My Weekend with Tod and Zach

By Pupper Doggo

Published on Jul 8, 2017


Natural Disclaimer

This is a story that contains pornographic content of a homosexual nature. If you're not of legal age to read this. Or this is illegal where you live. Please stop reading now.

The subject of this story is a fantasy I came up with. All of the names and characters are fake. Any resembles to anyone real or make believe is purely coincidental.

This story contains sex between consenting adults, it's make believe so there is no protection used. The theme is that of a dominant submissive with some slightly raunchy elements included as well such as diapers, piss, etc. It also includes sexual situations around one of the characters young sons. If this is off putting to you again please stop reading. Again it's only fiction.

This work is fully copyright to myself, no work listed below has been taken from anywhere. Similarities may exist but they are only that. If you have any feedback, or comments please email

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Thank you, and I hope you enjoy.

Sorry this took so long to post the sequel to it. I wrote this starting differently but it ran into a bunch of walls and plot holes. Then life got in the way, then I scrapped all that and started fresh. I really hope you enjoy this, and thank you for reading.

Waking up the next morning was a bit of a surprise. I found my eyes opening into a unfamiliar room at first, the feelings of different bed sheets. And a sudden wash of memories coming back into myself. The feelings of Tod against me, his body, his power, his entire self taking me over. It just made me tremble a little. Then a sharp twinge in my head as I remembered how, Zach had joined us in the bed on our first night. A little quiver running through my body as I briefly wondered if that all really happened. Shifting my legs around, thickness, a blush in my cheeks. A hand moves down under the covers and I feel my soft skin and soon the smooth finish of the plastic wrapped over my crotch. A gentle whimper as I'm for sure wearing that diaper Tod put me in last night.

My hand soon reaches out into the bed though, fuck it's dark in here, I think as I try to feel if anyone is around me. Seems I'm alone, not even sure what time it is. I roll over to try and check the beside clock. 8:30 it reads, damn these curtains do a good job blacking out the world. Pulling myself up I wince softly and reach a hand into the front of my diaper, feeling nothing but dry fabric is a bit of a relief but less so for my morning wood that I have to un kink and get off to the side. A gentle sigh of relief as I get that comfort and sit up in the strange bed. Looking around into the darkness to see only faint shapes, helping my memories come flooding back into me. Slowly I can feel the smile spread across my face as it all comes to reality. "Damn, that was really something." I say gently before starting to move to the side of the bed to stand up.

Suddenly my leg bumps against something, fleshy, and a grunt follows.. Just how the fuck big is this bed?! My mind asks as I realize I just kneed up against Zach, the young son of my lover I met only yesterday who got to witness his father seeding my ass and basically claiming myself as his pup with his general presence.

"Mmm whuu?!" Zach's voice softly says through the sleepy tones as I can feel him stirring in the bed. I freeze in spot still surprised he was here and that I couldn't notice him before. Slowly his body can be felt stirring in bed, a hand touches against my out stretched thigh from the knee that bumped him, a soft murmuring of his voice as it trails up along my body, his weight shifting closer, he's touching my crotch now, feeling the thick padding over it and I bite my lip to stifle a bit of a desired groan. Then it's above it, on my waist, tugging closer to me as I soon find him sliding against me. Head resting up against my stomach, body pushing over my leg, and arm wrapping over my waist.

I swallow hard with my nerves and decide to just cuddle him simply. Reaching an arm down into the darkness I still can't see, I feel his skin, the neck, shoulders, along his back. I stroke down gently. Slowly running my hand back up, the smoothness of him is so tender, so delicate, so sensuous as well. My leg he's pushing up against shifts a bit to reach for his body, finding his own damp diaper pushed up against my shin makes me tremble softly as that bit of sog hits my leg and just makes me whimper knowing how it got made. He stirs as my voice splits the soft sounds of skin rubbing skin as I stroke over his back and he pushes to me. But soon he's relaxing again. Going slack against me to the point his chin is resting down against the hem of my own diaper and gaining weight with his relaxataion. It's then I feel the urge in my body as the weight of the boy's head pushes to my bladder.

I tense up, clenching my asshole as best I can to try and stay back the urge to release with him right against me. And for a while it works. Until I feel this growing heat against my shin, the slow breathing of Zach staying the same, his body only some how feeling heavier as he relaxes, possibly back into sleep, or just longing thought. But what grows even heavier is the front of his groin as the boy is clearly peeing into his already damp diaper against me. My cock throbs hard with the sensation as I can feel him letting go. My shoulders slowly lay back on the pillows, heart racing, chest slowly moving as I try to control my breath. My own body starting to defy my will as I can feel my cock throbbing in the soft cushy front of my diaper. Head engorged, balls, tucked tight, it almost feels like I'm about to cum inside as my taint, asshole, and cock base all twitch one after another.

As I'm about to try and shift to avoid doing this, it starts to happen against my will. I tried to fight it, but Zach yawned, slowly shifting his head against my already full bladder, his arms hugging me a bit more, his crotch pushing against me. I'm sure all these acts were subtle but in my desperate state they all felt like he was straight manipulating me and with a gentle whine in my mind my bladder finally slacks. My piss hole opens up and a sharp stream of urine seeks forward, spraying into the fabric just less than an inch away from his face. I gasp audibly, my chest tenses. Fearful of leaking out as the sudden tense cuts the flow and I can feel the heat splash against my groin and trickle down. Another comes swiftly and I try to tense again but this time it cuts off less and the steady flow begins to build.

My lungs draw air slowly, carefully, trying to remain as still as I can while I feel the hot flow of my piss into my diaper reach up into the absorbent fabric that wicks it away. But what doesn't get caught pours down over my shaft, trickles past the skin of my balls and lands down into the groin's padding. The sensation of the liquid running over me only excites me more and my cock raises firmly into the diaper to lift the waistband away a little. But Zach's head adjusts... Does he know I'm doing this? Does he feel me letting go? Is he trying to encourage it? All of these thoughts rush through my head as my wide open pupils stare into the darkness while focusing on the sensation of my urine rushing out of me now at a steady pace to hopefully wind up where it can safely.

