My Training

By B.G. Crawford

Published on Jul 29, 2002


My training Part 3

This story is purely fictional, and only comes from my imagination. No real persons are involved in this story in anyway. This story contains adult contents, if you are under the age of 18, please, do not read these stories. If this story offends you in anyway, don't read it.

Miss Jade sat there looking at her new slave slut. She could not believe what just had happen. Never had she had a girl pass out when cuming. She laughed to herself, and said, "This was too easy."

Miss Jade knew when she saw the girl walk into the bar, that she would become her next slave slut. She would make her do all the things that her other slaves would or could not have done, not matter what the price. Jade wanted to be the next head Mistress of the Lebo club.

Jade was seventeen when she left home, never to return. She had ended up in the big city. With no money, or a place to live. She knew she was in trouble. She was about to give up and go back home, when she met an older woman. This woman took her in, gave her room and board. With one condition, that Jade would work for her around the house, and would clean the bar up during closing hours. Jade agreed. Jade had no idea what kind of bar she would be cleaning, or she would be calling home.

The rules were simple enough, do not go anywhere she was suppose too not, when the bar was open she stay in her room. Or be kicked back on the street. Jade had settled into her new life, she rarely saw the owner, except maybe at breakfast once in a while. Jade would clean the bar during the day, until it open at 2:00p.m, then would clean the house. She liked her routine, until she started noticing things.

Jade would lay in bed at night masturbating, or sometimes look out her window, which faced the bar entrance. She notice that no men where coming in, and that the same women came in each night. For months, this would happen. On occasion, there would be different women come in, wearing the strangest clothes. It looked like collars around their necks with leashes, and they would be with the women, who were there every night. Sometimes Jade would stay up late, just to see who would be leaving. She rarely saw anyone coming out of the bar. This intrigued her, she knew she would have to find out, what was going on.

Months had passed before Jade got the nerve up to sneak around at night. The night had finally come, when she had finished cleaning up the kitchen. She could hear moans coming from the bar. Jade thought to her-self, "It is now or never." She made sure that all the lights where out in the kitchen, went upstairs to her room, turn the light on, and her radio on. That way the owner would think she was in her room. She had come back downstairs, crept down the long hall that led to the bar. She knew of one place, which she could watch the bar from. The utility closet, that no one knew there was a nice size hole in the wall, which she discovered when, cleaning it. She opens the door very quietly and stepped inside. Shut the door behind her. She came to the hole, looked threw it, and got the shock of her life.

She saw women, lots of women, with no clothes on whatsoever. Jade knew they had clothes on, she saw most of them come in the bar with them on. That was not the shocking part of the scene she saw. Women were touching, sucking, pulling, and pinching each other's breast. A lot where on their hands and knees. With their heads between other women's legs. While having their hair pulled. The thing that shocked Jade the most. Was that some of these women, looked like they had dicks. They were fucking other women, like men. After looking at the scene before her, she saw the owner. She was sitting in a chair, away from the other women. She had her legs resting in the arms of the chair; she had a woman in between her legs. Her hands were on her knees. Jade also so two other women next to her, sucking her breast. The owner had her head back, breathing hard. Jade could not make out what she was saying, the music was playing too loud. But she did notice that every once in a while she would take her hand and grab the girls hair, that was eating her pussy, and pull her up to her face. Then push her back down to her crotch area. Then she would take her hands and grab the other two girl's hair and do the same to them. Jade could feel some tingling in her pussy. She knew she would have to play with her pussy, to make the tingling go away. She pulled down her boxer shorts and started finger her pussy. She never took her eyes of the owner and what she was doing. Jade was too turned on, her finger wasn't working, she needed something better. That's when she realized that she didn't have anything to stick in her pussy. What she wanted was a dick to shove in it. She suddenly notices that the owner would make the girl who was eating her pussy move her head. The owner would take her hand a slap at her pussy. Jade could see the owner's body shake from this. Jade took her hand and slaps her pussy; she did it again, and again. But she was not feeling anything; her body was not shaking. She knew she must have been doing something wrong. She went to playing with her clit. She looked around the room and saw a woman sticking her fingers into another woman's pussy. She was pulling her fingers in and out of the woman. Jade decided that she would try it. She takes two fingers and shoved them into her pussy; the pain was too great for her. She could not believe that, that woman was enjoying this. She notice the woman would put one or two. Jade decided she would try one. She put one finger in; there was no pain. She starts pushing it and out. Oh this felt great to her. She could tell that she was doing something right, her pussy was responding to her finger. She felt her muscles contract every time she would pull her finger out. Her pussy was wet, and was making a slurping sound. She then decided that she would put another finger in. She did it slowly this time; she felt a little resistance but she worked it slowly in her pussy. She felt her pussy accept her second finger. The pleasure her hand was giving her was wonderful. Jade forgot where she was, and started fucking her pussy with her two fingers. She kept it as a slow pace, in and out, in and out. She could feel herself breathing harder and harder. She had to put her other hand on to the wall; her legs were feeling shaky. She knew she was close to cuming, she started to move her fingers faster in her pussy. She brought one leg up, and placed her foot on the stool next to her. Her fingers went deeper inside her pussy. Jade was breathing, and moaning. She wanted to cum, she had never felt a fulfillment as she was feeling now. Her breath quicken, her legs, along with her body were shaking. She could fill her cum dripping from her pussy and onto her hand. All of a sudden she starts cuming, she was breathing hard, and screaming "oh god, oh god." Then her body stiffens and her pussy clamps down on her fingers causing her not to move them. Jade tries to catch her breath, she brings her leg back down, and realizes she can't stand. She slides down the wall, and sits on the floor. She looks up and sees the owner standing there.

