My Superman

By Robert Ainsworth

Published on Sep 10, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is not true. Its Fake. Pure Fiction. This never ever happened. I don't know the sexuality of Dean Cain. What I do know is that the characters in this story are mine. Please do not steal them. Everything on this page is Copyright 2001 Robert J Ainsworth. You must be 18 or 21 depending on your local laws to read this as this story does deal with male to male sex at times. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!!

My Superman

Chapter 1

It was my usual Wednesday afternoon. I finished work at 5 and was home by 5:30 pm. Starting my daily routine, I took my dog JD (and JD doesn't stand for Jack Daniels, but Just Dog) for his afternoon walk. After walking him I changed into my swimsuit for a little sun and exercise. I found that if I watch what I eat and go swimming everyday then I didn't need to be come one of those gym bunnies, even if the eye candy is nice to look at.

After my swim, I took my shower and got cleaned up. Glancing at the clock I noticed that is was 7:00 pm, "Good" thinking to myself, "I have an hour left." I called Josh to see what he was up to.


"Hey girl, how are you?" I said.

"Oh hey Rob, doing pretty good here, just a little tired, but you know how that goes, how are you?"

"Not too bad, just finish my nightly routine and was about to start making dinner. Would you like to join my tonight?"

"Sure, what are you making?"

"Just spaghetti with a little salad and a nice Merlot, nothing too special."

"Hey, sounds good to me and you know how much I love food."

"OK cool, so I will see you in 5 and don't forget your trunks, we'll sit in the hot tub later on tonight."

"OK babes, see you in 5 then."

I hung up the phone and went into the kitchen. Threw the water on to start to boil. Threw the jarred sauce in another pan and set it on low. I pulled out an onion and started to dice it for the sauce. You know I love the taste of onion but I hate to cut them. So, of course, 30 seconds after I started cutting the onion, my eyes were tearing up. And I had learned a long time ago that if you start to cry then leave and come back to finish, then it is 10 times worse. So I finished dicing the onion and threw it in the sauce. Just at the same time the doorbell rang.

I grab a tissue and ran for the door. Drying my eyes I opened the door to let Josh in. Seeing me standing there, drying my eyes, Josh said:

"Oh honey, when are you going to learn to block that shit head's calls? You know you give him way too much power over your life. I mean we didn't say anything while you were dating and seeing each other, but I though you had learned what kind of an ass he was. I mean..."

"Josh!" I interrupted, "Honey I was just cutting an onion. Good lord, I haven't talked to Matthew for a couple of weeks now."

"Rob, I'm sorry. You know how I am leap before I look. It's just I know how hard you took it when two broke up."

"Seriously, honey I am fine, never felt better. Come on give me a hand with dinner."

We walked into the kitchen and I put Josh to work making the salad. By that time the water was boiling and I threw the pasta in. While we were finishing making dinner we talked about what had been happening at work.

Josh is a female impersonator (which we all know is the PC term for a Drag Queen.) He is pretty good too. He has done a couple of modeling shoots and does shows 5 times a week. Lucky enough for me he has Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. It gives us a chance to have time together outside of the bar scene. So he was filling me in on all the drama that was going on with the Drag shows he was in. Go figure, he isn't one for drama, but somehow it always seems to find him.

I was telling Josh about the projects I was working on. I'm an Associate Engineer Report Writer for the world's largest gaming company. It's kinda unusual for a 24 year old to be a software engineer, since most guys my age are still in college. My mom always said I was a quick study and that I would go far.

By the time we finished talking dinner was ready. Looking over at the clock I noticed it was 8:00 pm.

"Oh Shit!" I said.

"What?" Josh asked.

"It's time for my show! Come on we'll eat in the living room, but don't tell anyone or I will have to kill you!" I teased him.

"Oh Rob, come on now, you aren't going to make me sit through that show again."

"Look, just get your plate and come on."

