My Vampire Encounter

By Banky Edwards

Published on Feb 25, 2005


"Angel" and all characters are copywritten materials of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment/Twentieth Century Fox Film.

If you're uncomfortable with homosexual relationships or if you are not allowed to read material of a sexual nature, this story is not for you.

My Vampire Encounter Part 4 by Banky Edwards & JT Willow (formerly Jason Salem)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* This chapter is dedicated to Beau, Jacob, Dbone, Shawn, Kernal_Panic, Cody, ScaryMonster, Daniel, John and all our other fans. Thanks for your e-mails, guys! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

"Do it,"


"Do it!"

"Connor, leave me alone"

"Not until you do it,"

I sighed and turned on my vamp face, then said, "I vant to suck your blood Blah."

Connor burst into laughter, clutching his stomach. I turned back and jumped on him, trying to wrestle him into silence. We tossed around the bed for a while before I pinned him. "Vampire strength," I grinned. "Comes in handy,"

"I've noticed," he replied sexily. I leaned down and kissed him passionately. Over the past couple of days, Connor had grown on me. His demure manner and jovial sense of humor kept me in close contact with him. Our secret was still safe with Fred, although it was kind of hard to be together with everyone else living in the same place. We had nearly been caught several times, but laughed it off each time. He would sneak into my room and cuddle up with me or feign an interest to spar, but end up making out with me instead. Good times.

"Let's take a shower," he suggested as we parted. "You know, make some steam of our own,"

I rolled my eyes and rolled off of him at the same time. "And run the risk of getting caught? No thank you. I'll stick to cuddling and hiding out." I opened the door and headed out towards the lobby. As I approached, I could hear someone talking. It was Angel, but I didn't know who he was talking to.

"His soul is intact, I can feel it," he said. "He chose not to bite and kill someone last night. Of his own free will,"

"He could have decided that it wasn't the best place to do it," Cordy replied.

"No. Think about it. Since he's been here, he hasn't expressed one desire to kill, one desire to bite anyone. He spends plenty of time with Connor and Fred and Gunn and not once has he attempted to attack any of them,"

Cordy sighed. "Well, how does he still have his soul? You got yours back by a curse. How did he not lose his like every other vampire?"

"I don't know. But, when we first found him in that alley, I had a feeling, Cordy. Like... like someone was telling me that this kid was important. Like I had to save him,"

"The Powers?"

"I don't know."

"Well, you saved him. Now what?"

"I guess we just keep him here. See what happens."

I slipped away quietly, going back to the room. Connor lay on the bed, dozing lightly, arms behind his head. I climbed onto the bed, throwing one leg over his waist and straddling him. He awoke immediately. "That was quick. Ready for that shower?"

"Change of plans. You willing to drive somewhere?"

He looked confused, but agreed. We left the hotel, stealing Angel's keys and driving off into the night. I kept silent, only giving Connor directions every now and again. My mind was analyzing the words that Angel and Cordy had exchanged. I didn't know that I was a vampire oddity. I didn't know that all vampires hungered for blood. I thought they were like humans, some good, some not so good. Apparently, my lack of thirst and possession of a soul made me different. As if my being a vampire wasn't messed up enough, I had to be a freak vampire at that.

Connor pulled up to a mid-sized house and cut off the car. "I take it this was your house," he said, looking at the brick structure. I nodded and looked at the darkened windows before hopping out of the car and heading to the garage. I peeked inside and only saw one car, a white Jeep. "My parents aren't home," I told Connor. "Which is a good thing. My brother is, though,"

I walked up to the door and rung the doorbell. Seeing as it was close to three in the morning, there was no response. I rung again, over and over, hoping to rouse my brother from sleep. Finally, after six rings, a light on the second floor came on. A few seconds later, the door opened revealing a rather disheveled frame. My brother Aaron stood, hair a mess, and clad only in a pair of boxers. "Who... Fletcher?!? Where the fuck have you been for the past two weeks? Mom and Dad have had the police looking for you! We thought you got killed at that concert or something,"

"Can we skip the formalities? I'm not staying,"

"Where have you been?" he repeated, brushing his black hair back. He took notice of Connor for the first time. "Who are you?"


"Are you the reason my brother hasn't come home?" Aaron asked bluntly. I rolled my eyes. "Can I come in or not?" As I had found out, vampires couldn't just walk into someone's house. They had to be invited in. And, even though this had been my house, I wasn't a vampire at the time. I couldn't enter unless Aaron, my mom or my dad said so. "What are you asking permission for?"

"Aaron, can I come in or not?" I yelled. He sighed and replied, "Yeah. Come in. But, he stays outside, got it?"

Connor shot Aaron a look of death, but I hugged him close and whispered, "I'll be right back. I just have to get some things." I placed a kiss on his lips and walked inside. Aaron closed the door behind me. "Is that your boyfriend or something?" he asked as I headed upstairs to my room. I nodded. "In a way, I guess he is,"

"Where have you been?" he asked for the third time. I walked into my room and cut on the light. "Living in a hotel, okay?"

"How'd you pay for it?"

