My Submission to Matt

By Sub Boy

Published on Dec 19, 2021


I tried to collect myself before my wife got home, but every thought led back to Matt. I was scared, turned on, and disappointed in myself, all at the same time. I licked as much of his spit off my face as I could, and my little dick just stayed hard and leaking, then washed off my face and tried to calm down.

Sara got home about an hour later and things were pretty normal. Her and Matt's wife Kim had a good time she said, and obviously I didn't tell her about my night! Over the next few days I tried to play it cool but I was super stressed, wanting to see more of Matt but afraid of giving in totally. I kept hoping to hear from him, but nothing. I composed several texts I never sent - they all sounded lame and needy, and I was afraid he'd just get more disappointed in me.

The following week I started researching dom/sub relationships. It wasn't a step I wanted to take, but I felt like knowing more might help. It didn't. I was so turned on reading about being used, and the images that I saw of bondage and humiliation made my cock harder and wetter than it had been in years. I thought about jacking off to get some relief so I wasn't always thinking about Matt, but between wanting to please him and being afraid I'd just be more into him, I kept away from my cock.

That weekend we were supposed to see Matt and Kim at a party, and I was super nervous. Matt was totally "normal" around me, his usual sexy confident cocky self without any indication anything had happened. That just made things more confusing. I was a mess but did everything I could to hide it, and thought I did a pretty good job. So when Sara said we needed to talk on the way home, I was freaked out. Turns out she was getting another overseas assignment (she was a senior consultant - that type definitely ran in the family!) and would be going to Europe the following week for at least a few weeks.

To be honest, I was relieved. Maybe I could figure things out while she was gone? I'm not sure if it was the upcoming alone time or what, but I made a decision: I was going to pursue this - whatever it was - with Matt to the fullest extent. I felt calm and happy having made the decision, but still nervous.

The first step I took was to start ordering some gear I had read about and seen. I felt like I started small: a jockstrap for me to wear (since most of the subs I had seen wore them). It arrived the day Sara left and I couldn't wait to try it on. I loved the way my ass was exposed, and immediately went and ordered more gear: a hood, chastity cock cage (small), some restraints, candles, etc. I also had some markers and clothespins I gathered from around the house since I had seen them used too. I didn't try any of them, it was too hard. I was too hard.

I knew Matt was working some crazy long hours and decided stopping by after hours would be a good way to approach him - direct, like he liked. So after dinner later that week I went to his office. I had the code to get in since I had dropped off stuff for him before, and saw his office was the only one with a light on. I knocked softly on the door jam and stepped into the office, sneaking a quick view of that sexy man before bowing my head and saying, "Hi, Sir, can we talk?"

Matt was quiet for a minute then I heard him getting up. I kept my eyes on the floor until I felt his hand on my chin, lifting my face to look into his eyes. He had a shit-eating grin on his sexy sexy face, looking eager. He stared me in the eyes and said "good boy" and my dick that had been soft with nervousness instantly sprang to full attention. Then he spit full in my face again from just inches away, splattering all over me. I licked it off and enjoyed every taste of him. He dropped his hand and returned to his chair, looking at me expectantly. "Well?" he asked.

"I'm here to submit, Sir" I managed. He steepled his fingers and ordered, "Close and lock the door, faggot." My resistance to that word had faded significantly since the first time he called me that, and I obeyed him immediately. I then went to kneel near him on the side of the desk, looking up at his beautiful face (which gave me the opportunity to view his slim torso and nice package!). I bowed my head and began.

"Sir, I am very sorry I disappointed you. It's all my fault and I accept whatever punishment you choose, of course. I only want to serve you Sir."

Matt looked thoughtful and stretched, pulling his shirt out of his slacks as he did so. He stretched his legs out so his shoes were almost at my knees. "Don't let it happen again, queer. Now, I've had a long day and need a foot massage. Think you can handle that?"

"YES SIR!" I said eagerly, I really did want to please him! He just waited, so I reached for his shoes and removed them one at a time, then began massaging his sexy feet through his socks. He was very appreciative, moaning deep in his chest and rolling his head back. "Good faggot," he purred, motivating me to do everything I could to make him feel good. "Worship my sexy feet, boy" he said softly, and I quickly obeyed.