This sensation feels like it goes on for an eternity, though in reality it was probably only a minute or two at best. Soon there's a few lingering squirts of my piss that are sent out of my rampantly hard cock. I could swear I felt some shoot up and out and trickle over my hip, but perhaps im' over thinking it. OR I just stained the bed... I really can't tell. All I know for sure is there's a growing hot weight between my legs. A heavy push of damp fabric over my groin, a thickness between my thighs that's unmistakably a wet diaper resting there. And this boys arm squeezes me a little tighter and he pushes against me more in the cuddle. I groan, tremble, and tenderly stroke over the smooth skin of his back with a heavy sigh. I sink into the bed, taking the moment to just bask in the sensations of this release. It might be a little humiliating having such weak control over myself. But the feelings that come after just feel... Right.

Laying back into the soft pillows, with the sheets over me the sensations of sleep begin to take over me again. Slipping into a brief dream it feels like I only shut my eyes. As I sharply inhale through my nose and jerk awake. Reaching to give Zach a little hug, I find nothing by my side. Reaching further and further in each direction I only hit the edge of the bed. Am I alone now? Was I alone before? I reach into the blankets and cup my crotch... That's a wet diaper for sure, was it just a dream it happened that way? I shake my head and start to slide from the bed. Reaching to the nightstand to try and find a lamp, a phone, anything. All I can see is the faint glow of the clock 9:00, guess I went out for a half hour or so, other than that I get nothing. How can the room be this dark? How do they find their way out? My mind asks as I find myself trying to find the wall hoping to find a light. No luck with a switch but my hands do eventually find the door knob. Twisting it slowly and opening the door my eyes are suddenly assaulted with the morning's light bursting into the room.

I blink and shield my eyes that had tried to grow accustomed to the cave like darkness. After a moment of feeling like I just ascended I can look down the hallway, back into the room... Nothing out of the ordinary, just a mussy bed, clean floor. None of my clothes anywhere since I wasn't allowed to wear them. For a moment I consider looking for a robe, or taking one of Tod's shirts to help make myself less embarrassing in appearance but decide it'd be best not to since I wasn't granted that right of clothes yet. And so I begin to head down the hall, towards the stairs, and down them I begin to carefully walk. The gentle rustling, the heavy sway, the little thudding weight of my wet diaper against my crotch felt with every movement. They always feel so much louder when you're naked and wearing only that. Maybe it's just perception, hard to say. But my cheeks flush for sure as I walk through their home dressed this way.

Once downstairs, it's just a short walk towards where I hope everyone is at, the kitchen. Surely enough there I find Zach sitting at the table, wearing a shirt, and what looks to be a pair of p.j. pants but it's somewhat hidden by the table. At the sink is Tod who looks to be cleaning up some dishes from morning breakfast. Wearing a pair of cotton pajama pants and a tank top. He smiles widely as his gaze turns towards me and says, "Well good morning, Pup. Hope you had a nice sleep and are feeling good."

That voice just makes my ears ring with delight. The way it has that confidence, the gentle tenor to it, the well spoken words. It makes my heart tingle just a little and soon I'm nodding and saying, "Yes Sir! I slept great in your bed thank you for letting me." Still standing near the door way one arm to my side, the other reaching up to nervously rub at my hair as Zach also looks my way and there's really nothing I can do to hide myself.

"Well come on in already and get over here to say good morning, Pup don't stand there looking like I'm gonna hit you." He says playfully towards me.

"Ah oh uhh Yes sir!" I say back with a proud tone, and move into the room. Leaning over to give Zach a little hug over his shoulder sand then moving smoothly over to Tod who opens his arms. I fall into his grasp and my head lands to his chest. His arms wrap over my bare torso and hugs me into the bit of fabric covering him. A little whimper heard from me as I squeeze into the strong man who's made me feel so many new sensations.

"Hey Zach, if you're done you can head in and watch some TV, we'll be in soon. Just gotta feed the Pup and then we can talk about what we'll do today."

Zach looks to his dad who's still hugging me and with a smile nods and says, "Okay sounds good." And is then out of his chair and off into the room.

"Well Pup that was a hell of a night wasn't it?" Tod asks me casually, and before I can reply he says, "wasn't quite how I thought things would go but damn that was fun. Now I'm sure you've got some questions or inquiries and a lot of stuff mulling around in that cute head of yours. But for now I'm sure you're more interested in being a good boy, aren't ya Pup?" He asks starting to talk to me like I'm the family dog again.

"Whurf!" I reply in a sharp, `yes' tone. I didn't really even think about it but something with how he spoke to me and the feelings he brings out in me just made me instantly want to please him.

"Atta good boy!" He says in that same tone and rubs his hands briskly over my sides making me tingle all over and wiggle my butt a little that makes my diaper crinkle loudly into the air. "Now that's my good puppy!"

"Whurf!" Again I exclaim happily and smile wide up to the handsome man as I keep myself close to him, but soon feel his hands guiding my hips away and I look a little confused with a tilted head. Soon though it becomes clear.

"Okay Pup, it looks like you've already had your morning relief, but I'm still in need of it." He says peeking down towards my diaper and adds, "So, c'mon and be a good cock pup and help me piss."

My eyes suddenly go wide, even I can feel my pupils dialiting as he says this to me and not long after I'm nodding. Another "Whurf" comes from my lips and as my hands are about to reach for his waist band his own hands come to mine and pause me. Looking back to him with a bit of confusion he says.

"Now now, that's not the pupper I'm expecting, how about we make you look properly the part?" And reaching around behind himself on the counter, really not sure how I didn't see that. He grabs my pup hood that he asked me to bring with him. It's fairly simple neoprene style covering the face, and some straps to the back to hold it on. Black portions on the side, a white blaze down the front to look like a border collie. Soon after I see it, he's unfolding it, getting it lined up and pushing over my head. The straps soon blend into the bits of my hair so I don't' feel them, the neoprene pushes firmly to my face and feels like it bonds to me. The sensation of the large ears over my head, shifting, tilting with my movements make them feel like mine. The scents of built up time with in it, the musk of myself, the sensation of it almost becoming my skin. The way I can see the nose out front, the sound of my breath through the mouth all just feels right.

"WHURF!" I exclaim happily and wiggle my ass again as master puts this on me.

"There we go boy! Now you're just the adorable pup I knew you could be." He says happily and reaches out to hug me, ruffling over my sides, back, slapping my ass softly a few times.

"Whurfwhurf!" I belt out and suddenly spin around happily panting out my breath, my own shaft hard with in my diaper now I notice as I stoop down slightly, making myself just a bit lower than Tod I reach forward again to try and open up his PJ pants. This time his own hands just move behind himself to grip the counter he's resting against. My heart thuds with excitement as I each into the fly and pull out his semi hard cock. I swear I can smell the hot musk of it from here after a night of fucking and sleep. Maybe it's just my imagination or my mask capturing them into my pup nose. I dunno but all I know for sure is I need to help this man's dick relieve it's self.

