My Weekend with Tod and Zach

By Pupper Doggo

Published on Nov 15, 2016


Natural Disclaimer

This is a story that contains pornographic content of a homosexual nature. If you're not of legal age to read this. Or this is illegal where you live. Please stop reading now.

The subject of this story is a fantasy I came up with. All of the names and characters are fake. Any resembles to anyone real or make believe is purely coincidental.

This story contains sex between two consenting adults, it's make believe so there is no protection used. The theme is that of a dominant submissive with some slightly raunchy elements included as well. It also includes sexual situations around one of the characters young sons. If this is off putting to you again please stop reading.

This work is fully copyright to myself, no work listed below has been taken from anywhere. Similarities may exist but they are only that. If you have any feedback, or comments please email

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy.

The night my world went upside down and I found myself enthralled in ways I only imagined. And even some I couldn't even dream of. It all started a couple months back. I was on a few of my favorite chat sites, and nothing was really clicking. A few talks here and there, some attempts at a hookup over an app but nothing came through. So I decided to just flip on my cam and hop over to that popular site where you randomly get paired with someone. Cam low, junk out, going at it. A few peeks, a few shocks, a few laughs. It's to be expected as I show cased my 23yo trim body. I'm not ripped for sure, a little bit of fat, but good muscles from staying active. Brown hair in a short cut that fades to a smooth face and torso. A faint happy trail leading down to encircle my seven inch hardon in a nice fluff of pubes. Smooth balls and taint, ass with just a little peach fuzz that also decorates my legs. So nothing to be ashamed of on this site for sure.

Not long after though I find someone who sticks around, a rather handsome looking fellow. Probably ten years older than me or so set of green eyes are smiling back to me. Those white slightly imperfect teeth framed by a nice dark black beard with a short and neat trim. His hair combed over to one side looking very professional with that sheen of wax that holds it all in place. My dick visibly swells, some pre trails out the front and the rest is standard cam magic.

We keep in touch after, exchanging email addresses and after a few letters back and forth we're texting almost every day. We talk about everything, desires, dreams, our past experiences. I tell stories about when I first lost my virginity to a cousin of mine, he lost his to his brother of all people. Both of us well below the legal age when it happened. Get deeper into some of our sexual desires, the really wild stuff we love. Got to love the bravery that text based chat with someone too far away to have a chance with provides you. Then he tells me about someone he recently had over to fuck one evening and how lack luster it was. I've found a great friend with an equally impressive dick that's got to be an inch or maybe even two bigger than mine. Surprisingly we never spoke about location much but one day he mentions he's going to a restaurant that's a favorite of mine. It's only a town over. Though where we live that town is about forty minutes away through the woods of the north west.

So now I'm actually getting a bit shy but eager and after that I drop my location to him and about a couple weeks later we're already flirting back and forth heavily about things we want to do to each other. His tastes in sex, my desires in trying some BDSM stuff, and how I kind of like to be subby or humiliated a little. His desires to try to expand into this or try them himself. We seem to feel comfortable telling each other more than anyone before and it's just magic almost. So then the day comes, we plan a weekend. He says his house is larger and that it'd be easier for me to stay there and to bring some stuff I want to try out. Naturally I want to fill my backpack with all of my dildos, some cuffs, a blindfold, this doggy hood I got on a whim one day, and butt plugs, and something I hinted at but just might not have the heart to bring up for fear of turning him off. I take a breath, and grab just my favorite fantasy dildo that's kind of like a dragon, a harness, and a plug.

As if he's reading my mind I get a text that just reads "I know what you want, bring IT with you." And I'm freaking out a little. What exactly does he want? What does he mean. I know, and I do it. Or I hope I know, so I go into the bottom of my dresser drawer grab a plastic bag full of other plastic and fluff and push that deep to the bottom of my suitcase under all my clothes and the sex toys. Adjust my hard dick, grin softly, and then some how manage to get some sleep before I drive out in the morning on Saturday.

Bags in the trunk, foot to the floor, and I'm off. Then slowly on the breaks as I realize that I'm doing about ninety in a forty five and I'm not even on the freeway yet. Stalling my excitement for a bit I focus on getting there safe. And around an hour later I'm pulling up to his house, already excited, plumped up, the cock ring around my junk keeping it nice and up front. Figuring he wanted me there early so we can get right to the action and have at it all day. Or maybe drive back before dark in case I'm a toothy kisser, or he has a horrible voice or who knows what. I leave my things in the car for now and walk up the door. I can't help but notice that it's a nice heavy wooden door, well trimmed in white, siding a nice gray. Fuck it goes on for ever, what is this five six rooms... Great land scaping and swings on the side? CLUNK My heart jumps as I hear the deadbolt and my thoughts race back as I put on my best smile, slip my hands to my sides and look up to find... Nothing. Just the sight of a stair case as the door opens. Looking down I'm rather shocked to see the cute face of a boy looking at me. A familiarity there but also confusion to me as I stammer out a couple words and he shoots back in a high and sweet tone. "Hi there you must be, Josh! Daddy said you would be joining us this weekend."

My eyes blinked at least twice and the smile stayed in a polite way and I shook myself out of it to reply. "Yeah I'm Josh indeed, though your Daddy didn't mention you would be here uhhh.." My voice trailing out to reach for his name as this is a total shock to me for sure. Soon he chimes back, "Oh I'm Zach It's nice to meet you." I lean over a bit and extend my hand to say, "And it's darn nice to meet you too, Zach." Grasping his hand and giving it a soft but firm enough shake I say, "And is your daddy home at the moment?"

He nods and opens up the door waving me in after we shake hands, "Yup he's in his den, he said I could let you in and show you the way. But then I had to give you time to say hi. Which is okay I got new video games to play with anyway." Little Zach rambles on as he leads the way, looking him over he's a well built kid, maybe nine, ten, possibly younger it's a bit hard to judge. He's got on a paw patrol shirt, and some jeans, no shoes or socks and a mop of hair that's very similar to what I saw on Tod's head. As I'm walked through the front entrance we veer to the left, past a little dining room that opens into a large living room. Looking rather tidy I imagine the kid probably has a rec room or family room somewhere. Then past that is a little hall way, obviously a bathroom on the side with the door open and then another. Zach comes up to it and turns around to say, "Here you go Josh. Daddy's Den, I'm only allowed in there when he invites me lots of important stuff you know. Anyway he said you can just open the door and head in and I'll see you later."

I was almost shocked it almost felt like he was a concierge or maybe it was rehearsed as a bit of a game for this. But he shook my hand and walked off like it was nothing. My heart was fluttering a bit as this whole weekend started to feel like it was taking new twists I couldn't imagine. So I summed up my courage and turned the knob opening it up to find a nice sized room. A couch to the right, a desk ahead of the door looking out into the back yard, a computer with a wide chair in front. The back of Tod's head to the left was a wall mounted tv over a fire place, and shelves to either side.

I just quietly stepped in and closed the door behind me when I heard one simple word. From a rather nicely raspy and deeper than I expected voice, that just said, "Strip." My cheeks flushed rapidly and my heart stopped for just a moment. Clearly things are getting off to a good start. I'm about to ask a question or say hi, so many things I want to know but I just can't think to break the request and soon the sounds of fabric taken off my frame can be heard. As my hoodie is shucked off, shirt pulled up, shoes kicked free. That's when he says, "Shoes were on, going to have to work on that. They should be off when you enter the house."

I almost want to apologize but I'm not sure if I should, I just feel like I was caught in the cookie jar or something but I steady on. Socks are down, pants opening up and as they hit the floor with the jangle of my belt I step free and forward naked and on display. My dick already pointing forward in half hard, balls loose but held forward with the thick leather ring. And there's easily a good minute of quiet before he says. "Go put your shoes in the foyer."