"I didn't. A friend owns it,"

I grabbed a duffel bag and began throwing clothes, shoes and random things of mine into it. All the while, Aaron barraged be with questions. "How long have you known this Connor kid?"

"About two weeks,"

"How old is he?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Eighteen."

Aaron grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "What the fuck is going on with you? Why are you acting all rebellious and worrying the shit out of mom and dad? Is this fun to you?"

"I left for a reason, Aaron," I shot back. "Something that has nothing to do with you or mom or dad, okay? I don't live here anymore. Deal with it,"

"Fuck that!" Aaron yelled, clutching me by my shirt. "You're not going to put mom and dad through this shit just because you're going through some immature `fuck-the-world' phase and you want to sleep around with some slutty dirtbag who tells you you're cute!"

Anger flooded my system causing my face to change and a ferocious growl to emanate from my throat. Aaron dropped me instantly and recoiled. "What the fuck?"

I composed myself and turned back, breathing heavily. "That's why I can't come home. I'm a vampire, Aaron. If I stayed here, I'd... well, I don't know what I'd do,"

I finished packing and shoved past him, slinging the bag over my shoulder. As I walked out the door, I turned back. "You remember your seventh birthday? When I was five? You blew out the candles and mom asked you what you wished for. You told her you wished that you were an only child. Better late than never right?"

I clutched Connor's hand and walked back to the car, throwing my stuff in the back seat and climbed in. Connor looked back at Aaron, who stood in the doorway, arms crossed. As we pulled off, I realized that my connections to my past life were severed. I was no longer Fletcher the high schooler or Fletcher the kid down the street. I was Fletcher the vampire and there was nothing I could do about that.

We drove in silence back to the hotel, Connor looking at me every now and again. At one point, he took my hand in his, squeezing tightly. We entered the hotel and were greeted by a solemn looking Angel. I immediately starting apologizing. "Angel, it wasn't Connor's idea. I had-,"

"Fletcher, can I talk to you alone?"

Connor glanced at me before walking off into the hotel. Angel guided me to an office, closing the door behind him. He sat down at the desk and gestured for me to sit. I chose to stand. "Fletcher, I know that you aren't exactly happy about being a vampire. And, I know that you aren't happy about having to live here. I'm hoping that having Connor around is helping you cope, but I know you're still in the dark about a lot of things. First off, I want to explain to you that you're not entirely normal. As a vampire, I mean."

"If this is about me having a soul, I overheard you and Cordy. I know,"

Angel sat in silence for a minute before continuing. "Well, that saves me a lot of painful conversation. Still, I want you to know that we do have rules in the hotel. Well, rules for you and Connor, at least. So, we have to talk about that. First off, no stealing the car,"

"I had to go home and get some things,"

Angel pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

I nodded. "Rejection from my family and a permanent mental scar,"

Angel walked around the desk and kneeled in front of me. He placed his hands on my knees and looked up at me comfortingly. "Fletcher, I can't apologize enough for having to do what I had to do. But, there is some reason that you've kept your soul. There was some reason that Fred, Gunn and I got lost down that alley that night. And, I'm going to find out what it is,"

I looked away nervously, but Angel's hand forced me to look at him. I shuddered from the touch on my skin as I looked into Angel's eyes. Before I could comprehend what was occurring, Angel's lips were on mine and his tongue was entering my mouth. I didn't even protest, holding him tightly as he stood up, taking me with him. We stumbled to the door and I heard him click the lock. A split second later, Angel yanked my shirt off, throwing it somewhere behind him. I toed my shoes off as Angel removed his jacket and shirt. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I wanted it. I wanted the attention, the affection. I wanted to know that someone actually cared for me.

Angel's arms wrapped around my chest, drawing me into the heat of his body while he fervently attacked my mouth. I felt his hardness on my stomach and it put me into overdrive. I undid Angel's pants and shucked them down his legs, finding that he was not wearing anything underneath. Angel was sporting a long, rather thick erection that was about the size of a fat baby's arm. He stepped out of his pants and roughly undid mine, reaching inside and taking hold of my cock.

I groaned as Angel began stroking the length of my dick gently. Before I could halfway comprehend the situation, my pants were strewn across Angel's desk and we were making out again. Without detaching from my lips, Angel lowered us down to the floor, using his clothes as an impromptu bed. His hand slid down my body, caressing my skin and drawing circles before stopping at my asshole. He rubbed tenderly before sliding a finger inside of me.

My back arched off the floor as I broke the kiss and gasped, never having anything inside of me before. My muscles instinctively clamped around Angel's digit, which he pushed in all the way to the hilt. Slowly, he withdrew, then entered again, fucking me with his finger. I writhed on the floor, clutching his hair, the carpet or whatever else I could get my hands on. After a few minutes, Angel added another finger, sending me into a state of euphoria. By the end of the ordeal, Angel had three of his fingers buried inside of me. He removed them all and slid between my legs, placing his large rod at my back door. It was slick with pre-cum, so I hesitated in admitting that I was a virgin. Yet and still, I wanted him, no matter how big he was. I egged him on with a passionate kiss that seemed to boil his blood.