Cupping it under the fat piss tube my fingers gently cradle it's weighted curve as my other hand reaches down to pull open the front of my diaper and guide his cock in. Only to hear a "tut-tut-tut" from Tod. Looking up curiously he adds, "I don't want my dick in a diaper Pup, that's where yours belongs. You can just aim me and you better do a good job of it. Or you're licking it up off the floor.

I swallow firmly as he says this to me and nod a few times. Peeking back down to get a good sight line of his shaft I aim it towards where I think a good bank point would be. Keeping myself low, holding the diaper open I can see my own cock jutting forward off into the soggy padding. And about the time I start to re think this aim I can feel his cock grow heavier. His breath lets out a heavy sigh and soon that stream is hitting against me. Hot, firey hot even. I feel his powerful stream sink against my lower tummy and start to pour down over the base of my own dick, sprinkling down over my balls and sinking into the heavy diaper to only add to it's weight. I moan softly with the sensation of master marking himself into me. Washing away the scents of my own pee with in there with his own essence. It's not that it's a stronger pee, or more potent in oder. Just something about it feels more in charge over myself than my own weak stream could possibly do so. I can even feel him denting into my skin a little before it splatters on down.

He reaches up and cups the area behind my masks' ears to ruffle my hair and says, "There's my good, Pup, do a good job and you'll get rewarded."

The thought of a reward better than this only makes my heart flutter and I gently squeeze his cock a little more firmly and `whurf' out my thanks for his praise. Feeling his piss grow more and more between my legs, the warmth soaking in firmly. My own shaft twitching softly with the delight. And soon a tickle under my dick as well as my own bladder starts to let go what little it had. Whimpering gently as I can feel it giving in to the urge to be controlled by this man, by this dick I hold in my fingers, giving my everything to it just makes me piss myself against my will and add into the growing sog between me. Thankfully I'd brought one of the good ones with me as it's ablet o handle it pretty well to the point it's wicking up along my backside now rather than pouring out the sides.

"Ahhh good boy!" He says again as I can feel his dick start to pulse, clear the end of the stream is coming it seals off, then pules firmly in my hand like when it came up my ass the night before and a sharp stream of piss flys against me, then another, and a weaker one as he starts to finish up. "Mmnff fuck yeah good boy, now on your knees get your little treat." He adds in that praising voice.

My eyes briefly look up to him as he mentions that and then with the speed of gravity I'm falling to my knees before him. Still holding his cock and looking up to those gorgeous eyes. "Aim carefully." Is all he says before that half a second warning can be taken into account. I swiftly move my head up to aim the muzzle of my dog face towards his cock. And then the last couple of squirts come flying out of his dick and right into my open mouth. Well the masks' open mouth which my own is wide open behind. I feel some squirt straight in. The rest just kind of trickles down the fabric and caresses against my face which really I'm just living for.

Whimpering happily, wagging my non existent tail, and squeezing the last drops out of his dick. I shake his cock as if he were at a urinal, flinging little droplets out against me that only make me whimper more and after that. He's done with his morning release and damn if I'm not just at even a new higher peak than I thought this weekend could take me.

I had hopes of getting to take care of Tod's cock more but as I started to push forward to take it into my mouth and start servicing this dick proper. He suddenly called Zach in. I was starting to pull back only to have his hips nudge forward and keep his dick in my lips where I slowly nursed on the slightly inflating head. "Yes, Daddy?" I could hear Zach's voice near us but couldn't quite turn to look.

"Hey Zach, looks like our Pup here is close to leaking. How about you show him where we deal with those, and help get him cleaned up? You both could use a shower for sure. I'm going to just tidy up down here and I'll be up in a little bit."

"Sure daddy sounds good," Zach said in response and I could feel Tod pull his shaft away, making no effort to hide it as it's taken from my muzzle.

"Okay Pup you be a good boy and go get your self in order now, and make sure you're looking cute and waggy." Tod said down to me with a little wink after.

"Yes Sir Daddy." I respond with a happy little `whurf" after. Though the waggy part had me a little confused, at first I was just thinking he meant to keep the hood on after, but we would see.

"Okay pup, off this way." I hear Zach's voice and look over to him, the kid's all smiles and I swear he's looking a bit more mature, maybe it's just the result of him calling me that. I blush under the warm neoprene out of sight as I take the kids hand and start to stand up. The heavy sway of the damp diaper between my legs making me walk a little bow legged. I swear that my raging hardon with in is about the only thing keeping it around my hips at this point.

But thankfully it doesn't leak as we go walking through the house. Expecting at first to find my way into the master bath we instead wind up in the hall bathroom. It seems to be one of those jack and jill styles that connects a couple of bedrooms. One I'm assuming to be Zach's, and it's quite spacious. Light tile work, broad floor tiles that feel a bit warm. A tub that could easily fit four kids the size of Zach, and a rather spacious shower adjacent the tub. The kind that is all stone tile looking, and doesn't' even have a door just a little wall you walk around and find a few shower heads with in. And with what seems to be a decent view into the shower the toilet sits out in the open. A couple of hampers as well and I'm starting to guess what one of those is for.

"Okay Pup," Zach says to me as he lets go of my hand once inside, "This is my bathroom, and it's where we're going to help you out. So lets start with getting this diaper off of you and get it in the bin."

"Oh Uh I can help with that." I mentioned back only to be met with a soft swat on my hip.

"Nope Daddy said to help you out, and that's what I'm going to do." He says and then proceeds to reach out and start trying to un fasten the tapes along the hips. His hands are gentle, and a bit firm as he gets ahold of one and there's a swift `shrip!' noise as it's two piece tapes are separated. "Besides, I think I've probably got more experience with these than you do, puppy."

It's a bit surprising how confident he's suddenly starting to feel when we're alone. And try as I want to make my warm cushioned erection die down, it's just not going away. Especially with him touching along my sensitive hip line and seeming to take control of this situation already. A soft muffled `whuff' is all I can think to respond with as he suddenly takes the other side off. The weight becoming more and more between my legs. As he's about to take the next tape off his arm goes between my legs and once that last rip of plastic is heard the weight suddenly plummets. He catches it a bit clumsily as my cock is suddenly sprung into the air. I can see him looking at it while his arms fumble with the wet diaper. "Whuff." Again is all I can think to say as cool air hits my damp skin.