I softly clear my throat and am about to ask if I should put my pants on but he clearly knows and answers for me saying, "As you are." Fuck my face can't burn any hotter as he's making me take my shoes back out in the house buck naked and at this point ragingly hard. But this is all too exciting and thrilling. The risk of getting caught the fear of it all. I grab my Adidas and the door opens. I leave it ajar as I very swiftly walk through, dick bobbing away and hand trying to cover it a bit. Sneaking around the walls afraid this kid will see me and shriek or something. I get to the foyer the front door still open. I calmly close that, thankful it's in a remote drive off the road. And lay my shoes where the others are. Turning around I whip my head about to look for Zach. Nothing, I sigh happily and start walking back swiftly and back into the Den.

Tod's turned around this time, grinning that wide cocky grin of his and I get to see that he's almost as naked as me. Wearing just a cotton jock strap, a white slightly stained jock strap from the looks of it. I shut the door and pause to be praised with just, "Good boy. That wasn't so hard. Did you run into Zachy again?" I shake my head and say "No it was all clear." His grin tightens to a smile and he gives a little shrug as if he wouldn't care one way or the other. But I may be reading too much into this. So I just step forward, leg a little shaky and he says "Relax boy, it's going to be a fun time. Now I know Zach was probably a surprise but trust me there's nothing to worry about. He's my son and the house is big enough we can stay out of his way and still have a good time. Now how about you bring that dick over here and give me a little taste. And if you're a good boy I just might let you get on your knees and take what my dick has to offer."

I swallow firmly, my cheeks feel a little less warm as things come to light and I respond with "Yes right away!" And trot my way over there trying to look as cute as I can. He grabs my hips once I'm close, steading me and forcefully keeping me there. Fuck his mits are wide, I hadn't noticed before in the pics but it's like I'm being grabbed with a couple of heavy steaks. Then his mouth is forward, sniffing my dick softly, brushing his bearded lips over it. I moan softly, catching myself a little as my dick drools a little more pre out the slit up top and his tongue drags up the underside to swipe it free. Legs shake a bit and my dick jumps, heart racing with arousal as this handsome man that could easily be a Spartan past his prime is slowly licking along my shaft. Just teasing me, always almost about to go down on me but pulling away before his lips risk enveloping me. I whimper, my voice needy almost and he says in that gruff tone "Mmm pup boy want to get his dick wet does he?" And I give a few quick nods in response with another whimper. That's when he looks up to me, sticks his tongue out to rest the base of my dick on it, his open mouth so close I can feel his breath, see the opening I want to stick into. But he just turns his face down, a brief suckle over my head causes me to moan. The hard firm suction the raspy tongue assaulting the round bell end of my uncut cock makes me squirm in place and he swipes off in a swift POP. "Mmm good pup, if you had pushed forward you might have gotten your balls spanked. I appreciate you listening like I had hoped you would."

He pushes me back a step and I can see the pouch of his jock is tented up right hard, the soft cotton contouring to his dick and balls, the tip of it a little see through where some juice has leaked free. I lick my lips, my mouth dry and wanting nothing more than to satisfy it with the sweet wet taste of dick. But before I can make a move or be invited his heavy hands are turning me around, one firmly grabs my hips the other pushes on my lower back to make me bend over. Then it's on my ass prying me apart as he softly makes a `tut tut' noise and says "And here I thought you'd already be plugged, and ready for Daddy's dick. And all I find instead is this very adorable snug looking rose bud of your ass hole." He sighs almost as if annoyed and as I'm about to say it's in the car there's this intense feeling of hair on my ass. Raspy, tickly, caressing, soft, rough, all at once and then there's this heavy wetness as his tongue digs into my ass hole.

My hands grab my knees, I hunch over and moan out like I'm being paid for it. His hands keep a firm hold on me the whole time as his face turns, and shifts, pushing this way and that as he full on makes out with my ass. His lips caress it, suck on it a little, the beard constantly stimulating me in ways I hadn't imagine to rub along my taint and the base of my crack. And that tongue, fuck it's thick it feels almost like a cock trying to squirm it's way into me as he batters between long firm licks with it flared out. Narrowing it out and pushing it against me. I flex my hole softly and there it is, the feeling we both want. He fucking growls behind me, GROWLS as he feels his tongue push into my ass hole. I whine out softly with a moan as I feel the slightly rough texture up top, the smooth below, the steady force of it sinking in past my ring to invade my body in a tender moment of lust. My ass hole squirms, tightens on him softly, I clench I push, I relax. All the while he keeps it stuffed in me, never letting it fall out as he drives it in firmly, then draws it back literally tongue fucking my ass. Making my voice cry out as it almost feels too weird to enjoy from the wild over stimulation from it all. It goes on for what feels like an eternity. I want to break away to do something else to show him back the pleasure that he's giving to me but I just stay there to let him make out with my ass hole for as long as he wants. I've never had someone go at it with such veracity before.

He pulls away eventually though with a heavy and satisfied sigh. Pushing in for one last big wet lipped kiss to my pucker he pushes my ass down and sort of around to grab the back of my neck and pull me in for a kiss. Long deep, I can taste the musk of my ass a little. Nothing vile just the realization that the long ride and nerves had me sweating a bit and it's clearly the taste of man mingling between us. His tongue still feels heavy my mouth as it invades me, stroking over my own feeling my everything, hot breath pushing to my cheeks as this big man eagerly takes my mouth just as he did my ass. My hands move forward to his thighs, stroking over the hair there. He's not an overly hairy guy, his torso is pretty bare, stomach a heavy trail down to his pubes that look trimmed but still there. His thighs and down to his calves have a good steady covering. Not sure about his ass yet, he's never shown that to me. Not sure if he's an ass guy or not. But that's pushed out of my mind as my hands start to stroke up towards his cock. Wanting to get on that and show him what a good boy I truly am. But as my hands reach it a sharp CRACK and bolt of electricity jolt me out of it as he slaps my hip hard. I pull back with a loud "OW!" And rub where he hit looking surprised. He's just got that cocky smirk and says, "Now now now puppy boy. I didn't give you permission to touch my dick yet now did I?"

To that question all I could do was sigh softly and happily and say, "No Sir you didn't. I'm sorry." And as I get myself back to about kissing height he pushes his finger to my mouth and pushes me back softly as he says, "That's okay I understand you're just eager to get to it and I'm eager as fuck to let you have it. But I need to get myself relieved first. Now how about you be a good boy and get on your knees right up here in front of me." Of course I was down there in an instant, kneeling on the rug that's over very nice dark hardwood floors. My hands stay to myself this time as I get my chest in between his spread out thighs. His big hands moving down to the front of his jock to slowly stroke over himself. The front of it already looking clear with the drooling pre, my own dick leaving a constant strand down towards the floor. "Open up and wait further instructions." He commands as he pulls his jock just off to the side to let that heavy dick flop out. Fuck me it looks bigger in person for sure, and those balls oh my god they're like small eggs resting in a loose sack of flesh. Of course my mouth hangs open looking at this, how the fuck could I not. Especially as he grabs it at the base, aims that eight plus fat meaty mushroom head towards my face and says. "Lips around the head, and hold still." I swallow hard, cheeks flushing again. I know where this is leading, a fantasy we talked about briefly just in passing that I wasn't sure if we'd ever really do it but here I was.

Letting that meaty head slide into my mouth, my lips easily slink around that wide mushroom of a dick head that helps to make a really good seal and I hear a soft murmuring "good boy." Between some soft and long breaths. His dick throbs, once, twice, three times there's this little jet in my mouth. Then another, and a heavy big sigh as I can see his balls shift around, his lower stomach relax a bit and before I know it there's a long stream of piss flooding into my mouth. My eyes close about half way as I take my first drink. Tasting the salty lingering flavors of him, it's pretty diluted like he planned on it. Or maybe I'm just so into it that anything from this big beast of a man tastes delicious. I don't know for sure but what I do know is my throat is bobbing. My tongue is keeping a steady spot and my lips are firmly clenched to keep a nice tight seal on him and drink down everything he has to not risk ruining his chair. There's a long heavy sigh and it starts to trail down a little bit. A little less, a little less and finally just a soft pattering on my tongue. One big swallow cleans that up and I can feel it flex as he forces the last jets out and he says. "Great job pup! Not a bit spilled now up and off of it." I do as told pulling off of his dick with my lips in contact the whole way as if to clean the head. Then he surprises me with one last blast up against my lips and cheek. I moan, and tremble. How the hell could I not as he marks me slightly with that powerful cock and his sweet scent.