We grabbed our plates and went into the living room. Have a meal in the living room is really unusual for me. I was always taught that you ate your meal at the dinner table. You know how those good old family values play on you when you are all grown up. But tonight was different.

You see I am a really big fan of Dean Cain. The man has the most gorgeous eyes I have seen. I could look at them all the time. I was heart broken when they canceled The Adventures of Lois and Clark (Copyright). But fortunately one of the local stations shows the reruns. Of course I watch Ripley's Believe It Or Not (Registered Trademark) all the time. I don't watch it for the content of the show, just for Dean. I have even seen every movie he has been in and so far I loved him in The Broken Heart Club. God what I would have given to be an extra on that movie.

So Josh and I watched the show and finished our dinner. I told him to go change while I did the dishes. When he came back I was just putting the last pot in the dishwasher and started it. Grabbing a couple of clean wine glasses and the bottle of Merlot we were drinking, we went into the backyard and eased ourselves into the hot tub.

I find it completely relaxing to sit in the hot tub and stare at the stars. The funny thing is that when I am seeing someone I usually have them there with me with all the lights turned out and just candles light around the tub. Just makes it a little more romantic. But with Josh there, we were just friends enjoying each other's company.

We talked some more about how you can think that a relationship can be perfect one moment and then the next you are packing his shit up and throwing him out on his ear. Life is funny that way. But like I said no regrets. After sitting in the tub for about an hour and finishing the Merlot Josh felt it was time to go. He had some errands to run tomorrow before he went to work. So getting out of the tub and drying off for a bit I walked him to the door.

"Are you coming to see Ginger Grant on Friday?" he asked.

"Yea I should be there, unless Dean sweeps me off my feet."

"God you are hopeless, you know that Rob? Do me a favor; let me fix you up with a guy for Friday night. He's a great guy and I am sure you will like him."

"Josh, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but I just want to go out and have fun now. I am not ready for the whole dating scene right now. I kinda want to do this whole Thelma and Louise thing and rediscover myself right now. I don't want to deal with dating right now and that whole first impression shit and all that. I just want to go out, have a couple of drinks, laugh a bit and reconnect with my friends."

"OK Sweetie, just trying to look out for you. I will see you on Friday then. Love you lots and call if you need anything."

"Love you too honey and you so the same," as I hugged Josh.

I closed the door and locked it. Walking back into the kitchen and put the wine glasses in the sink and grabbed a glass of water and called JD to follow me upstairs. After showering and getting ready for bed I wrote in my journal for awhile:

Dear Journal,

Well today was pretty uneventful. Did the usual stuff. Had Josh over for dinner and hot tub. Once again he tried to set me up with someone he knew. And once again I told him that I just wanted to go out and have fun. Didn't want to do that dating scene right now and that I wasn't ready for it. You know I still need to reconnect with all of my friends before I have someone consume me again in a relationship.

But to be completely honest I am still not over Matthew. I mean I was with the guy for 2 years. Even though those two years weren't the best in my life. The other real reason is that I don't trust myself to judge a person's character right now. I mean I was with a man who I though was honest, caring, loving, respectful, funny, sweet, and who was head over heels for me. Instead what I got was a guy who lied, cheated, did drugs, hit me, and emotionally abused me.

So after going through all that, how can I be sure that the next guy will be any different?

I awoke with a fright in the middle of the night. I had thought that Matthew was in the house and that he was coming up the stairs to hit me again. The sweat was pouring off of me. I felt scared for my life. I drank some of my water and went back to sleep. After all 6:30 am was coming very quick.

The next two day were uneventful. My project at work was going really well. Create a stored procedure to return information from my company's database and input it into the state accounting database. So when Friday came I was ready for some down time and to see Josh (or I should say Ginger Grant) at Key's.

Key's was this cute little piano bar. They have really good singers and a nice dining area. I walked in at around 10:30 pm and saw Ginger.

"Good Lord girl, you are look good!" I said.

"Thanks Rob, are you ready to see the show?"

