My Wife the Hermaphrodite

By John Nail

Published on Feb 4, 2009


We all get home and ate lunch and after that it was all a blur.

The ceremonies were at 1 and Lizzie was a Valedictorian so she had to be there about 15 mins. early so she could give her speech. Yes, Janet and I are very proud of her she had to go in and straighten up her hair and make sure her makeup was straight etc etc.

My son and I just stayed out of my Janet's and Lizzie's way after 22 yrs of marriage and being a parent for 17 yrs. of marriage, I have learned that is the best thing to do.

About 20 mins. later Lizzie came out with Janet and Lizzie looked so beautiful.

I went over and hugged her and I said," Sweetheart, you look so beautiful you are a mirror image of your mom and my wife."

Janet came over and hugged and kissed me and said," You were always a sweet talker."

We all went out to the Mustang and I held open the door and the back seat for her and she just slid right into the back seat and my son went into the passenger side of the back seat. I than let Janet in and I closed the door for her and climbed in and put up the roof so as not to mess up Lizzie's hair. I drove us to the high school and I let her out of the car and also my lovely wife Janet and my son climbed out of the car and we made our way to the football field. We went to the bleachers and I got out the camcorder and Lizzy met up with the principle. She saw us and waved, that brought back memories for me when i took her to her first day in school and waving at me before going inside that big building and now my little girl was waving to me before stepping into that big world.

Well after that all the graduating students were told to sit down and than the Mayor came up to speak. He spoke about the future belonging to all the graduating students and how it was up to them to make their mark in the world. He spoke for about 30 mins. and than he sat down and than it was Lizzy's turn.

She was breath takingly beautiful I know I am partial since she is my daughter but she was. She spoke about how we are responsible for goes on in our town our nation and our world. She said how our parents have worked hard for our well being and to mold us to be good citizens and when she said that she looked at Janet and I and smiled a big beautiful smile. She finished her speech and sat down. After that the Salutatorian stood up and spoke and I really don't remember what he said which is unfortunate since he is Lizzie's boyfriend but she was enraptured by his speech.

After they spoke the principle started reading off the graduates and that just breezed by. We all got in the car and we went to the fanciest restaurant in town which I reserved 3 weeks in advance as a surprise for Lizzy. When we pulled up in front of the restaurant she squealed.

She said," Oh daddy I can't believe this you brought me here."

I smiled and said," Well, you are grown up sweetheart even though you are still my little girl."

Janet looked at me and said," This is nice honey but answer me this please how are we ever going to afford this."

I said," Honey, I have saved up for a month, I took my lunch to work, and I did some extra work at work so I have saved up for our daughter."

Than Lizzy looked at me and said," You shouldn't have done that dad you work enough already. No wonder you came home so tired I would have appreciated less daddy. Mom is right how much is this going to cost you what $200?"

I laughed and said," This is no problem for me your mom and I are comfortable enough and I haven't cut into your mom's and I vacation fund or anything else."

After that we all ordered than our meals came and we enjoyed our suppers.

Well that was a great evening Janet and topped it all off by making passionate love to each other. Lizzy spent her summer getting ready to go to University of Wyoming and taking time to go out with her friends occasionally and before we knew it I took her to catch the bus to Laramie, Wyoming so she could get settled in her idea not ours. But at ther bus station we said tear-filled goodbyes. She boarded the bus and I thought one child has left the nest and it was feeling a little more empty already and I looked at my son and thought to myself he will be leaving soon. I took my son and my wife into my arms and walked to the car and surprisingly my son didn't pull away especially since he was a teenager. Before I know it he will be leaving and I will be retiring and I will be looking forward to spending the rest of my life with Janet. My hair is getting grayer and my step is slowing just a little and of course now I

have been wearing glasses now for close to 10 yrs. now. And to think this all started when I first spotted Janet engrossed in that book at the University bench after I made my delivery and striking up a conversation about 24 yrs. ago.

Janet looked at me and said," I know what you are thinking and I am thinking the same thing. I am so glad you made that delivery to my alamater you have proven to be the greatest love of my life and the best father to our children you can be. You have been a marvelous provider and also the best husband."

With that I had to stop and give her a passionate kiss and we made our way to the 4 Runner. I don't know where our future may lead us but I am not concerned since I have Janet by my side. Within four years John jr. will be graduating and his future looks bright as he too is a good student and a great son. This may end this story or I just might write about John jr.'s graduation and my retirement if not I can tell you that the future between Janet and looks extremely bright.

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