I move back to grin, dripping his piss not daring to wipe it off unless instructed and look up to him proud as I could be and say simply, "Mmm thank you Sir. You tasted wonderful and I'm glad I could help you with that!" He smiles down to me and reaches out to gently rub a hand over my hair and says, "You're welcome Pup. Now how about that plug though? Did you leave it in your bag?" To which I nod and reply, "Yeah it's just in... The car." Fuck I left my bags in the car, how could I be so dumb and I almost know what's coming as he looks out towards the door and grins wide saying. "Ahh well I guess you better go get it then hadn't you?" My heart starts to race again as I nod and start to get up. I could ask for clothes probably but I know the answer. I know the risk for sure of being found naked, my ass hole wet with his dad's saliva, his piss on my cheek. Probably smelling like sex from all the aroused sweat. But I get up and turn around smiling and as I open the door I push my ass out a bit to tempt him. Then I'm off in a swift dash to hear from behind me firmly, "NO running!". I pause briefly with instinct of being corrected and take a firm breath to casually walk down the house and to the front door. Eyes ever vigil of being found.

I get to the car, thankfully left it un lockd and pop the trunk. Bags retrieved I'm heading back in, door shut through the dining room, living room, and as I'm just about to the bathroom the door swings open. I just figure it's probably Tod so I don't bother to hide anything but out pops Zach. He smiles to me, my dick twitches, fuck my whole body feels like it's blushing. I have both hands full and am about to cover myself but he just looks at my dick, up to my face and says "Hey there," and walks on by keeping eye contact like it's nothing. I stand there stunned for a moment as I watch him pass and see if he looks back. He does but just as he's heading for the kitchen a little smile and wave and he's gone. I shrug and tilt my head as if to say "Weelll okay then!" And I'm back into the den, bags down, reaching to the back pack to pull out my dildo and plug. "Got them!" I say proudly.

Tod responds, "Did you run into any trouble on the way?"

"Umm not really trouble but I did pass Zach on the way in. He was just coming out of the bathroom." I respond honestly not wanting to keep anything and he probably heard the doors anyway

"Ahh yeah he tends to go into every one in the house, I dunno what it is about that boy you think he'd pick a favorite by now. But glad you two seem to get along so far at least." He says with a smile to his voice.

"It's not a problem that he saw me naked?"

"Well only for you probably, he's a pretty casual kid, you'll see what I mean in time."

"Ahh well okay then I did bring some."

"Shush!" He responds swiftly and adds, "That's enough chit chat for now, grab that plug get your ass hole over here and get the lube."

"Sir!" I respond simply and nod with a smile grabbing as instructed and head over with what's almost a tennis ball worth of rubber and the bottle of lube. I hand them off to him and he shakes his head saying, "Show me." I nod once and turn around bending over a bit to show off my ass hole I grab the lube to open it up. I can see between my legs that he's slowly jerking off as he watches my ass twitch before him. Greasing up the plug I reach back and line it up, pushing the narrow end in it goes fairly smooth until about half way down. It's then I have to draw it back, smear some more lube and push forward. Grunting softly with the bit of stretch. Not the easiet position to put it in for sure, I take a long breath while keeping steady pressure. More and more I open up, wider and wider I can feel it moving. There's a soft little sting and my voice hisses then finally it pops right inside to be swallowed up by my hungry ass hole. I groan out, standing up a bit as I feel the weight pulling at my ass from with in.

"Mmmm damn good boy, that ass looks pretty well trained all ready." He says and reaches forward to grab the base of it and give a little tug making me yip as he pulls me back slightly with the plug. Then starts just slowly massaging it with his fingers lain along my crack. "Mmmnnn that's going to be damn nice when the time comes." He adds and then starts to stand up. Reaches around me and hugs me from behind while grinding his dick along my ass, making little short humps against the heavy plug. "But for now I think we could do with a little breakfast don't you?"

"Umm breakfast? Oohh! You want me to suck you off Sir?" I ask happily and he responds.

"In time yes, but I meant actual food for now. I'm a bit puckish and I think I'd like to keep some of this load for later. So how about you grab your clothes and we get some. Your choice you can have your underwear and your shirt, or just your jeans. No belt."

I swallow firmly given the options and feel a little deflated that our sex has to pause but I am a bit hungry and I'm so worked up that I could fuck a nail into the wall. But I just look over the clothes and decide to be a little brave and go along with the exposure game he seems to be enjoying and say, "Underwear and shirt sir."

Hands ruffle my body and he chuckles while giving a kiss to my neck and says "Good boy! Now go grab em and lets get going." He says while he just stuffs his dick and balls back into his jock and then moves to the door clearly not wearing anything else. My face flushed for sure as I get the very sheer and snug briefs up over my very hard dick, the back clearly showing the outline of where the plug's base is. My shirt is just a simple white T that clings pretty tight, the waist even with my briefs. And I'm following him out, into his wonderful home, already afraid of being caught by his son like this.

We make our way out of the den, through the living room and into the kitchen. It's a nice classic design with lots of white tile and simple cupboards. Modern appliances and little stuff here and there. Along the way I can't help but check out his ass of course, it's muscly much like his legs good and round looks damn firm with a deep crack. The hair on his legs seems to fade out before the cheeks but there's a little line of it down the center and up into his lower back just a smidge. I really want to lean down and give it a kiss or nuzzle or just hug and cuddle him. Fuck I'm still horny as hell and my dick is still drooling. As we get in there he motions to where I could hang out against the island and he just casually goes about grabbing some eggs, and fixings. "Omlets okay with you?" He asks and I nod saying, "Sounds great." Trying to act casual and not like I'm freaking out that this jocked up mature stud is in the process of making me breakfast. But as it goes on he says, "So I hope you're having fun so far. I'm sure having a blast and I think things are only going to get more interesting."

"Yeah so far things are a ton of fun, it's been a bit of a whirlwind for sure but I'm super exciting and really looking forward to getting to do more for you." I say back while trying to subtly shift my hips so that my plug can adjust a bit.

"Ohh what you making daddy?" comes from beside me and I nearly jump out of my skin as little Zach is there, how the fuck did he sneak up on me. Soft feet must be.

Tod says, "Oh hey there Zach Attack! Just making some eggs for breakfast would you like some?"

"Oh no thank you Daddy," Zach responds politely. "I've already had cereal and I'm pretty full, but I would like some juice please."

"Sure thing kiddo, Josh would be happy to get you some." Tod says and motions me towards the fridge.

What could I do but say, "Sure thing." And start walking over there hoping my hard on isn't too obvious as I move away from the kid and a little pause as I ask "Glasssees?"

Tod says, "Next to the fridge, he likes the plastic, and also sure thing what?"

My face lights up as I have to say this in front of the boy, my dick throbs and I turn to look to Tod and say, "Sure thing, Sir." My voice is heard but not really confident and he gives a soft cough and smile to me, his eyes peek down and sure enough I'm leaking out the front.

"Better and remember, no touching that until I say OK." Tod reminds me firmly.

I just nod and almost shamefully go about getting the glass and opening up the fridge to get the juice. Wondering why Zach hasn't so much as reacted to any of this, wondering if this is common or am I a first, is this just too weird he can't even respond to it. I dunno. But I open it up find a cranberry, and a punch in there. Looking back to Zach I say, "And what would you prefer young master?" Trying to sound playful. Tod just chuckles and shakes his head.