"Yea, I wouldn't miss it."

"When are we going to get you up there for a couple of number?"

"Oh Ginger, I don't think I can. Too much stage fright. And besides I don't think I would look good in a dress."

"Silly, you don't have to wear a dress, just do a couple of boy numbers."

"Ok Ginger I will think about it."

"You know Kitty has always said that you are more then welcome to perform with us."

"OK! I will think about it."

I walked over to a table and sat down. The waitress came over and took my order. Just a Malibu and Orange Juice and some of that fried cheese stuff. Kitty Litter and Ginger Grant started the show about 30 minutes later with Kitty's signature some, the theme song from Green Acers. By that time a couple of my other friends had joined me. Patrick, Shawn, Adriane, and Kyle were there. All my girls and literally one of them was. We talked and joked. I asked how ever one was doing. I got the usual response of things are going fine.

"You know what we need?" Patrick asked.

"What's that?" Kyle said.

"We need a bomb ass party. Just one of those parties that blows your mind. Almost like a block party. We haven't had one of those in a long time and I am kinda tired of doing the bar scene. What do you think Shawn?"

"You know I have to agree with that. Get a couple of strippers and just invite all of our friends. We could all be Co-Hosts. Adriane any thoughts?" Shawn said.

"Oh girl, I am already picking out decorations. I'm seeing balloons, Tiki torches, Margarita machine, food everywhere, pool boys and a couple of blow up sheep," she said.

At that last comment she got everyone napkins thrown at her. Being one of my close straight friends she always took the gay thing really well and we all knew it was a joke. I remember asking her why she always hung around with us and she told me that gay guys were the only one that didn't always hit on her. "I want guys to hit on my on my own terms. Not every time I go out and being with you guys gives me the break that I need from the meat market scene. Besides I like watching you guys when you are on the hunt. Just because I know what to use when I am on the hunt. Oh and I just like being your fag hag."

"This sounds like a great idea guys. I'll talk to Ginger and see if Kitty and she can do a little show for us. I am sure they will. Now all that is needed is the planning. You know when and where?" I said.

"How about your house Rob. You have the prettiest home and there is a nice big back yard with the pool and hot tub. Your neighborhood is pretty quiet and there is plenty of parking." Patrick said.

"Yea, I think I can do that, but it would have to be on a Friday or Saturday night. Need at least one day to recover from it you know, clean up and hang over are a bitch when you have to be to work by * the next morning."

"OK cool, let's plan it for a month from now!" Patrick said.

"Sounds cool to me, you bitches are going to have to help with all this stuff too. I don't want to be the only one making this work. We'll get together Wednesday night at my house to plan it all out, you know budget, things needed, who will take care of what. And tell you another thing. The night before why not have all of you stay at my house and we will do a movie night and get things ready." I said.

They all agreed and I told Ginger to be there Wednesday night. She was so excited and said that it wouldn't be a problem for her and Kitty to do the show. They would just cancel that night and it wouldn't be an issue.

I felt good, things for this party were already going off on a good start and I though this was a good idea. After that I said my good byes I went home and jumped on the internet to do some surfing before heading to bed.

I went to the Dean Cain website and was surfing when I saw that he was coming to Las Vegas to do a shoot at the MGM Grand. My heart skipped a beat. I was going to have to call Adriane and see if she could get me on the set. I just had to meet him and I noticed that it was going to be for next weekend and he was going to be here for 3 months. He was shooting a new movie about being a baseball player and finding his true love here. You know one of those movies about start out in the minors and moving up making it to the Big Leagues. Not that baseball interested me, but if Dean Cain was in it then I was all about it.

I wrote myself a note to call Adriane in the morning and then went to sleep and dreamed all about Dean all night long.

Copyright Lois & Clark and the Superman Logo are copyright Turner Network Television, American Brodcasting Company, Warner Bros. and DC comics

Trademark Ripley Entertainment Inc

Next: Chapter 2: My Superman 2 3

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