My Unexpected Sexual Discovery

By Kevin East Bay

Published on Sep 27, 2001



This is a true story that happened when I was a young dude. No reproductions of this story are allowed without my written permission. Copywrite of this story pending. This story is about sex between two young, consenting dudes, if you are offended by such stories or if it is illegal to read such stories where you reside, please exit this site immediately. Thank you.

My Unexpected Sexual Discovery

After I graduated from high school, I decided to spend my summer before college, camping alone in the Colorado Rockies. I loaded up my old truck with camping gear and drove it out to an area not far from Telluride. I didn't know exactly where I was going, so I just drove around until I found an unmarked dirt road that lead up into the local mountains. I then followed the winding road as it followed the Delores River. After driving for about half an hour or so, I found another side road that led up to a small meadow. It was a perfect place to set up a camp for the summer. The view from it was spectacular! The meadow was full of wild flowers and the valley it was in was surrounded be beautiful jagged granite mountains that were covered in both aspen and pine trees. Within a few feet from were I placed my tent was a small creek that then poured into a larger river. It was the most incredibly beautiful spot for me to spend my summer with nature.

It didn't take long for me to get my camp set up. I got my very large tent up, a table put together, the camp stove propane gas connected, and I even dug a hole to use for my toilet needs. I really felt that I had found the most incredible place on earth to camp that summer.

Being a horny young man, the thing I loved the most about camping was that I could camp in the nude. There were very few mosquitoes or bugs, so I spent most of my time either sunbathing or swimming in the nude. One day, I was at the camp reading a book when I heard the sound of a vehicle heading towards the camp. I jumped up and leaped into my tent, so that I could get some clothes on. I pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt. When I got them on, I headed outside again. Once I got outside, a Jeep pulled up to my camp. I was a bit freaked out because I realized I might be on private property. A man and a young boy got out of their truck and headed over towards me. The man was good looking and looked to be about forty. The boy looked to be a several years younger than myself. They came up to me and asked if I realized that I was on their property. I told them that I didn't know that I was on private property, that I thought it was Forest Service property. They told me that they had had problems with "hippies" camping in the area and that some had started a forest fire the year before. I assured them that I was very careful, and I would leave the area just as I had found it. After talking to him for a while, the father told me I could stay there the rest of the summer as long as I did leave the area as I had found it. I thanked him and offered to pay him. He refused to take any money. He told me to enjoy my summer and then he and his son got back into their Jeep and left. As they drove away the young boy kept looking back at me and smiling. I felt relived that I didn't have to pack up and move my camp. As soon as their Jeep was out of sight, I took my clothes off again and got back to reading my book in the fresh mountain sunshine.

The next day I was bathing myself in the nearby river. The water was a bit cold, but it felt very refreshing to be cleaning myself off. As I lathered myself up in soap, my cock started to get hard as I ran my soapy hand over it. I had just lathered myself up from head to toe when I noticed that the young boy from the day before was standing at the edge of the river, where I had left my towel, watching me. It startled me seeing that I was being watched. I turned my back to him and headed to a deeper part of the river so that he couldn't see my hard soapy cock. But after a few minutes of being in the cold water, I decided I didn't care if he saw me naked or not, I needed to get out of the cold water and get warmed up. I got out of the river and walked over to where my towel and the boy were. The boy watched my every step. I couldn't really tell, but I felt like he was staring at my cock. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me and then introduced myself to the boy, "Hi I'm Kevin what's your name?" He told me that his name was Aaron. I hadn't noticed what a handsome dude he was the day before. He had long shinny golden brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, piercing blue eyes, a smooth face with a well-defined jaw, and he looked to be in very good shape. He told me that he and his father spend the summers together in their cabin and that it was about a half-mile way from where my camp was. He was a very talkative kid who told me about his parents recent breakup and how he felt lonely having no friends near his cabin. I let him hang out with me that afternoon until I finally had to send him home once it started to get late that evening.