Zach brightens up and says, "I'd like the punch please, and you can just call me Zach, that makes it sound like I'm some sort of king or something." A little giggle following

I laugh in turn and say, "Just trying to be respectful in your home, Zach." And grab the juice to pour it up and offer it his way. Capping it up I find a soft swat to my ass right on the plug. Tod giving me a firm one and says, "Heh that's cute but you only have to worry about titles with me." I can't help but jump and whimper softly with the way that plug just thudded against my prostate. I nod and say, "Mmm yes Sir." And move back to where I was hanging out, which does put my hardon on full display to Zach. Who then comes up to hang out by my side for a bit drinking his juice. I casually ask, "So Zach how old are you?"

"Oh I'm 9 thanks, but I'll be 10 in February." He confidently answers and moves to set his juice on the counter next to where I'm leaning forwards trying to keep myself modest.

"Ahh great age I loved that time, school was exciting and the whole world was kind of coming alive." I say while Tod keeps on with the omelets. "Uh huh it's been a ton of fun, I get to play better games and hang out later and it's really cool." Zach says.

"Fantastic man that's really cool. Do you and your dad do a lot of stuff together?" I ask just as Tod finishes up and slides a plate to me, motioning for me to sit on the island stool I've been leaning over. I steady myself for trying to casually sit there but as I lean over to pull the stool out and Zach moves out of the way I suddenly feel pressure on my plug as he pokes it and says.

"Hey you're hiding something in there!" In a playful tone.

I just moan softly from the sudden touch and swear I'm going to pass out from the blood being shared between my face and dick. Tod laughs firmly and says, "Yeah he's got something stuffed there for sure, but don't worry about that Zach."

"Feels weird." Zach says as he pokes it a couple more times and eventually pulls his hand away to draw the stool next to me out and grab a seat.

I take a second to compose myself and get into the seat, huffing as the plug shifts about and keeps my dick drooling. I finally say, "Heh yeah just a little uhh game I'm playing, but guess you caught me." Fuck that was cheesy and maybe alluding it' shard to say just eat your omelet and relax I'm sure we will be back in the den or the bedroom soon and this will be less awkward. But as I look over to see Tod eating while standing his dick is still hard as ever and I can see texture through the fabric of his jock. Zach looks that way but makes no comment at all and just says simply "Ah" like that's it. I grab a fork and get to eating.

Tod says, "Hah yeah Zach it's something you'll understand later, hard to put into words now. So how're you coming with that report by the way?"

"Oh it's almost done Daddy, just a page left and then it's good to go."

"Glad to hear it, ya know Zach has always been top marks in school." Tod says proudly to me.

"Oh that's wonderful," I respond and am happy to have attention off of my ass for a moment, "What subject is this report in?"

"Science." He says simply.

"Hey that's great I loved Science lots of fun and really cool stuff."

Zach just nods and after a bit says, "Yeah I like it. Just hard to learn some times."

I'm about to respond but not long after there's a clatter of a dish in the sink as Tod finishes up, I realize I'm half way behind and get to chowing. "Mmm delicious omelet thank you again, Sir." I respond between mouthfuls. Tod comes along side me with a glass of water which I happily wash everything down with and as my plate is sitting there I look over to the sink and mine. Tod just smiles and nods and I get up to grab our plates and get them to the dishwasher. As I pass by him though another clap to my ass makes me huff out as it shifts things around. Zach giggles softly like he's understanding part of the game. I just chuckle as well.

As I'm bent over the dish washer putting the couple of plates in all of a sudden there's another clap to my ass but much more direct as Zach joins in on the fun and hits my plug. I grunt softly and shiver, another hits and my knees feel almost week. I flushedly look up to Tod as if for permission and he just shrugs while smiling down to me. But Zach only leaves it at that and with a laugh he walks over to his dad and gives him a hug. Planting that heavy wet pouch right in his chest. Heavy arms wrap around him and heft him up for a big squeeze.

"Okay Kiddo me and Josh are going to have a little fun now, why don't you go on and keep yourself busy maybe finish up that report too."

Zach nods and kind of pouts as he says, "Okay Daddy I will." And drops down out of his Daddy's arms.

"Zach, do you need to whizz again?" He asks him which makes me almost fear he's going to make me drink his kid down as well as I stand there next to the sink watching all this.

Zach shakes his head and says, "Nuh uh I just went a bit ago. I know I have to go often to avoid... That but I'm good." Tod nods and asks, "You sure?" Zach says proudly "Yup!" And they leave it at that. A soft pat to Zach's butt and he's off and away.

"Hey you did pretty good with him, most guys probably would have freaked the fuck out at all this. Glad to see you really do like being shown off even if it's not what you probably imagined." Tod says to me as he moves over hands to my hips and mouth moving in for a kiss before I can respond. Not long into it he's pulling my underwear down and letting it fall off my legs to let my hardon rest against his pouch. He grinds to me, I grind to him. I swear I'll cum if anything else happens. But he draws back and says, "And of course that safe word is always in play if this is too much. Zach and I have a really casual relationship, clothes are what ever, we see each other naked all the time. He's caught me jerking off, I've caught him in turn. He saw me with a lover once but that's really all that's come of anything. Not planning stuff things just happen."

"Oh that's cool really! I wish my growing up life was that casual for sure but nope. And yeah I'll remember the word this is wild and very much not what I expected but I'm glad it's happening and really looking forward to where things go." I say back with a bright smile and my hands stroking along his chest and shoulders with thankfully no protest. "I just wonder some times if I should be forward or let you guide everything."

"Some times you can be forward, but I'm having fun, never really done this kind of stuff before and it's a thrill for me too!" he says back and gives me another kiss that turns into a long make out session in the kitchen. His hand reaching back to tug and press on that plug to keep toying with me like that. Our voices soft moans and grunts like teenagers trying not to get caught as we hear a door upstairs probably from Zach's room.

I think we're safe for a bit and I let my hands roam more freely over his body, along his shoulders to his back. Reaching down until I'm brushing over the globes of his ass and there's another growl into my mouth as his tongue drives firmly again. His hands grip my hips and tug me into him as I slide mine down to cup his ass and it's as firm as I imagined. The rest of him has just a touch of softness over his muscle but that ass is like a rock in my hands. As hard easily as that dick pushing in against my bare dick through his jock. My voice a soft moaning whimper into his actions as I nearly melt from the delight of it all. He pulls off, keeping close as he licks over his lips and then my own.

"You got a choice again pup. You can slide up on that counter get your legs up and get fucked right here in the open where you risk Zach seeing us. Or you can go back to the den and suck me off in private What'll it be?" His voice asks and he pushes in for another kiss before I can respond. After a moment of my dick nearly spitting pre he pulls back and asks, "Well?"

"Fuck me Sir, please fuck me like you own me." I huff out back to him and start trying to move onto the island. His grin hits me again and his hands lift me right up and help me lay back onto the counter. My legs are up in a flash to expose my ass and his big hand is right there. Tugging slowly, softly, twisting it around in me. I lay my head back as I moan out longingly. Then more and more pressure builds as he keeps the plug tension going and soon it's breaching the edge and sliding out swiftly. I huff out with a deep grunt as he just tosses it into the sink.

"That's it pretty boy let Daddy have that ass." Tod says to me as he tugs my ass off the edge and reaches down to tug his jock out of the way again and let his cock hotdog along my spread open ass hole. "C'mon ask me for it again."

I lift up onto my elbows to look at him and down to that dick as he gets ready and asks me that, "Ohh yes Sir please, fuck I need that dick in me so bad, to feel you unload." I pause for a sec as I bite my lower lip, look into his eyes and with a last phrase say, "Please Daddy." And with that something sparks in him as he licks that grin he drags his hips back and bends forward. Not even touching his dick just my hips with both hands his head lines up to my hole and he plows in like I'm just a greased up fleshlight. I moan out hard. Probably louder than I should.

