My Wife the Hermaphrodite

By John Nail

Published on Jan 11, 2009


I have been married to a fantastic beautiful intelligent lady for 5 years now. It is unbelieveable that she married me and had my children.

Her name is Janet and she was a college student majoring in avation electronics and me well I drove a truck and I was delivering some equipment to the college and I saw this beautiful brunette lady who I found out was a student. Well, since this was my last delivery I decided to introduce myself She was sitting on one of the benches engrossed in a book and I sat down beside her. I struck up a conversation and I told her my name which is Mike. We talked about a half-hour and laughing and than I asked her out before leaving.

She said," Yes, as long as you accept me as me if you can't do that than you are not to talk to me again. understand?"

I said," Yes I understand, What can be so bad for me to reject you?"

She said," What I have to show you this evening you might change your mind.

I am all woman I want you to remember that, a lady and I want you to treat me as such and not as a freak."

I told her you have a deal.

I showed up at her dorm and she had the room to herself.

She said," I am going to show you now."

She unzipped the back of her skirt and let it fall and than she took off her lace panties. After that she ripped off the tape and there it was about a 7" cock. and down below was her vagina.

I said," Whoa I can't believe it I thought this was just from a Greek myth.

Are you a hermophodite?"

She nodded yes.

I went over to hug her and reassure her.

I said," Well if you must know I was afraid that you might be a guy but if this is all that is I have no problem. You are such a beautiful lady I was stunned that you were even considering going out with me. I rhink what you have makes you you so don't worry this doesn't change anything about me being attracted to you."

Well she taped up her penis and than we went out and had a great night togather we went out and watched a romantic movie went to a movie and than we took a stroll through the park. During the date she told me her parents didn't have the money to remove her penis and at school when the other kids found out about her penis just made fun of her and bullied her. I held her in my arms comforting her as she cried on my shoulder.

I said," Look I maybe handsome but I know I am no adonis and well I just drive a truck for a living. Penis or no penis you are still the lady of my dreams so don't worry I am attracted to evey part about you."

Well I took her to her dorm and I kissed her goodnight.

She asked," Can we have lunch togather I know it isn't much but I would love to see you tommorrow. Can you see me tommorrow at noon that is when I have lunch."

I said," I usually take off for lunch at noon also and seeing you will be alot better than what I normally do anyway."

She said," Great I will see you tommorrow than." .

Next: Chapter 2

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