"Hehh, happy puppy for sure." Is all he mentions as he starts to ball up my wet diaper and head over towards a bin. Through some series of levers and trap doors it's secured away in a rather fancy containment pail that I didn't quite grasp how to use. I kind of feel silly now for always just throwing them straight in the trash but I guess he uses them far more often. "Okay pup, before we get you washed do you need to go first?" Zach asks while motioning over towards the toilet.

"Ohh uhh, well I've already peed as I'm sure you could tell." I mention as my hand reaches down and both rubs the coolness of my skin and also tries to obscure myself a little. "But uhhh, I suppose." Suddenly I'm met by stern eyes from Zach and he glances to my crotch and back to my face, realizing I should probably not be fondling myself infront of him I let go and my hands get back to my sides. His face brightens up a little more as I'm left naked in just the hood in front of him. "Oh uh yeah that... Yeah I do, was trying to figure out when I could sneak away for that."

"Ah no need to sneak away. Just go it's fine." Zach says and starts to walk back towards me, as I have yet to move from that one spot. He reaches out for what I think would be my hand but instead I wind up yipping like a surprised dog as he takes ahold of my very hard cock and starts to walk me towards the toilet. "Now, sit." He says simply to me. Still paused with surprise I feel a sudden firm squeeze and I yip again, "Sit." He says again and then my butt is landing right on the cool seat which also results in him letting go. His hand comes up to rub between my ears and he says simply, "Good boy, now do your thing and I'll get the shower going.

Not more than a few breaths pass through me as my heart thumps, face hot as can be with embarrassment that I just got commanded around by this boy I've only known for about a day. Soon my body seems to give in as much as my mind does and nature is taking it's course as we speak. At least with his father there was pretense, there was flirting, and expectations. But this has all come as one hell of a surprise. And as I watch Zach closely he starts to strip down in front of me. His pj pants are off, his shirt is up over his head, no underwear on and there he is lain naked before me. And I must say for a kid his age it doesn't show down stairs for sure. He's easily sporting four inches of semi hard shaft over what look like already capable nuts. A part of me is wondering if they lied about his age just to screw with me. But that's sort of lost to my mind as I reach back and flush. Looking around for the paper dispenser I just can't seem to locate it. Zach had been peeking my way and moves over, my eyes unable to look away from everything swaying, his lithe agile form, an audible swallow coming from me as my cock twitches. So hard I can't even get it in the bowl it just juts up between my legs and leaks.

"Here you go boy." He says reaching around behind me, his body coming over mine for the moment as the roll was kept on the back of the seat. He puts it in my hand, rubs my hair again and I whurff out a happy thanks. And with that tended to and flushed away I get back up to my feet and take just a step away from the toilet as I wait to see if he has something else to tell me or if I should just head in for the now running water in the shower.

Zach heads into the shower not long after I'm up and I can hear his echoing voice call out, "Well come on Pup do I have to grab you by your tail again?"

A soft chuckle from me as I head in there, still wearing the hood as I wasn't sure if I should pull it off quite yet, and I do like wearing it after all. Making my way in the place had gotten surprisingly steamy. I could still make out the toilet and wall but inside things were a bit dark and more cloudy for sure. The three heads all came in from differnet angles, above, and one from either side. Zach was on one to the side and letting it run down his nude body. His nuts looking to hang a bit lower already and his shaft pointing parallel with the floor now. I head under the opposite stream and let it wash down my back. Damn the flow feels great as it rinses away the stale piss from my skin, and some of the scents of last night waft into the air a little more.

Dipping my head under the water I pull back and flick my head firmly to shake it from my ears, electing a sweet giggle from Zach at the show. I do it again with a happy bark and he laughs some more before heading over to grab the soap bar. He motions for me to step out of the stream and starts to lather up his hands. "Daddy did say to help get you clean so lets get to it." Zach says while heading my way and motions to the floor, "Probably easy for me to reach your top half if you're on your knees."

I'm still pointing straight at this kids face from my waist, my own sack hanging low in the very warm and humid environment. I just dip my had back under the water again and then kneel down next to where the streams are landing on the floor. Which feels surprisingly warm, even out of the water I don't' feel like I'm exposed, there has to be a steam creator or something going on damn this bathroom is nice. I think while Zach approaches, now starting to point to the ceiling from his crotch he brings himself up and starts massaging his hands and the soap into my neck. The kids touch surprisingly tender and a bit firm as he starts washing down over my throat, and shoulders. Moving to take one of my arms up and lathering along down it. Such care and detail, even getting under my pit well. A part of me wondering if this is how his dad washes him. I let out a gentle `mmmmrmrmm,' moaning noise now and then as his touch is so nice.

With each of my arms done he starts to move around behind me, getting into the back of my neck it makes my head lower down and whimper out another moan as he starts to work over the tense muscles. My head drooped down I can't help but notice I'm leaking a stream of clear right out of my dick's tip as this kid starts to squat behind me a little and really work on massaging the soap into my back. Covering me in suds where ever he goes it feels so amazing to have that foam along my smoothed skin. He gets down to the waist and stops, moving back around in front my head still low I find his shaft is right in my view. Looks like it's dripping too, man for a kid of nine they said he sure is active. I feel his hand on my head and he nudges it up to say. "Lean back a bit so I can wash your chest."

And that's what I do. Spreading my legs a little for stability as I start to lean back and he takes that little squat in front of me as well to start massaging his soaped hands and brick along my chest, down my abs. A soft giggle as he hits a ticklish spot on the sides. A couple times his hands even swipe over my hips, right near my dick but not quite getting into the crotch. Zach moved back and with a little motion suggested that I stood up. And doing so brought my shaft just under his face again. The kid smiled gave it a little poke and then moved back around me. I damn near squirted the ceiling with what I felt next. His hands going right to my ass, one on my back to nudge me over a little soon after to help me spread as he proceeded to take his sweet time soaping down my cheeks. Slipping his fingers into my valley and clearly not objecting to the puppy moans coming from me as he rubbed over and over again past the pucker his dad had abused last night. Too soon though his hands were along my legs, guiding me to bring a foot back one at a time so his hands could slather foam all over my soles and between my toes. Then just told me to turn around. Shuffling about he starts working up the front of my legs and once he's at my crotch his hands get closer and closer. I full on throb in anticipation of his touch only to then have him step back smile and say, "Okay rinse off."