He's balls deep in an instant and with out missing a beat just starts fucking hard and fast. Loud slaps ring out into the air, his heavy nuts swing up to tag me on the spread crack every time. My toes splay and squirm my dick drools on my shirt. There's another growl and he goes balls deep, pausing with a throbbing dick to probably try and avoid going off too soon. Then his hands are on my chest, shoving me down, digging nails and fingers, then he grabs my shirt and just rips it off! I gasp out and almost whimper as I'm lain bare like this, shredded fabric on either side of me as he grabs my hips again. Bashing up against me more and more as he fucks me just like I'm his, but at this moment I truly am. I watch his eyes I feel his body, his breath, I'm his for damn sure as that heavy mushroom lets me feel every spot of where it s inside my body.

"Ohh fuck fuck yes oh Daddy I'm... I'm!" I can't even say the words, I want to ask permission I want it to just happen it probably will if I'm not careful and my dick standing at attention is throbbing ready to cum with out even being touched now. This has never happened and I'm not sure if it will but as this gruff commanding voice rings in my ears saying, "Cum for Daddy show him how much you love his dick up his puppy's ass hole." And fucks just a little harder it happens. A long streak of seed shoots up over my head somewhere, the next blasts me in the cheek, throat, chest, stomach, face again. Holy fuck it's so much I can't believe it just flinging off wildly as my hard cock wobbles bout in the air. Then that growl again, louder, longer, firmer as his dick is spasming inside of me. My clenching hole milking it hard as his balls pump wave after wave of his long thick feeling spunk up into my body. I slump back, head swimming I swear I'm fucking floating. There's no counter, or kitchen, or even earth right now it's just me, him, his dick, our bodies connected, painting my insides with his essence. I have no concept of what's going on but I can feel everything. I wonder if this is what passing out feels like.

It's not until there's a firm slap to my ass, a swift withdraw of his dick, a kiss of air to my insides as he pulls out that I realize I'm back in reality. He stands back a step huffing, grunting, still hard, drooling, dick glistening. I know what I have to do and I'm right on it. I slide off of the counter onto my knees. Hands on his crotch, mouth on his dick. Sucking, licking, not taking it in me just worshiping it with my tongue and mouth to clean that magnificent dick off. I hear a thud below and something to my hip it's my plug. He grabs my head and guides his dick into my jaws to let me suck it tidy and free up my hands so I can reach down and replace that in there. I'm loose for sure from that fat dick and the stretch, and he's starting to seep out. I guide it up into the wet trail of his cum and slide it back in swiftly, firmly. It hurts but I don't fucking care. I just want everything he has. But I'm pulled off, he steps back again and I lick my cummy hand clean from my ass right in front of him. He nods his approval and says simply, "Damn good pup." I beam with pride.

Amazingly we didn't get caught, or if we did Zach didn't make himself known and we were able to finish. I cleaned up the kitchen of our mess, threw my tattered shirt in the trash and once done I was granted Tod's jock strap as he held out it to me naked. He said "Don't wear it yet, you can sleep in it or just smell it when you get home but I feel like you earned it." I felt more proud then you could imagine, like I got the best trophy you could get. Tod pulled the plug out of me after some time again and said, "That's going to get you too loose over time." And just tossed it back into the sink. Thankfully nothing seemed to be making an escape back there any more.

We were both pretty spent and the day went on some what normal. Zach came back down not long after to find me and his dad making out in the kitchen both of us nude this time. I turned with surprise, thankfully only half hard and his dad acted as if it were nothing. "Finished my juice." He says simply and is about to take his cup to the sink when I offer to wash it for him. He of course complies as any kid would to get out of some responsibility and he asks. "How about a movie?"

"Yeah a movie sounds like a good idea, give us a chance to relax together and get to know each other." Tod says casually and turns to me as if to see what I think but doesn't even give a chance to respond and says, "Zach go get something going and we'll be there in a sec." To which he goes running off to the living room to get a dvd or on demand started I imagine.

"He's a really sweet boy." I say and Tod nods, "Yup quite so." Tod says, "Now lets go relax for a while, I need to let my balls cook up another load if we're going to be able to keep this weekend going."

"Oh umm," I ask and start to indicate about the nudity, "What about this? Should I get dressed?"

"Oh that," Tod says and rubs his chin in thought, "Well if you want to be naked with me go ahead like I said it's nothing out of the ordinary here, if you want to go get clothes on you can but you should probably get fully dressed so it doesn't look peculiar."

Another choice, and I already know what the answer probably should be so I just nod smile and start walking towards the living room, letting my dick lead the way. After all he's already seen it twice now. Tod is right along behind me and gives it a playful tug before he passes me up to take a seat on the couch right on the arm of course and pats the spot next to him. I'm about to head over there and grab a seat but soon Zach flies in and pushes up next to his dad. I can't help but chuckle so I just sit next to him near the other arm, trying to keep myself calm and keep a respectful distance of his son as I get a seat.

The movie starts it's a relatively new sci fi flick that's got a good bit of action, a touch of adult situations here and there. Really a good watch after a bit I don't even seem to notice that we're naked as it goes on. Zach's leaning up on his dad who has his arm out on the sofa. Talking little looks my way from time to time. As he adjusts he pulls his legs up and actualy puts them over one of my legs to kind of lay on the both of us. I just chuckle and give a little rub to his shin and leave it at that. Feeling really happy that there's a nice casual nature between all of us already.

We're probably about an hour in and I glance over to Tod, he's watching pretty closely, Zach is pretty strongly focused up front. His dick looks soft, but it's a bit hard to judge, mine is pretty steadily fluffed but the snap ring helps that. Still can't believe I've left it on this long. Tod reaches his hand down and gives a little rub along Zach's tummy and a soft nudge as he makes a soft hhmm? Hum to him. Zach nods in turn and Tod says "Break time! I don't know about you but I need to go, and Zach does too. What about you Josh?" I think about it for a second and give a little shrug saying, "Yeah I probably should pee while I can."

Tod pushes Zach up to his feet and stands saying, "Alrighty then pee break it is, pause the flick and lets go drain!" His voice proud almost like we're about to go off into battle, maybe the movie inspired him. He waves me along and I'm up and walking behind the two figuring we might take turns at the close bathroom. But he heads in, zach follows and I stand awkwardly by the side as I hear Tod call out, "Josh you coming or not? We're not gonna wait to start the movie for you."

So I head on in to see where this goes and there is Tod standing on the far side of the toilet holding his dick towards it. Zach has gone bare ass with his pants down to his knees and his dick in hand. And I have to say it's way more impressive than I remember being at ten. This kid could easily pass for being a fifteen year old that shaves, clearly takes after the old man.

"Come on silly just go with us." Zach says and motions me over as he starts to pee, Tod is right after and so I step up. Dick starting to lift up I grab it and shake it to get it relaxed, watching them, the sounds and smells of it all. I nearly have to try and pee through a hardon but after a breath I get it going.

"That's the spirit Pup!" Tod says to me and reaches out to ruffle my hair, it makes both our streams wobble and Zach giggles softly. I look down and watch all of us go, it's a heavy torrent that really churns up the bowl and makes for a heavy stream of pee going in at once. I briefly dream of being down there but that just makes my dick climb so I push those thoughts out of my mind. Zach finishes first and shakes off, some lands on me. I hardly care, Tod is next and I swear he aims to shake his last ones on me. After I finish I just give a little wiggle of myself to not risk hitting either of them and being rudly out of place. Zach looks between us and with a shrug he just steps out of his pants and leaves them on the floor. As I look to the pants I swear I get a glimpse of something ruffly in there, maybe plastic... But it's hard to say tod's kicked them off towards the hamper in a jiffy and soon Zach is heading out bare from the waist down and we're both in tow. Tod gives me a wink and that grin but I'm not too sure what it's for I just shrug it off.

On the way back Tod says, "Heya Pup, grab us a couple of beers and get Zach a pop."