The next day was very warm and sunny so I got a blanket and spread in out in the middle of the meadow. I tried to read as I was lying in the sun but it was much too bright to read, so I put my book down, and just soaked up the sun. Lying there I started to feel horny, so reach down and started to play with my cock. It didn't take long at all to get it standing straight up. I had never had sex with anyone. I grew up in a very religious family, and from day one it was preached that you didn't have sex, much less think about it until you were married. My problem also was that I wasn't really interested in girls. I don't know what I thought I wanted, but it hadn't even crossed my mind that I might be gay. I lay there in the sun, pulling the foreskin back and forth over the head of my cock. It felt so good; to be so free and to enjoy the sensations that my cock was giving me. I was really working my cock, almost to the point of cumming when out of the blue Aaron showed up. Aaron stood over me, with me holding onto my hard cock. I was so embarrassed. I quickly tried to cover myself up with part of the blanket. But it was too late; he saw exactly what I was doing. Aaron said he was sorry to interrupt me and that he would leave if I wanted. I told him no, not to leave. Aaron then pulled out some soft drinks and sandwiches out of his daypack. He told me that he made one of the sandwiches for me. The boy looked so pure and sweet. I told him "thank you" and asked him to join me on my blanket. I felt a bit uncomfortable at first sitting there naked, but I was also thinking that this boy had twice seen me naked, so it really didn't matter. We made small talk at first as we ate the sandwiches, and then Aaron asked me why I was always naked. I told him I liked it because I felt so free being naked. That I had grownup in a very uptight family, and that being naked in the wilderness was the most uplifting thing I had ever done for my spirit and myself personally. Aaron then asked if it would be ok if he got naked also. It was an unexpected request, but I had no problem with it. I don't think I would have admitted it to myself at that time, but I was very curious to see what he looked like naked. Aaron took his shirt off first. For such a young kid he was really well defined with large pinkish nipples. His body was so smooth, and every curve of his solid build was well defined. The only hair he had on his torso was the small dark patches of hair under his arms. He then slid off his cutoffs and underwear. As he bent over to pull his cutoffs off, I could see his asshole. As soon as I saw it my cock instantly went rock hard. I guess I had never seen anyone's asshole before. I was amazed at how sexually provocative it was. He had a very round white ass that was blemish free and smooth. Right in the center of it was a pink rosebud hole that had a few dark hairs surrounding it. He was bent over for almost a full minute clumsily trying to pull his shorts off. I was so taken by the sight of his tight asshole. I remember thinking I wanted to get close enough to him so I could smell it and taste it. At that time I didn't know at that anyone actually did those types of things. I also could not help but notice that Aaron had a beautiful small cut penis and that he had a light patch of brown pubic hair. Aaron got his clothes off and sat down across from me. He told me how fantastic it felt being naked. He then commented on my hairy chest. He wondered what it was like to have a hairy body. I laughed at him and told him that in high school, the boys in my gym class called me gorilla boy, but I didn't care because the girls loved my hairy chest and legs. Aaron then asked if I have ever had sex with a woman. I couldn't believe that I would lie to a kid to try to uphold my masculinity, but I did. I told him that I had sex with lots of women, but that I didn't share my sex escapades stories with others. Aaron dropped the subject for a while, but then returned to talking about my hairy chest. He asked if could touch the hair. I though it was a strange request, but I told him yes he could. Aaron stood up next to me and placed his warm hand on my chest. Just the touch of this naked dude's hand sent chills throughout my body. He ran his hand through my chest hair. The sensation was incredible. As he slid his hands through the hair, every once in a while he would rub across one of my nipples. That sensation rushed straight to my cock. He told me that my "fur" felt nice. Having this naked dude next to me with his soft penis merely inches from my face was too much for my senses. I couldn't believe what was happening, this boy was really turning me on! He was looking down at my aroused cock, so I told him he better stop rubbing my chest or me might have a problem. I pulled part of the blanked over my now hard pre-cum leaking cock to try to cover it up. I was very confused by what had happened. I had never had an experience like that before, but I also had never been touched like that by another dude either. Aaron didn't seem too concerned by what had happened as he sat back down. He then started to ask me about my uncut cock. He told me had never seen a cock that looked like mine. I explained that all men are born with foreskin, but that some parents choose to have it removed from their sons. Aaron told me he wished he had foreskin and then asked if he could see mine up close.. I couldn't believe how unrestrained this young boy was, there seemed to be nothing he was afraid to ask. I hesitated at first about letting him look at my still hard cock, but I gave in and pulled my it out from under the blanket and showed him how the foreskin slides back and fourth over the head of my cock. Aaron commented that my cock was larger and longer than his fathers. How he knew this I do not know. He then asked if he could touch the foreskin. My cock had gotten so excited by that point that I was afraid that if I let him touch it, I would cum all over both of us. I told him that I didn't think it was a good idea, but in my heart, I really wanted to feel that warm soft hand on my cock. Aaron's conversation once again soon drifted off into other areas. Later, I again I had to send him on his way as it was getting late.