My shoulders clearly slump, here I am covered in foam to the point I look almost like a poodle except for the one bare portion of my groin. I wanted so desperately to feel him wash me with the care he did everywhere else, or at least get myself clean but he just left it there. "Uhh, Zach sir." I say softly, "Can I wash my bits first?" Motioning to my groin and he gives a little shrug and just shakes his head with a cocky grin going across his face... Fuck... I can't even believe this kid is chastising me like this but my dick twitches more, I can feel my taint even squirm with the submission as I step back into the three flows and start to rinse away the soap. Running my hands along my body being extra careful not to touch myself. At least some suds do wash over me there so I wont be a total musky pup. But the frustration in my balls is starting to ache for sure.

All the while he's watching me, and taking his own hands down to his groin, groping over himself and making a real show of it. Like he's trying to rub in the fact that I can't touch myself but he's free to do as he wants over me. I whimper softly, and my posture slumps a little more but I keep rinsing away like a good boy. Stepping from the water I give a little shake and tilt my head saying, "And what about my face and hair? May I wash those?"

"Sure you can Pup, but you gotta wash me first." He says in that sweet but slightly devious tone that he's begun to develop with in our private space. The shy boy who seemed overly respectful of his father and visitor are swiftly disappearing.

"OH uhh yeahgh" My throat suddenly getting dry as he mentions that, I have to cough and clear it out and finally say back, "Yes sir" And give a little wiggle of my hips as I move closer towards Zach, "How about you get under the water for a sec and let me have the soap, we'll get you cleaner than me possibly." My voice starting to feel more alive as I suggest this to him, thankfully there isn't much push back or scolding for suggesting a direction. Rather he just moves under the water, runs his hands over himself a few times and gets his hair soapy before stepping forward. I move down onto my knees and take hold of the bar but as I'm about to bring it up he holds out his hand and says.

"Hair first, Pup." Zach directs and reaches over for the bottle of shampoo and conditioner blend. What can I do but nod and agree. Setting the soap off to the side I rinse my hands briefly, get a nice dollop of the shampoo and start getting it into his hair. It's soft, surprisingly thick, a good length that hangs down around his eyes and end of his neck so there's a lot to manipulate and soon my hands are engulfed in the white sweet smelling suds. He lets out a happy little sigh and I feel a warmth brewing in more than my face and cock for a change.

After a few minutes of massaging his scalp and getting behind his ears I feel that the task has been achieved and start to direct him back under the water with his eyes closed. Scooting along with him I help rinse the shampoo out the hair, directing it to flow back as much as I can. Looking over his body as the soap runs down I notice he's not quite hugging his tummy as much. Guess I must really be doing a relaxing job. Pulling my hands away and moving for the soap he steps back out and has quite a sweet smile on his face. I have a pretty huge one as well though it's hard to tell under the hood, rather just my eyes showing it.

My hands come in contact with his skin, a shiver through my body as I feel that smoothness, the heat of his skin amplified by this shower's over all warmth. I start first along his shoulders and throat line as he did me, but soon he's turning on his own and aiming his back towards me. So I get my hands up along his neck, massaging into him as he did to me not long ago. Only I've got more strength and cover far more real estate. He moans softly, a sweet higher tone voiced coming out. My cock nearly spits some precum as I hear this and feel his body yielding under mine. I had never expected I'd be doing this but this weekend has advanced in ways beyond my imagination and now this is really happening. I shake my head a bit as I'd gotten lost in thought and feelings and realize I've been doing the shoulder massage for some time. So I start to branch down to his arms. Stroking along both of them at once, then left, and right. Up under the pits carefully I make sure I try to slather him in as much soap as he did me. Working my way along his back, fingers massaging firmly. His body going a bit slack and hunching forward with his relaxation.

As my fingers are just about to caress over the soft curve of his ass. He turns to face me. My hands still in contact with his sides and my head tilts slightly confused. He has an awfully relaxed look on his face. Happy, content, and still that deviousness in his eyes. Not too long after I start to realize why as he suddenly starts peeing right between my kneeling legs. Meer inches away from my hard cock his stream lays. He sighs heavily and proudly as I whimper softly in my throat. My eyes dart down from the tip of his peeing shaft and up to his face, I tilt my head the other way, moving my muzzle as well. Trying to ask for the permission to get under his piss. But either he doesn't know what I'm trying to say with body language, or just doesn't want to allow me. Far too soon though it's all over. He trickles down, a few drops fall from his cock, I sigh and whimper a little as I desperately want to lick them clean. But he flexes his tummy and a hard jet sends out. My heart flutters hoping it'll land on my dick, but it just falls to the same spot. And he's done. Not even granting me the honor of shaking his dick clean he reaches for it and shakes it himself. Then puts his arms back to the side and out a bit for me to resume like nothing happened.

Steeling myself a little I get back to the task requested of me. Starting to wash down along his hips and making my way to his thighs, bypassing the groin for the moment I get down to around the knees and mention it'd be easier to do his feet if he were to turn around. As he does the scent of his pee has already filled the humid air and I can't help but just taste it around me, feeling it sort of absorb into my skin as this puddle of him slowly trickles away from below me. But I try to stay focused, washing along the backs of his thighs, down along his calves and finally he picks his right foot up for me. Can't help but realize how cute and well sized it is. Long slender moderate arch leading it's way up to a wide ball and nimble looking toes. Another shiver through my body as I get down to carefully caressing the foot to wash along every curve and avoid any tickles as possible. Soon it's sliding through my fingers down between my knees and the other is there for me to lavish just as much affection on.

With that done, hands are sliding back up his legs towards his rump, closer and closer until finally my hands and the bar of soap rest on his soft globes. He peeks over his shoulder and just smiles a nod to me. Fuck that kid's still got me in his control for sure as he just granted me permission to wash his ass. And damn I'm going to make his dad proud with how clean I get him.

Hands start stroking in gentle broadening strokes along the cheeks, slowly working the soap over them to get a nice lather going and as I start to push a little more firmly to open his ass crack Zach bends over a little just as I did. And there lets it slip open and peek into the musky valley of his ass. My nose can bairly pick up anything other than the scent of his pee through my mask though, and that's even fading into soap. And soon enough my fingers are carefully, tenderly, almost shaking as they start to stroke along the edges of his ass crack and dip down in there. Gaining more and more ground until I'm starting to stroke long cleaning swipes from tail bone, down to almost his pucker and back up. On one stroke as I get closer to his little rosebud he pushes back and nudges my fingers over it. I audibly gasp at the feeling of it there and my hand lingers to just rest there a few breaths. Before I start to move my fingers around and gently wash around that tender spot.

