My Teacher Is a Fag

By Albert

Published on Aug 15, 2007



I couldn't believe what I'd said, but I actually did it. I blurted out my innermost thought to Tyrone. I begged him for his prick. I just couldn't believe it, I couldn't...why would I do such a thing...what could possibly have made me ask to suck him again. With all these thoughts & 2nd guesses running thru my mind, I still remained on my knees and stretched my lips over Tyrone's prickhead. Like a little garter snake trying to swallow an egg that was entirely too big for him. His prick slipped back into my mouth most easily, why wouldn't it, after all hadn't I just given him a tremendous blowjob???? Actually my lips were already wet w/ anticipation and they were hungrily working their way along the entire length of Tyrone's prick, slowly... slowly... inch by inch, I was determined to actually taste his cum this time. Since he'd jammed his prick in my throat during the first blowjob, I never really got to taste his cum, all I could think of was the fabulous thick load he'd just given me...and I'm embarrassed to admit this, but...I just had to have more...just the thought of a thick, sticky, creamy, milky white load shooting between my lips was driving me over the edge. Actually, for the first time in my life I think I was really enjoying my faggotry w/ no guilt at all. It seemed alright w/ Tyrone, even if I were actually scared to death of the dire consequences that may await if discovered. All my hesitations, over pre-cautions and downright worries were fading away. I had Tyrone's prick deep in my mouth, and I intended to keep it their awhile. I milked his prick w/ my lips, I tasted of it w/ my tongue - which I tried to swirl round and round his prick, but I just couldn't do it, his prick was too big and thick. I was becoming intoxicated on the fabulous black prick and I couldn't help myself. Thinking of the creamy thick load awaiting me had given me the courage to go for it. I was going to suck Tyrone's prick this time, he wouldn't have to fuck my lips like before, although he was more than welcome to...I just wanted him to see that I could get him off w/ my lips.

I felt the head of the massive black prick slip into the top of my throat, I knew my air would be cutting off soon, I didn't care, if it came down to breathing or eating Tyrone's prick, oxygen would just have to wait - nothing was going to stop me this time. Again and again I stopped my cocksucking enough just to taste his prick and marvel at how fabulous it felt nestled snuggly between my overly greedy prick eating lips. His prick tasted like the soft cookie dough of an ice cream sandwich. I definitely had to restrain myself from taking a bite, even just a little nibble. Drunk, no, damn near delirious w/ pleasure I managed to slide the last half inch of his prick into my mouth. I felt - complete, satisfied, not to mention full. I felt as if I were safe guarding Tyrone's prick from all the other cocksuckers out there. His prick needed my lips, to be protected by them, to be mothered by them, to be warmed by them - his prick needed my kiss, as much as I needed to suck his prick. I slowly slid my hot lips back up the lenght of his prick to just below the fabulous mushroom head, again I savored every delicious morsel. My mouth began to water - which brought a delightful smile of approval to Tyrone's handsome ebony face. His creamy white teeth and I was hooked all over again, sucking his fabulous prick and at the same time drooling over his pretty teeth. I'd made up my mind, whatever I had to do to be w/ Tyrone - I'd do it. I trusted him, or maybe I was just consumed by my own lust, but I had to have him. He knew the consequences if we were ever caught in the act and I was reasonably sure that he take the proper precautions. I felt as if I couldn't live w/o Tyrone's prick, like I needed it to live, I know it sounds corny but I was being consumed by his prick the way my hot greedy lips were consuming his coal black prick.