"Yes Sir!" I say back proudly and detour of to the side to grab as requested, there's a few options for pop but I just settle on a cola figuring the most likely option. Once back I hand beer one offer the cola and get a bit of a sneer in response.

"Oh no thank you," Zach says, "I only like orange pop."

"Tsk tsk tsk, bad form Pup, go fetch one or you might have to watch from the floor." Tod adds.

I swallow and blush, feeling like I let both of them down I'm off to the kitchen and swapping them out in a flash. Happy to see Zach's excited face pick it up and is soon snuggling back against his dad. This time taking up a little more couch. So I sit a little further away from them and take a drink of my own beer. The movie continues and soon I'm settling in with a nice buzz, damn I am a light weight. Zach lifts his feet up again to put them in my lap, this time bare legged and darn close to my equipment. I just give a little rub and try not to think of it. I do glance towards Zach's equipment and it all looks the same, just a heavy shower laying on his thigh with loose sack of skin for his balls which seem a bit small inside. I briefly wonder if they can squirt yet and my dick shifts. I adjust myself a little and swallow another drink. I glance up to Tod and see his eyes on me grinning like that and I flush and almost sink into the couch a bit more. He shakes his empty beer can and I nod. Gently moving Zach's feet out of the way I'm up and around the couch to grab him a fresh one. Opening it before handing it to him since his other arm is around Zach again I move to take my spot back. Zach kind enough to lift his feet up out of my way but as I sit down they seem to almost on purpose drop his left calf and right foot right onto my junk.

I'm about to reach down to gently move that out of the way but I catch Tod's glance and he shakes his head. So I swallow my nerves and sit back to try and focus on the movie. My stuff twitches but thankfully Zach doesn't move often so I don't risk having a boner brushing this kids very delicate foot. The movie goes on, and eventually ends and Zach gets up to declare his need to pee again. Asking if we're going to join. I said that I'm fine, Tod as well. But then Tod chimes in and says, "Josh, why don't you just accompany him, make sure he takes care of everything okay?"

I just look over and my eyes must have been like saucers because Tod chuckles softly I nod and say in a shaky voice, "Yes sir." Not really sure what's expected of me. Zach with a smile says, "Come on I really gotta go." And with that nearly drags me with him. He's right in front of the toilet again and I take my spot where I was when I peed just watching him. Barely a heart beat goes from him grabbing himself and aiming to his stream starting with a happy relief. Trying to keep things casual and not focus on my dick half hard in front of his eyes I say, "Pretty great movie, I've not seen it before." "Oh yeah," Zach's happy go lucky voice says, "I've seen it a few times one of my favorites. Glad that you liked it." He looks up when he finishes that and his stream starts to wander towards me. I realize it and could have said something before it hits the edge and splatters my thigh but I let the noise remind him. "Oh sorry!" He says and aims back to the water

"Hahah no worries, these things happen with guys after all." I say and soon he's finished up, gives a good shake and flushes away. Back to the living room we go and get our couch spots again.

"Well I see you two survived together," Tod says and grabs the remote, "How about some TV? Or games? After all it's just us for the weekend."

Zach and I agreed that tv and then games would be good.

The afternoon wore on much the same, Zach would lay on his dad, or maybe reverse and rest against me always bottomless while we were nude. We watched some shows, laughed, drank a bit more, had another group pee together. But at the end of this one Tod suggested I shake him clean for him and I of course obliged. To which Zach watched with out much obvious reaction as I fondled his dad in front of him. He just shook his own dick and waited for us to finish. A while after we had a simple pasta dinner that Tod and I made for Zach. Played a game together which was a nice time with out much sexual tension. Had a nice chat about school and what not and then it was winding up towards the evening.

"Well Zachy," Tod said down to Zach who was at this point almost laying in his lap looking sleepy. "You ready to go get geared up and ready for bed?" To which Zach gave a little sighing yawn and said, "Yes Daddy." Tod scooped him up and said, "I'm going to go get him ready for bed, you can hang out down here and I'll be back down once he's situated.

Off they went, Tod did set Zach down and he just followed along. It took a good ten or fifteen minutes for it to get taken care of with me anticipating Tod's arrival. Trying to decide if I should get down to the carpet and beg like a dog, just rise my ass up and look ready to get fucked. So I settled on a third option. I picked up the empties, took care of some dishes and just tried to make the place nice so that we wouldn't have any distractions. Not long after figuring out how to start his fancy dish washer Tod came back down the stairs and we met in the living room. He grinned, I grinned and we headed for each other. Arms wrapped around each other, mouths hit firmly and we kissed like it was going to be our last. Heavy breathing, sloppy drooling mouths, tongues back and forth like mad. My hands to his ass, his to mine, his hand to my dick, I groped up along his own. We were both hard like teen agers. Panting and gasping and soon after he pushed me back. I took a little stumble almost surprised but he was hunched over, his chest heaving, the bit of hair making him look like a werewolf almost as his bent arms flexed and tensed the lumps of muscle.

My ass quivered, my dick twitched, and my balls ached to please this man before me. His eyes were locked right on mine and I awaited his instruction with my head down a little bit, and arms coming to my side. His face shown pride at my posture and I heard those sweet words I loved to be granted, "Good Pup." My heart fluttered a little bit more as he added, "Now get to the bedroom, on all fours up on the bed." Pointing towards the stairs I headed towards them as directed. On passing he said, "head to the left up there, Zach is to the right."

Once up there I found his bedroom, I didn't turn the light on. After all I wasn't told to I just crawled up on the massive plush king sized bed, kept my feet right on the edge, my ass presented towards the door, balls dangling below and happily waited on all fours with anticipation. In the time Tod had headed for the den, grabbed my back pack of toys and items and headed back. Rummaging through with a confident chuckle he pulled out a leather collar and moved around to clip it onto my neck. A soft and happy whimper from my lips before they were kissed softly. "Mmm you look cute like this, the hood can wait. For now I want to see your face when we do this."

He headed over to the light panel, not just a switch but a selection of sliders and with a few adjustments a gentle warm glow filled the room from the pot lights on low. I could make out some furniture, some objects but I didn't care the important thing was I could see him. My Sir.

"I know some of your secrets, and you know some of mine." Tod said in that firm voice of dominance over me. "Looking through your bag I see what I expected for sure, something I didn't, and something I hoped for." Of course he wouldn't tell me what those were, I had just the stuff I thought would be safe, the fancy dildo, the neoprene harness, the hood, cuffs, and at the bottom that one item I wasn't sure of. I knew it was the coin flip. What was the surprise I dunno. But anything he wanted from me now surely was his to have.

"I'll be honest with ya Pup," Tod continued, "I've really had a better time today than I imagined, I kind of feared we'd be holled up in here just fucking all day but that can get tiring ya know. It was really nice to be just casual with you as well."

"Oh well Thanks Sir I, OW" His hand struck my ass when I went to reply and I whimpered softly.

"I wasn't done yet Pup! When I'm done, I'll ask you something. Until then you either keep that mouth shut, or open for my cock Got it?" He said firmly. I nodded swiftly and gave a little whimper of apology, my dick throbbed.

"So As I was saying, Pup. I really do want to do a lot of stuff with you. Way more than we can probably do in just one day but for now you're going to get the pleasure of sleeping in my bed with me tonight." His hand stroking along my body as he walked along the bed, almost like he was surveying a stud he was going to purchase. "I'll give you want you need, I'll get what I want, and together I think we'll have a great time." His hand slipped under me and grabbed my balls, tugging them back slowly, and then after a bit he un snapped my cock ring and tossed it away. His hand encircled the base of my junk fully and started stroking around it. I couldn't help but moan out in a loud voice as his fingers touched skin that has been cooped up against leather all day it was so sensitive. "Mmm yeah pup make those nice noises for me. Let me know if you're loving this as much as I am."