Resuming the long strokes I start reaching all the way to the back of his sack and up to the tail bone a few times before they work a slow and gentle massaging pressure all down that crack, especially as I get over his hole. No sounds from him, no indication of pleasure or arousal other than the fact I can feel his butt hole twitch a little. Fearing I might be spending too much time I slowly drag my fingers out of there, stroke over the cheeks again and announce, "Well Sir that's everything but your front bits." My cock now connected to the floor by a strand of flowing precum as i can feel it even throb and pulse with the urge for release, or contact, or anything at this point.

Zach turns back to face me, he's hard again. Right up to his stomach and looking like it could drive nails or chip my tooth and he says, "Well then Pup..." A long pause, like he's waiting for me to start so I get my hands soapy again and begin reaching for his groin. Only to be met with a swat from his hand, "Nuh uh, Puppy. Only I get to touch willies today." His voice sounds innocent with the adding of willies but I swear he knows what he's doing to me. Or maybe his dad just told him what to say. I dunno but here I am having the soap taken from my hands as this foamed up naked boy starts to wash himself right in front of me. I can't help but stare, just lowering my hands to the floor, sitting on my ankles, watching like a good sitting dog as he starts to stroke over his own privates. His hands knowingly working over his own equipment, down the shaft, around under the balls. It almost looks like masturbation and less than a foot from my face. But it's almost more methodical like it's just his style for hygiene, or maybe what his dad does to help wash I don't know. I almost piss out in front of me just so my dick can have something felt releasing from it.

And he's still going at it, stroking himself slowly now, more carefully taking time to feel himself over, to caress down over his nuts, under his balls even. There's a little huff from him, a firm twitch of his cock can be seen poking out of his fingers now and then. Did... Did he just cum? Can he cum? My mind is just a whirl with this, but mostly I know that I just really, really want to help out. But it's moving away from me now, he's moving away, back under the water and making one hell of a show of rinsing himself down. Caressing all over his body like he's washing a car in a rock video, still pointing that dick to the sky and even turning around when he bends over to let water run down his ass crack. I whimper, hard, and long, huffing gently through my mask as my dick continues to steadily stream out in front of me with this very erotic display that's happening in front of me.

Soon he's back out of the water heading to me with a wide smile on his face and his hands till on his crotch. "Okay Pup, now it's your turn." He says to me making my heart flutter and dick jump with delightful hopes of what I might get. But soon he motions with his head to the water and says, "Hop in there and get your hair washed, then I think we're done here."

Needless to say my body sinks again and I whimper out, but nod and give a little huffing whurf.

"What's that?" I hear him ask me and I instantly snap to attention. "WHURF!" I bark out in a happier tone and make a little wiggle of my self,

Zach giggles softly and pats my head, "Good puppy, now get your head clean."

His little praise sure means a lot and I pull myself up off of the floor just enough to crawl my way over to the water, almost afraid I'll jab his eye out if I stand up with how hard I am right now. Crawling to the water I get the shampoo, slip my mask off and feel the water hit my bare skin which is damn refreshing to say the least. Soon after I'm shampooed, my face washed down and I'm rinsing off. Reaching for my hood I left on the floor, feeling almost a bit exposed with my face out in the open in front of Zach. Looking over he's still watching me closely and isn't playing with himself anymore but still aroused. Picking up the hood I look to him and he gives a little shrugging nod. Which I take as a queue to put it back on. And just like that I'm back to being a puppy. Only now less greasy and clean smelling one.

Feeling that would be the end of it I start to stand up in an attempt to figure out the knobs and get the shower off but as I glance out of the cubicle I catch sight of a shadowy silhouette in the steam. It's Tod, sitting there watching us. I can't tell if he's clothed or not, I squint trying to make it out but it's a bit hard to. I also blush hard under the mask as I wonder how long he's watched me and his son take this shower together.

"Well boys, looks like you've listened well and gotten nice and clean. Guess it's about time for me to hop in the shower too." Tod says as I watch him stand, starting to glance my eyes around over his nude son, my own naked body, my very aroused cock. Wondering if I should kneel, or stand, or what to do. But then I'm looking at Tod again, and I see he's actually naked, hard as I am if not more and heading right for me.

He just ruffles Zach's head and says, "Good job, that might be the most soap you've ever let someone put on you, glad you won't be a stinky boy today." And a loud laugh follows from Tod, with a giggle from zach who soon pokes his tongue back in playfulness. Tod comes up to me and sets his hand on my shoulder to just move me out of the way and step into the water. Running his hands up over his head and down his body he looks my way and asks, "Well Pup. What're you waiting for?"

My fingers might already be feeling a little pruned, my knees a tad sore from kneeling on the tile for so long. But all of that is swiftly ignored as I'm granted this opportunity. I glance over to Zach briefly who's just hanging out in the mist watching, and my head swiftly turns back to Tod. Hands swiftly gathering up that soap again and starting to come up to that big sexy man and start scrubbing away. Able to stand for washing his back does help for sure, getting along the broad swaths of his form. I can't help but realize it's the first chance I've really had to grope him. Previously it'd been mostly his hands on me. He's no Adonis by classic standards of ripped everything and valleys of hair. There's a bit of softness to his skin, the years have added that bit of a "dad layer" but below that it's very easy to tell he keeps himself fit. A denseness, a power, a lack of moving much when I push a little more firmly. All in all his back has only a few bits of hair here and there not much that I can really make out. A bit of fuzz along his ass and legs, groin of course, and a touch for the chest really helps just highlight the nice parts of his body.

Tod lets out a little grunting groan of approval as my work over his back and neck seem well appreciated. His arm lifts up out of the way, I can get up under his pit and stroke along the fine hair there. Working in long swipes along it with the soap and my hands, to curl up around the shoulder and start my way down the arm. He shifts, and the other arm is done. Then I'm granted the chance to wash over his chest, along the throat. A brief jump along my spine as I feel his hard thick dick push up against my stomach above my own erection thanks to his taller height. My own cock jumps and thumps up against the base of his heavier dick making my whole body tingle again.

"Heh, puppy's still excited to play I see." Tod's deep voice rings into the shower walls and just makes my knees melt a little.

"Whurf!" In a slightly high tone with a wiggle of my hips and playful flick of my damp ears is all I can think to reply with. My eyes peeking down at his shaft I start to lower down and get my hands along his stomach, hips, and finally to his legs. Leaving the groin alone for the moment to just kneel down in front of his cock and admire the view up to his very handsome face.