Sliding his sock off one foot, I licked the entire sole from his heel to his toes then started licking his toes, sucking them, licking between them. I was in heat, out of control, even though I had never done anything remotely like this before! His feet were very sexy: strong from all the running, lightly hairy on the tops leading up to his very hairy very strong legs, but it was his voice that had me in a haze. "Good fag, yeah worship my feet, serve me boy, be a good fag" - every phrase made me ramp up my efforts, every moan spurred me on.

"Don't ignore the other one, bitch" had me ripping the other sock off fast, massaging the wet foot I had been slobbering on while moving my mouth to his other foot. I realized we were both moaning and my jockstrap was absolutely soaked inside my sweatpants. I thought I might cum without touching my little cock, I was that turned on! I started massaging up his calves, as far as I could get with his pants on, which made him moan even more. All of a sudden his voice returned to normal and he said, "That's enough, boy. I still have hours of work to do. Come back tomorrow night at the same time."

I was crushed, so disappointed, but wasn't sure what I was expecting. Matt returned to his work barefoot, opening his laptop and shuffling some papers. I tried to compose myself and not cry in disappointment, bowing my head and saying "yes Sir" then getting off my knees and heading out.

As I opened the door Matt didn't even look up but did say, "you did good tonight, boy." I felt proud and happy, and drove home thinking about the next night!

The next couple of nights went the same, and I loved it but wanted more. Matt would have me worship his feet then dismiss me as we both got carried away. Friday night though, when I thought he might send me away, he moaned, "get my shoulders, faggot!" I quickly bounded up and moved around behind him to start working his shoulders. He had nice muscles everywhere, and his shoulders were no exception. I massaged them as best I could with his shirt still on, and he rolled his neck and moaned and that motivated me to keep pleasing him.

Massaging his shoulders, checking out his strong features from behind, I sort of lost it and reached out and licked his ear! He responded immediately, spinning the chair around and slapping me HARD - but not before I heard his loud moan and saw him shiver. "I am so sorry, Sir!" I blurted. "Go," he ordered. I hung my head and slinked out the door. I texted him before I was even at my car: "I am so sorry, I made a big mistake." No response.

I really think the next week was the lowest, saddest of my life. I didn't hear from Matt at all and wasn't sure if I should go back to his office or not, but when I did, I found the code changed. I texted him from outside and said "I'll behave, Sir, I promise. Would you like some stress relief?" but still got no response. I was almost in tears then, and all week just felt worthless. I really needed to learn.

With Sara still out of town (and the contract kept getting extended week by week), the family wasn't getting together and I hadn't seen Matt at all. Saturday morning I woke up trying to find a way forward, assuming I had pissed him off and wouldn't get to serve him again. I was sitting at the kitchen table, staring at my coffee, when the front door opened and Matt walked right in.

I gasped, surprised by the intrusion (but of course they had keys to our house as did we to theirs) and mostly by how fucking sexy he was - he apparently was out running and wearing tight everything that showed off his body. Even in the cold, his sweat had plastered the tights and top to his muscular legs and torso, showing every bulge. I immediately slid off the chair and hit my knees, gasping "Master!"

He walked aggressively straight towards me and I thought I was in for a beating but instead he shoved his crotch into my face! I inhaled deeply, savoring his scent, moaning, feeling like I was back where I belonged. It didn't last long though, he grabbed my hair and wrenched my head back almost painfully, spit right in my face, flipped me off and said, "NEVER made a move like that again without my express permission, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

The floodgates broke, the emotion was too strong, and I started babbling, blubbering, tears rolling down my face. "Yes Sir! I am a stupid faggot and went too far, I will never disrespect you that way again, please forgive me and punish me Sir, I love it." Thankfully that last didn't come out as I was thinking (I love you)! He might have never let me serve him then. I looked up at him, pleading with my eyes, and he grinned just a bit and said, "It's ok faggot, I know I overwhelm you."

He stripped off his shirt - I had seen him before at the pool or lake shirtless, but it had been a while - and threw it right on my face. I felt like I was breathing him - his sweat, his scent, his essence. I was moaning and really getting into it when his foot connected with my crotch and he ordered "make me some eggs then come massage my feet, faggot." I jumped up, seeing his perfect body walking to the living room (how does one get sleek defined muscles like that on one's back?!) and quickly started making eggs for him, checking how he liked them and if he wanted anything to go with them. "Just the massage, faggot." I was in heaven.

