongue to work my tip, everything I had taught him. When I was close... I pulled out. I undid the ankle restraints, and pulled off those sexy pants. "Now, you're gonna get it, studmuffin. NOW...." His legs went up in the air and my cock, so hard, so hard from thinking about this, pounded my vinny. "OH GOD YES SIR. FEELS SO GOOD . THANK YOU. THANK YOU MUCH.... OH... WOULD YOU KISS ME SIR. PLEASE." How could I deny my vinny a kiss? I bent over and shoved my tongue down his mouth, and to tell the truth, that set me off. I didn't plan to, but I began shooting. I shot HARD. And lots. Tons. I couldn't believe it. I could hear vinny moaning in contentment, but our lips were locked and not much sound got out. "I wanna see you cum vinny. I wanna see how you jerked off before me. " I began undoing his wrist restraints. "Yes sir. I hope I don't disappoint you." "Tell me what you're thinking. Talk while you're doing it." He wet his hand, closed his eyes, and began to stroke himself. "I'm thinking... I'm thinking about what I've missed. How much.. oh shit... how much. All the times I checked out a guy and... all the denial... And now.. you... you and that cock. Your tongue. Your games.. And now I'm thinking how I'm gonna seduce you in my tuxedo. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" And then my vinny shot. And I have to tell you: I'M known as a geyser. This one beat anything I ever did. When he was done, I held him. I held him tight. "I promise you vinny. This is gonna go just fine. JUST fine. It's your last step." "I trust you Sir. I do."


So, I met vinny in midtown to take him to the guy where I got MY tux. He measured vinny, and got to work. They say "every man looks good in a tux," and I guess that's true, but vinny looked GREAT. Those dark Italian features, those big black eyes... that moustache! Shaving it was a mistake, he looked SO FUCKING HOT. Of course, we had a power struggle about the shirt "It's too tight" vinny insisted. "It's perfect." "No, I can't breathe." "Suck in your gut." "I can't. I can't wear this." "Wrap it up Joe. We'll take it. " We dressed at our own offices, and met at the hotel ballroom where the event was happening. vinny had a big smile on his face as he came up and took my hands. "You look SWELL Sir." "You look fuckable, vinny. I wanna drag you into the bathroom and fuck you right now." "I'd like that Sir." "Ha ha. Just a little bit of a wait." It was going to be a late night, so I had rented us a hotel room. We'd leave in the morning. We got to the table for vinny's firm, and he introduced me. He didn't crow: he wasn't that way. "And this is my date, Dave." People thought it was a joke, then he reached over and kissed me. There was a moment of silence, and then conversation recommenced. "Nice to meet you Dave. You and Vince make a good pair" one of the women said. I looked around the table and there was someone there who... yup, I had slept with someone at vinny's table. I saw them talking in private later. I also heard someone else talking to vinny about me. "Do you have any idea who you're dating Vince?" "Uh, Dave? " He laughed. "NO. He's one of the top 5 tax and estate lawyers in NYC. Rumor is that he's got a business book of 7 million." "8 million but close enough." I laughed as I came up, putting my hand on vinny's shoulder. "I didn't tell you because, I didn't want you to get complacent." vinny blushed. "It's impossible to be complacent with you , Dave." (I had given him permission to NOT call me Sir at the event). So we got through 3.5 hours of some of the worst food, and most boring speeches I have ever had to experience. The only good part of that evening, was holding vinny's hand under the table. Occasionally, I'd slip my hand on the inside of his thigh, but I could see him redden. I would've continued but... this was already a big step for my vinny. Later , he told me that Al, the guy I had slept with, was comparing notes with him. He wanted to know if I were still the controlling bastard I had been . vinny told me he smiled and said "Yup. That's why I love him." (Al was the partner of a guy who ran a big leather and toy store in NYC. He looked like one of those bearded daddies who you think fucks three twinks a day. I later found out: he was the twink). So the hotel room where we were staying was close enough to this hotel that we could walk. I took vinny's hand. It was late, but there were still people on Fifth Avenue. Occasionally someone looked, but only occasionally. I squeezed his hand. "See, vinny? The sky didn't fall, you weren't fired, no one threw food at you, and everything is fine. " He stopped walking. "Sir. I want to kiss you. Right here. Right on fifth avenue. " "Twist my arm, stud." Someone DID take a picture and it made it into the papers. We both clipped it, and put it in our memorabilia. More significantly about photos though, is that that weekend, vinny looked for a frame. He was taking one of the photos of us from the lasagna dinner to put on his desk.

Anyhow, we got back to our hotel room. I stripped down to my pants as vinny went to the bathroom. He came out, tie loosened around his neck, two, maybe three buttons opened, sleeves pushed back. He had switched to jeans, and he looked HOT. He smiled at me. "You still interested in... anything Sir?" I was. I put that boy on the bed and I kissed him for about half an hour. I almost bit his ear off, and vinny looked frantically for a scarf on our way to the train the next morning, to hide the massive hickey I had given him. And as for the rest, well, I've always been known for length rather than width. When I looked down at myself that night: OH GEEZ, what had this sexy man done? I felt like someone had put a coke can on my shaft. And vinny felt it too. He wanted to stand on the train trip back, but that would've meant I couldn't play with him, so that was out of the question. And yes, by the time we got back home, I was horny again. vinny begged for some relief, but he promised me the best blow job I'd ever had. He delivered.


So, what happened after that ? Well, vinny DID sell his house and move in with me, completely. Like I wrote above, my photo is on his desk, and we've been together for 2 years. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to shave him. But the most significant thing: after we had been together for about a year, vinny got a call from his nephew. joey. He was inviting vinny to his wedding. "OH CONGRATULATIONS JOE. I'm happy for you. What's her name." "His name is Bill , uncle Vin. I hope that's ok." Vinny laughed. "it is, if I can bring my lover Dave." I left the room, and cried a little. And the wedding was wonderful. vinny's sister was a true "salt of the earth" Italian American, and so was his brother in law. joey? Not my type, but what a hunky young man! (I would've wrapped my arms around his husband, but someone told me I'd have more luck with joey). The prize of the wedding? vinny's niece: GINA. I know it's unfashionable to use the word "fag hag," but geez, that girl was in her glory. The magenta pumps from Jimmy Choo which, she reminded me, several times, joey and his husband had picked out for her. SHE's the one who insisted that we all get up and do one of those Italian dances where everyone is in a circle, BUT... instead of Italian music, she asked the band to play "We are family." It was great. And at the end, vinny wrapped his arms around me, kissed me, and said "one day, this'll be us." Well, it still isn't, but soon. For now though, we're kind of on permanent honeymoon status. I meet vinny after work every day: same train, same seat. Every now and then, the conductor gives us a wink. And by the way, vinny's guns are getting bigger. He's even beginning to show a six pack. I'm gonna need to step up my game.


And there, we're going to conclude this tale, gentle readers. If anyone wants to pick up the story and continue it, you're welcome to do so. Yes, there IS a vinny, and YES, I DID work with him. We never figured out what team he played for, but who cares? That's what fantasy's about. If you enjoyed the story, how about coughing up a few for the website? You'll feel REALLY good about it. And, dare I say, you'll get more stories from MOI. Stay safe everyone and BE WELL!!!!! Roping

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