Just as I get done admiring the wide length of his feet one after the other from scrubbing my way down I'm about to get up to the cock and finally get to touch something I've been craving since it bred me hard last night. But as I'm about to reach there he doesn't say anything he just turns around and I'm left looking at his ass. I can't help but lower my head in a few nods as I had forgotten to wash the back side. Though part of me wondered just what sort of access I was allowed as yesterday seemed far more focused on getting to my ass. But I straighten myself up a bit. Get myself face to butt with this fantastically round ass. It's like the ass everyone tells you squats will give you. Round, firm, little jiggle. And fuck this crack goes on for ever it feels like as my soapy hands slip through it. I could probably loose all of my cock inside of this.

A soft giggle comes from the side and we both can't help but look over to see Zach with a big smile on his face and he says, "It looks like a dog sniffing your butt."

Tod chuckles gently. I look back and realize I'd been leaning forward and the mask's nose is maybe an inch away from his rump.

"Heh well Pup," Tod says as he starts to bend over, "If you want to get your nose up close have all you want" Soon his shoulders have dipped into the water, it comes rushing down his body and rinses the soap away to let me have a nice view right down that thick valley of ass and see his pucker. It doesn't look virgin but surely nothing crazy has been done to it, hard to say really. My hands are obscuring it a little as I try to wash it as best I can with the running water. "C'mon now Pup, get your nose in there and gimme a kiss." Tod adds which makes my cheeks flush a little at the idea of getting to have that little treat.

A brief pause on my approach as I remember Zach there watching, but fuck that kid's seen just about everything else today lets see if he has anything to say about the pup mask pushing into his dad's ass. The soft fabric caressing over it and making him grunt just a little. The way I try to pull my head up so the hood's fake tongue can drag up over his pucker. Tod moans, my heart leaps with delight. He pushes back a bit and I make a few more swipes and next time he pushes harder. Making the mask crumple back as they would and reveal my actual mouth there. Jaw agape, tongue hanging out. Breath hot against his ass when my force pushes back and I make straight contact.

"Ohh fuck yeah," Tod's voice vibrates against the tile again as I make tongue to butt contact. I can feel the ass hole squirm in my mouth a little and my heart races with pride that I can help pleasure this man that's slowly consuming all my will. Not long after my cock is drooling to the floor again while I start making out with his ass end. Caressing every bit of that pucker with my tongue, lips, my spit sliding over it while hands tenderly rub his hips. "Oohh fucking good boy, good pupper" Tod praises me again, and I swear I could feel my balls throb and almost cum from that alone.

All the while Zach doesn't reply but when I try to peek over to him through the twisted mask and bit of fog it looks to me like he might be fondling himself. Or it's just my mind making tricks I dunno. Soon my eyes are right back to Tod as his ass is pulled from my face and he turns around, bashing me in the face with his hard cock. A hand on the back of my head and I'm getting held there while he just uses his hips to bump his dick all over my face and rub it over me. "Mmnnf I had planned to use you later puppy, but looks like you've gone and gotten me a little too excited." Tod says while still bumping his cock over me, "Hey Zach, grab that tube of slippery stuff from the sink would ya? And Pup," He lets go of my head and takes a step back, "You know how I want you."

As Zach moves from the shower, and Tod moves to shut turn the shower down. I'm shaking my head to straighten my mask, Shifting on my knees to widen them out a little more. My arms under my chest and that lowers down to the floor. Ass up in the air, swaying softly, cock thumping down between my thighs as I present myself like a bitch in heat right there. A gentle whimper of excitement coming from the puppy.

"Good boy," Tod praises me as he gets himself down behind me, hand thumping my hip once and then lingering there. Pushing forward I can feel his cock resting against my ass hole. I push and tighten it, trying my best to relax and also caress the drooling piss lips resting right against my entrance. "Ahh and thank you Zach, why don't you go ahead and just squirt some on me down here."

My eyes go wide and my ass twitches again as I hear Tod instruct his son to lube him up for fucking me. A coolness is felt hitting against my ass when he pours the lube down over the top of his dad's cock. I can't see it by any way but some how I can imagine the sight of his hands pouring the bottle down over his dad's cock and the little trails it takes over his flesh while working down to the underside. I can feel some motion, a clear stroke of a hand... I can't tell who's it is though and it kind of drives me wild. I whimper out a bit of a moan with that motion and soon after I can feel the pressure building.

Tod's hips moving forward and nudging against my ass, creating a moment of friction and tension as the tip of his cock never actually got lubed but it's spear heading the approach. I whimper and groan, I want to fight and resist on nature but my soul is determined to have this man inside of me again. And I just push back and force my asshole to relax. Soon enough some slippery flesh hits me and the cock head rockets into me with swift force. I gasp and moan out, squirming my shoulders and huffing out little happy dog noises. Tod's own voice groans gently as he spreads me open and holds there a moment before starting to finally push forward. Sinking inch after every eight inches of that cock into my body until his balls land against my own. Oh fuck this feels just so perfect.

After a happy sigh from Tod he gets to using me for his pleasure and sending me to my sweet happy place. His cock withdraws smoothly from my ass only to get slammed back in with a firm, but not crazy force. His pace already set he starts stroking that through me, moaning gently into the steamy room. My ass hole clenching slightly to help squeeze his fantastic cock as it strokes through me time and time again. My head resting down on the warm damp tile, mouth huffing hot air into the vacant space of my neoprene muzzle that gently echoes with my own sweet tones of pleasure. As the fuck progresses I've all but forgot about zach, probably watching his father breed me like he did cuddled up to me last night. The way his dads heavy cum baring balls are swaying with their extra relaxation from the shower. Landing against my taint and back of my sack with a soft wet smack each time. His strong wide hip bones landing against the well presented bubble of my ass, that fat veiny dick spreading me open and tugging my ass hole out a little every time it withdraws to the brim of his gorgeous bell end head touching my ring from inside. Only to sink my ass in again a little as it pushes firmly back to it's warm home. Our voices starting to get inter twined with our pleasures. My own cock pouring pre down between my knees, throbbing softly with my desperate need for release.