The next day I got up and the sky was full of dark clouds. It looked like it was going to be a rainy day, so I went around the camp, covering up anything that I didn't want to get wet. My tent was waterproof and I had it set up at the highest part of the meadow, so I wasn't too concerned about the rain. At noontime the clouds were still getting darker, but no rain had fell. Then around one, Aaron showed up again unexpectedly. It was the first time he had shown up that I wasn't naked! Seeing what kind of weather was coming, I was surprised that he had hiked over to my camp. He told me that his father told him to find me and to ask if I wanted to stay with them that night as it was predicted that there would be heavy rain all night. I told him "thanks, but no thanks" that I was well prepared for the rain. Aaron hung around with me the rest of that afternoon, helping me chop wood for my camp. I kept telling Aaron that he should get back home before the rain started, but I couldn't get him to leave. Then the sky opened up and the rain came pouring down. We were in the woods cutting wood when it started, so we were caught off guard and ended up getting soaked by the rain. Once we got into the tent we both took our clothes off. I asked Aaron how was he going to get back to the cabin now. It turned out that he had a satellite phone that he could call his father on. He asked me if he could stay the night, which I told him was fine. He then called his father and told him he was going to spend the nigh with me. His father told him that as long as he wasn't a bother to me that it was ok with him. Aaron was shivering, so I gave him one of my robes to put on. We then got some food out of my icebox and prepared a dinner for that evening. It was a little strange having someone else in the tent with me, but Aaron, being the talker he was, kept me entertained with all of his 'life' stories.

Then it came time for bed. I had a king-size airbed and two sleeping bags zipped together. At first I thought about unzipping the bags, so we could each have our own. But I was tired, and it seemed like too much trouble, so I asked Aaron if he would mind sleeping together with me. He told me that it sounded fine, so we both got ready for bed. I stuck my head out of the tent so that I could spit out my toothpaste. When I pulled my head back, in I could see that Aaron was getting into the sleeping bag totally naked. I always sleep naked, but I had thought I would wear underwear that night because we would be sleeping next to each other. I thought about it for a few seconds and decided that if he didn't have a problem with being naked, I shouldn't. So I turned off our lantern, got naked and climbed into the cozy bag with him. We listened to the sound of the rain falling down onto the tent and talked about how scary the noises in the night can be when you are in the wilderness.

Aaron fell asleep and started to lightly snore, as I lay awake with my mind think about college and things I would have to take care of when I got back home. Aaron was curled facing away from me as he slept. I drifted off for a moment and then was awaken when Aaron told me he was cold and if I would hold him. I curled up against him and put my arms around him. Feeling his naked body next to mine was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I caressed his soft skin as I held him. Holding this trembling young man started to awaken my cock. The feel of his firm smooth ass on my cock was such an incredible feeling. I didn't want to freak out Aaron, so I pulled my hips away from him, just far enough to keep my aching hard penis from pressing against his ass. He told me he felt so safe being held in my arms. I also felt safe holding him. As we lay there together, I though he had gone back to sleep. My arms were a bit uncomfortable, so I started to pull back from him. I found that I was right up to the edge of the sleeping bag so I couldn't pull away any further from him. I then felt Aaron's hips start to push into mine. Now not only was my cock now pressed up against his ass, it was pushed right under his ass, between his legs. I didn't know if Aaron was awake or not at that point. It felt so good having my cock pressed between his legs, I thought this must be what it is like so be with a woman. I just let my hard penis lay there, pressed up under his ass. My cock was getting so painfully hard; I didn't know how I was going to get it to go back to sleep. I lay there for a few minutes wondering what to do. Then I started to feel Aaron's ass very slowly start to rub against my rock hard cock. I was so naive; I really thought he was still asleep. His ass kept rubbing on my pre-cum oozing cock. This went on for about fifteen minutes or longer. I could feel my sticky pre-cum flowing out of my cock onto his ass. I still somehow thought that Aaron was still asleep. He then shifted slightly in such a way that it positioned the tip of my cock right up against his asshole. My cock had never been harder in my life at that point. The pre-cum was pouring out of my cock like it was never going to stop. I then felt his ass pushing up against my cock. I couldn't believe what was happening. Like I said, I was truly a naive kid, I didn't even know you could fuck someone up their asshole! His ass kept pressing against my pre-cum wet cock. I lay motionless, wondering if I should wake Aaron or just let what was happening happen. I was so horny at that point that I choose to let it happen! The pressure was so intense on my cock that it was starting to hurt me when all of the sudden I felt my cock start to slip into Aaron's ass. The feeling of his moist ass wrapped around the head of my cock was intense. It felt like nothing I had experienced before. This new feeling felt like I was going to pee or cum, it felt incredibly awesome! I lay there with my arms still wrapped around him as his ass continued to push up against my cock. I wondered how he could take it and not be awaken by the pain! It took about thirty more minuets but eventually my cock was all the way up his very warm ass. Aaron started to softly mown and pushed his ass back and forth on my cock. It was at this point that it finally dawned on me that he was not asleep. I started to get into the rhythm and proceeded to slowly fuck his asshole. Aaron whispered to me "Fuck me harder Kevin!" It was then that realized that this boy must have set me up. I let loose at that point and started to really pound his young asshole. I rolled Aaron onto his stomach and pushed and pulled my cock in and out of his hot young ass. I couldn't believe how wonderful it felt to fuck someone's asshole! It was better than what I imagine sex could be. I couldn't hold it for any long as my balls begged to let loose. My cock couldn't take it much longer either. I unleashed the biggest load of cum! I could feel Aaron's ass feel up with my hot cum. Both he and I were scream out as I blasted my thick cum into his asshole. I held him as I reached down to touch his cock. It was covered in his own cum. We said nothing for a few minuets, as I lay motionless on top of him. I then asked him if I had hurt him. He replied "no" that it was as wonderful as he thought it would be, that he liked to fuck himself with a miniature novelty baseball bat he had at home.. He told me that he had known he might be gay since he was about six years old. The rain had stopped and it was actually turning into a warm night so I folded the sleeping bag down and we both feel asleep holding each other.