I finished the eggs, plated them and walked into the living room to find him on full display on the couch: his shoes up on the coffee table, legs slightly spread, arms laying along the back of the cushions, showing off his sexy lithe chest and hairy armpits! Oh fuck. I almost dropped the plate but managed to get on my knees and offer him the plate, then asked if I should proceed with the massage. "Yeah, faggot" he said around a bite of eggs, and I stripped off his shoes and socks, looking up at him and saying "may I, Sir?" while still holding them. He told me to make it quick and so I hurriedly sniffed his socks then shoved my face in both shoes to inhale his scent.

That got me so worked up, I massaged and licked and sucked and worshiped his sexy feet with fervor, then asked if I should get his legs. He told me calves, hammies and quads only, so I started slowly and firmly massaging up his legs, his head thrown back and his moans driving me crazy. His bulge was bigger than ever in his running tights, and it was so hard not to reach for it. But I really focused on pleasing him where and how he told me, and I was rewarded with literally being able to see his dick growing in his tights. It kept getting bigger and bigger, throbbing, and I realized I had stopped massaging his legs. I was watching his bulge and he was watching me.

I quickly returned to my task and his moaning resumed. He put one foot on the floor then the other, so I had to bend awkwardly to keep massaging but I didn't miss a chance to touch his strong hairy legs! Suddenly he stood up and that giant bulge was right in my face, inches away. I didn't move, I barely breathed for the two or three seconds he stood there, then he commanded "HEEL!" and I followed on all 4s. He headed for the stairs, to the master bedroom, and looked back to see me crawling. That brought a huge grin to his face.

He got on the bed face down and mumbled "shoulders!" into the sheets. I quickly got on the bed next to him - I knew better than to straddle that perfect ass! - and worked his shoulders, making him moan loud. And his fucking hips were fucking his big hard dick into our bed! Oh my god I thought I might pass out. I was losing it and quickly refocused before I could fuck up again, and his moans told me he loved it.

After maybe 15 or 20 minutes of heaven for me, he said "kneel" and I got off the bed and knelt next to it. He slowly rolled and stretched his entire body with his big dick straining against his tights. He put his hands behind his head, showing off his muscles everywhere and his hot hairy armpits. "You did good today, faggot. Keep it up. I got another 10 miles back home, but be sure to come to the office every night around 8:30, including tomorrow night. I hate working Sundays but you're gonna make me feel good and relaxed."

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir" I replied. "Crawl to the corner and kneel there with your nose pressed into the crack as low as you can go until I'm gone." Crap, I really wanted to watch him move, watch him dress, see his muscles in motion but immediately complied. He took his time; I could hear him checking his phone then screwing around downstairs getting dressed, then finally the door opening and him yelling back "later, fag!" as he closed the door. God I hoped the neighbors didn't hear but I was almost beyond caring.

I immediately got up, ran to the bed, and smelled where he had been laying. I sniffed and even licked where he had been, out of control. Fuck. 30+ hours until I could see him again.

Time dragged by and I was early the next night when I got to his office. He was dressed casually in gray sweatpants and a tight t-shirt, bending over to close a file cabinet drawer and showing off his sexy tight ass. "Good boy, did you miss me?" he grinned that sexy grin and I just melted, my knees hitting the floor and telling him how much I missed him. "Tonight is going to be a little different, boy. I am frustrated as fuck and you're going to take it. Understand?"

"YES SIR!" I said even though I was scared of what that might entail. Matt looked thoughtful and said "too bad you aren't wearing chastity, that would make this even more fun" and I told him I had a whole bag of toys and gear in the car. He laughed and commented how much I needed it, and told me to FETCH the bag. I quickly complied, my cock already making a mess in the jockstrap I had worn. I returned with the bag and he motioned for me to place it on the desk, then he began rummaging through it while I knelt next to him.

He chuckled at some of the gear and placed the cock cage on the desk. "You are really into this, aren't you. Who was your trainer?" I was confused and told him this was all new to me and new gear, and he looked more interested. "Have you put on the cock cage yet, faggot?" I told him no and he laughed. "Strip down, faggot." I was mortified - I was not in shape at all and my dick was so hard it hurt! I hadn't gotten off since I started serving him, even though we hadn't discussed that since his first text.