"Dat's it, baby" Tyrone said softly. I almost blushed - and it was another opportunity to see his pretty teeth. I had to keep him happy, so he would smile, then those teeth, pretty teeth, creamy white teeth would be - mine...all mine...his gorgeous teeth - which were more than welcome to bite me anytime and as hard as he wished, bite me until you draw blood, I thought to myself. Tyrone looked down at me and mouthed the words "you a fag...ain't chu???" I looked dreamily up into his eyes and said to myself "yes, yes, yes" over and over again. I slipped more of his prick between my lips, I had to swallow because of my drooling. It brought another smile to Tyrone's face, which meant - more pretty teeth for me. Again Tyrone stared me in the eyes and said "you love dis dick don'tcha...ya can't git enuf o' it, can ya??" Feeling like a lovestruck teenage girl, all I could manage to do was moan positively. "Goddam, muh fuckin' teacher is a fag...dam dat's sum freaky shit!" I didn't care, call me all the fags you like Tyrone, just let me keep eating this fabulous ebony fuckstick. I pursed my lips around his prick, again and again I twirled my tongue as best I could, I'd wanted to make him cum - but I was in no hurry, I'd never rush Tyrone and we both knew it. "Take all the time you like, darling" I said to myself, again dreamily looking into his eyes. He knew what I was trying to convey. He gradually began to work his hips, gyrating them in small circular movements so that his pretty dick was slicing in & out of my lips w/ the greatest of ease. Eventually my mouth would start to go dry, but I didn't care. I knew if I closed my lips tightly and gave my taste buds a few moments they would produce the prerequisite lubrication. Tyrone gently lunged forward to stuff the entire length of his prick into my mouth, I gladly accepted it, proudly accepted it, again a momentary little cough to clear my air passage and again some soft laughter from Tyrone.

"Damn, Mr Holt, ain't nobody never sucked dis mucha my dick befoah, I mean I done had me a hundred dicksuckers and you gots ta be da best one of all!" Now I know that was a compliment, even if it weren't I was taking it as one. "Usually when I be fucking somebody's mouf, dey can't take it all, and dey be throwing up & shit and gagging all over da place, but ain't never seen no bitch do like you, you can take it all, and I likes dat". I was beaming w/ pride, I mean I'd never been so proud of anything before in my entire life. Tyrone approved of my cocksucking and that was all that mattered as far as I was concerned. I sucked Tyrone's prick w/ renewed ardor, smoothly sliding my lips all over his gorgeous ebony flesh, tasting the meatiness of it, the sweetness of his prick, the outright manliness of the most fabulous prick ever created - and I was given the priviledge of sucking it. My mouth was well lubricated by now, infact, just about overflowing, I sucked Tyrone's prick even harder, clamping my hot lips around the thick veiny member as hard as I could. Tyrone moaned, and again chills went up & down my spine, I loved this, I absolutely adored sucking his prick. "Suck muh dick like ya in luv wid it" Tyrone said. In my state of sheer euphoria and delirium I thought he said like I was in love with him. I bobbed my head up & down the lenght of his black prick furiously, damn my tired jaw muscles, my sore neck muscles, Tyrone was allowing me the honor of sucking his glorious dick and I was going to make sure that I did it perfectly. "OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhh, yea baby, dat's it, dat's it, dat's da way ta do it, suck dat dick, eat that mo-fucka, shit - bitch - eat all dis mo'fucken dick, eat it, EAT IT!!!, shi-i-i-t-t-t, choke yo'self on dis dick, stuff it in yo' mouf, all da way down, bitch, eat it Mr Holt, you fag ass mo'fucka, ooooohhhhhhhh, dam faggot, suck dis dick, suck it bitch, you muh bitch, bitch, ooooohhhh dick sukkin' mo'fucken faggot ass bitch!" I have to admit, it was the proudest moment of my life.

Tyrone was getting close to cumming, somehow I found the strength to suck even harder, adrenaline rush I guess. I stretched my lips to cover my teeth and actually bit down on his prick in an effort to increase the friction and suction. "OOOOOOOOhhhh, Mr Holt, ooooohhhh" Tyrone moaned. His hands involuntarily gripped my head like the first time. I didn;t care, I had Tyrone's prick in my mouth and - nothing else all!!!! I tasted a drop of pre-cum and went completely wild. I savagely jerked my head from side to side, rite to left in a furiopus effort to get Tyrone to cum in my hot mouth. I slathered all over his prick w/ my tongue, bathing it in spit, slobbering all over him. I pulled his pants all the way down to his ankles and wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him as close to me as I could w/ all my might in a vain effort to stuff even more hot black cock in my - would not be denied - hungry mouth. I had to have it, I would have it, I was going to have it, I was having it...ALL!!!! Tyrone sucked in a deep breath and increased his grip on my head. It was now or never I thought to myself, this was it....I looked up at Tyrone and I could swear he was purposely holding back his cum. I couldn't believe it. Didn't he want to cum, now???? What was the problem? Not my concern I reasoned and went back to sucking his prick w/ all my might, I was going to make him cum, in my hot mouth, I wouldn't stop for anything and I wanted him to know it, I wanted him to see the only way his prick would ever get out of my mouth is by shooting a hot load down my throat, and he was going to give it to me. I'd never wanted anything so badly in my entire life, whatever it took, no matter how long, he couldn't hold out forever, but I was willing to suck his prick forever if I had to, anything just to get that creamy hot sticky load blast off in the back of my mouth. So what if I couldn;t taste it, just feeling it shoot in the back of my mouth and swallowing, no gulping down the creamy thick load would be my reward. "Goddam Mr Holt, goddam Mr Holt,, you fag ass mo'fuckka" Tyrone gasped. "Go ahead Baby" I said to myself, "I'm all the fag you need me to be tonite" as my insatiable prick hungry lips continued to suck away relentlessly.