I gave a whimpering nod and peeked back, I could see that horse like dick hard again and waiting for attention. I licked my lips and whimper moaned as he continued to rub the base of my equipment. Even more so as there was a sudden thud back to my ass. That beard, those lips, that fucking voracious tongue going at my hole again. My head lowered with my shoulders and I moaned out only to soon yip loudly like a dog. He struck my thighs this time and commanded, "All fours I said!" I sprung back up onto my palms, keeping my chest up and proud, hunching my ass up into the air for him as well with my stomach sagging down a touch so he could get back to it. And boy did he. That little bit of control made him attack my ass like it was going to cure something.

My head was swimming again with the delight of it all. My voice a constant stream of delight as my dick started to drool again. I looked over my shoulder to see his face in bliss, eyes closed, handsome features churning under the skin as his jaw worked to drive that tongue over and over again into me. I trembled with the sheer lust of it all. He drew back, I felt it was a bit reluctant for sure. But he stood up proud gave my ass a proud swat and said. Turn around, and get on your back.

In a flash I was turning around, flopping right out onto my back and keeping my legs and arms up kind of like a flopped over dog with a happy whine. He chuckled a little and softly stroked my face as he moved over me and said, "Now pup open up and let me give you a taste of what you've been wanting." In a flash my jaw was open, tongue out wanting that dick and he slipped forward. Guiding his cock into my mouth and pushing in smoothly until he hit my throat. My eyes rolled back and closed, my voice moaned out and my legs settled down onto the bed. Hands reaching up to gently brush along his thighs as I got a sweet taste of his cock. Not tainted with the musk and cum of my ass, just sweet, hot, flesh of the man that I was in the power of. He drew back a little and I could feel that heavy mushroom of that eight inch bastard move with a purpose towards my throat. I tried to relax but it wasn't quite enough. He tried again, making a little more headway. I took a big breath through my nose and as he went back I tried to swallow a little and it worked. He spread me open. My eyes winced, jaw wanted to clench but I kept it open. Throat spread firmly around that fat dick as it sunk in.

He groaned and that was all the pain relief I needed. Was to know that he was happy and loved the feeling of my body on him. He sunk in until his balls fell flat to my face and I could feel him cutting off my air as a result. I lay there still as I could just letting him bask in the hot wetness of my mouth even though I was starting to slowly desire oxygen more and more. A strained whimpery noise as I tried to indicate my need, and that didn't' work. He still held there. I could feel his power over me, his power in me, the fact at this moment he held my very existence in his hand. I was just about to tap his thigh and beg relief when he drug back, slowly, teasingly a little forward then back again to finally pop free and I sucked air hard through my nose. A desperate gasp to fill my lungs and cycle the air with in.

He just chuckled of course and said, "Good pup." Down to me which made me whimper again and he drove in, this time with less care and just took my throat. Soon long hard strokes were settled in. I could get little breaths now and then, just enough to keep myself going and happy. I swear the light headedness reminded me of the one time I tried poppers. This deep head rush that leads to a body sensation that's hard to explain. But it was better than that, it was given to me, forced into me by this man's heavy cock pounding through my throat. Wondering if he was going to cum down my throat or not, hoping he would, trying to make the best of it. I couldn't think of anything to do but lay there and get used. Which seemed to be just what he wanted.

After a good ten minutes of that though he yanked out hard. Cock glistening with my spit and his pre, connecting us briefly I lay there with my mouth open wide, huffing out for a desperate gasp of air. Only to find him thudding his knees to the floor by me and his mouth on mine. Tongue lashing about, forcing me to breathe through my nose and still struggle to get enough air. His big hands were all over me, possessively rubbing and stroking my body which felt like pure electricity being shared between us.

His mouth slowly drew away from mine and next thing I know he spit in my mouth. It hit me with surprise, I closed my lips, I swallowed, I felt a bit warm inside it was a first for me. It was a bit of a shock for sure, but it was a thrill none the less.

He smiles and gently patted my cheek before saying, "Head on the pillows. Lets get this ass filled up again Pup."

I grinned and nodded saying, "Yes Sir!" Happily and proudly to have this opportunity again. I spun around on the duvet and got my head up by the pillows. Legs lifting up and hands grabbing behind my knees to show off his sweet fuck hole. I did feel like that ass was no longer mine, the way he goes at it I really feel like this is just becoming his ass. His pup. I can still feel it cool from the spit from the way he ate me out but that didn't stop him. Crawling up on the bed like a feral beast he pushes his face right in there, slobbering my ass up more and making me moan sweetly. A swift suckle of my balls and he's lining his dick up with knees tucked up by my ass.

I steady myself, try to relax imagining he's going to just plow me like he did in the kitchen but surprisingly he goes slower. That fat head mashes up against my hole and dents it in, slowly massaging rocking strokes of his body to smear his precum around his saliva and lube me up. My voice whimpers softly, his is just a low raspy breath as he focuses on himself and watches it slowly spread me open. Finally popping in past my ring he moans out in a deep voice. Sliding that thick shaft further and further up my ass until our bodies connect. His eyes look up to mine and there's a sweetness mingled with the lust.

His hands take mine and pull them off my legs, he puts them around his waist to let them relax and grips onto my hips. Then the motion starts, the slow far contrast from earlier fucking that builds. My throat catches almost feeling like I'm going to cry from the sweet sensations of feeling him slide through my body. But instead I can't help but moan out. Grabbing onto the bed clothes and shifting my ass to line it up for a straight shot for him to take me at this loving pace.

As the fuck goes on our bodies start to build up a layer of sweat, our breath almost synchronizes and there's a passionate set of sounds coming to the room. From our voices, our bodies, the bed rustling, the soft slap of skin when a hard one hits here and there. My stomach coated in a pool of my own fluids and my body slightly tense with the delightful fuck.

Then all of a sudden he stops balls deep in me. I freeze and my eyes open up as we hear from the door, the open door we forgot to close. "Daddy?" As Zach's sleepy voice rings into the room. Tod just smiles and turns around to say, "Sup Zachy?" I peek around trying to get a look but he's just a shadow with the hall light behind, I'm blushing so hard I feel like I might catch fire as his son has caught us in full fuck.

"I had a bad dream, can I sleep with you?" He asks again in that groggy tone. And before being invited or anything he just starts walking in and I finally see that Zach's almost entirely naked except he's got around his hips a kind of thick looking diaper on. Mostly white with some cute animal prints on it and a trail of paws and stars on the front, probably indicators I think. My dick jumps. It jumps hard and I squeeze around his dick with my ass. He can feel me squirm a little and he holds me firm on his dick saying, "Stay pup." With a little squeeze and then says, "Yeah Zach you can, but Josh and I aren't quite ready for sleep yet. But if you want you can snuggle him until we're done, and try to get some sleep."

After a pause Zach just says, "Okay that's fine." Almost like he's still kind of out of it. As he climbs up on the bed his dad starts long dicking me, to the point I worry about him seeing his dad's dick up my ass and asking questions but he doesn't say anything. Just takes a look at my dick and snuggles up to my side with his head on my shoulder. Even going so far as to push his padded crotch up against my hip. His dad flexes his cock against my prostate and I moan out softly, whimperingly as my body feels like it's on fire. Zach's arm loops over my chest and tugs in. I look to Tod in disbelief and he's grinning like the cat that got the mouse.

"Yeah don't think I didn't notice the diaper in your bag Pup. The kid's got to wear them because he's a wetter, but we don't mind, it's just fun for us really." The whole time Tod's saying this to me he's still fucking me, long and slow, making my whole world one of confusion as I'm now cuddling his nine year old diapered son while he's fucking me like this. "Go ahead and put your arm around him, give his diaper a little squeeze if you want. Zach, if that's okay with you of course. Now Zach if you ever feel weird about this or have questions just speak up and we can stop."

Zach's eyes are open not looking to fade out he nods and says, "It's cool daddy, I like having Josh around and you two make me feel safe. Even while you're having sex."