The next morning I awoke lying on my stomach. I could feel Aaron moving around in the bed. I had my head turn so I didn't see what he was doing. Then I felt him rubbing my ass cheeks. He ran his soft hands through the hair on my ass, slightly pulling on it. Aaron whispered that he had never seen a hairy ass before. I didn't respond to his comment, but I allowed him to continue. I then felt him start to pull my ass cheeks apart, exposing my asshole to him. He held the cheeks apart for a long time. I guess he was studying what my asshole looked like. He commented that I had a very dark colored asshole. I then felt him pulling my cheeks apart even further. I could feel my asshole being forcefully pulled open for him. He did this a few times and then he pulled it opened and pressed one of his fingers against my asshole. I was in heaven. It felt so good having someone play with my asshole. Aaron then started to push his small finger into the hole. I couldn't believe he was able to take my whole cock up his ass when it was hurting me to just have his finger up mine. Once he got his finger all the way up into my ass, the pain soon went away. He rubbed my ass cheeks with one hand and finger fucked my asshole with the other. Oh my god, it felt so incredible! Aaron then pulled his finger out. I was a bit disappointed until what he did for me next. Aaron pulled my ass cheeks apart again and then pressed his face into my butt crack. He told me that my sweaty ass smelled so manly. I then felt his warm tongue lick right across my asshole. I was really surprised at what he was doing, but I didn't want him to stop. He pulled my cheeks further apart and licked my asshole for several minuets. My cock really loved it. It was wide-awake and as hard as a rock once again. Aaron kept it up until I couldn't take it any longer. Ever since I first saw his asshole, I had wanted to smell and taste it. So I rolled over and pushed Aaron down onto his shoulder and lifted his legs into the air. I then pushed his legs down toward his head, totally exposing his firm ass and asshole for me. His ass smelled so deliciously hot, I couldn't get my tongue into it fast enough. I took my fingers and spread his tight rosebud hole open as far as I could, and then drove my wet tongue down deep into it. Aaron was squealing in excitement! I then stood up and pushed down my hard cock, aiming it for his wet pink hole. This time it didn't take long for my cock to slide right in. That boy had no problem taking it! Looking down at my cock sliding in and out of Aaron's asshole was a totally turn on. I especially liked seeing the hairs around his asshole clinging to my wet cock, as I would pull in and out of the hole. Aaron's dick was rock hard also. It was the first time I had seen it hard. It looked so white and beautiful as it bobbed up and down as my cock plunged in and out of his ass. As I was plowing away, Aaron suddenly let out a scream of joy as his untouched cock started to jet out a huge load of creamy cum all by itself. It sprayed all over his chest and his open mouth. The sight of this set me off and I could hold it no longer, my cock let loose and I again filled his ass up with my hot cum. I plowed in and out of his ass, as I was cumming, feeling my thick cum filling up his ass cavity. It was so incredible! We both then collapsed onto the sleeping bag, holding onto each other. I kissed Aaron for the first time, tasting his own sweet cum on his lips and tongue. This was the start of a summer that I will never forget. I even had an unexpected sexual encounter with Aaron's father later that summer! Let me know if you would like to hear that story.

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