I complied though, and he told me to stop when he saw the jockstrap. "Did you buy that for me, boy?" He said I must have read his mind when I told him I had, and he commented on the huge wet spot. "Don't tell me you're hard, boy" he said and I was confused but said "yes, sir I'm sorry, you just turn me on so much." He threw his head back and laughed out loud, saying "that's all?! Haha what a little dick. My poor sis, having to deal with that little thing." I felt smaller than I ever had in my life but was still hard.

"OK boy, here's the deal: I am going to spank you. That will help my frustration. But you need to be in that cage, and even though you're so small I don't think that will work when you're hard. So I'm going to enjoy myself and you tell me when you go soft then run and put on the cage like a good boy. The safe word is 'potato' haha." With that he made me bend over the desk and SMACK he hit my ass cheek hard. I tried not to yelp but he seemed to like it when I did, and he was an expert at tortture: he would focus on one particular area until I was almost in tears then move on and back, keeping me from knowing where the pain was coming from.

I was squirming, sweating - and still rock hard. I did get a glance at his sweatpants and saw a huge boner! God I needed it. He told me to stand up and saw my little dick still hard in the jockstrap, shook his head and said "smack your balls, faggot. Pull them out of the pouch and make it hurt." It hurt! I tried to hold back but he was having none of it, keeping me smacking my balls harder and harder until I felt like I was going to pass out. He took clothespins out of the bag and put them on my nipples - that hurt like hell! He smacked my ass, teased my nips, made me hurt my sack - and my cock just stayed hard.

Finally he said, "Well obviously this isn't working. Stand over there and jack off, faggot - shoot that pathetic load out of that little cock so you can get the cage on. Understood?"

I did not want to jack off in front of him! But I said "Yes sir" as I had been trained to do, and moved away from the desk, pulling my hard wet dick from the jockstrap. Matt sat down at his desk and didn't even look at me, It was so humiliating and I was so horny that I started cumming almost immediately. Matt did look then and said, "what a pathetic little load, boy - but you did make a mess and need to clean it up." Little load?! That was the biggest load I had shot since I was a teenager! I looked around for something to clean up the cum off the floor with but he shook his head and said "use your tongue boy" and I did - I got on my faggot knees and started licking the hardwoods.

I hated the taste of my cum (I had tried it once or twice) and my ass was exposed - soon Matt was back smacking the most painful places again. And I realized my dick was still hard! Fuck. He went back to work and I was told to cum again. This time took a little longer but still was pathetically quick, and my cock just didn't go soft. Matt made me keep stroking - my little dick was very sensitive and it was painful! Finally it started softening and Matt told me to put on the cage.

I was humiliated but got the cage on, and it felt right. "No touching yourself boy, you are mine now." Matt stood over me as I knelt there naked, caged, and humiliated. His sweatpants showed a big thick bulge, I could see his dick clearly hanging down and if it was soft, was bigger than my hard dick! He grabbed the clothespins and ripped them from my nipples, making me almost scream - and his big dick THROBBED and started growing. Oh my god, he was getting off on it.

He spit right in my face and told me to lick up the second load while he started working my ass again, even harder. I was howling, trying to get away, and had totally forgotten we had a safe word! Finally he said, "kneel, boy" and I slowed complied, sore and in pain. And in shock! OH FUCK his dick was at full mast inside his sweats, and it was HUGE. Almost as thick as my wrist, standing straight up in his sweatpants and poking out the top and behind his shirt several inches.

I almost passed out, that thing was a monster! On his little body it was all out of proportion - and sexy as fuck. "Go home, little faggot, you did go today. Can't believe you didn't use the safe word - you are going to have some major bruises." He saw the look on my face and laughed at me - "you forgot, didn't you boy? haha well leave the bag for tomorrow night." I really wanted to ask to see his big dick but got dressed and left as ordered, my little dick straining against the cage. Matt had sat down so I couldn't see if he was still hard, but I imagined him jacking off that huge meat as I was driving home, feeling ashamed and proud and turned on all at the same time.

Next: Chapter 3

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