My heads stuck to the tile. I want to try and get up and look over, see what's happening, but I'm too lost in the pleasure that I'm giving and receiving from Tod's hard cock fucking me with every bit of it's length. Shoulders feel week and heavy, arms can't find a way to move, all I can do is stay there, stay at that perfect height to accept his cock and let this man use me for his pleasure. All the while my taint and balls are starting to tingle, my whole body starting to come alive as I start to feel like I just might get to cum from Tod fucking me alone. Even Tod's breath is getting a bit more ragged, his voice ringing into the shower more and more as I can feel him getting close after railing me for what feels like an endless eternity in my mind.

"Whurf!" I whimper out a happy high toned bark, which in my mind translates to `just a few more strokes please daddy, I'm so close to cumming, please breed the pup'. Which Tod seems to pick up on. More forecefully he starts pushing into my ass. Thumping his heavy cock head off of my prostate more and more, my balls start to throb, my asshole clenches. I'm almost there. But then, emptiness. He's pulled out! I whimper, I whine, I wiggle my ass. I can feel the cool misty air sinking into my body as my ass hole gapes open briefly in desperation to welcome him back in me. There's some wet noises, his hand on my hips to steady me, a loud bellowing moan and I can feel hot streaks landing against my asshole, inside me. Oh fuck straight deep in he shoots his cum from a couple inches away to let me feel it pelt my body. God I hope Zach saw that, I briefly think. Which distracts me just a little with confusion but that's ignored again as he suddenly shoves forward. Sinking into me making me cry out a high moan of pleasure.

Tod just holds there, throbbing in my ass, releasing his last bits of cum deep with in as he pushes the last of his load into me like he's trying to knock me up. I can feel those heavy cum loaded nuts pulsing against the base of my ass hole as he lets himself go. My whimpering returns my desperate need for release back on my mind as I try to get some stimulation to get off. But it's only met with a swat to my hips, and me being held in place. Fuck I bet he knows just what he's doing and it's driving me wild to want to please him, to be gifted the chance to let my own seed go. But I can't. and as he fineshes up, slowly drawing out of the huffing, panting and desperately whimpering pup he's turned me into. His cock slips free, he pushes my hip firmly to make me roll over. Knees and paws up like a good boy I present myself. My raging hard cock, my cum stained ass hole, my chest rising steadily. And he just comes up over me, squatting down over my face and offers me the cock that just bred me.

With out hesitation my head's rising up, sliding the head of his cock into my mask and then against my own mouth. My lips can taste the faint lingering musk of his own body, mingled with the taste of my own ass hole. The sweet salty tang of his cum, and I can't help but moan. My mouth swiftly sinks around his dick as much as I can, keeping my lips loose and dragging back. Sucking firmly to try and clear any lingering bits of his spunk out of that thick piss tube that rests on the bottom. Over and over again I swipe my mouth over his dick to clean it up as best I can. Pulling free briefly to go further on the underside, lick up around the base of his cock and pull back to the tip to take him inside. Fuck this thing is still hard enough to break a virgin. How does he keep it so ragingly firm all the time. After I cum I wilt into nothing almost instantly but it's been an easy five minutes of me worshiping this man's cock, making it shine and sparkle after it's dumped it's load and he could still nail me again.

Slowly the dick is drawn from my face though, and Tod stands up over me. There's this look of pride, possession, and satisfaction on his face that just makes me endlessly happy. "Good pup" He says to me and I just smile ear to ear. My cock still pulsing and throbbing as I try to maybe get myself to go off hands free, perhaps I'd be forgiven if I just came with his praise. But soon I let out a surprised whimper and yip. My dick starts squirting alright, but with out me even realizing I was going to I just start pissing on my stomach out of my hardon. Whimpering in a bit of shame as I can hear Zach's little giggle as I start to loose control, and a chuckle from Tod as well who steps over me. And casually as can be Tod says, "Well pup you can finish your little piddle and clean yourself up. Remember what Zach said about touching yourself. C'mon, Zachy lets go get dressed and see what we can do today."

And there I was left on my back trickling piss out over myself looking like a dog that's afraid to get beat. Fuck my face is burning with a bit of shame, and some how arousal as I'm left there squirming on the floor, huffing and grunting as I try to stop my piss but the tensions only make it go worse and start to squirt out a little. I can see Tod glance over his shoulder as I'm making these desperate puppy sounds as it starts to feel like I'm cumming, and probably looks it too. But all I can do is spray myself with piss. Slowly I get myself to roll over, finishing out in a puddle below me on all fours and stand up after they're gone. A quick rinse, a shampoo, and I'm stepping out of the shower still hard as can be in hunt for a towel.

I do find folded on the counter a nice fluffy towel. Picking it up to dry myself off I see something was placed below it. Looks to be my black and white marbled rubber puppy tail butt plug. The thing's a bit hefty and does a good job keeping in me, I always had a bit of a hard time getting it in there but chances are with Tod's cum this could be easier. A little swallow in my throat though as I realize he wants me to wear this, I guess that's what he meant by waggy. Under that is my black and white jock strap and a black tank top I'd brought with me. I guess he really did dig deep into my luggage before he came in to join us in the bathroom. Even my travel case for tooth brush and such is here.

So with my teeth scrubbed, my body dried off, my face swiftly shaven to smoothness. My hood is back on, I'm squatting in their bathroom trying to stuff this plug up my ass. Finally it sinks in with a heavy gasp and whimper, my dick has never seemed to quiet down once and this surely doesn't help. Standing back up I can feel the heavy tug of gravity with in my belly. The soft sway of the whip like black and white tail flicking away behind me making the plug wiggle almost constantly. I slip on the jock strap, tug on my shirt. Give my butt one last check for any exposed lube and a quick wipe gets me house dog tidy. A quick look in the mirror and I see the same getup I'd worn once or twice before in my home. Enjoyed it in private, had fantasies. But here I stand now, actually feeling transformed into the human pup I'd had glimmering dreams of but never even realized myself just how it felt to become this. I feel different, I even look a bit different. I'm proud of myself really having gone through this transformation at the hands of Tod, and even Zach helping get my mind where it needs to be for them. I bark happily, pant to myself and am soon bravely stepping out towards the hallway to meet my lovely hosts. Really not sure what's in store for me. I do hope I dressed right for them and am filled with eager gusto to help them in any way I can. And hopefully eat, my stomach is grumbling to remind me that through all the excitement I forgot breakfast.

Well everyone that's what I've got for chapter 2 done. Lots of idea came out of writing this and I'm looking forward to continuing it on. I truly hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I liked writing it, and I'm already working on chapter 3. Hopefully I can process this faster and not keep such long pauses between intervals as I really want to take this somewhere fun.

Have any feedback? Drop me a line, Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 3

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