Jade just knew she was going to be kicked out, onto the street again. There was no way out of this one. What could she tell her? I came down to get a broom? And decided to masturbate? Nope. Jade knew there was no way out of this one. Jade tried to get up, but was still weak from the orgasm she had just had. The owner looks at Jade and said "please don't get up, you are still weak." Shocked Jade replied "okay." The owner walks over to where Jade is sitting, and sits down beside her. She looks at Jade and tells her "that was the most beautiful self loving, I had every seen." Jade looks at the owner, and asked "how long have you been here." "Long enough, Jade." Jade sat there for a moment. She decided she would ask, "so does this mean I am kicked out?" The owner laughs to herself, and smile and said, "no way, you are here to stay" Jade with a sigh of relief, puts her head on the owners shoulders. She felt as if she belonged.

Jade and the owner sat there holding each other, when they heard a knock on the door. The owner looked at Jade and told her to put her shorts back on. Jade put her shorts back on. The owner open the utility closet door, Jade could hear someone talking, but could not make out what she was saying. The owner told the other person; "I will be there in a minute" and shut the door. She turned to Jade put her hands on her face and started kissing her lips. Jade had never been kissed by another woman before, other than her own mother. The owner was tracing her hands over Jade's body. Sending goose bumps up and down Jade's body. Jade didn't know how long they had been kissing and touching each other, when another knock came on the door. The owner looks at Jade and tells her to go up stairs and go to bed, that she would be there when the bars close's. The owner opens the door and shuts it after she leaves. Jade stood there in a heavenly bliss. Then opens the closet door, and then heads up stairs to her room.

When Jade gets to her room, she realizes that the radio is turn off, and that her bed has been turned down. Jade to relax to wonder why, she climbs into the bed and drifts off to sleep. Dreaming of the wonderful kiss the owner and her shared. Jade is waken up by the owner, and tells Jade to get in her bed for the night. Jade looks at the clock and it is 3:00a.m. Jade follows the owner into her room and climbs into bed with her. The owner undress Jade, and starts touching her body, kissing her on her face. Jade wanting to have all the things done to her that she had saw that night. Jade starts touching the owner back and their tongues started touching each other. The owner tells Jade to undress her, Jade starts undressing the owner; she is truly memorized by the site of her breasts. Jade can't believe how big they are; she wants to suck on them. The owner can tell by Jade's face, that Jade wants to suck her breast, she leans down and tells Jade to suck on them. Jade takes her hungry mouth and starts sucking on the owner's left breast. The owner starts telling Jade to suck harder and she will get something she will never forget. Jade starts sucking harder, she thought she was sucking too hard, she felt something warm and wet in her mouth. Jade looks at the owners and says, "sorry I didn't mean to suck so hard." The owner laughs and tells Jade, that it is okay. The owner starts kissing Jade on her face, moving her way down Jade's body, she stops right at Jade's pubic bone, and smiles. "Now it is time for you to feel, what it is like to have another woman love you." Jade smiles back, not sure on what the owner is going to do. The owner takes her tongues and starts moving it on Jade's clit. Jade jerks, and starts giggling. The owner tells her to relax, "that it will tickle at first." Jade tells her okay. The owner starts back to where she is playing with Jade's clit, she can feel each time, she does it Jade jerks a little. Finally, Jade stops jerking, she can feel Jade hips moving back and forth. She knows that she can now start sucking on her clit. The owner takes Jade's clit into her mouth, and starts sucking, each time sucking harder. Jade starts moaning. Telling the owner, to not stop. It felt too good. The owner starts pulling at her clit with her lips. Then returning to suck them, pulling and sucking. Jake was bucking hard now. She could not believe how wonderful this felt. She wanted to cum in the owner's face. She wanted the owner, to suck her whole pussy in. The owner stop's and looks at Jade. Jade looks at the owner with a look of horror "Why are you stopping?" The owner; looks at Jade and tells Jade to calm down. That she would be coming soon enough. "I want you to enjoy, what I am doing to you, but I also want you to be able to control when you will cum." Jade very much turn on, and wanting to cum, takes her hands and starts playing with her clit. The owner slaps her hand. Jade is very confused now, she doesn't understand why the owner is not wanting her to cum, and yet telling her she will. The owner tells Jade, "I know you don't understand what I am telling you, but you will before the night is over. I want you to lay back and relax. Let your body, calm down, then we will start over again." Jade looking at the owner like she is crazy, lies back on the pillow.