And then Tyrone, my Tyrone, this incredible...manchild, this african prince, no... african KING, slender, black, gorgeous, lithe and athletic smooth body hit me below the belt with the lowest, most hardest hitting, deepest cutting remark he could cut loose with. You know what he said to me?????? I swear, this is the honest to goodness truth. My african prince said: "Mr Holt, ooooohhhhh baby, Mr Holt, oooooohhhh, help me, so good, soooo good, ooooh baby....Mr Holt...can I cum...inside yo pretty mouf rite now???" He told me I had a pretty mouth. My eyes almost filled with tears, I fell in love w/ Tyrone, he'd made me fall in love w/ could I resist???? What could I do, I'm in love w/ Tyrone, I love Tyrone. Tyrone - my love. I nodded my head and closed my eyes as Tyrone grabbed me by the back of the head and jammed his prick forward in my mouth, cramming it deeper, deeper, deeper, immobilizing me completely, using my mouth for his cum dump. "GGGGGllllmmmppph" I choked hard, again and again, and again, and again, and again, I didn't hink his prick would ever stop shooting. His thrusts were so hard, my head involuntarily jerked right along w/ his prick. I wanted so badly to taste his load but, alas, he was too busy cumming in my throat to allow me to taste him. I could only hope that he'd save me some after cum like last time. At long last Tyrone's prick finally subsided in my well fucked mouth. Completely exhausted, drenced in sweat and totally, totally delirious and drunk on cum, I tried to take my mouth off Tyrone's prick. "Hey...bitch!!!" Tyrone snapped angrily. I froze, paralyzed w/ fear. What had I done wrong???? "You faggot ass mo'fucka...don't chu evah take yo' mouf offa muh dick - I'll kick yo punk ass!!!" I still didn't understand what I'd done wrong. I was confused, puzzled. "When I wants muh dick outta yo' mouf I'll take it out, you don't evah stop sukkin on dis dick, evah, 'til I tell ya to, bitch, I'm so pissed at chu, if you'd a made me mess up this nut, I'da kick yo' fag ass don't ever take yo' mouf offa my dick!!!!" I got the message, and you'd better believe I obeyed. I stayed on my sore knees and my completely exhausted lips managed to hang onto Tyrone's black prick.

"Jes ta make sho you unnerstand, I'ma show you how we do thangs 'round heah!" Tyrone pulled his fabulous prick from my mouth before I could actually get a chance to taste his after cum. I 'd wanted it so much. It would have been the perfect dessert after the perfect, most scrumptious meal. Tyrone searched around the room until he came to an old hamper. I'd scarcely ever noticed it before. "Now, gon take yo' mouf offa muh dick 'fore I'm finished wid chu, I'a teach yo' ass" To my utter horror, Tyrone opened up the hamper and pulled out a sturdy wooden paddle, like they used to use in schools a long time ago. My heart sank, I was scared out of my wits. He cracked the paddle against the hamper a few times and the loud echo made me go completely limp. I was scared shitless, tears were filling my eyes. I began to sob and beg for my ass, I pleaded. Tyrone was having none of it. "Time to teach the teacher who's da boss 'round heah" Tyrone retorted angrily. Profusely I apologized, but, to no avail. He'd made his mind up. "Now Albert, crawl yo' faggot ass ovah heah and I'a show ya what I do ta bitches dat don't do whad I say!" "Please, Tyrone, please" was all I could manage to whimper with my fag ass. I knew what was coming next. Don't you?????????


Next: Chapter 5

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