Without a word, Angel pressed hard and his cock slid into my ass. I let out a loud cry. The pain was unimaginable. It felt like someone was prying my body apart. My eyes watered as Angel continued to push his length inside of me. I couldn't take it, as much as I wanted to. I pushed Angel away, but he didn't budge. "You'll get used to it," he cooed, but I refused to listen. "No! Take it out! Please!"

Angel did as I asked and withdrew slowly. There was still a dull ache in my backside which throbbed at every heartbeat. I looked forlornly at Angel, who was now standing. I wanted this. I wanted something to happen, but it was too painful. So, I scooted up onto my knees and took his length into my mouth. He grunted and took hold of my hair, slowly moving in and out. Thankfully, Angel didn't slide all the way in. His cock was simply too long and too thick for me to take. He seemed content with a few inches in and so was I. I fisted my own raging erection at the same pace Angel was taking with my mouth.

Roundabout ten minutes into the face fucking, Angel's thrusts began picking up speed. He was soon moving so fast that spit was dribbling out of the sides of my mouth. Of course, I knew he was close to orgasm, so I took it all in stride. "Oh, fuck, Fletcher," he groaned, the first time he had spoken since the blowjob started. "Your mouth..."

I assumed it was a compliment lost in the grip of pleasure. Sure enough, Angel pulled out a second later and began jerking his dick furiously, inches away from my face. Just the sight of his rock hard member shining with my saliva pushed me over the edge. I came. Hard. I lost count at seven shots. Maybe because it was that good. Or, maybe because Angel started cumming all over my face at that point. The man must not have ejaculated for days because it kept on coming. By the time he stopped, my face was dripping with his load. He sighed and looked down at me, then down at the floor.

"You came on my shirt,"

"It was good for me, too," I replied cynically. I gathered my clothes, after using my boxers to wipe my face off, and redressed. Angel put on everything except his shirt, which he bundled up and threw in a drawer of the desk. He walked towards me and I anticipated a kiss, but he kept on walking, throwing me for a loop. "Angel?"

"No stealing the car, no leaving without us knowing, no bringing anyone we don't know back unless they are an innocent, no magic without supervision and no glowing things. They always lead to trouble." He finished his speech and opened the door. I immediately felt used and pissed because of it. I should have known that Angel didn't want me. I rearranged my raven hair and left the room in silence.

Connor was laying on my bed, shirtless and halfway asleep. When I closed the door and dropped my bag, he sat up. "What took you so long? What did he want to talk about?"

"Rules," I said bitterly. Connor nodded. "I got that speech, too."

"I'm leaving,"


"Vampire slaying,"

I left the hotel, stakes loaded and emotions high. I wanted to destroy something. I had to release my anger somehow and this was the best way to do it. It didn't take long for me to find a vampire with a victim. He had some girl pinned against the wall, thrashing fearfully. Without so much as a warning, I wrapped my arms around his neck and tossed him to the floor. "Run!" I told her. As if I needed to. The vampire hopped up. "Who the fuck are you?"

"The last person you'll ever see,"

He jumped on me, taking me down to the cement. I couldn't reach the stakes I had in my pocket due to the fact that he was literally on top of me. We wrestled for a few minutes before I smelled someone else in the alley.


I flew back, landing on my feet. The vampire however, hit a pile of trash cans, stunned. I whipped out a stake and threw it, dusting him. I retrieved my stake and faced the person that had ended the fight. He was a tall attractive guy with short brown, spiked hair and the lightest, icy blue eyes I had ever seen. They were so light, in fact, they almost didn't have any color. "You shouldn't be in alleyways this late into the night...there are things out here that love to kill."

"I could have handled him alone," I snipped. The man nodded.

"Who are you?"

He took a step backward and started to walk away. "None of your concern, but if you must know.

I'm Kaelin,'re a vampire with a soul...haven't run across many of them. Except for one." He paused. "Go home. Dark alleys are no place for little boys. Even vampires,"

My face changed as the stranger retreated. In rage, I took off down the alley and took him to the ground. "Fuck you! I don't need your help!"

Kaelin hit the ground with me on top of him. It looked as if I had knocked him out. His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm. Suddenly, his eyes popped open. Much to my surprise, instead of the normal light blue, they were entirely black. Kaelin placed a hand on my chest and I flew off of him into the nearest wall.

As I regained my composure, Kaelin stood. For the first time, I noticed his attire. He was dressed much like someone I would go to school with. His white linen shirt billowed in a wind that wasn't there, hands covered by the long sleeves. His jeans were torn fashionably at the knee. For some reason, the sight of him pissed me off. I tore down the alley, intending to take him down again. This time for good.

Kaelin waved his hand and quietly uttered, "Sopio."

Mid-step, my body felt as if every muscle had decided to shut down. My knees buckled and I began to fall. My eyes rolled back into my head and I was dead before I hit the ground.

Dead asleep.


Gasp! Who is this mysterious magick user? I guess you'll just have to wait until the next chapter to find out! Thanks to all those sending feedback. We really appreciate it! Chapter five coming soon! Drop us a line:!

Next: Chapter 5

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