Jade doesn't know how long she had laid there, but she knew the tingle feeling she had in her pussy, wasn't as strong. The owner looks at Jade and tells her "just a few more minutes, and I will make love to you again." After a few minutes the owner returns to Jade's pussy, and again starts playing with her clit. While playing with Jade's clit the owner takes Jade by the butt and lifts her butt up, she puts her tongue into Jade's wet hole, and starts fucking Jade with her tongue. Jade is in a sexual bliss, her head is swimming, and her body is shaking. She knew the orgasm would be hard and fast. Just as she was about to let her orgasm take the better of her, the owner takes her tongue out and clamps down on her clit with her lips. Sending Jade over the edge. Jade could not catch her breath, she thought she would stop breathing. She thought she could hear the owner, telling her to breathe. Jade could not see anything; the whole room was getting dark. Just as she was about to pass out the owner take a cold wash rag and runs it down her body. Jade looks at the owner and tells her she is okay.

Jade laid there, wondering what had just happen to her. She had never felt such a powerful orgasm. She wanted more. The owner told Jade that she would have all the orgasms she wanted, but to sleep for now.

That morning Jade slept in, when she awoke she started playing with her pussy; she wanted to feel the powerful orgasm that the owner had given to her last night. She started fingering her clit. She wanted to cum so bad, but she remembered what the owner had told her, to make it last. Jade would barley touch her clit, back and forth she started rubbing it, when she felt the tingle come she would stop, she would wait, then she would start again, this time she would apply pressure to her clit each time. She could feel her orgasm mounting, but she wasn't going to cum yet. She had stop to let her body calm down, while letting her body calm down, she started remembering what she had saw last night in the bar. She started pulling on her clit, the sensation was wonderful, and she repeated it over and over again. Each time her body would shake. This time she was not going to stop, overtime she would feel her orgasm build, she would do something different, to make it last longer. She wanted to cum when she wanted too. Jade would started slapping at her clit, the pain, mixed with pleasure was unbelievable, when she stop slapping her clit, she would put her fingers in, her wet dripping hole. This time she would push them hard insider her, pulled her fingers out, and pushed them back in each time using more force. Jade was spread eagle; she wanted her fingers deep inside her. Just then she felt someone put their hands on her body. She looked up; it was the owner and four other women. The owner was smiling at her. "We will take it from here Jade." Jade smiled she recognized the other four women, she had seen them in and out of the club. She knew she was about to have the best orgasm of her life. Jade laid back and let the ladies play with her. Two of the women were on her breast, sucking, pulling and pinching each of them, Jade put her hands on their hands, she couldn't tell who was playing with her clit, but whoever it was, she didn't want them to stop. She could feel their month on her clit; they would suck hard then stop to slap her clit. Jade body was numb; she started thinking that if she came now the party would be over. She started thinking of the gross's thing she could think of. It was working. There were hands all over her body, rubbing her stomach, thighs; she could feel someone sucking on her toes. Each time she felt her clit slapped she could tell someone different was sucking her pussy. The same with her nipples, she would see different women sucking her breast. Jade felt as if she could no longer hold her orgasm, she wanted to cum, and she wanted whoever was down there to suck her juices. She started to breathe hard; her body was shaking uncontrollable, there was no stopping her orgasm now. Her body tense and she felt her orgasm. It felt like her pussy was exploding, along with her uterus tightening and releasing. Jade lay on the bed breathing hard, like she had been running. The owner told the rest of the women to leave; she came to where Jade was laying. She kissed Jade; "you are now a member of the club."

To be continue...

Next: Chapter 4

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