"I ahh, I Uuhh.. jnnffgg" I stammer out softly and am shocked that the kid seems to know what we're doing, but he's not a toddler of course he is almost a pre teen. Those thoughts are kind of lost as his dad shifts in me and drills up into my hot spot and makes my dick jump and throb hard. My arm latches onto Zach and squeezes him against me moaning out hard and long. His dad just seems to love it even more and keeps up the long almost teasingly slow fuck against me.

"Ohh yeah good puppy take that dick nice and deep." Tod says out while I squirm around him and against his boy.

"UUhnggg!" I moan out hard as my dick throbs hard damn near about to shoot from getting fucked again and that's when Todd goes balls deep in me again and just pauses there, flexing his dick to teasingly keep me on the edge. "Ohh no pup, you're not squirting your stuff yet. We just started the fun." His hands on my hips shift out of the way of his son on one side and rub my stomach slowly as he caresses my hip with the other. My face is firmly flushed and I'm biting my lip as I find that my hand has found it's way to his sons diaper and is slowly stroking over the plastic. There's this soft crinkling noise, this feeling of cushioning and I can't help but just give it an extra squeeze. Zach in turn gives a soft little huff.

"Is that okay sweetie?" Tod asks him.

"Yeah daddy it feels nice." Zach responds and shifts against me a little more.

"Hmm and are you still dry or did you have an accident with your dream?"

"I'm dry Daddy," Zach responds. "I got lucky this time." With just a little yawn after and then he reaches down towards my dick and gives it a soft poke and little curious feel with his finger.

I moan out firmly as he does that and squirm on his dads dick. Rubbing over his butt more, unable to believe that he's talking about this right next to me and that his son just touched me there.

"Hehh good boy Zach," Tod says and he adds, "Now if you do have to go feel free just make sure that Josh gets a chance to see you make your paws and stars go away okay?"

Zach gives a little giggle and he nods, "Will do daddy!" And picks up my dick in his little hand and gives it a little shake like he were to do with my hand. His dad probably feels my ass squeeze him hard as I'm about to cum and he says.

"Careful now Zach, he's really close and it's going to be a risk of squirting you with stuff like you saw on the internet that one time. You can hold it or touch it but just don't get too excited. He really likes it when daddy is up his butt."

To which all I can do is moan and whimper, he's just talking about his son using me and not even asking if I care. He's just offering my dick to his son and I'm loving it.

"It sure does leak a lot, does this need a diaper too?" Zach asks his dad as he runs his fingers down my drooling slit and down through the puddle of precum on my stomach.

Tod laughs and I can feel his cock jostle about inside of me as he says that and he says, "Maybe, the little puppy does have a secret with those so perhaps but that's just what happens during sex some times. Though with as much as he makes we may just have to next time."

Zach giggles softly and says, "Okay Daddy." Then just gently grabs my dick and holds it while shifting against me, a little more and more each time and even a little grunt.

At that point Tod starts fucking me again this time long slow strokes, he picks one of my legs up a bit to make sure that he can get fully inside of me and causes me to moan like a little slut while I keep cuddling that little body against me. And it's then that Zach shifts a little more and gives a little whimper almost.

"You got to go huh Zachy?" Tod asks.

Zach nods and says, "Yeah but I like holding him and don't want to really move."

Tod nods and while still fucking me through this conversation says. "That's okay why don't you just lift your leg up and roll to your back a little more. Then our Pup can rest his hand on the front and feel it if you like.

"Okay Daddy!" Zach says happily at the compromise and I lift my head up to watch him do just that, my hand shifts around up to the front of his diaper. I squeeze and feel around and I can't even make out his dick under the thick over night one. His hand still on my shaft as his dad fucks me and then I can feel a little heat form. Hear a little bit of pattering, and then more warmpth as Zach clearly relaxes against me.

"Ohhh fuuuhhh oh god Oh man this is Ohh!" I start to stammer out and his dad jabs my prostate hard and says,

"Now now puppies don't use that language when they're having fun do they"

I whimper more, and more and as I feel him starting to pee against my hand like this in his diaper I peek up further and see for sure those indicators going away as the diaper swells out. My head thuds back to the bed. Even if I didn't have a dick so expertly manipulating me from inside I wouldn't last with this. My cock erupts in a hard torrent, So strong it actually makes a squirting noise.

There's a heavy spattering against the leather headboard as my cum nails off of it. Zach giggles and aims my dick up in the air, and it arcs up high into the air. My hand massaging his diaper as the spray of seed lands onto my chest. Some also on my face as squirt after squirt of cum sails up into the air to even land down on Zach, and down against his dad as he holds me while just having a good time of aiming my orgasm.

I'm off in the floaty world again from this blissful occasion and Daddy is starting to pick up speed in my ass. Pounding his pup harder and harder as I hear him praise, "Mmm good puppy, and good boy Zachy." And then there's this loud growling moan as he pushes in deep and unloads into my ass hard. I swear I can feel it bounce off the back of my throat from the force of his balls pumping into me. But this time he drags out after a couple of shots. Grabbing his dick and jerking it slowly as he paints a streak of cum up my balls and cock that taints his sons fingers. His cum then sailing up past to spray over my chest and stomach. Moaning heavily, grunting and growling like that werewolf again he slips his dick down again and right back up my ass to finish off.

After a few wild moments of it all we settle down. Zach's finished his pee, my hand lightens up it's strokes. He's still holding my dick, no strokes just holding, his dad is still balls deep in me throbbing and drooling his last bits of cum into my ass. We all sigh, and let out a deep breath and settle into the bed.

Tod leans over me, giving a soft and sweet kiss. Then over to Zach to give a similar kiss. Then he's back up resting on his haunches looking more proud than I've ever seen someone possibly look.

There's a long period of silence before it's finally broken by Zach saying, "Wow you sure shot a lot. That's good right?"

Tod and I just laugh together and I look to him for approval to speak, he nods and I say, "Yeah Zach it really is a good thing. It was a lot of fun and you were a really big surprise to all of this. And umm, thank you for letting me feel your diaper and being against me it really made it special.

Tod nods and says, "Yeah that was a surprise that's never happened before not sure what brought you in here other than the dream Zach but that was nice and I hope you feel okay about it. This isn't really normal ya know but we've always had a special sort of together time."

"Yeah Daddy this was fun. It was just a dream and I thought you and tod would be asleep so I wanted to cuddle. But this was even better but now I'm getting kind of sticky." He says while letting go of my dick and rubbing some of my cum off of his stomach.

"Hahh yeah lets go get tidied up." Tod says and pulls out of my butt. Sliding off of the bed and pulls us both up to our feet. Giving me a little kiss as I stand on very shaky legs. We head to the connected bathroom to wipe up with some cloths and wash as best we can. Tod checks the status of Zach's diaper and says, "That's probably okay for the night, or do you think you need a fresh one?"

Zach feels up the front of it himself and gives a shrug, "I'm not sure I'll go again now so it's probably fine in case of an accident."

"Sounds good," Tod says and nods before he looks to me and says, "Now lets get you in your diaper and hey worst case scenario Zach can always pee in yours." A wink and a pat to my ass with my cheeks on fire.

"Yes Sir." I say simply and after a few minutes of me getting on the bed, him taking one of the two diapers I put in there. It's soon on and around me. Zach giggles at the sight of it and I just poke my tongue out playfully saying, "Some times I get excited and pee, and I've wet the bed a few times even as an adult."

That did seem to make him feel a bit more comfortable about his own and we had a casual chat about what ever I honestly don't even remember. The rest of that night was a little blur for sure. I do remember us all settling in to bed. I was in the center, Tod was snuggled around behind me naked, and I had Zach in my arms tugged back against me slowly rubbing his skin until we all dozed off into an incredibly hard sleep.

All that lead into the next day of that amazing weekend. But that's a story for another time.

I really hope you enjoyed this story. It's something I've been mulling around my head for a while and finally had an idea where I wanted it to go and put it down. If you have any feed back, comments, or would like me to continue this. Please shoot me an email at and I'll be happy to hear from you.

Next: Chapter 2

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